Nexus7 said:
Well maybe, it is too much of a simplification to say that the Moon is 'mother.' Perhaps these simply have more to say on each child's style of relating in some way.
Wthether or not the child is the firstborn, how life is at the moment of birth, or just relfecting an aspect in the mother's chart: maybe these all factor in, too.
What I think s curious too is that the chart is supposed to say things about the 'parents' the past' yet the chart precedes both expereinces of these things. What difference can it make if the parent is aware of what the child is already bringing with them to the table? Could a Grand Cross to a natal Moon, say, be handled differently if the parent knows what the child is living with, or is more empathetic than the one who is born into a more dysfunctional family setup?
We would hope it does not mean that the parents may so 'oh well, the child's chart shows they are bound to expereince a dysfunctional early life, so let's not 'disappoint' them in this regard....
I agree that looking to the moon as 'one's mother' may be too much of a simplification, but a lot of us still do it anyway in quick, cold readings.
So it may be more of what you said, ' a reflection' of what they felt about, or how they related to their mother, or the past.
I believe I treated my kids pretty much the same, but their 'version' of my mothering is pretty different. My son thinks we didnt give him enough boundaries, and were too permissive with him, and did not 'ride' him enough.
That may have been true, but he never really did anything wrong. he plans on becoming a cop, so he always stayed out of trouble on his own. [moon conjunct jupiter in Taurus in the 10th.]
My daughter thinks we are way too intrusive, and are too much in her business, and we should let her handle her own life. [ 16 much?]
She has moon in Aquarius, 17 degrees from Saturn in Aquarius, which is the apex of a gnarly t-square.
So even if 2 kids are raised in the same way, each one might REACT differently according to their own moon's.