Mission: Relocation

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2010
Hi everyone.

These have been really tough times and I really need to make some serious decisions in my life.

Being unemployed for 4 years at 27 years old is making me go insane. I already relocated before to look for a better life, but I don't like where I am and my life is literally stuck.

I am thinking in relocating again and the purpose is to get a job and be self sustainable as well as independent. I do not want to be dependent on other people to have a roof and food at the table. I am hoping that these places might be good for love (serious/permanent relationship) too.

I made these two charts for the two places I have in mind, please share your thoughts with me. I also attached my Natal chart so we can compare.

My first impressions are that in the Nice chart, Jupiter is in the 2nd house which seems to support finances.
In both charts my ASC goes to Sagittarius which I like, because I will be a bit less secretive and more joyful.
In the Marseille chart, Jupiter is in the 3rd expanding communications and Venus is conjunct Vertex... fated relationship/love affair?

What do you think?

I am looking forward to hear from everyone, I desperately need some insights. Thank you in advance.


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Anyone please?

I will even pay if a professional is willing to help me. I really need help.

I am new in relocation charts. and same problem with you, the emergency to relocate.

I watched ur natal charts, it is really bad,mainly of the saturn on the ACS.

but your other two charts are not good enough as well. because of the asturan go to the 12th house, this will bring physcally pressure. I guess..

maybe u can try to move to a farer place.

By the way, Do you have high education? means like a mastr or PHD degaree,
because your 9th house is really heavy. if move it to the 10th house, it might be good.