mrsa coverup

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"We see a year [1976] when the US was violating a Senate law that forbid the US from engaging in the Angolan Civil War and we saw Zaire being used as a bait for the CIA and then we saw the outbreak of Ebola in Zaire. The same year that George H. W. Bush was the director of the CIA,” Madsen said.
“In 1980 we saw the outbreak of HIV in Zaire and Angola where the CIA was operating,” he said.
“I think what we need to see is an investigation of how intense the CIA biological warfare program was in Zaire and Angola between 1976 and 1980, and what has hit in Sierra Leon and other countries is the Zaire strain of Ebola.”
Madsen said the militarization of the U.S. Ebola effort in West Africa is suspicious. “It’s very peculiar that the US is sending the military in when obviously health workers, doctors, and other health care professionals are needed,” he said.
CIA and U.S. military involvement in the use of biological pathogens as weapons is well documented. In the 1970s, evidence was revealed by the Church Committee"

it is more than coincidence that the current plague of genetically modified virus bacteria's correlate to the nodal dates when the cia was using biological warfare in Africa.

july 4 1978 correlates to the node a 0 libra and today 0 libra relates to 9/11/15 - 10/2/15.

shows the government has used biological warfare before the current use of genetically altered virus/ bacteria's.

One reply suggested that if the cia/mossad wanted me dead ,I would be dead.
I have tried to steer clear of posting about threats and near misses to my life, but there have been a few such attempts that by the grace of god I have been spared for now.
When I started this thread it was to describe the medical cover-up about mrsa and secondarily to write about the medical corporation’s intent to infect people with atrial fibrillation so as to force them to buy the pharmaceutical corporations drugs to treat this condition.
But after using the node to predict the beginning of the next world war, I also found that these times are to be used to kill millions of po0pel.last time war and gas chambers, this time war and mysterious mrsa base diseases.
Mrsa infection have been the main source of life threatening episodes. Apparently because I have spoken for so long on this subject, the need was felt to have me expire in a hospital with my mrsa unconfirmed. This is an attempt to negate my warning by showing I never had mrsa.
As the world war us now set to begin in December, and the dispersion of these genetically altered disease is imminent, the demons against me are now taking a more direct route to my demise.
I was finally physically attacked 3 weeks ago. Still there is an element of subterfuge as I have concluded that I was to be knocked unconscious and then injected with a drug causing an overdose. But luckily I can take a hit and so the blow to my head did not render me unconscious, though I was in a weaken state. But surprisingly the attacker ran away instead of pursuing his advantage as I was in no state to defend my self.
As this occurred in the area of the Rothschild yahwist center of control in daly city, I have retreated to concord, though now I have to beware of fratricide.
Up ti the recent attack the other method were of chemical nature twice I unwittingly ingest a drug that made my heart stop, but luckily I had moderated my intake and remained conscious long enough for my body to metabolize the drug.
I was poisoned by my food at the condo so as to give me a stroke .but astrology had prepared me for an attack last year when a Saturn/node conjunction was exact over my nodal node. I took cleanliness precaution that partially worked and the stroke was mild and caused no physical impairment outside a slight vision reaction which healed with no medication or need for hospitalizations. The doctors at the ER were against me leaving but as the brain scans found no bleeding they acquiesced.

I also thru my food was given a virus /mrsa combo that tried to foment a heart attack, but I was able to alleviate the symptoms before the heart attack could gain strength. This was not a very effective virus/combo so it seemed to be something they that just thrown together.

There were several times when I had to run and hide as actual assassins were targeting me. But it all comedown to economics and I am really a small fish who was not worth an extended surveillance. simply staying out of slight until the clouds passed worked.
But the major focus over the last 3 years has been to infect me with strains of mrsa that can not be cured(by traditional medicine) so beginning in feb 2013 I survived several strains that the demons though would put me I the hospital so they could finish their work by watching my body be eaten up by mrsa bacteria while they pumped me full of morphine to “ease the pain.
But it turns out hat there are many herbs that will kill mrsa so their tactics switch to keeping these herbs out of my reach. The Rothschild yahwist did this through buying up all the herbal hops. The bought the last herbal store about a year ago.
About a year ago I had rdif chip implanted by my brother while I slept at the condo and I have also been infected with a virus or bacteria that has altered my stomach chemistry so that my perspiration smelt like ammonia .i have moderated this a bit by ceasing the consumption of meat products but the smeell is still very strong and emanates about10-20 feet around me. The rdif chips contain gps sensors so the demons always know where I am at. Other chips are biometric so they can tell when I am awake. Since the implantations most of my reinfections occur when I am asleep. As I had to leave the condo because my brother had turned all the rooms in to a gas chambers, I had to go back to daly city and for the last few months was sleeping high in a tree, the only place I could sleep in peace to a limited degree.
After losing access to the herbs, I had to use existing pharmaceutical such as witch hazel extract. But the yahwist bought all the drugs chains in the area and whenever I tried to purchase something it was tainted with mrsa.the Rothschild yawhist have completely bought out daly city. Every thing every food store or food chain every liquor store , everything .
I then truned to natural growing herbs such as stinging nettle and eucalyptus trees leaves ,but when they found out what I was using ,they proceed to spray every nettle plant and eucalyptus tree in a least a 5 mile radius. And if I found a isolated plant,they had me on gps and sent their minions to spray these plants with mrsa became quite a night mare situation.
This all may sound ridiculous but I am the only person who has seen through the demonic plan and they have pulled out all stop to make sure I am silenced.
Then I luckily discovered that there are many over the counter preparations they kill mrsa. deep skin moisturizer with aloe vera or sunflower seed oil, acne scrubs with salicylic acid kill mrsa. The problem for the demons was that there are innumerable manufactures of these products and it is nearly impossible for then to control and taint all these over the counter preparations.
As I have said they know exactly where I am at all times and when I find new source ,since they own everything, they simply tainted the new product I have food. but it is very difficult for them so know the demons are taking note of what I buy to eat and going back and tainting the products I buy.this is causng the mrsa to infect my mouth and internal organs. I do have a couple of tricks still but it is only a matter of time til they pin me down completely
That I where it rest now.
I have had to return to the condo in concord which is like the proverbial jumping from the pan into the fire because I have to contend with the mrsa aerosol sprays that are unleashed while I sleep. So far sleeping by open windows has helped, but….. when your own family are acting in concert with the Rothschild Yahwistic demons, it does not have a favorable outlook.

I am posting this now because it is clear from the nodal returns data that the U.S. will be at war with Russia by 12/12/15. Time is short and the wide spread dispersal of these gene altered virus mrsa combinations will start shortly. And I mus be silenced before then.


"We see a year [1976] when the US was violating a Senate law that forbid the US from engaging in the Angolan Civil War and we saw Zaire being used as a bait for the CIA and then we saw the outbreak of Ebola in Zaire. The same year that George H. W. Bush was the director of the CIA,” Madsen said.
“In 1980 we saw the outbreak of HIV in Zaire and Angola where the CIA was operating,” he said.
“I think what we need to see is an investigation of how intense the CIA biological warfare program was in Zaire and Angola between 1976 and 1980, and what has hit in Sierra Leon and other countries is the Zaire strain of Ebola.”
Madsen said the militarization of the U.S. Ebola effort in West Africa is suspicious. “It’s very peculiar that the US is sending the military in when obviously health workers, doctors, and other health care professionals are needed,” he said.
CIA and U.S. military involvement in the use of biological pathogens as weapons is well documented. In the 1970s, evidence was revealed by the Church Committee"

it is more than coincidence that the current plague of genetically modified virus bacteria's correlate to the nodal dates when the cia was using biological warfare in Africa.

july 4 1978 correlates to the node a 0 libra and today 0 libra relates to 9/11/15 - 10/2/15.

shows the government has used biological warfare before the current use of genetically altered virus/ bacteria's.


The aids epidemic was created by genetically altered hiv by the cia geneticist in the 70’s
It is not just coincidence that after the cia/mossad assassinated Harvey milk and mayor moscone, that aids was unleashed on the gay population I san franciso. It was very convenient that virtually all the gay men that knew about and were involved in Harvey milks cocaine dealing died of aids
Though there are reports of earlier all edged aids cases , the aids epidemic was started in Africa and then transmitted to new York and san Francisco.
Few realize that the man who was used to unleash this epidemic is known. His name was Gaetan Dugas, French air steward whose routes included Uganda Africa and new York and san Francisco .
In the 1980’s the gay communities in new your and san Francisco had well organized health care centers.
In the early 80’s a rare cancer called Kaposi sarcoma started to appear in both cities. Kaposi sarcoma is a cancer which is limite to old men in their 90’s, yet al of a sudden gay men in their late teen and early 20’s were coming down with this cancer. When the new York and san Francisco health centers learned that Kaposi sarcoma had turned up in both gay communities ,the red flags went up and these agencies start using the oldest medical technique to isolate where this disease sprng from. They interview each patient then took their sexual histories of who the had slept with ,then they went to these men and did the same thing. And from these list they went further back to try to find a common link. They were successful because both in new York and san Francisco the name of Gaetan dugas was common to both list . by 1982 dugas was no longer an air steward and it took some time to track him down. The aids researched wanted to take blood samples and study his body chemistry. But dugas did not cooperate, he said he was not sick ,yet the researchers were claiming that he was passing on a fatal disease and would not cooperate.
About 2 years later dugas developed aids and died.
The cia was involved in the aids epidemic in Africa just as they are now involved in the genetically mrsa epidemic soon to be unleashed.
It is worth noting that dugas flew in to Uganda in those days. Uganda was rule by an infamous tribal chieftain named adi amin under whose rule human right abuse,polircal repression ,ethnic cleansin, extrajudicial killings, nepotism and corruption flourished as he killed 100’s of millions of people. As an absolute despot he was stated the mass killing of other tribes just as has happened the recent history of Africa.
An example of his depravity can be summed up by one example.
If a European women flew into the capital kampala, unescorted and alone. Amins person guard would appear and invite her for dinner. If she refused she was kidnapped. Then after taken to amin ,she would be sexualy assaulted,murdered and then he and his guards would eat her body.
It is more than a coincidence that this depravity was the country that gaetan dugas flew back and forth to.
The cia started the aids epidemic to coverup the assassination of Harvey milk.
Today these same demons are going to murder millions with genetically altered virus/mrsa combinations

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Another genetically altered mrsa aerosol had been unleashed at the gas chamber condo. This new strain appeared 3 nights is clearly a fragment of mrsa and not an entire genome because it infected only an existing mrsa site on me. But it is one of the most aggressive I’ve dealt with. It is insidious because the fragment in innocuous to anyone without an existing mrsa infection. I sat in the living room next to my demonic brother and the mrsa site on my nose just ballooned up in a matter of minutes.
I went into the bathroom with a ventilation fan the infection subsided with a alcohol application . but sleeping in a contaminate area makes me wake up with a swollen nose.this strain is not thwarted by covering my face at penetrates the cloth and cause swelling. As soon as I enter the condo, the swelling commences so I am not sure what my next course of action is. word on the street is that my brother is using the name titus .
Also the food problem is still unresolved as every product I use is sooner or later contaminated at the source. One must keep in mind that the Rothschild Yahwists corporations have bought all grocery outlets large and small in s.f,daly city and concord.i assume the rothshild control the food sup[ly on the entire peninsula down to santa clara. .they are becoming very aggressive as these genetically altered mrsa bacterias will soon be unleashed as politics turn to war in December.

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As I have seemed to fallen down a rabbit hole the last several months due to the rfid chips planted in me, I will quickly go over how this mrsa tale has evolved.details can be found in my thread but I will not substantiate my viewpoints for brevity’s sake.

Then my brother put word out that I was a government informant and after the police tried to shoot me in concord , I decided to return to daly city on the street, but here I am still being tracked and infected as the mossad/cia have taken complete economic and control of this area an my Mexican federal agent stalks me ,looking for times he can reinfect me.
Now the idea is to infect me to a degree that I have to go to the hospital where I will have a”stroke”. Over the last 3 years the mossad geneticists have created strep and virus combination s with mrsa as I have describe in this thread. These mutations do not show up as mrsa in blood test.
The idea now is to prove that I do not have mrsa and thereby negate my posts about the demonic plan that is not set up to kill millions with “mysterious disease”.


there was a bust that the was attributed to me, so now I have to bevery careful. it seems the person busted was a big supplier . but there only got probation and still dabbles . I figured he was given a lenient plea bargain so the fed did have to out their informant. it seems my brother has recently step into the vacant shoes.

another example of what I have been posting about occurred last night at 99cent store. I have already started getting mrsa contaminated food here so I was caution from the get go. I notice that the store had some new stock of moisturizers by top care. this brand makes one that contains aloe Vera that will kill mrsa. as this was new stock ,I thought I might take a chance and buy some to treatmy mrsa as it is becoming nearly impossible to buy anything anymore to treat the mrsa.but as I have been down this road before, I only used a small amount on on eside of my nostrils. within minutes my entire nose was swollen. this showed the brand new moisturizer was contaminate with mrsa. I cleaned the off my nose with another preparation and all is fine now fro now
but this is an on going problem ,as the Rothschild yahwists are intent in poisoning me with mrsa so that I have to go to a hospital which is the same as a death sentence. as in san Francisco and daluy city the rohschild yahwist own and control virtually every store ,food store ,liquor store etc here in concord.
my point is that these products are all I have said,they have now developed fragments of mrsa that will not infect anyone that does not have a preexistent infection of the same strain. but the point is the rothschild yahwists already have in place a mechanism to infect all food and medical product when they choose to do so

The New World Order (NWO) has a plan to reduce the world population to under 1 billion people from the current 6+ billion. This will be occurring in the near future – in your lifetime. These two videos Parts 1 & 2 discuss information you probably have never heard. The days ahead are going to be brutal for everyone. Those who have the best chance of survival will be those who have heeded the warnings, bought necessary protective gear & supplies and have planned accordingly.

heres a article about what i have been saying and experiencing for the last 3 years.
the news mrsa fragment is in a aerosol that doesn't infect anyone except those that are already infected with the exact form already. as i have already mentioned i can sit right next to my demon brother and when i hear the quiet hsss sound my nose begins to swell up. nothing happens to him. this gas chamber condo has been wired for this for a couple of years now.
when the rothschild yahwist mossad kabbalist unleash these virus /bacteria on the public, no one is going to know where it came from or how. these dispersions must be imminent as even the food is contaminated. as soon as you are contaminated with a mrsa bacteria, the aerosols will kick in and there will be no way to control it.this poisoning will be unleashed in tandem with the beginning of ww3, to unconfuse and demobilize those opposed to this madness.

This information I’m about to give you right now is extremely controversial and a bunch of people have exited the planet who were working with it.
This information has been around for awhile. They knew the information they were working with and they were basically being very, very careful, supposedly. And some of them were being accused of using GcMAF, and the FDA apparently raided several of their offices several weeks before they committed suicide or suddenly died.

It’s going to sound complicated, but I’m going to break this down for everybody super, super easy tonight. When you first hear these terms they’re going to sound weird to you.
GC protein is a protein in the body that’s used by macrophages in the body. What it does is, macrophages in the body are the ones that kill cancer cells, they stop cytokines storms and can be involved in cytokines storms, we’ll explain all these terms in a few minutes.
After defining GcMAF and how it’s formulated, Dr. Broer reiterates that it’s “probably the single most effective thing in the immune system to kill cancer cells.”
However, what Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues discovered is that the immune system is being compromised by a compound called “nagalase.”
Nagalase is an enzyme/protein that’s made by cancer cells and viruses causing immunodeficiency syndromes and has also been linked to autism as well as a “host of other problems,” Dr. Broer explains.
Doctors found dead and/or went missing felt that nagalase was being introduced to the body through vaccines
“What ends up happening is when the GC protein cannot be converted to McGAF, the entire immune system is compromised.”
Some of the doctors who wound up dead or missing believed that the nagalase protein/enzyme was being introduced intentionally into the body either virally or directly through vaccines.
“This is such incredibly damning information to the entire medical profession and the immunological profession and those folks that [sic] are producing immunizations, that apparently they didn’t want these guys around,” Dr. Broer said.
I’m not saying what happened to these guys, I’m just saying they’re not on this planet anymore.”
I know you're in a great deal of pain. Given that you're an astrologer (and I was writing about things similar in another thread), has it occurred to you to make a couple of talismans for yourself? Protection, safety, and health seem like they'd be good bets.

As for home pharmaceuticals, I used to work at a skin care company that concentrated on formulating mostly with naturals. Don't go and buy this, but take a look at the ingredients in this formula that a friend of mine there whipped up, research them if you like. I can't vouch for anti-MRSA, but I keep a stash of the serum and a lot of those ingredients are part of my own home phamacy:

I also swear by neem oil (stinky, but the smell doesn't even bother me anymore) for anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and general first-aid, and keep a stash of turmeric on hand because it's good at healing all kinds of things, both internal and external, including skin ulcers and burns. It's also great for cooking.
I know you're in a great deal of pain. Given that you're an astrologer (and I was writing about things similar in another thread), has it occurred to you to make a couple of talismans for yourself? Protection, safety, and health seem like they'd be good bets.

As for home pharmaceuticals, I used to work at a skin care company that concentrated on formulating mostly with naturals. Don't go and buy this, but take a look at the ingredients in this formula that a friend of mine there whipped up, research them if you like. I can't vouch for anti-MRSA, but I keep a stash of the serum and a lot of those ingredients are part of my own home phamacy:

I also swear by neem oil (stinky, but the smell doesn't even bother me anymore) for anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and general first-aid, and keep a stash of turmeric on hand because it's good at healing all kinds of things, both internal and external, including skin ulcers and burns. It's also great for cooking.

this looks like an excellent preparation as olive, coffee and garlic have all proven to have positive healing affect on mrsa.
thanks for the information.

Donald Trump has publicly spoken out about the dangers of vaccinations, and has said he believes that vaccines cause autism

Acknowledging that the subject matter is controversial, Trump said “I couldn’t care less. I’ve seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations and a month later the child is no longer healthy.”


Trump said “I couldn’t care less. I’ve seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations and a month later the child is no longer healthy.”
This was my friend's experience, although her daughter doesn't have autism, but has had multiple daily seizures for nearly twenty years with the mental age of a three year old. Very bright, precocious child up until she had those shots. Now she's a zombie. So sad.

When I was growing up we never had those dozens of shots and certainly not many given all at once. I'm surprised more kids don't die.

Vaccine Whistleblower Gave Congress Thousands of Documents, Claims CDC Destroyed Proof of MMR-Autism Link

Indeed, what greater captive audience is there than parents trying to protect their children from disease. Unfortunately, what this has led to is a vaccine schedule that in some very obvious ways defies all common sense and logic. For example, the CDC recommends all newborns receive a Hepatitis B vaccine within days of birth, whether or not the mother has Hep B. In case you’re unaware, Hep B transmission occurs via an exchange of bodily fluids (sex, blood, etc), yet the CDC is suggesting all parents inject a newborn to protect against it. This seems certifiably insane
Moving along, perhaps the most controversial of all the vaccines is the Measles, Mumps and Rubella shot, or MMR. This is the one that many “anti-vaxxers” link to autism, but that others claim is merely a coincidence since MMR is given between one and two years of age, which is around the same development stage where autism becomes noticeable or diagnosable. However, what is noteworthy, is that CDC veteran Dr. William Thomson claims the agency destroyed documents showing some statistically significant linkage.
another example of what I have been posting about occurred last night at 99cent store. I have already started getting mrsa contaminated food here so I was caution from the get go. I notice that the store had some new stock of moisturizers by top care. this brand makes one that contains aloe Vera that will kill mrsa. as this was new stock ,I thought I might take a chance and buy some to treatmy mrsa as it is becoming nearly impossible to buy anything anymore to treat the mrsa.but as I have been down this road before, I only used a small amount on on eside of my nostrils. within minutes my entire nose was swollen. this showed the brand new moisturizer was contaminate with mrsa. I cleaned the off my nose with another preparation and all is fine now fro now
but this is an on going problem ,as the Rothschild yahwists are intent in poisoning me with mrsa so that I have to go to a hospital which is the same as a death sentence. as in san Francisco and daluy city the rohschild yahwist own and control virtually every store ,food store ,liquor store etc here in concord.
my point is that these products are all I have said,they have now developed fragments of mrsa that will not infect anyone that does not have a preexistent infection of the same strain. but the point is the rothschild yahwists already have in place a mechanism to infect all food and medical product when they choose to do so,.


these dynamics are still occurring me. I have been in concord for a month and now the food products I have used for this time are coming up contaminated with mrsa. this is exactly what occurred in daly city and the same store are here and these stores all have been bought the Rothschild I've repeatedly said the mechanism to contaminate for with "mysterious diseases " is in fact in place.

Science Says Super Bacteria Coming to Kill Us Is Imminent, "People Will Die"

well the Rothschild corporations are setting us up the appearance of their genetically altered mrsa diseases, just as I have said for 3 years. when the US and Russia go to war in a month, these genetically altered diseases will also be launched as this war is really about killing the people of the world. I am still being infected with mutant mrsa by my cia stooge brother tito antony torres as I have for the last 2 and 1/2 years. this constant attempt to eliminate me with mrsa began I earnest when I started this thread.
now they are going to blame antibiotic resistant bacteria, but it is cia/mossad chemist have created these mutant mrsa strains .the are undetectable because they are now using mrsa fragments which will not show up on the antiquated test they have for mrsa.these strains are already in the food supply . these fragments do not affect one unless you already have mrsa infections as I san Francisco and the bay area and into walnut creek and concord, all the food store have been bought by Rothschild new York corporations will have of the have contaminated products . I don't know about the rest of the country but where ever these Rothschild corporations buy control of all food source, there is going to be mrsa in the food products. currently I have to buy from different stores but as my pervert brother has rdif chips in my neck, the mossad demons always know where I go and what I buy. so as a consequence after a few days the products I consume are tainted wit mrsa and I find another store. but as they control all it is a small matter to contaminate the products I use. in the near future the popuatio wil be ifect with small amouints of mrsa ,the mrsa fragments th food supply will cause diseases whose origins can't be determined as it is in the food . currently the demos are infecting with me will little doses at time to force me to go to a hospital where I can be eliminated sanitarily

in the sf by area all GNC,CVS,Longs drug,LUcky stores,foodmax,grocery outlets,safeway,whole foods, in addtion to health store such as rainbow in sf and harvest house in concord and others have contaminated tea tree oil which is one of the main treatments to stop mrsa. so when these mysterious disease start and people buy this natural antibiotic , they are only going to make the infection worse.
this scenario is why the cia and mossad are killing holistic doctors all over the e world, they want to eliminate anyone who would know how to stop the genetically altered mrsa bacteria.the rothschild pharmaceutical companies want to make sure that the death hospitals are the only place people go when this genetically altered plague descends in the next the US ad Russia start bombing other
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this article is disingenuous as it talks about evidence from china showing these resistant bacteria. but the blame to china, but several year ao scientist found that in the waste water outside of factory pig farms in the US, there were many antibiotic bacteria, so the problem isn't from chia ,I tis here. again the Rothschild media is getting the populous ready for the reinfection by antibiotic resistance bacteria that have been created here for the express purpose of killing of millions of people.

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