Because the constellations are of different sizes I think the 30 degree measurement is silly.
For that matter why do we use 360 degrees? Do you also think that is silly? Right, we should use some other number clearly. . .
Another problem with basing signs on the seasons is that seasons differ according to latitude. For example, the sunny season in Australia, South America, and South Africa is December, January, and February and the winter months are June, July and August. Thus a seasonal system becomes virtually meaningless
WRONG actually. A seasonal system goes by the equinoxes and solstices, which, regardless of where you live and what climate you endure, relates to where the earth is in its orbit around the sun. It has nothing to do with the perception of temperature where you are standing on the earth, or the degree of change. That's like saying if you live in Australia, the tropical zodiac should be inverted because summer is winter and winter is summer. That's just the tilt of the earth, has nothing to do with wear the earth is in relation to heavenly bodies, (stars sun etc). Where you are standing (equator vs. poles) has no effect on when the solstices are or how long a year is or how long a month is (phases of the moon are much like the phases of the earth around the sun)
Honestly, I don't know how strongly you feel about this, but this logic is flawed. I can't support your theory, because, imho if you were to go about this, you would also (and should) from your perspective, determine the weather for the individual on their birthday, in order to describe their personality. Everyone born from a hot climate therefore, is hot-tempered!
Also, do you know about solar winds, solar radiations etc ... all these things fluctuate and impact the whole earth regardless of where you are standing on it, but that doesn't mean a day isn't 24 hours anymore. Unless you personally want to make them 28 or 56 hours?
To me, its like saying the American measuring system is superior to the European metric, when the metric system is so much more practical and clear.
Meters, centimeters, kilometers, are all based on a system of 10s. . .doesn't matter that the original scales used might be somewhat archaic. The simplest design is the best.
Everyone hates the American system. 12 Inches in a Foot, 3 feet in a yard, 5280 feet in a mile? What?
Same thing in astrology. The energy being measured is the energy of consciousness, as we perceive and make meaning to things so distant and mysterious to us, we are actually talking about what goes on inside ourselves. Its very piscean actually, by reaching into the unexplainable darkness to inaccurately and desperately try to understand the world, we manifested the clearest picture of the brightest points in the farthest reaches of our own sub-conscious. Our sub-conscious is more powerful than pinpoints of light that takes thousands of years to reach us. Our sub-conscious and the archetypes therin, shape our reality over time, not the other way around. Thats why traditional astrology is superior. These archetypes can be measured as perfect cycle, a perfect psychological transformation, where each degree (regardless of its name or number) has history and a place. 360 is 360, unless you want to make it pi or some other number? It doesn't matter if it is 26 Aries or 250.768 Sasquatch its still the same
In fact i strongly believe that if you make one sign larger than the other, that's all people will focus on and complain about, and make it even worse for us in terms of our tendency to blow unimportant things out of proportion.
Time is still time, psychology is still psychology. The light from the stars, its power is influenced by our own psychic memes That's the power of consciousness, and consciousness is the last, and biggest frontier we have yet to explore. Its our own consciousness (and our massively potent memes) that drives astrology, not astrology driving our consciousness.
Just like the chinese i-ching has 60 trigrams. That's not going to change and the trigram system of evolution is very similar to that of astrology. I personally am wondering how I could relate the 60 trigrams better to the ecliptic myself, i dont think it should be 365, just to make it match the days of the year or something, if you do fine. .
I have no problem with a science that is made more digestible to everyone by having varying levels of complexity. However, sometimes those levels of complexity take away from the usability, utility and understanding of it. How many Americans know exactly how many feet are in a mile btw? (I do because I am a runner, but in reality, the number isn't even exactly 5280. . I think there some kind of decimal even... who cares? No one can even conceive how to relate atoms to reality, they so small, just as the stars are so far away its inconceivable but everyone knows how large an average person is and relates to reality from that simple framework)
The basic cycles of transformation that people are going through are not going to change by adding more complexity to the analysis of them nor is the power of the memes an archetypes going to go away by adding 13 signs. Everything that we need to know in the zodiac fits within the measurement we have. (5280 feet in a mile!?) The stars are not crying out that they are being ignored ... nor are people going to be unable to complete their karma and have adequate analysis thereof if there is an analysis of charts with 12 signs instead of 14. . .. The start and end are ALWAYS going to be the same. or infinate if you want to look at it. So basically you are arguing dividing the pie unequally and arbitrarily based on your superior system, when ALL measurements are arbitrary anyway. (except I think for one thing, which is a measuring system based on the actual size of atoms) WHO CARES?
I have some spelling typo errors. Apologies if I haven't fixed them all.