"We see a year [1976] when the US was violating a Senate law that forbid the US from engaging in the Angolan Civil War and we saw Zaire being used as a bait for the CIA and then we saw the outbreak of Ebola in Zaire. The same year that George H. W. Bush was the director of the CIA,” Madsen said.
“In 1980 we saw the outbreak of HIV in Zaire and Angola where the CIA was operating,” he said.
“I think what we need to see is an investigation of how intense the CIA biological warfare program was in Zaire and Angola between 1976 and 1980, and what has hit in Sierra Leon and other countries is the Zaire strain of Ebola.”
Madsen said the militarization of the U.S. Ebola effort in West Africa is suspicious. “It’s very peculiar that the US is sending the military in when obviously health workers, doctors, and other health care professionals are needed,” he said.
CIA and U.S. military involvement in the use of biological pathogens as weapons is well documented. In the 1970s, evidence was revealed by the Church Committee"
it is more than coincidence that the current plague of genetically modified virus bacteria's correlate to the nodal dates when the cia was using biological warfare in Africa.
july 4 1978 correlates to the node a 0 libra and today 0 libra relates to 9/11/15 - 10/2/15.
shows the government has used biological warfare before the current use of genetically altered virus/ bacteria's.