Missing cat

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I can't really remember fighting with my brother and I don't really talk to my neighbors plus it's almost 6 weeks since he's been gone. Do u mean six weeks from now?
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Helllloooo...can you please take a look at the chart and tell me what u think
My cat went missing on oct 11. I have looked everywhere. I have asked around too but I haven't found anything. And everyone is like "It's just a cat. Move on". But I just wanna know what happened to him even if he's dead I need closure. Please help me. Someone said i needed a horary chart so I am in Jamaica and asking the question... Where is my cat at 9:20 am my time,

[Merged duplicate threads, deleted duplicate posts, and moved this topic from Chat to Horary. - Moderator]

The cat could have been gone lost and is in north eastern direction, is there any river by that direction?
I have some doubts that the chart has the right birth time...Anyway when we judge this chart, your cat is represented by venus. I'm using regiomontanus houses. The last aspect of the moon was a conjunction with neptune (= about 3 Degrees=3 weeks between the time your cat was missing and your question), which reflects the matter. Moon also separated by a square with venus. Venus is in your 12th house (you don't know where he is) in Jupiter's rulership but peregrine. I think he is far away and he is struggeling to find the way home. Venus will meet Jupiter by conjunction but it will take a while. So you'll find him or he will come back. If we are taking mercury for your cat, then he will definitely return to you.
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The cat could have been gone lost and is in north eastern direction, is there any river by that direction?
Thanks n no i don't know of any river nearby but i'll ask around when i get home. There's only one place I haven't been where I think he may be but idk the way n it's very far
I have some doubts that the chart has the right birth time...Anyway when we judge this chart, your cat is represented by venus. I'm using regiomontanus houses. The last aspect of the moon was a conjunction with neptune (= about 3 Degrees=3 weeks between the time your cat was missing and your question), which reflects the matter. Moon also separated by a square with venus. Venus is in your 12th house (you don't know where he is) in Jupiter's rulership but peregrine. I think he is far away and he is struggeling to find the way home. Venus will meet Jupiter by conjunction but it will take a while. So you'll find him or he will come back. If we are taking mercury for your cat, then he will definitely return to you.
Thanks n i'll double check the date. Are u able to give me any landmarks or anything like that to work with? Sorry if i'm being annoying or anything it's just that my neighbors killed 2 of my cats last yr so i'm just worried
if we judge the question by vedic astrology, the cat is represented by venus, placed in your 12th. Venus is in mars' rulership (not a good place for venus) and sextile mars. Mars is a malefic and also L5, located in the 10th house. So maybe someone found him and currently he is in an animal shelter. Venus square moon. Moon in your third, ruled by the maleficial Saturn, which is placed with L1 Jupiter in the first house with Ketu. So perhaps you have to ask that neighbor! Probaply he did see your cat or found him...or the cat is somewhere near or in the neighborhood. Moon trine your 11th house, where sun and mercury are placed in. Maybe with help of a friend you will get your cat back.
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My mom already asked them n i don't think they would tell the truth anyway. And i heard that one of them was selling puppies the other day so i'm wondering if he caught my cat n sold him idk n it's just really weird because he was there the Friday night n when i woke up Saturday he was just gone. I live near a lot of trees n bushes n whatever n i think that if they hit him down n threw him away I would at least have seen some vultures or something flying around n i have walked all over, i have even found shortcuts through the bushes that i never knew existed and there was no trace of him. And i went to this candle place or whatever a week after it happened n idk if the lady is psychic or something but she said that the cat was in an abandoned house somewhere near an orange tree and a white road. She said that he was with a brown n white cat that just had kittens n it's mating season and she said he would come back when he's ready. And that she knew i was worried that someone hurt the cat but the cat is fine. I believed that for a while but the more time goes by the more i doubt it. Plus i went back 2 weeks ago n she said she doesn't remember what she told me n that "the spirit" isn't telling her anything right now. Sooo i just need some closure, if he's dead i just wanna know so i can move on but i don't wanna give up n he's out there somewhere suffering
Thanks n no i don't know of any river nearby but i'll ask around when i get home. There's only one place I haven't been where I think he may be but idk the way n it's very far

Hi, I'm so sorry your cat has gone missing.
A chart for the time that a cat (or missing person for that matter) was last seen, can also be judged as a Horary chart. So, I've used your location details for 11 Oct 2019, 9:20 am, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 18N28, 7W55, Regiomontanus House System.

Using that chart, I can see that the ruler of the 6th of small animals is Venus, at 3Scorpio in the 12th House. This could mean that she's hiding somewhere, in secret, like a forest or somewhere near water as previously suggested (water signs Pisces and Scorpio are relevant here.)
The Moon is also relevant and shows what might have happened. Moon is also ruler of the 8th and must be given that role as a significator since you are concerned that your cat might have died.
Venus receives Moon by Exaltation and Triplicity, but Moon does not receive Venus, so we can't say for sure she hasn't died.(Negative).
Also, because there is no aspect between Venus and Moon, we can't say for sure that the cat has died, either. (Positive.)
Another reason for being hopeful is that the Sun is above the horizon and positioned in the very fortunate 11th House.(Positive.)
Then there's Fortuna (whose dispositor is Venus) is in the 6th House, pointing to good fortune for the cat. (Positive)
A strong Jupiter, ruler of the Ascendant, is in the 1st House (angular) and is therefore very strong and most helpful in a general, overall sense.

I wouldn't give up hope yet if I were you. If she's injured, she's probably fallen, she could well be somewhere in hiding licking her wounds, and you can bet your bottom dollar that she'll be really well hidden and hard to find. Cats do that when injured. Under a house maybe? The direction is south east from where she was last seen.

Maybe you could put up a notice asking neighbours / people to check in old outbuildings or under their houses for a cat who might be - literally - licking her wounds?

Then, there's another possibility : Mercury went Retrograde on 1 Nov, moving backwards towards Venus. Mercury rules the 7th of 'others.' Maybe someone has found her and is looking after her.

You've got more than one positive thing happening in the event chart for 11 Oct, read as a horary chart. Good luck! ___