Mercury in 12th - good placement for actors?

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Well because it adds more discipline to your mind, I would just try to get reactions out of people verbally. You actually can stay on topic, I always had my own agenda. I always had to learn things the hard way, instead of taking a step back and figuring things out.
Well, I think you always want what you don't have. To always stay on topic can be so frustrating sometimes. You want to slap that person with verbal despise, and something inside you won't let you. Ah, the middle way.... So, what in your chart is making you verbally aggressive?
You have moon trine mercury

"You should experience few direct conflicts between emotional messages and mental messages. A channel exists between the conscious and unconscious personality; yet these do not often pull you in different directions or amplify stress and psychological conflicts."
Mercury Sextiltle mars
"With Mercury sextile Mars, your mentality is sharpened by an insatiable curiosity that will not rest until you have acquired all the knowledge you desire. But obviously that point will never be reached, and you will never stop learning. You make sure that you are reasonably well-informed before making any statements, because you want the approval of the people you are talking to."
Mercury Sextile jupiter
"Your Mercury sextile to Jupiter indicates that your mind is never at rest. You have a limitless thirst for knowledge and an awesome capacity to accumulate information. But you aren't satisfied with simply being informed; applying your knowledge constructively is as important to you as acquiring it in the first place. You have excellent reasoning ability and keen judgement. Because of your masterful commnad of language, you can speak and write convincingly. Truth is very important to you, and you will challenge anyone who makes a suspicious-sounding statement. Leaving nothing to chance, you will persist until you discover whether the statements is correct. It truly bothers you when public speakers make irresponsible remarks on a subject about which they are totally misinformed. "

Mercury Square uranus

Mars scorpio second house

[deleted extra quotes: more than three quotes to separate sources in one post against forum rules - Moderator]

Seems like I would go watch you act lol
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Mercury by his very nature makes for an incurable need to investigate the possibilities attached in whatever house he is positioned. Restless, bored ,inconceivably irritable he will own the stage of wherever he is to perform. Never mistake his quick wit and dazzling smile for any type of commitment. He stays just long enough to entertain himself, then, he moves on, quickly. Authenticity has a way of keeping him around longer: maybe...MODE of Cosmic Therapy
Venus's Joy is in the 12th. That says that there's something good about the 12th, and that it's very misinterpreted if it works well with the energies of Venus, planet of talent, sociability, money, sensuality, and love, and the lesser benefic (there are only two of them, and one likes this house!) Jupiter, the greater benefic and the great teacher (not karmic teacher,) is in its own House is the 12th (the other one likes this house as well!) Neptune, as the higher octave of Venus (I also consider Neptune a benefic, so you could say there are three of them) is also dignified in the 12th. The main issue with the 12th is that it does not aspect the Ascendant/1st house, but it forms a nice sextile to the 10th House and a trine to the 4th, which is a non-floating axis rather than the 1st/7th in some house systems.

OP is asking about *mercury* in 12th not venus....
Lol, first I say I don't have any problems expressing myself and then I write an essay on the problems I have expressing myself. It's my Mercury in 12th...:w00t:

If you don't identify with mercury in 12th then I strongly suggest your TOB is incorrect :whistling:

Where is your chart???
Edit: I do identify with my mercury 12th, just not in the exact same way as described by others.

OK in that place we have to look deeper into your parallels in decllinations.

mercury/jupiter contra parallel, this would have a tendency to talk a lot, overtalk when you should be quiet sometimes and undertalk when you should be talking. Can you identify with this??
Plus mercury square uranus will give a 'very quick mind' could talk quickly but will also add arguementativenss

Jupiter/vertex are parallel, acting like a conjunction.
pluto/juno are contra parallel
node/lilith parallel

“PARALLEL: Two or more planets that are equal distant from the celestial equator, with each stellar body being either north OR south in declination. The influence is much like a conjunction”

Contraparallel :
An aspect formed when two planets are in opposite declination, that is, when they are the same distance from the celestial equator, one north of it and one south. Generally considered to operate like an opposition.
“CONTRA-PARALLEL: Two or more planets that are equal distant from the celestial equator, with one stellar body being north in declination and the other body being south. The influence is considered to be much like a opposition, although some consider similar to the conjunction.”

You can get these free from when you get your chart go to top left just above chart, see option. What to look for are when there is no aspect natally but a parallel in declination
View the additional tables (PDF)

I notice T Pluto is currently conj lilith. Now I don't use or know too much on this one but can supply links for research, if you want?

T Jupiter conj exalted moon in taurus in 8th could bring new home (moon is linked to cancer/4th house) and more finances, whoever you share them with, either employer, partner or state...

Prog MC in 9' cancer and when it gets to North Node, could well be some breakthrough with career, Life Lessons and people around you at that time will be very important..

In 5months time prog moon will change to gemini, then 3months later conj POF (part of fortune) which could suggest some good fortune connected to 9th house matters. When prog moon gets to your MC at 13' gemini you may well change jobs, become restless and vacillate over matters v direction.

When T Pluto got to 3' Cappi it would have temporarily created a Grand Square with your Venus, mars/jupiter, moon. So why not research the dates and see if you can make the connections.

So most transits seem very long in effect. I use more realistic orbs of 1' approaching, 1' exact and 1' departing.

here is my favourite online ephemeris which plots where the planets are for hundreds of years...


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When deciding how important he 12th house is for developing the latent talent of acting; the relative importance of parallel officiators depend upon the variant degrees associated. When one point of reference descends awhile the other ascends, the conflicting structure reduces the chances of their being operative of interpretive capacity in the norm. (IF there really be such a thing) In other words, far be it from me to declare how, if and when Venus' clouds precipitate constant acid rain; known as virga, which supposedly evaporates throughout a process of hot arid air mixture, before it has an possibility of hitting the ground. In the same way, the 12th house' atmosphere in the natal chart, conducts its realm of likely parametric pressure of unexpressed gifts in the precise manner. Unless utilized, vaporizes...MODE of Cosmic Therapy:smile:
Hi everyone,
i have mercury in 12th (conjunct Sun and Venus, and with Gemini in 12th cuspide) and acting has allways been in my mind.
When i was a child, at 4 years old, my parents enroled me to the theatre, but was for a short time. dont know what happened but i didnt go anymore. now, at 27 im still considering, from a very long time ago, if i should give it a second change.

Besides this, i have allways had trouble with comunication, being dislexic as a child, or else not being capable to expres in word what i was feeling.
still now a days i have trouble comunicating with people, specially in big groups (i have NN conj Chiron in 11th in geminis), and get very shy and introvert, specially when i dont know the person very well.

still i am trying to find a way, a proper way, wich whom i feel comfortable expreisng myself. music, i think, is the one i feel more at easy with. maybe acting too.

thank you
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I find the most accurate description of a 12th house Mercury is: import.

Communication is expressing and receiving expression (export and import). If import outweighs export, then expression becomes an issue. Other routes of expression must be sought out.
I found this description:
" Mercury in 12th It acts more intuitively than reasoning logical and orderly; It understands more than what he or she can express.
It is possible that ability to communicate remains hidden or impossible, unless it is manifested in some other way. Mercury afflicted in this House, the one of the constraints, almost always indicates some form of limitation that will put an end to the spirit.
At an early age, relationship problems regarding education at school can appear and this can lead to difficulties in oral or written expression or other mental type locks. The person is usually shy and has trouble in say what really thinks.
Many people with mercury in the House 12, have another hidden ability that perhaps don't know: If they wrote they will see they have an innate talent for writing and can turn into excellent writers...."

Another influence of childhood, related to mercury in the twelve House, is a family that does not establish communication on personal and interpersonal experience.
But still i can not understand how Mercury in 12th could be related to acting?
cant find a good explanation for it. Is it like the person wants to comunicate something bigger than himself maybe, but how does this turn into acting habilites? is it maybe because the person has a natural hability to mimic some kind of info, turning it into, in this case, acting, or could also be in some other case writing?:unsure: but then that would be indicated by some other aspect/position in the chart for sure. not from only the 12th.
oh, ok. parting from this line: It understands more than what he or she can express. then the person feels more at easy "proceding" with someone else feelings/thoughts "separating" himself, like what the 12th house is about, merging with something bigger than you, then here the person has the hability to "separate" the info, to procese it and then bring it back into some form of, in this case, art.
does it makes sense?