mrsa coverup

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"Mysterious cases of paralysis in U.S. children over the last year have researchers searching for the cause of the illness. Now, a new study suggests that a new strain of a poliolike virus may be responsible for some of the cases"

the coverup proceeds as the fact that the mrsa bacteria was identified as combined with the entrovirus D68 is ignored. they are saying a "new" virus is responsible but entrovirus was reported to be mutated/genetically altered and combined with a mrsa bacteria.
they ignore the medical fact that mrsa causes preexisting medical problems to be worse, just as these new deaths.

now the Rothschild corps can introduce an number of "new" virus' and no one will think to blink .


as usual, all my post about entrovirus 68 have been deleted from this thread.
among these, a doctor said the entrovirus was combined with a mrsa bacteria. he said the have to figure out how they were combined.

Enterovirus 68/EV-D68: Mystery virus spreading across the country, affecting children

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I have still been coming up with tainted tea tree oil and lotions in this north san mateo area.

if you think to use tea tree for infections,
they will get a mrsa infection. I have noticed this contamination of the herb lines for several months. there have to been more mrsa rashes developing. but as the medical establishment would not test for mrsa, then these will all remain "mysterious and the cdc will ignore this outbreak.

the north san mateo area is the first test area because almost the area has been bought and controls are tight.

I would next think that these infections will begin AGAIN in texas with a few weeks. With texas trying to secede and become more centralized, the covert overlords will induce chaos as the physical changes in government structure are replaced.
the underlying desire is to induce social confusions with these "mysterious disease", when the military actions begin.

I bought more tainted lotion a few days go. A had a slight skin rash that was about to go away, so I put some of this lotion on the mrsa and on clear skin .
My mrsa got worse but no mrsa appeared on my clear skin. I had suspected this trait with the current flu prototype strain.
The mrsa bacteria’s genes have been altered so that it does not have the genes for infection, only genes to start destroy the cells of you body.
I cleaned the lotion off after a couple of hours so I don’t know if prolonged contact will start mrsa on clear skin.

here is a quote post on November 13 2013 that validated the existence of my original mysteriously deleted post of my correct prediction of the emergence of genetically modified virus/bacteria combo in early December 2013. the first death was on dec5 1013

this quote was posted November 13 2013 9 days after the original post.
it contains my prediction of mysterious flu deaths appearing in early December 2013, which was correct ,with the first mysterious flu death on dec 3 2013.
original nov 4 post was mysteriously deleted but here is proof the prediction was valid

just waned to repost this information as both of these afore mentioned post have been mysteriously deleted, giving no record of the mrsa prediction.

'"Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections"

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The past 2 weeks I’ve reported on 3 alternative doctors (2 MD’s and 1 DC, PhD) who were found dead in less than two weeks (Click through for stories and funds for families as well as numbers to report tips to authorities) It was with heavy heart, as I knew a few of the doctors and have many mutual friends with all three. - See more at:

Now, in just a few days, we have 2 more doctors missing. The first is Dr. Fitzpatrick MD of North Dakota who went missing in or around July 3rd. NBC is reporting on his disappearance. Little else is known at this time. Note: Initially it was reported he was a DO, but now we see that’s another Patrick Fitzpatrick in the area. This doctor specializes in Ophthalmology and is an MD. From all accounts it appears he practiced in North Dakota, but was found missing in neighboring Montana - See more at:

it is amazing that all these antibiotic resistance virus an bacteria are easily killed by natural
herbs and oils.
as the pharma-corps have so much invested in their genetically alteed diseases, they are trying to eliminate those who have knowledge of these things.

there is some dark humor here somewhere as it seems if you smoke cannabis and drink a couple of ales every day.... you can keep these mrsa infections a bay and eliminate them.
I have wondered why others smoked when I did and did not get infected. so the low lifes lifestyle will keep them can relatively clear of the mrsa infections

“A Link No One Has Made! 8 Dead, 5 Missing Doctors! What They Knew, Why They Were Targeted and Who They Encountered!
Is this all just a “coincidence” considering California’s passage of the forced vaccination law? Is it all just a “coincidence” that these doctors just so happen to be murdered the same time that Florida Senator, Frederica S. Wilson, introduces her draconian legislation to force children in public schools to be fully vaccinated? If not then why were five of the murdered doctors linked to the state of Florida, the very state of Frederica Wilson? I believe we have a conspiracy on our hands”

The Rothschild/corporate/occultist have invested 100’s of millions if not billions to create and set up the mechanism for these genetically altered infections to infect civilian populations.
But it turns out that the more refined these genetic mutation have become that the easier for homeopathic remedies to cure these “incurable virus/bacteria”.
As iu have already reported, many remedies to mrsa, especially tea tree oil is being contaminate . I have found tainted te tree oil everywhere in sf/dc ,
Cvs,longs,trader joes, rainbow grocery, harvest house, foodmax, GNC,and a few others.
The rothschild corprations are contaminating any naturel remedy they find kills the mrsa ,as the mrsa is the cornerstone for these demon scientist infection plans.

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the Mexican federal agent that first infected me is now the head of distributing heroin and cocaine and meth for the cia and mossad.apparently he was rewarded for trying to kllme with mrsa.
my cia connected brother is also trying to poison me with mrsa. the Rothschild mossad yahwists what to silence me ,but they want to make sure I die of some "mysterious disease". the current generation of mrsa strains do not show up as mrsa , as the bacteria has been so sliced and diced only fragments of the mrsa genome are being used and they cannot be identified with testing.

here's another deleted post by the resident government troll. it is getting tiresome to have to check my post to see what has been deleted. but a least the nature of the deleted post gives a clear picture of who is behind this.

deleted post april 8

April 8, 2015
As I have posted above ,in the early 2000’s mossad started to take over the cia drug dealing the early 2000’s the fbi statistics saw a rise in murders etc in smaller cities and towns. This was later shown to be inter gang feuds causing the “warfare”. But it was actually the mossad instigating and causing tensions that lead to the mayhem . this occurred in Amarillo texas(as I posted above) in the early 2000’s. the cia had connected with every drug dealing entity, police gangs ,motor cycles clubs etc, so mossad sub contractors were sent in to infiltrate these connections and cause dissension.
The cia stepped back and said these informers were federal narcs that they had no control over, but in reality they were mossad subcontractors sent to break the previous cia connections with out the cia taking any blame.
In Amarillo a mossad contractor sold Ice to one side of the Mexican mafia, then stole the Ice (methaphetamine made by genetically altered bacteria) and blamed it on the other side of the mafia trying to cause a mafia war.
This technique was applied in san francisco /daly city in a different way in the 2005. Here the mossad wanted to usurp the power of the remnants of the contra/cia drug connections. In this case as the mossad tried take control of the old contra connections, one of the “god fathers” had a simple surgery and ,surprised, he died of unforeseen complications. This is the way mossad can influence it’s take overs while seemingly playing above the board. These contra connection now move stuff in Pacifica that they get from the mossad overloads. It seems very profitable but no one’s suspects the dead “good father” was eliminated consciously.
The use of ”poison “ and unseen murderous machinations leaves the mossad’s hands clean and no one thinking that any force except god’s will is at work.

another deleted thread. clearly mossad soesn'twant any of it's shady dealings know

When the mossad enters a “market” it takes control by surreptitiously eliminating the indigenous “mafias”my experiences in concord cal. Are a good example. After living there for 1 year and being constantly poisoned by my cia snitch brother, and after everything I my room was contaminated, I moved to the streets. I had know many epoelk her fpr a year so when all of a sudden a was labeled a government informant, it didn’t make sense. But as the “cia” was marking me,the locals were defensive. But finally they realized nothing had happened and the vibrati9ns leveled out. But by constant agitation a few months later the vibs moved against me again, but as it still did not make sense as there had been not “bust” for a couple of years, the locals went back to neutral.
I stopped spending time in concord about 6 months ago as I tired of the constant suspicion
But an bout 3 months ago,I felt a change again. This time the vibrations were very was clear that the locals minds had been convinced I was an informer and I was going to be eliminated at the first chance.
Finally a street urchin told me that a old time major Mexican drug dealer had been busted. I knew approximately where this activity happened but always stayed far away.
But what occurred was the mossad had him busted and the blame was laid on me the informer.
This is how the mossad operates when it takes over a area.
I had warned the locals a year before that the mossad was m0ving in and their old contacts would be busted. Concord is an old government/cia city as there had been a naval base there since forever.
But this is the mossad technique, infiltrate and then surreptitiously bust your “hosts”.
And since the mossad represents the chosen people no one suspects anything as their traditions go down the drain
The yahwist mossad chemist have now improved their flu/mrsa virus. As daly city /colma has become to “hot” for me I had to head back to the family condo. Jumping from the fire into the fire..
I left the condo more tha a year ago as my cia associated brother had contaminate my food. Bathroom, bedroom. clothing with mrsa. And he had but aerosol caps that contaminated the air when I slept.i have wrote about this in the thread, if it hasn’t been deleted.
So for about a week as I slept in the living room he truned on a mrsa aerosol. But like keystone cops, all I had to do was cover my face and body and the mrsa could not infect me. But 3 days ago,when he went to the chemist lab in sf, they changed the genome so that it virus combo was smaller and could go through the cloth filters.

Gentech is the onlygenetic corp in the city .and they can immediately change the genome
Anyway I know when he turns on the almost silence aerosol and it has started to infect me but I still awake up and move some where else but as he has even planted aerosol caps on the patio, my choices are few. I can’t just “camp” outside because he has told the police I am a government undercover agent trying to sniff out their drug dealing so the streets in concord are dangerous .

I bring this up because there are two developments that bode ill. On eis that the aerosol is now able to penetrate cloth protection and the other is that the liquid mrsa has improved so that when the infect hits,there are no white residues formed. This is about the end of the line as there is no way to know when you are infect until the infections develop. And they have improve the virus because when it lands on your skin, it immediately starts to spread and is very resistant to the herbal remedies.
One must IMMEDIATELY start treatment even 1-2 hours delay allows the mrsa to entrench itself. So if one sleeps through the infection upon waking the mrsa is spread across ones exposed face.
This is final warning as now since the mrsa genome can not be identified and there being no sysmptom of infection, the virus/bacteria/mrsa will be unable to be detected .this mrsa combo will be releaed in masse when civil resistance to the coming fascisr take over begins.
As I;ve said ,texas is the most likely site for this plque to be started, in December when the military state begins rounding people up.

With all of these government, political, familial and corporate attempts on your life, you are still alive and well. Maybe you should stop worrying about it since you are clearly "unbreakable." Find a job at UC Berkeley. You will fit right in.
Originally Posted by rahu
The yahwist mossad chemist have now improved their flu/mrsa virus. As daly city /colma has become to “hot” for me I had to head back to the family condo. Jumping from the fire into the fire..
I left the condo more tha a year ago as my cia associated brother had contaminate my food. Bathroom, bedroom. clothing with mrsa. And he had but aerosol caps that contaminated the air when I slept.i have wrote about this in the thread, if it hasn’t been deleted.
So for about a week as I slept in the living room he truned on a mrsa aerosol. But like keystone cops, all I had to do was cover my face and body and the mrsa could not infect me. But 3 days ago,when he went to the chemist lab in sf, they changed the genome so that it virus combo was smaller and could go through the cloth filters.

Gentech is the onlygenetic corp in the city .and they can immediately change the genome
Anyway I know when he turns on the almost silence aerosol and it has started to infect me but I still awake up and move some where else but as he has even planted aerosol caps on the patio, my choices are few. I can’t just “camp” outside because he has told the police I am a government undercover agent trying to sniff out their drug dealing so the streets in concord are dangerous .

I bring this up because there are two developments that bode ill. On eis that the aerosol is now able to penetrate cloth protection and the other is that the liquid mrsa has improved so that when the infect hits,there are no white residues formed. This is about the end of the line as there is no way to know when you are infect until the infections develop. And they have improve the virus because when it lands on your skin, it immediately starts to spread and is very resistant to the herbal remedies.
One must IMMEDIATELY start treatment even 1-2 hours delay allows the mrsa to entrench itself. So if one sleeps through the infection upon waking the mrsa is spread across ones exposed face.
This is final warning as now since the mrsa genome can not be identified and there being no sysmptom of infection, the virus/bacteria/mrsa will be unable to be detected .this mrsa combo will be releaed in masse when civil resistance to the coming fascisr take over begins.
As I;ve said ,texas is the most likely site for this plque to be started, in December when the military state begins rounding people up.


I checked the new mixture of mrsa by the flame test.oringinally if one boiled the water away in the test, one was left with white crystalline circular residues that would etch into the stainless steel pot. now instead of a crystalline residue ,one gets a oily substance. so it is clear that the chemist changed the composition. and as I said above, there is no move white residue when one is infected. The only symptoms are the ringlet that form or striations(line) that form on ones limbs and skin. recently I have found out that sunflower oil will kill this form of mrsa and aloe vera juice or gel will also kill the mrsa. these are all readily available. as I have already mentioned other cures ARE LEMON. JUICE,APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, PAPYAS AND MANGOS among others have listed. actually apple will also act against the mrsa if one eat 4 -5 at a sitting or better eat apples all day. also lemon juice that comes in those plastic lemon containers are as effective as fresh lemons

in addition they have perfected the mrsa in the air. there is a slight buzz when the mrsa is expelled into the air. but this mrsa is the most aggressive soon as one comes in contact with this foul air,the mrsa takes root and starts to spread. one must immediately get out.this form is also been shrunk a bit so that it will penetrate any cloth. it will go directly to you skin through clothing etc. I am not sure if a clinical mask will stop it is odorless and colorless, one could walk into a room with this and never know it . and when rashes immediately appear on one's skin, one would have no idea where it came from. it seems that this mist allow has a short life span because it clears relativity quickly.

it seems the yahwist have ctreated a modern version zyklon b( the gas used in the german camps). my brotyher has rigged the condo so that all parts can be simueltaneously sprayed with only a very small hiss from place to place. in the comdo, he has lock shut any windows that will interfere with the mrsa cloud. he effectively has created a gas chamber. anyone unwittingly breathing this over night will wake up with a almost irreversible infection in their heart and lungs as this form is so virulent and aggressive and if they go to a doctor ,their death is certain as all prescription drugs will not affect this. and the doctors will have absolutely no idea what it is. apparently the mrsa stops the heart from beating and cause blood clods to form in the lungs. and as the mrsa genome is so cut up, no test will reveal the mrsa. this has been the idea from the beginning over 3 years manmade unidentifiable plague to kill off the population with no blame aimed at anyone.
my situation is worse as my brother has place rfid chips on me that locate me and that activate the mrsa infection.these "chips" seem to also be biometric because the can tell when I fall asleep and then spray me mrsa and contaminate my herbal remedies.
and as I have mentioned already I don't thinkall these rfid chips are actually chips. I think some are nono [particles tha are inserted in your sjkin by gas pressure. this think this because 2 nights ago I slept outside in an obscure area, and decide to drinkl coffee all night to catch him. but about4;30 I started to doze off, not completelty , and I "saw" in my semi closed eyes a mustard yellow flash. I felt nothing but my mrsa immediately started to swell and when I regained my senses and looked around ,I saw I figure that likely was my brother walking away. so I think that he sprays some form of nanoparticles on my neck, and my nervous system picked up the sensation. again there was no pain or sensation ,only the image in my mind. this had happened once before but I put it off to random mental image.. this time I am certain that this was a method of" inoculation "

ever since I began posting this thread ,I have had an unceasing barrage of mrsa reinfection by m brother here in concord and by the top Mexican drug connection in daly city.
now my brother is trying to get me committed to take the credibility of my post away. he actually tried the same ploy 8 years ago when I was trying to get a lawyer to sue him for illegally setting up a trust from mother's estate all the while totally excluding me or informing me. the same line.. you need to get on meds or I will have mom evict you... which finally came to pass. now as he has not been able to kill me thru mrsa reinfections, he is saying I am a threat to myself and need to get on meds. he plans to use my mother again to have me committed. so one must agree that the mrsa conspiracy to infect millions is correct or the mossad /cia would not have spent so much time and money trying to silence and/or discredit me.
he has done the dirty work for the cia many times before. the first in 1970 when he walked arm in arm with a chicano leader in a parade in east LA. his blond hair and blue clearly marked the chicano leader who was assassinated 15 minutes later. this was said t be a cia hit but could never be proved as such. and of course he was being groomed to replace Harvey milk(his own words) in the weeks leading up to the moscone/milk assassinations in 1978

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A few nights ago I hear a bit of a cable movie.apparently this was a post catastrophe scene and the president of the united states was on a ship broadcasting to a city for them to allow him to land… or some such doomsday senario.. then he said I know some of you think we are bringing these mysterious diseases but were not..blah blah…. It struck me how this concern with mysterious diseases must be quite widespread In the popular consciousness for this concern to be used a script line..
Really rang a bell a I just had to endure my corrupt ex lawyer brother striking his best sincere stance, slightly bent with hands upraised and pleading with me to realize ii am mental unbalanced, there is no cia, there is not mrsa ,there is no conspiracy/ I felt like that little flying reptilian fellow in one of the star wars flicks who said “you can’t use the jedi master stuff on me/(or some such).
The gas chamber condo became to dangerous as I realize he an mom are intent in having me committed. So just exit stage left, returning to the twin towers.not much difference as a couple of fellow here are also daily reinfecting me.
The initial federali acquaintance who is now the right hand indigenous for all mossad drug dealing in the peninsula, also is using this mrsa aerosol;. Same symptoms, attack heart and lungs. Same modus operandi, spray over me while sleeping, and the same suggestion I go to the hospital.
my Masonic acquaintance is also surreptitiously spray this mrsa aerosol on me.
The other day I thought I try to take a nap as sleep is when the demons like to descend with their sprays. And there in front of the library I was awoke by the coughing and chinking feeling ,so I rousted myself and did a few herbs and oils. I am thinking in the middle of the day can this still be a problem. I pondered this a bit until my mason friend comes round the corner, saying “I saw you sleeping and didn’t want to wake you up” right so you sprayed mrsa on me instead?? Something are best left unsaid. One can not reason with a liar.

So two separate people using the same singular genetically modified mrsa strain. Interestingly that both have made reference in the past about their connection with people at pier 39.
My Mexican federali fiend had talked about the “macbre” things these dealer’s were into. That was some time ago, now it seems he himself is immerse in this cabbalistic occult magic. In all fairness this was not said in conjunction with his visits to pier 39 but rather conjunction with his pickup up a kilo of heroin and cocaine in Sausalito.
This was I subtle acknowledgement to me as I had told him years ago ha when he got to the top of his “field” he would be picking up his drugs in Sausalito.

Another current landmark, peir 39 also benefited from the liazze faire environment.
it was built with no permits........ the carpenters, electrician etc were not union , when san francisco was still a strong union port. and the carpenters were mostly long haired rednecks.
it was a high end retail complex built by low ball workers with city taxes and fees unpaid.( I posted this on another forum a while back .
another columinst,charles mccabe, was a blue collar colluminst. As herb Caen charted the high life and Charles McCabe charted the happening on the “street”
he wrote a column about this affair. It explained a lot because, pier 39 was like a mushroom. Nothing but a old pier and then seemly overnight , it was finished. Warren Simmons had high connections. I knew a few fellows involved with the construction so McCabe’s column explained what struck me…. These guys weren’t union and as I worked with them for a while, I was confused as to why they could be working on a high profile tourist job.
( I posted this on another forum and a “dr koos” admonished me that warren might send someone after me if I continued in this vein. of course the post has been deleted and the dr koos is history.)
A bit ominous but I did notice that charles mccabe died in 1983, just after I abandon the City. Seems he fell down alone in his living room and sustained fatal head injuries.

Lets see, three individuals using a singular mrsa aresol that attacks lungs and heart and with the intention to force me Into a hospital setting.

Low and behold last year my mother had her 85 birthday at pier 39 and MR Simmons himself came to her table .unbeknownst to me, my brother’s ex and daughter know Simmons and his wife and my estranged daughter works for mrs simmon. Truly a small world when it comes to genetically altered mrsa strains.

you obvious haven't read all of the thread or you would see your suggest legal remedies are ridiculous .
n his book A different Universe , nobel prize in physics recipient robert Laughlin, make the point that since the 40's the defense department has spent billions on high energy physics to develop weapons. but since the turn of the millennium the department of defense is putting all that money into biogenetic research. the defense department is actively making genetic all yattered versus/bacteria etc for war fare. the book was written 15 years ago. you serious think the military geneticist have accomplished anything in the way of bio warfare?
when I was first infected in jun 2012, it was a s8imple des of mrsa contaminated meth in a joint.
second time the mrsa in addition to swelling caused atrial fibrillation. this is a significant step . but what was more surprising was that in the hospital , while in cardiac isolation, I was infected with another variant that also cause atrial fibrillation. this variant has the interesting quality if turning itself off every 2 days, then starting the a fib again. so adding a genetic timing component was a greater advancement . it you really took the time you would see how over the last 3 1/2 years, these strains and variants of mrsa have become more advanced.

I am glad you are able to make light of the extreme danger to the social group, so you can play psychiatrists.

see ya later
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just bumped this up to refresh those who may have just started reading this thread.
my reason for making the correct prediction that mysterious virus/bacteria combo would appear in dec 2013,is given below. i just didn't grap these dates out of the air.

this is a repost as this post was also mysteriously deleted from this thread
I post this because it shows that I predicted the current "mysterious" flu/bacteria combo would show up in early December. the first death of this "mysterious flu/bacteria combo was on December 5 2013 in dallas.
I seems someone is trying to discredit my views on the mrsa conspiracy

I posted the following on the countdown to www111 thread on November 4. but that thread HAS ALSO BEEN DELETED.
clearly I am being targeted to discredit the fact that the mossad and cia are using this mrsa/virus combo to kill people opposed to the Rothchild NWO . I have continuously been infected with different strains of this virus/mrsa combo and(I was not planning to reveal this fact) last week a direct attempt to kill me was made by poisoning my food with a drug at causes your heart to stop. by sheer chance a did not consume the full piece of bread and so I was only rendered light headed and my heart rate lowered dangerously. this is the same drug ,I believe, that was used to kill peaches geldorf for her revelations about the satanic child rape scenario in England. much of that thread was also deleted but I have restored it from my flash drive. this current attempt was using the same drug that I was dosed in a marijuana cigarette with about 3 months ago. again sheer chance saved me then as I did not smoke the entire cigarette, but it did almost stop my heart completely. I described this event on a thread here and will see if it too has been deleted. these acts were committed my mossad/cia operatives.

I have started a thread detailing how the cia/mossad as repeatedly been trying to hack my computer my computer .

I find it interesting that I have put katydidit on my ignore list yet her post still appear and her post was the first post after my deleted post from above. I have gotten no response from the moderator as to how she could take her name off my ignore list and how her post continue to appear when I put her back on my ignore list.

first poste nov 4, now deleted
"To recall a era when a government medically killed their own populous goes back to the middle of 1939 when eugenics philosophy allowed the Nazis to kill the old ,infirm, social misfits and others.
Concentration camps had existed for years but the implementation of gas chambers was first used on german people. After the war started the camps were transferred to the military. By then a public outcry against gassing uncle wihlem forced the stop to culling the civilian population.
Such a frightening scenario as I see must be compared to the overall frightening nature of history. The geo politics now are the same as in 1939,the actions and larceny of wall street are not even being cover upped anymore.
We are treated like animals at check points, we are already being used as cattle.
Look at the fraud of obama care. The only thing that will happen is that medical profits will soar as the middle classes are taxed into submission.
So what is so far fetched that these coked out medical corporation aren’t making new “bugs to cause the need for their pharmaceuticals?”
That just seemed to be the idea in the beginning, which was about a year ago last September. In the intervening year several new variation have been developed.
Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action( which was correct)
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore."

this is all the more germane now that several mysterious diseases are appearing.



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