Mercury - what is your communication style and why

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Mercury in Sagittarius. 12th house, conjunct Sun and Pluto with a wide square from Saturn in the 3rd.

I have a talent for seeming like a straight shooter when it suits me. Often silent and watchful. Mind is tenacious and energetic. I like to simplify and distill what I say without losing my point, especially in real life conversation. Usually it's only after a long period that people have any idea what's on my mind, and I'm cognizant of what it is that I "let loose". Naturally, with Pluto and Saturn involved you can understand a manifestation of "controlled speech".
I like that!

As for me, I am mercury in Leo. Just like with all fire-sign mercury, I am straightforward. No hidden agenda, no mincing of words. For me, communication is a matter of coupling my inner world to my mouth and just letting everything loose. But I have my quiet, reserved moments, too, which I attribute to my Pisces ascendant.

I agree with what Wan said. My mercury is also in Leo. I’m very talkative, have nice sense od humor, quick replies...I often lead a conversation and I can talk about various themes. People usually tend to listen to me and I am very expressive and considered intersting for most of times. I’m also very open with everyone which is sometimes not great. When I first talk to people or they don’t know me well they usually guess that I’m a fire sign and are left in shock when they find out I’m a cancer. However, as you said there are some times, rearly but there surely are, when I’m quiet, reserved and when all of above seems to wanish. It’s durring times or in situations where I for some reason don’t feel comfortable, either because od many people I don’t know, lack of any common themes, or there is specific person that I don’t vibe with or makes me anxious either for concrete reason or just some bad energy. This is probably due to cancer sun and pisces rising... or even virgo moon. Still new to astrology so I’ can’t claim or say for sure anything about other aspects for now.
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I would do well to cultivate this trait.

Maybe. It's one part of an entire mentality which you might not necessarily care to adopt.

When I was a child I used to always say "I don't know" when certain adults would ask me questions. I much prefer to seem daft than waste time explaining myself to unreceptive parties. I've been practicing economy of speech for my whole life.

There's certain posters on here who I admire for their ability to pleasingly condense what they say into few sentences.

I've also been accused of being a spy/undercover agent/fed both on and offline. I think being circumspect, observant and a questioner contributes to it. It's harmless when it's co-workers and friends joking around (or being accused of being CIA by Rahu), but becomes a different ballgame when folks who have a reason to distrust the feds think you're a part of a sting operation that is targeting them.
Mercury in Sagittarius. 12th house, conjunct Sun and Pluto with a wide square from Saturn in the 3rd.

I have a talent for seeming like a straight shooter when it suits me. Often silent and watchful. Mind is tenacious and energetic. I like to simplify and distill what I say without losing my point, especially in real life conversation. Usually it's only after a long period that people have any idea what's on my mind, and I'm cognizant of what it is that I "let loose". Naturally, with Pluto and Saturn involved you can understand a manifestation of "controlled speech".

Interesting ct. I find myself like this which could be a number of factors one being merc in sag 3rd house which people would think I’m very chatty. However with an intercepted 3rd house I’m more of a chatter when I want to be and then quiet and observant when I need to be. Pick and choose.

I can see Pluto and Saturn being very controlled, moody and serious with speech. Keep people on their toes! And possibly on edge!!!
I agree with what Wan said. My mercury is also in Leo. I’m very talkative, have nice sense od humor, quick replies...I often lead a conversation and I can talk about various themes. People usually tend to listen to me and I am very expressive and considered intersting for most of times. I’m also very open with everyone which is sometimes not great. When I first talk to people or they don’t know me well they usually guess that I’m a fire sign and are left in shock when they find out I’m a cancer. However, as you said there are some times, rearly but there surely are, when I’m quiet, reserved and when all of above seems to wanish. It’s durring times or in situations where I for some reason don’t feel comfortable, either because od many people I don’t know, lack of any common themes, or there is specific person that I don’t vibe with or makes me anxious either for concrete reason or just some bad energy. This is probably due to cancer sun and pisces rising... or even virgo moon. Still new to astrology so I’ can’t claim or say for sure anything about other aspects for now.

Do you find your communication ‘animated’ in some way. In a good way! Like wan you must seek an audience for your communication
Interesting ct. I find myself like this which could be a number of factors one being merc in sag 3rd house which people would think I’m very chatty. However with an intercepted 3rd house I’m more of a chatter when I want to be and then quiet and observant when I need to be. Pick and choose.

I can see Pluto and Saturn being very controlled, moody and serious with speech. Keep people on their toes! And possibly on edge!!!

With Saturn and Pluto in the 1st house, I don't doubt that there is more reserve to your personality that doesn't transfer so much on the forum.

Maybe the internet provides you with the needed distance so that your more amiable energies can come to the fore. From my interactions with you, I've noted a style that corresponds to your Sag Merc/Venus and Leo Moon - friendly, sociable and not wanting to be ignored. Less about wanting to beat people in "debate", more a desire to find common ground. Of course it's possible that a 3rd house medium would make 3rd house planets more obvious.
Do you find your communication ‘animated’ in some way. In a good way! Like wan you must seek an audience for your communication

This is interesting, never really observed it in that way but now when I think about is - yes! I rather post something funny in grop chat even if it’s ment for only one or two persons there... I also talk a bit more when my friends and I are surrounded by other people, maybe even more if different gender people....somehow I alway think everyone is listening to me, or subconciously maybe I would want that...Never actually thought of it in this way before...I also have both mars and venus in gemmini. Most of the times I can really fit in various gruopss of people and talk about any theme with confidence even with little knowlege about it. But as I said in previous post. If I don’t feel comfortable or feel rejected at first it all disapers, probbably due to my cancer and pisces sun and rising. So I would say communication style really is a mix of infulence but mercury plays a great role.
Maybe. It's one part of an entire mentality which you might not necessarily care to adopt.

When I was a child I used to always say "I don't know" when certain adults would ask me questions. I much prefer to seem daft than waste time explaining myself to unreceptive parties. I've been practicing economy of speech for my whole life.

There's certain posters on here who I admire for their ability to pleasingly condense what they say into few sentences.

I've also been accused of being a spy/undercover agent/fed both on and offline. I think being circumspect, observant and a questioner contributes to it. It's harmless when it's co-workers and friends joking around (or being accused of being CIA by Rahu), but becomes a different ballgame when folks who have a reason to distrust the feds think you're a part of a sting operation that is targeting them.
Very eloquently put, CT. I feel that every time I read one of your posts, I learn something.

You should feel flattered that some people suspect you to be a fed. One of the defining traits of a fed is a high level of intelligence. :p
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With Saturn and Pluto in the 1st house, I don't doubt that there is more reserve to your personality that doesn't transfer so much on the forum.

Maybe the internet provides you with the needed distance so that your more amiable energies can come to the fore. From my interactions with you, I've noted a style that corresponds to your Sag Merc/Venus and Leo Moon - friendly, sociable and not wanting to be ignored. Less about wanting to beat people in "debate", more a desire to find common ground. Of course it's possible that a 3rd house medium would make 3rd house planets more obvious.

Very accurate CT and thanks nice way you have put it 😊
This is interesting, never really observed it in that way but now when I think about is - yes! I rather post something funny in grop chat even if it’s ment for only one or two persons there... I also talk a bit more when my friends and I are surrounded by other people, maybe even more if different gender people....somehow I alway think everyone is listening to me, or subconciously maybe I would want that...Never actually thought of it in this way before...I also have both mars and venus in gemmini. Most of the times I can really fit in various gruopss of people and talk about any theme with confidence even with little knowlege about it. But as I said in previous post. If I don’t feel comfortable or feel rejected at first it all disapers, probbably due to my cancer and pisces sun and rising. So I would say communication style really is a mix of infulence but mercury plays a great role.

Mars and Venus in sign of communication is a big factor for you then! Having these two planets you have a good blend in comms and therefore mercury plays a big part in your life by the looks at it. Of course looking at your chart would show id this is defo the case but just looking at this shows some part of mercury playing a role in your life
Mars and Venus in sign of communication is a big factor for you then! Having these two planets you have a good blend in comms and therefore mercury plays a big part in your life by the looks at it. Of course looking at your chart would show id this is defo the case but just looking at this shows some part of mercury playing a role in your life

Yes it does, esspecialy with the moon in virgo which is also ruled by mercury.
Haha there’s nothing to look at my chart but saddnes. Saddly, good communication skills don’t give you luck on other fields :’) :/
Yes it does, esspecialy with the moon in virgo which is also ruled by mercury.
Haha there’s nothing to look at my chart but saddnes. Saddly, good communication skills don’t give you luck on other fields :’) :/

Whaaaat??? Who told u that???? In life you are given gifts. Some hidden some blatantly obvious. Nevertheless they are gifts!!! You can’t tell me you don’t have it and use it in other fields. Lemons and lemonade????
Whaaaat??? Who told u that???? In life you are given gifts. Some hidden some blatantly obvious. Nevertheless they are gifts!!! You can’t tell me you don’t have it and use it in other fields. Lemons and lemonade????

You’re right, many kind people on this site tried to point it out and cheer me up.
I guess I have to be more positive and concentrate on good things, but we’re not gonna talk about it now in here :)
You’re right, many kind people on this site tried to point it out and cheer me up.
I guess I have to be more positive and concentrate on good things, but we’re not gonna talk about it now in here :)

U can do a thread with your chart or pm me or join discord
mercury in cancer.
ascendant,sun,venus,mars,jupiter and saturn all ruled by mercury in me chart. lot's of mental energy!

mercury in cancer is intuitive, psychological, jugian. it makes major aspects to pluto, uranus, and minor ones to mars and saturn. I use a combination of intuition and logic, using the strengths of both where I can. when conversating I tend to have an approach of working with the other person going off cues and how the conversation evolves, and explain a lot through body language and convey ideas by understanding the person I am with. I like to listen and have other people talk about themselves and to understand their viewpoint.
mercury in cancer.
ascendant,sun,venus,mars,jupiter and saturn all ruled by mercury in me chart. lot's of mental energy!

mercury in cancer is intuitive, psychological, jugian. it makes major aspects to pluto, uranus, and minor ones to mars and saturn. I use a combination of intuition and logic, using the strengths of both where I can. when conversating I tend to have an approach of working with the other person going off cues and how the conversation evolves, and explain a lot through body language and convey ideas by understanding the person I am with. I like to listen and have other people talk about themselves and to understand their viewpoint.

Do you dig deep into someone’s emotions thru conversations? Asking a lot and. Seeing through the ********? In a good way of course 😇
Do you dig deep into someone’s emotions thru conversations? Asking a lot and. Seeing through the ********? In a good way of course 😇

I think so in some ways, but I try to restrain telling them the things my mind has discovered. i've learned most people don't appreciate it ,it can be difficult with with virgo mars and a lot of gemini. with those aspects from mercury its a bit like I have xray vision I can't really turn it off. but I don't usually tell people they are naked unless they ask lol.
in terms of the no bs thing, its a bit of a delicate balance really, pluto aspects sort of does that, but then neptune in the 7th kind of increases the chances of gullibility. it's amazing that so many people in here have a no bs or call it as they see it approach and attribute it to something different in the chart. it's a very common thing isn't it? :)