mrsa coverup

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I first was subjected to the aerosol mrsa at the family condo. I heard a electronic sound under the bed but could not see anything. As my brother had moved my bed around ,I assumed the spray was from within the bed.
Finally they developed a mrsa spray that only infected current mrsa infarctions. I figured this out because I would heard a telltale electronic sound in the dining room while he was sitting in the adjoining living room .so it was clear that this spray did not stay long in the air and that ther mrsa was so genetically altered that it could not start an infection but only adhere to an existing infection.

I bring this up now because this seems to be the same means as the current food infected mrsa .
I keep checking the lemons and garlic and they still make my mrsa worse when in the beginning they would kill it.
As the Rothschild yahwists control the food supply and everything else in this part of the world, they have infected any found products that eliminate mrsa. It turns out papaya works both topically and internally but once my death angel found out about papaya, all the papayas in the various stores now increase the mrsa. Turns out apples especially green ones also clean the mrsa out of your system and kill the mrsa topically. And when they found this out , all the apples now increase the mrsa. This was the same pattern with lemons, they kill mrsa but all the lemons in the store now increase mrsa infections.
As these foods now increase my mrsa yet there has been now widespread outbreaks, or we aren’t told, it seems the mrsa in the foods will only increase existing infections. But unfortunately 50% of the population are mrsa positive. So when an infected food is eaten, if there is an existing benign mrsa, it becomes virulent. So many mrsa victims are saying they have no idea where the mrsa came from that this is the likely reason.
Fresh Sting nettles is another mrsa killer but when the death angel found out I was using nettle to stay alive, he had his cracked out minions go through the country side contaminating nettles with mrsa. I would find a patch of nettles but the second time I when to the patch it was contaminated, the nettles actually gave me new virulent strains. Finally I had to go 5 miles from the two towers and the nettles were STILL contaminated, so I assume the crack minions have contaminated all the nettles in san Francisco. That I quite an effort to poison me.
They really want to dose me with these genetically altered strains of mrsa so that I will have to go to a hospital to die as these strains are immune to any of the medical remedies the doctors are allowed to use., as these strains will not show up as mrsa and yet another mysterious death will occur.
So effectively if someone now uses these natural remedies, they will become worse.
The Rothschild yahwist control the food supply and the pharmaceutical supply. As I have already mentioned, in this area contaminated alcohol and witch hazel, not to mention te tree oil are being sold at CVS,Longs,Walgreen, safe way , GNC and others .I have also drank beer straight out of Bev Mo that was contaminated, so all mega corporations are under the Rothschild yahwist’s control. this assures that the mrsa epidemic will kill millions because the mrsa strains are impervious to pharmaceuticals and all the effective natural remedies are contaminated.
I don’t think the majority of the USA is this dire strait yet, as San Francisco and San Mateo county are the main center of the current Rothschild yahwist takeover but the mysterious (mrsa)epidemic will strike everywhere. I assume that Texas is a main target also as they have already had the mysterious flu, mysterious entrovirous in their state.
Any store taken over by the Rothschild yahwists or their minions are points to dispense this epidemic of death by mysterious infections
The world war is against the civilian population of the world and unless the big Rothschild corporations are broken up, the death of millions is inevitable . but what chance is there for that.the NWO media still pushes the impossible twin tower destruction as real.
The world has fallen down a Kafkaesque alice in wonder land Hole.
The latest strain attacked the sutures in my brain with the intention to bore into my grey matter, it was very aggressive but I finally was able to kill it with allicin/garlic water, but within days the allicin became ineffective, so it is very clear that the genetic engineering is going on right here in san Francisco.

A couple of weeks ago I went to concord and bought some alcohol at safeway.when I boiled it down, here were the telltale white splatters of mrsa contamination. I also went to a local Mexican market to check for contamination to the fruit.
The Mexican market has been bought out. It is run bu Caucasians now. So nothing has changed my viewpoint that the food supply is being contaminated and various other products are also contaminated widespread.
Last week I also was,twice , dosed with a drug to make me pass out. But both times a recognized my eye sight beginning to give out and was able to at some anti oxidant herbs which burned off this chemical I me.
Seems tha as the have tried to poison me with mrsa of the last 3 years, that now they just want me silenced in the quickest way.
Bill gates and others ae proclaiming that the population needs to be reduced by 95%. The Rothschild corporations are trying their best to bring this about.

[SIZE=+1]The Illuminati's idea of Population Control falls into two broad categories:[/SIZE]
1. Limiting the size of human societies and monitoring/controlling the movement of individuals within that society, and
2. Intentionally reducing the bulk of the world's population through GENOCIDE via the introduction of population slaughter, orchestrated conflicts, and lethal bioengineered disease organisms introduced via vaccines and other means of external transmission

I went to concord and bought some alcohol at safeway.when I boiled it down, here were the telltale white splatters of mrsa contamination.
MRSA is a bacterium. Alcohol kills bacteria and so do high temperatures.

End of your theory! :whistling:
Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, kills germs by penetrating cell walls, destroying the cellular proteins and enzymes, and dehydrating the cells. Getting the right concentration is important, making it potentially tricky to use commercially available beverages for disinfection — their ethanol content ranges from 3 or 4 percent for light beer to 95 percent for grain alcohol. Ethanol's effectiveness as a disinfectant also fluctuates widely depending on the target microbe, method of administration, and so on.

For example, a 50 percent ethanol solution needs 15 minutes to kill E. coli bacteria and 45 minutes to kill strep in a "cooked-meat broth," but just 20 seconds to wipe out pneumonia and strep bacteria on a glass thermometer — presumably a less hospitable environment. Several common bacteria can be killed off in less than two minutes with 70 percent ethanol, and 35 percent will slay some fungi in a minute flat. The stuff also kills many viruses, including HIV, but at low concentrations the job may take hours.

Their references to medical literature can be seen on the bottom if you wish to verify these claims.

I don't think bacteria could live that long inside the packaging, so it would mean it had to be recently put inside the alcohol for it to be active. People use rubbing alcohol to get rid of mrsa contaminated surfaces/objects.

Their references to medical literature can be seen on the bottom if you wish to verify these claims.

I don't think bacteria could live that long inside the packaging, so it would mean it had to be recently put inside the alcohol for it to be active. People use rubbing alcohol to get rid of mrsa contaminated surfaces/objects.

you haven't been reading the fine print.
mrsa us one of the only bacteria that do not need water to survive.
when I first noticed, over 2 1/2 years ago that the mrsa seemed to be covered by a impermeable membrane, I too was confused. but since then I have found out mrsa ,unlike most bacteria,does not need water to survive, so it can be enclosed in a "membrane "and still be viable when it is released. mrsa can live indefinitely in it's "packaging"
I think the packaging is derived from the protein that mussels use to glue themselves to rocks etc.the amazing thing is that alcohol, bleach etc will not break down the packaging but simply rubbing oil over the packaging will release the mrsa onto what ever oil surface it comes in contact with.

I was first dosed on june 27 2012 and since then a dozen different strains have appeared. I did not make a sudden judgment but over the years I have noted that the genetists are improving this virus/mrsa combo. now, the virus/mrsa combo have been so genetically altered that I do not think the mrsa can not identified because of all the cutting and pasting that is going on. this is exemplifies by the mysterious Houston flu. at first the virus was not identified as H1N1, but after the individual died , they did further test which showed it was H1N1 but had mutated/been genetically altered so that standard test could not identify it.though H1N1 was identified, at last count, the bacteria was still unidentified. but the entro69 virus,(a harmless could virus)which was killing children was found to be a in combination with a mrsa bacteria.
just remember I have been dealing with this for 3 years and have seen the progression of genetic changes.
and remember I predicted the visus/mrsa combo would enter the social body in dec 2013, which was exactly when the first Houston flu death occurred.

Wine's alcohol concentration can range from 12% to 15%
Beer is commonly 4%-6%

Are such low concentrations able to kill MRSA?

a good question.
I have noticed that because mrsa can survive with out water, it seems that too much water also can be harmful.
when attacking the aggressive mrsa I would use a combinati0on, first tea tree oil, then alcohol, then vinegar, then witch hazel,then lemon juice, then water. each of these substances would shrink the mrsa. but surprisingly the water would also shrink the mrsa. I first used water to rinse the other substances off , but was surprised to see that water also made the mrsa shrink. more momentarily that the others.

this mrsa strain starts by heading to a source of water(the cell) and taking the water and leaving the cell desiccated. this allows the mrsa to infect the weaken cell.
I have also found out that applying a deep moisturizing cream will temporarily drive the mrsa out. it seems the cell is strengthen when it is properly hydrated. so after applying a deep moisturizer, the mrsa is easier to kill off by which ever topical substance one is using.
all these peculiarities are because mrsa unlike most bacteria does not need water to stay viable.

so low concentration of alcohol can kill the mrsa because mrsa is extraordinary sensitive to dehydration,
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you haven't been reading the fine print.
mrsa us one of the only bacteria that do not need water to survive.
when I first noticed, over 2 1/2 years ago that the mrsa seemed to be covered by a impermeable membrane, I too was confused. but since then I have found out mrsa ,unlike most bacteria,does not need water to survive, so it can be enclosed in a "membrane "and still be viable when it is released. mrsa can live indefinitely in it's "packaging"
That is what I thought too, that somehow the bacteria had to be dormant until opened which then activates when it reaches certain conditions. I have watched in shows about bacteria that is safely kept in harsh conditions only to be activated once in contact with something living, but I thought it was all fiction. I didn't think bio-technology was that advanced yet, so I didn't want to say or speculate about the technology.

I think the packaging is derived from the protein that mussels use to glue themselves to rocks etc.the amazing thing is that alcohol, bleach etc will not break down the packaging but simply rubbing oil over the packaging will release the mrsa onto what ever oil surface it comes in contact with.

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That is what I thought too, that somehow the bacteria had to be dormant until opened which then activates when it reaches certain conditions. I have watched in shows about bacteria that is safely kept in harsh conditions only to be activated once in contact with something living, but I thought it was all fiction. I didn't think bio-technology was that advanced yet, so I didn't want to say or speculate about the technology.


oh the technology is there. the mysterious Houston flu was a genetically combined flu virus and a "unidentified" bacteria. this in itself is amazing as some virus are measured in nanometers and most bacteria are quite a bit larger. so for the H1N1 to "mutate itself to create a hole which the identified bacteria was inserted is miraculous. the only way this could be done is genetic engineering. the H1N1 mutated itself so much that it was not identifiable by standard means or identification. another miraculous moment.

I wasa first infected in june 2012 with the common aggressive mrsa that was associated with "ICE", a pure methamphetamine that is produced by genetically altered bacteria. this was a reaction to my posting some of the fact behind the Harvey/milk assassination perpetrated by covert intelligence agencies to take control of the drug trade.the man who infected me used pot .
the second infection, in sept 2012, was by a covert cia sub contractor for the cia.
I had "outed" him and got this reaction. as he was obviously mossad, I realized the ICE was in fact made inisrael and not in Thailand as the cia claimed. This mrsa had already been genetically engineered to cause atrial fibrillation .
The third infection in late September was while I was under observation in cardiac ward under isolation.
This time the mrsa that caused the a fib, was already combined with a flu virus.\
So over the last few years , I have seen and experienced a progression of strains of mrsa that cause an array of ills. All of course which the doctors say mrsa can’t do.

So the technology is already very exact and deadly. They can program the mrsa to attack any part of the body. The current focus for the last 6 months is a flu/mrsa that attacks the skull and it’s sutures .this is the most lethal as it’s intent is to penetrate into the brain.

Schellnhunber, in other words, believes a new world government can create “freedom” for humanity by dictating to it with a new Planetary Court guided by an Earth Constitution which will no doubt begin by declaring the planet can only sustain one billion people. The other six billion or so simply have to go. So instead of a Bill of Rights, this new Earth Constitution will be founded on a Bill of Deaths and a global government that might order the extermination of billions of human beings in order to “save the climate

Interestingly, California Governor Jerry Brown might welcome such a depopulation agenda organized under a new world government. He recently tweeted about California having too many people, saying, “At some point, how many people can we accommodate?” Gov. Brown goes on to say that climate change is the reason the current drought is so much more worse than anything they’ve seen in the past

oh the technology is there. the mysterious Houston flu was a genetically combined flu virus and a "unidentified" bacteria. this in itself is amazing as some virus are measured in nanometers and most bacteria are quite a bit larger. so for the H1N1 to "mutate itself to create a hole which the identified bacteria was inserted is miraculous. the only way this could be done is genetic engineering. the H1N1 mutated itself so much that it was not identifiable by standard means or identification. another miraculous moment.

I wasa first infected in june 2012 with the common aggressive mrsa that was associated with "ICE", a pure methamphetamine that is produced by genetically altered bacteria. this was a reaction to my posting some of the fact behind the Harvey/milk assassination perpetrated by covert intelligence agencies to take control of the drug trade.the man who infected me used pot .
the second infection, in sept 2012, was by a covert cia sub contractor for the cia.
I had "outed" him and got this reaction. as he was obviously mossad, I realized the ICE was in fact made inisrael and not in Thailand as the cia claimed. This mrsa had already been genetically engineered to cause atrial fibrillation .
The third infection in late September was while I was under observation in cardiac ward under isolation.
This time the mrsa that caused the a fib, was already combined with a flu virus.\
So over the last few years , I have seen and experienced a progression of strains of mrsa that cause an array of ills. All of course which the doctors say mrsa can’t do.

So the technology is already very exact and deadly. They can program the mrsa to attack any part of the body. The current focus for the last 6 months is a flu/mrsa that attacks the skull and it’s sutures .this is the most lethal as it’s intent is to penetrate into the brain.

I first started posting about mrsa on in feb 2013. by may when I started this thread here, I had become convinced that a conspiracy of sorts existed.

as I posted a was infected with a a fib causing virus/mrsa combo in the cardiac ward a san mateo. it took a few weeks before I realize the odd things that had happened were part of a "conspiracy.

when I went into the emergency room I was a fibbing at 160/190. but the doctors wouldn't accept that mrsa was the cause. so after seeing several one suggested that he could lower my heart rate enough so that I could go into the cardiac ,isolated as suspected mrsa.

within hours of being in isolation I developed a cough even though I had two x rays in the er which showed a clear resipitory system.

the first evening I felt my mrsa flaring up and knew my a fib would kick I was on a monitor ,a nurses aid came in and I tod her my a fib was starting up as the mrsa flare up. I had y tea tre oil out and told her I was going to start uing it if the a fib got worse. thius would be a disaster for he cardiac ward because tea tree oil is very strong smelling.
so a nurse came in and gave me a pill which she refuse to identify but lied and said it was the ame as in the er. totally flse.
but the mrsa when down and the a fib subsuded.
the next morning I saw that the nurse that took my temperature did not sterilize the thermometer(the means of infection)
when the doctor came in in the afternoon she said she was going to start me on a fib drugs. I told her , the ekg monitor clear showed that y=the mrsa was correlated to ny ab and that the pill they gave me settled the mrsa down... proving my assertion that mrsa was causing the a fib. she brushes this off and said she would treat the mrsa wit ointment.
when I said I would not accept this treatment and to sign me out, the doctor reacted by having my file purged which meant the evidence of mrsa connected to a fib was lost as well as my positive for mrsa.

this may just sound like a unusual occurrence but I later found out that before you get a a fib drug they have to keep you in the hospital for 4-5 days ,do test, check which drug to use, check dosage, check for side affect etc as incorrect drug combinations can kill you. yet this doctor was just going to start me on a trib drugs with none of these precautions.

when I when back to the era after the new a fib kicked in, I was flat out lied to . the doctor said I had no strep throat to my face yet when I read my discharge paper he had written down I did have a sterp throat
from this point on it became more and more kafkaesque


The depopulationists are going all out again, pushing really hard for the reduction of 6 billion people on the earth in order to take the planet down to precisely what is being suggested as its “sustainable carrying capacity of one billion people.”

But this time around, the depopulation plan may well be codified by the Vatican. Professor John Schellnhuber has been selected as a speaker for the Vatican’s rolling out of a Papal document on climate change. He is the professor who earlier stated the planet is overpopulated by at least 6 billion people. Currently, the Vatican is providing him a platform which many anticipate will effect in an official Church declaration supporting revolutionary depopulation in the name of “climate science.”

this is what the mrsa conspiracy is all about. killing people off wit mysterious diseases that can't be identified or cured.

An artificial plague?

What was up with the ebola scare by the way, if you know?

(link to actual article: )
Pianka began his speech by condemning anthropocentrism, or the idea that the human race occupies a privileged position in nature. He exclaimed, “We’re no better than bacteria!”

AIDS took too long to kill people off, he explained. His preferred method of exterminating over five billion human beings was via airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and kills its victims in days rather than years.

I didn't know where to check for credibility, so I just searched the professors name. Guess what came up, his website (at a Texas Univ. web address) article titled "What nobody wants to hear, but everyone needs to know"
I have two grandchildren and I want them to inherit a stable Earth. But I fear for them. Humans have overpopulated the Earth and in the process have created an ideal nutritional substrate on which bacteria and viruses (microbes) will grow and prosper. We are behaving like bacteria growing on an agar plate, flourishing until natural limits are reached or until another microbe colonizes and takes over, using them as their resource. In addition to our extremely high population density, we are social and mobile, exactly the conditions that favor growth and spread of pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes.

And then
Executive director of the Society for Amateur Scientists, Dr Shawn Carlson, later warned in The Citizen Scientist (April 2, 2006):

"I believe, with the terrible experience of the bloodiest century in human history behind us, that all men and women of conscious in the 21st century must be proactive in our opposition to genocidal or apocalyptic philosophies, before they have the chance to inspire some new champion with the will to take their conclusions to the next step.

"When the professional scientists have lost their sense of moral outrage at such ideologies, then it falls to America's great community of citizen scientists to be the conscious of science."

HUH? Why is it the first time I am hearing about this :andy:

Some other links I found
Texas Website:

MSNBC Interview on Eric Pianka
Too many people living?

Why did he have children if he thinks its too overpopulated??...
here are some post about the mrsa conspiracy issue that I posted on the ww111 thread but are germane to thus thread

To recall a era when a government medically killed their own populous goes back to the middle of 1939 when eugenics philosophy allowed the Nazis to kill the old ,infirm, social misfits and others.
Concentration camps had existed for years but the implementation of gas chambers was first used on german people. After the war started the camps were transferred to the military. By then a public outcry against gassing uncle wihlem forced the stop to culling the civilian population.
Such a frightening scenario as I see must be compared to the overall frightening nature of history. The geo politics now are the same as in 1939,the actions and larceny of wall street are not even being cover upped anymore.
We are treated like animals at check points, we are already being used as cattle.
Look at the fraud of obama care. The only thing that will happen is that medical profits will soar as the middle classes are taxed into submission.
So what is so far fetched that these coked out medical corporation aren’t making new “bugs to cause the need for their pharmaceuticals?”
That just seemed to be the idea in the beginning, which was about a year ago last September. In the intervening year several new variation have been developed.
Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore."

this from

it was posted nov 14 2013

here is the most recent update
Originally Posted by rahu

i may have spoken to soon as a new strain has been introduced. this begins as a cough but ,if one fends it off,
it doesn't incubate anywhere. this strain just just hangs around and makes you seems
to be a atrial fibrillation " flu". it does not act like any flu i have experienced before. it tries to affect
the heart and lungs but seems easy to fend off. the problem is that this strain is very hearty .it
is difficult to eradicate it.i expect strange infections to appear. i bring up this new strain because the night i was infected ,a strain
of flu that"acted like no flu known,about 3-4 days ago alaska airline was shut down because all the pilots
had gotten a flu that didn't act like any known flu.
that is the exact feeling i have. as i know the origin of my infection, it makes me wonder why any entire airline was infected and how.

"A doctor wrote prescriptions which would have cost him $200 so he decided not to fill them and let the illness run its course. The next day he was taken by ambulance to the emergency room at Conroe Regional Medical Center, where doctors were amazed to find his lungs filling with blood and his organs disintegrating, his mother said."

They are now saying it's H1N1 but . . . "In all of the eight cases, initial testing - called rapid diagnostic influenza test - showed negative results for influenza."

"Further testing showed that one patient had the H1N1 virus, a subtype of influenza A. Two tested negative for all known flu strains."

yea that is what i have been anticipating. genetically altered bacteria.
i know mine is from the cia/mossad.

"Further testing showed that one patient had the H1N1 virus, a subtype of
two tested negative for all known flu strains.
this rings a bell because neither doctors or mrsa advocates have heard of the strains i have dealt with. i was finally tested for mrsa in my blood system but it was negative. i know that is wrong because of urinary symptoms and the fact that my lungs would if i don't follow my diet.

but this is exactly what I have been warning about for months.

this flu does not infect the throat and then progress to the sinus and then may be back to the throat on it's way to congest ones's lung.
this virus just hangs in your throat .and every 12 hours brings a severe coughing bout as it tries to infect you.this remiinds me of the Afib infection carried by strep throat. that strain would turn it self off every 2 days so that any test performed would show negative for mrsa.this virus has a 12 hour clock .everey 12 hours it attacks. i beleive this is a mrsa strain being carried by influenza in stead of strep throat.

and the kids organ is disintegrating, that is simi,lar to one of the strains i have. it is wasting my muscle tissue. one doctor did do a test for muscle breakdown but said it was negative. again i knew that was wrong .

so i've heard all this before....i am certain it is the same mrsa strain but it is just been transferred to flu instead of strep.

the problem they have is that the mossad/cia chemist have to strip out the virus to insert the mrsa. and they have to trim down the mrsa to fit the doing so they have made these virus' impervious to pharmacueticals(after all, it is a pharmaceutical compony that is doing this)

the affect is that natural remedies can heal these aflictions.(though this current virus is very persistent)
they have weaken the natural strength of these virus/bacterias.

but the catch 22 is that the medical establishment is waiting in line to go to work for the corporations, so they will let millions of people die because they will not look at the results of herbal remedies. and of course the pharma/religio/facist won't work with anything they can not patent to insure their billions from obamacare.

"Further testing showed that one patient had the H1N1 virus, a subtype of
two tested negative for all known flu strains.
this rings a bell becauseneither doctors or mrsa advocates have heard of the strains i have dealt with. i was finally tested for mrsa in my blood system but it was negative. i know that is wrong because of urinary symptoms and the fact that my lungs would if i don't follow my diet.

but this is exactly what i have been warning about for months.

this flu does not infect the throat and then progress to the sinus and then may be back to the throat on it's way to congest ones's lung.
this virus just hangs in your throat .and every 12 hours brings a severe coughing bout as it tries to infect you.this remiinds me of the A fib infection carried by strep throat. that strain would turn i self off every 2 days so that any test performed would show negative for mrsa.this virus has a 12 hour clock .everey 12 hours it attacks. i beleive this is a mrsa strain being carried by influenza in stead of strep throat.
the problem they have is that the mossad/cia chemist have to strip out the virus to insert the mrsa. and they have to trim down the mrsa to fit the doing so they have made these virus' impervious to pharmacueticals(after all, it is a pharmaceutical compony that is doing this)

the affect is that natural remedies can heal these aflictions.(though this current virus is very persistent)
they have weaken the natural strength of these virus/bacterias.
the problem they have is that the mossad/cia chemist have to strip out the virus to insert the mrsa. and they have to trim down the mrsa to fit the doing so they have made these virus' impervious to pharmacueticals(after all, it is a pharmaceutical compony that is doing this)

the affect is that natural remedies can heal these aflictions.(though this current virus is very persistent)
they have weaken the natural strength of these virus/bacterias.

but the catch 22 is that the medical establishment is waiting in line to go to work for the corporations, so they will let millions of people die because they will not look at the results of herbal remedies. and of course the pharma/religio/facist won't work with anything they can not patent to insure their billions from obamacare.

so the node has shown the workings of a diabolical evil in the NWO and it's last killing of innocents.

Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action
Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.

I am reposting this as I had recently predicted date of the appearance of a mutated mrsa, which turned out to be correct . I said early December and the first death due to the genetically altered virus/bacteria combo was on December 5.

I assume whoever deleted my post on my correct prediction is the same one who deleted my post on the satanic ritual killings of children associate with monarchs and coprations.

Originally Posted by rahu
my first bout was in the beginning of july 2012. this was just a aggressive from on the skin.
then about sept first or so .the first genetically engineered strain got me. it cause atrial fibrillation
the third strain got me in the cardiac ward in san mateo. purposely infected with another strain of mrsa. this also caused atrlial fibrillation but had been “scheduled”. the bacteris was active for 2 days, then nothing. but two more days of infection began. the infection being atrial fibrillation.
this strain is clearly a commercial venture as the “normal” day would erase any connection between the strep virus and the atrial fibrillation.
so September was a jump as now the mrsa is delivered by a strep infection.
then the mrsa was altered to stimulate a heart attack. it was mounted on a strep infection again, but the oils made this environment unviable. it infected the nerves that tend to be associated with a heart attack but the virus retreated . that it was a kindred strain is shown by the way the mrsa infection abandoned it’s effort to cause heart problems and simply retreated to were a form infection had established a presence. the new strain made the older strain very aggressive again.
but the reality is here that hospitals have inn place systems of medical staff who have made a deal with the devil of health care corporations. that deal entails infecting millions of people with a bacteria that will necessitate ingesting a “medicine” to counter act the atrial fibrillation.
here’s a good place to ask who is behind this total medical/media/governemt blond spot.
the first of may brought the most complex stain of mrsa.
as I’ve already described, it is imperative to bleach. it bonds to plastic of metal and will withstand boiling water while bonded.

some pharmaceutical corporation has to have a lot tied up in this genetic fabrication.
the adhesive quality is doubly mysterious because though the “glue “ holds out bleach, a simple brushing of the skin can transmit a serious infection. capable of becoming very serious if untreated for even a short time. I mean weeks to get rid of it.
so thee is some heavy duty genetic engineering going on. this final strain is immune to a garlic derivative called allicin. the advocates of this proven herbal remedy say that mrsa can’t “evolve” to be resistant to allicin

in a conversation between dr.david mirelma
and bob Anderson

dr mirelman expalined how pharmaceutical antibiotics work, how staph works and then how garlic kills staph differently than standard antibiotics.

David explained that penicillin and other pharmaceutical antibiotics work by blocking the chemical bonding sites, the receptors, of the staph and this kills 99.99% of the staph cells. However, not all staph cells have identical receptors, due to natural mutation, there are a few who are different and the penicillin does not kill them. They survive and breed and become the new strain of staph and it is immune to the original antibiotic so that scientist have to invent another antibiotic to kill it and they do and it is effective against 99.99% of it but again there are a few mutations whose receptors are different and they are not killed by the new antibiotic and so go on to breed and bring forth the new strain of staph which is immune to both antibiotics causing the pharmaceutical industry to come up with yet another antibiotic which will go through the same process as the two others and this never ending cycle perpetuates.

garlic doesn't work that way, garlic kills differently." when garlic is crushed, it forms allicin and if you wait 15 minutes before you use it, even more allicin will have formed and allicin is interesting because it has both fat-soluble and water-soluble properties and its fat-solubility allows it to penetrate right through the bi-lipid outer cellular walls of staph and other bacteria like they weren't even there and get into the interior of the staph cell. Once inside the staph cell, allicin's mere presence there changes the electrical polarity of the interior of the staph cell causing it to swell up and burst, killing it. He said "Staph cannot become immune to crushed raw garlic anymore than you or I could become immune to being blown up."

this explanation by an top researcher confirms that mrsa cannot spontaneously mutate to become immune to allicin.
but the aggressive form of mrsa associated with the methamphetamine known as ICE, which is produced by genetically modified bacteria to produce the ice.
These genetically altered bacteria have been genetically modified to produce methamphetamine . the mrsa strain likely has this same mutation. This form of mrsa is infamous as it increases the virulence of existing infections. Any form of mrsa immune to allicin must have been genetically engineered.
the final strain has the ability to not only to resist allicin, but to make the allicin toxic to the skin. so some genetic engineer figure out how manipulate the fat solubility of the mrsa so that it could reverse the solubility dynamic and destroy/take control of the allicin.
remember this strain can resist bleach yet human oils draws the mrsa out. Something was done to the balance of water soluble properties and oil-soluble properties .
this final strain is actually a combination of strains contained in the same liquid form that dries clear.
This final strain seems to be it. Now is when implementation will begin. Interestingly the next year at least will be very confused for medical administrators .
To recall a erid when a government medically killed their own populous goe back to the middle of 1939 when eugenics philosophy allowed the Nazis to kill the old ,infirm, social misfits and others.
Concentration camps had existed for years but the implementation of gas chambers was first used on german people. After the war started the camps were transferred to the military. By then a public outcry against gassing uncle wihlem forced the stop to culling the civilian population.
Such a frightening scenario as I see must be compared to the overall frightening nature of history. The geo politics now are the same as in 1939,the actions and larceny of wall street are not even being cover upped anymore.
We are treated like animals at check points, we are already being used as cattle.
Look at the fraud of obama care. The only thing that will happen is that medical profits will soar as the middle classes are taxed into submission.
So what is so far fetched that these coked out medical corporation aren’t making new “bugs to cause the need for their pharmaceuticals?”
That just seemed to be the idea in the beginning, which was about a year ago last September. In the intervening year several new variation have been developed.
Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore.

Form post on nov 4 2013 that was mysteriously deleted
“dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore.
so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many inexplicable infections.”

As I feared this ww is going to be waged against the people of the earth. The final phase started with the proliferation of all these mutated virus/bacteria combinations which began in late nov. and claimed it’s first fatality on dec 5.
It is clear the entire “establishment” is involved in this germ warfare against humanity .
I was watching cnn video of a interview of doctor in sierra leone on aug 3 or 4 when the ebola outbreak just started.
she said ebola is now being transmitted through the air.i don’t remember the doctor’s name. the camera shot was from up and slightly behind her. It seems she was addressing others in the room.
this is the only mentioned I have heard of this. every report since still claims one must come in direct contact with the ebola .the quick infection of so many health workers is a clear indication that the transmission by air is correct and that this information is being suppressed .
But still even though other scientists have said ebola is airborne, the media and the black Mgicians keep tp the lie that ebola is caught only by contcr.

Form post on nov 4 2013 mysteriously deleted
“dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore.
so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many inexplicable infections.”


"The United Nations is preparing the world for an overt admission that Ebola is airborne.
Anthony Banbury, the United Nations’ Ebola response chief warned of the “nightmare scenario” that Ebola is possibly now, and probably soon will be an airborne pathogen. This is precisely what I reported when I cited several peer review studies which demonstrated that Ebola was already known, by many researchers in the scientific community, to be airborne"

the immediate erasing of history is reflected in the fact that a woman doctor in a video interview said ebola was air over a month ago. then media blackout. the airborne nature of the disease was ignored as Obama brought ebola here.

now finally an admission Ebola is airborne. of course no mention to the fact the means of death is not hemorrhaging anymore, but complete melting of all internal organ. this ebola is genetically altered just as the other two mysterious infections are.
But still the establishment suppresses the truth about ebola. Thus is allowingit to spread the disease throughout the world and especially the US and specifically the great state of texas. This may sound quaint but the spirit of the country lies in the badlands of Texas Oklahoma and new mexico. texas was once a country and it still has a status above constitutionally created states, in that federal laws and regulations do not automatically apply to texas. most states automatically embrace federal laws and regulations. Not texas, not automatically.
as such ,the spirit of the rebel is a underlying cultural archetype of the US and any subjugation of the American spirit must start in texas. The first virus/bacteria combo hit central texas, now ebola has hit texas. This is no fluke, this is an attempt to throw the one state ,that could cause the most problems for the fascist takeover, into to social chaos. This attack of the heart of texas is an attack on the spirit of the people of the USA.
find name
“The numerous violations of disease protocol surrounding the Dallas, Texas Ebola case are intentional, according to an emergency response manager
The manager, who was involved in the emergency response to both Hurricane Katrina and Rita in addition to planning for small pox outbreaks, said the official response to the first diagnosed case of Ebola in the United States purposely avoided the basic actions the government would take to prevent a virus from spreading.
“The reason I know the Ebola outbreak is being conducted on purpose is because it violates all protocol,” he said.
The violations of protocol are almost too numerous to mention.”

this is a covert biological war. Suppressing the information by the major media sources of the airborne nature of ebola to allowing the ebola to spread in America. demons have been give the medical industry, this is a conscious war on the people of the us just as hitler began the holocaust by gassing german citizens considered old ,insane ,politically opposed and anyone else that some to be beneath the Aryran ideal.the eugenics of hitler were first proclaimed in the US years before. Just a Netanyahu wants to commit genocide in Palestine, the samekaballistoccultist want toclear 90% of the American population off the map.
The node a t0 scorp brought in genocidal wars in 1939 and the node transit now at 29 libra shows these same demonic passion to be fully active and by many times more, vastly more destructive and insane.

ex seal andgovenor jesse ventura has been blackball by the media and net. he had several videos movies documenting the rising fascism and NWO. they all have been pulled from youtube and European sites that still rent them out will not rent to americans.

one of his movies had revealed that FEMA has stockpiled ove 500,000 plastic coffins. what are they for?
now we know.

CDC Suggests “Hermetically Sealed Coffins” For Ebola Victims – AKA “Fema Coffins
"I remember years back when I was still writing for my original website,, we came across a then little known video of air tight “coffin liners”, hundreds of thousands, stacked in a field in the middle of Madison, Georgia in close proximity to Atlanta and the home of the CDC. We helped break that story which immediately swept through independent media circles. Owners of the property leased to store the hermetically sealing plastic coffins stated that it was the CDC that had rented the land for storage of the coffins. Confirmation from the CDC has not been forthcoming."

clearly my disappearing posts about the illuminati/kabala satanic child sex/murder ritual ,as well as the disappearance of my post predicting the mergence of these mysterious flus and diseases are also part of the eminent repression the citizens are about to face.

October 6, 2014
Former CIA insider Robert David Steele warned during a September 18 appearance on the Alex Jones Show that a staged Ebola false flag attack was on the horizon two weeks before the first case was confirmed in the United States.

the ebola virus is not acting like any ebola before.
the entrovoirus is also acting like no entrovirus before.
they are all genetically modified.
the entorvirus as been identified as combined with mrsa as I have said for a years. the reason these virus's are mysterious and unprecedented is because the mrsa bacteria that has been combined with these virus is causing all the mysterious symptoms. mrsa is know to cause these other aliment especially the lung infections.
this is a medical corporation conspiracy as doctors have refused to test anyone for mars for a couple of years because they know the mrsa virus is the hidden vector to cause these epidemics.

friend recently told me that he was listening to the Coast to Coast radio program a while back and the host mentioned that 3 months ago just as the current ebola epidemic started, andthat a man from sierra leone called in and told him that this new out break of ebola was not ebola. Ebola is a hemorrhagic disease which means you body starts to bleed internally. But the man said that this disease was causing the internal organs to “melt” or disintegrate. During autopsy the entire body cavity was filled with fluid. This is not ebola he said. Since then, the caller has not called back nor can he be reached anywhere.

This symptom of melting is the exact terminology used to describe the first mysterious flu death in Houston on december 5 . I predicted the emergence of a virus/flu combo in early December based . His internal organs “melted” and doctored were totally baffled as they had never seen such a thing before. It is interesting that doctors said not to perform autopsies. Why, because then it would be come apparent that this was not a normal ebola but a genetically altered virus as I have posted.since then the discoverer of the ebola virus hhas even said ebola has mutated. erovirus
The unidentified child died last week as a result of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis and EV-D68, also known as enteroviral infection
In the Rhode Island case, infection by both Staphylococcus aureus sepsis and EV-D68 is “a very rare combination that can cause very severe illness in children and adults,” the Rhode Island DOH said.
Staphyocuccus aureus is MRSA. Thus is exactly what I have been posting for over a year. Doctors are saying this is not a normal enterovirus. Of course not, it is a genetically altered virus with a mrsa bacteria added.
This is exactly what the mysterious Houston flu turned out to be. A mutated H1Ni virus with a unidentified bacteria inside it. This is true but it was not a natural mutation but a genetically altered mutation carried out by the mossad/cia.
I know this because one of the person infecting me is a cia snitch another was a mossad subcontractor. This is my post on the WWW111 of November 4 was deleted.that is the post in which I predicted the emergence of this virus.mrsa combo.
Though the virus was finally identified, the bacteria still is called “unidentified”. Why. Because as I have continually pointed out the mrsa virus is going to be used to kill millions in a “mysterious” epidemics.
Just as I posted, many strange infection would occur after December and it would be a mrsa bacteria that caused the deaths. Finally after all these months of cover-ups by the medical establishment, they have finally identified the bacteria as MRSA as I have said.
This is all part of the plan to depopulate the earth by 90% and specifically all critics of the Zionist kabala occultist/NWO
that the battle against Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia was lost and that the virus would eventually kill 5 million people.

The Public Health Agency of Canada has deleted information from its official website which indicated that the “airborne spread” of Ebola was strongly suspected by health authorities, amidst efforts by officials in Texas to calm concerns about the first outbreak of the virus in America.

the coverup of the conspiracy goes on

."The key sentence comes five paragraphs in to the article, “Enteroviruses are common, but this strain is not."

I bring this up because this is exactly the modus operandi of the mysterious flu that was is a genetically altered virus with a bacteria inserted. to date, the "scientists" have still not identified the bacteria. because it is mrsa and as I have said repeatly , mrsa is going to be the vector used to infect the social body with more mysterious disease, as I predicted.
the above example is one of these instuitionalized infections

the real danger is that the mysterious flu which is in actuality a genetically altered flu and mrsa combo is flying under the radar even though 80% of flu deaths are being caused by this "mysterious" flu, which was created by mossad/cia operatives for the purpose of killing million in the US. by CDC own standards the US is in the middle of a deadly flu epidemic yet nothing is being said nor is any attempt being made to identify the "unidentified bacteria". this is because it is a mrsa bacteria that the cia/mossad have developed to transmit many unseen symptoms.
this is why the "medical" establishment refuse to test for mrsa. they don't want their demonic plan of attackto be found out .

currently it seems the pathogen of choice is aerosol ,even though there arer seveal ways to administer it, combination of mrsa fragments that attack the heart and lungs.
the first symptoms being lethargic and undue laziness. as ones heart pumping less ,extreme fatigue and in later time ,blood logs appear

but with only mrsa fragments , the antiquated test they have for mrsa would never pick this up. Genetic sampling is th only way to understand this.

just a note. I have mentioned that a sudden need to urinate frequently is one of the signs for being infected with mrsa.but this is usually orally or by lungs.
the newest strains in the last 6 months do not cause and bladder problems so it is more difficult to tell when one is infected. in this case one must observe the symptoms. but there is apparently plenty of the final solution strain out there to still pay attention to sudden urination.


"The first video below goes on to confirm my worst fears that I have posted about numerous times. ALL of the WORST of the WORST are involved as you will see below. DAARPA, the Pentagon, the Pentagon’s Biological Technology Office, and more. Before you watch the first video, remember this:"

"To save some time, “JADE” is a software application the military is now using that allocates manpower and equipment on-the-fly based on prior experience, prior events, and the capability of being able to “predict criminal activity.” It is an artificial intelligence application that learns which tactics and personnel were most successful in different scenarios. That is the “JADE” part of Jade Helm. "

in A Different Universe , by nobel prize winning physicist Robert laughlin , he makers the point that since ww11 the defense department has funded all physics work. but since the early 2000's, he says ominously, the defense department has shifted it resources from physics to biological research.this is what the mrsa conspiracy is about, government program to use biological agent s to wage war. unfortunately ,this time the war is on civilians.


"Mysterious cases of paralysis in U.S. children over the last year have researchers searching for the cause of the illness. Now, a new study suggests that a new strain of a poliolike virus may be responsible for some of the cases"

the coverup proceeds as the fact that the mrsa bacteria was identified as combined with the entrovirus D68 is ignored. they are saying a "new" virus is responsible but entrovirus was reported to be mutated/genetically altered and combined with a mrsa bacteria.
they ignore the medical fact that mrsa causes preexisting medical problems to be worse, just as these new deaths.

now the Rothschild corps can introduce an number of "new" virus' and no one will think to blink .


Are you still in denial? Then go to the search engine on this website and type in Executive Order 13603. This is the Obama Manifesto in which he gives himself permission to seize control over all food and water, all food production, all natural resources, all manufacturing, all transportation and Obama has granted himself the authority to conscript any American (labeled a “consultant”) into a slave labor arrangement in a location of his choice. Again, the proof is hiding in plain site.

of course it will be much easier when the deaths are attributed to mysterious "diseases" .

Just Released! ‘Executions By Guillotine’ Finally Passed In USA, and Government Is Pushing For Nationwide Use

They passed laws in Georgia to allow for the use of the guillotine on death row. But were you also aware a federal judge has now joined the ranks of those pushing for the use of guillotines nationwide? Now do you see why they “botch” executions? They need to make the people demand a better way to kill.
