Moon in Taurus

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Moon in Taurus is supposed to be placid and easy going and having it I admit it takes a lot for me to lose my temper, however with a square to Pluto there are deep intense feelings of jealousy, revenge, wanting to control and manipulate or experience that from other women, depending where it is placed in the chart. I have several Taurean women in my family and of my acquaintance, being in the third house.
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Gogolesque said:
I love peole with Taurus Moon, they are soft-spoken, quiet and warm-hearted, the negative side of this placement is inability to let go and tendency to live in the past.
Soft spokenness would have to come from a connection to Mercury. Warm heartedness would come from a fire sign. THey are generally placid and practical and money conscious which is learned at home, quiet through being cautious especially until they get to feel comfortable with you. It takes a lot to rile us but watch out for the proverbial bull in the china shop, when we are!! :)It can make us lazy and with the sweet tooth can cause overweight. Eating for emotional comfort is another characteristic.
One of my ex- loves was a Cancer Sun/ASC with a Taurus Moon.

His house was always neat and clean and beautifully decorated. It was a small house though, and I always commented that it looked like a doll house. It was kind of an odd shade of blue with white "gingerbread" trim. There were rose bushes lining the driveway, too.

Speaking of plants, he had one heck of a green thumb. He had a veritable greenhouse of plants going inside and out.

He was also an excellent cook and loved to eat. He was raised in a very rural, backwoods area - but learned quickly which wine went with which food. :p
Claire19 said:
Moon in Taurus is supposed to be placid and easy going and having it I admit it takes a lot for me to lose my temper, however with a square to Pluto there are deep intense feelings of jealousy, revenge, wanting to control and manipulate or experience that from other women, depending where it is placed in the chart. I have several Taurean women in my family and of my acquaintance, being in the third house.

My 20 yr old son has Moon conjunct Jupiter in Taurus and both are opposed Pluto in the 4th. Although he is very loyal and steady and faithful in his relationships, both of his girlfriends have been very jealous and dramatic.
I am sure the fact that Mars squares it all from the 7th doesn't help.

He also loves his comfort food, and luckily he is an Aries with a lot of Gemini so he tends to burn it off pretty fast.

In talking about the moon, one thing still fascinates me. My son has moon/jupiter conjunction in Taurus, while my daughter has Moon and Saturn in Aquarius [ not conjunct, thank goodness] So they both have the same mother, and are being raised here together, so why such different moons?:rolleyes:
quoting katydid: In talking about the moon, one thing still fascinates me. My son has moon/jupiter conjunction in Taurus, while my daughter has Moon and Saturn in Aquarius [ not conjunct, thank goodness] So they both have the same mother, and are being raised here together, so why such different moons?:rolleyes:
I've found that it has to do with the type of karmic relationship/lessons that each have in relationship with their mother. They each may have a totally different past life background with you that they incarnated to heal and grow from.
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freedomlover said:
I've found that it has to do with the type of karmic relationship/lessons that each have in relationship with their mother. They each may have a totally different past life background with you that they incarnated to heal and grow from.

That would make sense. And they are so different from each other. We laugh that our son, is a very 'young soul.' He, being an Aries, laughs about it too, saying he is glad he doesn't delve into this 'junk' as he calls it. With his Moon /Jupiter conjunction in the 10th in Taurus, regular old time religion is just fine with him.:cool:
And being his Mom is somewhat easy compared to his little sister, the Gemini with the Sun exactly conjunct the Desc, and trine her Aquarian Moon. She has an exact conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn, trine mercury.venus in Taurus. She is more difficult to 'nurture' as she feels like she has everything under control, and knows :rolleyes: everything there is to be known. But she is a very old soul and came to this incarnation a child prodigy so to speak in the arts.

They are just so different but still pretty close, especially when teaMING UP AGAINST US.:eek:
I know a person with Taurus Moon opposing Scorpio Sun.

He is conservative in his habits: wears the same kind of clothes (for example, always buys jeans of the same brand and model), orders same food at a restaurant, and prefers to go to a familiar restaurant. Browsing tv channels, he will stop at the movie he has seen a few times before. Loves physical comfort and wants to give it to others: pantry and freezer are always full, guests are fed like there is no tomorrow. He wants home be comfortable and beautiful (in a very traditional way, of course).

Now, his Scorpio Sun/Mars in the 1st house makes situation a bit difficult - he is not all that cozy and considerate as the 7th house Taurus Moon suggests. There is more Aries qualities expressed in a Scorpionic way. So on one hand, he is secure. On the other, good luck opposing it :)
In talking about the moon, one thing still fascinates me. My son has moon/jupiter conjunction in Taurus, while my daughter has Moon and Saturn in Aquarius [ not conjunct, thank goodness] So they both have the same mother, and are being raised here together, so why such different moons

Well maybe, it is too much of a simplification to say that the Moon is 'mother.' Perhaps these simply have more to say on each child's style of relating in some way.

Wthether or not the child is the firstborn, how life is at the moment of birth, or just relfecting an aspect in the mother's chart: maybe these all factor in, too.

What I think s curious too is that the chart is supposed to say things about the 'parents' the past' yet the chart precedes both expereinces of these things. What difference can it make if the parent is aware of what the child is already bringing with them to the table? Could a Grand Cross to a natal Moon, say, be handled differently if the parent knows what the child is living with, or is more empathetic than the one who is born into a more dysfunctional family setup?

We would hope it does not mean that the parents may so 'oh well, the child's chart shows they are bound to expereince a dysfunctional early life, so let's not 'disappoint' them in this regard....
Nexus7 said:
Well maybe, it is too much of a simplification to say that the Moon is 'mother.' Perhaps these simply have more to say on each child's style of relating in some way.

Wthether or not the child is the firstborn, how life is at the moment of birth, or just relfecting an aspect in the mother's chart: maybe these all factor in, too.

What I think s curious too is that the chart is supposed to say things about the 'parents' the past' yet the chart precedes both expereinces of these things. What difference can it make if the parent is aware of what the child is already bringing with them to the table? Could a Grand Cross to a natal Moon, say, be handled differently if the parent knows what the child is living with, or is more empathetic than the one who is born into a more dysfunctional family setup?

We would hope it does not mean that the parents may so 'oh well, the child's chart shows they are bound to expereince a dysfunctional early life, so let's not 'disappoint' them in this regard....

I agree that looking to the moon as 'one's mother' may be too much of a simplification, but a lot of us still do it anyway in quick, cold readings.
So it may be more of what you said, ' a reflection' of what they felt about, or how they related to their mother, or the past.
I believe I treated my kids pretty much the same, but their 'version' of my mothering is pretty different. My son thinks we didnt give him enough boundaries, and were too permissive with him, and did not 'ride' him enough.
That may have been true, but he never really did anything wrong. he plans on becoming a cop, so he always stayed out of trouble on his own. [moon conjunct jupiter in Taurus in the 10th.]:cool:

My daughter thinks we are way too intrusive, and are too much in her business, and we should let her handle her own life. [ 16 much?]
She has moon in Aquarius, 17 degrees from Saturn in Aquarius, which is the apex of a gnarly t-square. :eek:

So even if 2 kids are raised in the same way, each one might REACT differently according to their own moon's. :eek:
woolgatherer said:
I think part of the reason that the Moon is happy in Taurus is that it's a calm, steady place for it to be... It's also a pretty warm sign I would say. I have that placement myself.

Also in natural sextile to Cancer, natural place for the Moon and is probably the second best nurturer as at its best it is patient and security conscious.
Will balance the budget for the home and make sure everyone has enough of the material comforts.

I have Moon in Taurus and had a stable early home life and taught the value of money and to be cautious and sensible with it. The women in my family handle the money and do the books. :)
I have Moon 16 degrees Taurus in the 12th house opposing Uranus in Scorpio in the 6th.
I wouldn't really call myself emotionally stable, especially when I was younger. I do have the qualities of enjoying luxuries and when life is easy. I am a little bit overweight and like my routines. I like to save my money too. Fortunately I have Mars in Leo to save me from being too boring and lazy.
Taurus moon is probably the BEST moon placement.

Should make for stable emotional life, wealth, easy temperament...

How does my interpretation sound to you?
Well the other side of the coin is that they are fixed and stubborn and very tight with their money.
If there is a square to Pluto there can be very intense emotions but usually they are quite easy going and materially minded which comes from the family.
I have Moon 16 degrees Taurus in the 12th house opposing Uranus in Scorpio in the 6th.
I wouldn't really call myself emotionally stable, especially when I was younger. I do have the qualities of enjoying luxuries and when life is easy. I am a little bit overweight and like my routines. I like to save my money too. Fortunately I have Mars in Leo to save me from being too boring and lazy.
I hear you I have Moon Taurus 16 degrees and if you have the opposition with Uranus that can be more disruptive.
I have Moon conjunct Saturn in Taurus, opposite Neptune in Scorpio; and trining my Sun Pluto conjunction in Virgo.

Everything written has been true for me... except, I am not into food, presumably due to the tight Saturn conjunction, which gave me food allergies, as well as a Virgo stellium that likes to consume nutritionally correct cuisine. I cook and bake successfully. I am huggy and touchy-feely, soft-spoken, emotionally-stable, etc...

The only thing not mentioned is the grudge factor. Once wronged, a Taurus Moon will never, ever forget--maybe kinda forgive--ish if the transgression was not too foul. But, seldom. Fixed is fixed.
Once wronged, a Taurus Moon will never, ever forget--maybe kinda forgive--ish if the transgression was not too foul. But, seldom. Fixed is fixed.
But let's not forget every Taurus moon has a Sun sign also. I know a Pisces sun with a Taurus moon who is acting like "fixed is fixed" with me. But thank God for that forgiving Pisces sun, which is one of the most understanding signs, and knows how to just let things go. So I would say that may be one Taurus moon who will be more flexible than the next. But I'm willing to bet if it's a Scorpio sun, they'll be plotting their revenge for years to come!:bandit:
I am going to weigh in and contribute this thought. Taurus moves slowly so emotions move slowly, no big swings, the emotional life is quite peaceful. My sister is a Taurus moon and both my grandmothers were taurus moon and cap sun's they also had the same maiden about synchronicity!

Anyway I have a cancer moon....gem asc sag sun.... and my emotions swing all over the place!! I feel a lot as you would expect with a cancer moon, but the mutabel energy of my sun and asc... throws all that feeling around. Having experienced the stable emotions and security feel of my relatives, I really respect that side to the taurus moon, you kind of know what to expect of their emotional being.

Two of my sisters have it.

One sister has a big weight problem, but she is the prettiest sister. she has 12th hs moon conj asc/nn. it is in grand cross with Jupiter, Venus and Pluto.

My other sister has 2nd hs moon opp her Venus/Pluto conjunction. She is slim and the sexiest sister.

My finace has 4th hs moon opp Uranus (which is conj Venus). he's skinny and seems more emotionally stable than i am with pisces moon. it being opp uranus does worry me.
Um, I personally know someone whose Moon progressed from Aries to Taurus in the middle of our relationship. And I think the reputation of being "calm, and steady" for me, has seemed more like emotional laziness.

Her Moon in Aries would put up a good fight to keep a good thing going, but this Moon in fixed Taurus, just wants to sit there and let everyone do the work.Very stubborn emotionally. I see the vanity of Venus here,(she's 5'4 and wants to model now) and her materialism rearing its ugly head here. She has Mars natally in Taurus, so she's driven to work to be financially stable for now, but deep down, she just wants to be lazy and have a rich man take care of her.

Just wanted to say this, maybe the Moon exalts her self in Taurus? Because I thought this progression would be a good thing, making her emotionally stable, but it's actually made her emotionally stagnant, hardheaded and stubborn.

Albeit, I am a Leo Rising and her Mars in Taurus squares my Mars in Leo. Also, her Moon is conjuncting my natal Chiron, so I guess this is just opening up old wounds for me, sorry if my judgment seems a little harsh, but this what Im experiencing.
Thanks everyone for your replies....very informative!!

I would like to add a question....

Why is the Moon exalted in Taurus? What is it about Taurus that makes it exalt the Moon?

As a Moon in Taurus person who does not consume large quantities of sweets etc either...however I am sure it does slow the metabolism.

It is a stable placement for the emotions and gives endurance and loyalty even if a bit routine bound. It likes the security of physical possessions including land and property. May also provide cuisine for the family that is sensual and gratifying. It is like having Moon conjunct Venus. It is affectionate and patient when well aspected. Farming and growing produce etc makes for a healthy domestic life in many cases.
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