METHODS for past lives/reincarnation

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Dec 20, 2007
This thread explores past life ASTROLOGY METHODS by paneagle

first principle) The birth chart is a sum total of all past lives up to birth

second principle) the Mann theory supposes each planet is a key past life
- there is also the 12 houses (viewed singularly and back from rising) for each of the past 12 lifetimes.

regression methods - relate day/hour/or degree for a year/decade/or century (same as progressions ahead for future)

regression (backwards) to time of exact planetary aspects is important - to axis (mc, asc, desc, nadir) points. Can use ascendent as 1 degree per year backwards in time. Find the number of hours or days before birth when aspect occured. (Use the 1 for 1 rule, which is exampled by 4 days = 4, 40 or 400 years, could even be 4000 years back)

solar arc - use 1 degree per year for rising, sun, moon, mc, mostly -
I use the 60x sol harmonic to exacting precision and vital realizations. (progressed chart is better for current life main events - especially solar and sol arc)

Places and locations can be related astro-cartographically, using axis degrees of planets to places rising, setting, MC, IC using birth chart.

Exactness is important. Where each exact is found is illuminating but more than one life can be lived along a planet axis point.

I will use my own examples to start your discussion and exploration.
Examine your own feelings and sense of possible past life, culture, background, temperaments, interests.

first response will be my own. You will find some very interesting things doing this. ASTRO FORUM people - Please share some of your findings. Thank you
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I have Jupiter in 8th house well aspected and pluto in 12, venus in scorpio.
Suspect strong important sense of past lifetimes/significant exploration.

Planet position: 12th house Pluto in Leo. pluto rules 4th and 3rd, sextile neptune, trine sun. semisquare venus in 3rd in scorpio. A leader, creative artist or shaman, family power or strong ties, adventure, loss of money or owning, travel, writing or speaker (I have discovered this lifetime person)

Pluto place - pluto rises in Rome up to Sweden. suspect nordic viking heritage runs deep. Norwegian descent. Roman life was likely place of death. surname Peter named after priest peter marshall (movie made 'a man named peter', and st. peter died in rome. (am not saying I was apostle peter) - spiritual relationship in many christians lifetimes as preist monk likely. Pluto is 12 degrees from rising (1939 key year for pluto event - world war II origins in europe. enemy of spirit (Hitler) rises. (No, I was not Hitler, rather indicates significant year for pluto event in my past). My research suggests a foreign writer took up the story of the life and tribe I was part of as an Indian and wrote a book.

11th house Uranus - in cancer, strong square saturn and mars, trine venus, venus 3rd house. - family of import, background, wealth, leadership or authority crisis. look for place over oceans or sea travel

dating exact aspects - (Use closest to birth time). Uranus squared Saturn 4 days before birth. This is equal to 4, 40, or 400 years before birth. (1 to tenths rule) - 400 years ago was about 1550 - have found people and examples plus family history - likely Henry 8th cohort noble.
40 years ago was around 1910 - immigration of norwegian and cancer mother's family to America.

Moon in Gemini 10th house - writer of note, FOG with venus axis and sextile jupiter. Moon rises in Hawaii, peaks (MC) in Israel or Persia/Egypt area. Moon is 86 degrees from rising, suggests 86 years before birth (1865) as a year of birth, which coincides with the birth of the indian leader above) There is a chance of more than one life lived in the same time frame. I cannot explain this, but it is possible. The second life was as a writer and traveler.

I realize not all past life charts are as emphatic as my own, but here so you can see some of the methods to follow.
Can you post your natal chart, perhaps, so those of us who are interested may retrace your steps?

Arian Maverick
Can you post your natal chart... so those of us who are interested may retrace your steps?
Posted chart - note planets from 12th backwards, rising and solar arc degrees and closest aspects, planets near axis points for significance. Pluto, Uranus and Moon were most recent examples given (last 3 planets). The houses may represent other lifetimes, and the time order could easily be different, in this case, one pluto life may be long ago, another quite recent, (as 12th ruled by the leo rising may show). The rules are there, but are not always fixed because of the nature of both past lives and our individual experience.

I appreciate other methods and books such as schulman, but you will find the primary purpose of this thread demonstrates the methods listed in original post. Thank you all.

Lifetimes references can also be of both actual or 'achetypal'. Each of us has a throng of past 'entities', that is a group of identifiable traits/types that we may relate to. It does not mean we were hitler, st. peter, lincoln, or any other shakespeare. The best purpose is to realize the connections and release the karmic ties or bonds, so they do not affect or control our directions or inner senses. The purpose is to liberate oneself from the past as much as be aware of how it may be affecting us. Talents can be assessed, but the purpose should always be for present moment and lifetime use.


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Can you post your natal chart, perhaps, so those of us who are interested may retrace your steps?

Arian Maverick
Ditto, Your chart as well. ARIAN, what discoveries? I did look at it but wait for your response. Noticed a connection between lifetimes, which is another respect. That is, if aspects connect planets, the lifetime of one led to or aligned with the former. (your chart shows alignments of 12, 10 and 8th, definitely past life reflections. One house (lifetime) has very strong dynamics. Locate the planets involved for place locations (where rising setting, mc, IC) by astro-cart and you will pick up on possible. Some close to MC indicate past close to area of birth.
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I apologize if I sound too contrary addressing all of these minor issues. I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from, and to do that, I need to make sure all the details are correct. I hope you understand with your Virgo Ascendant and Virgo South Node, as well.

Planet position: 12th house Pluto in Leo. pluto rules 4th and 3rd, sextile neptune, trine sun. semisquare venus in 3rd in scorpio. A leader, creative artist or shaman, family power or strong ties, adventure, loss of money or owning, travel, writing or speaker (I have discovered this lifetime person)

This chart shows that Pluto rules the fourth house, but I thought Venus rules the third house because Libra is on the cusp.

Also, the aspect diagram shows Q in the grid that corresponds to Venus and Pluto, which designates a quintile aspect, not a semisquare. I suppose in this system the aspect type doesn't make much of a difference if they're minor aspects...?

Pluto place - pluto rises in Rome up to Sweden. suspect nordic viking heritage runs deep. Norwegian descent. Roman life was likely place of death. surname Peter named after priest peter marshall (movie made 'a man named peter', and st. peter died in rome. (am not saying I was apostle peter) - spiritual relationship in many christians lifetimes as preist monk likely. Pluto is 12 degrees from rising (1939 key year for pluto event - world war II origins in europe. enemy of spirit (Hitler) rises. (No, I was not Hitler, rather indicates significant year for pluto event in my past). My research suggests a foreign writer took up the story of the life and tribe I was part of as an Indian and wrote a book.

I fear I need help understanding this as well. If I'm reading Astrodienst's maps correctly, the Ascendant line through Pluto appears to run through Canada, the United States, and Cuba. Pluto on the Midheaven appears to run through Sweden, however, but not through Italy.

11th house Uranus - in cancer, strong square saturn and mars, trine venus, venus 3rd house. - family of import, background, wealth, leadership or authority crisis. look for place over oceans or sea travel

I see all of the aspects you describe, but how does family come into play here? I associate family with the fourth house. Mars rules the fourth house and it is one of the planets you describe. Is this how it figures in?

dating exact aspects - (Use closest to birth time). Uranus squared Saturn 4 days before birth. This is equal to 4, 40, or 400 years before birth. (1 to tenths rule) - 400 years ago was about 1550 - have found people and examples plus family history - likely Henry 8th cohort noble.

40 years ago was around 1910 - immigration of norwegian and cancer mother's family to America.

I'm not finding this in the Graphis Ephemeris (Data Sheets) for 12 months from January 1951 until December 1951, but I'll take your word for it. Just to clarify, you're using the number of days in actual time when the aspect occurred, not any symbolic directions?

Moon in Gemini 10th house - writer of note, FOG with venus axis and sextile jupiter. Moon rises in Hawaii, peaks (MC) in Israel or Persia/Egypt area. Moon is 86 degrees from rising, suggests 86 years before birth (1865) as a year of birth, which coincides with the birth of the indian leader above) There is a chance of more than one life lived in the same time frame. I cannot explain this, but it is possible. The second life was as a writer and traveler.

Does FOG mean Finger of God, also known as a yod? Do yods have any special meaning in this method?

I do see that the Moon rises in Hawaii. (I was beginning to suspect I can't read AstroMaps.) However, this leads to the question: How close must a line be to an actual place? If this line ran through Europe, for example, certainly it would be in a different country.

I realize not all past life charts are as emphatic as my own, but here so you can see some of the methods to follow.

Thank you for allowing us to follow along. :smile:

Arian Maverick


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I hope you understand with your Virgo Ascendant and Virgo South Node,

This chart shows that Pluto rules the fourth house, but I thought Venus rules the third house because Libra is on the cusp.

pan: scorpio in equal house and some other house systems rules the 3rd.
Venus being in scorpio in that house makes the scorpio also vital.

Also, the aspect diagram shows Q in the grid that corresponds to Venus and Pluto, which designates a quintile aspect, not a semisquare. I suppose in this system the aspect type doesn't make much of a difference if they're minor aspects...?

pan: your correct. I get lazy (virgo south node) being accurate all the time. aspect is quintile, a good one, but with saturn in 2nd, financial issues echoing of the past are surely notable and challenging, for example as square uranus in cancer, making money as astrologer is near impossible.

If I'm reading Astrodienst's maps correctly, the Ascendant line through Pluto appears to run through Canada, the United States, and Cuba. Pluto on the Midheaven appears to run through Sweden, however, but not through Italy.

Correct again - Pluto rising line in leo, is also sun trine, where I live in USA, with a mutual reception, and as pluto rules 4th, not so bad to be on pluto line. Pluto is conjunct MC in Rome, Sweden, Nordic. Being on the line is not always the exact past life point, as other local signs and connection can skew it to the east or west, north or south location. For example, my family background in bergen norway is off the line to the west, but still quite realistic to accept as a point.

how does family come into play here? I associate family with the fourth house. Mars rules the fourth house and it is one of the planets you describe. Is this how it figures in?

Pan: it is the CANCER (uranus), and as noted pluto ruler of 4th in past life 12th. As well jupiter in 8th (karma, past lives, etc) rules the 4th house invisibly with sagittarius (forgot what they call that....transposed or something like that) sag is not the ruler of the 4th or the 5th.

I'm not finding this in the Graphis Ephemeris (Data Sheets) for 12 months from January 1951 until December 1951, Just to clarify, you're using the number of days in actual time when the aspect occurred, not any symbolic directions?

Pan: YES - use the actual number of days or hours of the aspect.
4.4 days equal 4.4 centuries, so it would be from 1950's back around 1520 and more than 440 years back, and as history tells, Henry VIII prime anne boleyn, etc I believe I was a noble, perhaps Henry's close friend or confidante. He and his mother (who may have been one of his wives) in this life are friends.

Does FOG mean Finger of God, - YES. FOG (VOD) can have special meaning. I am sure it does in my case. Acutely with jupiter moon and venus all aspects of import in the historical view I provided and my ability to discern these methods. Venus in 3rd, and jupiter 8th, moon in gemini in 10th. Therefore, also many mutual receptions in the FOG added noteworthy strength to the VOD aspect.

I enjoy the VOD (video on demand) at home here as well. (Smile!!! :annoyed:a little humor is always needed with past live looking - especially because people take themselves so seriously, and often avoid the past lives because it is true the karma they have made they still convey or convex themselves with and avoid wanting to know, even if it can release them from the past, which is always a good thing)
I do see that the Moon rises in Hawaii. (I was beginning to suspect I can't read AstroMaps.) However, this leads to the question: How close must a line be to an actual place? If this line ran through Europe, for example, certainly it would be in a different country.

EACH PLANET HAS 4 ASPECTS on the astro-cart lines - Moon rises in Hawaii (I lived there 7 years) and peaks in atlantic ocean (atlantis? probably and also nordic visits on north coast - nova scotia) but another moon setting in the middle east, probably closest is Jerusalem. It was a time along with Jesus I feel certain. Another part of the story. I think the setting of moon is indicative of ending that Christian era for myself in this life, since 2000 years of crusades and illusions of old religion is enough for me.

REMEMBER, I said primarily the chart is a map of all past lives leading up to birth. It is not who we are today, but only reflects a composite of who we were.

Thank you for allowing us to follow along. :smile:

Your welcome I would ask you for others not to share my personal details too much, as that is respectful part here in the forum. But they are shared for demonstration purposes.

Arian Maverick
Arian - my messages in underline.
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Arian - my messages in underline.
Hello. response from Arian? vacationing in Tuscany? or I'm not feelin' the love.....:unsure: come on people. This is interesting.

I will add a past or present life place location method. Maybe one of you will try it out and report for us.

If you take your birth longitude and key degrees, the sun, asc, mc, moon.
Now go 1 degree longitude (go east ahead in sign, go west backwards) from that place using each of these until you reach to any planet or one of the keys.

my example: 74 west birth. 19 sag sun, 26 sco mc, 26 tau IC moon 5 gem rise example - The 19 sag sun goes backward to 26 scorpio, a difference of 23 degrees, which from 74 west is 97 west. This is where I strongly suspect I have a been a Sioux Indian and was confirmed by a group of spiritual friends I had been with. (I was noticeably shaking when they told me plus I have had dreams about it)

The moon goes backward from 5 gem to 26 tau MC - this would seem very important. The difference is 9 degrees. That is from 74 west going backward becomes 83. That is exactly where I live now. The MC going to the moon would be east direction, ahead from 26 taurus to 5 gemini, where the point is 65 west.

(gives some leeway - the actual line may be slightly west or east of the degree point.

Now this raises a theory - The moon place I live now is present life. I went from a planet (moon) direct to the MC. If reversed from the MC to the moon, then we find the 9 degrees shifts to 65 west. This is the Caribbean, puerto rico, and also north near nova scotia. I had a dream about chest or treasure under a boat in a odd named places sounding like those in PR> I believe it very possible I was a sailor or viking, who had traveled to these places, one or both of them in the distant past.

So the MC or rising to a direction would appear to a point is past life, or going backwards is past, the going ahead is present. (This can be dicey because it may be one or both, and obviously not all going west is backward or to the past, or future only. There is where the intuitive or our logical insight comes in - figures are only that, to be used for our associative faculty to realize true meaning - interpretation keys are always the hardest part of the work)

best; pan
I had studied your natal chart for about an hour after I had read your first set of instruction and attempted to retrace your steps and remake the connections you'd made, but I became frustrated because I could not make the same intuitive leaps. I also was not 100% percent certain I had done the calculations correctly.

From what I can gather from this latest set of examples, you've moved the Sun and the Moon backwards through the zodiac (I prefer to think in terms of clockwise and counterclockwise, so "backwards" to me means clockwise) until they've reached the closest angle. For the Sun, the closest angle is the IC at 25 Scorpio 51. For the Moon, the closest angle is the Ascendant at 1 Virgo 10. This clockwise movement works in my own natal chart because I have the Sun and the Moon in the first house, but what if someone's key planet was located close to the Ascendant but on the twelfth house side? Would they simple continue "turning" the chart clockwise until they reached the Midheaven, or would they "turn" the chart counterclockwise because the planet was positioned more closely to the Ascendant? Would this depend upon the longitude in which the individual was born? For example, if they were born in west longitude, would they turn the chart clockwise, but if they were born in east longitude, they would turn the chart counterclockwise? Is this what you were trying to explain with this excerpt?

If you take your birth longitude and key degrees, the sun, asc, mc, moon.
Now go 1 degree longitude (go east ahead in sign, go west backwards) from that place using each of these until you reach to any planet or one of the keys.

I will use my own unrectified natal chart as an example simply because it's less contested, to most people. It's a chart set for the time that appears on my birth certificate, although the chart differs significantly from my rectified chart. Perhaps I will attempt this method with the rectified chart, as well, and see how they differ.

I too was born at 74 west longitude, and as I mentioned earlier, my Sun and Moon are placed in angular houses like in your chart, so I can utilize the same clockwise motion to reach the closest angle.

Here are my stats:

Ascendant: 1 Aries 10
Sun: 15 Aries 36
Moon: 5 Aries 13
Midheaven: 0 Capricorn 37 (less important in my case, I believe)

The closest personal planet to an angle is the Moon; it is conjunct my Ascendant from the first house side. I'll move it clockwise to the Ascendant--a distance of approximately 4 degrees. In your example, you added this number--the distance of the planet from the angle--to the birth longitude. I was born at 74 degrees west longitude, so I add four degrees and result in 78 degrees west longitude.

The next closest personal planet to an angle is the Sun, which also is located in the first house. I'll move it clockwise to the Ascendant--a distance of 14 degrees 26", or about 14.5 degrees in the decimal system. In your example, you added this number--the distance of the planet from the angle--to the birth longitude. I was born at 74 degrees west longitude, so I add 14.5 degrees and result in 88.5 degrees west longitude.

I'm finding lots of websites where you can click a place on a map and find its exact latitude and longitude, but fewer where I can type in a longitude and identify all of the countries that run through that line of longitude. I've spent about forty minutes attempting to find images on Google of maps, but none of them zoom in closely enough. I click around randomly and hope to get close, but even so, none of the approximate longitudes appear to correspond with an area with which I know I have karmic ties. (There only are a few.) Perhaps I should try my rectified chart, even if some people question the method used to rectify.

Arian Maverick
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I had studied your natal chart for about an hour after I had read your first set of instruction and attempted to retrace your steps and remake the connections you'd made, but I became frustrated because I could not make the same intuitive leaps. I also was not 100% percent certain I had done the calculations correctly.

From what I can gather from this latest set of examples, you've moved the Sun and the Moon backwards through the zodiac (I prefer to think in terms of clockwise and counterclockwise, so "backwards" to me means clockwise) until they've reached the closest angle. For the Sun, the closest angle is the IC at 25 Scorpio 51. For the Moon, the closest angle is the Ascendant at 1 Virgo 10. This clockwise movement works in my own natal chart because I have the Sun and the Moon in the first house, but what if someone's key planet was located close to the Ascendant but on the twelfth house side? Would they simple continue "turning" the chart clockwise until they reached the Midheaven, or would they "turn" the chart counterclockwise because the planet was positioned more closely to the Ascendant? Would this depend upon the longitude in which the individual was born? For example, if they were born in west longitude, would they turn the chart clockwise, but if they were born in east longitude, they would turn the chart counterclockwise? Is this what you were trying to explain with this excerpt?

"Pan says - YES YES in general you got it right."

I will use my own unrectified natal chart as an example simply because it's less contested, to most people. It's a chart set for the time that appears on my birth certificate, although the chart differs significantly from my rectified chart. Perhaps I will attempt this method with the rectified chart, as well, and see how they differ.

I too was born at 74 west longitude, and as I mentioned earlier, my Sun and Moon are placed in angular houses like in your chart, so I can utilize the same clockwise motion to reach the closest angle.

Here are my stats:

Ascendant: 1 Aries 10
Sun: 15 Aries 36
Moon: 5 Aries 13
Midheaven: 0 Capricorn 37 (less important in my case, I believe)

The closest personal planet to an angle is the Moon; it is conjunct my Ascendant from the first house side. I'll move it clockwise to the Ascendant--a distance of approximately 4 degrees. In your example, you added this number--the distance of the planet from the angle--to the birth longitude. I was born at 74 degrees west longitude, so I add four degrees and result in 78 degrees west longitude.

The next closest personal planet to an angle is the Sun, which also is located in the first house. I'll move it clockwise to the Ascendant--a distance of 14 degrees 26", or about 14.5 degrees in the decimal system. In your example, you added this number--the distance of the planet from the angle--to the birth longitude. I was born at 74 degrees west longitude, so I add 14.5 degrees and result in 88.5 degrees west longitude.

I'm finding lots of websites where you can click a place on a map and find its exact latitude and longitude, but fewer where I can type in a longitude and identify all of the countries that run through that line of longitude. I've spent about forty minutes attempting to find images on Google of maps, but none of them zoom in closely enough. I click around randomly and hope to get close, but even so, none of the approximate longitudes appear to correspond with an area with which I know I have karmic ties. (There only are a few.) Perhaps I should try my rectified chart, even if some people question the method used to rectify.

Arian Maverick
You have used the method I employ. I would suggest you do the rectified
one. It may be that is why you didnt feel the hits of the unrectified.
if it is greatly different from the rectified, you have to research both.

using the 1 degree, you can reverse direction and so the 4 degree west difference would also go the other way to 4 degrees east which is 70 degree (Boston). Dont take the exact too much to heart, because 1 degree or so either way. Also, you will find the astro-cart lines will be somewhat different that the 1 degree per longitude calculation. There is also the fact that the astro-cart lines are usually at angles to the chart
and these 1 degree to longitude are straight north/south on the lines.

78 is Virginia. Moon rising. Asc 1 - Moon 5 Aries. The moon line is most often a place you have lived or could live. It's close enough to Washington. as wll as I immediate thought of the Civil War. Could be Gettysburg or places to the south or north as well. Toronto is on the line. Aries would surely point to being a soldier, rebel, or fighter, but also a technician
or mechanic is possible. The scorpio degree of 79 is suggestive, but 78 is libra. There are hints to angling the exact place to one side of the line or other. If you HAVE STRONG virgo, libra, or scorpio or sol sign 76 is a Virgo degree (phily possible) or washington dc is gemini virgo degree (*pan moon gemini/virgo rising has too many point connections /family links to count with DC/american origins, and feels sure he was there in long past time perhaps original settler, or more likely part of american gov independence (my uranus conjunct usa sun).

The other point mentioned is 88.5 Chicago and Wisconsin, down to Louisiana, possibly New Orleans at 90, or could be as far south as Mexico, South points or Canada north.

(I Use WIKIPEDIA longitude line images and an atlas book also)

if you turn direction, you can also find the ascendent reaches the moon at 70, or the sun reached ascendent (1 aries to 15 aries) at 88 could also be -14 or go east to 60 degree line. This is caribbean. All your aries does suggest a lot of adventures in the past lived. Pirate? Sailor? Merchant. Slave or trader also? You have to check yourself out to think which sounds most likely. Where are you talents, affinities, naturalness or archetype/family types?

You did not mention the sun to moon (5 aries to 15 aries)
the sun reaches the moon backwards (west 10 degrees - is 84 - ohio).
the moon reaches the sun ahead (east 10 degrees is 65 - puerto rico/caribbean)

the nature of the connection is important. sun and moon together is quite positive most likely (although you have some squares too I think)
you had prominence or leadership on the line (aries is cardinal sign).
This is more likely in past life than present life also. good karma earned can often be 'redeemed' when we visit or return there.

On intuition, trust it! let your feelings guide you. Let yourself accept some of the thoughts that may come, even if wild ones. They could be true. But we must not take them just on face value but as a good grain of salt, rather accept them as possible. we have to explore it this way.

I use a grid system in the united states you might look at - use EQUATOR OR GMT line (London), and go west or east, rising in sign, in sections, such as 0, 3, 5,10, 15 or 30 degree. I mostly use the 30 degree. It is 1 degree per sign and so fits with longitude system. If you have a cross line with an astro-cart point of planet or both at the same place, it is a connection. I use this especially for north south. it is 5 degree zones such as libra 30 to 35 north, scorpio is 35 to 40 north, sagittarius 40 to 45. There are also the 10 degree zones. and 15 also. It's complex, but going west, aries (5 zone) is 120 to 125 west coast usa for Aries is also ireland spain 0 to 5, (and 0 to 10 west from GMT).

It is good to keep with the biggest points, such as sun moon rising. Your case is interesting. (Yes, a versatile mind is needed, one that can also calculate in head. It's true, I am very good at it.)

I rectify with my sol progression methods and it works. But rectification is most challenging.