mrsa coverup

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The obvious indications of a conscious decision by some health agencies the hide the importance of the mrsa bacteria is shown by the first mysterious genetically modified flu/step combo, form Houston, is still unidentified bacteria.

Now entro viros has been found with MRSA, and showing a unusually virulence in the lungs.
This time they identify the bacteria as mrsa but they don’t emphasis that it is a genetically altered virus /mrsa combo.
There fore a similarity to the first mysterious flu in Houston which was described as mutated. Could easily be missed. Both are genetically altered and mrsa is likely the other “unidentified bacteria also. How could a virus gut itself genetically and them implant a perfected tailored bacteria into the resulting hole in the itself???
This is such a singular genetic event that it there were two different virus’s that both genetically modified themselves to harbor a mrsa bacteria………………..we would no longer the a possibility this mutation was natural mutation. The odds virtually prove an extraneous influence is present.
That is the geneticist who are creating these demonic plagues.
Mrsa is known to cause severe lung infections and it is usually a preexisting flu or respiratory aliments that the mrsa makes worse. Mrsa makes any infection what so even worse, especially it it is of the aggressive strain which like most.This explains why physician are finding some correlation with certain exist problems, mrsa is notorious for making exist aliment potentially life threatening, especially with internal organs .

Doctors know this but for some reason can’t add 2+2????????????

Keep in mind that early in the epidemic a man from sierra leone stated the Ebola was not Ebola because the victims internal organs were melting . Ebola kills with uncontrolled bleeding from everywhere….not from organs disintegrating So all three of these current strange aliments are related and not isolated coincidental appearances.

Why don’t you start a thread on the ebola as you obviously don’t read my posts as repeating already posted facts makes the true nature of your intent clear. My concern is mrsa not ebola except as another example of the range of this demonic medical conspiracy.

Form post on nov 4 2013 mysteriously deleted
“dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore.
so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many inexplicable infections.”


"The United Nations is preparing the world for an overt admission that Ebola is airborne. Anthony Banbury, the United Nations’ Ebola response chief warned of the “nightmare scenario” that Ebola is possibly now, and probably soon will be an airborne pathogen. This is precisely what I reported when I cited several peer review studies which demonstrated that Ebola was already known, by many researchers in the scientific community, to be airborne"

the immediate erasing of history is reflected in the fact that a woman doctor in a video interview said ebola was air over a month ago. then media blackout. the airborne nature of the disease was ignored as Obama brought ebola here.

now finally an admission Ebola is airborne. of course no mention to the fact the means of death is not hermoraging anymore, but complete melting of all internal organ. this ebola is genetically altered just as the other two mysterious infections are.

The numerous violations of disease protocol surrounding the Dallas, Texas Ebola case are intentional, according to an emergency response manager
The manager, who was involved in the emergency response to both Hurricane Katrina and Rita in addition to planning for small pox outbreaks, said the official response to the first diagnosed case of Ebola in the United States purposely avoided the basic actions the government would take to prevent a virus from spreading.
“The reason I know the Ebola outbreak is being conducted on purpose is because it violates all protocol,” he said.
The violations of protocol are almost too numerous to mention.

everything that has happened cries coverup. suppressing the information by the major media sources of the airborne nature of ebola to allowing the ebola to spread in America. demons have been give the medical industry,

my first bout was in the beginning of july 2012. this was just a aggressive from on the skin.
then about sept first or so .the first genetically engineered strain got me. it cause atrial fibrillation
the third strain got me in the cardiac ward in san mateo. purposely infected with another strain of mrsa. this also caused atrlial fibrillation but had been “scheduled”. the bacteris was active for 2 days, then nothing. but two more days of infection began. the infection being atrial fibrillation.
this strain is clearly a commercial venture as the “normal” day would erase any connection between the strep virus and the atrial fibrillation.
so September was a jump as now the mrsa is delivered by a strep infection.
then the mrsa was altered to stimulate a heart attack. it was mounted on a strep infection again, but the oils made this environment unviable. it infected the nerves that tend to be associated with a heart attack but the virus retreated . that it was a kindred strain is shown by the way the mrsa infection abandoned it’s effort to cause heart problems and simply retreated to were a form infection had established a presence. the new strain made the older strain very aggressive again.
but the reality is here that hospitals have inn place systems of medical staff who have made a deal with the devil of health care corporations. that deal entails infecting millions of people with a bacteria that will necessitate ingesting a “medicine” to counter act the atrial fibrillation.
here’s a good place to ask who is behind this total medical/media/governemt blond spot.
the first of may brought the most complex stain of mrsa.
as I’ve already described, it is imperative to bleach. it bonds to plastic of metal and will withstand boiling water while bonded.

some pharmaceutical corporation has to have a lot tied up in this genetic fabrication.
the adhesive quality is doubly mysterious because though the “glue “ holds out bleach, a simple brushing of the skin can transmit a serious infection. capable of becoming very serious if untreated for even a short time. I mean weeks to get rid of it.
so thee is some heavy duty genetic engineering going on. this final strain is immune to a garlic derivative called allicin. the advocates of this proven herbal remedy say that mrsa can’t “evolve” to be resistant to allicin

in a conversation between dr.david mirelma
and bob Anderson

dr mirelman expalined how pharmaceutical antibiotics work, how staph works and then how garlic kills staph differently than standard antibiotics.

David explained that penicillin and other pharmaceutical antibiotics work by blocking the chemical bonding sites, the receptors, of the staph and this kills 99.99% of the staph cells. However, not all staph cells have identical receptors, due to natural mutation, there are a few who are different and the penicillin does not kill them. They survive and breed and become the new strain of staph and it is immune to the original antibiotic so that scientist have to invent another antibiotic to kill it and they do and it is effective against 99.99% of it but again there are a few mutations whose receptors are different and they are not killed by the new antibiotic and so go on to breed and bring forth the new strain of staph which is immune to both antibiotics causing the pharmaceutical industry to come up with yet another antibiotic which will go through the same process as the two others and this never ending cycle perpetuates.

garlic doesn't work that way, garlic kills differently." when garlic is crushed, it forms allicin and if you wait 15 minutes before you use it, even more allicin will have formed and allicin is interesting because it has both fat-soluble and water-soluble properties and its fat-solubility allows it to penetrate right through the bi-lipid outer cellular walls of staph and other bacteria like they weren't even there and get into the interior of the staph cell. Once inside the staph cell, allicin's mere presence there changes the electrical polarity of the interior of the staph cell causing it to swell up and burst, killing it. He said "Staph cannot become immune to crushed raw garlic anymore than you or I could become immune to being blown up."

this explanation by an top researcher confirms that mrsa cannot spontaneously mutate to become immune to allicin.
but the aggressive form of mrsa associated with the methamphetamine known as ICE, which is produced by genetically modified bacteria to produce the ice.
These genetically altered bacteria have been genetically modified to produce methamphetamine . the mrsa strain likely has this same mutation. This form of mrsa is infamous as it increases the virulence of existing infections. Any form of mrsa immune to allicin must have been genetically engineered.
the final strain has the ability to not only to resist allicin, but to make the allicin toxic to the skin. so some genetic engineer figure out how manipulate the fat solubility of the mrsa so that it could reverse the solubility dynamic and destroy/take control of the allicin.
remember this strain can resist bleach yet human oils draws the mrsa out. Something was done to the balance of water soluble properties and oil-soluble properties .
this final strain is actually a combination of strains contained in the same liquid form that dries clear.
This final strain seems to be it. Now is when implementation will begin. Interestingly the next year at least will be very confused for medical administrators .
To recall a erid when a government medically killed their own populous goe back to the middle of 1939 when eugenics philosophy allowed the Nazis to kill the old ,infirm, social misfits and others.
Concentration camps had existed for years but the implementation of gas chambers was first used on german people. After the war started the camps were transferred to the military. By then a public outcry against gassing uncle wihlem forced the stop to culling the civilian population.
Such a frightening scenario as I see must be compared to the overall frightening nature of history. The geo politics now are the same as in 1939,the actions and larceny of wall street are not even being cover upped anymore.
We are treated like animals at check points, we are already being used as cattle.
Look at the fraud of obama care. The only thing that will happen is that medical profits will soar as the middle classes are taxed into submission.
So what is so far fetched that these coked out medical corporation aren’t making new “bugs to cause the need for their pharmaceuticals?”
at just seemed to be the idea in the beginning, which was about a year ago last September. In the intervening year several new variation have been developed.

To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore.
this was posted on October 1 2014 3:51 PM PSDT, showing my correct prediction

(this quote was also reposted on the WWW111 thread on 9/30/14
so the original mysteriously deleted thread of m7y correct prediction of the mysterious disease appearance in early decemember 2013)


here is reference to the mysteriously deleted post of my nov 4 prediction that mysterious mutated virus/bacteria combos would appear in early December 1013.
the original post was deleted to try to hide the facts that is I a mossad/cia induced epidemic.

Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.

a repost this to show how the node can give "one to one" correlations of history,psychology or the future.


this quote was posted November 13 2013 9 days after the original post.
it contains my prediction of mysterious flu deaths appearing in early December 2013, which was correct ,with the first mysterious flu death on dec 3 2013.
original nov 4 post was mysteriously deleted but here is proof the prediction was valid

'"Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections

my first bout was in the beginning of july 2012. this was just a aggressive from on the skin.
then about sept first or so .the first genetically engineered strain got me. it cause atrial fibrillation
the third strain got me in the cardiac ward in san mateo. purposely infected with another strain of mrsa. this also caused atrlial fibrillation but had been “scheduled”. the bacteris was active for 2 days, then nothing. but two more days of infection began. the infection being atrial fibrillation.
this strain is clearly a commercial venture as the “normal” day would erase any connection between the strep virus and the atrial fibrillation.
so September was a jump as now the mrsa is delivered by a strep infection.
then the mrsa was altered to stimulate a heart attack. it was mounted on a strep infection again, but the oils made this environment unviable. it infected the nerves that tend to be associated with a heart attack but the virus retreated . that it was a kindred strain is shown by the way the mrsa infection abandoned it’s effort to cause heart problems and simply retreated to were a form infection had established a presence. the new strain made the older strain very aggressive again.
but the reality is here that hospitals have inn place systems of medical staff who have made a deal with the devil of health care corporations. that deal entails infecting millions of people with a bacteria that will necessitate ingesting a “medicine” to counter act the atrial fibrillation.
here’s a good place to ask who is behind this total medical/media/governemt blond spot.
the first of may brought the most complex stain of mrsa.
as I’ve already described, it is imperative to bleach. it bonds to plastic of metal and will withstand boiling water while bonded.

some pharmaceutical corporation has to have a lot tied up in this genetic fabrication.
the adhesive quality is doubly mysterious because though the “glue “ holds out bleach, a simple brushing of the skin can transmit a serious infection. capable of becoming very serious if untreated for even a short time. I mean weeks to get rid of it.
so thee is some heavy duty genetic engineering going on. this final strain is immune to a garlic derivative called allicin. the advocates of this proven herbal remedy say that mrsa can’t “evolve” to be resistant to allicin

in a conversation between dr.david mirelma
and bob Anderson

dr mirelman expalined how pharmaceutical antibiotics work, how staph works and then how garlic kills staph differently than standard antibiotics.

David explained that penicillin and other pharmaceutical antibiotics work by blocking the chemical bonding sites, the receptors, of the staph and this kills 99.99% of the staph cells. However, not all staph cells have identical receptors, due to natural mutation, there are a few who are different and the penicillin does not kill them. They survive and breed and become the new strain of staph and it is immune to the original antibiotic so that scientist have to invent another antibiotic to kill it and they do and it is effective against 99.99% of it but again there are a few mutations whose receptors are different and they are not killed by the new antibiotic and so go on to breed and bring forth the new strain of staph which is immune to both antibiotics causing the pharmaceutical industry to come up with yet another antibiotic which will go through the same process as the two others and this never ending cycle perpetuates.

garlic doesn't work that way, garlic kills differently." when garlic is crushed, it forms allicin and if you wait 15 minutes before you use it, even more allicin will have formed and allicin is interesting because it has both fat-soluble and water-soluble properties and its fat-solubility allows it to penetrate right through the bi-lipid outer cellular walls of staph and other bacteria like they weren't even there and get into the interior of the staph cell. Once inside the staph cell, allicin's mere presence there changes the electrical polarity of the interior of the staph cell causing it to swell up and burst, killing it. He said "Staph cannot become immune to crushed raw garlic anymore than you or I could become immune to being blown up."

this explanation by an top researcher confirms that mrsa cannot spontaneously mutate to become immune to allicin.
but the aggressive form of mrsa associated with the methamphetamine known as ICE, which is produced by genetically modified bacteria to produce the ice.
These genetically altered bacteria have been genetically modified to produce methamphetamine . the mrsa strain likely has this same mutation. This form of mrsa is infamous as it increases the virulence of existing infections. Any form of mrsa immune to allicin must have been genetically engineered.
the final strain has the ability to not only to resist allicin, but to make the allicin toxic to the skin. so some genetic engineer figure out how manipulate the fat solubility of the mrsa so that it could reverse the solubility dynamic and destroy/take control of the allicin.
remember this strain can resist bleach yet human oils draws the mrsa out. Something was done to the balance of water soluble properties and oil-soluble properties .
this final strain is actually a combination of strains contained in the same liquid form that dries clear.
This final strain seems to be it. Now is when implementation will begin. Interestingly the next year at least will be very confused for medical administrators .
To recall a erid when a government medically killed their own populous goe back to the middle of 1939 when eugenics philosophy allowed the Nazis to kill the old ,infirm, social misfits and others.
Concentration camps had existed for years but the implementation of gas chambers was first used on german people. After the war started the camps were transferred to the military. By then a public outcry against gassing uncle wihlem forced the stop to culling the civilian population.
Such a frightening scenario as I see must be compared to the overall frightening nature of history. The geo politics now are the same as in 1939,the actions and larceny of wall street are not even being cover upped anymore.
We are treated like animals at check points, we are already being used as cattle.
Look at the fraud of obama care. The only thing that will happen is that medical profits will soar as the middle classes are taxed into submission.
So what is so far fetched that these coked out medical corporation aren’t making new “bugs to cause the need for their pharmaceuticals?”
That just seemed to be the idea in the beginning, which was about a year ago last September. In the intervening year several new variation have been developed.
Hitlers first action were to sign a law permitting euthanasia in late 1938.
it seems that these actions were planned and set up from late 1938 til the first implementations in the middle of 1939. Jun 1 1939 to sept 1 1939 is 87 days
nov 11 2013 is 107 days from feb 26, 2014, when I project a worldwide military action
dec 1 is 87 days from this point in time .so I think these new strains of mrsa are going to be introduced to the social body. early December will show many explicable infections.
To make this even more confusing is the observation that because this strain of mrsa has methamphetamine producing genes, this mrsa can spread thru nerve connection instead of blood travel. It seems the genetically altered final strain can hide from blood test in the nervous system or lymph system I suspect.
Every competent medical official knows a antibiotic resistant epidemic is possible. But who would ever question strain of mrsa which were altered during such a time. And the hospitals won’t even test for mrsa. So who’s to know the genetically altered mrsa is killing people But it is in fact a conspiracy by federal source to bring this epidemic to the fore.


"One of Ebola's most notorious symptoms is bleeding from places like the nose and mouth, but such bleeding has only occurred in a minority of cases in the current outbreak.

It remains a mystery why some people experience this bleeding while others don't. The bleeding, which is properly called "hemorrhagic syndrome," happens in the late stages of the disease, about 24 to 48 hours before death."

this ebola has been mutated, and as the man quoted below said, this is not ebola.

a friend recently told me that he was listening to the Coast to Coast radio program a while back and the host mentioned that 3 months ago just as the current ebola epidemic started, andthat a man from sierra leone called in and told him that this new out break of ebola was not ebola. Ebola is a hemorrhagic disease which means you body starts to bleed internally. But the man said that this disease was causing the internal organs to “melt” or disintegrate. During autopsy the entire body cavity was filled with fluid. This is not ebola he said. Since then, the caller has not called back nor can he be reached anywhere.

This symptom of melting is the exact terminology used to describe the first mysterious flu death in Houston on december 5 . I predicted the emergence of a virus/flu combo in early December based . His internal organs “melted” and doctored were totally baffled as they had never seen such a thing before. It is interesting that doctors said not to perform autopsies. Why, because then it would be come apparent that this was not a normal ebola but a genetically altered virus as I have posted.
The unidentified child died last week as a result of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis and EV-D68, also known as enteroviral infection
In the Rhode Island case, infection by both Staphylococcus aureus sepsis and EV-D68 is “a very rare combination that can cause very severe illness in children and adults,” the Rhode Island DOH said.
Staphyocuccus aureus is MRSA. Thus is exactly what I have been posting for over a year. Doctors are saying this is not a normal enterovirus. Of course not, it is a genetically altered virus with a mrsa bacteria added.
This is exactly what the mysterious Houston flu turned out to be. A mutated H1Ni virus with a unidentified bacteria inside it. This is true but it was not a natural mutation but a genetically altered mutation carried out by the mossad/cia.
I know this because one of the person infecting me is a cia snitch another was a mossad subcontractor. This is my post on the WWW111 of November 4 was deleted.that is the post in which I predicted the emergence of this virus.mrsa combo.
Though the virus was finally identified, the bacteria still is called “unidentified”. Why. Because as I have continually pointed out the mrsa virus is going to be used to kill millions in a “mysterious” epidemics.
Just as I posted, many strange infection would occur after December and it would be a mrsa bacteria that caused the deaths. Finally after all these months of cover-ups by the medical establishment, they have finally identified the bacteria as MRSA as I have said.
This is all part of the plan to depopulate the earth by 90% and specifically all critics of the Zionist kabala occultist/NWO
jesse ventura has been blackball by the media and net. he had several videos movies documenting the rising facsim and NWO.they all have been pulled from youtube and European sites that still rent them out will not rent to americans.

one of his movies had revealed that FEMA has stockpiled ove 500,000 plastic coffins. what are they for?
now we know.

CDC Suggests “Hermetically Sealed Coffins” For Ebola Victims – AKA “Fema Coffins

"I remember years back when I was still writing for my original website,, we came across a then little known video of air tight “coffin liners”, hundreds of thousands, stacked in a field in the middle of Madison, Georgia in close proximity to Atlanta and the home of the CDC. We helped break that story which immediately swept through independent media circles. Owners of the property leased to store the hermetically sealing plastic coffins stated that it was the CDC that had rented the land for storage of the coffins. Confirmation from the CDC has not been forthcoming."

clearly my disappearing posts about the illuminati/kabala satanic child sex/murder ritual ,as well as the disappearance of my post predicting the mergence of these mysterious flus and diseases are also part of the eminent repression the citizens are about to face.

October 6, 2014
Former CIA insider Robert David Steele warned during a September 18 appearance on the Alex Jones Show that a staged Ebola false flag attack was on the horizon two weeks before the first case was confirmed in the United States.

interestingly, in the midst of all the news about mysterious epidemics, the site , has been shut down by the government, or rather the site is unavailable because there is too much traffic on it.this is utter nonsense, the site averages about 1 post a day if that, and is generating $1.27 per day.
as these mysterious diseases are obviously part of a quaisi government conspiracy, it makes sense they want no one to go to a site to find simple remedies for these diseases which "they " claim there drugs for.

I just read a web article by the NIH which said that melatonin is a simple and low cost drug that works on ebola.

the ebola virus is being characterized as a super bug.

We are using tests now that weren’t using in the past, but there seems to be a belief that the virus load is higher in these patients [today] than what we have seen before. If true, that’s a very different bug. ‘I have a field team in Monrovia. They are running [tests]. They are telling me that viral loads are coming up very quickly and really high, higher than they are used to seeing. ‘It may be that the virus burns hotter and quicker.’

mrsa makes any virus "burn hotter"
this bola is unlike any other as it is a genetically altered virus with a mrsa bacteria iinserted, just as with the mysterious houstan flu.
the doctors are trying to understand how the entrovirus is combined with mrsa. it too is a genetically altered entrovirus, but these facts are not going to be released and the spontaneous mutation of 3 virus' to have a mrsa bacteria inserted in them is absolutely impossible by chance. these are the mysterious diseases I predicted the government would unleash beginning in December.

as still the air borne nature of ebola is censored to allow it to spread as far as possible .

Dr. C.J. Peters, who battled a 1989 outbreak of the virus among research monkeys housed in Virginia and who later led the CDC’s most far-reaching study of Ebola’s transmissibility in humans, said he would not rule out the possibility that it spreads through the air in tight quarters. “We just don’t have the data to exclude it,” said Peters, who continues to research viral diseases at the University of Texas in Galveston.

finally the airborne nature of Ebola is being admitted. why has it taken so long , as I first heard Ebola was airborne on CNN on aug 3

WND reports:
A U.S. government agency has warned preliminary data shows Ebola is aerostable, meaning it can survive in the air and potentially be transmitted via airborne means.
The document was released in a federal government announcement seeking research proposals from private firms for Ebola treatment and diagnosis tools, including for the rapid disinfection of an “aerosol” version of the virus.

The agency report states “preliminary studies indicate that Ebola is aerostable in an enclosed controlled system in the dark and can survive for long periods in different liquid media and can also be recovered from plastic and glass surfaces at low temperatures for over 3 weeks

This week, even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admitted that Ebola can travel through the air in aerosols. CDC scientists had previously admitted this in 1999.

what is not being spoken about is that this ebola has mutated. but it is genetically altered just as the houstan "mysterrius" flu and the entovirus were. these three virus/bacteria combos are cia/mossad produced.

everything about these mutated virus' point to germ warfare against the world population.

discoverer of ebola virus claims it has mutated
another doctor says ebola is air borne.

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News reports have now explicitly shown that the mysterious Houston flu virus, the entro virus and the ebola virus are all mutated. But the real truth is that they have been genetically modified. The Houston virus was genetically altered to add a unidentified bacteria , which is obviously mrsa. The entrovirus which is normally gives only a cold is now killing even adults. researchers are trying to find out how a MRSA bacteria has become “combined “with the entrovirus. researchers admit the entro virus has mutated, but it was genetically altered by mossad/cia interests.the ebola virus has now been acknowledged as having mutated because this ebola is killing by organ failure 70% of the tie instead of killing by hemorrhagic bleeding(only 30%) .this organ failure is causing the internal organs to melt. This is exactly what the Houston virus/bacteria combo is doing. the Houston mystery flu is killing 70% of the flu victims yet the CDC is not keeping totals of this mysterious flu. Instead the CDC just adds the deaths due to the mystery flu to the deaths of flu cause by H1N1.
The probability that 3 virus’ have “self mutated and incorporated a bacteria(mrsa) into them is astronomically impossible. This has never occurred before and now it occurs 3 times in less than 6 months.
As these virus’/bacteria have been genetically altered to resist all current drugs, it is interesting that the virus’ are actually weakened.
For instance, when I was infected by a strep/mrsa combo, the strep throat appeared with great vigor, but simply sucking on garlic for 20 minutes completely eradicate the strep. The mrsa which had been genetically modified to attack the lungs was completely eradicated by apple cider vinegar. The same held true with a flu/mrsa combo that attacks the heart.
It seems that the genetic modifications which make these virus’ resistant of all drugs have been weaken the virus to the degree that natural herbal remedies completely kill these ailments.
The fact that these virus’ have been weakened thru their genetic mutation is being see with the ebola virus. Usually once infected the victim has a long period of recovery or death. But what is happening is that victim’s are recovering at a unprecedented rate. It is the mrsa bacteria that is causing the symptoms that are killing. This is seen by the unexpectedly quick recovery of the nurse in Washington who disobeyed her quarantine recently.the Ebola is treatable but he mrsa is doing the killing.
So I am now proposing that if one gets any of these 3 virus/combos that instead of running to the ER to be prescribed drugs that don’t work, one should use apple cider vinegar and garlic.
The mrsa is causing respitory distress, but simply sipping apple cider vinegar every time one coughs will stop and kill he mrsa. garlic will kill the strep/flu/entrovirus.
But one must immediately start self treatment as once the mrsa becomes embedded in ones tissue, it is very hard to kill and other herbal remedies must be used also.
For example on jan 28 2013 I woke up in the middle of the night coughing I had already had a year of being infected with different virus combos, I knew immediately this was another mutated virus/mrsa combo. So I sipped AC vinegar every time the cough happened thru out the night and into the next day. I continued this for 3 days and finally the cough ceased. But it’s genetically altered nature was shown because for an addition day or two, the cough would reappeared at virtually the same time the infection first struck me, about 2 am. Not coughing or discomfort the entire day, until 2:00am.The genetically altered mrsa has the ability to reoccur every 24 hours. But I did kill the mrsa/virus and my lungs were not infected. Again i emphasis that one must immediately start applying these simple measures immediately, because if one waits even 12-24 hours the mrsa/virus can become so entrenched that it will take a week or more to dislodge it.
In this example the mrsa was transmitted via an aerosol and was not combined with a virus.
I have not had the entrovirus combo but as garlic will kill cold virus such as entro virus is genetically modified, I am sure it will work on this new mutated form. Remember the genetic modification weakens these virus/mrsa combinations. The virus/bacteria have been modified to be immune from virtually any pharmacological drugs but by doing so natural antibiotic such as apple cider vinegar and garlic are totally affective. Of course never tell your doctor you are thinking about using garlic as your doctor will immediately drop you. Doctors can not investigate or use garlic as doctors are limited to drugs in the corporate pharmacology inventory that the drug companies make their profits from.
I have not had ebola but as it is also a genetically altered virus with a mrsa bacteria inserted, I am sure the same protocol will cure Ebola/mrsa combo.
the ebola virus is turning out to be ”weaken” and it is the mrsa component that s causing the victims organs to melt. not the genetically altered ebola. Again the death rate is high because the medical profession is using drugs that the genetic altered ebola is immune to. But the mossad/cia geneticist who have created these monsters have unwittingly weaken them to natural antibiotics.

I am not a doctor so I can not say to use this herbal protocol, but all the data so far has shown these epidemics to be created by genetically altered virus/bacteria combos.
So in my experience apple cider vinegar has proven to kill the mrsa and the garlic has proven to kill the virus’ though apple cider vinegar also tends to kill the virus component.
I am shifting my emphasis from trying to awaken readers about this epidemic, to giving protocols that have kept me alive after nearly 2 years of being consciously infected by dozen variants of these mrsa/virus combos.
Again it is imperative to kill the virus/bacteria combo before it becomes entrenched. If infected, you cannot wait til the morning, you must act immediately and constantly for the day or two necessary to kill the virus/mrsa combo.

As these 3 genetically engineered virus/mrsa mutation, the mutated H1N1/MRSA,entrovirus/MRSA< and ebola virus/mrsa combos are all air borne, then the unfiltered,unheated,apple cider vinegar will stop the virus infection as we garlic.

With the Houston mystery flu it was later determined that was both a strep throat virus and flu virus combined with the ”unidentified”mrsa bacteria.

I wanted to copy what I posted on back in late 2012 but the site has been closed for the last 3 weeks because of “service overload”

In September 2012 I was infected in the hospital with exactly this combo.the mrsa wasn’t engineered to eat one’s organ as the Houston and ebola have been shown to do, but it caused atrial fibrillation instead. the houstan and ebola virus’ have both been implanted with the same MRSA bacteria as the cause of death is the internal organs disintegrate or “melt”.

The flu aspect hit first, i had a cough on the roof of my mouth. Never had such a sensation.the first lesson is to immediate respond if you feel you are catching a flu or cold that doesn’t feel right or feels different from “the normal flu progression” you are used to. These engineered virus have different timings also. The virus hit me in6 hours, that is the first cough. Then the next morning at 11 am the cough had jumped down to the top of my lungs.this is clearly not a flu that I had ever 11pm the emrsa kicked in causing atrial fibrillation. After several hours a combination of teas and garlic warded off the mrsa and flu, or so I thought. Next date the Afib returns for 2 days. Herbs etc moderate the afib but it remained borderline.
Then the next day nothing… well I did have the biggest case of strep throat I ever had.
I was thinking it would take 3 days to heal this. But 20 minutes of sucking on raw garlic and it was gone kaput.
This showed that the strep virus had been “gutted” so that a much larger engineered bacteria could be inserted. As a consequence the genes in virus that givei t vitality and virulence were sacrificed for the bacteria as the bacteria is the lethal load here.
This was the same as the flu, the cough stopped within 20 minute. These quick responses are not normal. The virus had to be a shell of itself. The genes that governed infection were stronger that normal but they had no strength of duration.

So I would hazard a guess that a flu infect occurs first, with a mrsa induced lung infection second and possibly a strep throat shows up later. but I think the virus’ are more often used separately and the flu most often. I had a MRSA from food contamination almost give me a heart attack. My arm just began to feel numb and this sensation spread up my arm toward my chin. classic nerves often involved in heart attack. The oils and teas were sufficient to easily stop it. I t seemed their knowledge of the genetics of a heart attack are not as good as they are for Atrial fibrillation.

also the government has asked the media to stop reporting on ebola victims. and this isn't a cover-up and conspiracy.


An eyebrow-raising admission at the end of a Forbes article written by pharmacologist David Kroll reveals that the media has agreed not to report on suspected Ebola cases in the United States.
In a piece entitled Liberian Traveler At Duke Hospital Shows Preliminary Negative Result For Ebola, Kroll describes attending a press conference involving Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Aldona Wos.​

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Published on Sep 9, 2014
Officials at Greenville Hospital System say they are seeing patients with Enterovirus but the specific D 68 strain showing up in other parts of the country has not been identified. Dr. Joshua Brownlee, GHS pediatric infectious disease specialist, said the hospital sees cases of enterovirus every year around this time. He said doctors are actively monitoring all the patients to see if any have the strain that has sent hundreds of children to the hospital in other states.

Unfortunately in the beginning it's difficult -- if not impossible -- to tell the difference between a regular cold and this type of virus. But there are symptoms you should be on the lookout for if your child becomes sick. Go to the doctor if he or she develops a fever or a rash, or if your child has difficulty breathing. Children with asthma or a history of breathing problems are particularly susceptible for severe symptoms


Scientific Study: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Are the Sanest of All -

In other words, the anti-conspiracy commenters we’re pushing on their own interpretations of the situation rather than focusing on what really happened.

The conspiracists were more likely to express mistrust and made more positive and fewer negative references. They focused more on the points of what happened, rather than putting the other people down.

The data also indicated that conspiracists were largely unwilling to apply the “conspiracy theory” label to their own beliefs. They realized that label carries a negative social stigma and there is no need to plaster on these labels when trying to decode the truth.

The most important part of this study found that the conventionalist arguments tended to be much more hostile.

"Uploaded on Oct 28, 2008
According to health officials in Massachusetts, as well as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is fear that a deadly combination of the flu and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is to blame for the deaths of many American children and could lead to a pandemic"


this video has raised a strange question.
the author screen shot the picture of the ebola doctor googled the photo of the first doctor brought for sierra leone. he came up with a news report photo of dr shiek humarr khan on associated press 3 days before dr khan was being transported into the hospital in mthe u.s. the cnn article said he died 3 days before.

dr kahn was reported dead 3 days before he is being treated in the US hospital

apparently 40 people have died in mammoth Arizona from bleeding fom the ears and then later dying.

CDC does care. these genetically engineered virus/bacteria are just that most paranoia is focus on the 3 airborne virus/bacteria combination, strange rashes etc are likely to appear to add to the confusion.
the final solution strain I mentioned months ago is designed to be transmitted buy body or hand contact.


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