mrsa coverup

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as i have already posted the mossad's demon geneticists have now created a nearly "invisible" virus.mrsa strain that does not show up on any regular testing methods.
as a consequence many "new" mysterious diseases are turning up.these new strains could easily be cured if the doctors knew that it was actually genetically altered mrsa that was causing the many mysterious symptoms like the new non polio - polio mentioned in the previous post.

in addition to these high profile diseases the demon geneticist continue to develop mrsa strains tha mimic many natural aging diseases. the first was the strain that caused atrial fibrillation. after i was infected by a mossad agent and then by a floor nurse in the isolation ward at san mateo general, i predicted there would be an increase in atrial fibrillation...and within a year the prescriptions for atrial fibrillation shot up 20% nation wide... part of the lame excuse was that the aging population was partially the cause of this increase... this is total fabrication because you do not necessarily ge a fib just because you are older.

it seems that he demons are concentrating on mimicking age related diseases.
so far they have developed nano mrsa strains that cause swelling of legs which can be related to heart problems. they have strains that are transmitted by flu viruses that give clouding urine and "soapy" urine. they have strains tha caused intestinal lesions or sore .
the demons are also especially fond of strains tha infect the skin and the nasal area including the cartilage and bones of the face and eye sockets. this last strain was confusing to me until a friend pointed out that infections around the nasal area give direct access to the blood system via the sinus's etc.

as i have mentioned the food supply is almost totally saturated with nano mrsa strains that will cause these diseases to emerge when they unite with a separate nano mrsa strain that resides in one body.
without the nano mrsa strain in your body the food contaminated strain does not cause any symptoms.
recently there have been reported of chemtrail sprays that are thicjk black fluids. my believe is this new chemtrail additive is in fact nano mrsa strains.

it is getting difficult to find uncontaminated food especially at the big ciorporate food stores such as safeway, alberson etc. also the big fast food fanchises like burger king,kfc,taco bell, 7/11etc are also lightly contaminated.

as the rothschild, mossad kabbalist are spreading these diseases, it is obvious that this is all part5 of the rothschild/bill gates/new world order/UN plan to kill 90% of the population. this nano mrsa plan is flying under everyone's radar which is why i am under constant surveillance and am constantly being reinfected with these mutations. the poison vaccines and genetically create Ebola and polio and other "new" diseases are part of the same population reduction plan.

since thefirst of the year these genetically altered strains are nearly impossible o detect and all natural remedies that esasikly kill mrsa are contaminated along with the food supply.
amazingly sunflowerseed oil,soy oil,coconut iol/cream with kill mrsa AS WELL AS COMMON DIARY PRODUCTS .. MILK,CHEESE ETC BUT THESE TOO ARE NEARLY ALL CONTAMINATED.
even the water supply has these latent disease pollutants
there are many more natural remedies and foods that will kill theses genetically altered mrsa strains. that is why over 100 holistic doctors ave been murdered since late 2015. late 2015 was when i was first "attacked" by contaminated food.


(when i made the correct prediction that genetically altered virus/bacteria-mrsa combinations would appear in dec of 2013, i also predicted that theses genetically altered strains would be used of the first victims of the genetically altered H1N1 virus/bacteria combination was alex jones uncle who had been in Vietnam and was resonsible for most of the topics alex jones wrote about.
also mayor daly got the mysterious Houston flu and recovered but left politics and allowed rahm immanuel,obama ben kenya"s ex chief of staff to step in and be elected mayor of Chicago.
yesterday we have another example of these genetically altered diseases being used for "political" assassination.rahu)

staff writer Bre Payton, who reportedly died after falling into a coma. She was 26.

after performing a series of tests, doctors reportedly concluded that Payton had “the H1N1 flu and possibly meningitis” — both infections that can be deadly.
(H1N1 is not usually fatal rahu)

the mention of H1N1 and meningitis on her Caring Bridge page suggests that Payton may have fallen victim to an extremely lethal infection. (H1N1 was the genetically altered virus that had been combined with a bacteria that caused the mysterious Houston flu.rahu)

(with the coverup of the assassination of khashoggi, this incident is likely to be the beginning of political writers and critics being murdered under the guise of flu related diseases.rahu)

Bre Payton, staff writer for the Federalist, dies suddenly at 26

Friends and colleagues are mourning the sudden death of Bre Payton, a writer for the Federalist who fell suddenly ill this week. (Photo: Caring Bridge)

Writers and editors at the conservative site the Federalist are mourning the loss of one of their own Friday — staff writer Bre Payton, who reportedly died after falling into a coma. She was 26.

In a tweet Friday morning, the Federalist’s publisher Ben Domenech asked readers to pray for Payton, who had been hospitalized in California. “I am asking you all to pray this morning for our own @Bre_payton, who is battling a horrible and sudden medical condition,” Domenech wrote. In his tweet, he linked to a Caring Bridge page which described what had unfolded in the hours before.

“Around 8:30 this morning, December 27th, Bre’s friend went into her room and found her unresponsive and barely breathing,” the explanation reads. “Bre was taken to the hospital where she was admitted to the ICU, sedated & intubated.” After performing a series of tests, doctors reportedly concluded that Payton had “the H1N1 flu and possibly meningitis” — both infections that can be deadly. “The doctors are concerned that her neurological signs are not great at this point and have informed us the next 24-48 hours are going to be critical for her,” the page reads.

Several more posts on Twitter revealed that the friend who found her was Morgan Murtaugh, a 26-year-old Republican and — as of this year — the youngest female candidate for U.S. Congress. “24 hours ago I found my friend unconscious and called 911,” Murtaugh tweeted. “She’s been in a coma since and really needs a miracle right now. Please, if you’re religious at all, send prayers this way. We really need them.” By Friday afternoon, Murtaugh had updated her tweet.

“It is with a heavy heart that I type this,” she wrote. “Unfortunately Bre has passed.”

According to the Federalist’s contributors page, Payton attended Patrick Henry College where she earned a degree in political journalism. Before joining the Federalist, she worked at the conservative site On Dec. 26, Payton — who lived in Washington, D.C., full time — appeared on One America News Network in San Diego. “If you tune in to @OANNRIGHT NOW you can watch me host ‘Tipping Point’ for @Liz_Wheeler,” reads her final tweet, at 9:36 p.m. on Dec. 26.

The next morning, Murtaugh found her unconscious.

In the aftermath of her tragic death, friends and colleagues have flooded Twitter with tributes. Among them, Meghan McCain, who had earlier tweeted out asking for prayers. “Ben and I are absolutely gutted and horrified by this news. Our prayers for @Bre_payton and her family,” wrote McCain. “We are less without her – in every possible way. A wonderful, fearless, vibrant, intelligent young woman. Sending prayers to all of her family and friends during this darkness.”

An hour before her death was announced, Ryan Colby — a media relations associate in D.C. whom Payton was reportedly dating — posted an Instagram asking for prayers. “Bre is the absolute light of my world,” wrote Colby. “She’s in a coma right now and needs all the prayers and help she can get.”

Although no official announcement about her cause of death has been made, the mention of H1N1 and meningitis on her Caring Bridge page suggests that Payton may have fallen victim to an extremely lethal infection. While the Mayo Clinic says H1N1 typically only requires medicine to treat symptoms, in rare cases, it can prove fatal.
I had to evacuate seems my CIA informant brother .tito Anthony torres, has spread or cause the cia/mossad to spread the same old rumor that I am a federal informant.

He first put this out in 2014 in concord and resulted in some renegrade cops shooting where they thought I was sleeping.

In Seattle last year, the same ruse was used after I had been there for 9 months..that is I was labelled an informant…

Again in Tacoma, this malicious rumor was spread again. This time I was personally threatened in the third person…. Soo I decided to come back to concord albeit I have to deal with my brothers”gas” chamber.
True to form the first night back I heard the telltale “psstt” when I was watching TV and so retreated to my room.
Then in the middle of the night he turned on the mrsa vapor and I had to deal with chest infection and swollen legs in the morning.
I guess, I have to start using the filtration mask again.
This is so purely evil;, he looks like the devil when I see him plotting his murderous behavior.

Of course he is exactly the type of person the CIA and mossad cherish,a narcissists that has ethnic identity problems and so can be manipulated to betraying and murdering his own blood.
Overall the Rothschild kabbalist have finished gaining control of the infra structure f the country. They control the elite and they control all the institutions that support the disenfranchised and homeless.
And now with the 5G micro wave system giving the of the pyramid instantaneous connection to all their demons, they can pick up a phone and immediately and directly talk to the thug/ghoul who they want to murder for them.
In the mean time,te demons have spiked all energy drinks with nano mrsa. There are two major symptoms, the first gives incontinence the second, less used has the nanomrsa attack the nose and nasal bones and ears. yea.. the ears become swollen also. But these symptoms are easy to address, though I can not longer specify what to do as the demons have read this thread for years and genetically altered the nanomrsa in response to the remedies I have found.

He is not really intelligent enough to have figured out all the ways to torment me.
I am sure his ex-wife susan gertner had a hand in convincing him to cheat me out of the wrongful death settlement.
She obviously knew about the looming assassination of moscone and milk because she set it up for her and him to be 12 hours away from a phone when the moscone/milk murders when down. And then instead of replacing milk as supervisors of the castro district… he was given in marriage to susan and her multimillion dollar heritage.
Susan gertner was also the lawyer who setup a trust fund that gave all the assets to my brothers. Of course this was illegal as I was never consulted. but then again when you have the CIA behind you, there are no laws you have to follow.
Milk ‘s drug contacts were from salt lake city and after the assassination I noticed susm has new business dealing in salt lake.
To make things harder for me, she file the trust fund papers in a little backwater town in Utah , which made it nearly impossible for me to read them.
The trust was recorded in California but the actual papers were filed in Utah .
Amazing how useless the California bar association is when he cia controls them.

as i returned from tacoma abruptly, the mossad demons had no time to completely contaminate the food sources. but after 2 weeks ,the same scenario has played out. if i found food that was not poisoned, by 2-3 days it was contaminated.
milk was particularly noticeable in this way. 99% milk is contaminated all the time but lactose free milk oftens is uncontaminated. so i used this for a week or so but now ll the lactose free milk is contaminated.
same with frozen first they were clear but now... contaminated. actually the food supp;y is becoming so completely impure that i am in a bind.i have up to now consumed alkali producing foods to counter the poisoned food supply. mrsa can not grow in a alkaline system so i was able to consume mrsa tainted food as long as i had alkaline producing food simultaneously.

i still am amazed at the complete control the rothschild demon corporations have over the entire chain of food supply.
some years ago i found that baking soda, which creates alkaline blood would kill the newly introduced nano mrsa.
once my b!!!!@d brother when through my stuff and found the baking soda, he turned thi information over top the mossad/cia and within ,again with days all the baking soda was contaminated.... this was a couple of years ago and to this day the baking soda is still contaminated.
this was quite a mystery to me until if saw and started to researching chemtrails.... now it is clear that some contamination is so wide spread because of the poison in these sprays.

as the demon geneticist have so altered the mrsa genome that it is virtually undetectable, i m unsure what to do.

it seems the mossad/cia are now aiming a a final solution. recently by demon brother tito anthony torres tried to poison me with a stroke causing drug again, just as he did several years ago when Saturn was conjunct the node and these week transting one of my lights.

in addition he must be carrying his bottle of mrsa solution around with him as few days ago i had nuked a pizza and was eating it. behind my back he poured some on the pizza as i was eating a portion. i heard walk behind me but took no notice until i started to eat the last portion.... my mouth started to swell so i realized he was on his toes ,poisoning me at the slightest opening.


things are getting very dangerous. last night my demon CAI brother titio Anthony torres apparently release a vapor while a while I was eating. it cause me to lose coordination tight side. . I recover a little bit but luckily I had a can of ale which I had not consumed because it was nanomrsa contained. a half of this brew cleared the problem but is still had slight verbal problems this morning. I am not sure what this chemical vapor was but it was lethal. .as I mentioned, about a week of so he contaminated me with a stroke chemical in a ice popsicle. but I was able to clear this up with antispectic/alcohol .
I had a stroke about 10 tears ago and I had a slight loss of sight. but this recent poison he hit me with a little more vision loss.
the problem is that the CIa stroke chemical oxidize quickly and fill I when to the ER there would be no remnant of the chemical and it would seems like a ordinary stroke. so I could not get him for poisoning me.
CIA and mossad have being poison me with nanomrsa for 7 years but it is clear they are now using deadly chemicals instead of nano mrsa.
think that since khashoggi was assassinated , the cia and mossad are on going to start wide spread aspirations.
already the ,erin , at have had alt,reports saying she was dead. he she has kept tract of the over 100 assassinate holistic doctored since late 2015. ails a alt publisher name Wilcox reported he was the threatened by a Rothschild asset.

so I don't what to do. have threats of death on many fronts.

Mystery Virus Spreading Like Wildfire! Depopulation Test?

Mystery Virus Spreading Like Wildfire! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

( this virus is difficukt to stop though it isn't real serious, it just hangs around. this is a another genetically modified virus/mrsa strain. it is esay identifiable as a mrsa mutation because even though doctors can't cure it easily with anti turns out that drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day will cure it...this is why it is obvious a genetically altered mrsa because coffee will kill mrsa. so if you have this new strain of persistent coughing... simply drink coffee and the flu will be gone in a day or two. the demon geneticist are disguising the mrsa, but they can't change the fact that coffee and alcohol will kill the mrsa. this new genetically altered strain is just another ruse by the Rothschild pharmaceutical companies to rake money out of the unsuspecting people rahu)
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things are getting very dangerous. last night my demon CAI brother titio Anthony torres apparently release a vapor while a while I was eating. it cause me to lose coordination tight side. . I recover a little bit but luckily I had a can of ale which I had not consumed because it was nanomrsa contained. a half of this brew cleared the problem but is still had slight verbal problems this morning. I am not sure what this chemical vapor was but it was lethal. .as I mentioned, about a week of so he contaminated me with a stroke chemical in a ice popsicle. but I was able to clear this up with antispectic/alcohol .
I had a stroke about 10 tears ago and I had a slight loss of sight. but this recent poison he hit me with a little more vision loss.
the problem is that the CIa stroke chemical oxidize quickly and fill I when to the ER there would be no remnant of the chemical and it would seems like a ordinary stroke. so I could not get him for poisoning me.
CIA and mossad have being poison me with nanomrsa for 7 years but it is clear they are now using deadly chemicals instead of nano mrsa.
think that since khashoggi was assassinated , the cia and mossad are on going to start wide spread aspirations.
already the ,erin , at have had alt,reports saying she was dead. he she has kept tract of the over 100 assassinate holistic doctored since late 2015. ails a alt publisher name Wilcox reported he was the threatened by a Rothschild asset.

so I don't what to do. have threats of death on many fronts.

As I surmised the mossad kabbalists are now trying to kill me directly instead continuing with the mrsa mutation my CIA/mossad lackey half brother tito anthony torres is now being given straight out poisons. As I have mentioned over the last week or so tried to poison 4 times with the same stroke chemical he used a couple of years ago. Two nights ago , he slipped into to me room with a feel a sleep for a few minutes and was attempting to poison a bottle of cold brew coffee I had purchases. Apparent I woke up just a he was poisoning the coffee but had to quickly exit. I found out about this the next morning when I found the cap off the bottle and the inner seal peeled back. I hadn’t opened the coffee before I retired.
Last night he was been given a new poison, somewhat more deadly as this poison apparently causes aneurisms. This poison has been tune into a vapor and i started having pin on my temple.
I anticipated the demons would give him more potent poisons so I had a ale inserve in case such a thing happened so I was able to neutralize the poison.
If this had been a real physiologic aneurism, alcohol would not have stopped the onset. But as alcohol stopped the attack, then it is clears, it was a chemical induced symptoms.
Clearly a trump and the mossad have killed Khashgoggi with no repercussions , it is now open season on any critics of Netanyahu’s assassins are free to kill anyone worldwide.
The reader may want to copy this post as his post will be deleted very quickly by the resident trolls.


As I surmised the mossad kabbalists are now trying to kill me directly instead continuing with the mrsa mutation .my CIA/mossad lackey half brother tito anthony torres is now being given straight out poisons. As I have mentioned over the last week or so tried to poison 4 times with the same stroke chemical he used a couple of years ago. Two nights ago , he slipped into to my room for a few minutes as I was falling out to sleep and was attempted to poison a bottle of cold brew coffee I had purchased. Apparent I woke up just a he was poisoning the coffee but had to quickly exit. I found out about this the next morning when I found the cap off the bottle and the inner seal peeled back. I hadn’t opened the coffee before I retired.

Last night he was been given a new poison, somewhat more deadly as this poison apparently causes aneurisms. This poison has been tune into a vapor and i started having pin on my temple.
I anticipated the demons would give him more potent poisons so I had a ale inserve in case such a thing happened so I was able to neutralize the poison.
If this had been a real physiologic aneurism, alcohol would not have stopped the onset. But as alcohol stopped the attack, then it is clear, it was a chemical induced symptoms.
Clearly a trump and the mossad have killed Khashgoggi with no repercussions , it is now open season on any critics of Netanyahu’s assassins are free to kill anyone worldwide.
The reader may want to copy this post as his post will be deleted very quickly by the resident trolls.


my demon brother and his cohort cia/mossad chemist are still trying to kill me off in a manner that would seem to be a natural cause.

a few days ago when I was out of the kitchen he managed to contaminate some food with the stroke chemical I mentioned a couple of post ago..
apparently he contaminated the outside packaging of a frozen package of salmon I sat down to eat, I notice my vision was a little off but my hand started to become numb. progressively my right side started to lose coordination and I ended on the floor. he walked by and stepped over me and when into his room. I recovered enough to get to my room where I had a unopened 14% ale. i drank half and this flushed out most of the chemical. the next day a did have a bit of unsteadiness but I drank coffee can more ale through the day and all the symptoms disappeared. again, this was a chemical induced state because if I had a real physiological problem , the beer would have not negated the symbols.

then two days ago ,during the early morning he reached into my bedroom through the window,which faces the patio, and turned off the fan. but I have a net over the open window and a metal water bottle affixed lower down for exactly this reason. he caused the bottle to hit against the sill when he reached in. and it woke me up as the fan stopped turning.
I realize 4 years ago ,when he first started the vapor contamination ,that the mrsa vapors were slightly heavier than air. so as long as I had a flow of air going through the room then the mrsa vapor would not build up. I have to sleep sitting up because the floor area does accumulate mrsa.
so what he was trying to do was to cut of the circulation and allow the mrsa vapor to accumulate in the room. with no circulation the mrsa vapor would rise to fill the entire room.

apparently when I turned on my light he made a hasty retreat back into the condo but did not lock the front door as I assumed he knew since I was awake I would hear the lock turn
apparently my mother heard something because she asked me if I had been outside in the early morning because when she checked he front door the, it was open.

and some ask why I seemed to be hostile to the mossad and CIA

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My CIA informant brother,tito antony torres has been actively contaminating me with MRSA for 5 years.his relationship with the CIA shows the devious and demonic nature of the CIA and the Mossad, as the Mossad is the purveyor of the genetically engineered form of methamphetamine called ICE.
My brother graduated from UCLA in the late 60’s and worked as a engineer for the Navy6 for a couple of years. He did have a security clearance though I paid it no attention to this as I did not know the family connections to the CIA at this time.
He then went the UCLA law school and but because he did not have the grades, he used the affirmative action program for minorities.
Without going into the skeletons in the closet, my brother was blue eyed ad blond haired, he is a half-brother though this fact is denied by everyone in the family.
So he was met with some skepticism as to how this blue eyed blond guy could be of Mexican descent. So what he did is to wrap himself in the flag of my grandfather. My grandfather was a strange individual but it was in family lore how he as a mere teenager had been part of the Mexican revolution in the early 20th century .his mother was aHapsburg Ashkenazi jewesskabbala witch . Her family was among the wealthiest in Mexico and her father was a Austrian prince. My grandfather remembers living in a great mansion when he was 5. His father was the owner of 7 gold and silver mines in la luz mexico.
Though my grandfather’s mother was European his father was a Yaqui chief/shaman.
His mother’s family assassinated his father and she was told to leave immediately of she and her two sons would be killed.
His mother was a Hapsburg and as such she had many family and political connection. So my grandfather was said to have become a revolutionary, but I fact he was some sort of double agent through out his life, even though he was said to embraced communist and revolutionary actions.he was an avowed atheist and never embraced Judaism,. a fact I never knew about his mother’s heritage until after he had died.
He corresponded with Lenin at one point. And the talked with Trotsky , the night before Trotsky was murdered by to Ramón Mercader, one of Trotsky’sentourage in 1940 in mexico. History records that unknown person was received by Trotsky for2 hours the night before he was murdered. some believe that the unknown person had brought word to Ramón Mercader, a Spanish-born NKVD agent, to kill Trotsky.Stalin presented Mercader with an Order of Lenin in absentia.[
In the early 1920’s the president of mexico ,general Obregon,came to my grandfathers’s house in southern California and asked him to come back to Mexico…. that all was forgiven.. but my grandfather replied that as soon as he cross the border , he would be shot.
Francisco torres villegas himelf my grandfather had used the family connection as “informer for the powers that be in the early 20th century. He became involved for Hollywood/political interests that funded pancho villa. Hollywood actually filmed villa as he was fighting against he Mexican government. This is how villa funded his revolutionary endeavors.
and Francisco was associated with a Mexican anarchist, Ricardo flores migon.
Francisco had been his speech writer.
But Francisco was a “double “ agent and conveniently missed a train ride back to mexico during which migon was pulled off a train and killed.


( a side note to this affair is that history shows that migon died in fort Leavenworth prison in 1922,and all mention of his assassination was been cleansed. In the late 60’ I was researching migon and found a book in Spanish that chronicled migons assassination after being pulled off a train in mexico. But some years later when I went back to the subject, the book was gone. And the “explanation” from an “expert” on Ricardo flores magon was that there were two Ricardo flores magons with brothers with the exact same seems that Francisco had friends in high places that they were covering up his treachery. the man who died in fort Leavenworth prison, died insane, claiming he was not ricardo migon.It is said he was beaten to death in prison and his body was so badly beaten that no positive identification could e bade on the corpse when it was returned to mexico.
The point is that back the early 1970’s my brother claimed adhere to radical politics though just a few year before he had been a conservative BetaTheta PI member.. He was embraced by the chicano social”revolution” that was occurring in the culture at the time. but he was at that time a CIA informant.
His first significant action as a informant occurred when during a large parade east L.A. of Chicano activists, he walked arm in arm with the political leader of the Chicano movement at the time. So here is this long haired blond guy marching with the Chicano leader down the street. He was a Judas because 15 minute after my brother exited the parade a CIA sniper shot the Chicano leader in the street. Of course the shooter was never caught and it was only speculation that the CIA had killed his man.
In the early 1970’s Tricky Dick Nixon and the CIA decided to set up opium cultivation in Mexico, Sinaloa state , with the capital at Culiacan was chosen. Today this is one of the centers of the drug cartels, but in the early 70’s it was just a marihuana procuring area.
The initial problem was that the “padrino” of the area was a retired army colonel named telesphoro torres villegas. He was an exceptional to the rule of tyrannical corruption as he was noted for being a just and perspective man. he had several close friends that were state governors and had started his career ,in 1930, because of his friendship with general Francisco maytorena in Hermosillo Mexico
Telesphoro watched over the marijuana smuggling and allowed planes to use a road on a hydroelectric dam ,east of Culiacan ,as a runway to ship out loads of pot.
But he was against introducing opium/heroin cultivation into the area.
The CIA decide be should be eliminated. the problem was that it was impossible to get near to him because he was surrounded people loyal to him.
So my brother tito antony torres was called in as it turned out telesphoro was my grandfather’s brother.they had not been with each other for over 40 years, so a reunion was natural way to get close to brother and grandfather went to Culiacan and met with telesphoro. During this time my brother found a weak link and passed the information to defenza national. This was the Mexican intelligence agency which was a combination of the COA,FBI,NSA in the US, it was extremely secretive and unto the last couple of decade or so,it’s very existence was unknown to the public. Telesphoro was a member of defenza national himself.
The weak link was a nephew of telesphoro on his deceased wife side of the family.
Mexican culture will likely never become a functioning democracy because the social structure still reflects the origin of mexico. Mexico was created by the conquistadors. They subjugated the Indians population and placed them in slavery to use them to exploit the resources of the land. In the US the European conquerors committed genocide of the native population as they intended to raise family on the seized land. In Mexico the conquerors planned to return to their Spanish families and so needed the slaves in the new world. The end product is that today the conquistador’s culture remains. The ruling class consider themselves European and anyone else are slaves. The ruling class is “white” and the others are moreno’s. this term can be used endearingly but it is also highly offensive to the indigenous peoples.
Telesphoro always called his young nephew “little indian”or mereno. though telesphoro was generous to his relatives, his nephew always felt offended and grew to hate the ridicule he felt each time telesphoro addressed as little Indian or Moreno.
So Nixon and the Cia informed defenza national of this weak link.defenza national offered the a nephew of telesphoros wife,membership in defenza national and stipend of $1500 per month if he would kill telesphoro in a unobtrusive way. The nephew was already a electrican engineer for the federal electric company and led crews putting up electric lines throughout the country sides. But the salary was modest and in 1972 $1500 was quite a lot of money in mexico.
So a few months after my grandfather and brother turned to the US.telesphoro was killed.
The way he killed telesphoro was to go on a walk with, about 7 pm , in the hills. As they were talking along a steep cliff, he struck telesphoro on the head from behind and telesphoro fell down the cliff. As he suffered much blunt force trauma ,the death was said to have been caused by a heart attack and the subsequent fall off the cliff.
But was problem is that telesphoro even at 72 years of age was the strongest many in the town and he drank rosemary tea (el romero in Spanish) religiously every day. Rosemary is a specific for heart conditions so a heart attack was simply out of the question.
After telesphoros death, the soldiers came in and told the peasants to stop growing marijuana, which was growing all over the countryside. The next years the soldier came back and took anyone growing pot to jail. The third year after telesphoro’s death the soldiers shot anyone growing pot.
The pilot of the plane used to fly the pot out was killed a few years later by unknown men who arrived in suits.
The rest is history. Sinaloa state became the center of CIA back opium production. The rise of the drug cartels followed.
After meeting with telesphoro ,my brother and grandfather flew in to Tijuana and called a friend in southern California to come pick them up. On the way back to LA they stopped in San Clemente which is where Nixon had his western white house at the time.
It was dark when my brother entered the enclave . a few minutes later my grandfather lit a cigarette and the windshield was shattered by a bullet. Not one was struck. I know of this episode beause I have a cousin who isa retired army major who had been trained in prisoner interrogation and was at the infamous iraqui abu I got the above story ,first hand.
Torture at Abu Ghraib | The New Yorker

It seems that tricky dick did not forget.
nixon had been addressing a group of worker during his campaign for vice president with Dwight Eisenhower in 1952. After finishing his speech, my grandfather,who was somewhat of a civic leader, got up and told the audience that Nixon was a liar and not to believe anything he it may be that Nixon was getting revenge forpast insult .
but is also possible that my grandfather did not know the real purpose of my brothers visit to telesphoro, and nixon tried to have my grandfather killed to insure the secret.

His next “assignment” was to be placed on the board of trustees of the legal service corporation in san Francisco which was federally funded to provide legal service to the poor. But this position was held up because he failed his bar examination twice. Shortly after he passed the bar ,on this third attempt, he was placed on the board of trustees….no legal experience ….. I wonder if he really passed the bar examination or if the CIA told the Bar to pass him as they couldn’t wait much longer.
This came to mind in 2000 i when I had complained to the California Bar Association about him defrauding me out of a settlement on my father’swrongful death suit in 1998. He had taken anunder the table pay off from the san Francisco chronicle. My father had been killed during his morning jog by a news paper truck driven by an 18 year old man.
Actually it was not a accident. After the moscone/milk assassinations I told my father that it was a CIA hit. He talked to his friend herb rose the cia director of covert operation in northern California about this. Herb told him he had never hear anything about this.
Upon hearing this I decided I had to start a new life somewhere else asmy knowledge of the truth combined with the cover up meant I was in jeopardy. Unfortunately I had pointed out that there were a handful of drug dealers housesright around our house in daly city.
I left daly city but retuned for a visit a few years later and to my horror my father had started watching the drug deals go down thru binoculars. and then calling the police. i told him to stop because the drugs were coming from the police themselves. But since herb had told him the cia was not involved in drug dealing, I assume he felt it his responsibility to turn these guys in.
He wouldn’t listen to me. So when he died, and considering the circumstances it was clear he had been murdered with the consent of the CIA,as the CIA was supplying the police.
My brother got a guilty verdict against the chronicle as the 18 year old driver disappeared. I was even notified by my mother that we would receive payment with a month. But my brother did not pursue the judgment phase . after 5 years with no action the defendants filed to have the case dismissed. Because even with a guilty verdict, since no judgment had been given the case could legally be dismissed
What had occurred was that the driver did not want to take the fall, so it was arranged that the suit would be dismissed. After 5 years the driver also filed to have his manslaughter charge dropped as the suit was. And the chronicle, obviously in collusion with the CIA, paid my brother under the table.
So tito Anthony torres allowed the man,with complacency of the CIA to murdered my father and get off scott free.
As the lawsuit had gone on for several years , family members were aware of it but tito paid off everyone to keep quiet about the money .
He bought my aunt a car and he got my younger brother into Hastings Law School. My younger brother did not even apply, he just received his admission notice.
During this later period I found out from a free bar association lawyer that when my brother was on the board of trustee’s of thelegal service corporation , he had been associated were irregularities with the transfer of funds because this lawyer knew my brother back in that time. He would not elaborate .
Back to the seventies….because of all my brother’s good deeds for the CIA,they were,as my brother said, grooming him to replace Harvey milk as supervisor, though he didn’t say the CIA. And when I asked him who was grooming him, he just shrugged his shoulders. This occurred a couple of weeks before the assassination of Harvey milk and mayor moscone.
The assassinations were instigated by the CIA to take control of the drug markets in san Francisco as moscone was head of the Italian mafia and Milk was head of the “gay mafia. Mocone was getting drugs through rev. jim jones of Jonestown and milk was getting drugs out of salt lake ciry through the lines set up several years before by deceased industrialist howard hughes. Fbi agents were the protectors of this drug line
Look at the thread reply #15 #16#17#18 (moscone/milk assassination details)
He was well rewarded as the California bar has virtually allowed him to break rules that other lawyers were disbarred for and to cover-up his untreated drug problems. He was order suspended for 5 years twice ,but never served the suspensions .he practiced law after being suspended ad nothing happened to him .when cases against him were brought against him before the bar , representatives of the bar lied for him. His record of discipline is 3 inches thick yet the public defender still put him on death penalty cases.
In the 70’s he had projected a liberal image and was associated with leftist cases. The was placed on the board of director at a federal legal aid corporation months after he passed the California bar (which took 3 attempts to pass by the way) . I was told about unnamed financial improprieties and other irregularities but the representative of the California bar would not be more specific and was reluctant to become involved what so ever .
his true nature and deceit was played out In the late 80s, in one instance a man was suing the police for harassment .tito filed the charge but did not follow up at all.5 years later the plaintiff found out the charges were going to be dropped because mr torres hadn’t moved on the case. so the police filed to have the entire case dropped, a option that develops when 5 yeas have past .this man can’t locate tito because tito has changed all is numbers, even the California bar did not have the correct numbers as is required, so this man checks the court schedule and meets tito in a court at the time scheduled. Tito acts surprised and says he will file a petition because there is a 30 period to act. But tito let the 30 days expire and filed nothing so the charges against the police were dropped. The man filed charges with the bar of California, but other than having a mark on his record tito made no restitution to this man or suffered a real rebuke by the bar.
he moved to representing police. Interestingly, one case involving a officer reporting official corruption, was dismissed as the officer disappeared.
He often received emails with the notation that it was a federal offense for anyone to read these except to whom the email was addressed. He was not the addressee. It seems the DA would send in emails to pass on .
A few days before the assassination ,he add his girl friend susan gertner, decided to take a vacation to Hawaii . susan was a lawyer also but was working as a travel agent at the pacific union club on nob hill. The pacific union club is where the rich and powerful congregated. So she planed the itinerary.
They were going to fly out to an outer island , drive to a wilderness area and then hike 8 hours to a camping area. As this was before cell phones, he would be functional out of contact for a day or so.
In retrospect, I found this interesting as when the assassinations occurred, he was totally removed from the situation. And it seems either he knew or his girl fried knew that the assassination was imminent.
At that time I was living in warehouse/loft called project artuad. It was an interesting experiment and it was also a CIA front. For that matter it was and still today a center for most every covert intelligence around. Including MI6, Mossad, FBI and CIA. It also became a drug dealing center.,most notably for the MUNI, san Francisco’s municipal transit authority. The drivers to this day supply the street scene with hard drugs. Though I have to admit since the City has been taken over by mossad interest, I’m not sure how this distribution center operates today.
My brother wasn’t gay,that I knew of, so I wondered how he was going to be appointed supervisors of the Castro district which is the center of gay culture. But he moved in with a couple of gay activist lawyers and ……….. got to know the gay culture enough to be accepted.
But after the assassination, he didn’t become a supervisor rather he married his girl friend , whose parents were extremely wealth. I later assumed that because he had told me about his”grooming” and because I was not in the “loop”, it was decided he should just marry the rich girl friend.
I think this because a “strange” thing happen after he left for Hawaii and just before the assassination of milk and moscone, . he has let me stay in his apartment while he was gone. It had a nice view etc. but the landlord was really odd. Andin retrospect, I realize this was a “safehouse” as there were several apartments. The apartments were built of a rather steep incline of a hill. And he entrance gate at the bottom had strange electronic gate. This was before the digital age but this gate as strange lights and a heavy electronic latch mechanism. It was like something out of Frankenstein and very unusual for its time. The landlord was somewhat of a electronics buff. In my brother’s apartment the landlord had place a clear acrylic globe with a lot of blinking lights . he said it was just a light sculpture. And my doubts were later verified .
I awoke one morning in my brother’s apartment and slowly a headache developed. Idon’t get headaches…… but this head ache became worse and worse to the point that I decided I would go to the hospital.but it became so severe so quickly that I realize didn’t even have time to make it to the ER before I would desperation I smoked some pot because i knew it lowered blood pressure.
It worked the headache ceased. So I thought it was over. but about15 minutes later the headache returned. And it quickly became severe. I was barely able to roll another joint before the headache would cause me to collapse. I smoked and the head ache went away . so for the rest of the day a had to smoke a joint every 15 minutes to keep the headache at bay. I finally realized a had been drugged with something to cause a stroke.
I have since realized that my brother’s telling me was being groomed to replace Harvey milk might have something to do with this incident.and most lily was an ttmept to kill me as I knew to much about the impending assassination.
In a previous post I mentioned how in the last week or so ,my brother has attempted to poison me with stroke drug . so it seems the above incident was the first of many subsequent attempts to poson me by the CIA.
Once I saw the depths of the cover-up of the assassination of milk/moscone, I left san Francisco and ended up starting a life in Amarillo texas, as I knew I knew too much about the assassination that I shouldn’t know.

I am posting these autobiographical details because I realize that one may not understand why I should seem to be so singularity picked out for infection. I didn’t understand this either when I first started the thread. But as situations have developed over the last 5 years , it became abundantly clear how and why I got myself into this dilemma .

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Some have posted that if the CIA/Mossad wanted me dead, then I would be. Which is a good point as that was what I feared when I initially posted about the CIA assassinations of moscone/milk and that fear had kept quiet about these matters for over 30 years.
I have had several dangerous situations that by sheer luck and astrology and the I ching I managed to avert. But I am not going to revisit these experiences as I don’t intend to bring the karma up again.
But I will describe a scenario involving my brother. tito anthony torres.
In 2013, he did contaminate some food with a chemical that at first I thought was an aggressive mrsa of my skin because with a hour of eating the contaminated fish ,my arms became blotchy and the next day my legs also became blotchy . but on closer inspection I realized, my blood flow was altered and I found that my blood pressure had in fact dropped to 87/65. Whereas it had been 125/85 before I ingested what ever chemical it was.
So this was the first directly lethal chemical I had been subject to.
A transiting node/Saturn conjunction would be on a light in my chart in a week so I was sure that he would try again to poison me with a lethal chemical again.
I already live out of my backpack because he a contaminated everything in my room with mrsa. All my books ,all my clothes anything I leave in my room will become contaminate . if I dose off and leave my door open, he will enter and contaminate what ever is in my pack. In the last month he has contaminated my clothes while I was wearing them and contaminated my shoes.
I reasoned that he would use a drug to cause a stroke as the CIA has used such a chemical for over 50 years that I know of. this chemical can be deposited on any surface and it will be absorbed by the skin directly when touched and cause a stroke. The chemical oxidizes rapidity and leaves no trace. I had a slight stroke 2010 so another stroke would not be unusual.
So as I was accustomed to his actions realized I had to refrain from touching anything in my room when the malefic Saturn/node transit was happening and wear latex gloves to be certain.
Well it is hard to remember to be paranoid all the time.
On the day of the transit ,I got back to the condo and picked up a can opener that I kept on my room. Luckily I realized what I was doing and quickly dropped the can opener . I quickly washed my hands. The can opener had been contaminated with this stroke chemical for even though a washed my hands immediately, 4 hours later I started having symptoms of a stroke. Since I had a stroke I knew what was happening and immediately went to a ER. Mainly my vision was being affect, I started to see small white rectangles falling across my sight. This was the optical nerves beginning to fail. but I also knew that this showed I had been contaminated with a chemical because a in natural stroke the spots of light would be circular or star shaped . The rectilinear nature of these white spots clearly indicated a synthetic cause of the stroke. Luckily I acted quick enough as at the ER my vital signs didn’t reveal a stroke, but after blood test and a brain scan the doctors said I was having a stroke. I was still affected by the atrial fibrillation form a early mrsa infection and the doctors wanted me to stay in the hospital to watch the stroke and to start the tests for an A Fib drug. The stroke had not yet caused any bleeding in my brain but the doctors wanted to monitor me. The white squares had stopped and since there was no bleeding I decided the danger of the stroke was past. I decided to leave the hospital against the doctors advice.I told the that if the symptoms became worse I would return to the hospital.the next morning everything seemed alright but then I noticed when I shut my eyes ,I was getting circular spots of dim light. Iknew these were indication that the stroke was still present and that I was going to start having loss of nerves cells in my eyes if I didn’t act. So knowing that marijuana opens up one’sblood capillaries, is smoked some pot and the shadow spots disappearedand did not return.

I moved into her family condo in 2012. Any cases my brother took on were always a open book for the by now he had betrayed so many people that he was staying in his room, clicking his bic ,staying up for 3 days at a time and then crashing for 3 days .once a month or so he went into san Francisco. He had essentially no life.
I had been contaminated with the MRSA bacteria for nearly a month and was dealing with a aggressive strain that I was having difficulty containing. I came across a remedy using garlic/allicin baths. It worked but gradually. It took about 3 weeks to clear in up. During this time I started this thread andas I’ve already mentioned my PC was immediately infected with a government virus that ultimately destroyed my computer. The Cia figured out was was living with my brother tito and contacted him. Apparently poisoning me gave his career a newlife as he now often when into san Francisco to get new srtrians to infect me with. Just as I was almost recovered from the aggressive MRSA, he when off and came back and infected me with a variation of thestrain that caused atrial fibrillation . but this strain was incredibly aggressive. It put in my food in the refrigerator .i did usually eat breakfast but this day I did. And then I started my garlic/allicin bath. The baths took about 2 hours but after 30 minutes my solar plexus seemingly exploded with this strain of mrsa. I had to extend my baths to 5 hours before the bacteria backed off. So for the next week at had to spend 5 hours in the garlic.allcin bath or the MRSA would aggressively spread. Finally I was able to soak for 2 hours twice a day andfinally 2 hours again. again just as I had this strain contained, off my brothergoesto san francsico and came back with a strain of mrsathat had been altered so that it was immune to the garlic/allicin baths. But this strain was still susceptible to tea tree oil. So I had to finish the bathes on the aggressive form and as a consequenceI had to let myself be infected with the second strain during this time. Then I stopped using the bathes and used the tea tree oil to kill the new strain . when I was close to killing off the new strain, he went off to san Francisco and came back with anotherstrain. This went on for 6-7 months, him bring new genetically altered strains after I killed the previous strain. Ii mentioned most of thestrains he infected me with in my posts already.
My brother had been meeting with someone called mike and my mother said they were doing some type of science project or was clear to me that this was where he was getting the new mrsa strains.
I think the genetically mrsa was coming from seattle. I first thought it was from gentech in San Francisco. But about a year later , this mike fellow came down with a aggressive cancer and dies within a month or so. His funereal was in seattle.When Iwas in seattle recently, I realized the bill gates is up there and as he is involved in pushing deadly vaccinations ,I think that is wherethe geneticallyaltered mrsa is comingfrom . I think mike was contaminate with a mrsa strain they may have been working on.
Upon reflection ,I became suspicious knowing how so many people met misfortune around my brother. and I found out the Seattle is really under the control of Rothschild Yahwists . the genetically altered mrsa strain are clearly part of the Rothschild /bill gates depopulation plan.

But from here on I slept outside and came in in the mornings to clean up etc.. the problem was I had no alternatives."

I had stopped bringing food into the condo about march 2103 as I realized, my brother was contaminating my food whenever he could. leftovers ..contaminated. of I left something unwatched while cooking... he slipped in and contaminated whatever was being cooked.
this liquid mrsa solution is a genetic marvel. heat does not kill it or break it down.
so after march 2013 ,I would simply but something and munch down in front of the store. during this time I got to know a few of the street people. which was a bit of a misnomer as many of them actually had families nearby but had some issues and so slept out on the streets.

so in jan 2014 when I started to camp out myself, I had already had quite a few "friends" . it turned out that many of these acquaintances had some connection with drugs on some level.... not anything really unusual.

after a month or two my dear brother tito torres, put out the rumor that I was a federal undercover agent. there were some of these
street people" who had significant connects to high level drug dealers. so the word got out I was a federal narc and I began to get "weird vibs" to say the least. finally one "acquaintance" told me what was up.

I confronted some guys and said this whole thing is ridiculous , you've known me for over a year and nothing has happened. plus all government agencies are dealing drugs....cia ,dea, the cops fbi etc.... so why would the cia be trying to take down other agencies?????

I thought it had passed but I notice several people were going out of their way to make me know where a major drug dealer lived.
a one point , about 2:00 I am camped out in an obscure area but near the main road. I had camped out here for about a month some time before but my dear brother and his street associates had found this place out. so I found other places to camp out. but about a month later I decided it was probably cool to camp in this place again.
but I moved over about 15 feet from where I had slept before...just in case..... and that premonition proved accurate as about 200 am a dog came by barking his head off....hmm thought that was strange as dogs simply do not run loose in concord. after just a few moments, there was a shot gun blast...but it was aimed at the obscured area I used to sleep at. and since I was 15 feet harm. the dog continued to bark but was pulled away.
I can't say who pulled that off. I assumed it was corrupt cops as who else would fire a weapon on a main road, even though it was at night.

I though tof the cops because about a week before I became aware of some of these"street" people following me at night . I assume to find out where I was "crashing". this had been going on fro a week or so, but I had found a obscure area once again near the road and one occasion a couple of these guys were talking as they passed where I was hidden a and said" this guy disappears right around here and we can't find him"....then the other guy said "why don't we just get 50 cops up here and find him" I knd of figured out the obvious by this exchange.

so after the shot gun blast I left concord and when back to day city for a couple of months.

it was a bit humorous, if this is the correct thing to say, but when I returned after a couple of months,i was sitting in front of the super market again munching down and a police car stopped some distance way and the cop glared at me for several minutes....I can't say what he was thinking but if I could have read his mind ,it sure seemed he was amazed that I was back sitting innocently on the bench....

I thought it had passed but I notice several people were going out of their way to make me know where a major drug dealer lived.
it turned out the dealer did get busted , so some still think I am a government informant.
Of course this was my brother ploy. Why?? It could because I posted about the cia assassination of moscone/milk in san Francisco, but I think he also wants me….out of the e way because he defrauded me on a wrongful death suit years ago. In California there is no statute of limitations on fraud. but trying to get a lawyer to sue a lawyer, especially one as corrupt and connected to cia drug dealers, is near impossible. Still I’m sure he would like this issue out of his way.

I did figure out how my brother set up this up the seems there was a homeland security officer living jus across and up from out condo. So he simply told this agent where the drug dealer was. Shortly after the bust, this agent transferred back to Washington dc. hhmmmm.
This of one agency setting up dealers who already have a “government sponsor” is how the mossad has penetrate and taken over the drug dealers in this country.
Actually beginning in late 1980’s the cia and local law enforcement agencies started taking overall drug dealing.
I first noticed this in amarillo texas I the late 80’s. a group of armed and masked men would enter drug dealers homes. But all they did was to tell the drug dealers to stop drug dealing. there was an exodus of drug dealers from Amarillo and the only drug dealers left were connected to the sheriff’s department.

In the early 2000’s the fbi reported that there was a surge in violence and deaths in small towns around the Us. then they reported that this upsurge was because of drug “wars” between local dealers, so not to worry.
This was the beginning of the mossad causing drug wars and then moving into the void and replacing the dead and missing drug dealers.
I had a first hand view of this in Amarillo in 2005.
a load of Israeli ICE/methamphetamine was brought into Amarillo by none other thaninfamouscia drug importer Ollie north. A meth house was established with one branch of the Mexican mafia. Anither branch had the heroin and pot trade. The ICE came in a single cube about 3 ft. square, definitely hi tech ad not a bathtube meth chemist.
Well one of the mossad contractor whose cover was of a ex convict , sold ice to the other mafia branch and then set a dealer up and stole some of the ice. then they tried to blame it on the other mafia branch . this was an attempt to start a drug war between the mafias. but it work out as informed the first mafia group of what had happened.
But regardless, the mossad subcontractor infiltrated the drug scene and got many arrested. some very powerful dealers busted but the one connect to the cia escape punishment.. Included in the bust were drug dealers who were out of Arkansas and were connected to bill Clinton/cia. these dealers had connections to the sheriff’s office. So this agent was a deep mole .the police didn’t know who he was but after busting their dealers, the cia/mossad and sheriffs could set updealers.
Even Amarillo sheriff shumate’s son who ran a meth lab was busted. And of course the mossad agent.”bill” was staying in the dealers apartment with him, when the shumate left for a small west Texas town to setup his lab.
Shumate the sheriff’s son decided not to set up the lab and turned around and was returning to amarillo when a cars past him at avery high speed and blinked his lights twice…. Moments later shumate was pulled over by the vega police and taken to jail. Here again is the mossad’s modus operandi….the uncover agent was supplying ICE/meth at the same time he was setting up sheriff shumates son.the purpose was to put a mossad dealer in the place left by the busted son.
But to soothe things over, sheriff shumates son was given an adjudicated judgment(which means he will have his record cleared if he doesn’t get arrested inthenext years, not a bad deal for a meth manufacturer )after the son set up another meth lab to be busted.
The son of sheriff shumate thought he had been turned in by the person who ran the meth lab, so it seems he never saw through the cia/mossad operatives hand in his bust.
Of course the arrest of shumates son was never reported in the newspapers as the feds/cia have a tight control over Amarillo texas.

I bring this up because this is essentially what happened around me. The cia/mossad busted police dealer and blamed it on me,and then put in place a dealer supplied by the mossad.just coincidentally my brother now seems to be involved with transporting drugs to the concord area. he doesn’t dirty his hands but has become a high level supplier. A street person took me he goes by Titus instead of tito. which makes good sense as the white guys are quite racist .
This has happened before, as the Mexican federal agent that initially infected me with MRSA was subsequently made the sole distribution point for all the mossad/ciaheroin and meth sale in the bay area. After these last 5 years , he is now amulti millionaire. I asssume that is my brother’s hope, though he is not the sole provider in concord.

I have posted many times about the Rothschild corporation contamination of the food supply. but the water supply is also being contaminated'.i first was contaminated thru food in oct 2015 and soon after the water supply started to be contaminated also.

first I have to go over the liquid solution of mrsa that has been used for contamination for the last 3 years.

this is a clesr solution with the viscosity of a dilute oil. I first was subjected to this when my brother tito anthiony torres poured some on my cell phones face and on my lap top. this solution dries clear and hard on any surface. I mean plastic ,wood ,paper, clothing or metal.

I came back into my room and found my phone with this clear oil ,it had not dried yet , so I cleaned it off and wondered WTF he was unto now.

later that day I pulled out my lap top and noticed a seam across the back of the lap top. I first thought it was part of protective covering that I ha never noticed but the layer was too thick top be a plastic protective covering, so I then thought the lamination of the lap top was coming off but realized quickly ,this lap top was not laminated.

the thin layer of plastic like substance was hard to get off. alcohol didn't dissolve it . I tried tea tree oil which slightly dissolved the edge but I had to finally chip this clear layer cam off in white crystal like particles.

I forgot about it till later in the night when my forearms instantly swelled to t least double their normal side. it took mea few daysto realize that the crystals on myphone and lap top were crystalized mrsa.

this is the same solution my brother uses to contaminate my food, though now I don't leave cooking food alone when he is around nor do I use the refrigerator any more. just last week a put a TV dinner into the micro wave and when in to the next room to watch the warrior basketball game. but I remembered quickly that my brother was in the condo and as I came up the hall way I heard the micro wave door close and saw him moving away from it. so I tested the food and it was contaminated so I threw it away.
this solution is amazing. ity must have a protein sheath as it can adhere to any surface and is impervious to bleach alcohol and any reagent I had.

in 2013 I learned to use a allicin/garlic bath to kill has to soak for a couple of hours a day and slowly the mrsa is killed off. it took me 3 weeks to get rid of the aggressive mrsa I had on my skin.

when I was just a few days from completely killing the mrsa off,I was soaking as usual when I felt a sting on my ankle. allicin does not sting but rather soothes. after the bath I saw a small lesion. this occurred the next day but had spread further up my ankle. I realized it was mrsa but was a bit confused how this mrsa could spread while iwas soaking

in allicin .but i found out that tea tree oil would kill off this strain. so I continued soaking til the initial strain was gone. then it took about a week to kill off the new strain

now mrsa cannot mutate to form an immunity to allicin, because allicin does not attack the receptor cells as most antibiotics do. allicin is soluble in both oil and water and allicin simply passes through the cell wall of the mrsa and causes the cell to explode. so mrsa would have to alter its cell wall which is impossible because then it would kill itself.

so this mrsa strain had to be genetically altered. I had be infected with a mrsa strain the year before. this genetically altered strain caused atrial fibrillation, so I knew the mossad demonic chemist were creating new strains.
I first thought the mrsa had been coated on the bath tub as I knew that it could adhere to any slick surface. So I filled the tub and pour a couple of cups of bleach in the water and let it sit for3-4 hours. That did no good. The mrsa still infected me while soaking.
I noticed that I did not feel the sting of this mrsa for about 40 minuites.and it seemed to appear just when I would add water hot water to the tub. So I figured my brother had painted the solution in the water pipes. There for I used the shower option instead. That worked for a couple of days but then I would feel the stinging of the mrsa once again.
This shower is connected to the bath by a manual switch l to channel the water up to the shower nozzle.
I had heard him in the bathroom for about a hour and could hear the slight banging of metal as he disassembled the shower fixtures. The next day I checked the fixture and found the facing plate was in fact loose. I checked it the next day and it was now tightened. So he had obviously seen me thru the micro camera’s he has set up throughout the house and seen that I was checking the fixture out. He had come back and tightened it up.

So he had coated the upper pipe with his mrsa solution and now all water into this bathroom was contaminated with .
Later he also contaminated the kitchen sink water and the bathroom basin.
I bring all this up to give an idea of how water supplies can be contaminated with the mrsa strain.
I though this contamination was just localized to the condo but soon found out different.
There is a large open/recreational area near5 the condo and as there are water fountains and rstrooms I started filling my water bottle there. That worked for about 2 days. Keep in mind that by this time I had internal nano implants so that my location is always accessible.
Well after two days the water at the recreational area became contaminated with mrsa. The mrsa will begin to make my mouth swell so I know immediately when contamination is present.
So I started to fill my water bottle at the library and the same pattern repeated, after about 2 days the water fountain and later the water faucets in the rest room became contaminated.
I was slowly awakening to the extraordinary surveillance they had me under, but then no one in over 30 years had exposed the cia sponsoredassassinations of mayor moscone and Harvey milk in 1978.
I started buying bottled water at Safeway and other super markets and one by one all the bottled water was being contaminated. as it today virtually all bottled water has mrsa contamination. Occasionally a small private brand bottled water isn’t contaminated but if I start buying these brands ,they too become contaminated.
This all was occurring in early 2015. I had begun camping out in daly city which is about 40 miles from concord. and when in oct 2015, the food supply started becoming contaminated, the water followed .
I daly city,one by one the sources I used to get water became contaminated a few days after I began to use them. Of course dalycity was ground zero for the mossad drug take over, so it seems I had people following my movements and contaminating every new source of water I used.
The same thing occurred at the library in daly city. I started filling my water bottle from there and within a day or two the fountain was contaminated. I then used the outside faucet and it became contaminated.
It got to the point were all soft drinks besides bottled water was contaminated which is still the case today, though in the last month or so some soft drink/energy drinks are not contaminated. Of course after I start buying these brand , with a few day they become contaminated.
I recently read an article that said bottled water is contaminated with minute pieces of plastic, so I don’t know, but this may be the source of mrsa contamination.
When ever I discuss this topic I have to include the fact that, apparently no one has to be infected with a certain mrsa strain that enables the contaminated food or water to cause an active mrsa infection besides me that I know of. But I have found no one else that has been infected with such mrsa because everyone can freely eat and drink these contaminated water and food substances and endure no repercussions.
When I travel around the northwest, the last two years I found the same situstion everywhere. I one point when I was in Chico California , I took a small sip of the river water there and to my surprise ,it too caused swelling in my mouth. By this time I had read about chemtrails and so realized some of the contaminants in chemtrials were mrsa.
But traveling around the same progression of contaminated water followed me. For instance in Medford Oregon, when i first tried the water in the library, it was clear but with in a few days the water became contaminated also. In fact the only library in my travels in the northwest where the water in libraries did not become contaminated after my use was in Eugene Oregon .
Even just a couple of weeks ago, I started using the walnut creek library and I was surprised that the water was clear but in two days the water in the library became contaminated with mrsa also.
As I keep mentioning, I am electronically monitored by the CIA/Mossad and they are determined to keep trying to cause a lethal infection from the mossad trolls on this site are in good company in regard to their harassment of me.
And currently my cia informant brother tito Antony torres continues to sneak around and put mrsa I my food when I turn my back ad contaminate my clothes and anything I use whenever I doze off without first barricading my bedroom door.
I am posting my experience to illustrate just how demonic the cia and mossad are. The scope of the contaminated food and water extends through the entire northwest and likely nation wide as the Rothschild’s have bought control of the entire food and water supply system and food production, at least in California . the scope of this contamination is unbelievable, except to those who are being currently target as myself. But the billions of dollars if not trillions of dollars that it is taking to poison the food supply are being spent for a reason and that is not to simplypoison a single person such as myself.
As I have repeatly mentioned, I am under constant attack by genetically altered nano mrsa strains created by the mossad kabbalist geneticists. My brother tito Anthony torres has wired our family condo with vapor dispenses in every room.i constantly have to sleep with a filtration mask. That is one reason I have travel round for most of the last 2 yearss, to get away from these poisons. But now everywhere I go , I am marked as a government informer and end up with my life threatened. The most recent time was a month or so in Tacoma.
There was an incident that I haven’t mentioned but I will now,as I have read a couple of articles about he CIA using insects to spread genetically altered virus etc.this research is direct continuation of nazi research in the 1940’s as the articles above describe when CIA brought Nazi scientist, some who had been convicted of crimes against humanity yet inexplicably were pardoned and ended up working for the CIA on biological warfare ,among one of several demon endeavors.
Is the “deadly flu” coming from Georgia created in the US biolab?
Scientists from the Pentagon were sent to the Republic of Georgia and received diplomatic immunity to study deadly diseases and biting insects at the Lugar Center – Pentagon Biolab in the capital of Georgia Tbilisi.
The incident I will describe involved a biting insect, while I was in tacoma Washington .
About 4 months ago a was walking in Tacoma on a hot day, so I sat down on the remnant of a old house foundation that was just off the street .it was lower by several feet and was some what obscured from the street. this area was composed of sloping grassy area of several blocks that the university of Washington had cleared off of old houses etc.
There was near by a shopping cart with sundry bed blankets and tarps that had been abandoned for a week or so.
While sitting there a thuggish person came down and started asking who had gone through his things.
I mentioned they had been there for a week and I had no idea .
He had a strange, almost evil look so I took the time to give him a fist bump and got up and started continuing to a recovery center for a meal. To my surprise and dismay he started to walk along but luckily had left something behind so I thought I was rid of him.
After arriving at the center and waiting for the meals to be served this thug showed up again and sat down to me as if we were acquainted. after ignoring for several minutes he moved. But periodically would glare in my direction. I had never seen this thug before. But for the next few days he kept appearing.
It was already clear that I had been marked as a informant, so I didn’t not trust any seemingly innocent encounters.
At any rate about 4 days later I was walking in this area gain and stopped that same location off the street for a brief stop. the shopping cart was gone but as I sat own I noticed a pillow. it looked clean so I thought I would lay down for a few moments. But as I laid my head down I realized this was not a intelligent action as this pillow might not be as clean as it looked. So after just a few moments I rose my head,rested a few moment and then continued my walk
Well that night I fell a sharp sting but unlike any sting I had ever felt. This was sharp but like a very very small needle addition it did not feel like a had been stung on the surface of my skin. i put some anesthetic and forgot about it. But the next morning the white of my eye was completely filled with blood.
At this point I did feel I slight bump on my eye. When I shut my eye I could see a small hoof like white mark on my eyeball which I realized was in fact a insect bite. I careful bathed around my eye with antiseptic for the next couple of days and my eyes cleared up but I also bathed the other eye just in case there was come contamination. Finally about 5 days later, I felt another similar bite but it was smaller and not really painful and it seems to be be more on my lower eyelid. there was no blood or any other repercussions. I assumed this was a new “born” insect of whatever species this was that had bite me.
I realized immediately that this was not happenchance. The totally foreign insect had been planted on that pillow with the intention that I would do exactly what I did, use it for a head rest. Again, I have to remind the reader that have h nano “transmitters/sensors” in my neck/head area that keep in constant “surveillance” as well as monitoring my electrical signatures in my mind. These sensors can distinguish when I a awake, even when I mediate as well as my location. So every where I go is apparently recorded and as I am a creature of habit, it is very easy to anticipate where I m going.
I finally had to leave taoma,as I mentioned in another post recently, because I was threatened in the third person that I would be killed. As the CiA/mossad has been poisoning me since 2012, it seemed they are finally seriously wanting me neutralized. This is also made clear because two weeks ago my brother tried cause a stroke. I posted about this recently. The first time i recognized I had been poisoned and quickly neutralize the poison . the second time the poison actually started a stroke and I lost control of the right side of my body. But as I was “ready” so to speak, I had a can of 14% ale which neutralized the stroke immediately. If this had been a real stroke, the alcohol won’thave stopped the stroke. Luckily had no lasting affects but I did make it a point of drinking a can of ale once a day for the next few days.
The point of this post is to point out that the CIA/mossad have now brought their bacterial/insect warfare to the US main land.
The recent outbreak of measles in Washington and the north west is being directed by the CIA and mossad. It is not coincidence that Washington state is a bastion of opposition to the demonic vaccines that have been genetically created weaken and kill the people of this country. Now anti vaccination proponents are being demonized as the cause of this outbreak, when in fact it is the IA and Mossad continuing their conspiracy to cause our country to continue it’s decay as has been instituted by thei puppet trump.

This is just the beginning , as the hysteria of the measles out break is also part of the plan to use Washington state as the departure point for confiscation of fire arms in this country

New Gun Law in Washington State Sparks Defiance

here are a couple of articleabout theCIA and Mossad use of bacterial warefare.
Plant 1998
Crash of Cargo Plane in Holland Revealed Existence of Israeli Chemical and Biological Weapons

NEO: Lugar Biolab, Will Truth be Revealed before Spin Doctors Label it a Conspiracy

Behind the walls of the Lugar Laboratory, biologists of the U.S. military-medical group in Georgia and private contractors under federal contract with the … Defense Threat Reduction Agency indeed could have performed secret experiments on residents of Georgia.
Posted on January 13, 2019 Author VT EditorsComments(3)

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i have decided that it was not a vapor that caused me to start to lose control of my left side of my body, but rather he had put the mrsa contaminant on a plastic pouch of vegetables. and when i touched the pouch to open it,i was contaminated. this is most likley because a few years ago when he tried to kill me withh a stroke causing drug, he had spread it on a can opener i started to use. and since only my left side was showing symptoms , i could not have ingested the poison which would have affect all of me.

but he still poisoning me.every time i turn around he is contaminating my clothes,my food .. and his demon mossad chemists gave him a vapor that causes mrsa infections on contact. i woke up with mrsa all over my face. but i had topical remedies so i was able to kill it off before it set in. mrsa is easy to kill if you get to it right away. luckily this vapor also caused my mother to have heart palpitations so she went to

the ER. he seems to have held off on the vapor for now.and the demons also came up with a additive to the vapor that changed my bolls chemistry so that my urine is extremely cloudy"sudsy", it seems to have interfered with carbohydrate digestion.

last year before i went to seattle the demons had added a component that gave me very clouding urine, but i was able to take care of that by certain herbals and diet. i have to withhold certain remedies as i know the demons read this and can change their tactics based on my responses.
but i am starting t realize the demons have changed certain genes as their are symptoms i have not been able to normalize. or rather the remedies i need are all contaminated.. as is the food supply still, over the counter , pharmaceuticals, water etc. they have to have messed with my genome so that i am allergic to nearly everything but no one else seems to be affected. this has all happened in small increments over the last7 years. as i found remedies,the demons would contaminate the source. i could figure out how it seems entire herb patches could be contaminated or entire groves of medical trees, but as i have learned that the CIA/government is spraying the entire globe with chemicals,it became clear that this is why such large areas of medical herbs have been i have repeatedly posted , now nearly the entire food supply has nano mrsa contaminants that affect only me. since oct 2015 ,progressively every food has been contaminated. it seems that the demons have not contaminated everything and maybe the contamination is decreasing as i can find uncontaminated food if i do not follow routines. by that i mean i have to shop at various store randomly. but is i shop more than once for a product i find "clean",within 2 days the product will become contaminated.
you must keep in mind that i have "nano implants" that allow the CIA/mossad follow me everywhere .these sensors can read my waking states and distinguish when i meditate.this is how my brother can continue to contaminate me. if a fall asleep watching tv for example, he will know when i doze and run in and contaminate my stuff. as it is i live out of my pack cause he has everything in my room contaminated.

i am in a difficult strait as though i had been tested positive for mrsa over the years ago the demons have been able to infect me with mrsa strains that are so genetically altered that standard mrsa test can't detect the mrsa... but i have the same symptoms, not including the new symptoms which doctors have never seen.... and that is the doctors who haven't sold out to the Rothschild pharmaceutical /medical /establishment .and of course that not counting the medical people who actively selliing mossad methamphetamine through the Emergency rooms.
the new papers report the epidemic of opioids and meth...well that is because the mossad/cia is addicting everyone to their meth... to take control of the culture... just look at Washington DC. and psychotic trump.....addicts and whore mongers...that is the mossad/cia method of control.


things are getting very dangerous. last night my demon CIA brother tit Anthony torres apparently release a vapor while a while I was eating. it cause me to lose coordination tight side. . I recover a little bit but luckily I had a can of ale which I had not consumed because it was nanomrsa contained. a half of this brew cleared the problem but is still had slight verbal problems this morning. I am not sure what this chemical vapor was but it was lethal. .as I mentioned, about a week of so he contaminated me with a stroke chemical in a ice popsicle. but I was able to clear this up with antiseptic/alcohol .
I had a stroke about 10 tears ago and I had a slight loss of sight. but this recent poison he hit me with a little more vision loss.
the problem is that the CIa stroke chemical oxidize quickly and fill I when to the ER there would be no remnant of the chemical and it would seems like a ordinary stroke. so I could not get him for poisoning me.
CIA and mossad have being poison me with nanomrsa for 7 years but it is clear they are now using deadly chemicals instead of nano mrsa.
think that since khashoggi was assassinated , the cia and mossad are on going to start wide spread aspirations.
already the ,erin , at have had alt,reports saying she was dead. he she has kept tract of the over 100 assassinate holistic doctored since late 2015. ails a alt publisher name Wilcox reported he was the threatened by a Rothschild asset.

so I don't what to do. have threats of death on many fronts.


pluto will be conjunct to the south/node at 23cap3 on 4/4/19 9:12 PM Greenwich. this will be a transit over multiple assassinations which are currently escalating. with the publishing of trumps many criminal and debauched acts and with the government deciding that he will not be impeached, then the gates of hell will be unleashed.

personally my CIA informant brother tried to kill me with a drug provided by the CIA which caused a stroke but did not completely work. this first occurred on 9/21/13 when Saturn was conjunct node Sep 2013 12:58 and when the Saturn conjunction of the south node was conjunct a major light in my chart.

then more recently when the Sun was conjunct south node at 26cap46 on Jan 2019 4:55, he tried again to kill me with a stroke drug provided by the CIA or Mossad. he had tried a week before and last week tried again. how long my luck will hold is not clear. but my situation is just a small reflection of a greater evil that the covert agencies and demonic autocrats are presently going to unleash of the world.


i have decided that it was not a vapor that caused me to start to lose control of my left side of my body, but rather he had put the mrsa contaminant on a plastic pouch of vegetables. and when i touched the pouch to open it,i was contaminated. this is most likley because a few years ago when he tried to kill me withh a stroke causing drug, he had spread it on a can opener i started to use. and since only my left side was showing symptoms , i could not have ingested the poison which would have affect all of me.

but he still poisoning me.every time i turn around he is contaminating my clothes,my food .. and his demon mossad chemists gave him a vapor that causes mrsa infections on contact. i woke up with mrsa all over my face. but i had topical remedies so i was able to kill it off before it set in. mrsa is easy to kill if you get to it right away. luckily this vapor also caused my mother to have heart palpitations so she went to

the ER. he seems to have held off on the vapor for now.and the demons also came up with a additive to the vapor that changed my bolls chemistry so that my urine is extremely cloudy"sudsy", it seems to have interfered with carbohydrate digestion.

last year before i went to seattle the demons had added a component that gave me very clouding urine, but i was able to take care of that by certain herbals and diet. i have to withhold certain remedies as i know the demons read this and can change their tactics based on my responses.
but i am starting t realize the demons have changed certain genes as their are symptoms i have not been able to normalize. or rather the remedies i need are all contaminated.. as is the food supply still, over the counter , pharmaceuticals, water etc. they have to have messed with my genome so that i am allergic to nearly everything but no one else seems to be affected. this has all happened in small increments over the last7 years. as i found remedies,the demons would contaminate the source. i could figure out how it seems entire herb patches could be contaminated or entire groves of medical trees, but as i have learned that the CIA/government is spraying the entire globe with chemicals,it became clear that this is why such large areas of medical herbs have been i have repeatedly posted , now nearly the entire food supply has nano mrsa contaminants that affect only me. since oct 2015 ,progressively every food has been contaminated. it seems that the demons have not contaminated everything and maybe the contamination is decreasing as i can find uncontaminated food if i do not follow routines. by that i mean i have to shop at various store randomly. but is i shop more than once for a product i find "clean",within 2 days the product will become contaminated.
you must keep in mind that i have "nano implants" that allow the CIA/mossad follow me everywhere .these sensors can read my waking states and distinguish when i meditate.this is how my brother can continue to contaminate me. if a fall asleep watching tv for example, he will know when i doze and run in and contaminate my stuff. as it is i live out of my pack cause he has everything in my room contaminated.

i am in a difficult strait as though i had been tested positive for mrsa over the years ago the demons have been able to infect me with mrsa strains that are so genetically altered that standard mrsa test can't detect the mrsa... but i have the same symptoms, not including the new symptoms which doctors have never seen.... and that is the doctors who haven't sold out to the Rothschild pharmaceutical /medical /establishment .and of course that not counting the medical people who actively selliing mossad methamphetamine through the Emergency rooms.
the new papers report the epidemic of opioids and meth...well that is because the mossad/cia is addicting everyone to their meth... to take control of the culture... just look at Washington DC. and psychotic trump.....addicts and whore mongers...that is the mossad/cia method of control.

pluto will be conjunct to the south/node at 23cap3 on 4/4/19 9:12 PM Greenwich. this will be a transit over multiple assassinations which are currently escalating. with the publishing of trumps many criminal and debauched acts and with the government deciding that he will not be impeached, then the gates of hell will be unleashed.

personally my CIA informant brother tried to kill me with a drug provided by the CIA which caused a stroke but did not completely work. this first occurred on 9/21/13 when Saturn was conjunct node Sep 2013 12:58 and when the Saturn conjunction of the south node was conjunct a major light in my chart.

then more recently when the Sun was conjunct south node at 26cap46 on Jan 2019 4:55, he tried again to kill me with a stroke drug provided by the CIA or Mossad. he had tried a week before and last week tried again. how long my luck will hold is not clear. but my situation is just a small reflection of a greater evil that the covert agencies and demonic autocrats are presently going to unleash of the world.

the mossad chemist have been working onthier mrsa vapor.a month month ago, my brother stopped uing the vapor and i was able to stop using a filtration msk at night but 2 weeks ago the demons came up wit hanother new vapor strain. this one gave me very cloudy urine i assume that this is to clog my arteries. it seems to have something to do with carbohydrate consumption as this makes my urine very sudsy and the suds do not dissipate but form a light sludge. i can clear my urine by eatin a pure protein diet nut carbos are necessary for a well rounded diet.
in addition his vapor strain gives mrs infection of the surface of the skin and subcutaneously also. i have had to start using the filtration mask again because of the newest vapor the demons have developed.

the are various diet choices that will control this but again, every time i find a untainted food,with a day the food becomes contaminated.
and my cia informant brother tito torres continues to sneaking to my room and contaminate my clothes and herbs in my pack any time a doze off. even for 5 minute. he goes through the garbage to see what i am eatig and apparently directly reports this to this demon CIA handlers and the next day in some cases the food is contaminated at the store. the rothchild kabbalists have long bought all food supplier nd finding uncontaminated food is a bit like being a modern day hunt and gatherer., though i don't hunt live food LOL.

i am not sure if he also has a sedative vapor operating or his exspouse kabbalistic witch has placed a spell on me, but,even though i know the demon is trying to kill me, i continue to doze off watching TV or reading in my which my brother immediately contaminated what even if have found remedies or food i have found.

as he has already tried to directly kill me with a drug which causes strokes, i fear he/they is going they are going top finally eliminate be arod the time of the pluto/node conjunction along with many other who ar speaking against netanyahu's ludnik demons. these ghouls have been trying to poison me for 7 years now but as the evil of their puppet president drumpf is being revealed,a nd as nothing i going to be done, the rothchilds will now loose their mossad assassins to go after everyone opposing them as they will not be held accountable.

Since the first of last year, as have mentioned, the demon mossad chemist have perfected the mrsa fliud so that it is does not leave a residue and so one doesn’t know until thr mrsa infections shows up. As antiseptic alcohol is contaminate along with any astringent that will kill mrsa,then I have had to resort to foods hhat will control mrsa. But this is just as difficult as most foods which will kill mrsa are all contaminated.
Milk will kill mrsa as well as any dairy product… but nearly all milk is contaminated though occasionally specialty milk products are not.
When I returned to concord a couple od months ago, there were quite a few dairy products that were not contaminated and for a number of weeks milk products were clean. And then quite a few frozen foods were clean, though frozen pizza which had usually been clean was now 50% contaminated.
But as the demons/brother/mossad have been accustomed to my return, the food supply I becoming largely contaminated across the board
For instance I bought some organge juice a few days ago, as vitamin C will kill mrsa. Usaullyi can bu a product a couple of tomes before the item becomes contaminated. Btu now I have to go to a different stroe everytime because I am being monitored so closely (electronic nano sensors light beep throughout the day and night). but my brother tito Anthony torres reports to his masters, what I am buying ,so that recently I can’t even repeat a purchase. For instance I mentioned orange juice which I bought at a Rothschild kabalistic controlled SafeWay supermarket. A few days later I went to a different safeway but the orange juice was very heavily contaminated with nano mrsa. For the last coupleof months, I could go to different safeway can repeat my purchase, but the demons are really tightened up.
I am still amazed how the Rothschild’s demon totally control the consumer aspects of out society. As I have mentioned many times, big food cahin, box store, big box drug companies, big box liquor companies evruy fast food chain, every gas/market chains and every mom and pop liquor/mimi mart(that haven’t been bought outright) are all controlled by the the Rothschild corporations. It is clear because any fast food outlet I go to has nano mrsa contaminate food and drink. Occasionally I’ll go to a mini mart I have frequented, and I can get clear products, mostly coffee and fountain drinks, for a day or 2, then these become contaminated. I mean everything thing BEVO.Target,Taco Bell, Burger King,Abertsons.Luckys, CYS pharmacies, eat rite pharmacies, Walgreen Pharmacies….very big and small consumer put let is controlled by the Rothschild’s. Ad then the mossad control all the street drug dealing. And legal cannabis outlets also have contaminated drugs though there are some clean distributors, but for instance in Seattle year ago, I could jbuy clean pot maybe once at any outlet but, same thing, after one or two visits the cannabis outlet would start providing contaminated pot.
Even on the street. Last niht,a street urchin was selling pot so I thought maybe this is homegrown and clean because I saw a couple of sales. So I bought a nickel and it was contamated with nano mrsa. This is sows the mossad is controlling virtually every street dealer. Of course the fact that my position is known and monitors throughout the day , make it very eay for them to ‘set” me up. Which I’m sure last night was. A month ago, I saw a random dealer and though hmmm maybe.. so I bought a nickel and this was really a set up and the mossad was seriously trying to harm me because a smoke a very small amount and almost passed had been laced with a string pharmaceutical and if I had smoke a buit more I would have collapsed. Lucky I was at home o I could wait out the affect to subside, but I couldn’t walk.
Actually the mossad had tried to kill me with this sedative some years ago, and again I had to lay down.this time was serious as I was beginning to pass out on the street . if I had blocked out I was a goner because they had assets on the street monitoring me. I knew this because I had got the pot from a local mafia acquaintance and all mafias are controlled by the CIA and now the mossad.
As pluto and the node head to conjunction, the demon mossad/CIA are really closing the vise. My brother is possessed with killing me. As I have mentioned he tried 4 times since I’ve been back to give me a stroke . and then he repeatly contaminates my clothes. I have hadto replace my limited wardrove 3 times. And he continues to contaminate what food I carry in my pack. And he keeps spreading the vapor when I am sleeping. There are even sevral areas in the house where my face begins to swell and I have to retreat to the bathroom for the swelling to subside… though that only last for 10 minutes or so until he starts felling the bathroom with mrsa vapor.
Tis is totally demon and hard for een me to believe.
I reposted a few comments from my thread. these describe tsome of the different strains of mrsa I have be infected is a bit redundant as I simply copied and pasted previous post

the mrsa coverup is more than just a coverup. it is in fact a conspiracy because the medical/corporate/covert agencies have developed strains of mrsa that infect in a myraid of ways and they are using these strains to eliinated thiose not on board with the nwo.

they have developed a strain they attach to a strep throat virus that causes atrial fibrillation, another strep/irsa infection leads to heart attack, another strain leads to your skin and muscles turning to leather and when reaching the heart.... your out .there are strains of mrsa simply eat your body tissues.this strain has not drugs to cobat it and the best doctors can do is get you on pain killers why your internal organ waste away., they have developed strians tha are impervious to all antibiotic and impervious to the best herbal vcures such as ellicin(garlic derived chemical) and tea tree oil and oregano oil which are potent herbal anti biotics.they have developed crystalized mrsa that can be coated on any surface and invisibly infect any one that touches it. it form can not be eradicated by bleach or pinesol and water spreads this form.this form actually seems to be a combination of the flesh eating strain , the "rawhide" producing strain and the more common cellulitis strains.

everyone knows about the million of peple that died inthe death camps in wwII but few people know that these gas chambers were used on the german people before the war and only turned over to the military after 1939.

as I had found out that the cia and mossad were using Mexican zetas to take control of the drug trade in san Francisco and further south, I was first “dosed” with mrsa about a year ago,while smoking pot with a Mexican agent working for the “agency”. Buit as I had known this individual for a number of years ,it did not dawn on me immediately that this was an attempt on my life.

But now things started to get strange.
I had been x-rayed and tested in the ER and I had not repertory problems what so ever. But after dinner I had a stranger cough in my upper palate that was mucous like. I had never feel such a cough as usually this type of cough is in the lungs. and I was in isolation ,so how could I have got a cough? But I didn’t think about it. the next morning I had a cough again but now in was in my chest. This was also very strange because usually a cough or flu will go from the throat to the sinuses before it goes into the chest. again , I was in isolation so where is this coming from. this time when my temperature was taken I closely followed the nurse’s hand. When she took the probe out of my mouth, she should have immersed it in a disinfecting solution before placing it in the receptacle for it’s next use. But she made a perfunctory movement toward the disinfectant but did not disinfect the probe as I watch carefully and saw she had feinted disinfecting the probe. so it occurred to me that this is how I had caught this “bug”. But at this point I did not realize this was a calculated action to infect me.

. but at 11PM, that suspect cough I acquired in the hospital became a throbbing pain in my chest. Si I redoubled my efforts and used herbs, oils and teas for the next 5 hours as I knew that mrsa is highly opportunistic and it must be treated immediately and aggressively. I was not going to go to sleep and wait for the morning. so after 5 hours the cough disappeared. The next day it reappeared about 1 in the afternoon but only took about 3 hours to “eradicate this time. next day everything seemed fine but for a small tickle in the site of the original cough. But this seemed simply a after affect .was I wrong. The next day I was hot by a severe case of Atrial Fibrillation. This was a new strain as my original strain was managed by my herbal teas but this new strain was NOT. I had to use massive amounts of oils applied over my heart to bring the a fib down to a level that permitted me to go to sleep. this continue until the next afternoon and then the next day everything ,I thought was over. The following day I acquired a severe strep throat as the small tickle of the previous day had been infact a small nodule .the suddenness and severity of the strep infection was very worrisome but to my utter surprise I simply sucked on a clove of raw garlic and the strep disappeared in 15 minutes was thinking how could an infection this severe just disappear with a bit of garlic?
But what struck me most was that this infection would strike every 2 days and then go dormant for a day. It was not natural and I started thinking about the fact I acquired this I in a hospital. so I decided to go back to the hospital to have this diagnosed before iot struck me again.
Well the doctor said it was impossible that the infection would go dormant every 2 days.
This is exactly what I had told the doctors the previous week.( no A Fib) I informed I had acquired the new infection in the hospital and described the faulty sanitation of the nurse who took my temperature. He seemed concerned but when on to tell me ,there was nothing wrong with me. I objected that I had strep infection and he told me I did not.
But when I looked at my discharge folio, the doctor wrote I had a strep infection in my throat yet he told me to my face there was nothing wrong with me. further more, we wrote that there was no evidence of mrsa. Well of course there was no evidence ,he refused to test for mrsa yet he prescribed a cream used specifically for mrsa. Now I was beginning to see my experiences with some of these doctors as a series of deceit and lies.
This strain also wentt dormant every two days . clearly this was genetically engineered so that the bacteria would not be detected if it did cause problems.
I first “acquired a strain that eats ones tissue, ears , skin etc. I neutralized this strain but then acquired a strain that infected my lower faces and ears. I neutralized this strain and then acquired a strain that turned my skin on my chest to leather. I neutralized his strain and then acquired a strain that tried to cause a heart attack. This strain n identified the connection to the mossad/cia/hospital infection because it was accompanied by a throat virus. So these were all a function of my initially revelation about the cia and drug dealing/assassinations. It seems there are two variants one causes atrial fibrillation and the other variation tries to induce a heart attack .

the cia and mossad have developed a strain of mrsa that is nearly indestrucible.
it comes in a clear liquid which can be poured on any surface. it seems to have a organic adhesive because when it dries it will stick to porcelain(your bath tub), water pipes(you entire water system can be infected) i or any plastic,cloth or paper surface. bleach and any disinfectants will not remove this compound. If you clothes become contaminated and you wash them in bleach and pinesol, the mrsa chemical will only spread to all of your clothing in the wash and spread the mrsa when you wear these “clean" clothes. this chemical strain of mrsa is a nightmare , a living horror show that the powers that be are using on the populace NOW
though this chemical is virtually idestrucible, it also is amazingly easy to catch
if you touch your skin to a infected surface, you immediately start showing symptom or redness and itchiness. If you do not immediately wash with alcohol and other anti biotics such as tea tree oil, the rash will within hours begin to eat into your skin. if it reaches bone ,it will eat into the bone.the this progression is rapid. if one doesn't notice the infection forming, a 5 minute exposure can take a month to heal these genetic modified mrsa strains.most people would take a day or maybe two before they became alarmed , and depending on which strain has infected them,the mrsa may have already become terminal.once inside your body it will attack every major organ.

yet another strain immediately starts eating your skin. it is applied by contact to a infected surface and first appears as a black smudge. Somewhat like a grease or ink stain. but it is very hard to clean off .alcohol and vinegar seem to stop it but once it has got on your skin, one must essentially rub off the layer of skin it has infected to get rid of it. it is not exceedingly aggressive but it is easy to miss it in the initial stages as it seems to be just a smudge. if one gets this strain on delicate parts of ones body, then the danger is greater as there are not as many layers of skin. on the hands one can rub off the infected skin layers with not too much problem. this strain is colorless and is applied to a surface any type of surface. as said ,it immediately become black when it attacks the skin.

as the cia has infected me with numerous new strains since i made these revelations on a mrsa forum and failed in bring my demise, just 3 days ago i was infected by their classic stroke drug which resulted in a slight stroke ,but as i have been taking precautions recently in anticipation of this move, the stroke was not fatal nor debilitating. but i know that they will try again to infect me with a drug strain that results in

This mrsa was obviously genetically altered. It wrk on precise 2 day schedule. 2 days atrisal fibrillation next day nothing. Next day beginnings two days are atrial fibrillation. Next it turns itself off. So if one ad suspections about the atrial fibrillation, any test on the rest cycle would show no infection. And of course the doctors said this was impossible. Somehow if the doctors knew how to handle aggressive mrsa, I might be open to listening to what they know is impossible.
I managed 3 cycles and then on the fourth cycle, the attackwas very weak .the last cycle was just a hour or two. The mrsa then went back to a revious mrsa site and made it more aggressive. That’s what was so eye opening. On the days in between ,the A Fib was totally gone . I was on an ekg for 3 hours on a “off” day and the doctor said I had absolutely no atrial fribrillation signature, even thouh a week early thy wanted me to start drugs for A Fib.
A sequence of genetically altered mrsa have been created.
Before this one was mrsa that gave a an aggressive cellulitis and atrial fibrillation..but it was a free compound , not tied to a strep infection
After this , a skin eating mrsa appeared in the area of the A Fib attack but spread over the skin.
This was the last strain that the chemical allicin can stop.allicin is formed when the air get to the fumes from crushed garlic.
After this came a strain that was resistant to allicin. This was last may. This is a killer because the doctors cant deal with aggressive mrsa.but this strain was easily subdued by other herbal treatments and rather easily.
Then a strep/mrsa strain came out that tried to cause a heart attack. It when up the right nerve paths toward your jaw. But it was not a sustained effort .possibly this was a combination of strep with one one their off the black shelf heart remedies.
Then a variation that that infected your ears so that “sweat” poured from behind ones ears.for a day or tw before I managed it I had to sleep with small towels under my ears. Unreal, cartoon- like, if I wasn’t so terrified at the time. This sweat was very concentrated in mrsa. Wherever the sweat rolled down my body unnoticed, a trail of mrsa would start. One could see the watermarks of my sweat by the mrsa this stage ,mrsa is easy to eradicate. But one only has few minutes to begin treating it. If one has an aggressive strain for 5 minutes, this is enough time for this genetically altered strain to “dig” in and take you a week to cure.
Then there was one that attacked your entire muscle, swelling it up.then the surface would turn to leather…… the infection had been on the chest but over a night of extreme itching feelings, the upper epidermis of my pectoral ad turned to a leathery consistency. it was not pliable and moved as one piece.
This recovery was about 5 weeks tough after 3 days he danger was over. that danger was the virus deciding to turn my heart to leather overnight.

The last strain came about 5 months ago . it is amazing. I am not a chemist so I can say what is chemically happening, but as far as I can tell this chemical (and it comes liquid form) is a combination of organisms. It starts with a allicin resistant strain that cause skin problems and it establishes control of sub dermal tissues. More than that is this strain seems to feed on the allicin or sulfur compounds surrounding it . the infection increase 10fold if garlic/allicin is placed on it,
This is extremely high level biochemistry because allicin is so effective on normal mrsa,(not genetically influence mrsa) because its solubility allows it to pass into the mrsa and cause the mrsa to explode basically. normal mrsa cannot buildup an immunity to allicin. But through genetic manipulation they have altered the solubility of the mrsa cell so that it cause the allicin to “explode” and apparently consume the allicin ,as the mrsa immediately is10 times as aggressive. without the garlic, other treatments easily take out the rashes but the sub dermal infection is very hard to eradicate.
In addition, in the same package, a fungal variation is is missed by most treatments and will develop into points of flesh digesting activity. Quickly… within hours you may have back spots of dead skin. But they start out very small so are easy to get rid if with anti fungal herbs. But they grow in circumference .this agent also comes separate and clear. It can be applied to hard surfaces where contamination by hands is convenient .one acquires a black “ink” smudge, but it is actually the color of your skin. Alcohol and other solvents will take it off. But it is very difficult. One must rub off the layer of skin that was infected. No big thing except if you acquired this and did not realize it for some time.
I called it amazing for a reason
It comes I a clear liquid but dried into an even coat and is easily missed. it resist bleach, and all normal disinfectants .it can survive in boiling temperature for a considerable period so it can easily survive a microwave heating. Vet if one just touches this impervious bacteria, I starts aggressively immediately to attack you skin. It is difficult to conceptualize a means to be so stringent resistant and immediately allow infection on contact. But I has to do will the oils of the skin.
I can also be placed on water pipes and other moist environments. Dried in a pipe the chemical will keeping bleeding mrsa into the water for weeks or months or years. ( up date 3/26/18 My cia informabnt brother tito Anthony torresput mrsa in the bathroom watrer pipes and the mrsa still leaches out 5 years later rahu)
When dry it will sublimate in a hot and enclosed area subtlety infecting thru prolonged presence of it in the air

it is almost funny but both the doctors I’ve seen and the “experts” on the mrsa forum I go to have never heard of the strains of mrsa I am being subjected to… of course not these are genetically altered strains and it seems they are being created currently.
The newest strains seem to be undetectable as I did finally have a blood test which was negative, yet I have to daily treat the infection or the infection will overwhelm me.

also i made the mistake of dozong off around my cia snitch brother and he doese me with the viruklent mrsa on my face. but i recogniozed what was happening about 6 hour later when my face started to swell uncontrollably.
it took 4 hours but i was able to control the new infection by hot hot compresses and..... unfiltered raw vinegar. tea tree oil ,my main stay was ineffective, but i had recently noticed that ACV seemed to be effective topically.
it worked,though i have lost a couple of layers of skin.
then the mrsa was altered to stimulate a heart attack. it was mounted on a strep infection again, but the oils made this environment unviable. it infected the nerves that tend to be associated with a heart attack but the virus retreated . that it was a kindred strain is shown by the way the mrsa infection abandoned it’s effort to cause heart problems and simply retreated to were a form infection had established a presence. the new strain made the older strain very aggressive again.

To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect

The ICE form of methamphetamine is distributed by the cia. Mossad subcontractors bring the ice in from Israel. this aggressive mrsa seemed a tfirst just to be a contamionant, but obviously the intent to develop malefic genetic strains of mrsa was present from the beginning.
My first does was fom mexica mafia/
The second does was from mossad subcontractor. This cause atrial fibrillation.
The third dose was in the cardia ward at general/. I caused atrial fibrillation and was carried by a strep throat virus.
The fourth dose was altered to eat my skin(ears) and connective tissue.

i may have spoken to soon as a new strain has been introduced. this begins as a cough but ,if one fends it off,
it doesn't incubate anywhere. this strain just just hangs around and makes you seems
to be a atrial fibrillation " flu". it does not act like any flu i have experienced before. it tries to affect
the heart and lungs but seems easy to fend off. the problem is that this strain is very hearty .it
is difficult to eradicate it.i expect strange infections to appear. i bring up this new strain because the night i was infected ,a strain
of flu that"acted like no flu known,about 3-4 days ago alaska airline was shut down because all the pilots
had gotten a flu that didn't act like any known flu.
that is the exact feeling i have. as i know the origin of my infection, it makes me wonder why any entire airline was infected and how

this flu does not infect the throat and then progress to the sinus and then may be back to the throat on it's way to congest ones's lung.
this virus just hangs in your throat .and every 12 hours brings a severe coughing bout as it tries to infect you.this reminds me of the A fib infection carried by strep throat. that strain would turn it self off every 2 days so that any test performed would show negative for mrsa.this virus has a 12 hour clock .everey 12 hours it attacks. i beleive this is a mrsa strain being carried by influenza in stead of strep throat.

As I previously said this flu is a combined with mrsa. This is absolutely apparent in my experience. As I previously posted ,I have had this new flu and I finally got rid of it.
But it was reintroduced into my system. After a few days absence my heart was attacked by sharp pains which were identical to the feelings I had a year ago when a mrsa causing atrial fibrillation was introduced to my system. What makes me absolutely sure is during the night I was subjected to the same wracking cough at about 2o am. This is the same sequence as last year where the mrsa infection showed up first and then later the strep virus kicked in. this time the mrsa attacked my heart and lungs first and then the flu virus attacked. It seems the mrsa immediately infects while the carrier virus, strep or flu takes bit longer to infect. And in both cases, the strep and the flu, they were easily eradicated.
I know exactly who is infecting me and it is a cia snitch,my brother,tito antony torres, as I have already said. These actions are directly related to the political post I have been making over the last 18 months.

First off ,one must recognize that one has the genetically modified flu. This is easy because the flu does not act like any flu you have had.
It starts with a standard coughing and irritation in the throat, but it does NOT progress to the sinus cavity as normal flus do. It instead drops down to the upper lung and directly attacks the heart, which normal flu does not do.
Ok when you feel the cough,you must immediately sip the apple cider vinegar. It is relatively caustic so you might mix 2 tablespoons with 4-6 ounces of water.sip this so that it bathes the area of the cough. Keep bathing the cough until the cough subsides, which may be 1-2 minutes. Now the cough will come back so you must be ready to sip more vinegar. each time the cough returns you MUST treat it. The cough will continue to reappears for up to 24 hours at intervals of 1-2 hours. You MUST keep sipping even through the night. Keep some vinegar by your bed and sip it every time you cough. after the cough has subsided, you need to take a swig of vinegar every 2-3 hours,even after you have not more cough. At least for another day.
This will prevent the flu from taking hold and save your life.

I continue to be dosed with new mrsa strains though it seems that I have now been dosed with pneumonia also. Apparently my brother/cia informant tito Anthony Torres is tired of trying to make my infection so virulent that I will have to go to a hospital . adding pneumonia to the mrsa infusion definitely is a dangerous situation for me.
Apparently they have developed a mrsa strain that disintegrates rapidly as I have been infected with this mrsa “vapor” in the common areas of the house. This was the technique used on me when the mysterious flu virus first appeared. But now apparently the mrsa virus exist only long enough to infect, then breaks down as he has in some cases been sitting within 10 feet of me when the mrsa is unleashed.

. The I have coined a term for all these these strains of genetically modified mrsa .the final solution strain.
This “package” is amazing. the mrsa is contained within a “shell” that is impervious to bleach. It comes in a liquid that is clear and tries clear, though there is a chemical smell if too much is attempted. this coating adheres to the slickest surfaces. .once dried it will introduce mrsa into water. But boiling water does not breakdown the shell or kill the mrsa when it is still coated. when this liquid is applied to a stainless steel pan. It will give of mrsa into the water that is boiling repeatedly until the chemical is used up. but what is crazy is that the chemical ETCHES the stainless steel. If one scorches the pan , the chemical dripping can be seen as they cook off, on the bottom. But even now it is difficult to clean off the marks as the chemical etches into the stainless steel. if one lets the chemical sit 24 hours, the etching marks cannot be erased without scouring away the stainless steel.
This is just the package. It can be washed out by bleach or pinesol, but only spreads to other clothing. It can only take 15 minutes to reach a level of infection that can take a week or more kill.

The mrsa bacteria in the final solution strain seems to be made up of several strains. The initially strain will swell your tissue up. It is similar to what is diagnosed as cellulitis. The second strisan in the package is designed to “eat your subcutaneous tissue. The symptom of this strain is that striations will appear just below the surface of your skiin. It looks like you have fine red ringlets up and down your arms or legs. If this strain progresses the lines become wider and redder and further tissue is “eaten” away. This is a primary and unmistakable symptom of the final solution strain. Tea tree oils which is effective on many strains does not rapidly heal this strain. Lavernder oil is more effective but again, apple cider vinegar is that most effective and will heal this strain if you are not re-infected.
Another symptom of this strain is you will see what seems to be a white crystalline powder on your skin. This is evident when you but one of the oils on. This white substance will turn in to a fungal type infection of black smudges or spots on your skin. This color change is your skin being digested. Fortunately apple cider vinegar will kill this strain readily. Alcohol will also kill this strain if you immediately notice the problem, though it takes more applications than the vinegar no completely kill the mrsa.
As noted about, this form of mrsa is transmitted from a colorless crystalline coating tha will adhere to virtually any surface one must act promptly if you notice a white reside on your skin. Most often it will begin on your hands and forearms if you touch a contaminated object. The final solution strain can be added to food or water to infect you internally . in this case it will attack your lungs and heart as well as muscle groups. Some strains will try to colonized you nacses(nose) and some strike at your ear lobs. The internal infection is most insidious but if one drinks a blend of pleurisy root, rosemary and nettle teas, the mrsa can not attack you internally. One needs to drink 10 or so ounces 3 times a day and this will keep your internal organs intact. Mrsa attacks through your mucous lining and these teas especially the pleurisy root stop this route of infection. If the mrsa does try to penetrate you heart or lungs you will feel slight pains in your solar plexus area. To the left of the solar plexus if it is a strain attacks your heart and to the right of your solar plexus if the strain attacks you lungs. Though the final solution strain will attack both areas of your mentioned the pleurisy root will combat this but over time. If you are heavily infected buy these strains and start ot feel th slight sharp pains in heart o lung, one can apply tea tree oil directly on your chest over these areas. Continue applications until the pains subside. Seeping apple cider vinegar will also kill the mrsa but again if you are heavily infected you need to apply the oil too. Mrsa is relatively easy to kill when it first infects you but if you give this final solution strain even 1 or 2 hours to set up in your tissue, it can take a week to fully eradicate it. If you seem to have an infection you must immediately treat it. You cannot” think OH. Ill get after it tomorrow, “ and go to sleep. You must immediately treat it even if you must stay up all night.9/20/14
I've mentioned that the mrsa vapor is heavier that air so the vapor tends o drop down.that is why I have fan going in my window.if the room was sealed up then the mrsa vapor could fill all the corners, but with constantly removing the mrsa vapor, the concentration stays down.
when I came back from tacoma a couple of months ago, the first thing my brother did, was in the middle of the night to reach into my room from the patio and turn off the fan... hoping the mrsa vapor concentration would raise enough to get behind the filtrating mask and cloth I had over me.

about 5 days ago my brother's demon mossad chemist came up with a very concentrated vapor. the idea was to raise the overall concentration enough so that even with the fan blowing the vapor out, there would still be a high enough concentration to get behind the filtration mask .
but what happened was that the vapor was so concentrated that it setoff the smoke detector LOL so he replaced he smoke detector and the new one started gong off when he introduced the new improve mrsa vapor inside the condo....back to the drawing board.. I wonder what new poison they will come up with. the demons are constantly improving their poison vapor.

I first was subject to these vapors in middle of 2013. the first vapor was little more than nano mrsa settled onn my hair when I was sleeping but I simply used alcohol until the itching disappeared. at that point the dense nature of the vapor was apparent so I just slept totally under the blanket and had not problems.

the next vapor ,a month later was a bit more sophisticated. this time my brother put a "valve" under my bed, apparently to poison me I my sleep. but I heard it go off. it was a combination of a mechanical and electrical was a foot from me but I could not find might have been hidden in the mattress itself but I did not want to start tearing up the furniture.

I decided later that they are using nano technology because I have never been able to find a valve, even when the ppssfft is inches from me.
another bizarre thing is that when I was sleeping out one night across the bay, someone (I know who) had placed a open piece of cardboard exactly where is was sleeping the night before was between two trees.when I laid down that night, I heard the tell tale ppssfft...... in the middle of the tress. I looked around and could not find the source of the noise... so I was sure the are using nano technology that is so small you cannot see the vapor receptors when they are right in front of you. and also how did they "fasten" the "valve" to the bark of a tree and leave no visible device.

for a while in 2014 I place a arm chair on my bed so that my head was raised high and that kept the mrsa vapor away as long as the fan was pushing ir out of the room. even now I sleep with a filtration mask covered by cloth, sitting in a chair. if I lay down horizontal the mrsa vapor starts causing chest congestion.

but I really got out of hand wen the demon chemist came up with there first genetically altered virus/mrsa combo in December of 2013.
I had stayed away over the holidays because I knew my demon brother was up to something so I split for a couple of weeks. I came back at the end of December and the first night, I was awaken by a burnt juniper smell with a wracking in my lungs. I got up an sipped so apple cider vinegar and went outside to sleep. the next morning I came back in and went into my room.....all clear so I went into the kitchen and came back in 20 minutes and there is was again, the burnt juniper smell so I turned on the fans until it cleared out.
at that time the mysterious flu first appeared as the entire Alaska air lines was shut down because all the pilots had a "strange" flu.
I had predicted that a genetically altered virus/mrsa combination would appear in December 2013 and I was correct, but my prediction have been erased on this site though I have copy and posted the prediction on other sites. the new flu ws called the mysterious Houston flu . it turned out to be a H1N1 virus that has"self mutated" and inserted a mrsa bacteria into itself....all against the laws of science and evolution but the medical establishment did not bat a eye to the impossibility of these action.....just like 911
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about 5 days ago my brother's demon mossad chemist came up with a very concentrated vapor. the idea was to raise the overall concentration enough so that even with the fan blowing the vapor out, there would still be a high enough concentration to get behind the filtration mask .
but what happened was that the vapor was so concentrated that it setoff the smoke detector LOL so he replaced he smoke detector and the new one started gong off when he introduced the new improve mrsa vapor inside the condo....back to the drawing board.. I wonder what new poison they will come up with. the demons are constantly improving their poison vapor.

vapor was so concentrated that it setoff the smoke detector

I woke up with some swelling that shouldn't be there ,so I checked the new smoke detector... he has deactivated it because it detected the new mrsa vapor the new vapor was the cause of my swelling as i assumed.

it seems that his ex wife has put a spell on me.. sounds corny, but over the years since my brother tito Anthony torres has been contaminating me with these mossad/cia poisons.. the I ching does not work on him. I have used the I ching for linger tht I have studied astrology. the book gives very accurate assessments of the nature of my environment. but every time I ask about my brother, it gives only real favorable answers, this to the demon who is out to kill me.
I first thought about this back 2005 when I returned from texas. Ii was gong through a few boxes that I had stored 20 years before in the basement of the family home. I noticed that the gear shift knob to the 1928 buick stored in the basement was missing.. odd..i also asked about the 1840-1860 heirloom cavalry sword... it had just "disappeared.. I had a Tibet urn. nothing fancy bet probably70 0r so years old. went I had to cut my hair years ago to get a visa for Guatemala, I had put the tail in the urn. it was gone... so I immediately thought of my brother's kids especially his son. I left California before he was married so I didn't know his kids but I did now that he dumped them off every weekend on my mom. it seems that though his wife susan gertner was extremely wealthy, she demanded that he pay half of all expenses. in the early 80's his's star was on the rise thanks to the CIA using him to set people up for them, and the cia getting him appointed to board of the legal defense corporation, a federal agency to serve the poor, he had adequate money . but as he was in involved in financial irregularities at the corporation involving the CIA using the corp for laundering drug money.. he was soon out on his butt with no money.and since it started to become apparent to everyone that he was a shill for the CIA, he could get any apparently ,his dumping the kids on my mom was credit towards this share of household expenses. for that matter when they divorce, my mother had to pay his sizable child support payments as he was still pariah. His ex wife's parent would even be seen in the same room with him.

so the first thing I thought of was that this kid had taken these various items, and I was sure that my pony tail ended up with susan. so the fact that the I ching has been completely neutralized leads me to believe susan has put some kabballist spell on me. it is very effective, because even though I know if a doze for a minute or lose sight of my pack, my brother will pour the mrsa into my things or my food. knowing he is bent on killing me, icontinue to doze off while reading or watching TV and continue to give him opportunities to contaminate my stuff. I've had to buy 2 sets of clothes and shoes since I've been back for 4 months. so I am sure that called black magic spell or CIA mk ultra psy-ops, whatever ,I function at an inefficient level around him.

the last couple of years I have been under magical attack and I have a few thoughts on the dynamics of black magic attacks
But first a word of caution. Not only does the node rule or fixate reality, but the nodes are the source of magic both black and white,positive and negative. If one chooses to disbelieve the existence of black magic, then you will put your life in grave danger to try to understand the dragonhead. For this knowledge's is hidden and protected under the threat of death. This is no joke.

keeping the quantum perspective ,it seems the black magicians work by placing "thought forms "in to the astral plane/ fixations of reality. though one would suppose that the quantum matrix will be neutral or unbiased, this is not the case when a black magic spell is set.

apparently the easiest spell is to put a negative field around your aura, so when you produce negative thoughts , the negative field zaps you .and the slightest negative thought/feeling is all it takes. if one is under attack, then remaining in a positive frame of mind is the safest alternative. and more importantly(from the black magicians point of view) you have harmed yourself.

more complex attacks use the astral plane. again one would think the astral is objective, but saints or demon or the infinite can be reached .
the following is a description of a kaballist magic attack using dreams. the intent was to make my be attracted to a young woman and thereby draw a violent reaction from one of her friends.
the kaballist were mossad drug dealers who my brother had told that I was a federal informant. I had started camping outside when the mrsa vapor "attacks' started in earnest in dec 2013 as I've allude to in recent post.
at this time there was a home land security agent living in the condos. I unthinkingly told by mother the various situation that existed ion the street. and she told my brother about situations that he passed on to the home land security officer and there was one everyone was sure I was a informant. my brother worked t out pretty well because it seems he has since replaced this dealer and he now supplies mossad Ice/methamphetamine in concord. actually he is supplying dealers in these condos as I have notice many druggy thuggy people around here now and car break ins etc are all shooting up. so my brother has unleashed kaballsit black magicans dealer on me before and his ex wife is just another manifestation to the phenomena.

12-21-2015, 03:56 PM
I did have a relatively recent magical episode where I was being lead to make romantic advances on a casual friend that would unleash the green hate of her Admirer on me. A casual acquaintance began to try to “seduce me” on the astral. usually sex on the astral more was with current partners. One of my guardians face replaced the astral beauty before me. I was quite struck with love for my guardian as my guardians had never been this personal since that other life.
my guardian only comes when I am in danger.
That my guardian had to express such an emotional approach to get my attention, in the long run, showed the level of astral/magical penetration that was being applied.
The book of changes informed me that if I went on I would be attacked or killed.
Quite dramatic for a relationship that was less that casual ‘
As time when on ,I consulted the book about her and it always turned up dangerous or charmingly successful..
This had never happened to me before and as time when on I saw these alternating hexagrams were a function of her disassociated personality .
Knowing her association with ritual magicians, I was quite cautious. But the seriousness and power that was focused on me became clear ,one day when I was deep in thought about this strange good/evil dynamic I was sensing. Well I had bent down to tie my shoe and when I rose abruptly I fell unconscious long enough to collapse in the ticket line. But as I was just extreme hyperventilation, with seconds I was up and assessing the pain on my skull. Nothing real serious but it was a concussion as I had periodic balance problem for 2 days.
So at a moment of deep reflect about this woman, I almost seriously injured myself.

So much of my knowledge has been given by experience rather that research. As the following will so…

On my way back across the bay into the eastbay. I boarded a bus, fresh from having bashed my head over the young woman that now gets on the bus I have just got on . expecting a pleasant conversation she subtly motions to the seat behind me where a large and dark individual is sitting. I had actually notice his slight scowl when I first boarded,
The pair said absolutely nothing. The young lady and I got off at he same stop after the dark man has already exited.
We had been excellent friends for a couple of months so this enforced silence the entire time was too much for her and she made a quick exit into a fast food joint.
So I was shown the dynamic and looking back someone had mentioned she had a big ”friend” or “something”.
but I knew for sure I was under psychic/magical attack.
I assume the relationship was submissive / dominant and told her she had a master. I also suggested he was a Kabbalistic magician because it is the kabalistic mossad that I have often criticized.
. he was not her boy friend as I has met her current beau and her last beau,

Another astral seduction was stopped by another guardian. this appearance was only at the most serious of times.

Still the book of changes continued to alternate between extreme danger and great fortune. She said she was a pagan so she gave me insights in omens and talismans to a degree.she was young but well read and i enjoyed listening to her ideas.
But I became apparent her paganism was a front because she would show only a intellectual connection to the various roman and greek gods. I was straight forward and told her about the dreams and the omen meaning. she never commented. I have known than there are “pagan” of other earth/racial cults that are fronts for kabballists
This was my suspicion because only a structured magician or witch could sustain such a complex mental control/spell on the astral as iwas subject to.
Our “cigarette break” encounters continued through the months .another sexual advance on the astral was intercepted by a soul mate I had not been with for years. The astral seduction was stopped by my soul mate and . But again very unusual .the sexual point of this astral magic was sharp. It had been my soulmate who could feel in her ”guts” when someone was trying to control me.
I continued to be open about these dreams with this young lady and she said nothing to dissuade me or encourage my thoughts .another astral dream occurred as I “forced” a hug on someone ,almost a generic hug, and it was the young woman. She accepted my hug and held out her arms as if to say what else can I do . and I now saw that she was not alone but was being controlled on the astral by a witch or more correctly the young lady’s Mistress.
I had over estimated the value of the dark man. He was apparently just a “enforcer” for the coven/cell/temple as this woman was in charge.
In another dream I turned around and saw this woman and I knew this was who was controlling the dynamics. she looked up and saw me ,then quickly turned away dream over..
Another sexual approach came but this time my friend had black hair and some one was behind her. It is interesting but this young woman had never said anything about these dreams,not word of response ever but when I started to tell the young lady about the dream ,before I could mention the hair color ,she said,” I had black hair didn’t I “. Her hair is blond
Then a dream came when I was caressing her and she didn’t move. She was acknowledging my touch without giving up any spirit of freedom. again very strange for a person I hardly knew and had nothing but simpler conversations with.
In a dream she approached me and kissed me, the kiss of friendship rather than romantic lust. she is a bisexual pagan so I didn’t take the kiss for anything but friendship
Then I had a dream of her mistress but I knew it was a falsehood. So this witch is very powerful, she can project her own aura through others on the astral.
Finally there was recently a sexually dream between us and since then I have simply stopped chance encountering. More direct encounters have been attempted so it is fortuitous to move
This young ladies soul is being drained away. The best black magic is the magic you have to make others soil their souls for your advantage.

Interesting ending, as a saw her Mistress, in the flesh, sitting in the break area. This young woman is introverted. she tends to dress demurely.
She was wearing a dark orange ,maybe red ,see through blouse.she looked like a ahrem girl but as she is slender, her undergarment seemed to protude from her slender frame. I assume that the withch was expected me to talk to her.. maybe about getting sexual access to her slave. but though I really did like this young lady, to see her as sexual chattel for a black witch disgusted me.
Several months ago it was made known, on the street . that I am a federal informant.

This dream attack by the black magicians was to protect the workings of their Rothschild mossad/cia drug operations
your every mental thought affects the quantum plane. and as every particle of matter and every frequency of vibration are connected quantumly, thoughts directly affect the thoughts of other. in addition as the quantum plane fixates reality, then thoughts can change the physical manifestation of reality too. This is the dynamics that black magic uses.
For instance a thought form can be directed at one, that will “hover” around the individual until a contradiction in the individual personality occurs, allowing the negative thought form to affect the individual or the reality there though the thought forms they have created.
The north node rules white magic as it’s thought forms impart knowledge and understanding. The south node rules black magic as it’s thought forms seek to control and manipulate through the astral plane.
But the dragon is the energy of reality and hence whether a planet is conjunct the north or south node, black magicians can use the transit to work their maliciousness.
A few months back, Saturn was conjunct the north node, yet black magicians attempted to kill me. It failed because by using the white magic of knowledge, I was able to alter my behavior and put myself out of harms way because I knew this transit of Saturn would allow the black magicians thoughts to reach me.
But is was a close call because my personality structure’s lack of discipline, allowed the attack to slightly touch me.
When there are nodal transits, negative thoughts in one mind allows the negative intention of black magicians to penetrate and affect you. This is why it is important when in nodal tension to keep your though positive and coherent, that is you thoughts and words must be the same tas your actions and intentions.
The black magicians have thousands of years of knowledge of spells and ritual actions that can affect others. But it one’s lack of coherent thoughts that permit the black magicians thought to harm one.
Ultimately it is selfish thoughts and desires are the weakness that black magicians use to penetrate and alter your reality.

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the mysterious polio is just part of the Rothschilds medical genocide .
what this article is not saying is that in 2014 ,here were examples of this that time it was found that the disease was a ev-d68 virus. the discover of this virus said the virus had been combined with a mrsa bacteria and it now remained to be seen how this combination occurred.
I had correctly predicted that genetically altered virus/mrsa bacteria combos would begin to seen in December of 2013. the first death of a virus/bacteria combo was in December of 2013. I predicted that more genetically altered virus would be unleashed. the genetically altered ev-d68 appeared in april of 2015. these symptoms of acute flaccid myelitis were first seen them. these were all genetically alyered virus that the medical establishment has ignored. now they are saying this is not realted to theat outbreak.but it is all lies. my original prediction was deleted by the trolls onn this site but I still have other post to confirm my prediction
<LI class=tag>U.S. News US health officials alarmed by paralyzing illness in kids

NEW YORK (AP) — One morning last fall, 4-year-old Joey Wilcox woke up with the left side of his face drooping.
It was the first sign of an unfolding nightmare.
Three days later, Joey was in a hospital intensive care unit, unable to move his arms or legs or sit up. Spinal taps and other tests failed to find a cause. Doctors worried he was about to lose the ability to breathe.
“It’s devastating,” said his father, Jeremy Wilcox, of Herndon, Virginia. “Your healthy child can catch a cold — and then become paralyzed.”
Joey, who survived but still suffers some of the effects, was one of 228 confirmed victims in the U.S. last year of acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, a rare, mysterious and sometimes deadly paralyzing illness that seems to ebb and flow on an every-other-year cycle and is beginning to alarm public health officials because it is striking more and more children.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said it may bear similarities to polio, which smoldered among humans for centuries before it exploded into fearsome epidemics in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Fauci, who published a report about the disease Tuesday in the medical journal mBio, said it is unlikely AFM will become as bad as polio, which struck tens of thousands of U.S. children annually before a vaccine became available in the 1950s.
But he warned: “Don’t assume that it’s going to stay at a couple of hundred cases every other year.”
While other countries have reported cases, including Canada, France, Britain and Norway, the size and pattern of the U.S. outbreaks have been more pronounced. More than 550 Americans have been struck this decade. The oldest was 32. More than 90% were children, most around 4, 5 or 6 years old.
Most had a cold-like illness and fever, seemed to get over it, then descended into paralysis. In some cases it started in small ways — for example, a thumb that suddenly wouldn’t move. Some went on to lose the ability to eat or draw breath.
Many families say their children have regained at least some movement in affected limbs, but stories of complete recovery are unusual. Health officials cannot say how many recovered completely, partly or not at all, or how many have died, though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says deaths are rare.
Scientists suspect the illness is being caused chiefly by a certain virus that was identified more than 55 years ago and may have mutated to become more dangerous. But they have yet to prove that.

And while doctors have deployed a number of treatments singly or in combination — steroids, antiviral medications, antibiotics, a blood-cleansing process — the CDC says there is no clear evidence they work.
Many parents say that when they first brought their child to the emergency room, they quickly realized to their horror that the doctors were at sea, too.
“Everyone is desperate for some magical thing,” said Rachel Scott, a Tomball, Texas, woman whose son Braden developed AFM in 2016 and has recovered somewhat after intensive physical therapy but still cannot move his right arm and has trouble swallowing and moving his neck.
A growing number of experts agree that physical therapy makes a difference.
“These kids can continue to recover very slowly, year over year. ... It’s driven by how much therapy they do,” said Dr. Benjamin Greenberg of UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, one of the nation’s foremost experts on the condition.
Wilcox, Joey’s father, said his son made huge improvements that way. Joey can run and use his arms. Still, muscle tone is weak in his right leg and shoulder, and he still has left-side facial paralysis. “He can’t completely smile,” his dad said.
Other stories are more tragic.
Katie Bustamante’s son Alex developed AFM in 2016. The suburban Sacramento, California, mother realized something was wrong when she asked the boy, then 5, why he wasn’t eating his yogurt. Alex replied that his thumb had stopped working and he couldn’t hold his spoon.
That morning was the start of 17 months of hospital stays, surgeries, therapy, and struggles with doctors and insurers to find a way to restore his ability to breathe. It ended one morning last May, when Alex died of complications.
Government officials need to step up, Bustamante said.
“I want them to research it and find the cause, and I want them to find a way to prevent it,” she said. “This is growing. This shouldn’t be happening.”
More and more experts feel certain the main culprit is an enterovirus called EV-D68, based on the way waves of AFM have coincided with spikes of respiratory illnesses caused by EV-D68. Enteroviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which, such as polio, can damage the central nervous system, while many others cause mild symptoms or none at all.
In the U.S., doctors began reporting respiratory illnesses tied to EV-D68 in 1987, though usually no more than a dozen in any given year.
Then, in what may have been one of the first signs of the AFM waves to come, a 5-year-old boy in New Hampshire died in 2008 after developing neck tenderness and fever, then weakened arms and deadened legs. The boy had EV-D68, and in a report published in an obscure medical journal, researchers attributed his death to the virus.
The first real burst of AFM cases hit in 2014, when 120 were confirmed, with the largest concentrations in California and Colorado.
What ensued was an even-year, odd-year pattern: Cases dropped to 22 in 2015, jumped to 149 in 2016, and fell again, to 35 in 2017. Last year they reached 228, a number that may grow because scores of illnesses are still being investigated.
In keeping with the cyclical pattern, just four cases have been confirmed this year so far.
CDC officials consider an illness AFM based on scans and other evidence showing a certain kind of damage to the spinal cord. Proof of an enterovirus infection is not required for a case to be counted, mainly because such evidence has been hard to come by. So far, CDC investigators have been able to find evidence of enteroviruses in the spinal fluid of only four of 558 confirmed cases.
Scientists are using more sensitive spinal-fluid tests in hopes of establishing the connection between AFM and EV-D68 more firmly. That, in turn, could spur more focused work on treatments and maybe even a vaccine.
Meanwhile, Fauci’s agency has put out a call for researchers to apply for federal funds, and is tapping a University of Alabama-anchored network of pediatric research centers to work on the illness.
The CDC is pledging a greater focus, too. Parents have accused the agency of doing little more than counting cases and have complained that when they tried to contact CDC, they encountered only automated phone trees and form responses.
CDC officials have begun holding meetings and calls with families, set up a scientific task force and working to monitor cases more closely.
Fauci suggested it would be a mistake to assume that surges will take place every other year forever. The next one “may be in 2019, for all we know,” he said.
The Associated Press Health & Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
This version corrects the spelling of Tomball, Texas, and corrects some references to the virus to make it EV-D68.
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