Moon In Aries and Mama

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Wow, your father is double Aries. Is it true that male who has Moon in Aries is emotionally cold?

I have a male friend who has this position. He's also Cancerian. But to me he's not like other typical Cancer guy I've found. He's different.

This guy doesnt really show his feelings openly. Sometimes I hate it so much when I found there's no respond or 'expression reply' from him.

It's difficult to read him.
No wonder... Aries and Aquarius. Supposed to be perfect combination for both of them ;)

The guy with Moon in Aries told me before he had a very hard time during his childhood.

I think I can relate this. Ive read that Moon in Aries person is emotionally independant. Perhaps they have gone thru some difficult time or exprience during in their time ( i think most probably during early time of their life ) which make the reason why they think they don't need to be emotionally dependant to other ppl, they have to stand up by themselves. Even if they have very deep feelings on you, they don't like to show it. They prefer to keep to themselves, they like that way...

Oh, I juz realized something when u mentioned about you father never hug you. My father also never do that to me. I think Aries father is like dat....

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I like what Howl said earlier about a child seeing his or her mother as independent and possessing Arian traits, and how the mother may attempt to teach these traits to the child by example.

I have a natal Aries Moon conjunct my Ascendant, so my mother has had a huge influence upon the development of my personality, much more so than my father has. Interestingly, my natal Sun is also in Aries--as is my natal Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus, but that's somewhat unrelated to this thread.

I would like to possibly expand this thread, yet it seems impossible to provide a complete picture that applies to all individuals who have their natal Moon in Aries; I believe so much of the relationship depends upon the synastry between the mother's natal chart as well as the child's. Even if we stick with just one natal chart, the Moon is the fastest-moving body, so it is constantly chaning degrees and signs, forming various aspects with various planets in a matter of hours, sometimes minutes if two planets are conjunct. If you combine the constant forward motion of the Moon with the constantly changing houses, there are many variables that can determine how an Aries Moon--or a Moon in any other sign--can function in a natal chart. I would also look to the planet that rules the the Midheaven, as well as the house position of this planet and the aspects that it makes to other planets. If this tenth house ruler is retrograde, it will have a different meaning than if the tenth house ruler is direct, and the ruler of any particular sign on the Midheaven can be located in any number of signs and houses. Therefore, I think it is important that we do not oversimply.

Nevertheless, it may be interesting to see if individuals possessing Aries Moons--or the Moon in any other sign--share certain similarities in the ways in which they view their mothers or other significant female role models in their lives.

It is my personal belief that no particular planetary placement causes an individual to have a good or bad relationship with another individual, no matter how difficult the synatry may be between them or to what degree certain planets are afflicted in one's natal chart; neither do I believe it forces an individual to regard his or her mother--or any other significant figure in his or her life--in any particular way. For example, I have my natal Moon in Aries applying towards a tight square with Uranus in Capricorn; the Moon is conjunct my Ascendant and Uranus is conjunct my Midheaven, the cusp of the tenth house which traditionally rules the mother. At first glance, one may draw the conclusion that my mother is erratic, or else I perceive her as being erratic or unpredictable/unconventional in some way, but this is not true in the least.

So in summary, there's often much more energy at play than we realize, and things may not always work out as we expect. Let this be hope to any mother or father who has a child with Moon in Aries; the child's not doomed! :p

Arian Maverick
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I am happy for you to use my chart with my mothers although i'm not sure of her birth time. I'm pretty sure she is Pisces rising though.
I have an Aries moon too. I used to be closed to my mom but as I grow over 20 we had become more distanced. I find her becoming more passive aggressive. She's dominant in her own passive ways. I communicate with her much less too. Sometimes when I recall the past I see her having much more influence over my choices then I realised, not in a good way..
Hi everybody,

After spending a long time away from astrology,I finally decided to come back.I need to start off slowly so decided to pick a relatively "easy" (if there really is such a thing when it comes to astrology;) )subject,and this thread seemed perfect to me.My English may be a little stiff,since I haven't practiced for a long,long while,so please forgive me if I make some horrible spelling/grammar mistakes;).

My Moon is5º42'Aries,conjunct Mercury at9º46'Aries in the3rd,trine Jupiter at 3º50'Leo,sextile Saturn at 3º58'Aquarius,square Uranus at13º22'Cap and my 4º12' Cappy Ascendant.I spent most of my life being angry at my mom,until I realised we have more in common than I ever thought.I have always seen her as being an eternal teenager-well,most pf the time,she acts like one.She's kinda lazy(even her admits so),and used to have like 3year old tantrums.My mom has a Leo Moon,so I guess striving to remain always young must be a part of her personality.Yet,I've always thought she went a little bit over the top with the whole "try to stay young" thing.Truth is,my mom is not your typical stay at house mom.I guess it's part of the Aries Moon individual to claim independence from one's mother-when I was young people used to tell me I looked at lot like my mother and I just thought "Oh my God,I don't want to look my mom,I CAN'T look like her",and did everything I could to look more like my father,which is someone I do admire deep down because of his easygoing,generous approach to life.

My relationship with my mom changed in December,when I saw an other side of her I didn't know about.And what I saw made me admire her so much-deep down,she is very strong willed and,even though she gets angered really easily and acts like a teenager sometimes,she has a strong character and is very resilient.Still,there are times when my mom acts like a child and I have to mother her-which is OK with me because my Pisces Sun enjoys mothering people:D.I personally believe that Aries Moon people have mothers who keep,within their hearts,a neverending desire to stay forever young,and sometimes these mothers will look at their child and think "Hey,I just wish I could be him/her...".But,deep down,they do have a strong sense of autorithy and they're never afraid to tell you who's boss-which is always good because well,isn't it what mothers are made for?;)
My sons father has moon in Aries and he is not respectful towards his mother. I don't think he respects women in general. I have done more and cared more for his mom than he has. She broke her hip once and while she was laying on the floor he yelled at her.

My youngest brother has his Moon in Aries and I've just only recently started to ponder over what this might mean. He was born when I was 14, and the few years before his birth was pure **** in our family. It was a time period that corresponded with my awful adolescence and a whole slew of my fathers undealt with issues coming to a head at once. It was ugly. Our home was a battlefield, that is, until my mom got pregnant.

Once she got pregnant, my dad and I both "grew up," stopped fighting, and got our act together because my mom was pregnant and we knew better than to trouble her. So I can see the Aries moon making "sense" before he was born, but then after he was born, of course, the entire dynamic of our family changed from outright war to this great nurturing softness that was centered around "the baby." His Cancer Sun, triggered my 5H Cancer Jupiter/Gemini Moon conjunction, and also fit right in with my moms 7H Cancer Moon. It was so awesome when he arrived because the war just ended. He was absolutely adored, constantly attended to, and never really had any problems other than the fact that he wouldn't stay with a sitter because because he was so clingy to our nuclear family. If anything, he was overnurtured... with two older siblings and two loving parents, always at his call.

I have Aries Sun, but am the only other one in the family with an Aries placement. I am 14 years older than he is and recently started to wonder about how he perceived me growing up? My role with him has always felt confusing because I often found myself wanting to care and nurture him like a mother would, but he is clearly my mothers child. I loved him and supported him in a way that was far more than "sisterly" but less than "motherly." He didn't see any fighting in his life, and he is such a mellow and loveable and creative person, so his Aries Moon doesn't quite make sense, except for his prenatal period. Unless I played a bigger role for him than I give myself credit for.

" My sons father has moon in Aries and he is not respectful towards his mother. I don't think he respects women in general. I have done more and cared more for his mom than he has. She broke her hip once and while she was laying on the floor he yelled at her "

Deanna, I think I agree wif u... Especially on
I don't think he respects women in general.

one of my best friends has arian moon. he's never been attached to his mother, unlike his older brother. he's currently refusing contact with her because of some circumstances in her divorce. he's hardly respectful to women he's with though he does care greatly about my girly friendship and respects me so i cant say that he doesnt respect women in general.
Agree too.

Aries moon men are so disrespectful to the point where it sickens me, like in this example.

I think Aries moon women are totally different (but then i'm biased) :p
Dark_Uranian said:

" My sons father has moon in Aries and he is not respectful towards his mother. I don't think he respects women in general. I have done more and cared more for his mom than he has. She broke her hip once and while she was laying on the floor he yelled at her "

Deanna, I think I agree wif u... Especially on
I don't think he respects women in general.

I live with my boyfriend who has moon in aries and my mother had moon in mother didn't raise me much but what I saw between her and her mother is that she loved her but they always fought and she felt like she never made her mother happy.

My boyfriend is very close to his mother but to an obnxious point.. but he has pluto oppose that moon so don't know. Where I notice his moon coming out is sometimes he has a hard time articulating his feelings so he goes to work out.. I look at it as aries putting his body into action to work out the feelings..then afterwards he has an easier time talking about them.. plus when he gets passionate about something or someone hurts his feelings..stand back..

But his they are mom was close to her mom but they argued all the time. Hope that helps.

Oh I should add he was abandoned by his mom when he was young, but they are close mom was abandoned as well when she was young but are close now..not sure if that has anything to do with the independent aries nature and nurturing of the moon.
i have moon in aries.

i had what i think was an ok relationship with my mum when i was younger, though as she got older and more - well basically old and mad - i found her pretty hard to deal with and we yelled at each other a fair bit.

i put our irritation with each other down to us both being tauruses though - and my daughter is a taurus too, so history could repeat itself. my daughter doesn't have moon in aries tho (it's gemini - heaven help me!)
bellabixler said:
I have the moon in Aries as well, and in my case, it describes my mother perfectly. My mother IS an Aries, and she is very independent, self-sufficient, fearless, etc. She is also selfish with her children in that she considers my sisters and I hers and hers ONLY, despite the fact that our fathers (there are two different dads involved) obviously helped to conceive us.

Uggh. I remember my mother pulling that "I'm your mother and your father" garbage after running my father off. What makes some women think kids want to hear that.

bellabixler said:
My boyfriend has actually kind of taken over the role my mother used to occupy in my life (I have a 7th house moon which explains this boyfriends tend to "take care" of me).

I have the moon in Aries in the seventh house too and when my husband and I are on the outs our relationship is like mine and my mother's. It doesn't manifest as him taking care of me; more of me having to understand why he can't love me the way I want to be loved or why I have to settle for this or that and not demand more of him:(.
Dark_Uranian said:
Wow, your father is double Aries. Is it true that male who has Moon in Aries is emotionally cold?

I have a male friend who has this position. He's also Cancerian. But to me he's not like other typical Cancer guy I've found. He's different.

This guy doesnt really show his feelings openly. Sometimes I hate it so much when I found there's no respond or 'expression reply' from him.

It's difficult to read him.

I can only imagine how hard it must be to synthesize Cancerian touchy-feely mushiness with the cold independence of Aries. Poor him. I relate it to the moon in aries that it's very hard for me to see things in emotional terms. For example- the single thing I hate the most is an apology. If you do something to me, undo it or get out of my life. I absolutely hate for someone to tell me how sorry they are when the consequences of whatever they did are still material. Also, it makes me sick to my stomach to do "scenes" , good or bad. I find mushy sentimentalism uncomfortable and embarrassing.
Interesting, but I think it's to overally simplistic. I have an Aries moon, and my mother has a Scorpion moon, and we get along perfectly.