Midpoint between Sun and Moon - Chiron Transit

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Jul 2, 2007
By the sea
Have been trying to work out recent events and knowing little about midpoints discovered that transit of chiron is on my Sun - Moon midpoint.

I found some interesting information here: http://junojuno2.tripod.com/chiron2.html


(Oh i havent tried out this calculator- I worked mine out manually)

For me it is like my sun - aqua and the uranian part of me wants to race ahead but is being held back my moon in pisces (progressed moon in 12th in libra) and saturn transit to 12th.

I am hoping something good will come of it but it causingme a lot of anxiety. The good will be that it may resolve the imbalance in my chart.

I have already had the chiron/neptune transit to my aqua sun which felt like a significant shift.

or maybe I am just reading to much into this transit.

anyone any views on midpoint interpretations?
Caro, experience tells me to pay close attention to the Sun/Moon MP, as it is the point where ego dissolves into our feeling self - and vice versa.

In particular, I like the 2nd post from the AW link you provided, in which unukalhai articulated really well the importance of this point. Especially in synastry, it is important to pay attention to any aspects formed by another's natal planets to your own Sun/Moon MP.

When tr Chiron passes over this point I would suggest that you take note, and perhaps even keep a journal during this time, so that you can look back and determine its effects.

I have had tr Chiron conjunct my Sun/Moon MP, but given this point closely conjuncts my DEC, it is difficult to extract the experience as being about Chiron conj DEC, or was Chiron conj Sun/Moon MP, or was Chiron opp my Cap ASC???? Whatever it was, for me it was a very, very challenging time, but maybe I was not open at that time to learning from my experiences as much as I would be now.

Caro said:
For me it is like my sun - aqua and the uranian part of me wants to race ahead but is being held back my moon in pisces (progressed moon in 12th in libra) and saturn transit to 12th.
And I'm glad that you mentioned the progr Moon and the Saturn transit, as these will certainly affect your experience of the Chiron transit to the MP - perhaps even overshadow it.
R4Ven thanks for your reply.

I take your point with so much going on it can be difficult to decipher the effects and appreciate that chiron is quite subtle and with neptune's influence not so far away difficult to fully determine. Neptune will be back!! I have a close moon and merc conj so its also affecting that.

Im still trying to work out the midpoints to be honest. when mars is in virgo it will hit the other side of the mid point.

I understand too about the effects on your descendant, its a bit like peeling layers of an onion. you think you have got there and then oops something more to workon. I had a saturn transit to desc - had no clue that it was happening a very difficult time indeed.

Saturn and its effects in my 12th are really taking hold now. my energy has diminished and I think that will reduce further as I have mars natallly in libra.

And yes Im keeping a dream journal. :cool:

ps you should write a book on chiron . you are AW's resident expert on the subject.
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Caro,you will find an Aspect/Midpoint Grid at Astro.com,under Extended Charts,Pullen/Astrlog.
Your natal SU/MO midpoint is 0 PI 23.
The SU/MO midpoint all 0 23 Mutable Signs + 15 23 Cardinal Signs.(45 Aspect)

Spirit and Soul,the conscious and the unconscious,vitality and feeling,husband and wife.

Source.COSI. Reinhold Ebertin.

Example,Saturn=SU/MO,for you recently.15 Libra,August/September.

J. :)
Thanks JR have been doing it all manually point by point. :sick:
much easier that way.

but then you mention saturn again. its like having a stalker! he's all over my chart. I even have a progressed saturn in aries conj my progressed sun in aries.

ha ha ha.

going to have to learn to love him. Guess I did something really bad :devil: in a few former lives. oh well. :crying:

it is quite interesting what this is bringing up for me.
Interesting what you say about former lives.
Perhaps you have chosen to clear some of your Family Karma,this incarnation.
You can ask for time off for good behavior.(Grace)
You may also have inherited some health problems.
Have you ever had any toxicity tests,if you do not mind me asking?

Natal chart shows.
Moon=SA/MC SA/SU Direct MP.
You also have Draco Sun,Mercury and Moon in Capricorn.Draco Saturn in Aquarius.Saturn linked to all Draco placements.

J. :)
Have been trying to work out recent events and knowing little about midpoints discovered that transit of chiron is on my Sun - Moon midpoint.

I found some interesting information here: http://junojuno2.tripod.com/chiron2.html


(Oh i havent tried out this calculator- I worked mine out manually)

For me it is like my sun - aqua and the uranian part of me wants to race ahead but is being held back my moon in pisces (progressed moon in 12th in libra) and saturn transit to 12th. I am hoping something good will come of it but it causingme a lot of anxiety. The good will be that it may resolve the imbalance in my chart. I have already had the chiron/neptune transit to my aqua sun which felt like a significant shift. or maybe I am just reading to much into this transit. anyone any views on midpoint interpretations?

Sun/Moon midpoint and midpoints in general are important and it is a good idea to keep track of any transiting planets aspecting Sun/Moon midpoint - as well as other midpoints as well. A [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin[/FONT] is a good read on the subject. Note if significant events occur on days when transiting planets aspect midpoints and as time passes you begin to notice patterns. :smile:
I take your point with so much going on it can be difficult to decipher the effects and appreciate that chiron is quite subtle and with neptune's influence not so far away difficult to fully determine. Neptune will be back!!
I'm with Jerry about the possibility of past lives being `healed/finished off' with tr Chiron & Neptune doing their dance, and over your Sun/Moon MP also. This point can be a direct line to your `inner knowing' - sorry to be so obscure, but the way in which this works is obscure. Neptune & Chiron in unison (or even in tandem) have the job of breaking down boundaries - between people, between places, times, & even incarnations. It is possible for the past and the future to be present in the present!

Caro said:
Saturn and its effects in my 12th are really taking hold now. my energy has diminished and I think that will reduce further as I have mars natallly in libra. Im up against another challenge health wise and have been trying to find a solution, I dont know why but finding chiron here has given me a source of inspiration - right or wrongly - I think I can work with this. I hope so! :innocent:
Saturn through the 12th will drive you to looking inwards for your answers and your inspiration.

And yes, you can work with this.
Caro said:
And yes Im keeping a dream journal. :cool:
Caro said:
ps you should write a book on chiron . you are AW's resident expert on the subject.
In reality, I'm just very good at interpreting others' information, and I am also an inveterate people-watcher - both have been necessary in being able to interpret Chiron.
You are spot on this life is very much about my past lives. I have been researching that. Issues of betrayal have come up. there is a link to one of the health care professionals I saw but no longer see. I was just starting to study past lives when I was diagnoised and my life became a bit surreal in that respect. Neptune was near my sun too!

I do have health problems and are you suggesting that I get a toxicity test/ i havent had one. I am going for tests at the moment that relate to saturn in the 5th. - Ive written previously on the board about this and hoped this was behind me. So having to dig a bit deeper at the moment.Ah well. life eh!

Raven - thanks for the positive thoughts. I do think I know what this chiron transit might mean, maybe I have to give into it. I am a bit of a controller with scorpio asc and aqua sun. It is like I have too seperate bits to me so maybe this will bring them together.
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Hi Caro,
The reason I ask about toxins is because of your Scorpio Asc',Virgo Draco Asc.SU/MO midpoint is about,the balance and the economy of liquids in the body."Blood and Water" says Ebertin.Draco Virgo Asc,Aquarius 6th may be allergies.Capricorn Draco Sun+Moon possible skin problems?Retaining toxins in the body possibly.Suggest you ask your GP.I feel you may benefit from Kinesiology.
May I suggest you are very sensitive to world,and may need to explore your boundaries.
Do you think you have been a "Sin Eater" in a past life?

J. :)
The Point of Meaning
Sun/Moon Mid-point

The most important midpoint in astrology, the Sun/Moon midpoint represents the externalization, practical realization, purpose and the meaning of personal existence. The sign placement of your Sun / Moon midpoint will reveal your overall character. The house placement of your Sun / Moon”

third planet conj sun/moon midpoints

How to calculate midpoints http://www.cafeastrology.com/sunmoonmidpointrelationship.html

Free online midpoint calculator

Midpoint lessons
The orb has to be very tight 1’ or max 1’30” to be effective though

yes I am very sensitive. its been pointing out from the normal chart interpretation.
Im afraid Im not really fully understanding the draco - take on it. I havent looked at that at all.

I guess you must have looked at my chart on another thread. it was probably sluggish anyway. I have chinese herbalists tell me low chi. yet I have huge ambitions. my chi is very low right now.

I also have allergies -
Im having cranial sacral therapy. Im also using crystals for grounding and protection and find that that has made a huge difference to my day to day life.

I have a parttime role now so can spend more time on myself.

finally the sin eater - made me laugh. again Im not sure of the definition. but most probably I did! I have experienced a few past lives they have all been fascinating. Ive definitely been a herbalist/witch(white one).

thanks for taking the trouble to look at my chart and you have given me some more information that I did not know about.

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My Sun/Moon MP is at 10 Aquarius in the 5th house, but it is also SQUARE to natal Saturn at 10 Scorpio.

To me this has proved to be the most difficult and hardest thing to deal with in my natal chart.

Saturn is not in any difficult aspects apart from a semisquare to Ascendant, that's all.

But my life has proved to be blocked in as much as Saturn is a keyword for me. I have no Aquarius or Capricorn planets, either.

But I am shaped by the purest Scorpio Saturn energy imaginable.
My Sun/Moon MP is at 10 Aquarius in the 5th house, but it is also SQUARE to natal Saturn at 10 Scorpio.

To me this has proved to be the most difficult and hardest thing to deal with in my natal chart.

Saturn is not in any difficult aspects apart from a semisquare to Ascendant, that's all.

But my life has proved to be blocked in as much as Saturn is a keyword for me. I have no Aquarius or Capricorn planets, either.

But I am shaped by the purest Scorpio Saturn energy imaginable.

I have Uranus on my sun/moon midpoint which like you is also square. have you looked into declinations ie: paralells? these can bring more information and act like conjunctions or contra paralells = oppositions. You can get a free table on asto.com. Just get your chart then, top left of chart says, "View the additional tables (PDF)"

“PARALLEL: Two or more planets that are equal distant from the celestial equator, with each stellar body being either north OR south in declination. The influence is much like a conjunction”

Contraparallel :
An aspect formed when two planets are in opposite declination, that is, when they are the same distance from the celestial equator, one north of it and one south. Generally considered to operate like an opposition.
“CONTRA-PARALLEL: Two or more planets that are equal distant from the celestial equator, with one stellar body being north in declination and the other body being south. The influence is considered to be much like a opposition, although some consider similar to the conjunction.”
Hi Astrologer 50, nice to see you again, I haven't been on here for a long time. But I am sure you remember me too.

Yes, I've looked into Parallels before, they are interesting, but I hardly ever use them, perhaps this is a fault.

Who ever talks about parallels these days?

But you are completely right they are the business, and a close parallel is just as important as a conjunction. I'm pretty sure of it.

There are no parallels to my natal Saturn, so there's a nice +.

How do you go about interpreting parallels and contra parallels?

You have renewed my interest in this area now. How about a Mars Venus contra? Both in the 1st house, wide conjunction of about 9 degrees.

Mercury, Uranus, Neptune Jupiter, SN parallel all in SAG spanning the 3rd and 4th houses.

Obviously conjunctions are also parallel. But in comparison can you say that two planets which are not conjunct can act as if they were, simply through being parallel? I think I've asked that question before.
there has recently been quite a few threads re-introducing these topics. For a true parallel, I think you have to differentiate between natal aspects and parallels and discount parallel that already have an aspect between them.

I recently found out I had contra parallel saturn/uranus which makes sense to me as they have no connection natally...
Thanks JR have been doing it all manually point by point. :sick:
much easier that way.

but then you mention saturn again. its like having a stalker! he's all over my chart. I even have a progressed saturn in aries conj my progressed sun in aries.

ha ha ha.

going to have to learn to love him. Guess I did something really bad :devil: in a few former lives. oh well. :crying:

it is quite interesting what this is bringing up for me.
Post a chart with your current transits and progressions. I dont use Chiron in that way, it is not a planet and could even be a comet. Hard to know. I may look at the natal CHiron but only as a back up. Saturn is the planet of karma which is coming from the past and it is the Grim Reaper in that we feel the effects and reap what we have sown in the past. It is the planet of hard work and reality.
If we have put in the hard yards then when Saturn comes around we will gain the rewards where it hits.....it is karmic credit and debit. Those we have strong Saturn connections with can lead to an enduring connection but not necessarily joyful but more that we owe it or feel a duty....

thanks, yes I know a number on this board dont work with chiron.

I think it has significance, this may vary from chart to chart. I really relate to it. Its conj saturn natally for me.

the reason I posted is because the book I have on midpoints does not cover chiron. so it was then interesting to do a bit of research on this. :unsure:

but here we are talking about saturn again, A scene from the Matrix where Keanu deals with one Mr Smith and then opens the door and there are 200 Mr Smiths outside, its a bit like that with me and Mr saturn! :pinched:

I may post my chart later.
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There is a reasonable explanation of "Sin-eater" on Wikipedia.
I brought up Draco for contemplation.
There are perhaps many Sin-eaters about today,most though probably unaware.
