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As many mysterious diseases are appearing, I is likely that the virus/mrsa combo will begin to be more widely distributed.
Over the last year and a half the mossad/cia geneticist have sculted the mrsa bacteria to be resistant to many antibiotics and herbs. Initially allicin a garlic derived antibiotic would kill the genetically altered mrsa. But over a year ago the mrsa bacteria was altered to resist allicin. Over the last year, I have noticed that tea tree oil has become less effective on the new genetically altered variations of mrsa.
Lavender oils which works on many strains of mrsa also seems to be less effective on the newest mutations. The mossad/cia geneticists are actively making the mrsa virusa resistsnt all antibiotics whether synthetic or natural. Keep in mind that the pharma/medical corpate demons have millions of dollars invested in this project. Hence they are going to try to keep manipulating the mrsa until there are no natural or synthetic antidotes. At this point the mrsa will be released widespread . but it seem that there is a limit to how much they can altered the mrsa before it is weaken. Currently one of the last natural antibiotoics to kill mrsa is unfiltered,unheated apple cider vinegar. Though I don’t know the chemistry of it all, it seems that the chemist are unable to altered the mrsa genome to make it resistant to apple cider vinegar. this is ironic as all known synthetic antibiotics cannot kill the mrsa yet a simple thousand year old natural antibiotic has stymied 21st century attempts to neutralize the vinegar.
. The I have coined a term for all these these strains of genetically modified mrsa .the final solution strain.
This “package” is amazing. the mrsa is contained within a “shell” that is impervious to bleach. It comes in a liquid that is clear and tries clear, though there is a chemical smell if too much is attempted. this coating adheres to the slickest surfaces. .once dried it will introduce mrsa into water. But boiling water does not breakdown the shell or kill the mrsa when it is still coated. when this liquid is applied to a stainless steel pan. It will give of mrsa into the water that is boiling repeatedly until the chemical is used up. but what is crazy is that the chemical ETCHES the stainless steel. If one scorches the pan , the chemical dripping can be seen as they cook off, on the bottom. But even now it is difficult to clean off the marks as the chemical etches into the stainless steel. if one lets the chemical sit 24 hours, the etching marks cannot be erased without scouring away the stainless steel.
This is just the package. It can be washed out by bleach or pinesol, but only spreads to other clothing. It can only take 15 minutes to reach a level of infection that can take a week or more kill.
The mrsa bacteria in the final solution strain seems to be made up of several strains. The initially strain will swell your tissue up. It is similar to what is diagnosed as cellulitis. The second strisan in the package is designed to “eat your subcutaneous tissue. The symptom of this strain is that striations will appear just below the surface of your skiin. It looks like you have fine red ringlets up and down your arms or legs. If this strain progresses the lines become wider and redder and further tissue is “eaten” away. This is a primary and unmistakable symptom of the final solution strain. Tea tree oils which is effective on many strains does not rapidly heal this strain. Lavernder oil is more effective but again, apple cider vinegar is that most effective and will heal this strain if you are not re-infected.
Another symptom of this strain is you will see what seems to be a white crystalline powder on your skin. This is evident when you but one of the oils on. This white substance will turn in to a fungal type infection of black smudges or spots on your skin. This color change is your skin being digested. Fortunately apple cider vinegar will kill this strain readily. Alcohol will also kill this strain if you immediately notice the problem, though it takes more applications than the vinegar no completely kill the mrsa.
As noted about, this form of mrsa is transmitted from a colorless crystalline coating tha will adhere to virtually any surface invisibly.so one must act promptly if you notice a white reside on your skin. Most often it will begin on your hands and forearms if you touch a contaminated object. The final solution strain can be added to food or water to infect you internally . in this case it will attack your lungs and heart as well as muscle groups. Some strains will try to colonized you nacses(nose) and some strike at your ear lobs. The internal infection is most insidious but if one drinks a blend of pleurisy root, rosemary and nettle teas, the mrsa can not attack you internally. One needs to drink 10 or so ounces 3 times a day and this will keep your internal organs intact. Mrsa attacks through your mucous lining and these teas especially the pleurisy root stop this route of infection. If the mrsa does try to penetrate you heart or lungs you will feel slight pains in your solar plexus area. To the left of the solar plexus if it is a strain attacks your heart and to the right of your solar plexus if the strain attacks you lungs. Though the final solution strain will attack both areas of your body.as mentioned the pleurisy root will combat this but over time. If you are heavily infected buy these strains and start ot feel th slight sharp pains in heart o lung, one can apply tea tree oil directly on your chest over these areas. Continue applications until the pains subside. Seeping apple cider vinegar will also kill the mrsa but again if you are heavily infected you need to apply the oil too. Mrsa is relatively easy to kill when it first infects you but if you give this final solution strain even 1 or 2 hours to set up in your tissue, it can take a week to fully eradicate it. If you seem to have an infection you must immediately treat it. You cannot” think OH. Ill get after it tomorrow, “ and go to sleep. You must immediately treat it even if you must stay up all night.
I am bringing up these considerations now because to me it seems this mrsa I about to be unleashed wide spread.
Another concern is that the pharma/medical/covert agencies are not going to let anything get in their way of using this to kill millions.and unfortunately, many of these herbal antidotes are being contaminated at the source. I am being actively infected
by the cia/mossad and (though this may seem paranoid) I have purchased contaminated oils and vinegars from health food stores in san Francisco and concord.(of course my situation is singular because they want to silence me immediately, I do not think that all products are currently tainted ,but these have been selectively been contaminated against me. As part of this retaliation the cia has identified me as a federal informant to the cops and street dealers and as such I have already had a few dangerous run ins with cops and mafia) As I said that pharma/corps have invested million in this demonic scheme and they have bought or gained control of some natural food outlets. I would suggest stocking up on these natural remedies now, because once this demonic plague is unleashed, the mossad/cia will unleash contaminated products. The final solution strain can be added to any of these remedies and still not be neutralized.once the mrsa infects one though, the strain can be beaten buy these remedies
This has been brought home to me ,because I have noticed one natural food store which has been recently bought out and now they are putting warning signs on the vinegar, saying the apple cider vinegar has chemicals in it, even though naturally occurring, that have been determined by the state of California to cause medical problem.
This is so much BS.apple cider vinegar has been used for 1000’s of years and never been connected to cancer or other problems. So these new “advisories” are aimed to instill fear and to be used as a reason to pull apple cider vinegar off the shelves when the mrsa plague is unleashed.
Again, apple cider vinegar seems to kill the mrsa in a manner that the mossad/cia geneticist cannot counter act.
I write this knowing full well that many will think I have “lost it” but remember my predictions about the appearance of these mysterious diseases were correct almost to the day and these predictions were based on the nodal return that brought a ww2 and hitlers gassing of german citizen in 1939 before the gas chambers were turned over to the military for use in concentration camps. So it is not just my personal paranoia that prompts me to issue these warnings, it is part of the historical hell that the world is about experience. nodally, we are in early 1940 at which time virtually no one could imagine the holocaust that was to sweep the world in their near future.