Moon transits are often misunderstood as "weak,"
but their influence depends on the overall context of the birth chart. In astrology, no transit works in isolation; the Moon’s movements gain strength when aligned with other planetary aspects. The impact of lunar eclipses, in particular, can be significant, as they intensify emotional shifts and reveal hidden truths.
You relate the effect of transits, but have you considered the progressions in effect at the time?the Moon by itself would not have had such an impact
I'm sure it was seen by progressions as well. But that doesn't negate the importance of the underlying transits. They are just layers of the same language of events.You relate the effect of transits, but have you considered the progressions in effect at the time?
For such a significant experience, one would expect the transiting Moon would only time the effect of more powerful progressed aspects.
And yes, in the absence of any specific astrological examples, we are stuck in a vortex of circular unfounded assertions (not arguments).
... that doesn't negate the importance of the underlying transits. They are just layers of the same language of events.
The luminaries were what traditional astrologers called the two astrological "planets" which were the brightest and most important objects in the heavens. So I am not going to overlook their significance in one's natal chart and the transits. They are basic building blocks, in natal and horary.
"..And they are especially important when the lights are working in unison,
as a New or Full Moon, or a Quarter or Crescent Moon,they can trigger certain areas of a chart. I think we have all experienced that---having a New Moon conjunct a natal planet or angle, for example
OK, I just went looking for an event chart transit w its someone's natal for comparison. And the first one I saw was Biden's chart with the transits for his announcement that he was dropping out of Presidential race.Gurdjieff said nothing happens in this "sublunary" world separate from the influence of the Moon.
Transits are the last link in the chain of -- causality, influence, synchronicity? Because there are no calculations involved, and no reasonable argument about where transiting planets are at any given time, they seem to have been accepted as the basic matter of forecasting and analysis; but this is a fairly recent development, mostly dating from the 1970s.
Certainly the Lights are very important in astrology. But even the (apparent) transits of the Sun are not always prominent in the timing of significant events. How much less the ephemeral Moon?
Note that in two years I can't recall even one chart presented correlating a Lunar transit with a major event. Not even ONE? Never? Let's get a real example and look at it.
[I appreciate Katydid's example, but we don't have a chart to analyze -- nor am I asking for it from her]
No one is saying the Moon has no influence. But even a Secondary progressed Moon correlates with a much more significant experience than any Lunar transit.
The Lights are very important. So why wouldn't their transits to the natal be of importance as well? The Moon is so fast and constant we may overlook it's value at times. But I do believe it is the trigger for many large events. But not on its own---only when it 'points to' larger planetary configurations.
TRADITIONALLY Outer planets are JUPITER & SATURNThe most significant effect is in combination with outer planet transits. In theory it is possible to use inner planets transits to refine the timing of events of outer planet transits. Potentially that allows you to determine a smaller window of time when something could happen.
InterestingOK, I just went looking for an event chart transit w its someone's natal for comparison. And the first one I saw was Biden's chart with the transits for his announcement that he was dropping out of Presidential race. The Moon was about 2 Aquarius and it squared his natal Moon @ 0 Taurus.
I think the transit Moon square was probably one of the triggers. Moon square Moon was uncertainty he needed to call it that day ?
The following is my posted comment on that thread accompanied with Biden natalGone, but not forgotten. He endorsed his VP Kamala Harris but this is non-binding.
Mars and Saturn have been hanging out in their positions for a few days. Usually we look for a faster planet to be the trigger. I'm guessing the moon in early Aquarius square natal moon at 0 Taurus.
OK, fair enough. Let's look at this example, and see if we can figure out what planetary influences may have been in effect.Biden's chart with the transits for his announcement that he was dropping out of Presidential race.
The Moon was about 2 Aquarius and it squared his natal Moon @ 0 Taurus
So does that mean some things DO happen outside of the influence of the Moon?"..Gurdjieff said nothing happens in this "..sublunary.." world
separate from the influence of the Moon.."
OK, this thread seems to be stuck in a loop of circular arguments. Let's break it down to something that I think we can ALL agree with.
Some of you are saying Lunar transits are weak and inconsequential while others say they can be powerful and important. I think you are all correct, depending upon how you frame the discussion.
For example, in my own chart, I have Chiron/Mars/Moon conjunct in Cap, in my 8th. Every month the transiting Moon travels across that 8th house triple conjunction, and I rarely notice anything connected to that transit. It is not a strong transit, on its own.
However in spring of 2018, transiting Mars and Saturn came together in my 8th, conjunct my Chiron/Mars/Moon in Cap. And everything seemed OK, I thought I made it through that transit with few problems, as Mars was already a few degrees past the conjunction. [Tr Saturn was just past the exact conjunction of Chiron/Mars, and Tr Mars was 5 degrees past exact] ----then Tr Moon hit my Mars/Chiron in 8th----and my father had a serious heart attack, and never fully recovered.
The only transit that was exact was Tr Moon conjunct my 8th house Cap conjunction. The Tr Moon was the timer or the trigger, in my opinion. So in one way, it could be seen as a very strong transit. But on the other hand, if the Tr Mars/Saturn had not just been sitting on that 8th house conjunction for the previous week, the Moon by itself would not have had such an impact.
So both sides of your Lunar arguments are correct----The Moon's transit, on its own, is weak. However, if it hits another larger transit, it will probably be the trigger for important events or changes, or new phases.
So both sides of your Lunar arguments are correct----The Moon's transit, on its own, is weak. However, if it hits another larger transit, it will probably be the trigger for important events or changes, or new phases.
Transiting Mars is actually 17:57 out of orb of opposition of radical Mars. Saturn is however 52' from opposition to the radical MC, if separating.MARS is TRANSITING HOUSE 6 OPP0SING NATAL MARS