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I noticed this recently
garlic/allicin baths will cure most forms of mrsa except some of the genetically altered strains. it doesn't work on the final solution strain though.
I first thought about conscious virus’ when I realized the virus/bacteria combination I hade been infected with in cardiac isolation worked on a 2 day scheduled. The here would be d=strong atrial fibrillation for two says then stop. Everything would seem fine but on coldcock like precision the atrial fribllation continued on this 2 days on one day off. My feeling was that this would eliminate any possibility that if someone wanting blood work blood work to verify anything… the virus would be inert. But the 2 day schedule when on for 4 cycles when I learned that pot kills mrdsa and helps in atrial fibrillation.
First night the a fib were minimal two days later the a fib showed up for a hour or so then it was over the pot had knocked this variation out.
Whatever the mrsa bacteria has been given a time clock of some sort.
This is a basic reason I feel this bacteria has a sense of self.
MRSA is a bacterium. Alcohol kills bacteria and so do high temperatures.I went to concord and bought some alcohol at safeway.when I boiled it down, here were the telltale white splatters of mrsa contamination.
http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2978/can-liquor-be-used-as-an-emergency-antisepticEthyl alcohol, or ethanol, kills germs by penetrating cell walls, destroying the cellular proteins and enzymes, and dehydrating the cells. Getting the right concentration is important, making it potentially tricky to use commercially available beverages for disinfection — their ethanol content ranges from 3 or 4 percent for light beer to 95 percent for grain alcohol. Ethanol's effectiveness as a disinfectant also fluctuates widely depending on the target microbe, method of administration, and so on.
For example, a 50 percent ethanol solution needs 15 minutes to kill E. coli bacteria and 45 minutes to kill strep in a "cooked-meat broth," but just 20 seconds to wipe out pneumonia and strep bacteria on a glass thermometer — presumably a less hospitable environment. Several common bacteria can be killed off in less than two minutes with 70 percent ethanol, and 35 percent will slay some fungi in a minute flat. The stuff also kills many viruses, including HIV, but at low concentrations the job may take hours.
Their references to medical literature can be seen on the bottom if you wish to verify these claims.
I don't think bacteria could live that long inside the packaging, so it would mean it had to be recently put inside the alcohol for it to be active. People use rubbing alcohol to get rid of mrsa contaminated surfaces/objects.
Wine's alcohol concentration can range from 12% to 15%
Beer is commonly 4%-6%
Are such low concentrations able to kill MRSA?
That is what I thought too, that somehow the bacteria had to be dormant until opened which then activates when it reaches certain conditions. I have watched in shows about bacteria that is safely kept in harsh conditions only to be activated once in contact with something living, but I thought it was all fiction. I didn't think bio-technology was that advanced yet, so I didn't want to say or speculate about the technology.you haven't been reading the fine print.
mrsa us one of the only bacteria that do not need water to survive.
when I first noticed, over 2 1/2 years ago that the mrsa seemed to be covered by a impermeable membrane, I too was confused. but since then I have found out mrsa ,unlike most bacteria,does not need water to survive, so it can be enclosed in a "membrane "and still be viable when it is released. mrsa can live indefinitely in it's "packaging"
I think the packaging is derived from the protein that mussels use to glue themselves to rocks etc.the amazing thing is that alcohol, bleach etc will not break down the packaging but simply rubbing oil over the packaging will release the mrsa onto what ever oil surface it comes in contact with.
That is what I thought too, that somehow the bacteria had to be dormant until opened which then activates when it reaches certain conditions. I have watched in shows about bacteria that is safely kept in harsh conditions only to be activated once in contact with something living, but I thought it was all fiction. I didn't think bio-technology was that advanced yet, so I didn't want to say or speculate about the technology.
oh the technology is there. the mysterious Houston flu was a genetically combined flu virus and a "unidentified" bacteria. this in itself is amazing as some virus are measured in nanometers and most bacteria are quite a bit larger. so for the H1N1 to "mutate itself to create a hole which the identified bacteria was inserted is miraculous. the only way this could be done is genetic engineering. the H1N1 mutated itself so much that it was not identifiable by standard means or identification. another miraculous moment.
I wasa first infected in june 2012 with the common aggressive mrsa that was associated with "ICE", a pure methamphetamine that is produced by genetically altered bacteria. this was a reaction to my posting some of the fact behind the Harvey/milk assassination perpetrated by covert intelligence agencies to take control of the drug trade.the man who infected me used pot .
the second infection, in sept 2012, was by a covert cia sub contractor for the cia.
I had "outed" him and got this reaction. as he was obviously mossad, I realized the ICE was in fact made inisrael and not in Thailand as the cia claimed. This mrsa had already been genetically engineered to cause atrial fibrillation .
The third infection in late September was while I was under observation in cardiac ward under isolation.
This time the mrsa that caused the a fib, was already combined with a flu virus.\
So over the last few years , I have seen and experienced a progression of strains of mrsa that cause an array of ills. All of course which the doctors say mrsa can’t do.
So the technology is already very exact and deadly. They can program the mrsa to attack any part of the body. The current focus for the last 6 months is a flu/mrsa that attacks the skull and it’s sutures .this is the most lethal as it’s intent is to penetrate into the brain.
Pianka began his speech by condemning anthropocentrism, or the idea that the human race occupies a privileged position in nature. He exclaimed, “We’re no better than bacteria!”
AIDS took too long to kill people off, he explained. His preferred method of exterminating over five billion human beings was via airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and kills its victims in days rather than years.
I have two grandchildren and I want them to inherit a stable Earth. But I fear for them. Humans have overpopulated the Earth and in the process have created an ideal nutritional substrate on which bacteria and viruses (microbes) will grow and prosper. We are behaving like bacteria growing on an agar plate, flourishing until natural limits are reached or until another microbe colonizes and takes over, using them as their resource. In addition to our extremely high population density, we are social and mobile, exactly the conditions that favor growth and spread of pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes.
Executive director of the Society for Amateur Scientists, Dr Shawn Carlson, later warned in The Citizen Scientist (April 2, 2006):
"I believe, with the terrible experience of the bloodiest century in human history behind us, that all men and women of conscious in the 21st century must be proactive in our opposition to genocidal or apocalyptic philosophies, before they have the chance to inspire some new champion with the will to take their conclusions to the next step.
"When the professional scientists have lost their sense of moral outrage at such ideologies, then it falls to America's great community of citizen scientists to be the conscious of science."