mrsa coverup

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finally positive news about mrsa.
"The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new drug to treat MRSA, the "contagious and antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria that leads to potentially dangerous infection" and can't be contained by typical antibiotics. The World Health Organization has become increasingly worried about antibiotic resistant bacteria. In April, they said "The problem is so serious that it threatens the achievements of modern medicine." In the United States, about 200 people die from these sorts of infections every day."

good but the figure 200/day is an underestimate as 11,000 /year die.

finally positive news about mrsa.
"The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new drug to treat MRSA, the "contagious and antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria that leads to potentially dangerous infection" and can't be contained by typical antibiotics. The World Health Organization has become increasingly worried about antibiotic resistant bacteria. In April, they said "The problem is so serious that it threatens the achievements of modern medicine." In the United States, about 200 people die from these sorts of infections every day."


after reflecting on this “good” news ,I started to wonder why I had not heard of this research before,in fact all articles about mrsa made the point that there was no new antibiotic drug in the pharma corporations “pipe line”. Nothing was being developed and then presto digito, the pharmacorps come up with this out of seemingly nowhere.i think they had this for a awhile. These genetically altered mrsa have to been produce in pharma corporation labs. So they are well aware of the genetic code of mrsa dna.
I think it is a function of the many herbal cures to mrsa that have become more well known in the last few years. Tea tree oil, lavender oil,apple cider, vinegar, marijuana. to mention a few. This is all about profits. Since the alternate and in fact more effective herbal antibiotics are gaining acknowledge, the med corps are tapping into the desperate mrsa victims before they lose totally credibility
The fact that the strep/flu/”unidentified” bacterial deaths are still being ignored and not even tabulated, shows the original demonic intents is still focused on using mrsa a means of surreptitiously infecting the general population with more exotic diseases.

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finally positive news about mrsa.
"The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new drug to treat MRSA, the "contagious and antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria that leads to potentially dangerous infection" and can't be contained by typical antibiotics. The World Health Organization has become increasingly worried about antibiotic resistant bacteria. In April, they said "The problem is so serious that it threatens the achievements of modern medicine." In the United States, about 200 people die from these sorts of infections every day."

good but the figure 200/day is an underestimate as 11,000 /year die.


I made a big mistake according to the data given in this article. I was wrong 200 death equals 73,050 deaths per year. o k, the cdc says mrsa is not a problem yet the statistic here show a rate about 7 times higher than any rate I have read.
this all smacks of cultural manipulation . the interest will follow the new drug. but it is all shadow and mirrors because they are comparing this drug to the top current drug-vancomycin. the novelty of this drug is that a single does will give the same affect over time as a week on a vancomycin protocol. this is really almost unbelievable because vancomycin threatment is involves 1 gram by I V for different periods up to 2 weeks and in severe cases, twice daily with saline flushes.
that one dose can deliver that antibiotic strength remains to be seen.

,,,,,,,,,,mirrors and smoke''''''''''''''''''
this drug is compared to vanco....the problem is that vancomycin is losing it's effectiveness and many strains are already resistant. not to mentioned the genetically modified strains that don't show up on their test immediately. so they have a drug as good as vanco, the main drug used now on the failing combat with mrsa.

the real intent of this news is to take attention away from the mysterious strep/flu/"unidentified bacteria deaths. 50% mortality and doctors don't know what is killing them or so they say. the first man's internal organs "melted" away in his death. and they can't identify the bacteria? get real they guide their research to dna and can't identify this bacteria.the cdc is not tabulating the mysterious flu death but these have continue since deaths first appeared appeared in texas
in nobember. I predicted a mysterious bacteria/viral infection would appear in early December. the first death occurred in late November, with a large cluster of deaths in Houston. I added to the prediction that these death would have political overtones. the first cluster of deaths surrounded alex jones uncle and cousins. his uncle was his source of the clandestine operation of the covert [powers. alex is political and is now weakened .
the real intent of this news is to take attention away from the mysterious strep/flu/"unidentified bacteria deaths. 50% mortality and doctors don't know what is killing them or so they say. the first man's internal organs "melted" away in his death. and they can't identify the bacteria? get real they guide their research to dna and can't identify this bacteria.the cdc is not tabulating the mysterious flu death but these have continue since deaths first appeared appeared in texas
in November.

the most recent mention of the mysterious flu/strep/ unidentified bacterial infection deaths is on april 30th.
Now the unidentified bacteria infection is not even being mentioned, it seems these health officials are not aware of the other flu/strep deaths….strange or incompetent for a doctor. Though this is further evidence the cdc wants to keep mrsa off the table by not keeping a list of mysterious flu deaths.

Anecdotally, there is cannabis on the street market that is laced with the mrsa/flu/ combo. It may be the “homeless “will be the first to feel the brunt of this false flag epidemic.
It was in September 2012 that I was purposely contaminated with a strep/mrsa combo that caused atrial fibrillation. The mechanism in terms of which doctor was on duty an which nurse etc. one of the purposes of his genetic manipulation is to cause Arial fibrillation .then one is chained to the pharmacorps for the rest of your life for the A Trib drugs
So the business side of these demonic dealings was well oiled and in place well before I became an issue to them.
It bodes very ill that the cia/mossad geneticists have been given free reign to infect and eliminate whomever they choose.

The choice method of delivering these toxcins has become a odorless and soundless aerosol spray.
The toxic affect is timed to a few minutes, then the ”fumes” dissapate .it is affective in public spaces as one can believe they just developed this “cough” accidentally. It can be remotely activate, once one is asleep. The other infectious vehicles needed be ingested or inhaled, this just take accompanying the same space.
It is still blatant covering up. The recent “revolutionary” break thru for mrsa followed by a next mysterious flu teport that omits the word “bacteria.” Threes country doctors are trying to figure out why this combo is so deadly.
dimes to donuts, no one has tested the bacteria for mrsa(because mrsa can’t do this) and therefore they have omitted mentioning the concept of” unidentified”. the fact that this is a Damned Lie is shown by ignoring the medical literature of mrsa. It doesn’t kill on it’s own usually but makes the symptoms of other infections lethal. They have too much money into the atrial fibrillation con to stop these demons.
A bad omen… I purchased an antibiotic oil that was contaminated with the same strain I have been dealing with.
The purveyor had previously joked that half his clients were on witness protection programs and the other half should be. enigmatic irony there … but the contamination was real.
Looking to the prime astrological precursor,of hitler unleashing he death camps on german citizins went on for about a year,ending in the middle of 1940(roughly march of next year by our nodal return )at which point the camps where turned over to German army and to the s.s. ultimately.

researches have

"A breakthrough in the race to solve antibiotic resistance has been made by scientists. New research reveals an Achilles' heel in the defensive barrier that surrounds drug-resistant bacterial cells. The findings pave the way for a new wave of drugs that kill superbugs by bringing down their defensive walls rather than attacking the bacteria itself. It means that in future, bacteria may not develop drug-resistance at all."

more plagiarism, this method of killing bacteria has long been known as the mechanism that allicin,a garlic derivative, ill mrsa bacteria. allicin's solubility factor allows it to just move thru the mrsa cell wall and cause the mrsa to burst. it does not attack the bacteria's receptors so mrsa can not mutate against allicin.
so once again scientist are alicin as his is a new perspective. e have ignored this mechanism in allicin for years because the pharacorps can not patent allicin. but they now have the correct understanding to attack bacteria.
a thread about ebola. this is not about mrsa but it is suspicious that another "mutated" form this virus has come out.
and the fact hat htereis a simle cure for ebola also smacks for the medical establishment their backs on natural remedies for mrsa, such as apple cider vinegar, yeas tree oil, lavender oil and others

And the kill rate for this disease of convenience, genetically engineered to be more deadly than ever before, just happens, I am sure coincidentally, to be the exact number depopulationists like Bill Gates and George Soros have wet dreams about: 90%.

The US government study (declassified in 2009) which showed definitively that Nano Silver at 10 PPM is the definitive prevention and therapy for Ebola virus “somehow” got “overlooked.” We do not know how long before that the work actually took place, but the US civilian authorities knew not later than 2009 that there is a cure, treatment and prevention for Ebola virus. . . .

another doctor claims vitamin c and colloidal silver will stop Ebola

I have to agree with these claims as a garlic derivative called allicin will stop mrsa. yet doctors will not lo into this as allicin is not a drug the pharma/corps produce and hence doctors can not prescribe or look into these antidotes.
the medical establishment would much rather give you IV morphine as the mrsa eats you body away.

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The world’s worst Ebola outbreak, which has already affected four countries in West Africa, is likely to get worse in the coming months, the World Health Organization said on Friday.
“The likelihood is that things will get worse before they get better,” Keiji Fukuda, the WHO’s head of health security, told reporters. “We are fully prepared for the outbreak to be at a high level for a number of months.”

I was watching cnn interview a doctor when the ebola outbreak just started.
she said ebola is now being transmitted through the air.
this is the only mentioned I have heard of this. every report since still claims one must come in direct contact with the ebola .

the quick infection of so many health workers is a clear indication that the transmission by air is correct and that this information is being suppressed .
I continue to be dosed with new mrsa strains though it seems that I have now been dosed with pneumonia also. Apparently my brother/cia is tired of trying to make my infection so virulent that I will have to go to a hospital . adding pneumonia to the mrsa infusion definitely is a dangerous situation for me.
Apparently they have developed a mrsa strain that disintegrates rapidly as I have been infected with this mrsa “vapor” in the common areas of the house. This was the technique used on me when the mysterious flu virus first appeared. But now apparently the mrsa virus exist only long enough to infect, then breaks down as he has in some cases been sitting within 10 feet of me when the mrsa is unleashed.
Also my 85 year old mother is in the same house. But I have noticed recently ,that no one comes out of their rooms until a “safe” period of time has past.
This is extremely evil as one can be infected anywhere and not know it. Initially the concentrations were so strong I could smell it but know they have their dosage down to where the mrsa vapor is not detectable.

for over a year and a half I have maintained ,the pharma/corps are spreading a atrial fibrillation mrsa strain to make people depended on their atrial fibrillation drugs.

her is another report of this medical larceny

"Harvard-trained expert in public health and emerging diseases, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz claims the World Health Organization’s “International Health Emergency” that was declared Friday and 2014 Ebola “outbreak” smacks of commercial crime evidenced by scientific fraud.

In a 24-minute Special Report prepared for public broadcasting on Vimeo’s Revolution Television channel, Dr. Horowitz, an award-winning author and filmmaker, and co-host investigative-journalist Sherri Kane, claim the WHO and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defrauded people after drug industrialists loosed the Ebola Zaire strain from a bioweapons laboratory refrigerator"
and the first mentioned that the ebola is now air borne . the media suppressed this for at least a week. obvious if the public new ebola was air borne, ther might have been widespread resistance to bring ebola victims to the US. every day another possible ebola victim is mentioned in the US now

"The leader of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has stated that this outbreak of Ebola has shown to go airborne. The mainstream media is lying about this. Everything they have put on the fake news has stated that you only get Ebola by bodily fluids but this is not true and W.H.O. knows it! Even the government of Canada has admitted that it has been confirmed via aerosol in primates and highly suspected to be spread by aerosol transmission in human! This is the dirty little secret that the US government is hiding from us. Get the word out. This is very serious. Bodies are in the street now in Africa. They have dumped them down drinking wells! We need to be aware of what’s going on here and put out the truth to the world since our fake news and criminal government will not!"


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I bring this post up to show the dynamics of the prediction of a genetically alter bacteria.
In early post i reported a genetically altered virus and bacteria/mrsa combo will appear in early December '13
This is precisely what occurred with the first victim dying on December 5 ’13.
People should not be extraordinarily worried about H1N1 because it isn't a new virus, said Catherine Troisi, an epidemiologist and assistant professor at the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston.”
"But I just talked to Katie's mom last week and we both still don't know what killed our kids," Budro said. "She only knows that her daughter's brain swelling led to her death, but not what caused it to happen, And I still have no answers for my son.
Catherine troisi was wrong this was genetically altered virus. Her statement reflects the coverup and conspiracy. It is a intuitionalized endeavor to use mrsa to spread death undetectably .
This can be seen more currently with the blackout about the bola virus turning airborne.
A woman doctor reported on on cnn one morning a couple of weeks ago that the ebola was air borne now.
Buit since that first report, the media has censored that fact. The corruption and perversion is endemic in the scientific establishment as obviously the political theater is.
This is borne out by a article in the recent science news . it reports that ebola is not airborne between monkeys and unlikely to be airborne in humans.
The perverse old world order is going to commit genocide in Africa and blame it on ebola. Not to mention that ebola is being allowed to spread over the world---because it is passed only by body fluids.
The article science news used “unlikely” rather than flat out admitting ebola is airborne.
I have said this virus/bacteria/mrsa strain will be use politically to kill critics . interestingly.
Fire brand Alex Jones has near family members dying of this. One being his uncle who was avietnam vet and who taught alex jones the real dynamics of the asocial order.
50% mortality rate.
Here is a video with references to the fact that there are any more deaths from mysterious reasons that mers and sar . he shows that theCDC is not keeing records of this mutated bacteria. They are simply din he eaths to the overall death toll unlike the other strains of flu which are enumerated of .course he doesn’t every mention mrsa as the conspirators want it to be .he ends with a partisan conclusion but amid his thumbing thru the past news reports ,he also talks specifically about a mysterious lung infection that comes with the flu and strep throat. This is exactly the mysterious flu that hit Houston and killed alex jones tutor uncle.

All the other bacterias and virus’s are identified but the bacteria causing the deadly respiratory problems is not identified. Why, again because they refuse to test for mrsa.

This is the genetically altered flu carrying a genetically altered mrsa concocted by cia/mossad scientist.
This is exactly analogous to the nazi’s killing there own citizens in gas chambers before the military took the gas chambers over.
the CDC says 17.2% of the flu deaths are identified as a form of flu. the other 82.8% are unidentified .
of course not , it is the mrsa/flu combo which they do not test for.
government and media are lying and deceiving the public.

Here are recent scientist and speculations that match my speculations of a year ago.
"Harvard-trained expert in public health and emerging diseases, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz claims the World Health Organization’s “International Health Emergency” that was declared Friday and 2014 Ebola “outbreak” smacks of commercial crime evidenced by scientific fraud.”
a strep/mrsa combination gave me atrial fibrillation . this is obviously a way to hook people are A trib drugs for life. This is a corporate wide conspiracy .

In a 24-minute Special Report prepared for public broadcasting on Vimeo’s Revolution Television channel, Dr. Horowitz, an award-winning author and filmmaker, and co-host investigative-journalist Sherri Kane, claim the WHO and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defrauded people after drug industrialists loosed the Ebola Zaire strain from a bioweapons laboratory refrigerator"

this agrees with my experience that the pharmaceutical/medical corporations have been truned over to the devil.
and the first mentioned that the ebola is now air borne . the media suppressed this for at least a week. obvious if the public new ebola was air borne, ther might have been widespread resistance to bring ebola victims to the US. every day another possible ebola victim is mentioned in the US now

"The leader of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has stated that this outbreak of Ebola has shown to go airborne. The mainstream media is lying about this. Everything they have put on the fake news has stated that you only get Ebola by bodily fluids but this is not true and W.H.O. knows it! Even the government of Canada has admitted that it has been confirmed via aerosol in primates and highly suspected to be spread by aerosol transmission in human! This is the dirty little secret that the US government is hiding from us. Get the word out. This is very serious. Bodies are in the street now in Africa. They have dumped them down drinking wells! We need to be aware of what’s going on here and put out the truth to the world since our fake news and criminal government will not!"

so how long can the OldWorldOrder lie and suppressed public knowledge?
Well I guess the OWO has given up the shill.
I just saw this byline
Experts: Ebola Could Go Airborne, Kill Millions
Top doctors and virologists are now acknowledging what Infowars first reported over a month ago – that the Ebola virus has mutated, may have gone airborne, and could kill millions.
I believe it was genetically altered ,just as the mrsa is being altered and covered up. the mrsa venue to kill is better because the victims will never know where they got it or what it is because the devils in white coats are lying to us.
the CDC has now admitted what I and others have maintained, the ebola epidemic goig to engulf America also, thanks to the suppression of the fact that ebola is air borne ,by the media and all government health agencies.

" United States health officials countered several similar claims by saying that they are not worried because Ebola is only transmitted through exposure to bodily fluids"

" the CDC has drawn up and released a six-page action plan on how to tackle Ebola, warning US hospitals: “now is the time to prepare“. This stern warning comes a week after the organization warned that the disease is ‘out of control’, as it has now been revealed that a CDC worker has contracted the illness. "

the real danger is that the mysterious flu which is in actuality a genetically altered flu and mrsa combo is flying under the radar even though 80% of flu deaths are being caused by this "mysterious" flu, which was created by mossad/cia operatives for the purpose of killing million in the US. by CDC own standards the US is in the middle of a deadly flu epidemic yet nothing is being said nor is any attempt being made to identify the "unidentified bacteria". this is because it is a mrsa bacteria that the cia/mossad have developed to transmit many unseen symptoms.
this is why the "medical" establishment refuse to test for mrsa. they don't want their demonic plan to be found out .

You can read the entire document HERE. As well, the state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits.
The checklist is a directory for hospitals and medical personnel.
“Every hospital should ensure that it can detect a patient with Ebola, protect healthcare workers so they can safely care for the patient, and respond in a coordinated fashion…

Barak Obama has pledged to send 3,000 troops to West Africa to help fight the Ebola outbreak that is spreading across the continent.​
Reports state that the military contingent will be educating health workers and overseeing the building of new treatment centres.
Could this be the catalyst that brings Ebola Zaire to U.S soil?
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agency about the readiness to accept Ebola patients, according to KFOR in Oklahoma City.
“This may just be a routine inquiry, but it strikes me as curious given the recent outbreak of Ebola cases in West Africa,” said Ritze. “At this point, there is no need to panic, but it would be helpful to get some accurate information from our state and federal health organizations so we know how severe the threat may be.”

well what do you know, it seems that some medical authorities are finding mrsa more prevalent that they thought. of course when doctors and hospitals refuse to test for mrsa this(duh) conclusion is obvious.

jeezzz now the cdc is saying there are 90,000
deaths per year rather than saying as they have that mrsa is not a problem.
but other sources say 160,000 die per year.

the headlines are all about sars,ebola and mers but no one mentions mrsa. of course not, it is the chosen vehicle to decimate the population of the u.s.


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