Well-known member
as i have already posted the mossad's demon geneticists have now created a nearly "invisible" virus.mrsa strain that does not show up on any regular testing methods.
as a consequence many "new" mysterious diseases are turning up.these new strains could easily be cured if the doctors knew that it was actually genetically altered mrsa that was causing the many mysterious symptoms like the new non polio - polio mentioned in the previous post.
in addition to these high profile diseases the demon geneticist continue to develop mrsa strains tha mimic many natural aging diseases. the first was the strain that caused atrial fibrillation. after i was infected by a mossad agent and then by a floor nurse in the isolation ward at san mateo general, i predicted there would be an increase in atrial fibrillation...and within a year the prescriptions for atrial fibrillation shot up 20% nation wide... part of the lame excuse was that the aging population was partially the cause of this increase... this is total fabrication because you do not necessarily ge a fib just because you are older.
it seems that he demons are concentrating on mimicking age related diseases.
so far they have developed nano mrsa strains that cause swelling of legs which can be related to heart problems. they have strains that are transmitted by flu viruses that give clouding urine and "soapy" urine. they have strains tha caused intestinal lesions or sore .
the demons are also especially fond of strains tha infect the skin and the nasal area including the cartilage and bones of the face and eye sockets. this last strain was confusing to me until a friend pointed out that infections around the nasal area give direct access to the blood system via the sinus's etc.
as i have mentioned the food supply is almost totally saturated with nano mrsa strains that will cause these diseases to emerge when they unite with a separate nano mrsa strain that resides in one body.
without the nano mrsa strain in your body the food contaminated strain does not cause any symptoms.
recently there have been reported of chemtrail sprays that are thicjk black fluids. my believe is this new chemtrail additive is in fact nano mrsa strains.
it is getting difficult to find uncontaminated food especially at the big ciorporate food stores such as safeway, alberson etc. also the big fast food fanchises like burger king,kfc,taco bell, 7/11etc are also lightly contaminated.
as the rothschild, mossad kabbalist are spreading these diseases, it is obvious that this is all part5 of the rothschild/bill gates/new world order/UN plan to kill 90% of the population. this nano mrsa plan is flying under everyone's radar which is why i am under constant surveillance and am constantly being reinfected with these mutations. the poison vaccines and genetically create Ebola and polio and other "new" diseases are part of the same population reduction plan.
since thefirst of the year these genetically altered strains are nearly impossible o detect and all natural remedies that esasikly kill mrsa are contaminated along with the food supply.
amazingly sunflowerseed oil,soy oil,coconut iol/cream with kill mrsa AS WELL AS COMMON DIARY PRODUCTS .. MILK,CHEESE ETC BUT THESE TOO ARE NEARLY ALL CONTAMINATED.
even the water supply has these latent disease pollutants
there are many more natural remedies and foods that will kill theses genetically altered mrsa strains. that is why over 100 holistic doctors ave been murdered since late 2015. late 2015 was when i was first "attacked" by contaminated food.
as i have already posted the mossad's demon geneticists have now created a nearly "invisible" virus.mrsa strain that does not show up on any regular testing methods.
as a consequence many "new" mysterious diseases are turning up.these new strains could easily be cured if the doctors knew that it was actually genetically altered mrsa that was causing the many mysterious symptoms like the new non polio - polio mentioned in the previous post.
in addition to these high profile diseases the demon geneticist continue to develop mrsa strains tha mimic many natural aging diseases. the first was the strain that caused atrial fibrillation. after i was infected by a mossad agent and then by a floor nurse in the isolation ward at san mateo general, i predicted there would be an increase in atrial fibrillation...and within a year the prescriptions for atrial fibrillation shot up 20% nation wide... part of the lame excuse was that the aging population was partially the cause of this increase... this is total fabrication because you do not necessarily ge a fib just because you are older.
it seems that he demons are concentrating on mimicking age related diseases.
so far they have developed nano mrsa strains that cause swelling of legs which can be related to heart problems. they have strains that are transmitted by flu viruses that give clouding urine and "soapy" urine. they have strains tha caused intestinal lesions or sore .
the demons are also especially fond of strains tha infect the skin and the nasal area including the cartilage and bones of the face and eye sockets. this last strain was confusing to me until a friend pointed out that infections around the nasal area give direct access to the blood system via the sinus's etc.
as i have mentioned the food supply is almost totally saturated with nano mrsa strains that will cause these diseases to emerge when they unite with a separate nano mrsa strain that resides in one body.
without the nano mrsa strain in your body the food contaminated strain does not cause any symptoms.
recently there have been reported of chemtrail sprays that are thicjk black fluids. my believe is this new chemtrail additive is in fact nano mrsa strains.
it is getting difficult to find uncontaminated food especially at the big ciorporate food stores such as safeway, alberson etc. also the big fast food fanchises like burger king,kfc,taco bell, 7/11etc are also lightly contaminated.
as the rothschild, mossad kabbalist are spreading these diseases, it is obvious that this is all part5 of the rothschild/bill gates/new world order/UN plan to kill 90% of the population. this nano mrsa plan is flying under everyone's radar which is why i am under constant surveillance and am constantly being reinfected with these mutations. the poison vaccines and genetically create Ebola and polio and other "new" diseases are part of the same population reduction plan.
since thefirst of the year these genetically altered strains are nearly impossible o detect and all natural remedies that esasikly kill mrsa are contaminated along with the food supply.
amazingly sunflowerseed oil,soy oil,coconut iol/cream with kill mrsa AS WELL AS COMMON DIARY PRODUCTS .. MILK,CHEESE ETC BUT THESE TOO ARE NEARLY ALL CONTAMINATED.
even the water supply has these latent disease pollutants
there are many more natural remedies and foods that will kill theses genetically altered mrsa strains. that is why over 100 holistic doctors ave been murdered since late 2015. late 2015 was when i was first "attacked" by contaminated food.