Venus's Joy is in the 12th. That says that there's something good about the 12th, and that it's very misinterpreted if it works well with the energies of Venus, planet of talent, sociability, money, sensuality, and love, and the lesser benefic (there are only two of them, and one likes this house!) Jupiter, the greater benefic and the great teacher (not karmic teacher,) is in its own House is the 12th (the other one likes this house as well!) Neptune, as the higher octave of Venus (I also consider Neptune a benefic, so you could say there are three of them) is also dignified in the 12th. The main issue with the 12th is that it does not aspect the Ascendant/1st house, but it forms a nice sextile to the 10th House and a trine to the 4th, which is a non-floating axis rather than the 1st/7th in some house systems.