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Transiting Mars is actually 17:57 out of orb of opposition of radical Mars. Saturn is however 52' from opposition to the radical MC, if separating.
More significant as a day marker is the Quotidian MC (by Solar phase angle) in opposition to radical Mercury (within 10'). Mercury rules the 10th House from the 12th.
Transiting Pluto is square radical Moon (05').
Someone versed in Traditional elements would be expected to notice that the transiting Moon is conjunct antiscion Sun (01'), as of the timestamp I found for Biden's announcement.

But let's investigate progressions in effect to determine whether or not the transiting Moon had any impact as a trigger for them.
And let's remember to keep politics out of this, and discuss the astrology only.

The chart below shows the birthchart on the inner wheel and the transits for 7/21/2024 1046 EDT and the Quotidian angles, calculated using the natal Sun-MC phase angle, on the outer wheel.
View attachment 115649
I am trying to understand what the question of the progressions has to do about deciding if the Moon's transit is a trigger or not. The Moon either is a timing tool or it is not. But I don't see how looking at progressions affects that question. I have not doubts there will be prominent progressions indicating this internal struggle. I thought the question we had was whether or not there were Lunar transits denoting it?

In this case , of Biden's surprise announcement to withdraw, The Moon was just 2 hours past the exact square between transit Moon and his natal Moon. I'm sure it took awhile for them to set ups the actual announcement. I think that during the most intense portion of that transit, the several hours prior to exact, he was probably actively being browbeaten by his political colleagues, insisting he make that decision to withdraw.
I am trying to understand what the question of the progressions has to do about deciding if the Moon's transit is a trigger or not.
If the Moon's transit does not act in connection with appropriate progressions, then we have a fail in this case of the transiting Moon correlating with this significant incident.
There is no connection between the transiting Moon and anything having to do with Biden's announcement of his decision to drop out of the race. The square to his natal Moon in the 5th house, ruling his 8th, has no connection to what must be considered a very significant moment in his career and public life (10th house). Neither does it have anything to do with his 9th house (politics) or 1st house (expression, putting himself forward, asserting himself).
So if the Lunar transit can't be linked to some progression that does have to do with this significant career decision (which effectively ended Biden's public life) then that transit has failed to demonstrate the assertion.
If the Moon's transit does not act in connection with appropriate progressions, then we have a fail in this case of the transiting Moon correlating with this significant incident.
There is no connection between the transiting Moon and anything having to do with Biden's announcement of his decision to drop out of the race.

I disagree. The transiting Moon/Pluto was tightly squaring his natal Moon. That represents an emotional conflict, a looming decision that must be made to lessen that tension.
The square to his natal Moon in the 5th house, ruling his 8th, has no connection to what must be considered a very significant moment in his career and public life (10th house).

The Moon's Placement of a PRESIDENT's natal does not have same house descriptions that you or I have. For him, the 5th/8th house meanings are much bigger, and can indicate things like the Stability of Stock Exchange, Ambassadors from Foreign countries, Other people's money, including Foreign Debt, Capacity to meet public financial obligations, the Presidential cabinet, the Public's money and financial health, etc.

So the President's 5th House Moon is automatically connected to the 10th of public life because EVERYTHING in his life is public and interconnected with the public responsibilities that he has.

At the time of this transit he was actively campaigning for re-election. A lunar square involving his natal Taurus Moon impacts his emotional state.

Neither does it have anything to do with his 9th house (politics) or 1st house (expression, putting himself forward, asserting himself).

EVERYTHING he does involves politics when he is the sitting President and is in the middle of a heated election on the world stage. IMO

That QUESTION about re-election was an ongoing issue, even before the Lunar transit. It was beginning to hit the press and social media and the talk shows---SHOULD he stand down. I'm sure his handlers were discussing it with him passionately. It's been said he was stubbornly resisting the suggestion.

So when he had the Pluto transit exactly squaring his Moon in Taurus, he probably began to question it himself. That would indicate a possibility of self doubt and uncertainty. Pluto square Moon in fixed signs and succedent houses= doubt, uncertainty, insecurities leaking through the wall of self confidence.

The Moon came through and triggered that insecurity, that self doubt, concerning his 2nd House of security and self worth challenging his 5th House of leadership, strength and energy. Did he really have enough energy, strength left to pull it off anymore?

Those are all 2nd/5th/8th houses issues. Strength of reserves, Self worth battling with one's true desires and heart, and one's wishes. Did he really want to be the President again? That square triggered his uncertainty, imo. Did he have doubts whether he could win again?

That is a 5th house concern, imo. It was a gamble, a big risk. And his 2nd and 8th described his insecurities concerning support/both financial and public. IMO
So if the Lunar transit can't be linked to some progression that does have to do with this significant career decision (which effectively ended Biden's public life) then that transit has failed to demonstrate the assertion.

I disagree. I think that Lunar square from his 2nd, with Capricorn on the cusp,[The second house is where you tend to your physical body and all that it needs to endure. ]
----- to his natal Taurus Moon, in 5th/8th, which denotes his hopes, wishes, desires need for security and love/respect, and financial comfort, and fears about the unknown future, compelled him to drop out.
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So the President's 5th House Moon is automatically connected to the 10th of public life because EVERYTHING in his life is public
Well, I plainly disagree. If we make the houses mean whatever we want them to mean, then, yeah, anything works.
No. I disagree.

They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES Yes, everything depends upon the totality of the testimonies. Interdependence.

PRESIDENTIAL not only NATAL considerations
The Moon's Placement of a PRESIDENT's natal does not have same house descriptions that you or I have.
For him, the 5th/8th house meanings are much bigger, can indicate things like the Stability of Stock Exchange, Ambassadors from Foreign countries, Other people's money, including Foreign Debt, Capacity to meet public financial obligations, the Presidential cabinet, the Public's money and financial health, etc.
So the President's 5th House Moon is automatically connected to the 10th of public life because EVERYTHING in his life is public and interconnected with the public responsibilities that he has.
At the time of this transit he was actively campaigning for re-election. A lunar square involving his natal Taurus Moon impacts his emotional state. EVERYTHING he does involves politics when he is the sitting President and is in the middle of a heated election on the world stage. IMO
That QUESTION about re-election was an ongoing issue, even before the Lunar transit. It was beginning to hit the press and social media and the talk shows---SHOULD he stand down. I'm sure his handlers were discussing it with him passionately. It's been said he was stubbornly resisting the suggestion.

So when he had the Pluto transit exactly squaring his Moon in Taurus, he probably began to question it himself. That would indicate a possibility of self doubt and uncertainty. Pluto square Moon in fixed signs and succedent houses= doubt, uncertainty, insecurities leaking through the wall of self confidence.
The Moon came through and triggered that insecurity, that self doubt, concerning his 2nd House of security and self worth challenging his 5th House of leadership, strength and energy. Did he really have enough energy, strength left to pull it off anymore? Those are all 2nd/5th/8th houses issues. Strength of reserves, Self worth battling with one's true desires and heart, and one's wishes. Did he really want to be the President again? That square triggered his uncertainty, imo. Did he have doubts whether he could win again?
That is a 5th house concern, imo. It was a gamble, a big risk. And his 2nd and 8th described his insecurities concerning support/both financial and public. IMO I disagree. I think that Lunar square from his 2nd, with Capricorn on the cusp,[The second house is where you tend to your physical body and all that it needs to endure. ]----- to his natal Taurus Moon, in 5th/8th, which denotes his hopes, wishes, desires need for security and love/respect, and financial comfort, and fears about the unknown future, compelled him to drop out.
So the President's 5th House Moon is automatically connected to the 10th of public life because EVERYTHING in his life is public
Regardless of the scale of a person's life, the areas of their experience remain governed by the same houses as anyone else.
Biden's 5th house may affect issues concerning children or education, or the entertainment industry, or tourism, on a national scale, but they remain 5th house issues. His own career, and by extension the prestige of the nation in general, remain the domain of the 10th house.
Yes, virtually everything the president does is public. But it is not directly related to his own personal career, and certainly, not an incident virtually ending the native's career like this one. The 5th house is NOT equivalent to the 10th house no matter where in the hierarchy of society the native is.

a discussion on hidden but significant ways
in which eclipses :)
other transits :)

can manifest

Well, I plainly disagree. If we make the houses mean whatever we want them to mean, then, yeah, anything works.
No. I disagree.
We are not making the 'houses' mean whatever we want, but just looking at them in context.

My son's Taurus Moon in the 5th house means something much different than the acting President of the United State's natal Moon. Biden's emotional decisions are automatically more public and global than my son's. His emotional concerns, ruling his 8th house, go more to foreign debt and public's concerns over our federal economy, than my son's does.

But let's pretend he is not the President. Natal Moon in Taurus/5th could be described as emotional desire for more fun, more time with children and loved ones, more free time and time for creativity. Maybe the Square from his 2nd house of self worth and security, triggered this need for some relaxation and freedom?
Regardless of the scale of a person's life, the areas of their experience remain governed by the same houses as anyone else.
Biden's 5th house may affect issues concerning children or education, or the entertainment industry, or tourism, on a national scale, but they remain 5th house issues. His own career, and by extension the prestige of the nation in general, remain the domain of the 10th house.
Yes, virtually everything the president does is public. But it is not directly related to his own personal career, and certainly, not an incident virtually ending the native's career like this one. The 5th house is NOT equivalent to the 10th house no matter where in the hierarchy of society the native is.
I'm not saying it is the same as the 10th. But we don't know his emotional reaction to his political situation at THAT moment he dropped out. That square from the Moon to the natal Moon tells me he was emotionally stressed and needed to make a big change.

The fifth house is the means by which one conveys what one desires, and conveys one's own path towards fulfillment. A 5th house Taurus Moon will have an intense need for love, which may overpower their behaviour in certain situations, if they are stressed. It also rules leadership and a square to the 5th can shatter that self confidence needed to be a true leader.

It's possible that transiting Aquarius Moon from the 2nd challenged his need for love and adoration. The election was very stressful as the polls had been dropping and the press was questioning his decision to stay in the race. I think the Lunar square highlighted that public crisis and made him feel unpopular, and uncomfortable. And perhaps made him fear he could lose?

The 2nd, 5th and 8th houses are succedent, concerned with security, safety, reserves, power and strength. The Lunar square from 2nd to 5th, ruling the 8th, and involving fixed signs Taurus and Aquarius strongly emphasised those issues of desires for security, self confidence and leadership.

I think the decision to drop out of an election can easily be decided with these issues in mind, if it was an emotional decision, an emotional crisis that triggered it.
My son's Taurus Moon in the 5th house means something much different than the acting President of the United State's natal Moon.
Fifth house matters are 5th house matters. They are the same for your son as for President Biden, or me, or you. Due to Biden's position, they have much greater scope of manifestation, but they remain 5th house, not 10th house matters.
Biden's 5th house transits might affect the entire nation, or even have international effects, but they will be in terms of 5th house matters.
if it was an emotional decision, an emotional crisis that triggered it.
First of all, that bit is speculation. And if there was an emotional crisis, it didn't just happen that morning at 0630.
The date we're looking at is for a decision affecting his political career, his public life. Not some possible emotional state. An announcement (Mercury) affecting his public life (10th house, in this case, Virgo).

I am not saying the transiting aspect does not have some meaning for Biden on this day. But the example was chosen to represent one of the most significant moments in an individual's career. In this case the Moon transit does not signify that significant moment. This transit is simply a miss for the incident we are attempting to illustrate, a momentous day in his public life.
So I term this test a fail.
If we want to consider other cases, by all means, let's do so.
Fifth house matters are 5th house matters. They are the same for your son as for President Biden, or me, or you. Due to Biden's position, they have much greater scope of manifestation, but they remain 5th house, not 10th house matters.
Biden's 5th house transits might affect the entire nation, or even have international effects, but they will be in terms of 5th house matters.

First of all, that bit is speculation. And if there was an emotional crisis, it didn't just happen that morning at 0630.
The date we're looking at is for a decision affecting his political career, his public life. Not some possible emotional state. An announcement (Mercury) affecting his public life (10th house, in this case, Virgo).

I am not saying the transiting aspect does not have some meaning for Biden on this day. But the example was chosen to represent one of the most significant moments in an individual's career. In this case the Moon transit does not signify that significant moment. This transit is simply a miss for the incident we are attempting to illustrate, a momentous day in his public life.
So I term this test a fail.
If we want to consider other cases, by all means, let's do so.
I disagree with the conclusion that the Moon has to transit or aspect the 10th in order to be significant here. That same decision could be made while there were Lunar aspects to other houses, showing the decision was based upon things other than political circumstances. Moon square Moon may indicate it was an emotional issue, not a political decision.

I do not agree that this test fails to show that the Moon can be a trigger of events. I think it clearly illustrated that Biden had no confidence in his ability to win the race at that time and did not feel up to the task.

The only way this test would have failed to show the Moon's significance would have been if there were NO strong aspects from the Moon at that time, imo.
I think it clearly illustrated that Biden had no confidence in his ability to win the race at that time and did not feel up to the task.
Now with all due respect, that is really a stretch. "Clearly illustrated" an internal decision making process? What signs and aspects clearly illustrate lack of confidence? Are you saying confidence is a 5th house matter?

The Moon doesn't have to be in or aspecting the 10th (MC) to affect it. It can aspect the ruler of the 10th, or aspect another planet aspecting the ruler of the 10th (thereby triggering that planet's aspect).
But to have a 10th house effect something needs to aspect the 10th in some way. Otherwise, we're just throwing the house system away altogether (some astrologers do...).
The only way this test would have failed to show the Moon's significance would have been if there were NO strong aspects from the Moon at that time, imo.
So ANY Lunar aspect whatsoever would prove the point? To ANY planet, ruling ANY house? So no transit has any direct relevance to ANY specific manifestation, any one will do? In effect that's throwing all forecasting principles out completely.

The one good possible trigger is that the transiting Moon is exactly (01') conjunct antiscion Sun (we would hope some of the Traditionalists out there would've picked up on that). That's a smoking gun. So the next step would be, in the progressions, to look for the Sun aspecting something related to the 10th (or other appropriate, like, 6th representing Biden's service, maybe) house, or the Sun being aspected by something appropriate. THEN the Moon could be triggering this significant event.

To me, either astrological influence (or synchronicity if you will) follows definite laws, or it doesn't. If so our job is to discover and apply those laws, with logic and integrity. If not, we're wasting our time and ought to go fishing or something.
"Now with all due respect, that is really a stretch. "Clearly illustrated" an internal decision making process? What signs and aspects clearly illustrate lack of confidence? Are you saying confidence is a 5th house matter?"

I'm saying a 5th house Taurus Natal Moon, ruling the 8th, is a confidence matter. A transit that would square that Moon would possibly shake his confidence. IMO

:moon::pluto:/:aquarius: :square::moon::taurus: in 5th, r of 8th
Tr Moon in 2nd in Aquarius Square natal Moon in 5th in Taurus, ruler of 8th house.

There is a conflict arising that is emotional in nature, with the Moon squaring the Moon. The transiting Moon/Pluto is coming from the 2nd house of self worth, resources and security. It is in the sign of Aquarius, signalling it could include a public aspect—thus something in the community or on the internet is creating a concern.

It is squaring the 5th house Taurus Moon, involving the 8th of other people’s money and resources. The natal 5th house Moon represents his own hopes and wishes and self confidence and leadership.

So I think it illustrates his newfound lack of confidence in his ability to keep the public’s financial and emotional support for his bid to win. This lack of self confidence [squares from 2nd to 5th] and fears about the unknown and the future [8th house] led to his decision to drop out. IMO
It is in the sign of Aquarius, signalling it could include a public aspect
that's good observation
It is squaring the 5th house Taurus Moon, involving the 8th of other people’s money and resources. The natal 5th house Moon represents his own hopes and wishes and self confidence and leadership.
good catch
So I think it illustrates his newfound lack of confidence in his ability to keep the public’s financial and emotional support for his bid to win.
Moon for a Presidents chart indicates The Public
This lack of self confidence [squares from 2nd to 5th] and fears about the unknown and the future [8th house] led to his decision to drop out. IMO
squares represent challenges aka "..friction.."

interesting that

Diplomats, ambassadors & agents
- those who negotiate
as an intermediary
with the intention of finding agreement

between others.
Banquets - a frequent political "..activity.." :)

I disagree with the conclusion that the Moon has to transit or aspect the 10th in order to be significant here.
well said :)
Consider also HOUSE 10 RULER

I do not agree that this test fails to show that the Moon can be a trigger of events.


I think it clearly illustrated that Biden had no confidence in his ability to win the race at that time and did not feel up to the task.

The only way this test would have failed to show the Moon's significance would have been if there were NO strong aspects from the Moon at that time, imo.
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I am trying to understand what the question of the progressions has to do about deciding if the Moon's transit is a trigger or not. The Moon either is a timing tool or it is not. But I don't see how looking at progressions affects that question.
I have not doubts there will be prominent progressions indicating this internal struggle. I thought the question we had was whether or not there were Lunar transits denoting it?
Major life developments are signified by longer transits
of planets such as Jupiter & Saturn.

In between those major themes, life happens
We look to the Sun & Moon to understand
the trends and topics of daily life.
Working with the radiance of the Sun
spotlight of the Moon :)
in their daily, weekly, monthly transits
will also help with daily, weekly, monthly planning.

Transits & Timing with Sun & Moon

In this case , of Biden's surprise announcement to withdraw, The Moon was just 2 hours past the exact square between transit Moon and his natal Moon. I'm sure it took awhile for them to set ups the actual announcement. I think that during the most intense portion of that transit, the several hours prior to exact,
he was probably actively being browbeaten by his political colleagues, insisting he make that decision to withdraw.

Eclipses as Transits in Astrology :)

Solar eclipses happen only
at the NEW MOON phase
when the Moon is between Earth & the Sun.
During a solar eclipse

the Moon casts a shadow on Earth
& blocks
or partially blocks

our view of the Sun
5th house Taurus Natal Moon, ruling the 8th, is a confidence matter
R. E. Bills in The Rulership Book says confidence is ruled by the Sun.
Loss or lack of confidence would more likely be an afflicted Sun or afflicted planets in Leo.
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