I like what Howl said earlier about a child seeing his or her mother as independent and possessing Arian traits, and how the mother may attempt to teach these traits to the child by example.
I have a natal Aries Moon conjunct my Ascendant, so my mother has had a huge influence upon the development of my personality, much more so than my father has. Interestingly, my natal Sun is also in Aries--as is my natal Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus, but that's somewhat unrelated to this thread.
I would like to possibly expand this thread, yet it seems impossible to provide a complete picture that applies to all individuals who have their natal Moon in Aries; I believe so much of the relationship depends upon the synastry between the mother's natal chart as well as the child's. Even if we stick with just one natal chart, the Moon is the fastest-moving body, so it is constantly chaning degrees and signs, forming various aspects with various planets in a matter of hours, sometimes minutes if two planets are conjunct. If you combine the constant forward motion of the Moon with the constantly changing houses, there are many variables that can determine how an Aries Moon--or a Moon in any other sign--can function in a natal chart. I would also look to the planet that rules the the Midheaven, as well as the house position of this planet and the aspects that it makes to other planets. If this tenth house ruler is retrograde, it will have a different meaning than if the tenth house ruler is direct, and the ruler of any particular sign on the Midheaven can be located in any number of signs and houses. Therefore, I think it is important that we do not oversimply.
Nevertheless, it may be interesting to see if individuals possessing Aries Moons--or the Moon in any other sign--share certain similarities in the ways in which they view their mothers or other significant female role models in their lives.
It is my personal belief that no particular planetary placement
causes an individual to have a good or bad relationship with another individual, no matter how difficult the synatry may be between them or to what degree certain planets are afflicted in one's natal chart; neither do I believe it
forces an individual to regard his or her mother--or any other significant figure in his or her life--in any particular way. For example, I have my natal Moon in Aries applying towards a tight square with Uranus in Capricorn; the Moon is conjunct my Ascendant and Uranus is conjunct my Midheaven, the cusp of the tenth house which traditionally rules the mother. At first glance, one may draw the conclusion that my mother is erratic, or else I perceive her as being erratic or unpredictable/unconventional in some way, but this is not true in the least.
So in summary, there's often much more energy at play than we realize, and things may not always work out as we expect. Let this be hope to any mother or father who has a child with Moon in Aries; the child's not doomed!
Arian Maverick