Moon Uranus aspects & real life.

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Jul 2, 2011
8th House!
In Sue Thomkins book 'Aspects of astrology' she said Moon-Uranus behaves in an off-handed way because the individual expects to be 'cut off' emotionally suddenly so the person vacillates between the extremes of being emotionally clingy(Moon) & coldly independent (Uranus) eventually developing a one foot in-One foot out attitude in relationships.
She also said that there are unexpected/sudden events that produce the long term trauma.

The Uranus-moon aspects made me curious since I noticed that if we identify 'connected event' it can bring alot of insight into our behaviour in relationships .
I have my Moon in 7th & Uranus in 9th forming a sextile. My emotional (Moon) cut (Uranus) came from an intimate relationship (7th). I've seen this aspect in many charts & was curious to know what the past had been to intellectualise emotions & feel in short-shocks!
What would it mean to have an 11th Moon with a 3rd House Uranus or Vice-versa? Love to see how many can 'decipher' the cause & share!
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Blackempress, I've read your post about 3 times, and I'm still not quite sure of what you're saying here, but perhaps that's just me.

I am interested in Moon square Uranus, as I know a few people who have it. The houses will give some insight to where, but in my experience, the sign the Moon is in will give a lot of insight as to how this aspect manifests.

What I am saying is that I believe that the sign of the Moon is in (since the Moon's sign has so much to do with our instinctual nature) seems to have a lot to do with how a person handles or mishandles this aspect.

On the surface, Moon-Uranus square can be expressed in any of the following ways:
* extreme changeability - which can be anything from changing one's mind often to quite noticeable levels of emotional instability
* being quite highly strung emotionally & nervous
* being distant - emotionally, or even physically - from the mother

(While writing the above, I kept thinking that this sounded a lot like one of my brothers, so I checked his chart, and there is quite a close sextile between his Leo Moon & Gemini Uranus. As a child he was medicated for being `highly strung', whatever that means!)

Note also that other aspects - especially those to the moon - will have an influence.

As I have observed this square - in any house or sign - there seems to be at its very core a reaction to the mother, the result of which the person either rebels against the mother by cutting themselves off in some way, or is distanced from the mother by circumstances out of the (apparent) control of the people concerned.

What really fascinates me is when Moon-Uranus aspects are found within families. My 6-yr-old grandson and his mother each have Moon-Uranus squared. The mother's mother has Uranus conj Moon very close in Leo. The grandmother moved countries to `escape' her own cloying & controlling mother. Now, she controls her own daughter!! The daughter has Moon in Pisces, so just gives in and does what her mother wants, although she also `avoids' and acts in a very Neptunian way in relation to her mother. She is also hugely emotionally changeable. My grandson is also changeable, but with Moon in Sag he is sunny and optimistic about everything. His mother has - due to her mother's demands on her - removed herself emotionally from my grandson. he is not yet old enough to have any idea what this means. he just copes in his own way.

I see this whole pattern of heredity to have begun (perhaps) with my grandson's great-grandmother, and it is continually a acted out through the Moon-Uranus aspects. This is one of the many reasons astrology fascinates me.

And I hope that I haven't wandered away from your question, Blackempress. :cool:

I just noticed the line in your signature: I'd kill for individuality!!! This is where Moon-Uranus meets Pluto!
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I am interested in Moon square Uranus, as I know a few people who have it. The houses will give some insight to where, but in my experience, the sign the Moon is in will give a lot of insight as to how this aspect manifests.

What I am saying is that I believe that the sign of the Moon is in (since the Moon's sign has so much to do with our instinctual nature) seems to have a lot to do with how a person handles or mishandles this aspect.

On the surface, Moon-Uranus square can be expressed in any of the following ways:
* extreme changeability - which can be anything from changing one's mind often to quite noticeable levels of emotional instability
* being quite highly strung emotionally & nervous
* being distant - emotionally, or even physically - from the mother

(While writing the above, I kept thinking that this sounded a lot like one of my brothers, so I checked his chart, and there is quite a close sextile between his Leo Moon & Gemini Uranus. As a child he was medicated for being `highly strung', whatever that means!)

Note also that other aspects - especially those to the moon - will have an influence.

As I have observed this square - in any house or sign - there seems to be at its very core a reaction to the mother, the result of which the person either rebels against the mother by cutting themselves off in some way, or is distanced from the mother by circumstances out of the (apparent) control of the people concerned.

What really fascinates me is when Moon-Uranus aspects are found within families. My 6-yr-old grandson and his mother each have Moon-Uranus squared. The mother's mother has Uranus conj Moon very close in Leo. The grandmother moved countries to `escape' her own cloying & controlling mother. Now, she controls her own daughter!! The daughter has Moon in Pisces, so just gives in and does what her mother wants, although she also `avoids' and acts in a very Neptunian way in relation to her mother. She is also hugely emotionally changeable. My grandson is also changeable, but with Moon in Sag he is sunny and optimistic about everything. His mother has - due to her mother's demands on her - removed herself emotionally from my grandson. he is not yet old enough to have any idea what this means. he just copes in his own way.

I see this whole pattern of heredity to have begun (perhaps) with my grandson's great-grandmother, and it is continually a acted out through the Moon-Uranus aspects. This is one of the many reasons astrology fascinates me.

And I hope that I haven't wandered away from your question, Blackempress. :cool:

:love:I just noticed the line in your signature: I'd kill for individuality!!! This is where Moon-Uranus meets Pluto!

I edited the post now, so maybe it can make a bit more sense to others too. You are on track with my question! :rightful:

These are my areas of interest & I definitely have to agree with the Hereditary patterns but it's not completely passing on to every person. I suspect my mom to have it but my siblings don't & I do imagine myself to be strongly Uranian so would likely pass the same aspects down to my kids (If I ever have any).

Moon in the House-Sign is exactly the point of intrigue. I somehow can't link my off-handedness to my mom as much as I can relate it to my earliest lovers but the shocking part of Uranus-Moon is 100% something I really enjoy (even to the mom who does find me worrisomely eccentric). :cool:

Interesting point bout being High-strung, but I suppose that would go more with the sign but it does ring true to myself & others I have seen with trines though I wouldn't entirely credit that to the aspect. Mine is supported from 9th Uranus & Dom.air anyways.

I :love: your point-out on the signature... never realised it but the combo of Uranus & pluto is definitely my top-fave!!! :biggrin:
I know my own chart better than anyone else's, so here goes: Moon in Aries (5th-6th cusp) square Uranus in Cancer (@ 9th). (Uranus ruling the 4th, mirroring the Uranus-in-Cancer placement.) Moon also opposing Neptune (located @ 12th cusp). Yes, lots of cuspy planets here, at least with Koch. So, issues of rebellion and also of "emotional boundaries", although I'm not sure exactly how to define that.

I don't know my mother's Ascendant, but her Venus in Cancer may have been quite close to my natal Uranus. She always thought of me as "the different one".

LOTS of early problems with this very controlling and over-protective Taurus lady (her Sun-Saturn in my 7th) who was busy busy busy most of the time and seemed to never have time for me; the older sisters babysat a lot. But my siblings tell me she spent far more time with me, her youngest, than they recall her spending with them. Go figger. I guess I just felt that I should be the center of her attention all the time. (Very Moon in Aries!)

She wanted me to act, think, and be as she was... all her kids have a problem with that to this day, tho none of the siblings has this square. IMO, I'm the only one of the five of us who really broke free. I've always had a pretty good relationship with Uranus, for some reason.

Separating from my mother seemed urgent and difficult/impossible when I was a kid. I was a very rebellious teenager, though I didn't do much damage. Tended to just remove myself to my bedroom and sulk. In college and later, the pressure was off and I could become myself rather than her image of me. This would be more or less at the time of my lunar return.

Never a lot of shouting matches or major estrangement, really; we were still quite close when she died.

As she got older, she depended on me quite a lot, and at that point I didn't mind at all. Almost full circle. So I suspect the energy of the square had been broken by then, by progression and by... well, maturity, if nothing else.

I think that the Moon-Uranus square may in some way have benefited our relationship tremendously. Before I turned 30, I was able to see her as a person, not just as my mother, and at that point, we began to be friends and confidantes. I'm not sure any of my siblings were really able to do that, ever.

I still miss her very much.
I know my own chart better than anyone else's, so here goes: Moon in Aries (5th-6th cusp) square Uranus in Cancer (@ 9th). (Uranus ruling the 4th, mirroring the Uranus-in-Cancer placement.) Moon also opposing Neptune (located @ 12th cusp). Yes, lots of cuspy planets here, at least with Koch. So, issues of rebellion and also of "emotional boundaries", although I'm not sure exactly how to define that.

I don't know my mother's Ascendant, but her Venus in Cancer may have been quite close to my natal Uranus. She always thought of me as "the different one".

LOTS of early problems with this very controlling and over-protective Taurus lady (her Sun-Saturn in my 7th) who was busy busy busy most of the time and seemed to never have time for me; the older sisters babysat a lot. But my siblings tell me she spent far more time with me, her youngest, than they recall her spending with them. Go figger. I guess I just felt that I should be the center of her attention all the time. (Very Moon in Aries!)

She wanted me to act, think, and be as she was... all her kids have a problem with that to this day, tho none of the siblings has this square. IMO, I'm the only one of the five of us who really broke free. I've always had a pretty good relationship with Uranus, for some reason.

Separating from my mother seemed urgent and difficult/impossible when I was a kid. I was a very rebellious teenager, though I didn't do much damage. Tended to just remove myself to my bedroom and sulk. In college and later, the pressure was off and I could become myself rather than her image of me. This would be more or less at the time of my lunar return.

Never a lot of shouting matches or major estrangement, really; we were still quite close when she died.

As she got older, she depended on me quite a lot, and at that point I didn't mind at all. Almost full circle. So I suspect the energy of the square had been broken by then, by progression and by... well, maturity, if nothing else.

I think that the Moon-Uranus square may in some way have benefited our relationship tremendously. Before I turned 30, I was able to see her as a person, not just as my mother, and at that point, we began to be friends and confidantes. I'm not sure any of my siblings were really able to do that, ever.

I still miss her very much.

Emotional portion definitely fiery! Cool to see a positive outcome of a square part loosening up & glad that it turned out well! *Thumbs up*
I have Uranus transit exact on my Mercury, opposite Moon. It brought a lot of changes in my life. Not always good ones, but always big ones..
i tried getting close to somebody with a moon-uranus conjunction (in libra)... there was just no way. there was indeed something very high-strung about this person, total emotional detachment (to people, but a disproportionate attachment to animals), could get really upset about something i didn't see how it could be a big deal, would often not get when something was a joke and well... rather erratic. my scorpio moon did not compute.
I have Moon in Aries in 3rd house square Uranus in Cap in the 1st.I was an unexpected child and unwanted by my mother who was never really devoted to me.She may be great to talk to and hang out with,but not as a mom,and I've found that my relationship with her got better as I became more and more independant from her.I've never really felt like I was mothered.When I left my mom's house and went to live with my grandmother,she tried mothering me but at age 20 I was already too old to be mothered and everything,from her chosing what I'd be having for dinner to commenting on my clothing,felt like her trying to restrict me.

The combination of Moon in Aries+challenging Uranus aspect has made me quite whimsical;transiting Saturn opp Venus has taught me self control and patience.Currently I have transiting Uranus conjunct my natal Moon/Mercury conjunction and I had to make very quick,important decisions in my life.From the outside it probably seemed like I was acting on a whim but I had been preparing and planning long ago.I feel like this transit was really pushing me to fullfill my natal Moon/Uranus calling for independece and autonomy.Went on to take to take a 7hour part time job that lets me rent a room by my own in the big city while keeping up with college at the same time.Managing everything requires a lot of effort and strong Saturnian skills,but the reward is that sense of inner freedom my Moon/Uranus have always wanted me to have:happy:
I have a trine between Cancer moon 12th and Libra Uranus in 4th.

I fear a smothering relationship that would take away my freedom to be a dynamic person. Having so much cancer/scorpio/neptune influence, I'm a sucker to commit to caring for people/animals that will just pull me under. It is a lot easier to prevent an unwanted relationship than to get rid of one.

Yes, I've had the shock of not being able to separate before.
In Sue Thomkins book 'Aspects of astrology' she said Moon-Uranus behaves in an off-handed way because the individual expects to be 'cut off' emotionally suddenly so the person vacillates between the extremes of being emotionally clingy(Moon) & coldly independent (Uranus) eventually developing a one foot in-One foot out attitude in relationships.
She also said that there are unexpected/sudden events that produce the long term trauma.

The Uranus-moon aspects made me curious since I noticed that if we identify 'connected event' it can bring alot of insight into our behaviour in relationships .
I have my Moon in 7th & Uranus in 9th forming a sextile. My emotional (Moon) cut (Uranus) came from an intimate relationship (7th). I've seen this aspect in many charts & was curious to know what the past had been to intellectualise emotions & feel in short-shocks!
What would it mean to have an 11th Moon with a 3rd House Uranus or Vice-versa? Love to see how many can 'decipher' the cause & share!
When Moon is sextile Uranus it expresses the easier side of it all. It is that the 7th house Moon will connect to the 9th house Uranus in an unconventional way with family perhaps and with those who live abroad or that you meet when travelling away from home. A partnership can be formed but it will not be the norm. A lot of freedom is inherent in this combination with a lack of conventional family situation, Friendship is stressed and is the strongest element and may lead to a platonic situation.

. Consultations with astrologers and gurus is also denoted. Religious or philosophical subjects will give a sense of emotional balance and faith. It shows study of these matters and that you may actually act as a counsellor to others and take counsel from others as well, especially older females.
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I have a trine between Cancer moon 12th and Libra Uranus in 4th.

I fear a smothering relationship that would take away my freedom to be a dynamic person. Having so much cancer/scorpio/neptune influence, I'm a sucker to commit to caring for people/animals that will just pull me under. It is a lot easier to prevent an unwanted relationship than to get rid of one.

Yes, I've had the shock of not being able to separate before.
this is the aspect of helping and caring for the needy, the ill and the underprivileged. You may bring stray animals into your home for instance or people that need shelter. You can have lots of unconventional people and friends in your home and really this is an aspect of adoption or fostering children from third world countries or being involved in their nurturance. It is a good aspect and will give you great karma when used properly. You need to be able to give and save without creating co-dependency or feel as though you are drowning in others woes.. This takes time and experience.

Relationships are the province of Venus really.
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i tried getting close to somebody with a moon-uranus conjunction (in libra)... there was just no way. there was indeed something very high-strung about this person, total emotional detachment (to people, but a disproportionate attachment to animals), could get really upset about something i didn't see how it could be a big deal, would often not get when something was a joke and well... rather erratic. my scorpio moon did not compute.

Sounds quite familiar, I wonder if it was said bout me at some point! :whistling:

I have Moon in Aries in 3rd house square Uranus in Cap in the 1st.I was an unexpected child and unwanted by my mother who was never really devoted to me.She may be great to talk to and hang out with,but not as a mom,and I've found that my relationship with her got better as I became more and more independant from her.I've never really felt like I was mothered.When I left my mom's house and went to live with my grandmother,she tried mothering me but at age 20 I was already too old to be mothered and everything,from her chosing what I'd be having for dinner to commenting on my clothing,felt like her trying to restrict me.

The combination of Moon in Aries+challenging Uranus aspect has made me quite whimsical;transiting Saturn opp Venus has taught me self control and patience.Currently I have transiting Uranus conjunct my natal Moon/Mercury conjunction and I had to make very quick,important decisions in my life.From the outside it probably seemed like I was acting on a whim but I had been preparing and planning long ago.I feel like this transit was really pushing me to fullfill my natal Moon/Uranus calling for independece and autonomy.Went on to take to take a 7hour part time job that lets me rent a room by my own in the big city while keeping up with college at the same time.Managing everything requires a lot of effort and strong Saturnian skills,but the reward is that sense of inner freedom my Moon/Uranus have always wanted me to have:happy:

I'd agree with the strong sense of freedom & feeling of restriction being smothered. I feel smothered even if someone insists that I eat when I don't want to. Thanks for sharing.

I have a trine between Cancer moon 12th and Libra Uranus in 4th.

I fear a smothering relationship that would take away my freedom to be a dynamic person. Having so much cancer/scorpio/neptune influence, I'm a sucker to commit to caring for people/animals that will just pull me under. It is a lot easier to prevent an unwanted relationship than to get rid of one.

Yes, I've had the shock of not being able to separate before.

I would love details on the presentation btw a 12 moon to a 4th! Can you recall any significant event .........must likely be unconscious but a deep scar.

When Moon is sextile Uranus it stresses the easier side of it all.
It is that the 7th house Moon will connect to the 9th house Uranus in an unconventional way with family and those who live abroad or that you meet when travelling away from home. A partnership can be formed but it will not be the norm. A lot of freedom is inherent and lack of convention and friendship is stressed and is the strongest element. Consultations with astrologers and gurus is also denoted. Religious or philosophical subjects will give a sense of emotional balance and faith. It shows study of these matters and that you may actually act as a counsellor to others and take counsel from others as well.

Quite right indeed. I would suffocate & die in close relationships.:sideways:
blackempress, i do find it kind of funny when i read about your need to be so independent, seeing you have a cancer sun, pisces AC and libra moon. just a perfect example that there's more to a chart then just the 'big 3'. of course, i know all about it, with my rebellious cancer sun square uranus. i also feel smothered when people tell me to do little things like 'have this piece of cake' and i insist i don't want it and yet they put it in front of me. stuff like that can really make me want to lash out, and i used to. now that i'm older i have an easier time to let go.

but yes, that's all very uranian stuff to me. you do have gemini venus opp. uranus, so i'm not surprised at all :)
Agree with Bittermoon about age making a difference. My Moon-Uranus square was much easier as I got older and could laugh at myself, along the lines of "remind me again what I'm rebelling against?"

I think that Uranus, even in difficult aspects and placements, can allow us to step back or step aside and observe ourselves, to really see what's going on. In that way, its tendency to separate, rebel, or whatever, is useful: it's always good to get an objective look at oneself, and at one's emotional reactions. And by observing, possibly change course.

The Moon-Uranus square has drawn me to some fairly quirky people, and has probably allowed me to accept those quirks in others, maybe more easily than would be the case without that square. Of course, I have no quirks myself. Nope.
blackempress, i do find it kind of funny when i read about your need to be so independent, seeing you have a cancer sun, pisces AC and libra moon. just a perfect example that there's more to a chart then just the 'big 3'. of course, i know all about it, with my rebellious cancer sun square uranus. i also feel smothered when people tell me to do little things like 'have this piece of cake' and i insist i don't want it and yet they put it in front of me. stuff like that can really make me want to lash out, and i used to. now that i'm older i have an easier time to let go.

but yes, that's all very uranian stuff to me. you do have gemini venus opp. uranus, so i'm not surprised at all :)

Ditto! :biggrin: I mean it's not that I don't feel with the big '3' & ain't longing for relationships but the Dominant air keeps me entertained on it's own. :cool:

Agree with Bittermoon about age making a difference. My Moon-Uranus square was much easier as I got older and could laugh at myself, along the lines of "remind me again what I'm rebelling against?"

I think that Uranus, even in difficult aspects and placements, can allow us to step back or step aside and observe ourselves, to really see what's going on. In that way, its tendency to separate, rebel, or whatever, is useful: it's always good to get an objective look at oneself, and at one's emotional reactions. And by observing, possibly change course.

The Moon-Uranus square has drawn me to some fairly quirky people, and has probably allowed me to accept those quirks in others, maybe more easily than would be the case without that square. Of course, I have no quirks myself. Nope.

This is funny. I'm wondering if dealing with Uranus becomes easier is better. I personally have it 9th & various aspects so thoroughly enjoy all it's presentations. I'm not saying I don't act stupid (eg. keep refusing connections to any man I like) but I do find giving shocks ALOT of fun! Who's quirky?... oh right people! :wink:
This is funny. I'm wondering if dealing with Uranus becomes easier is better. I personally have it 9th & various aspects so thoroughly enjoy all it's presentations. I'm not saying I don't act stupid (eg. keep refusing connections to any man I like) but I do find giving shocks ALOT of fun! Who's quirky?... oh right people! :wink:

well, i used to shock a lot and i admit, i got kicks out of it, out of being different, but these days i'm just a little bit more mellow about it. more of a 'live and let live' vibe i'm sending off. i do keep my mouth shut more often as i know it's easy to offend others, even if i sometimes am just joking. let's just say there's less 'foot in mouth' situations. it is easier on me as i don't like to offend people and i'm not a confrontational person. i just like to wake people up sometimes, but i'm also learning that some people really prefer to stick to the status quo and well... that's also their prerogative. i also find that because of my more mellow attitude, i'm also evoking less strong reactions and this just suits me personally much better.
8H Virgo Moon trines 12H Cap Uranus.
Uranus also conjuncts my ascendant.

My mom wasn't emotionally distant but I do wish I had got to see more of my parents as a kid. Complications set in when I was 13. I rebelled against my body through anorexia, puked out all that i had held within for 14 years and fortunately my parents understood it right.
Things are way better now! I blame their inexperience with kids for not giving me as much love, time & attention I needed & their protectiveness for all the restrictions.

I regard her as a "COOL" mom and we're more of friends than mother and daughter. I also see her as someone independent, strong & the head of the family.

She has :
- Sun opp moon
- Both Sun & Moon square Uranus at the apex

My maternal grandmother suffers from some mild psychiatric disorder which I know nothing of( not even the name) & has spent quite some time in an asylum when my mom was young. She had 6 more children to care for.

Generally, I'm an emotionally cold person with only 2 priorities in life, parents and career. Friends, relatives & acquaintances have never mattered. I get a new set of friends every year. It was intentionally till last to last year as I just couldn't BEAR to see the same faces. But when I understood the importance of friendship & decided to stick, the universe decided to interfere and the same pattern continued & is still going on. I hangout with a dozen people but it's only one or two who I call friend.

Love relationships seem like an absolute burden and breakup equals relief. I gave love a chance at the age of 17, broke up within 2 months, changed 6 boyfriends in 2 years and finally gave up. People said I looked happier! :biggrin: 2 who I suppose I liked said that they thought I was playing around! nonsense! So when I liked the 3rd one, I made serious efforts to look like a typical girlfriend(texting, going out on dates, surprise visits....things I never do) but that too didn't work! His friend said I never seemed the serious type & I was like GO TO HELL!

I dislike routine & familariaty. I try new brands of moisturizer every month, change personal belongings like mug, clock, etc every 4 months......But at the end of the day I love order(Saturn in the 1st).

I act true to my 8H moon sextile pluto aspect only infront of my mom & dad, that also RARELY and SUBTELY.
8H Virgo Moon trines 12H Cap Uranus.
Uranus also conjuncts my ascendant.

My mom wasn't emotionally distant but I do wish I had got to see more of my parents as a kid. Complications set in when I was 13. I rebelled against my body through anorexia, puked out all that i had held within for 14 years and fortunately my parents understood it right.
Things are way better now! I blame their inexperience with kids for not giving me as much love, time & attention I needed & their protectiveness for all the restrictions.

I regard her as a "COOL" mom and we're more of friends than mother and daughter. I also see her as someone independent, strong & the head of the family.

She has :
- Sun opp moon
- Both Sun & Moon square Uranus at the apex

My maternal grandmother suffers from some mild psychiatric disorder which I know nothing of( not even the name) & has spent quite some time in an asylum when my mom was young. She had 6 more children to care for.

Generally, I'm an emotionally cold person with only 2 priorities in life, parents and career. Friends, relatives & acquaintances have never mattered. I get a new set of friends every year. It was intentionally till last to last year as I just couldn't BEAR to see the same faces. But when I understood the importance of friendship & decided to stick, the universe decided to interfere and the same pattern continued & is still going on. I hangout with a dozen people but it's only one or two who I call friend.

Love relationships seem like an absolute burden and breakup equals relief. I gave love a chance at the age of 17, broke up within 2 months, changed 6 boyfriends in 2 years and finally gave up. People said I looked happier! :biggrin: 2 who I suppose I liked said that they thought I was playing around! nonsense! So when I liked the 3rd one, I made serious efforts to look like a typical girlfriend(texting, going out on dates, surprise visits....things I never do) but that too didn't work! His friend said I never seemed the serious type & I was like GO TO HELL!

I dislike routine & familariaty.
I try new brands of moisturizer every month, change personal belongings like mug, clock, etc every 4 months......But at the end of the day I love order(Saturn in the 1st).

I act true to my 8H moon sextile pluto aspect only infront of my mom & dad, that also RARELY and SUBTELY.

Love having to find similar people. I was always regarded as 'eccentric' & unusual. I can relate to most of it since I hate the regular dating business. I can take space for months & years away from those I love. I enjoy more with strangers than friends. Cappi Uranus would make you more 'practical' in a way but interesting combo of it in 12th. Does that make it hard for u to revolt 'openly'? I have mine in 9th but Rx so people are safe bec I conform outwardly........ well, I did until Uranus landed into Aries & started attacking all my other zones!! :devil:
blackempress, i do find it kind of funny when i read about your need to be so independent, seeing you have a cancer sun, pisces AC and libra moon. just a perfect example that there's more to a chart then just the 'big 3'. of course, i know all about it, with my rebellious cancer sun square uranus. i also feel smothered when people tell me to do little things like 'have this piece of cake' and i insist i don't want it and yet they put it in front of me. stuff like that can really make me want to lash out, and i used to. now that i'm older i have an easier time to let go.

but yes, that's all very uranian stuff to me. you do have gemini venus opp. uranus, so i'm not surprised at all :)
However having Sun in Cancer in the 4th means a close tie with family that may feel restrictive especially with challenging aspects to that Sun. It is the dilemma of needing that family situation and yet to feel independent and free. A difficult balance which must be achieved with the Libran planets in play.
We have to always look at the whole chart and integrate it. This is the stuff of astrology and it is complex. Air signs are less physical and more intellectual and tend to process emotions through the brain and analyse them and be more objective. This is seen often as coolness or even coldness.
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As a kid, I had self esteem issues(aqua saturn intercepted in the 1st)...very shy, fearful, lonely little thing...I had one or two friends and hardly any acquaintances. My parents had high expectations from me which I tried living upto at every point, sometimes I failed, sometimes succeeded. I studied very hard without recieving any appreciation in return. At the end of the day I thought I was good for nothing. I hit puberty as an overweight 11 year old. The school I went to is country popular for hot girls so that factor too worked against my confidence.:annoyed: 12 was the age when I had my 1st identity crisis, began philosophizing, became an atheist, vegetarian & did my best to be a good human being. However, I felt the world was just too harsh & the sagittarian in me wasn't happy so I quit. When I turned 13, I decided to diet for the 1st time & it turned into an eating disorder. That was when my life began to change!!!!!!!!

I've a Uranus/nept conjunction in my 12th which closely conjuncts my ascendant. Finally, Uranus decided to kick in. :biggrin: and anorexia was a sort of blessing in disguise.

My confidence level shot up in weeks! I was born & brought up in a tiny conservative islamic state so I did everything that people there didn't piercings, tattoo, dressed up differently everyday(one day gothic, the other day punk, the third formals & sometimes skimpy that would give people cultural shock)....I got into MAJOR trouble at school then on. I even walked out on teachers & once on my vice-principal.

I turned 16 as a friendly, unpredictable, reckless, fun loving & non-conventional : in a more socially acceptable way person. My teachers & batch mates said I was a genius & I finally got what I had wanted since childhood...I began topping classes without any effort. On the love front as well things were sudden. I got into my first relationship, followed the pattern of an on/off relationship till the guy finally got fed up & dumped me forever. :lol: Then on, I had dozens of guys asking me out every month. I soon became a trophy girlfriend as I just wouldn't date guys. That was too much for someone with average looks, someone who acted like a boy, someone like me. I became popular in one month. I remember a friend telling me that even her 10 year old cousin knew my name. Uranus makes sure to act as a harbinger of both popularity & notoriety.

As a kid, I couldn't even spell the word rebellion. Now, i rebel "openly" ...People often pass me for an aquarian. my favorite saying goes like "Don't walk as if you rule the world. Walk as if you don't care who rules the world" :tongue: