Moon in Capricorn--Grrrr.... :(

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I registered to provide a little insight about Moon in Cappy to this thread.

I'm a woman with Sun in Pisces/Moon in Cap/Asc Cancer/Mars Aries/Venus Pisces. I am the queen of exaltations and detriment!

I'd like to address the "cold" description of Moon in Cap. The coldness is not one of emotional detachment as is often the case with Air Moons. The coldness is the result of reservation and emotional suppression. Some here have accurately pointed out the insecurity of this position. That insecurity often stems from fear of ridicule or disrespect. Being respected can be an obsessive desire of this Moon.

I have the classic Moon in Cap backstory: Abandoned by mother; troubles with other women; relationship issues.

This is a placement which "relaxes" more if and when maturity and self-awareness is gained. Although very maligned by astrological lore, loyalty and steadfastness are positive hallmarks of this placement.

There is definitely a tendency I, and am sure, other Cap Moons have, of despising "baby-ish" behavior. However, for me, this means no patience for crying or emotional outbursts used in a calculating way to manipulate me emotionally. I simply turn off and can become very cold when I perceive that type of behavior from someone. That said, and perhaps this is my Pisces Sun, genuine suffering and pain from others, especially suffered by children and animals can put me in the darkest depression for days; the blackest of moods; and my Cap Moon goes into obsessive overdrive, thinking what I can do to help alleviate that suffering. This has resulted in my spending way beyond my means--although, as a Cap Moon, I make a good living and am doing well in my field--donating to causes, volunteering, and adopting a rescue animal saved from a dog fighting ring.

That's my two cents on being a Moon in Cap.
Right. As I said, it could be my personal "distaste." No hate, just "distaste." And I don't care for inordinate amounts of emotions (Aquarius sun, moon, and mercury), but as I've said, of the Cap moons I've come across, I sense very little emotion. Frankly, I have to leave the presence of one before too long or else I feel emotionally dehydrated, and I only wish I was kidding.

Thanks for responding, though.

That is odd considering from my experience relating to both moon signs, they behave very similarly even though they are different elements (perhaps because both are ruled by Saturn). I have a Gemini Moon and I relate well with both Aqua and Cap Moons due to their detached nature. There is no emotional blackmailing with either of them and I appreciate that. I am the kind of person that turns off once the tantrums and tears start. It's so childish. Are you basing your opinion off of one experience or has this been your general experience with several individuals? I am speaking from having a ton of experience with Aqua Moons (my dad, fiance, two best friends) and my exbf that I lived with for nearly three years had a Cap moon. Just curious.
There is definitely a tendency I, and am sure, other Cap Moons have, of despising "baby-ish" behavior. However, for me, this means no patience for crying or emotional outbursts used in a calculating way to manipulate me emotionally. I simply turn off and can become very cold when I perceive that type of behavior from someone.

I have Cap Moon (nocturnal) and this statement I agree with the most so far. I really hate emotional manipulation, but I don't mind displays of emotions if they are genuine. My reaction is also to "turn cold" when that happens.

My mother is a very emotional woman (Mars/Moon conjunct in Virgo). When she is upset, she yells and has a fit, but that's mostly because she had a "loud" personality in general. Yet her anger is passing and once she is out with it she is done and back to her usual happy self. She never holds grudges or seeths for a long time at all, she simply yells to get out her frustration. So I was never afraid of her anger. I learned not to react to her when she was upset, which seems very Capricorn Moon, even if I found it childish. I would gather a sort of stillness and let her scream until she was blue, and then after she calmed down we'd work things out or talk about whatever was bothering her and she'd apologize for yelling and that would be that.

I learned how to be reserved partially from dealing with my mother's non-reserve (plus my own strong emotions and the destructiveness of them if not kept in check). It's like a switch goes on inside me when others become out of control emotionally, where I'll take charge of things or be the "rock" for them. I've read that this is a frequent manifestation of Cappy moon.

I have no problem showing affection. I hold hands with my friends and cuddle my boyfriend and hug my parents constantly. I love body contact. :D Lets not forget the physical side of Earth placements. I consider displays of affection to come from Venus more than Moon, so if you want to talk about how people show their love/affection look there, not at the Cap moon, imo... also the 5th house would hold a lot of clues to that as well I believe.
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This whole thread is very interesting! I have a Cap moon, and feel mystified by everything I read about the coldness, aloofness, etc. I simply don't relate to any of that at all! I'm about as warm and fuzzy and they come!

Cap moon's determination and desire for progress is what does ring true for me. I am tenacious. Can be like a dog with a bone when I make up my mind that I want something. (Being a Libra's just making up my mind about which endeavor I am going to doggedly pursue!). :wink:
Well, i spent a good amount of time looking for this quote & finally!:

'...the behavioral patterns which seem to be concurrent with Saturn in the ninth house follow the usual path of constriction, overcompensation, disillusionment and pain, searching, and eventual inner realization and control.'

and in the process found this quote:

We hate in others what we unconsciously have living within us.'

Both of these are Liz Greene.

I happen to have my Saturn in the 9th but i also have my sun & Mercury in Cap, 6 planets in aspect to Saturn & my 5th house is in Cap.

So, the developmental stages of the first quote apply to me in many ways. When i read this it helped me feel compassion for mySelf. While one might experience the influences of Saturn/Capricorn as externally cold, this is the process that is going on within. The only word in the quote that i would change is the last one: control. I would say mastery. Mastery to me, as i said before, is not about conquering. Rather, through experience, one learns to be secure in one's individual identity while in symphonic tandem with the elements of one's environment. I would say a Cap moon (and i have also been deeply in love with such an individual) Needs to master their emotions in this way. Not control or conquer but to truly know them and therefore be at ease with them.

Saturn is that ogre that challenges us to bring our best to the fore in order to deal with him, our lives depend on our ability to do so. Yet as we do he is transformed into a benevolent spirit in that dark wood who helps travelers on their way.

Again, my as yet nascent opinion.
Traditionally, a key to understanding the Moon's location in Capricorn
is that traditionally for births during the daytime, the Moon has no dignity in Capricorn and is therefore peregrine

Those born at night time are fortunate to have their Moon in Triplicity which is at least some dignity - not much, but better than nothing, since the Moon is saved from being Peregrine :smile:

useful thread discusses Peregrine status of planets at


Triplicity rulership doesnt just prevent peregrine status it actually nearly cancels out the debility altogether since a Cap moon at night has only a -1 debility.
I am a proud owner of Cap moon. I really love almost everything in my natal chart, but the Cap moon is probably the thing I like most about myself. In the next few lines I will try to tell you why is that.
The first myth about Capricorn moons which I see you have discussed is that people born under this unfience, are emotionless. No, they aren't. I see many people discussing planetary deability in one unappropriate and non-constructive (in my opinion) way - it's like the rulership/exaltation of the planet is always a good thing and detriment/ fall is always the bad thing, but we live in a Universe were there is no good or bad, there is just energy. Detriment actually represents the same energy like the rulership, but from different perspective. So, astrologically speaking, a Capricorn moon has the same qualities and quantities of energy which a Moon in Cancer has. It's just that we are psychologically programmed to use it in a different way and for different purposes.

Because Capricorn Moon is under the unfluence of Saturn I think everyone here will find understandable that everything a person with Moon in Capricorn does is motivated and has purpose behind it. That's why we look so emotionless because we don't just throw away emotional energy for nothing. I find that very helpful considering the fact that there are a lot of people living in some emotoional nightimares they made by themselves and they can't escape them because they threw so much energy in them. They allow to be humiliated and unappriciated because they can't cool down their emotions and go on with their life. That really "great" lifetime scenario hasn't happened to me, because it doesn't matter how much I love someone, I always consciously, but most of the time subconsciously, control the emotional flow and I can stop it in any time and just leave. I am not that kind of person who lets people use them and I don't think anyone with Moon in Capricon is, because when our patience is over (and we have a lot of patience) the emotional flow is just cut down. Some will say that this means we calculate everything and we use people, but it's not like that - I mean everyone wishes to give love and support to the right people and nobody likes when all the love they give isn't appriciated.
The bad side of this little trickery is when a Capricorn moon is upset, depressed or suppressed this emotional control is going too far which is like highway to health issues and psychological breakdown.

Another thing I notice about people with Moon in Capricorn is they show their feelings by deeds, not by words. I sometimes really wonder while looking at people - they talk so much about what something means to them, they cry so much about it, they react so intensivly about it, but when it comes to work which has to be done so they can get that thing, they just give up or don't to the necessary things. :unsure:

So yeah, you probably won't find a lot of people born under this moon sign who can give you shoulder to cry on, because for them crying in front of someone is overly dramatic, but they are that kind of people who will give you advice when you are in difficult situation or will do anything in their power to better your position.
I've been called heartless many, many times, even my own mother and my sister have used that word to describe me and my behaviour, but I just accept people's reactions and don't care a lot, because I know they are wrong. Since I accepted who I am and what I am, there are a lot of situations in my life where people who used to call me heartless have found the support they searched for so long from me.
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Because Capricorn Moon is under the unfluence of Saturn I think everyone here will find understandable that everything a person with Moon in Capricorn does is motivated and has purpose behind it. That's why we look so emotionless because we don't just throw away emotional energy for nothing. I find that very helpful considering the fact that there are a lot of people living in some emotoional nightimares they made by themselves and they can't escape them because they threw so much energy in them. They allow to be humiliated and unappriciated because they can't cool down their emotions and go on with their life. That really "great" lifetime scenario hasn't happened to me, because it doesn't matter how much I love someone, I always consciously, but most of the time subconsciously, control the emotional flow and I can stop it in any time and just leave.

Very similar to how I think of Cap Moon that I just posted in the appreciation thread. It'd be great if you could contribute there as to bypass all the nasty comments in this thread. :smile:

So yeah, you probably won't find a lot of people born under this moon sign who can give you shoulder to cry on, because for them crying in front of someone is overly dramatic, but they are that kind of people who will give you advice when you are in difficult situation or will do anything in their power to better your position.

I have Cancer Sun opposed Cap Moon that makes a trine/sextile to Jupiter in Pisces, so this may be a little different for me. I find myself easily able to let people cry on my shoulder if they need to, but crying on theirs is hard. I don't think I've cried in front of someone since I was a kid. It's very hard to be vulnerable, because I feel like people won't accept that from me. But when others are vulnerable in front of me (partly because of this fear) I try to be very accepting of them.
I've been called heartless many, many times, even my own mother and my sister have used that word to describe me and my behaviour, but I just accept people's reactions and don't care a lot, because I know they are wrong.

That should tell you something if you've been called that repeatedly, even by your own family.

That should tell you something if you've been called that repeatedly, even by your own family.

Yeah, it tells me it's much easier for people to use rude words and agression than to try to understand other people and the way they think and they live, but for me it doesn't matter because I am happy to be myself. :smile:
cap moon does not know nor feel why something is "the right thing" but they try to do these "right things" because it's traditionally indoctrinated in society and cap is very status quo. the problem of doing things without much belief/conviction in the actions on a philosophical and emotional level is there no higher connection and therefore, no internal rewards can be achieved.

This is true to the Cap Moon I knew. :lol:

She had everything else in Cap, her Saturn in Aries squaring her 4th house Cap Stellium. She tried to do the "right thing" by not cursing or getting into arguments with everyone. When I sat at her table, just kidding around, the people around her suddenly started attacking me and she just sat there and did nothing! I even went to her for support because one of the teachers was being a beeyootch to me, and she says I was wrong without knowing the whole story. Umm Ok... :andy: And she expects me to be around her ...because ... ?
She is so clingy too, probably got it from her sisters and keeps trying to cage me in and trying to keep me in one place.
cap moon does not know nor feel why something is "the right thing" but they try to do these "right things" because it's traditionally indoctrinated in society and cap is very status quo. the problem of doing things without much belief/conviction in the actions on a philosophical and emotional level is there no higher connection and therefore, no internal rewards can be achieved.

I know people with Cap moons who are not like that. I am not like that, too. Yeah, I always do the right thing, but not according to social criteria, I have my own criteria to decide which is right and which is not. When I am at my worst, I tend to underestimate the oppionion of other people.
Yeah, cap moon's oppinion usually is following the traditions and society's expectations but that's because cap moon can see the reason behind something to be the way it is.
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That should tell you something if you've been called that repeatedly, even by your own family.

I just want to say I admire your patience. So many people were triggered by your initial post (that wasn't even that offensive to begin with) that it triggered me! loll

I'm a long time lurker of this forum but I decided now would be a good time to contribute. :biggrin:

In my opinion, Cap moons are VERY sensitive, arrogant and have a tendency to steam-roll people. So I agree that they are in-fact cold - I wouldn't say because they're emotionless tho but because they're emotionally...stupid.

Stupid as in low-emotional IQ, they often misinterpret things with an emotional context. i.e. THIS THREAD where it seems they also a major issue w/ defensiveness. :whistling:
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I know people with Cap moons who are not like that. I am not like that, too. Yeah, I always do the right thing, but not according to social criteria, I have my own criteria to decide which is right and which is not. When I am at my worst, I tend to underestimate the oppionion of other people.
Yeah, cap moon's oppinion usually is following the traditions and society's expectations but that's because cap moon can see the reason behind something to be the way it is.

Sounds like Cap Moon's are very aware of their own feelings as they relate to others. I have the (possibly wrong) impression that it's a gloomy placement.
I'm not a Cap Moon but my strongest aspect in my chart is Moon Square Saturn and I'm a Capricorn Ascendant. I've been told by all my exes and past friendships, post break up, that I was cold and emotionless. Totally not true at all, except that's how I move on is putting up a wall around my emotions. I'm the biggest sook there is deep down, tbh. Yet I'll never tell anyone.

I dated a Cap Moon once. We both thought the other was cold and detached, which is obviously far from the truth. I think Capricorns are very aware of how they come across, how they behave. When it's the moon, then they're aware of how they should feel. We don't want to look dumb, weak or lose our power. Pride is our biggest downfall.
I dated a Cap Moon once. We both thought the other was cold and detached, which is obviously far from the truth. I think Capricorns are very aware of how they come across, how they behave. When it's the moon, then they're aware of how they should feel. We don't want to look dumb, weak or lose our power. Pride is our biggest downfall.

Good looks on the honesty!
I think the OP is arguing for the sake of arguing... but if you want my piece of it (as another Cap moon), everyone has flaws, it's humane and makes us much more approachable than being perfect. We Caps don't like being insecure about ourselves but it's better doubt youself a bit than being over-confident and arrogant (been there too). It takes work to find balance, and even if you do, you can lose it any day out of some **** mishap.

Tell me Piscesasc, do you have any flaws that you might have to work on?
I think the OP is arguing for the sake of arguing... but if you want my piece of it (as another Cap moon), everyone has flaws, it's humane and makes us much more approachable than being perfect. We Caps don't like being insecure about ourselves but it's better doubt youself a bit than being over-confident and arrogant (been there too). It takes work to find balance, and even if you do, you can lose it any day out of some **** mishap.

Tell me Piscesasc, do you have any flaws that you might have to work on?

What is your problem? The OP just asked a simple question and kept it civil throughout - so why are you attacking him/her in such a petty manner?

I'm starting to think the OP might be on to something about Cap moons after all...