Mercury in Virgo vs Mercury in Scorpio: who is more "intelligent"?

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Intelligence would definitely have to do with Jupiter and probably Saturn as well, not just Mercury.
Mercury with Jupiter is the total contrary, though. I like Mercury with hard aspects to Saturn. It's the aspect genius had the most, probably.

She doesn't have Mercury with Jupiter. The Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Libra. The Venus is conjunct Mercury in Virgo with no aspects to Jupiterr. I don't remember where her Saturn is.
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She doesn't have Mercury with Jupiter. The Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Libra. The Venus is conjunct Mercury in Virgo with no aspects to each other. I don't remember where her Saturn is.

Venus conjunct Mercury in Virgo. Ouch! Lol

I am a Venus conjunct Mercury in Scorpio, which is why I said that lol.
She doesn't have Mercury with Jupiter. The Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Libra. The Venus is conjunct Mercury in Virgo with no aspects to Jupiterr. I don't remember where her Saturn is.

I know. Just a random comentary on my own :p
Venus conjunct Mercury in Virgo. Ouch! Lol

I am a Venus conjunct Mercury in Scorpio, which is why I said that lol.

I thought Venus conjunct Mercury was a good thing? Maybe...

She is very pretty, well proportioned,well put together, very good hygiene. lol

She thinks in a positive way, although in a 'critical' way. Some see her as passive aggressive though---because she will give back handed compliments.
I can't help but notice you two have Mercury in Scorpio and are talking about a third person. I've seen this elsewhere, huh.
Just kidding :joyful:

Mercury in Scorps don't take kidding that well.

I have mercury EXACTLY opposed to my older brothers Merc in Taurus. He teased me relentlessly as kids and I fell for it every time. And my mom would say 'don't let it get to you, ignore him' but I couldn't do it...:joyful:

He was also very loyal and still is, Always has my back, even though he annoys the heck out of me.
Mercury in Scorps don't take kidding that well.

I have mercury EXACTLY opposed to my older brothers Merc in Taurus. He teased me relentlessly as kids and I fell for it every time. And my mom would say 'don't let it get to you, ignore him' but I couldn't do it...:joyful:

He was also very loyal and still is, Always has my back, even though he annoys the heck out of me.

I have my sister with Mercury in Scorpio, apart from many people I know with it, and she always gets irritated when I'm mean. She also is an air sign like me, and like she does, I have a Mercury in a water sign (Cancer), so it's a tennis game where one gets more irritated than the other. Kind of funny to see from outside : P
And why?

I am asking for an overall level of intelligence. We can break that down separately into the nine types of intelligence.

My mum has Scorpio Mercury...and trust me, it would be dangerous to lie to her! Her judgement of people is incredibly astute. She can come up with the best plan, covering almost every weak point, in times of need. But she can be very blunt, which pisses people off sometimes.
My mum has Scorpio Mercury...and trust me, it would be dangerous to lie to her! Her judgement of people is incredibly astute. She can come up with the best plan, covering almost every weak point, in times of need. But she can be very blunt, which pisses people off sometimes.

I am just like your mom. The only difference is, most people don't know how dangerous it can be to lie to me, until they do, and have to face me. Lol. I am not afraid of confrontation, exposing people, and cutting things off. But I do look for the motivations behind the lie; if it was a mistake, and if they wanted to do it from the goodness of their heart; then I don't get worked up. I just clarify to them that they can tell me anything because I can handle the truth, no matter how bitter it is. If it was deliberate with an intention to manipulate, then it's fireworks lol.

Btw, your mom wouldn't be anything like this dream I had last night, would she? :p

I just had a very intense dream right now. Very very intense. I keep having such things every now and then.

So my dreams I believe connect many things from my subconscious.

A little background before the dream:

When I was growing up/in my early childhood (South Node in Libra); my cousins thought I was a nobody and didn't truly respect/understand me. They could say anything "funny"/insulting/"cool" about me and get away with it. I let it slide though due to my laidback nature. I was a middle child, a quiet child. My grandmother used to pick on me, and say cruel things like "i was ugly/dirty" etc. I was born 10 days before her husband died, and somehow she blamed me for it.

Now to the dream itself:

My dream showed me in the present (North Node in Aries, which is conjunct my Moon). And showed extreme rage. I saw my cousins talk about things behind my back with this person (who in my actual life, I helped her for years to get over her abuse/trauma. She used to call me her brother then, but then she tried to manipulate and betray me), trying to trick/manipulate me thinking I wouldn't find out. I caught them, exposed them badly face-to-face. The anger and rage surprised them (they hadn't seen it in me before): they always saw me as an easy-to-pick, "doesn't care/let's it slide" guy. They were scared and intimidated by me at the moment.

We were staying in the same house at the time, but they started avoiding me. I was all alone.

The cousins were not trying to be in the same room as me, neither their parents. They were all scared of me.

The end


I think one of the emotional wounds I have is that I have always wanted to have the love and respect of my cousins/relatives, for them to respect me; not to take me for granted (south node Libra), or to feel intimidated/scared by me (north node Aries).

I also have thoughts of my close relatives betraying me and going behind my back (Scorpio Rising/Mercury in the 12th house thoughts possibly?), and abandon me.

I have no tolerance for people trying to deceive me or go behind my back, ploys.

To be honest, I am trying to get past all this darkness in my past. My gf knows about this personally, and she has brought sunshine/light into my life, because I can talk to her about anything without being afraid she'll leave me, or abandon me.
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I am just like your mom. The only difference is, most people don't know how dangerous it can be to lie to me, until they do, and have to face me. Lol. I am not afraid of confrontation, exposing people, and cutting things off. But I do look for the motivations behind the lie; if it was a mistake, and if they wanted to do it from the goodness of their heart; then I don't get worked up. I just clarify to them that they can tell me anything because I can handle the truth, no matter how bitter it is. If it was deliberate with an intention to manipulate, then it's fireworks lol.

Btw, your mom wouldn't be anything like this dream I had last night, would she? :p

No, I am glad that she doesn't treat me this way. Thank god for that, really. But my family troubles...I can emphatize with you, in a way.

Well...let's just say that it's difficult for people to change their characters. I have a formidable grandmother that spouts the wrong things (some of which are offensive at the best, and downright hurtful at the basest) and rubs us the wrong way sometimes, which we just let it slide since her character's set pretty much set in stone. A stone isn't going to change into a cuddly bear anytime soon! :lol:

From my opinion, we can do our utmost in dealing with people, i.e. treating them like how we would like to be treated, as people, but when they insult you personally, or hit you below the belt, the best option is to let them know you're not going to take that lying down...and that would be to blow your top. At least that's what my mum did. And they left her alone. :joyful:

How are you like towards other people in your life? Do you behave the same way, i.e being afraid of them, as well? In order to earn the love and respect of others, and your relatives, you have to learn how to accept yourself for who you are. Your opinions matter, just as much as anyone else's. You have your own strengths as well.

It's really, really good to have a pillar of support by your side! I cannot emphasize this enough. Don't ever let her go. Her encouragement will help you through this. My other half has been a great source of this often-lacking matter, and he's been there for me when nobody was. He's probably the reason I've overcome so many "internal" hurdles...

Also, the subconsciousness can be a really good advisor at times. My two cents' worth, heh. I also have Mercury (in Libra) in the 12th house, and I know how that tiny little voice will either over-rationalize your emotions, or criticize you incessantly. Mercury in Scorpio, I think, will probably take that to an overwhelming level. Emotions that have curdled over time will inevitably explode one day, or they will take over you mentally in an unhealthy way. You will burst one day, whether you like it or not. If you don't, you'll do yourself in.

In all honesty, I am not sure if this will work for you. But I've had a similar situation and this helped me and my mum, hopefully it will work for you. Please let me know if I got anything wrong, or misunderstood your situation :joyful:
Well... Isn't Uranus a higher octave of Mercury?? Uranus is like the genius intuitive intellect and I think Uranus is exalted in Scorpio. So Mercury in Scorpio probably works it really good.

Hard to say though...

We could look at Sun signs too. Suns that could have Mercury in Virgo are Leo, Virgo, and Libra. Suns that could have have Mercury in Scorpio are Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Meh all the Sun's seem smart.

Idk.. I would say Mercury in Scorpio is probably smarter because I've met smarter and more effective people with their Mercury in Scorpio. People with Mercury in Virgo are just smart--nothing special or different.
Found this while just reading through old threads

I'm going to say it again, it is false and too simplified to say that Virgo Mercury is detailed oriented and Gemini is into big picture because that's a very narrow view. Virgo Mercury knows how to apply the details to the bigger picture and Gemini Mercury knows how to use the big picture and fortify it with details. Both signs do that automatically. No matter what, both Virgo and Gemini, despite completely different temperaments, are masterful in the information and critical thinking arena. By just the sheer fact they're both domiciles, Mercury reigns supreme and acts freely as Mercury wishes to be.
Just to add to that, Mercury is totally out of place in a water sign, and especially a fixed sign.
Found this while just reading through old threads

Just to add to that, Mercury is totally out of place in a water sign, and especially a fixed sign.

Umm... excuse me. Nikola Tesla had his Mercury in Cancer.
And Einstein had his Mercury in Aries; the dumbest sign of the zodiac! BAHAHAHA