Many commentators tend to emphasize the psychological and evolutionary aspects of modern astrology while minimizing the many technical innovations the many modern schools contributed. Do not overlook the technical strides made in the 20th Century in Western astrology in terms of timing and predictive techniques.
Secondary (aka Major), Tertiary and Minor progressions were promulgated and extensively developed, and the Uranian and Cosmobiology schools put forth the use of Solar Arcs, the extensive use of midpoints, as well as other tools. The Western Sidereal school added many techniques, new ways of using Solar and Lunar returns, progressing returns, the resurrection and new uses of ingress charts, and the use of the sidereal day in progressions. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the Harmonic and Vibrational schools applied mathematical modeling and analysis to astrological practice. In addition is the level of precision in astrological calculations made possible by advances in computer technology and software.
These are only a few of the contributions made by modern astrologers.
It's really incorrect to overlook these modern developments and minimize their contributions.