mrsa coverup

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As many mysterious diseases are appearing, I is likely that the virus/mrsa combo will begin to be more widely distributed.
Over the last year and a half the mossad/cia geneticist have sculted the mrsa bacteria to be resistant to many antibiotics and herbs. Initially allicin a garlic derived antibiotic would kill the genetically altered mrsa. But over a year ago the mrsa bacteria was altered to resist allicin. Over the last year, I have noticed that tea tree oil has become less effective on the new genetically altered variations of mrsa.
Lavender oils which works on many strains of mrsa also seems to be less effective on the newest mutations. The mossad/cia geneticists are actively making the mrsa virusa resistsnt all antibiotics whether synthetic or natural. Keep in mind that the pharma/medical corpate demons have millions of dollars invested in this project. Hence they are going to try to keep manipulating the mrsa until there are no natural or synthetic antidotes. At this point the mrsa will be released widespread . but it seem that there is a limit to how much they can altered the mrsa before it is weaken. Currently one of the last natural antibiotoics to kill mrsa is unfiltered,unheated apple cider vinegar. Though I don’t know the chemistry of it all, it seems that the chemist are unable to altered the mrsa genome to make it resistant to apple cider vinegar. this is ironic as all known synthetic antibiotics cannot kill the mrsa yet a simple thousand year old natural antibiotic has stymied 21st century attempts to neutralize the vinegar.

. The I have coined a term for all these these strains of genetically modified mrsa .the final solution strain.
This “package” is amazing. the mrsa is contained within a “shell” that is impervious to bleach. It comes in a liquid that is clear and tries clear, though there is a chemical smell if too much is attempted. this coating adheres to the slickest surfaces. .once dried it will introduce mrsa into water. But boiling water does not breakdown the shell or kill the mrsa when it is still coated. when this liquid is applied to a stainless steel pan. It will give of mrsa into the water that is boiling repeatedly until the chemical is used up. but what is crazy is that the chemical ETCHES the stainless steel. If one scorches the pan , the chemical dripping can be seen as they cook off, on the bottom. But even now it is difficult to clean off the marks as the chemical etches into the stainless steel. if one lets the chemical sit 24 hours, the etching marks cannot be erased without scouring away the stainless steel.
This is just the package. It can be washed out by bleach or pinesol, but only spreads to other clothing. It can only take 15 minutes to reach a level of infection that can take a week or more kill.

The mrsa bacteria in the final solution strain seems to be made up of several strains. The initially strain will swell your tissue up. It is similar to what is diagnosed as cellulitis. The second strisan in the package is designed to “eat your subcutaneous tissue. The symptom of this strain is that striations will appear just below the surface of your skiin. It looks like you have fine red ringlets up and down your arms or legs. If this strain progresses the lines become wider and redder and further tissue is “eaten” away. This is a primary and unmistakable symptom of the final solution strain. Tea tree oils which is effective on many strains does not rapidly heal this strain. Lavernder oil is more effective but again, apple cider vinegar is that most effective and will heal this strain if you are not re-infected.
Another symptom of this strain is you will see what seems to be a white crystalline powder on your skin. This is evident when you but one of the oils on. This white substance will turn in to a fungal type infection of black smudges or spots on your skin. This color change is your skin being digested. Fortunately apple cider vinegar will kill this strain readily. Alcohol will also kill this strain if you immediately notice the problem, though it takes more applications than the vinegar no completely kill the mrsa.
As noted about, this form of mrsa is transmitted from a colorless crystalline coating tha will adhere to virtually any surface one must act promptly if you notice a white reside on your skin. Most often it will begin on your hands and forearms if you touch a contaminated object. The final solution strain can be added to food or water to infect you internally . in this case it will attack your lungs and heart as well as muscle groups. Some strains will try to colonized you nacses(nose) and some strike at your ear lobs. The internal infection is most insidious but if one drinks a blend of pleurisy root, rosemary and nettle teas, the mrsa can not attack you internally. One needs to drink 10 or so ounces 3 times a day and this will keep your internal organs intact. Mrsa attacks through your mucous lining and these teas especially the pleurisy root stop this route of infection. If the mrsa does try to penetrate you heart or lungs you will feel slight pains in your solar plexus area. To the left of the solar plexus if it is a strain attacks your heart and to the right of your solar plexus if the strain attacks you lungs. Though the final solution strain will attack both areas of your mentioned the pleurisy root will combat this but over time. If you are heavily infected buy these strains and start ot feel th slight sharp pains in heart o lung, one can apply tea tree oil directly on your chest over these areas. Continue applications until the pains subside. Seeping apple cider vinegar will also kill the mrsa but again if you are heavily infected you need to apply the oil too. Mrsa is relatively easy to kill when it first infects you but if you give this final solution strain even 1 or 2 hours to set up in your tissue, it can take a week to fully eradicate it. If you seem to have an infection you must immediately treat it. You cannot” think OH. Ill get after it tomorrow, “ and go to sleep. You must immediately treat it even if you must stay up all night.
I am bringing up these considerations now because to me it seems this mrsa I about to be unleashed wide spread.
Another concern is that the pharma/medical/covert agencies are not going to let anything get in their way of using this to kill millions.and unfortunately, many of these herbal antidotes are being contaminated at the source. I am being actively infected
by the cia/mossad and (though this may seem paranoid) I have purchased contaminated oils and vinegars from health food stores in san Francisco and concord.(of course my situation is singular because they want to silence me immediately, I do not think that all products are currently tainted ,but these have been selectively been contaminated against me. As part of this retaliation the cia has identified me as a federal informant to the cops and street dealers and as such I have already had a few dangerous run ins with cops and mafia) As I said that pharma/corps have invested million in this demonic scheme and they have bought or gained control of some natural food outlets. I would suggest stocking up on these natural remedies now, because once this demonic plague is unleashed, the mossad/cia will unleash contaminated products. The final solution strain can be added to any of these remedies and still not be neutralized.once the mrsa infects one though, the strain can be beaten buy these remedies
This has been brought home to me ,because I have noticed one natural food store which has been recently bought out and now they are putting warning signs on the vinegar, saying the apple cider vinegar has chemicals in it, even though naturally occurring, that have been determined by the state of California to cause medical problem.
This is so much cider vinegar has been used for 1000’s of years and never been connected to cancer or other problems. So these new “advisories” are aimed to instill fear and to be used as a reason to pull apple cider vinegar off the shelves when the mrsa plague is unleashed.
Again, apple cider vinegar seems to kill the mrsa in a manner that the mossad/cia geneticist cannot counter act.
I write this knowing full well that many will think I have “lost it” but remember my predictions about the appearance of these mysterious diseases were correct almost to the day and these predictions were based on the nodal return that brought a ww2 and hitlers gassing of german citizen in 1939 before the gas chambers were turned over to the military for use in concentration camps. So it is not just my personal paranoia that prompts me to issue these warnings, it is part of the historical hell that the world is about experience. nodally, we are in early 1940 at which time virtually no one could imagine the holocaust that was to sweep the world in their near future.


Here are recent scientist and speculations that match my speculations of a year ago.
"Harvard-trained expert in public health and emerging diseases, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz claims the World Health Organization’s “International Health Emergency” that was declared Friday and 2014 Ebola “outbreak” smacks of commercial crime evidenced by scientific fraud.”
a strep/mrsa combination gave me atrial fibrillation . this is obviously a way to hook people are A trib drugs for life. This is a corporate wide conspiracy .

GlaxoSmithKline is being fined $490 million by Chinese authorities for running an illegal bribery scheme across China [3], the media is announcing the “astonishing” launch of human trials for an Ebola vaccine....
” GlaxoSmithKline, The same company that also admitted to a massive criminal bribery network in the United States, where felony crimes were routinely committed to funnel money to over 40,000 physicians who pushed dangerous prescription drugs onto patients.
This is the company that is now — today! — injecting 60 “volunteers” with an experimental Ebola vaccine.
“Normally it would take years of human trials before a completely new vaccine was approved for use,” Yes, it’s astonishing because it’s impossible.
As any vaccine-related virologist already knows, the process of going from an in-the-wild infection of Ebola to a manufactured vaccine ready for human trials simply cannot be achieved in a matter of a few weeks or months. .............., we are all to believe that a spontaneous scientific miracle has now taken place — a literal act of vaccine magic — which create a vaccine ready for human trials merely by waving a magic wand.


Liberia’s Largest Newspaper Accuses US of Manufacturing Ebola Virus

The Liberian Daily Observer, which is the largest newspaper in Liberia, just published an article on their front page with the headline, “Ebola, AIDS Manufactured By Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?” The article accuses the US of manufacturing the Ebola outbreak in a scheme to use Africa as a testing ground for bioweapons


"NYT article showing that 38 states now have confirmed cases of the enterovirus 68 also called EV68 and EV D68, which as the NYT headline states “mystifies scientists.”

"The key sentence comes five paragraphs in to the article, “Enteroviruses are common, but this strain is not."

I bring this up because this is exactly the modus operandi of the mysterious flu that was is a genetically altered virus with a bacteria inserted. to date, the "scientists" have still not identified the bacteria. because it is mrsa and as I have said repeatly , mrsa is going to be the vector used to infect the social body with more mysterious disease, as I predicted.
the above example is one of these instuitionalized infections


"NYT article showing that 38 states now have confirmed cases of the enterovirus 68 also called EV68 and EV D68, which as the NYT headline states “mystifies scientists.”

"The key sentence comes five paragraphs in to the article, “Enteroviruses are common, but this strain is not."

I bring this up because this is exactly the modus operandi of the mysterious flu that was is a genetically altered virus with a bacteria inserted. to date, the "scientists" have still not identified the bacteria. because it is mrsa and as I have said repeatly , mrsa is going to be the vector used to infect the social body with more mysterious disease, as I predicted.
the above example is one of these instuitionalized infections


Health officials are investigating nine cases of muscle weakness or paralysis in Colorado children and whether the culprit might be a virus causing severe respiratory illness across the country.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday sent doctors an alert about the polio-like cases and said the germ - enterovirus 68 - was detected in four out of eight of the sick children who had a certain medical test. The status of the ninth case is unclear.

and true to CDCs coverup this article states disingenuously :

The germ is not new - it was first identified in 1962 and has caused clusters of illness before, including in Georgia and Pennsylvania in 2009 and Arizona in 2010.

but from the article above...

"The key sentence comes five paragraphs in to the article, “Enteroviruses are common, but this strain is not."


Mrsa conspiracy

For the last year and a half , I have been posting political threads ,actually anti cia drug dealing and assassination threads. Before this ,for 6 or so years I concentrated on innocuous composite charts.
But as the political, military and covert agencies have descended in to drug addiction and whoring as their main life concerns, I decided to post the ghost of Christmas past.
In spite of the likelihood I would be silenced, I began these posts anyway.
But I had no idea that along the way to my demise , I would encounter a evil plan to kill millions besides myself. But this is what exists .
Accordingly I will briefly list my circumstances and the nature of the genetically modified mrsa strains that the cia/mossad have developed.
My intial infection was by smoking a joint with a low level Mexican mafia wanta be.over a number of years I had learned/figured out too much about the local mafia/mossad/cia connection. So I was dosed with a aggressive strain of mrsa that is usually found associated with “Ice”. Ice being methamphetamine produced by genetically modified bacteria. It is solely distributed by the cia through it’s sub contractors in the mossad, as ice is produced in Israel despite the US governments allegation it is produced in Thailand. This genetically altered staph germ seems to also produce methamphetamine as ,this strain is extremely aggressive and hard to control. currently all drugs used to fight mrsa are losing their effectiveness or already have lost the ability to stop mrsa.
New strains are being constantly developed with the express intent to cause the death of millions along with problem individuals like myself.
The first strain caused my face to swell up grotesquely in a matter of days.luckily the doctor at the ER Robert f. buscho recognized the danger and gave me a IV of vancomycin wh8ich is the last line of defense, but myKafkaesque reality began whe I came for the second imperative IV .
Doctor nee, a agent of evil refused the second IV,changed the diagnosis and “kicked “ me out of the er with my face swollen beyond recognition.
After 3 months of herbal preparations the swelling had decreased to single pointuder my nose. Not really noticeable but a threat as it took only 3 days for a spot to swell my face .
The point is unbeknownst to me I had been “attacked” with mrsa.
The second incident was clearly a attack as it was from a cia/mossad agen t who was infiltrating the local drug /pot scene. I had warned the locals and they had rejected him but then in some way he regained their confidence. when I heard this I was a bit concerned as he surely found out it was I who outed him.
But having to place the social game ,I took a hit of a joint when offered and in 20 minutes a new mrsa infection spread across my face. I was such a fool , I should have known better than smoke with an enemy,
Strain 2 ,in addition to the swelling caused atrial fibrillation
interesting political considerations are affecting the medical issue around mrsa infections. seems the general population is 50% positive for mrsa. but there is few drugs that can eradicate it. there is a hidden epidemic of virtually untreatable msra.
there are two existent variants ,one mild the other virulent.
it seems to be being passed also thru pot ,now ,unlike it's origin in hard drugs.
i suggest one only pull from your own stash as political manuevers are being made under this cloak.
interesting political considerations are affecting the medical issue around mrsa infections. seems the general population is 50% positive for mrsa. but there is few drugs that can eradicate it. there is a hidden epidemic of virtually untreatable msra.
there are two existent variants ,one mild the other virulent.
it seems to be being passed also thru pot ,now ,unlike it's origin in hard drugs.
i suggest one only pull from your own stash as political manuevers are being made under this cloak.

interesting political considerations are affecting the medical issue around mrsa infections. seems the general population is 50% positive for mrsa. but there is few drugs that can eradicate it. there is a hidden epidemic of virtually untreatable msra.
there are two existent variants ,one mild the other virulent.
it seems to be being passed also thru pot ,now ,unlike it's origin in hard drugs.
i suggest one only pull from your own stash as political manuevers are being made under this cloak.

I wonder how rahu rationalizes the existence of disease outbreaks before the CIA and CDC or even current governments, since it's all an orchestrated attack on humanity and diseases wouldn't become epidemics unless it was a grand master plan of evil from shadow governments and demons.

I had no idea paranoid delusions were so supported here. This is why astrology can never be taken seriously in the mainstream. -sigh-

Since this thread was originally about MRSA, not Ebola, I'll state I've known one person that contracted MRSA. He got it from going to clubs every night where someone had it and kissing strangers/making skin contact/going to bed with them, or he got it from the hospital when he went in for scabies that he got from the club (there was a MRSA outbreak in the gay community in the area at the time, so I'm suspecting the former). He spread it by continuing to sleep with people when he had open sores and made a lot of people angry that way. His doctors did not try to cover up that he had it, and gave him the test right away. No one was trying to cover up anything, except that this disease got to be associated with being gay and some stigma was attached to it for that reason (same with AIDS), and that is unfortunate.

It is highly contagious so contracting it in a hospital is very easy (along with other infections that can easily be spread through skin contact). It appears where humans tend to rub up on each other or each other's belongings, including hospitals, locker rooms, dance clubs, etc. It's not a concerted government effort to spread it when humans do very well spreading it themselves, and the bacteria does very well mutating when it's so easily spread. I'm sad that people have so little faith in the ability for other organisms to be successful without human intervention. Infectious disease has been killing humans for a very long time -- so long that we have virus DNA in our own DNA. But of course, that must have been from doctors in the 1400's inserting it into the populace via secret advanced genetic engineering technology they got from aliens, right?

The world is freaky and weird in what happens. It doesn't mean there is a puppetmaster, and rahu's claims are not fact just because he states 'personal experience' anonymously over the internet. Please use some common sense people.
Proof Of US Plan To Kill 90% Of World Population With Airborne Ebola?

In 2006, an award winning University of Texas evolutionary ecologist, Dr Eric R. Pianka, advocated the use of airborne Ebola to kill off 90 percent of the world’s population. According to a 2006 report by Life Site, and other reports, Pianka was investigated by the FBI after receiving a complaint that Pianka was “advocating biological terrorism.”

In 2007, according to the video below and documents that have been widely reported on, the US government, via the CDC, procured the patent on Ebola, which includes any strain, including hybrid strains that hold a 70 percent commonality

The timing of this speech advocating the use of airborne Ebola, with the CDC’s obtaining the patent and the clinical trials for the vaccine starting the same year as the Pianka speech, cannot be ignored, nor should it be

CDC Warns Funeral Homes in U.S. to Prepare For Ebola Victims

September 29, 2014
The Centers for Disease Control is advising funeral homes in the United States on how to handle the remains of Ebola victims, although officials are keen to stress that the development is not a cause for alarm

“If the outbreak of the potentially deadly virus is in West Africa, why are funeral homes in America being given guidelines?” asks

Last night it was revealed that a Dallas hospital is holding a potential Ebola victim in “strict isolation” after the patient was admitted based on symptoms and “recent travel history

recent New York Times op-ed that virologists are “loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private” the possibility that Ebola has gone airborne.( THEY ARE STILL DENYING THE AIRBORNE STSATUS ,TOUG THISWAS REPORTED ON CNN OVER A MONTH AGO)

Top German virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit caused consternation recently when he suggested that the battle against Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia was lost and that the virus would eventually kill 5 million people.

Proof Of US Plan To Kill 90% Of World Population With Airborne Ebola?

In 2006, an award winning University of Texas evolutionary ecologist, Dr Eric R. Pianka, advocated the use of airborne Ebola to kill off 90 percent of the world’s population. According to a 2006 report by Life Site, and other reports, Pianka was investigated by the FBI after receiving a complaint that Pianka was “advocating biological terrorism.”

In 2007, according to the video below and documents that have been widely reported on, the US government, via the CDC, procured the patent on Ebola, which includes any strain, including hybrid strains that hold a 70 percent commonality

The timing of this speech advocating the use of airborne Ebola, with the CDC’s obtaining the patent and the clinical trials for the vaccine starting the same year as the Pianka speech, cannot be ignored, nor should it be


Here are Pianka's own words, not sensationalized tabloid news stories:

It's a call to be more responsible and not allow things to get out of control:

We need to make a transition to a sustainable world. If we don't, nature is going to do it for us in ways of her own choosing. By definition, these ways will not be ours and they won't be much fun.

There is no reason I can find to believe he's advocating for bio-terrorism. He's advocating for more responsible solutions to overpopulation before there is something like a disease outbreak to do it for us.

Why would this guy have any power or association at all with the CDC? Of course they are trying to find a vaccine, you know, to prevent deaths. Patent laws in genetics are pretty messed up right now, though. Law hasn't caught up to the technology yet.

Here's Pianka's super science secret genetics work:

... using basic PCR to determine the phylogeny of a lizard. He's definitely going on my terrorist no. 1 list.


Reading more of rahu's posts, I'm starting to realize how schizophrenic he seems. I forgive the rants a little more now, just disconcerted that people feed into what might be an illness without even questioning the validity of his claims.
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“Ultimately, we are all connected by the air we breathe.” – CDC Director Tom Frieden, Press conference on the first diagnosed case of Ebola in the US on September 30, 2014.

According to CBS-DFW, the Ebola patient arrived in the US on September 20, 2014 and became symptomatic on the 24th or 25th of September. USA Today reports “The patient became sick Sept. 24, and he sought care two days later. He was sent home….” – Keep THAT in mind also, he was sent home after becoming infectious,
It can take up to three weeks, 21 days, before an Ebola infected person(s) starts to show symptoms and becomes infectious according to the CDC, so the time line of when to expect to see more cases throughout the United States, so by October 15th.

why did Frieden refuse to directly answer whether US Patient Zero was a US citizen when asked at his press conference and would only say “He is visiting family who live in this country. Do we have any other questions in the room?


it is quite likely that ‘US Ebola Patient Zero’ is still on the loose in America as told to us in the newly released video below from potrblog and excerpts from this linked story.

BETTER than a 50% chance that the Ebola infection was ACQUIRED on the flight from Liberia to Dallas from someone shedding the virus, leading to a MASSIVE number of potential secondary infections

Given that the Dallas victim’s symptom onset occurred within 6 days of his Liberian departure flight; it is most likely that he/she was infected on that flight by someone else on that flight who was actively shedding Ebola virus

Since the Dallas victim is most likely a secondary infection, patient zero from that flight is still on the loose and more victims are to follow in the near term. The situation is potentially catastrophic because of the massive number of potential secondary victims who have no African travel history and are likely to not attract attention in any Emergency room until massive hemorrhaging has started

this is a repost as this post was also mysteriously deleted from this thread
I post this because it shows that I predicted the current "mysterious" flu/bacteria combo would show up in early December. the first death of this "mysterious flu/bacteria combo was on December 5 2013 in dallas.
I seems someone is trying to discredit my views on the mrsa conspiracy

I posted the following on the countdown to www111 thread on November 4. but that thread HAS ALSO BEEN DELETED.
clearly I am being targeted to discredit the fact that the mossad and cia are using this mrsa/virus combo to kill people opposed to the Rothchild NWO . I have continuously been infected with different strains of this virus/mrsa combo and(I was not planning to reveal this fact) last week a direct attempt to kill me was made by poisoning my food with a drug at causes your heart to stop. by sheer chance a did not consume the full piece of bread and so I was only rendered light headed and my heart rate lowered dangerously. this is the same drug ,I believe, that was used to kill peaches geldorf for her revelations about the satanic child rape scenario in England. much of that thread was also deleted but I have restored it from my flash drive. this current attempt was using the same drug that I was dosed in a marijuana cigarette with about 3 months ago. again sheer chance saved me then as I did not smoke the entire cigarette, but it did almost stop my heart completely. I described this event on a thread here and will see if it too has been deleted. these acts were committed my mossad/cia operatives.

I have started a thread detailing how the cia/mossad as repeatedly been trying to hack my computer my computer .

I find it interesting that I have put katydidit on my ignore list yet her post still appear and her post was the first post after my deleted post from above. I have gotten no response from the moderator as to how she could take her name off my ignore list and how her post continue to appear when I put her back on my ignore list.

first poste nov 4, now deleted
"To recall a era when a government medically killed their own populous goes back to the middle of 1939 when eugenics philosophy allowed the Nazis to kill the old ,infirm, social misfits and others.
Concentration camps had existed for years but the implementation of gas chambers was first used on german people. After the war started the camps were transferred to the military. By then a public outcry against gassing uncle wihlem forced the stop to culling the civilian population.
Such a frightening scenario as I see must be compared to the overall frightening nature of history. The geo politics now are the same as in 1939,the actions and larceny of wall street are not even being cover upped anymore.
We are treated like animals at check points, we are already being used as cattle.
Look at the fraud of obama care. The only thing that will happen is that medical profits will soar as the middle classes are taxed into submission.
So what is so far fetched that these coked out medical corporation aren’t making new “bugs to cause the need for their pharmaceuticals?”
That just seemed to be the idea in the beginning, which was about a year ago last September. In the intervening year several new variation have been developed.
Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action( which was correct)
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore."

this is all the more germane now that several mysterious diseases are appearing.

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here is the thread in which I discuss thre last attempted to kill me with a drug that cuases the heart to stop.(bold type)below

The recent mysterious killer flu has been identified as H1N1.but the bacteria that “inserted itself into the H1N1 is unidentified.simply a bacteria. The medical establishment is not identifiying this a a mrsa infection because the medical establishment and the Center For Diseasen Control specifically has been coverup mrsa .
Alex jones ,whether you like him or not has been a focal opponent of the NWO takeover of the USA.

He know has this mysterious flu. I have said repeatly to watch out who gets this flu as it is being used to kill opponents of the NOW.
I know this because I have been repeatedly infected with the precursors’ of this infection for over a years. I was infected because I posted what I knew about the moscone/milk assassinations in 1978. These were carried out by the cia to corner the drug trafficking market.
The first infection was in july 2012.this was a standard mrsa infection which I received partial treatment for.the second infection was by a mossad agent who was taking over the marijuana trade from the locals in northern daly city.the third infection was given to me in the hospitals while I was in the cardiac ward for observation. It was after I realized I had been dosed in the hospital .this strain caused atrial fibrillation and was clearly genetically modified because it would be virulently active for 2 days then go dormant for a day and then return for 2 days. Doctors told me this was impossible. But I had this strain.i realized that this was a strains intended t to cause atrial fibrillation so that I would have to start a atrial fibrillation drugs. Interestingly ,advertisements for drugs to counter atrial fibrillation are now rampant. The pharmaceutical corporatiopmns in league with mossad and the cia have this in place. I am waiting to see how many people come up with atrial fibrillation after they get this mystery flu
that I realized death angels were trying to kill me . the reason? Because some emergency rooms are dealing mossad methamphetamines in san mateo and I assume elsewhere.
I had to move from san mateo because I was under surveillance and an
attempts’ to my life. But I had to relocate to the family domicile which involved being with a brother who is a cia associate. He has continued to dose me.
After using allicin baths to almost heal my mrsa he dosed me with a strain of mrsa infections. Some were mrsa bacteria inserted into strep virus’s. this is exactly analogous to the current infections being inserted into a flu virus.i was infected with a mrsa strain that ate the skin on my face and my ear lobes, then a strain that caused mrsa liguid to spew from my ears,then a strain that turned my skin ionto leather, then a strain that infected my muscles and caused my muscles to wither,then a strain that began to eat into my bones , then a strain that attempted to give e a heart attack . as I have posted last may a strasin that contained 3 different strains got me. This strain was enclosed in “chemicals” that made it impervious to bleach or even boiling water. It can be applied to any surface and is clear. But the slightest touch to human skin and virulent infection starts. this strain could be place in water pipes and contaminate all the water coming through. If one washes infected clothes, the strain is not killed but contaminates the other clothes.
This is truly the work of demonic personalities behind the cia and mossad paharmacuetical corporations.
I was even dosed with the current mysterious flu as I posted above.
The only reason I am alive is that by genetically “hollowing “ the viris’s out, the virus was weakened so that herbal remedies kill the virus and bacteria. But the medical conspiracy continues because the medical establishment will not even look into the positive results of herbal antidotes.
Separately I have been dosed with drugs that are meant to stop my heart. Through lucky circumstances these drugs have only weaken my heart but I receive anymore of this drug….. I don’t know what will happen.
Then I was given a stroke drug during the Saturn node conjunction a while back but I knew that a mortal atack would be likely so I survived that encounter.
Recently bad transits lead me to leave my present location and return to the north peninsula where I idiotically made contact with past mafia connections. The result of which was a was dosed with a combination of mrsa to attack my heart and lungs , and drug to stop my heart with a bit of a drug to cause a stroke.again by lucky circumstance I did not have enough of these drugs to be fatal but it was touch and go for several hours as my heart nearly stopped. ironically I was within view of the hospital; where all this began. At one point I was concerned that my might have to go to a hospital as I could not stand up without passing out. But thru anti oxidizing herbs I was able to recover in a hour or so. It was clear that “they” were observing me because as I thought about the consequences of being taken to this hospital, some one in a car stopped and yelled out ”does anyone know where Seton Medical Center is” so “they “ were trying to get me into the hospital from where I would die.this has seemed to be the idea behind repeated dosing.. to get me into a hospital so my death would be ruledf a heart attack or stroke. But it is clear that I more direct means to silence my alarm is now being considered.
I post this hoping that someone in the health care establishment will start to see this new mysterious flu for what it is… a conscious attempt to kill a large part of the population.


a friend recently told me that he was listening to the Coast to Coast radio program a while back and the host mentioned that 3 months ago just as the current ebola epidemic started, andthat a man from sierra leone called in and told him that this new out break of ebola was not ebola. Ebola is a hemorrhagic disease which means you body starts to bleed internally. But the man said that this disease was causing the internal organs to “melt” or disintegrate. During autopsy the entire body cavity was filled with fluid. This is not ebola he said. Since then, the caller has not called back nor can he be reached anywhere.

This symptom of melting is the exact terminology used to describe the first mysterious flu death in Houston on december 5 . I predicted the emergence of a virus/flu combo in early December based . His internal organs “melted” and doctored were totally baffled as they had never seen such a thing before. It is interesting that doctors said not to perform autopsies. Why, because then it would be come apparent that this was not a normal ebola but a genetically altered virus as I have posted.
The unidentified child died last week as a result of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis and EV-D68, also known as enteroviral infection
In the Rhode Island case, infection by both Staphylococcus aureus sepsis and EV-D68 is “a very rare combination that can cause very severe illness in children and adults,” the Rhode Island DOH said.
Staphyocuccus aureus is MRSA. Thus is exactly what I have been posting for over a year. Doctors are saying this is not a normal enterovirus. Of course not, it is a genetically altered virus with a mrsa bacteria added.
This is exactly what the mysterious Houston flu turned out to be. A mutated H1Ni virus with a unidentified bacteria inside it. This is true but it was not a natural mutation but a genetically altered mutation carried out by the mossad/cia.
I know this because one of the person infecting me is a cia snitch another was a mossad subcontractor. This is my post on the WWW111 of November 4 was deleted.that is the post in which I predicted the emergence of this virus.mrsa combo.
Though the virus was finally identified, the bacteria still is called “unidentified”. Why. Because as I have continually pointed out the mrsa virus is going to be used to kill millions in a “mysterious” epidemics.
Just as I posted, many strange infection would occur after December and it would be a mrsa bacteria that caused the deaths. Finally after all these months of cover-ups by the medical establishment, they have finally identified the bacteria as MRSA as I have said.
This is all part of the plan to depopulate the earth by 90% and specifically all critics of the Zionist kabala occultist/NWO

October 1, 2014
The Public Health Agency of Canada has deleted information from its official website which indicated that the “airborne spread” of Ebola was strongly suspected by health authorities, amidst efforts by officials in Texas to calm concerns about the first outbreak of the virus in America.

the coverup goes on
Well, it finally happened: The US just got its first case of Ebola.
Health officials have confirmed that a man recently admitted to a Dallas hospital has come down with the deadly virus,
which has already killed more than 3,000 people in West Africa.
The patient was admitted based on both symptoms and “travel history
presumably he had been in West Africa
and is now being held in “strict isolation,” say officials.

it is quite likely that ‘US Ebola Patient Zero’ is still on the loose in America as told to us in the newly released video below from potrblog and excerpts from this linked story.

BETTER than a 50% chance that the Ebola infection was ACQUIRED on the flight from Liberia to Dallas from someone shedding the virus, leading to a MASSIVE number of potential secondary infections

Given that the Dallas victim’s symptom onset occurred within 6 days of his Liberian departure flight; it is most likely that he/she was infected on that flight by someone else on that flight who was actively shedding Ebola virus

Since the Dallas victim is most likely a secondary infection, patient zero from that flight is still on the loose and more victims are to follow in the near term. The situation is potentially catastrophic because of the massive number of potential secondary victims who have no African travel history and are likely to not attract attention in any Emergency room until massive hemorrhaging has started


the ebola virus is not acting like any ebola before.
the entrovoirus is also acting like no entrovirus before.
they are all genetically modified.
the entorvirus as been identified as combined with mrsa as I have said for a years. the reason these virus's are mysterious and unprecedented is because the mrsa bacteria that has been combined with these virus is causing all the mysterious symptoms. mrsa is know to cause these other aliment especially the lung infections.
this is a medical corporation conspiracy as doctors have refused to test anyone for mars for a couple of years because they know the mrsa virus is the hidden vector to cause these epidemics.
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