Moon in the 8th house...

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Interesting what Rageypoo wrote. I had never thought of it like that before, but it does resonate. I have a Scorpio Moon on the cusp of the 8th. (Yep, when and if I do something, I do it well... )
Moon in 8th does not signify a mother's death. I mean, eventually your mother has to die, that is not a debatable topic. But to say your mother died because of your moon's position is silly. My moon is in 8th and in Pisces (in fact, I'm a Libra with a Leo rising too), and my mother is not dead.

This is true, but I have Moon-Pluto in the eighth and out of five children I was the only one at home when my mother got sick, literally two days after my birthday during the Cardinal Cross. Her breathing tube was taken out and her respirator were turned off a few days later in the hospital at a pre-determined time I was forced to choose, kicking and screaming.
I have moon in the 8th, here is an interp from Solar Fire.

but for me, I rely on emotional support from others rather than myself, sometimes I even expect others to take care of me when I'm troubled, which goes along with what the 8th house represents, help from others, 8th house deals with sex, death, metaphysics, the occult, battles and discipleship. It is also the house of Transformation and Regeneration.

moon in the 8th can also mean you may enjoy getting financial support from others as well, and may not do much on your own unless someone else guides you, or you are motivated to do something if someone else does it for you. For example, sometimes I wont go to the store unless someone else takes me. it's a strange placement for sure!

This I like.

I live alone but I have yet to go food shopping by myself, I actually spend all my money ordering out when my mom won't take me with her :sideways:
Astro50, first of all, if you read her post, she said "sleep problems when anxious." Your quote claimed she'd have a sleep disorder. Now maybe I'm not reading enough into her comment, but it doesn't sound like she can never sleep, it sounds like she can't sleep when she has anxiety. I'm also happy that you've never had anxiety in your life. You're a blessed one.

Your second quote, from R4ven, has nothing to do with sleep problems and I have no idea what you're trying to get at there.

"ALL heart" or not, it's certainly the truth. To say you experience emotional loss because your moon is in Pisces is misleading. Does that mean you only experience emotional loss if your moon is in Pisces? If that were true, where's my emotional loss? My moon's in Pisces. And furthermore, if her moon was in Aquarius, she'd never have emotional loss? No one would ever die around her? Or are you saying she wouldn't care, and it wouldn't be an emotional loss?

I have no problem stretching the truth to make things fit, but you're looking at one piece and claiming you have the entire puzzle solved.

Show me where anyone here says that the emotionall loss is anything to do with the moon in Pisces??? We're talking about the moon in the 8th house. As I said... TO ME, moon in the 8th house represents that. But I never said that "works" for everyone.

And about the question of sleep problems, I just said the truth.
I do have sleep problems when I'm anxious, and I feel anxious or nervous almost everyday. I worry allot with litlle things, that may be insignificant for others and tend to over-think.

Lucky you if you never lost someone you love so much.

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This I like.

I live alone but I have yet to go food shopping by myself, I actually spend all my money ordering out when my mom won't take me with her :sideways:

I once ordered dominos for a week straight to avoid going to the store!

Lucky you if you never lost someone you love so much.

I lost the one woman who was dearest to me, my Aunt Jan. The family dismissed her as a black sheep, but I decided to get to know her for myself, and she was the most lovely woman I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, day and night, till the final hour as I held her hand wile she went through her final seizure. Small cell lung cancer :crying:
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Oh, I have no problem going to the store - heh. It's more about having somebody else give me emotional support or rather, an emotional 'push' to get things going.
Oh, I have no problem going to the store - heh. It's more about having somebody else give me emotional support or rather, an emotional 'push' to get things going.

It's usually when we are depressed, and just don't want to go outside. there's a moment inside that says "ok i'll go" and then just after that moment we order some Chinese food lol
Show me where anyone here says that the emotionall loss is anything to do with the moon in Pisces??? We're talking about the moon in the 8th house. As I said... TO ME, moon in the 8th house represents that. But I never said that "works" for everyone.

And about the question of sleep problems, I just said the truth.
I do have sleep problems when I'm anxious, and I feel anxious or nervous almost everyday. I worry allot with litlle things, that may be insignificant for others and tend to over-think.

Lucky you if you never lost someone you love so much.


I have Moon in 8th AND Pisces. So what are you on about? The same holds true for any house or sign. There are people who've lost loved ones without moon in 8th, and there are some who haven't lost loved ones with moon in 8th.

And like I said, people with anxiety usually have problems sleeping. But anxiety and sleep disorders are two separate problems.

I once ordered dominos for a week straight to avoid going to the store!

Ah! I've done that (although I like to switch it up!).

Oh, I have no problem going to the store - heh. It's more about having somebody else give me emotional support or rather, an emotional 'push' to get things going.

A 'push' is exactly what I need in pretty much anything. I'm a true and honest procrastinator. Once I get going I usually don't stop until I get bored (takes a while) or the task is completed. And I work hard! It's just getting started on things... it's so troublesome.

It's usually when we are depressed, and just don't want to go outside. there's a moment inside that says "ok i'll go" and then just after that moment we order some Chinese food lol

Yeah, I'll get all set to go with my gung-ho attitude. Pick up my phone to call a cab, and end up waiting 30 minutes for the food to get here XD
I have been told by quite a few that I am "hit or miss" and while this was true when I was growing up, as I'm getting older, it is getting better.
Astro50, first of all, if you read her post, she said "sleep problems when anxious." Your quote claimed she'd have a sleep disorder. Now maybe I'm not reading enough into her comment, but it doesn't sound like she can never sleep, it sounds like she can't sleep when she has anxiety. I'm also happy that you've never had anxiety in your life. You're a blessed one. [it was not a *claim* but a possibility! which was confirmed by this member] Why would you massively assume I never have anxiety? eveyone has some sort of anxiety! it's just it doesn't affect my sleep pattern :whistling:

Your second quote, from R4ven, has nothing to do with sleep problems and I have no idea what you're trying to get at there. [R4ven quote is 'obviously' linked to HER pisces moon, which is what we are discussing here. As well as possibility of sleep problems]

"ALL heart" or not, it's certainly the truth.[yeh, but extremely tactless and crass] To say you experience emotional loss because your moon is in Pisces is misleading.[I agree, where have I suggested this?]

I said,
I agree moon in 8th does not indicate death of mother and a keen occult interests..

Does that mean you only experience emotional loss if your moon is in Pisces?[NO. are you deliberately misreading or just being argumentative?] If that were true, where's my emotional loss? My moon's in Pisces. And furthermore, if her moon was in Aquarius, she'd never have emotional loss? No one would ever die around her? Or are you saying she wouldn't care, and it wouldn't be an emotional loss?

I have no problem stretching the truth to make things fit, but you're looking at one piece and claiming you have the entire puzzle solved.
I'm not *claiming* anything, just linking moon opp mercury with sleep problems, it's you that is distorting my responses :rightful:

I said in post 8
sometimes that can be seen by hard aspects between moon/mercury.
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I have moon in the 8th, here is an interp from Solar Fire.

but for me, I rely on emotional support from others rather than myself, sometimes I even expect others to take care of me when I'm troubled, which goes along with what the 8th house represents, help from others, 8th house deals with sex, death, metaphysics, the occult, battles and discipleship. It is also the house of Transformation and Regeneration.

moon in the 8th can also mean you may enjoy getting financial support from others as well, and may not do much on your own unless someone else guides you, or you are motivated to do something if someone else does it for you. For example, sometimes I wont go to the store unless someone else takes me. it's a strange placement for sure!

This is excellent description, but I would also add, as the moon by nature 'vacillates' there will be restlessness by nature. Pisces, gemini and libra basic nature are all restless, procrastinating and indecisive. Add in pisces fantasising nature they 'could' enjoy this while having sex, imagining their partner was a famous film star for example, or doing some role playing even.:whistling:

This is also the house of *other peoples values and beliefs* as opposed to your own 2nd house.

Also attitude to sex and intimacy and needing a deep emotional transformative experience through the physical act.....
This is excellent description, but I would also add, as the moon by nature 'vacillates' there will be restlessness by nature. Pisces, gemini and libra basic nature are all restless, procrastinating and indecisive. Add in pisces fantasising nature they 'could' enjoy this while having sex, imagining their partner was a famous film star for example, or doing some role playing even.:whistling:

This is also the house of *other peoples values and beliefs* as opposed to your own 2nd house.

Also attitude to sex and intimacy and needing a deep emotional transformative experience through the physical act.....

My moon is in virgo, and even I like the sound of that! :biggrin:
I have Moon in 8th AND Pisces. So what are you on about? The same holds true for any house or sign. There are people who've lost loved ones without moon in 8th, and there are some who haven't lost loved ones with moon in 8th.[I agree]

And like I said, people with anxiety usually have problems sleeping. But anxiety and sleep disorders are two separate problems.[AND sometimes they can be closely aligned]

Yeah, I'll get all set to go with my gung-ho attitude. Pick up my phone to call a cab, and end up waiting 30 minutes for the food to get here XD
yep we've all seen this now

moon 8th
"planets here will benefit through other people's resources,legacies, inheritances.Anything that is given to us through the death of someone close. This is the house of sacrifice. planets here, especially the Sun or Moon, will experience great benefits given to them from others.. Individuals may find themselves constantly sacrificing their own emotions and what they really want for others. Sometimes they may fall in love with someone who is not free. They may stay with a spouse out of guilt or responsibility, when their heart belongs to someone else. These situations can create a deep-seated loneliness and feelings of resentfulness."

"acutely aware of how closeness can be abused, probably owing to your sensing, and taking, personally something that happened between your parents. Positively, this mediumistic awareness of yours of unseen forces enables you to comfort others in a deeply subtle way. On the negative side though, you can manipulate them to keep them where you want them - but this can give rise to a painful game of cat and mouse.
Ultimately you have to trust and use your magical sense of what lies hidden view to heal yourself and others too, rather than feeling increasingly cut of"

"It’s traditionally associated with experiences, autopsies, collection of debts, executions, genitals, graveyards, heirlooms, hemorrhoids, hidden things, life after death, life force, mysticism, occult matters, passion, rebirth, rectum, reincarnation, sex, the soul, venereal disease & wills.
They are often drawn to extreme environments; emergency rooms, brothels, being a depth psychiatrist, whistle-blowers, undercover detectives…They have huge powers of regeneration, secrets and strong e.s.p. re any of the above matters. Look to your 8th house to see how you are tenacious & psychic, sexy & a survivor. Mars, Pluto, Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn all have affinity with the 8th house."
yep we've all seen this now

moon 8th
"planets here will benefit through other people's resources,legacies, inheritances.Anything that is given to us through the death of someone close. This is the house of sacrifice. planets here, especially the Sun or Moon, will experience great benefits given to them from others.. Individuals may find themselves constantly sacrificing their own emotions and what they really want for others. Sometimes they may fall in love with someone who is not free. They may stay with a spouse out of guilt or responsibility, when their heart belongs to someone else. These situations can create a deep-seated loneliness and feelings of resentfulness."

"acutely aware of how closeness can be abused, probably owing to your sensing, and taking, personally something that happened between your parents. Positively, this mediumistic awareness of yours of unseen forces enables you to comfort others in a deeply subtle way. On the negative side though, you can manipulate them to keep them where you want them - but this can give rise to a painful game of cat and mouse.
Ultimately you have to trust and use your magical sense of what lies hidden view to heal yourself and others too, rather than feeling increasingly cut of"

"It’s traditionally associated with experiences, autopsies, collection of debts, executions, genitals, graveyards, heirlooms, hemorrhoids, hidden things, life after death, life force, mysticism, occult matters, passion, rebirth, rectum, reincarnation, sex, the soul, venereal disease & wills.
They are often drawn to extreme environments; emergency rooms, brothels, being a depth psychiatrist, whistle-blowers, undercover detectives…They have huge powers of regeneration, secrets and strong e.s.p. re any of the above matters. Look to your 8th house to see how you are tenacious & psychic, sexy & a survivor. Mars, Pluto, Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn all have affinity with the 8th house."

Holy heck does this feel like me.
I'm not *claiming* anything, just linking moon opp mercury with sleep problems, it's you that is distorting my responses :rightful:

I said in post 8

For someone accusing others of being misleading and argumentative, you sure did conveniently miss the post where I said

The same holds true for any house or sign. There are people who've lost loved ones without moon in 8th, and there are some who haven't lost loved ones with moon in 8th.

I have a Pisces Moon... I get confused... Sue me. I don't Google my astrology lessons.
The 8th house is also the house of subcouncious matters like energies here tend to manifest in the unknown and feared realm of the subconcious. It's for this reason I think that the 8th house is related to occultism because occultism is about unconvering subconcious material to some degree. Moon in the 8th house means to me, that the native has deep subconcious emotions which are very strong and maybe not easy to access and handle (moon in pisces makes it easier to feel these). You tend to suppress your emotions because you fear beeing overwhelmed by them (moon in virgo;depression). But on the other side there's a need to go deep and dig up these matters and once the native succeeded at doing the so the subconsious issues transform in a deep interest in the hidden meaning of existence.
The 8th house is also the house of subcouncious matters like energies here tend to manifest in the unknown and feared realm of the subconcious. It's for this reason I think that the 8th house is related to occultism because occultism is about unconvering subconcious material to some degree. Moon in the 8th house means to me, that the native has deep subconcious emotions which are very strong and maybe not easy to access and handle (moon in pisces makes it easier to feel these). You tend to suppress your emotions because you fear beeing overwhelmed by them (moon in virgo;depression).[wow, I've not heard this one. I suppose if moon is in hard aspect to saturn it could suggest depression] But on the other side there's a need to go deep and dig up these matters and once the native succeeded at doing the so the subconsious issues transform in a deep interest in the hidden meaning of existence.

Occultism is *not* linked to subconscious mind that is 12th house matter

Scorpio and 8th do make good detectives and researches and enjoy psychic occult matters and all water houses and planets posited can suggest a form of psychic abilities. But i do feel there IS a difference with subconscious and 8th house.
My friends call me 'the detective'. I often pick up on little things others don't see or hear. I also frequently connect dots others don't. I am not really that interested in occult matters, though and neither am I psychic. I do have good intuition.

I agree that matters of the subconscious mind are part of the realm of the 12th house.
I follow Indian Astrology

your moon is in conjunction with shadow planet Rahu. And moon is also Aspected by Saturn.

i also feel that moon in 8th house is not good for mother.

By the way i feel if somebody be in period of mars or period of planet which is influenced by mars then it may bring death of someone close.;Coimbra;;;40:15N;8:27W;15E;Standard Time

from age of 5 you entered major period of Saturn.7rs ago you was under sub period of moon in major period of saturn.

your Saturn is aspected by Mars.
I follow Indian Astrology

your moon is in conjunction with shadow planet Rahu. And moon is also Aspected by Saturn.

i also feel that moon in 8th house is not good for mother.

By the way i feel if somebody be in period of mars or period of planet which is influenced by mars then it may bring death of someone close.;Coimbra;;;40:15N;8:27W;15E;Standard Time

from age of 5 you entered major period of Saturn.7rs ago you was under sub period of moon in major period of saturn.

your Saturn is aspected by Mars.

Do you relate more to your Vedic signs too?:biggrin: