mrsa coverup

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this is completely unbelievable what you are writing here and i would have believed it to be a hoax if it was not your personal experience. This invention of mrsa by cia/mossad/ nwo supporters is the most shocking and frightening thing I have heard in the modern times. I am really concerned about you. Why are you not moving out of US? You can relocate to India (because here great amount of ayurvedic, herbal, homeopathic treatments available which i could figure you are relying on) or any other country? I would really hope you would consider doing so!

Please let me know if I can do anything to help you.

God Bless
hi los,
it very interesting that i started this post months ago. but no one had given any notice.
but recently many nasayers have stated naysaying on the mrsa forum also .interesting because the points i cautioned about come true. a virus that has mysteriousl mutated itself so that a bacteria can be inserted.i spoke of this months months ago in alarm.i even posted it would apear in december as it did.i said i would target political figues... alex jone is one of the most vocal critics of he NWO.

these are the points you should contend before me. not the " your crazy" NWO troll blab.

this prediction was made on the strength of hitler's use of gas chambers against the german people in 1939. it is a nodal return and i suggest you read this thred to see the historical prespective of my allegations.

thanx for your opinion
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no new information about the mysterious H1N1flu that uis killing people.
it is impossibkle for a flu strian to self mutate so ta a "hollowed" out space is created allowing a bacteria to enter and then the entire assemblage turning into a infecting agent.
the CDC has lied about mrsa for a year. and it is interesting that the virus has been identified but still no word on what strain of bacteria.
and will will not ne told as this is exacly what a posited months ago, a conspiracy by the medical/pharma/corporate structure to kill millions.just as the beginning of world war !! was acompanied by hitler's killing of gernany citizins, the current world confrontaion will also be used as a cover to allow this genetically modified virus/bacteria to kill our population.
i also said this virus would be used politically to eliminate opponents to he NWO.
one of the first people to die was alec jones uncle. he was a vietnam vet and alex said it was he who really made alex understand what is happening in the world. so much of alex jones atitudes are traced right to his uncle who is among the first fatalies of this cia/mossad produced plague.

the government and theCenter for Disease Control are continuing to coverup the mrsa epidemic and now, in the article below,are falt out lying about certin other bacteris. no where in this aricle about antibiotic resistan bacteria is mrsa mentioned and specifically the article says:

"Infections from C. difficile are usually acquired during medical care and are linked to 14,000 US deaths annually"

this is the first time this statistic has appeared. in several medical articles this year mrsa lead the way in deaths with 11,000. CDC issues a report early this year claiig 9,000 death for C.difficike, now they jack it up to 14,000. pure fabrication to continue ignoring the mrsa component of the latest mysterious killer flu. and still the bacteria that has invaded the geneticlly modified H1N1 has not been identified.and it will not be identified because it is mrsa and this killer mrsa/H1N1 combo could have only been created by genetic manipulation.

the flu epidemic is killing 9 times as many people this year as last. it is killing the young and healthy who don't usuaslly die, it is the old and very young that historically die.medical authorities are saying it is H1N1 which last caused big problems in 2008. so they say this is why older people are not hit as hard as they are more likely to have had a flu shot.. but no where except on 1 video by alex jones have i heard mentioned that this H1N1 is hollowed out and has a(still unidentified pneumonia bacteria )inside it.this fact is being is the fact it is scientifically impossible for a virus to mutate like this,that is, create a hollow space inside itself.this weakens the virus and goes agianst the principle of natural selection.
The Center fir Disease Control is using this epidemioc to get more people to get flu shots even thouigh they admitt these are only 60% effective.
remember when this bactria/virus hit, the standard flu test all came up negative.this flu is genetically modified and hence results came back negative.

no one will talk about the reality/possibility this flu has been geneticlly altered, as i have posted for nearly a year.

here is the first link i have found that discusses the problem with antibiotic bacteria. i says about 200 die each day from such bacterias.
but keeping the mrsa conspiracy undercover the last sentence of the article overs up the genetically modified origin of mrsa for one by printing in conclusion:

"the official cover story will likely be that the plague was a bioweapon releashed by terrorist,but the real,sobering truth is thatit is just a runaway superbug nurtured unto existence by the careless over use of antibiotics"

this is to protect the real terrorist, the pharma/medical corporations and the cia/mossad scientist creating the genetically modified virus' and bacterias.

it is interesting that even on the "radical" websites, this new superbug is being touted as a "natural" mutation created "outside" the medical establishment.
mrsa has apparently been chosen to be the means to transmit genetic mutations in addition to bacteria. it seems they can induce a chromosomal mutation in one/s genome using the mrsa as the insertion method.

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a news blackout about the mystery flu still seems in official mention of this mutated H1N1 virus /bacteris melt.
But miley cyrus has cancelled concerts purportedly because she has this bacteria/virus infection
as well as super star avicii is hospitalized with the mystery flu
Our belief ,in the sancrosanct responsibility that medical culture has to uphold the health of the citizens should be outraged that medical corporations have created doctor’s for dollars that fit diagnosis to the pharmcorps prescription pill cabinets. But it is more surprising that this demonic predatory spirit to the medical establishment goes back to the very inception of using purified elements as medicines.
In the late 1400 and into the 1500, industrialization, because of the introduction of cannon weaponry, was beginning driving the “renaissance” in Florence. As a byproduct large quantities of purified metals and element, known by the work of alchemist, were being applies as medicine by natural philosophers of the day.
One of the most famous and successful was Theophrastus philippus aureolus bombastus von hohemhiem, known to history as paracelus, as if the new chemical corporations had creates” Cure’s” beyond the pales of Celsus, Aulus Cornelius Celsus the legendary first century physician of roman times.
but the problem was that the populace wanted to have nothing to do with these new purified elements and metal’s. Mercury would kill syphilis but kill the person too. These some of new refined substances were highly toxic. So to counter the resistance against these poisons the financiers such as bombast instigated the witch hunts of these 15th and 16th centuries. witches were tending the ill of the people with herbs etc. So they were killed and persecuted so the populace would have to turn to Paracelsus and his ilk for their medical needs.
Today the “medical; establishment is making noise about all the antibiotic resistance bacteria. But it turns out that as the most sophisticated chemical variation of antibiotics no longer kill the bacteria, the old standbys to kill bacteria still work, allicin/garlic/lavender oil/tea tree oil.raw apple cider vinegar and a few others I have not see first hand.

miley has gone from bad to worse in the last few days. She had a bad reaction to a antibiotic and then the next day a hitherto undisclosed heart problem was included. Of course it is all under control and miley can return to her tour in august. …………hmmmm… may…jun,….july…. august,,,,, that seems like a long break she’s taking for something under control.
Also the epitaph “mysterious flu” is no longer being used.
This case raises a few red flags to me. First the mysterious declaration. Second the severe adverse reaction to the antibiotic . mossad/cia have developed a allicin resistant strain of mrsa. But this strain is not only immune to allicin, this strain recruits” the allicin to act against the persons immune system. Not only does allicin not kill this strain but the allicin makes the infection 510 times worse. as an example, a new infection of the Final Solutionf Mrsa Strain(as I have coined the named) on your skin can be killed in a few minutes ,if one immediately uses the various oils or allicin. If the infection is given 15 minutes,then one must treat the mrsa all night long and the infection will last less tan a day. If one allows the the mrsa a 8 hour head stsrt then you are looking at 23 weks before the mrsa is killed. I am talking aggressive genetically altered mrsa here.
Now say ,one applies allicin garlic to the infection in the first few minute and leave it for 5-10 minute. Te allicin will have increased the swelling by 5-6 times. The infection will be so entrenched that it may take a month to kill the mrsa.
The point is allicin provokes incredible destructive reaction to one’s tissue.where once alicin immediately killed mrsa ,to a genetically altered strain of mrsa, that turns the allicin into a toxic substance to your immune system could not have happened by natural selection. The speed of this new genetically altered mrsa makes it ludicrous to think random genetic mutations could bring this lethal strain into being so quickly.
So another false flag went up when mile had a severe reaction to a antibiotic.
I know this altered mrsa is now resistant to allicin which can only happened with some fundamental chemical change. I surmise that these changes were such that the existing antibiotic now caused a toxic reaction.
I surmise that the antibiotic cause a unexpected reverse reaction because the genetically altered mrsa now is immune to the antibiotic ,this is not a new thing as the big problem is that there are not antibiotics that kill some forms of mrsa.
Another false came up when the doctors brought a preexisting heart issue into the mix. Mrsa is known to make other infections much more virulent. Mrsa does not kill you but the preexisting infection kills you because of the participation of mrsa. Miley’s heart issue was not an issue until the mrsa reached the heart issue. This is all classic mrsa behavior. The conspiratorial nature of the medical establishment is obvious. They will not test for mrsa until a infection has become life threatening.and as the Center for Disease Control has said that mrsa is not a problem because hospitals are only getting 2-3 new cases a month. This is damned lie because hospitals will not test for mrsa and insurance companies will not pay for repeated mrsa treatments, so of course there is no mrsa problem if one doesn’t look for it.
Miley could be in real trouble if he doctor continue to use failing treatments on her.
I have mentioned before that this mrsa strain , FinalSolutionMrsaStrain, I s being used politically to silence and eliminate opponents to the NOW(worldwide fascism is more to the point).
Alex jones uncle, a Vietnam era helicopter pilot who taught alex the foundations to the worlds workings, was one of the first to die of this mysterious flu.
Alex jones himself got it but I haven’t hear anymore about this.
So miley most likely is a random infection.. maybe..
What could she be doing that would upset the NOW????

Miley has the sun/venus midpoint conjunct the north node. This shows her as a loving spirit.the nodal axis is square to helilth axis giving this kindness an love as he only peelings that make her whole. the nature of her recent professional personal shows ow deep the darkness has embraced her heart. Her tabloid pursiutof “partners” shows her drive for love is real.
This is a very sexual land passionate aspect, in addition to the luck it can bring.
But her….hmm ibido goes off the charts with eris square to Neptune an Uranus.
This is an insatiable sexual urge. promiscuous and decadent. Many layered and many games and deceptions. these aspects made her “spontaneous native” love an easy prey designs of the dark.
Eris tends to bring disharmony as well as affection. Jealousy and possessiveness usually shows continuing social turbulence until the passions are eased. But her the eris/Neptune/Uranus midpoints are square her sun. the child has had difficult in trusting love for good reason.
With the venus/sun /node aspect, saturn opposed to orcus becomes more sinister that its innate potential. A spirit subjected to absolute attraction and absolute rejection from her birth. The this Saturn aspect is extremely abusive as is the chion/Pluto square is. Wit the Pluto/chron midpoint conjunct to Jupiter, she was born into a social structure of abuse and hence the abusive nature of entertainment swallowed her quickly. Jupiter gives favor from those in power and the current raunchy portrayals bear witness to the nature of her “coins”.
It was written that her father lamented the success she had because it totally changed and destroyed their relationship but it seems he had prepared her for a stronger master.
His opposition of irreconcilable instincts leads to disassociation for personality. Split personalities must from for the soul to reconcile the pain of love.
Yet with such a unbreakable chain of exhilaration falling to desperation , miley still has a spirit of love with an unending searching for the magical one as her eros conjunction to psyche is also conjunct the vertex. as long as she breathes she has the inspirations of creativity and epic love. This is an impulse of a free spirit living on the search for love of life.
Her moon is conjunct her mercury giving a genuinely intelligent mind. The trine to mars shows a degree of creative dexterity as well as practical sense. But ixion is conjunct to mercury and moon exactly. Iot adds a social insightful vien to her mind , but is quick to look for faults in others .pluto is conjunct this stellium giving unconscious impulses and images to influence her conscious actions. it gives a emotional remote mother and shows her own difficulty in opening up to others. it is as if though she follows the signs of love, she also knows the connections will likely wither. with both the moon and Saturn afflicted by abusive unconscious symbols. Her hidden issues are so terrifying she can’t allow their remembrance.
Mileys recent high visibility is plainly based on societies fascination with her display of twerking,tweeking grinding carnal excess. Smiley is leaving nothing to he imagination and shows sexuality as the moving force of society. Sex, drug and whips are the accoutrements of power. And the.001% is the fountain of inspiration for wall street corruption, hollywood exploitation and sacramental approved rape.
It is possible that miley’s displaying the decadent guts of the media is too blatant. It may be a Suit simply does like her style. But ixion with mercury and the moon show that underneath the surrogate whore, she is intelligent, calculating and insightful for her own gains and advancement. It may be that she knows too much already, enough to understand where things will go from here. With the sun/Pluto midpoint conjunct her mercury/moon/ixion stellium, there is the potential for silencing her soul and spirit.
Her Jupiter/Pluto(relations with the powers above her) is at 0 scorpio54,conjunct her psyche at 0scorp55 and conjunct eros and nessus at2scorp42 and 2scorp51 respectively.
Even her most idealistic and romantic impulses are conditioned by emotional subjugation to the absolute power over her.
The midpoints of Jupiter to moon/ixion/mercury/sun/Pluto MP fall from are conjunct to nessus and eros. This seems another indication of subjugation of her creativity and souls.

I've studied a lot about mrsa and know quite a few people who have it.
When I was having skin breakouts they thought I had mrsa without even testing me, they made me take two rounds of antibiotics until finally I demanded to have a culture test...turns out that I never had mrsa! I was furious that I took two rounds of strong antibiotics and emotionally tried for two months for something I didn't even have. What I had was just acne.
Mrsa really is a sad issue all around. There isn't being much done about it, however there is lots of alternative research being done about it that has been helping people with it. If anyone does indeed have mrsa, they shouldn't resign their lives to death because there are ways to fight it. I don't want people to be as scared as I was when I thought I had it...
I didn't get a chance to read over every reply here, but when you posted about MRSA, it brought something to my attention. I read an article a few weeks ago (from the underground news. Obviously they are not going to put stuff like this in the media) about a scientist who took human chromosomes and tried to modify them to heal themselves. In my mind, I see this as lazy. People don't want to eat healthy and BE healthy so they are willing to go as far as modifying our make-up so they can continue to be lazy... anyway, the research that was done in creating this got in the wrong hands. Now there is a virus that has been created to target weak genetics. It will appear as a cold, or a normal type of sickness and it will eventually weaken the immune system to the point of death. I wonder if MRSA is a form of this. It angers me to think about stuff like this. The government is secretly doing a ton of messed up things to the population behind our backs. They never come with good intentions, their goal is money and conrol.

The good news is we have entered the age of Aquarius. Things are going to look up. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but a change will happen.
I didn't get a chance to read over every reply here, but when you posted about MRSA, it brought something to my attention. I read an article a few weeks ago (from the underground news. Obviously they are not going to put stuff like this in the media) about a scientist who took human chromosomes and tried to modify them to heal themselves. In my mind, I see this as lazy. People don't want to eat healthy and BE healthy so they are willing to go as far as modifying our make-up so they can continue to be lazy... anyway, the research that was done in creating this got in the wrong hands. Now there is a virus that has been created to target weak genetics. It will appear as a cold, or a normal type of sickness and it will eventually weaken the immune system to the point of death. I wonder if MRSA is a form of this. It angers me to think about stuff like this. The government is secretly doing a ton of messed up things to the population behind our backs. They never come with good intentions, their goal is money and conrol.

The government sticks their head in the sand until things start infiltrating them and their families- then they will start to act. Mrsa is actually an antibiotic resistant form of staph. It's a bacteria that gets stronger and stronger- mostly because of the irresponsible usage of antibiotics given out by doctors. That's why it also infuriates me that they had me take two rounds of an antibiotic meant for a 'super-bug' that I didn't even have. That was last year when that happened but ever since then I've lost some faith in soe medical practitioners. Some people just should not be doctors or nurses...

The good news is we have entered the age of Aquarius. Things are going to look up. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but a change will happen.

The government sticks their head in the sand until things start infiltrating them and their families- then they will start to act. Mrsa is actually an antibiotic-resistant form of staph. It's a bacteria that gets stronger and stronger- mostly because of the irresponsible usage of antibiotics given out by doctors. That's why it also infuriates me that they had me take two rounds of an antibiotic meant for a 'super-bug' that I didn't even have. That was last year when that happened but ever since then I've lost some faith in some medical practitioners. Some people just should not be doctors or nurses..
I didn't get a chance to read over every reply here, but when you posted about MRSA, it brought something to my attention. I read an article a few weeks ago (from the underground news. Obviously they are not going to put stuff like this in the media) about a scientist who took human chromosomes and tried to modify them to heal themselves. In my mind, I see this as lazy. People don't want to eat healthy and BE healthy so they are willing to go as far as modifying our make-up so they can continue to be lazy... anyway, the research that was done in creating this got in the wrong hands. Now there is a virus that has been created to target weak genetics. It will appear as a cold, or a normal type of sickness and it will eventually weaken the immune system to the point of death. I wonder if MRSA is a form of this. It angers me to think about stuff like this. The government is secretly doing a ton of messed up things to the population behind our backs. They never come with good intentions, their goal is money and conTrol.

'…...Three nineteenth century Frenchmen researched fermentation, microbes, and contagious disease:

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908)
Claude Bernard (1813-1878)

Their work overlapped. Their conclusions sometimes agreed and other times disagreed with each other's.
Pasteur adopted the germ theory while Béchamp formulated the cellular theory, which was quite at odds with the germ theory.
Bernard's work was aligned with Béchamp's.
Bernard described milieu intérieur, the environment within, which he and others also called terrain.......' :smile:


'…...Pasteur and Benard were very close and over long stretches of time took care of each other.
A fourth man,
Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval (1851–1940), Bernard's top student,
was also close to Pasteur.
D'Arsonval would have been a frequent visitor to Pasteur over the many months of his terminal illness.
Pasteur died from complications of a series of strokes that had started in 1868,
his last illness lasted 11 months.

Pasteur was hostile to Béchamp,
whose work threatened Pasteur's reputation and income.
Pasteur effectively promoted his own work,
while Béchamp's modesty and devotion to his research
kept himself out of the spotlight......'

The good news is we have entered the age of Aquarius.
Things are going to look up.
It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but a change will happen.
The commencement of The Age of Aquarius
is a matter that is frequently debated

'…..Roughly every 2,150 years the sun's position at the the vernal equinox will have moved into a new zodiacal constellation.


zodiacal constellations are not uniform in size,
leading some astrologers to believe that the corresponding ages should also vary in duration.
This however is a contentious issue amongst astrologers.

In 1929 the International Astronomical Union defined the edges of the 88 official constellations.

The edge established between Pisces and Aquarius technically locates the beginning of the Aquarian Age around 2600 AD.

Many astrologers dispute this approach
because of the varying sizes of the zodiacal constellations
and overlap between the zodiacal constellations

'…..The approximate 2,150 years for each age
corresponds to average time taken for the vernal equinox to move from one constellation into the next.
This can be computed by dividing earth's 25,800 year gyroscopic precession period by twelve
the number of Zodiac constellations used by astrologers.
Astrologers disagree on when Aquarian age will start
and even if it has already started.
According to different astrologers' calculations, approximated dates for entering Age of Aquarius range from 1447 AD (Terry MacKinnell) to 3597 (John Addey).

Nicholas Campion in The Book of World Horoscopes
lists various references from mainly astrological sources for the start of the Age of Aquarius.....'

'….Based on research by Nicholas Campion
most published material states Age of Aquarius arrived in 20th century (29 claims)
with 24th century in second place with twelve claimants

Astrological ages exist because of precession of the equinoxes.
Slow wobble of earth's spin axis on the celestial sphere
is independent of diurnal rotation of Earth on own axis and annual revolution of the earth around the sun.
25,800-year-long cycle is traditionally calibrated for determining astrological ages
by the location of sun in one of twelve zodiac constellations at vernal equinox
which is moment sun rises above celestial equator
marking annual start of spring in Northern hemisphere....'
The government sticks their head in the sand until things start infiltrating them and their families- then they will start to act. Mrsa is actually an antibiotic-resistant form of staph. It's a bacteria that gets stronger and stronger- mostly because of the irresponsible usage of antibiotics given out by doctors. That's why it also infuriates me that they had me take two rounds of an antibiotic meant for a 'super-bug' that I didn't even have. That was last year when that happened but ever since then I've lost some faith in some medical practitioners. Some people just should not be doctors or nurses..

Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895), Plagiarist, Impostor!

A plagiarist is someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own.

An imposter is someone who attempts to deceive.

Louis Pasteur French microbiologist and chemist,
born 27 December 1822 in Dole, Jura, France
discovered most infectious diseases are caused by germs,
known as "the germ theory of disease,"
which became foundation for science of microbiology,
and cornerstone of modern medicine.

a process by which 'harmful microbes in perishable food products are destroyed using heat, without destroying the food'

was named after Pasteur


Pasteurization does NOT kill ALL "supposedly" harmful microbes
(harmful according to the medical industry)
and it definitely DOES damage the food
by destroying natural enzymes and nutrients


'.....Louis Pasteur was not an honest creditable individual.
History of the medical profession and ideas regarding cause of disease
that were held by leading physicians before Pasteur first promulgated his notorious "germ theory",
are convincing evidence that Pasteur discovered nothing,
but instead deliberately appropriated, falsified and perverted another man's work.
Pasteur's true character and methods were brought to light
by Miss Ethel Douglas Hume in her book
"Pasteur or Béchamp" written in 1923, the title of which has since been changed to "Pasteur Exposed."

Another book by R.B. Pearson "Pasteur, Plagiarist, Impostor"
was originally published in the 1940s, with a new edition entitled "The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur.....'


'.....Pasteur instructed his family never to release his lab notes.
After his grandson died in 1975, they were finally released.
Gerald Geison, a science historian, was among the first people to thoroughly review those notes.
In 1995, "ironically" proclaimed "The Year of Pasteur," Geison's article was published in the New York Times
proclaiming that Pasteur had lied about his research on vaccines and germs
and that most of his ideas had been plagiarized from his contemporaries
His article, "Pasteur's Deception" claimed that Pasteur was, in the end, a fraud.

Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), a contemporary of Pasteur, discovered the true nature of germs, bacteria, viruses, etc.,
that they were pleomorphic
(capable of changing from one type of organism to another).

Later on another colleague of Pasteur's colleague's, Claude Bernard,
described the "milieu" or environment that affected/caused those changes.

On his deathbed, Pasteur recanted, saying that Bernard [Claude Bernard] was right;
"the Terrain is everything, the Germ is nothing!"

However, since the "Germ Theory of Disease" is so profitable,
the medical world has written off his final statements as the madness of a dying man
"Further testing showed that one patient had the H1N1 virus, a subtype of
two tested negative for all known flu strains.
this rings a bell becauseneither doctors or mrsa advocates have heard of the strains i have dealt with. i was finally tested for mrsa in my blood system but it was negative. i know that is wrong because of urinary symptoms and the fact that my lungs would if i don't follow my diet.

but this is exactly what i have been warning about for months.

this flu does not infect the throat and then progress to the sinus and then may be back to the throat on it's way to congest ones's lung.
this virus just hangs in your throat .and every 12 hours brings a severe coughing bout as it tries to infect you.this remiinds me of the Afib infection carried by strep throat. that strain would turn it self off every 2 days so that any test performed would show negative for mrsa.this virus has a 12 hour clock .everey 12 hours it attacks. i beleive this is a mrsa strain being carried by influenza in stead of strep throat.

and the kids organis disintergrating, that is simi,lar to one of the strains i have. it is wasting my muscle tissue. one doctor did do a test for muscle breakdown but said it was negative. again i knew that was wrong .

so i've heard all this before....i am certain it is the same mrsa strain but it is just been transferred to flu instead of strep.

the problem they have is that the mossad/cia chemist have to strip out the virus to insert the mrsa. and they have to trim down the mrsa to fit the doing so they have made these virus' impervious to pharmacueticals(after all, it is a pharmaceutical compony that is doing this)

the affect is that natural remedies can heal these aflictions.(though this current virus is very persistent)
they have weaken the natural strength of these virus/bacterias.

but the catch 22 is that the medical establishment is waiting in line to go to work for the corporations, so they will let millions of people die because they will not look at the results of herbal remedies. and of course the pharma/religio/facist won't work with anything they can not patent to insure their billions from obamacare.


Here is a video with references to the fact that there are any more deaths from mysterious reasons that mers and sar . of course he doesn’t every mention mrsa as the conspirators want it to be .he ends with a partisan conclusion but amid his thumbing thru the past news reports ,he also talks specifically about a mysterious lung infection that comes with the flu and strep throat. This is exactly the mysterious flu that hit Houston and killed alex jones tutor uncle.
All the other bacterias and virus’s are identified but the bacteria causing the deadly respotory promlems is not identified.why again because they refuse to test for mrsa. And since mrsa can not cause these other ailments why test. Pure conspiratorial blather I posted a year ago there was a strep/mrsa combo. the recent virus was a flu/mrsa combo which no one has attempted as to explain how a flu virus could hollow itself out to allow a place for a bacteria to colonize.
But still not a whisper about mrsa which was the leading killer bacteria last year. Why?
This mysterious flu is now combined with strep also. And still the bacterial infection remains unidentified or more to the point….. censored. The demons are not allowing the word mrsa to appear anywhere, because hollowed out virus’s are going to be used to infect even more deadly and exotic diseases. And as the pathogen is carried by the mrsa bacteria, no one will be able to say where the genetically altered toxin came from. Why? Because the medical establishment far and wide refuses to test for mrsa.

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seem paul mcartney called his Japanese tour after getting a cold that took a serious turn for the worst and landed him in the hospital.
it seems like the mysterious flu again.

this youtube video also makes the point that ther eis a mysterious flu like disease killing 50%. it is a strep/flu /unidentified bacterial infection. Exactly what I predicted would appear last year.
again why is the bacterial infection not being identified over and over. because it is a mrsa infection which is being used to infect the population. "we have things that are killing people and they are saying anything about it" this guy blames it on illegal aliens or climate change. no one is asking why the bacterial infection is not being identified and no one has an idea that this is a genetically altered mrsa consciously being used to kill much of the population.
my situation is the same since I first started this thread. I am constantly being reinfected with mrsa by my cia snitch brother. seems I am the only person who has stumbled over this demonic mossad/cia/corporate plot. I have contacted other family members so my brother and the cia/mossad are trying to get me into a hospital so they can give me a"stroke" there.

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