mrsa coverup

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"Scientists have confirmed that the Ebola virus is mutating – and could become more contagious.
Researchers at the Institute Pasteur in France say they have detected substantial changes to the genetic code of the virus."

the discover of the ebola virus has said the virus mutated months ago.
the ebola was genetically modified. just as the houstan flu and the entro virus. these virus were modified so that a bacteria, identified as mrsa in the entro virus cae, could be inserted. a virus modifying itself so it could slip in a bacteria has never been recorded,yet within 6 months 3 separate virus' managed this .

now the flu vaccine hoax is starting to appear. it doesn't work and some are advocating putting people in jail if they resist this lethal money maker for the pharmaceutical corps
it has been over a year since the first genetically altered virus/bacteria was unleashed on the social body.
in 1939 hitler started gassing german ctizens.... for a year and then turned the gas chambers over to the military. this nodal cycle it seems the citizens are going to continued to be killed by these genetically altered virus'.

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another mysyterious cold virus that now paralysis children.

"I've practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I've never seen anything quite like this," Mary Anne Jackson, a director for infectious diseases at Kansas City's Children's Mercy Hospital, which recently treated about 475 infected children, told CNN.
EV-D68, as it's scientifically known, is not likely to be fatal, and for most patients, treating the symptoms should suffice.
i'll bet dimes to donuts this turns out to be a genetically altetred virus/bacteria.... which they would identify.
the demons in white are not through yet.
i'm still being dosed with mrsa strains.

I have finally been able to get into the site. since 8/1/14, the site has been blocked.. to me at least. this was just as the ebola epidemic took off.
below are most of the post I made there. this will verify I have been dealing with these genetically altered virus/mrsa combos for 2 years.
also included are detailed uses of the various herbal remedies.
these post give a running timeline of my infection. tis mrsa site is open with no registration so I used the alias of mike


my mrsa cause A fib
Started by mike

Posted: January 9, 2013 at 07:14
i have a strain of mrsa that cause my heart to go into Atrial fibrillation. it was documented when i when into the cardiac ward but the doctor did not believe her own computor records and was going to treat me for a fib rather than treat the mrsa.
every doctor says mrsa does ot cause a ib. but i have a srain of mrsa that causes atrial fibrillation and the doctor are sweeping me under the rug .

help i do't know where to turn but the mrsa ios getting stronger and my homepathic rmedies are losing the battle. i assume i will die of cardiac arrest in the near future , as the doctors refuse to even consider the new strain i have.


Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #1 by mike

Posted: January 9, 2013 at 18:53
i contracted mrsa from smoking a joint with a street "aquaintance."he knnew i did not do "ice" but still laced the joint with Ice(bioengineeered meth). within minute of moig a felt a pain in my lip.
i put some nepsoprin on it and day it wa a bit day it continued to grow so a tayed at my campsite and treated the infection with herbs,ingrstation of grlic and vitamin c and hot compresses,all techniques that work on all oher infections i had dealt day my lip was more swollen so i went to the nearest ER. at the time i had no health care coverage as i lived on the street. the er doctor recognized my infection a a agressive form of mrsa.(there are at least two types , oe agressive the other ,more common, has normal ionfectious characteristics.mine was agreesive so he immeditely told me tyhis could turn into a life threateing situation and if we did not cotroll it immediately i might have tobe hospitalized.he gave me 1 gram IV of vancomycin ad told me iot was imperitive to come back in 12 hours for a secong IV.he also said to return immediately if my face kept swelling that face swelled futhur so i returned to the ER ad anoither docor who had been present the first time saw me. he agreed it was agressive mrsa and gave me a saline IV which ceased the swelling.he also told me to make sure i retirned in themorning for anothe round of vancomycin as this drug is the only one that will kill mrsa.
i returned in the mornig and a third doctor change the diagnosis saying i simply ad a gum infection, which was a outright lie as there was no infetion in my gum as the first two doctors noted.what was happening was i had no insurance and he was not going to furthur.
he essential kicked me ut of the er ad ay to go to the county hospital. i was quite bewildered .within a hour the infection proceeded to increase drsticlly with my upper lip covering my lower lip so i returned to the same ER and was met my hostility and is agaist federal law to refuse treaet in a ER if there is a life threatening disease which i had een diagnosed with.
then fourth doctor essentially berated me for returning even as i had grotseque swelling of the face. i asked for the secod course of vanco ad she told me the oral scrip i was takig was the same as vacomycin which was a sraight out lie as it was bactri withis a sulfide.the econd doctor nhad explained this to me.i told her she was a liar and after a heated discussion she threw up her hads and aid she would give me the secog course of vanco.she diappeared and with in minutes a nurse came in with discharge papers. the doctor had changed her mind
. i refused to sign anything and demanded the vancomycin.the doctor returned and told me to leave .when i refused she threaten to call security and "have me thrown ionto the street". cont

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #2 by mike

Posted: January 9, 2013 at 19:16
to continue..

i retreated to the frot desk ad complaied treament was being withheld because of economic reasons,again against federal law,theh adminstator denied this and told me to go back and tlk to the ER head nurse. the point of contention was whether i had mrsa.the nurse said the blood work would settle this .but when i told him the doctors had refuse to do even a nasal swap, he kind of slinked away ot aing anythinig. so i talked to the pateint advocate wich was a waste of time as she feed me a line falsehood also.finlly after 2 hours of her going bak and foorth between me ad the doctors in th "back room", she said theywere simply notm going to give me vaco or do a blood test.
so i left the hospital with my face swollen so bad that my lower lip was not longer visible. i kept talking the bactrim and very slowly over the next week the swelling began to subside. i used herbs and hot ompresed after the bactrim ran out.the long ad sort of ot all is that i still have thersa ad it has regained it virulence and now casues my heart ot go ointoi atrial fibrillation if i do not drink the teas 3 ties a day.this all started in july. i now have health coverage but to no avail as the doctors will not aknowledge the causal factor of mrsa in my A fib. as i havesaid i can't even get a nasal swab to test for verify the mrsa infection and therefore they do not have to tret me gressively bacause there is no proof i have mrsa. it turns out mrsa has beome a political issue insead of a medical issue .one reason i was given as to why they would not swap me is that it would make no difference because 50% of all patients they see test positive for mrsa.this is mind boggling.the medical community has no cure for mrsa(accept for vacomycin) an mrsa is reaching epidemic propotions in the populace.
and they refuse to acknowledge a strain that now causes A fibrillation

i have used garic water and it did immediately bring the swellig down but the swelling reoccurs. after reading the testimonial on this forum i am going to try it again .

but my real concern here is that mrsa has mutated to a deadly form of infection and the medical community will not even look at this.


Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #3 by ruth

Posted: January 10, 2013 at 01:37
Try superoxide desmutase (SOD) for your heart, it is a natural supplement you can get in
health food stores.

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #4 by mike

Posted: January 10, 2013 at 03:10
thanx ruth for the advice. i use rosemary already.but the problem
is the A fibrillation induced by the heart is very strong as i walk 6-8 miles per day and my basaln heart rate was 53/minute before the mrsa. and it is the only reason i am still alive when i first awoke in the middle of the night with A fibrillation.
tea tree oil applied over my solar plexus brought the a fib down to
a survuvalable level til could get to the ER, not that i got any real relief from them.
thanx again


Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #5 by ruth

Posted: January 10, 2013 at 06:42
Atrial fibrillation increases production of superoxide by the left atrium and left atrial

SOD reduces superoxide to protect the heart. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an
antioxidant that protects the heart.

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #6 by Bob Anderson

Posted: January 10, 2013 at 16:55
Mike -

It sounds like you got off to a good start with gaelic water but just did not stick with it long enough. It takes a series of treatments to eradicate it unless one catches it real early on. It recurs and if one treats it every time it recurs it will recur less often and less severe but if one treats it every time, eventually it will stop recurring and one has beaten it. The important thing is to get garlic that has not been irradiated and if the garlic cloves all have a little sprout inside them, it has not been irradiated. Usually garlic in little callophanr packets or boxes with cellophane windows is small domesticly grown garlic that has not been irradiated and is effective in killing staph.

It sounds like your life has been pretty rough lately. I hope you can get back on your feet and into better circumstances soon. Maybe if you can do some day labor work and stay at thr YMCA for a few nights perhaps you can meet someone who can help you get back on your feet if you are willing.

Hope this helps.

Good luck to you.

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #7 by mike

Posted: January 10, 2013 at 23:43
thanksfor the technical information on that suppliment.
still i don not have a fib. the a fib is a symptom of the mrsa.this is the point i could not make the doctors accept.
recently i pigged out on frosted flakes and my heart began to get a irregular beat. so i drank pleurisy root and the irregular beat did not progress to a fib.reading through the forum i see that refined sugar is a no certainly proved true in my case .i usually eat fresh fruits and veggies with probiotic yogurt ,10 nounces of sadines with an additional 8-12 ouces of red meat of chicken.i always eat 3 or 4 cloves of garlic with th animal protein.this has kept my body free of plauqe buildup.part of my problem with doctors is they expect some lung congestion with mrsa but with pleiursy root i have none so they don't believe me or the severity of it .thanx again for your input ruth

bob you are right , i got discourage after the intial success of the garlic water as i was applying it topically and not immersing myself.i have read through the forum and taking your advice , i went out and purhased organic garlic which i have tio asume has not been irradiated. i am just now going to get into the bath with the garlic water therapy.
i had been using chinese garlic. only once had oi seen the brown center you decribed as a signal of irradiation ,all other times the cnter was jst thehsame as the rest of it.i have notice once or twice a green center like you mentioned but assumed this was just the garlic beginning to i assume th atirraiation kills the germ that leads to sprouting. it may be that this garlic is not irradiated eventhough it is chinese as i shop at a asian supermarket where the majority of the goods are from asia.but whatever, i a taking your advice abd making sure i get a garlic that is not irradiated
thanx for the encouragement.


Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #8 by mike

Posted: January 12, 2013 at 01:16
the garlic bath is givig som improvement but my mrsa is so aggressive that the swelling returns very quickly. i had to but 3 huge globes of garlic in the water before it worked.
i think i will have to do this dailt rather than 2-3n times a week and i have to continue with tea tree oil apllication inbetween

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #9 by ruth

Posted: January 16, 2013 at 01:55
Mike I will try one last time. SOD will stop a heart attack while you find something to
treat the MRSA.

Statins and potassium channel blockers given with very strong antibiotics is what doctors
are using for themselves.

Good Luck. I hope you find what works for you.

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #10 by mike

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 01:26
again thank you for mthe advice and knowledge.
the garlic baths are giving a slow improvement and the A fib has not reocurred in a while. i did start to get an irregular heart beat which is a prelude ot the A fib a few days ago but i believe it was because a ate a LOT of frosted flakes,nearly the whole box. i have since read sugar and carbo can set it off and it started to but i appied tea tree oil ad nothing developed.
thank you for your imput.


Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #11 by mike

Posted: February 9, 2013 at 22:44
2 dyas afrer i gave the specifics of how i was abused in the er about my mrsa(seeabove)my laptop was hacked and i was unable to connect to the net.
i looled up the I.P.O. ofn the virus's and one was from washington dc though no information was available , just the origin.
i used a friends computor and tht one was also attacked.
it seems the federal government is actively concealing their intentions.
then 1 day later is was hit with a more aggressive is not clear how i was "hit" but some agency of the governem t is out to silence anyone who knows the truth.which is the government is actively using mrsa for it's own political ends.

ion have since been hit a second time and i now have a strain that eats skin and ear also "sweats" out a liquid which i think is mrsaas the area under my ears are very infected

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #12 by mike

Posted: February 9, 2013 at 22:59
in addition the mrsa strain is turning my skin into leather.
i use tean tree oil and oregano oild to strip away the hard later but it tends to return and is spreading over my entire body.
the garlic baths work but i have to immerse myself for 4-5 hours daily, but these strains are so virulent that i am not sure ithe garlic will win in the long run.the garlic bath weakens the mrsa over time but with each new "hit"n i have to manage it with the oils until it begins to weaken. i am not sure if the garlic will have enough time to works its majic.

i suggest that all of us mrsa victims begin local groups because we need to met each other one on one for support and possibly political organization.the web is useles as i have found out.
the medical estblishment /governmet is causing this epidemic to run out of control.

you might look at jessie venturas videos on youtube to get an idea of how sinister a plot is being hatched by the health corprations and governemnt agencies.
mrsa is not a medical; issue ,it is political.

again start local mrsa support grouos becausen as most on thhis forum have noted ,MOST MEDICAL OFFICALS ARE LYING TO US.


' i have to manage the strain until it begind to weaken

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #13 by Bob Anderson

Posted: February 10, 2013 at 02:02
Another thing that could be helpful to your cause is to quit binging out on sugar since that feeds the bacteria.

Good luck to you.

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #14 by Darlena Crosten

Posted: February 19, 2013 at 19:28
Yes it can cause that don't let your Dr or any one tell you it can not most dr don't have any idea what they are treating .
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #15 by jj

Posted: February 27, 2013 at 11:30
Hi Mike,

I reckon your MRSA strain is probably not any more aggressive than anyone elses but your immune system simply cannot deal with it. If you body is acidic then the MRSA will thrive. Most people tend to be on the acidic side of the pH scale. Sugar is really bad, it feeds it. Search for alkaline diet. Change the environment for MRSA, boost your immune system and you may find the MRSA is less aggressive. I have found this personally. Unfortunately I haven't managed to beat it yet, I still get the boils, but they are not so bad and my body now fights them all off.

Good luck,

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #16 by mike

Posted: March 8, 2013 at 03:35

well the garlic bath is slowly working but i have soak daily for 3-4 hours. any less and the mrsa does not retreat but stays a bit active.

there are 3 strains at least/ the one most often caugt in the hospital is "normal:" and the 1-2 nhour 3 times a week protocol works fine. but the aggressive form is so virulent that daily baths are necessary.

i don't do refined sugar or carbohydrates so i think this is why i have been successful at managing this so far

and this is an aggressive form. for instances one night i awoke with insane itiching on my chest.the next morning the skin on my left pectoral area had turned to "rawhide". i mean thick, inflexible and insensitive.
this really freaked me as it occurred over nigh and was ribht over my hear..i applied full strength
(DO NOT USE THESE OILS FULL STRENGTH FOR NORMAL INFECTIONS) tea tree oil and oregno oil on the area 3 times a day for 2 days and on the third day the upper "rawhide" area finally started to peel off. the next layer was still not normal but i refrained from more oil as the new skin was very raw. constant baths and daily diluted tea and oregano oils have slowly pushed out the mrsa.


Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #17 by Bob Anderson

Posted: March 10, 2013 at 14:45
Mike -

How many cloves of garlic do you use in a bath? Do you know the name of the garlic you are using? Is you garlic hot to the taste when chewed raw?

It is possible you may not be using enough or that it is a milder variety. The hotter tasting garlics are generally considered the best although there may be room to doubt that.

Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #18 by mike

Posted: March 16, 2013
hi mike
i use 8 ounces per bath. I use garlic from gilroy ca. and i make sure the gerlic has the telltale green nubs inside as you have advised.

i have an agressive form as i've mentioned.the garlic baths have brought the virulence down and slowly is working but as i'v said i must use it daily to keep the incermental improvements.
no question your advise on using garlic baths has saved my life.

thank you





Bob simon was one of 4 journalists killed on feb.13. he was working on a story about ebola.
The blame is being laid on his driver having 9 driving violations or such.
I think he had found something about the e bola epidemic and was going to report on this.
It is a bit dismaying as the signifgance of the appearance of genetically modiefied visru/mrsa combos is buried so deep.
My non stop infection with mrsa variations, virus/mrsa combinations began after I started posting my experiences on . I am experiencing the pressure of having these insights and find the demons becoming more impatient with my demise.
They have created a stripped down virus/mrsa combo that I am sure does not show up in tests. This variation is spread by aerosol but it seems to be on the nano scale as it is nearly silent and odorless.
This is quite scary as it infects so softly and moderately, that it is easy to over look the mrsa infection until too late…heart or lug troubles. intially the virus/bacteria combo was very forceful, now it can infect while one sleeps….well that us the capacity.
The minute capsules can be placed anywhere, on ones clothes and a constant reinfection will take place.
If you sleep through a night of inhaling, in addition to being topically infected, mrsa will appear in your lungs and on your heart.

I realize my use of “demon” is highly emotive but it seems to fit the motives.
Below is a post on the node thread that describes “magical astral machinations” to draw harm down o some one. I include it here because with all the talk of scientific variations, the perspective behind the microscope is their demonic appetites .
In response to my thread on and here,the knowledge of kabalistic occultist is being brought to bear on me. When the dreams below occurred, I couldn’t make a connection until I was told that I had been marked as a federal informer ,as is discussed below.
What is on the face a scientific matter ,genetically alterering of virus/bactertia is actually the tool of a occult intent or manipulation of the future. Apparently mass death in this case.
I did have a relatively recent magical episode where I was being lead tomake romantic advances on aubmissive that would unleash the green hate of her Admirer onme. A casual acquaintance began to try to “seduce me” on the astral.usually sex on the astral more was wioth currnet [artners. One of my guardians face replace the astral beauty before me. I was quite struck with love for my guardian as my guardians had never been this personal since that other life.
I immediate retrunedto the void a smy quardian only cmes when I am in danger.
That my quardian had to express sucha n emotional approach to get my attention,in thelong fun,showed the level of astral/magical penetration that was veing applied.
approach to get my attention,in thelong fun,showed the level of astral/magical penetration that was veing applied.
The booki of changes informed me that if I when on I would be attacked or killed.
Quite dramtic for a relatioThe booki of changes informed me that if I when on I would be attacked or killed.
Quite daramtic for a relationship that was less that casual ‘
As time when on ,I consulted the book about her and it always turbed up dangerous or charmingly successful.As time when on ,I consulted the book about her and it always turned up dangerous or charmingly successful.
This Hs never happened to me before and as time when on I say these alternating hexagrams were a function of her disassociated personality .
Knowing her associateion with ritual magicans, I was quite cautious. But the seriosness and power that was focus on me became clear ,one day when I was deep in thought about this strange good/evil dynamic I was sensing.well I had bent down to tie my shoe and when I rose abruptly I fell unconsokcus long enougvh to collapse in the ticket line. But as I was just extreme hypervendilation, with seconds I was up and assessing the pain on my skull. Nothing real serious but it was a concussion as I had periodic balance problem for 2 days.
So at amoment of deep reflect about this woman,I almost seriously injured myself.
So much of my knowledge has been given by sight rather that research. As the following will so…
On my way back across thre bay into the eastbay. I boarded a jus,fresh from having bashed my head over the young woman that now gets on the bus I have just got on . expecting a pleasant conversation she subtely motions to the seat behind me where a large and dark individual is sitting. I had actually notice his slight scowl when I first boarded,
The pair said absolutely nothing. The young lady and I got off at he same stop after the dark man has already exited.
We had been excellent friends for a couple of months so this enforced silence the entire time was too muchfor her and she made a quick exit into a fast food joint.
So I was shown the dynamic and looking back someone had mentioned she had a big”fiernd” or “something”.
but I knew for sure I was under psychic/magical attack.
I assume the relationship was submissive / dominant and told her she had a master.i also suggested he was a kabbalistic magican because it is the kaballist mossad that I have often critized.
. he was not her boy friend as I has met her current beau and her last beau,
Another astral seduction was stopped by another quardian. this appearance wasd only at the most serious of times.

Still the book of changes continued to alternate between extreme danger and great fortune. She was a pagan so she gave me insights in omens and talismans to a degree.she was young but well read and enjoyed listening to her ideas.
But I became apparent her paganism was a front because she would show only a intellectual connection to the various roman and greek gods. I was straight forward and told her about the dreams and the omen meaning. she never commented. I have know than there are “pagan” of other earth/racial cults that are using kabballistic knowledge..
This was my suspicion because only a structured magician or witch could sustain such a complex mental control/spell on the astral.
Our “cigarette break” encounters continued through the months .another sexual advance on the astral was intercepted by a soulmate I had not been with for years. The astral seduction was stopped by my soulmate and my escsapades. But again very unusual .the sexual point of this astral magic was sharp. It had been my soulmate who couild feel in her”guts” when someone was trying to control me.
I continued to be open with this young lady and she said nothing to dissuade me or encourage my thoughts anohter astral dream occurred as I “forced” a hug on someone,almost a generic hug, and it was the young woman. She accepted my hug and held out her arms as if to say what else can I do . and I now saw that she was not alone but was being controlled on the astral by a witch or more correctly the young ladiy’s Mistress.
I had over estimated the value of the dark man. He was apparently just a “enforcer” for the coven/cell/temple as this woman was in charge.
In another dream I turned around=d and say this woman and I knew this was who was controlling the dynamics. she looked up and saw me ,then quickly turned away dream over..
Another sexual approach came but this time my friend had black hais and some one was behind her. It is interesting but when I told the young lady about the dream ,before I could mention the hair color ,she said,” I had black hair didn’t I “. Her hair is blond
Then a dream came when I was caressing her hair and she didn’t move. She was acknowledging my touch without giving up any spirit of freedom. again very strange for a person I hardly knew and had nothing but simpler conversations with.
In a dream she approached me and kissed me, the kiss of friendship rather thanromantic lust.she is a bisexual pagan so I didn’t take the kiss for anything but friendship
Then I had a dream of her mistress bit I knew it was a falsehood. So this witch is very powerful, she can project her own aura through others on the astral.
Finally there was recently a sexually dream between us and since then I have simply stopped chance encountering. More direct encounters have been attempted so it is fortuitous to move
This young ladies soul is being drained away. The best black magic is the magic you have to make others soil their souls for your advantage.


Interesting ending as a saw her Mistress,in the flesh, sitting in the break area. This young woman is introverted. she tends to dress demurely.
She was wearing a dark orange maybe red see through blouse. Quite a show for an assistant manager.
Several months ago it was made known, on the street . that I am a federal informant.
I really should have placed this in the mrsa thread, as it is those concepts that are bringing these planes of interaction.
But was amazes me is that this mrsa infected pot is known about on the street. Some very flaking addicted individuals are in the position of dispensing the final solution mrsa strain.
Interestingly instead of telling the truth(the posts at brought this on) my brother,told them (local police, mexican and titian mafias in addition to their general street dealers) was an federal informant. What federal agencies is not hooked up with the cia for drug purposes? There are no federal drug informants investigating themselves, it is ludicrous in this day and age.
It is ironic that these hipsters and families that are going along with this demonic inoculation, will be consumed by the smoke they ingest too.
This control of the local drugs and stuff is through out the bay area.
It seems if one is afro American the cops/cia want to shoot you or set you up as a dealer.
Interestingly ,it was an exact half node cycle in 2004-5 that almost identically circumstances developed as now. yet the individual involved then was a seemingly random connection that later turned 440 volts.

My quess is that these genetically altered spartan virus/bacteria combos will not test positive as anything known.
But it is has become quite dire ,as the demons are spreading the mrsa in general while they target their prey. The social body is being used as collateral damage for the for the ghost of zyclon b
I was first infected with mrsa on 6/27/12. Thank god at the emergency room I got dr.robert buscho. He had a group of students with him. He discussed the infection then the students left and he sat down, made himself comfortable and asked me how long I had the gum infection. He listened and when I told him I put Neosporin in the infection, he questioned how I out in on inside my mouth. I told him it was not a gum infection but in the tissue. He sat up and felt the swelling and after a few more questions said “you have aggressive mrsa”.
Any other doctor would have just looked at the computer screen , which is what every doctor since has done.
Luckily this happened before the Obama car fiasco was foisted on the public.
unfortunately he and the second doctor were the only ones looking out for my health.
The health care system has no been altered to give no health care. rather to make people wait until they die. This is especially true of our elderly.
With this as a background, it is easy to see the mrsa conspiracy in perspective.
The waiting is over. These poisons are in the hands of many low lifes I am just going to go over symptoms ,as you can be sure that the medical establishment will not keep note of any “new” diseases.( isuggest one reads the description above of these genetically altered virus/bacterias)
The final solution strain is a liquid which dries clear. If you touch it, it will cause white patches on your hands. This is the same as what a disinfectant will do such as this point isopropyl alcohol will stop the mrsa but one must wipe down 4-5 times with cider vinegar unheated will stop- the mrsa also, faster. mrsa is easy to kill if you get it right away.
The recent viral/bacteria combination will enter your blood stream if inhaled or ingested. When this happens you will have an urge to use the bathroom repeatedly. If you are in a state with medical pot,smoke pot as it will kill the bacteria in your blood within a day. Otherwise ,it can take up to 3 weeks to cleanse your blood by other means.
The virus/bacteria is very dangerous as the chemist have now created a strain that is very mild. You can get it and not realize it. but it grows a little day by day until the severity of the problem is cider vinegar with stop this also but one must sip the vinegar every time you cough. When first infected , this means having vinegar by your bedstead to sip, every tine your cough during the night and during the day until the cough subsides. If you cough and put everything off until the morning, you may have a month or so to cure it up.

The liquid/powder form can be placed on any surface slick or not, porcelain or paper.
The virus form can be caught from anywhere as the demons have an aerosol form that can infect one totally silently.
The intent is to murder millions of citizens. Unfortunately this is real nightmare. When the powers that be talk about a need to reduce the world population by 90%,they are serious and are using this, the health care system and world war to accomplish the population reduction.
If one gets any “new” infection that one hasn’t experienced before, be very careful as it is more than likely a genetically altered form of virus/bacteria.

the aerosol virus/bacteria combo is very dangerous as one does not really feel the infection. one heart starts irregular beating and a general"buzz or vibration" is felt between the year and lung area.
if this strikes you when asleep, you will not feel the symptoms and by the morning infections will be deep in one's lungs and I have said apple cider vinegar sipped immediately will kill this intrusion. Her are some other very strange aspects to he aerosol.
one is that it seems to be contained in a extremely small vial. so small it is invisible. yet a electronic tone can be heard when the aerosol is turned on. one can be contaminated with the aerosol substance but it does not emerge as a odorless unseen vapor until it is electronically stimulated, hence the electronic tone. if the mrsa is deposits on a shirt, in the morning mrsa will have developed at the site. but the primary purose is to infect the lungs heart and blood.
I have cut up a piece of clothing that had "beeped" and given me mrsa on my back,but I could find no vial or anything. this makes me believe that the demons are constructing nano scale containers for this mrsa mist. apparently the electronic tone opens the "capsules" to allow the mrsa to infect. it seems too nly spray for a second or two. but is capable of repeating this process several many times.

but how can a electronic tone and a "vial "with mrsa mist be invisible?

the answer is that carbon nano tubes have been constructed that receive radio waves, amplify these waves and then broadcast the content of the waves .
these nano structure act as a radio with non moving parts and they are essentially invisible to the naked eye.
so I can't see the object giving off the tone, but the nano structure is broadcasting the tone. I believe this tone opens up the Nano vials. and as there are millions of these nano particles , the mrsa can be repeatly used.

these nano vial have also been used with co2 cartridge guns to infect from a distance. in this case the nano tubes immediately open on contact and immerse the area or person in a mist of mrsa particles.
just don't let any strange feeling in your chest go untreated .

the aerosol virus/bacteria combo is very dangerous as one does not really feel the infection. one heart starts irregular beating and a general"buzz or vibration" is felt between the year and lung area.
if this strikes you when asleep, you will not feel the symptoms and by the morning infections will be deep in one's lungs and I have said apple cider vinegar sipped immediately will kill this intrusion. Her are some other very strange aspects to he aerosol.
one is that it seems to be contained in a extremely small vial. so small it is invisible. yet a electronic tone can be heard when the aerosol is turned on. one can be contaminated with the aerosol substance but it does not emerge as a odorless unseen vapor until it is electronically stimulated, hence the electronic tone. if the mrsa is deposits on a shirt, in the morning mrsa will have developed at the site. but the primary purose is to infect the lungs heart and blood.
I have cut up a piece of clothing that had "beeped" and given me mrsa on my back,but I could find no vial or anything. this makes me believe that the demons are constructing nano scale containers for this mrsa mist. apparently the electronic tone opens the "capsules" to allow the mrsa to infect. it seems too nly spray for a second or two. but is capable of repeating this process several many times.

but how can a electronic tone and a "vial "with mrsa mist be invisible?

the answer is that carbon nano tubes have been constructed that receive radio waves, amplify these waves and then broadcast the content of the waves .
these nano structure act as a radio with non moving parts and they are essentially invisible to the naked eye.
so I can't see the object giving off the tone, but the nano structure is broadcasting the tone. I believe this tone opens up the Nano vials. and as there are millions of these nano particles , the mrsa can be repeatly used.

these nano vial have also been used with co2 cartridge guns to infect from a distance. in this case the nano tubes immediately open on contact and immerse the area or person in a mist of mrsa particles.
just don't let any strange feeling in your chest go untreated .


The nano mrsa implants have gone from bad to worse.
Now the ,I assume, nano implants are actually on the back of neck. Without any clothes on , I still hear the electronic tones that bring the mrsa cloud. I thought these had been placed in my hair so I cut my hair on my neck where the sounds emanate from. But to no avail. The mrsa is on/on my neck.
I have been able to fight off these demon mossad/cia activities(which are implemented by my cia connected brothe)r, but now I am continuously infected throughout the day and night. These are small doses so but now I can not change clothes to get rid of the mrsa implants. So far I can eradicated the mrsa in the morning but now I am constantly under attack. Their intentions are to force me into a hospital where I would not be able to use my herbs to treat the mrsa. And since the medical establishment has no way to combat or identify the genetically altered mrsa, they would simply give me morphine while my body is eaten up.
As I have been very vocal and correct in my prediction about this demon plot , the covert agencies need to proverb me wrong by having me die by a unidentified bacteria rather than mrsa.
My cia connected brother has been infecting me for 2 years, but my herbal knowledge and the weakness of the genetically altered mrsa has allowed me to stay alive.
He has spread the word I am a government informant and I have been infected by varios other source on the street, which is where I have had to go as evry thing in my room at the condo is contaminated with mrsa, every book, piece of clorthing,bed and food stuffs. As a consequence since December 2013 when he tried to infect me with the mysterious flu, I have lived on the street, only stopping by the condo once every 2 weeks or so.
I have reported this to the police, but obviously they won’t believe or do anything. Nad the p[olice are corrupted by the cia anyway and have actually tried d to shoot me last year whikle sleeping. The demon mossad ghas also added a twist. The new mrsa variations cause my perspiration to smell like urine. So even being around people has become a chore. I have to wash 2-3 times a day, or anytime a sweat and this barely allows me to be social. This ploy is to make it impossible to go to the public library to keep posting. This is why ,I you’ve noticed , I haven’t been posting every day like usual . the want to silence me .
just a note .as I write this the website keeps throwing me off and deleting my current post.

I don’t like having to be so dramatic but this demon plot is for real and I am not sure how long they will allow me to stay alive. Million if not 100’s of millions of dollars have been invested in this plot to decimate the populous and they are not going to stop for one person.
As astrologer sremember this mrsa prediction was based on the same date that the countdown to ww111 was and based on the same precedent of hitlers action in 1939 for using the gas chambers to kill German citizens.
The current mrsa variations are not identifiable as mrsa because of the genetic changes so as mysterious deaths keep happening, no one will know the real cause is from mrsa. this is the reason the demon health care establishment will not test for mrsa.
I can’t mentioned this new phase, as if I say I am hearing sounds that cause mrsa(which cannot be diagnosed) but there is no physical evidence of anything because the nano mrsa is invisible, then I will be but under observation without access to my herbal antidotes.
I will continue to post about the symptoms and the herbal remedies I have found as the demon mossad/cia are unleashing this on the population now.
My exwife is now dying from this mrsa/virus combo anf the doctors can do nothing. This may be my fault because I told her about the situation a number of months ago and now the demons are tryting to kill her.
As she is several 1000 miles away and as my brother and step daughter are keeping her location hidden to me, I cannot act.
Just a few notes on symptoms if you have contracted a altered mrsa bacteria.
As I said the first symptom on touching the final solution strain is that you have white discoloration non your fingers. This is easily treatable by rinsing with apple cider vinegar , lemon juice ,alcohol , witch hazel extract, tea tree oil , oregano oil to mention a few.
If you did not notices this first symptom, then within 10 hours your will see “ringlets” forming around you arm or wrist. At first it just looks like “normal skin texture (but we don’t normally have ringlets). As time progresses the ringlets will become more pronounces with the red lines separating the ringlets become more intense. If you have a severe infection the skin will start to swell and the ringlets becoming very pronounced by the red line separating them. At this stage all of the above treatments will work. But the best is vinegar, witch hazel, lemon juice. This final solution strain has been altered so that tea tree and oregano oil are not as effective as in normal mrsa.
A symptom that occurs if you ingest the mrsa strain is that you will need to go to the bathroom very frequently. This occurs within 10-20 minutes. So if you have already used the restroom and you have to go again… it is likely mrsa. In addition you will not have very much urine to pass. A normal urination periods (yes scientist have researched this) is 21 seconds. So if you have only 5 seconds of need, then it is the mrsa.
Pleurisy root will contain internal infections as well as lemon juice(3 lemons a day) these remedies will not completely eradicate the blood contamination but the mrsa will not be able to infect other organs.
After a few weeks of using vinegar the blood will clean up. But the best herbal remedy is to soak in a bath of garlic/allicin for two hours several times a week. If you are in a state that has medicinal marijuana, this will clear the blood very quickly. If you have the urination problem, smoking marijuana for a day or so will nearly completely stop the problem… from urination 3- 4 times at night to a normal schedule. But the garlic /allicin bath is still seems to be the most effective . garlic /allicin will also cure mrsa topically as well as the other remedies given.
But one must be very careful as the final solution strain, the strain that gives your ringlets as the mossad geneticist have altered this strain so that the garlic actually makes the mrsa infection much worse.
So if you use garlic/allicin topically first put a square inch test patch on your skin for a few minutes. If you feel any stinging what so ever immediately take the garlic/allicin off. Garlic /allicin always feels soothing. it never stings. So again use a test patch. The same as a garlic/allicin bath. If you feel the slightest stinging, get out of the bath immediately and rinse with apple cider vinegar or alcohol, with witch hazel or lemon juice. This is a very important point because the final solution strain becomes exceedingly destructive with garlic.
Other symptoms ,in topically infected include ringing in the ears or itching but these symptoms are not as immediately as dangerous as the ons I have mentioned.

As to my personal situation… it is still problematic because as I have said they ahev seemed to implanted mrsa on my ear lobe about 3 weeks ago. Before that only ,my clothing was infected and I could wash or better replace the clothing. the key to eradicating mrsa is to never wear the same clothing twice..and wash your clothing in pinesol as bleach is not sufficient you night apparel must be washed daily as well . the clothes you wear during the day.

This is of paramount importance because reinfection if the main reason mrsa persist. Also no collars on your shirts as this makes reinfections

Now I am being reinfects from, I assume a skin implant that seems to be in my ear lobe. As I have mentioned. I assume there are nano tubes activated by Wi-Fi signals because I heard a electronic tone behind my ears and then the reinfections starts. I have not yet found a way to deal with this problem.
Interestingly I must also have gps implant because the signal is never activates when I am in a crowd, store or anywhere with other people . but when alone the signals occur and reinfect. My cia connected brother does have me on the computer visualization hardware, because when a ride BART. Bay area rapid transit) system, I will get the signal if am not in a crowded car. So the cia/mossad are watching my movements at every moment. Initially the signals occurred only sporadically during the day, but in the early mornings around 5 am,the signals are very frequent.
Recently the signals are frequent at all hours , so I quess the are trying to speed up the process to overwhelm my immune system and put me I a hospital. But the main problem is the bacterial infection which makes my urine smell like ammonia. And this is very strong. This smells radiates at least 30 ft around me and has made socialization and visiting public places very difficult. So even though they have not been able to infect me terminally , they have curtailed my ability to post on the net. As I have already mentioned this is why I have not been posting much. I have found a way to clean the smell for a hour or so but not completely. And it seems the implants are making the ammonia smell worse by the day.
I don’t like to add so much personal trivia, but I have to make the point that this mrsa conspiracy is real and is being implemented. I realize conspiracy talk turns many off, myself included, but I morally have to risk ridicule to keep those interested update as much as possible.

in this vein and risking the ridicule, I have to report that I have been reinfected after purchasing products from health food store and super markets that have been bought out by the new York yahwist.
The most recent revelation was involving lemons . I found lemon juice to be very effective and for a while “they “ could not figure out how I was staying healthy when they had contaminated all my other remedies. But in the last week they caught on to the lemon remedy. About 4 days ago, fresh lemons started to reinfect instead of heal. I change store and every lemon was reinfection me. At firs this seesm unreral,but omn emust keep in mind that the mossad yahwists are buying every thing up. So I figured they had the wholesale l4emon stock cornered. I stopped using lemons but then I started buying organic lemons and the curative affect returned so it is clear, the yahwists have bought the wholesale lemon sources and are contaminating them with mrsa.
I realized this is crazy, but it is happening now. You must remember that this is a multi corporation conspiracy from the highest levels and just as hitler killed his own people there are yahwist elements bent on killing a large segment of the world population.
I realize this is all seems like I am going off the deep end, but I must chance being called a nut to try to protect those who are listening. Quite frankly, with the mrsa implants . I can not say for sure how long my survival will be.

I recently found out found out that lemon juice and the whole lemon will kill mrsa topically and control it internally. As I am constantly
“harassed with the tainting of my herbs, it took a awhile for the yahwist cabbalist to figure out how I was not succumbing to this created plaque of theirs.finally I didn’t not hide the effectivness of lemon sufficiently and the keenest Mexican federali sub contractor figue it out. Not hard ,lemon is known as a antibiotic in rural mexico especially.
Of of a sudden all the lemons in the various markets became tainted with mrsa.
This showed the tight control of the food chain by the new yahwist occult owners.
But it seems that the food chain is going to be used for the dispersion of this mrsa epidemic,,,,, only it won’t be identifies as a mrsa epidemic because the demon chemists have so altered the genomes involved that standard test will not be able to identify it.this already happened in Houston 18 months ago when a mutated H1N1 combined to insert a “unidentified bacteria” into itself……

The yahwist want me to be found free of mrsa so that all my ranting will look like a ranting.
No mrsa there nope nope nope
But I don’t think my singular brunt of this genetically altered bacteria is singular.the plan is unfolding now the brunt I am taking is just the same wave tha is being generated.
The level of mrsa I encounted on the lemons was a mild dose. But any dose of mrsa is dangerous if you don’t realize what is happening for a few days. Mrsa is easy to kill but very difficult if yoiulet it’s foot in the door.
One might find that funny but if you are afflicted with mrsa ,you must consider it an intelligent spawn. Other and I have node how mrsa “thinks” and deduces their action to take.
The most obvious example is that the mrsa will move away from antibiotics instead of just remaining tin the stew like other bacteria. One variant I had was on two opposite areas of my face. When one side was being treated the other side would swell even if it had been at rest.
The bacteria knew to go to the site that was not under I assumed I had to posses motre iunytelligence that the limited code in the bacteria so I treated both at the same time whether they were both active or not.
Surprise surp[rise the bacteria started spreading, it seems through the blood or lymph/nerves system but within a minute a liner of “heated” tissue spread to my head and started to…. “penetrate” I haven’t had that happen before or since. I just used tea tree oil and killed this extension. The original areas were still infected but seeing that mrsa has a rudimentary self-consciousness forced me to consider it a entity or active demon if you will. mrsa knows its purpose. To eat you up a little at a time or a lot at a time.
I have said this ww will be on the populations , not that it has not always been the way it is.
Just be aware of unusual rashes or lung/cardio problems….ones that baffle the doctors(this is becoming quite frequent)
Consider that this mrsa is likely with a inserted methamphetamine gene. This explains it’s affect which is to make other disease more potent and dangerous.
Your body makes and uses methamphetamine in all nervous processes t of the sympathetic and para sympathetic nerve systems.
As such I have found that mediation and or prayers or thoughts can have a direct example is that very often when my ear lobes are swollen , as so as I go for the herbal treatment ,the ear lobes already are shrinking. I believe this bacteria is sensitive to aural and energy healing because of that parasympathic/spiritual /psychic nerve connection.

The terror of mrsa is that doctors/science can’t control it(usually) but there are numerous herbal and homeopathic remedies the treat it easily.
But the ill tidings begin in earnest.
I seemed to be singled out. yesterday I went to concord and in passing bought some tea tree oil a food max, one of the places I am considered an informer. the tea tree oil was contaminated with mrsa. this was not the first time so I checked it before using and it had mrsa in it.i have also bought mrsa contaminated oil sat a wholesale herb store In san Francisco, sf herbs about a tear ago, at rainbow grocery in s.f. about 6 ,months ago at bought contaminated lavender oil.and a t another herb store in concord about a year ago. it is clear that the Yahwistic control many nature food stores and they must be in collusion with the those who are contaminating the food supply. y the way I bought lemons at grocery outlet, just to check gain and the juice was contaminated with mrsa as it caused swelling on the ear lob.
I realize this thread is careening into unbelievably but all a can hpe is that the review of my post here over the last 7- years will show I have never been a alarmist or conspiracy nut.

I am afrai the horror associated with the ww11 are fast replaying themselves during the coming www111 but this time it will be directly aimed at the general population of the world

I still have these electrical implants on me. it seems that they electrically stimulate the mrsa bacteria to become active. I first thought there were some type of nano structures injecting mrsa but it is clear that it is electrical stimulation. This is apparent as when the tone is low the mrsa activation is low but when the tone is high the mrsa is very aggressive. it seem to affect the existing mrsa strain it is in tune to. there is also another tone that is a simple location beacon so I can no longer find seclusion .
the previous post describe how mrsa has a methamphetamine gene that makes it capable of moving along the nervous system. ii think this capacity is why the mrsa can be electrically stimulated.

as mentioned before, I can heal the affect of the nocturnal stimulations during the day but as I "they" have come up with increasingly novel ways to keep infecting ne, I have to continually battle new sites of infection.

idon't know what to add but he that some who read this pay attentions to this evil Rothschild yahwist occult plot
I use this convoluted term so as to distinguish these demons from the jewish faith as a whole.
keep in mind that through history anti Semitisms developed because of the economic oppression of the .001% yahwists..

and those elitist were always able to buy their way out of the country. it was the middle class jews who could not flee that felt the oppression and death of the anti Semitic actions throughout history.

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mrsa epidemic,,,,, only it won’t be identifies as a mrsa epidemic because the demon chemists have so altered the genomes involved that standard test will not be able to identify it.this already happened in Houston 18 months ago when a mutated H1N1 combined to insert a “unidentified bacteria” into itself……

Consider that this mrsa is likely with a inserted methamphetamine gene. This explains it’s affect which is to make other disease more potent and dangerous.
Your body makes and uses methamphetamine in all nervous processes t of the sympathetic and para sympathetic nerve systems.
As such I have found that mediation and or prayers or thoughts can have a direct example is that very often when my ear lobes are swollen , as so as I go for the herbal treatment ,the ear lobes already are shrinking. I believe this bacteria is sensitive to aural and energy healing because of that parasympathic/spiritual /psychic nerve connection.

The terror of mrsa is that doctors/science can’t control it(usually) but there are numerous herbal and homeopathic remedies the treat it easily.
But the ill tidings begin in earnest.

I first thought about conscious virus’ when I realized the virus/bacteria combination I hade been infected with in cardiac isolation worked on a 2 day scheduled. The here would be d=strong atrial fibrillation for two says then stop. Everything would seem fine but on coldcock like precision the atrial fribllation continued on this 2 days on one day off. My feeling was that this would eliminate any possibility that if someone wanting blood work blood work to verify anything… the virus would be inert. But the 2 day schedule when on for 4 cycles when I learned that pot kills mrdsa and helps in atrial fibrillation.
First night the a fib were minimal two days later the a fib showed up for a hour or so then it was over the pot had knocked this variation out.

Whatever the mrsa bacteria has been given a time clock of some sort.
This is a basic reason I feel this bacteria has a sense of self.

I first thought about conscious virus’ when I realized the virus/bacteria combination I hade been infected with in cardiac isolation worked on a 2 day scheduled. The here would be d=strong atrial fibrillation for two says then stop. Everything would seem fine but on coldcock like precision the atrial fribllation continued on this 2 days on one day off. My feeling was that this would eliminate any possibility that if someone wanting blood work blood work to verify anything… the virus would be inert. But the 2 day schedule when on for 4 cycles when I learned that pot kills mrdsa and helps in atrial fibrillation.
First night the a fib were minimal two days later the a fib showed up for a hour or so then it was over the pot had knocked this variation out.

Whatever the mrsa bacteria has been given a time clock of some sort.
This is a basic reason I feel this bacteria has a sense of self.


to clarify. I went to the ER because a strain of mrsa was causing atrial fribroillation.5this was said to be impossible so I end up in isolated cardiac with a ekg monitor.
the monitor showed a increase in A trial fibrillation when my mrsa started swelling. they gave me a
"pill " which they would not identify to control the A fib and the after noon th dr says she going to start me on A trib drug and is go9ing to ignore the correlation of my mrsa infection and the A fib.

so here I have A fib and she has overseen my inoculation with another mrsa bacteria that causes A fib.

luckily I walked out an dawns able to treat the infection they gave me as decribed above
Ironic synastric or Karmic, it seems all would be described by a septile pattern with all planets involved.
But I still smile as I look across at seton hospital, making a high spot among the hills, across to the Chinese cemetery hill..this locus seems to be the nexus of the NWO/OLDNYC ‘s total control of the furure. Within a 2-5 mile radius , every economic activity is being bought by the yahwist/oligarchs.
The irony is that the future has happened in my old backyard. It is circumstance not my endeavors that given me my insights and knowledge.
Seton was mary,s help in the beginning, actually I was a pig farm and tons of white bone lie in mounds under seton’s foundations. The Chinese cemetery was a long hike up a narrow twisting 2 way road road.
Long ago the west side of the hill was laced with 2 rows of buildings .urban sprawl long along dispelled the mystique of old.
But know the Chinese cemetery’s power rises again as the mossad has centralized all the pot growing there.
Actually I got my second dose of mrsa from a man who brought undercover around. The locals grew in many houses and this subcontractor from Israel was to find out who and set up a take over. That was 2 years ago but the grow houses no longer exist snd now you get your bud from a white guy prone to black and white.
The second dosing was because I alerted the local several years ago that this would be the modus operati of the mossad. Now the bud is with in that spirit of the Chinese cemetery hill.

I wondered why the governments of the world are doing nothing about the melt down at fukishima as this is coating the west coast and the world with radiation. the entire world was set to help Russia with the disaster t Chernobyl a few decades ago, and that was just one reactor out of control for a couple of weeks. now 6 reactors are melted down and this radiation will go on for years.
but as the Canadians are now saying the first traces of radiation are coming in(total lie) it has become clear that as the mysterious mrsa induced diseases start to multiply, they will blame this all on fukishima's radiations. there by the demon Yahwist will be able to continue unabated I their murderous actions toward mankind unti lthe world is depopulated of all but the Yahwist

well done king daVid
I forgot mention I also bought contaminated tea tree oil at a CVS pharmacy within the “magic” radius.
Every major business has been bought by the Yahwist occultist –corporations.
As I have mentioned the cabalist have enlisted the Italian mafia, 2 Mexican mafias, assorted street low lifes and noew the Masons have been added to the occult organizations that are dosing me with mrsa variations. I actually heard someone mention the cia contaminated pot going around.
As I have said before this is very scary as this conspiracy to devastate the population with unidentifiable mrsa strains is known and being implemented by thousands.
Also I was very recently contaminated or nearly contaminated (it is not clear exactly where this contamination came from) at a longs drug in the area. This was almost a keystone kops attempt to contaminate me.
I bought two bottles of vitamin C and one of them had been tampered with. I should say mutilated as the seal was crudely cut always. And the bottle had about 100 extra caplets added to it. I would laugh that this except their intent is my demise. I still have tracer gizmos on me or my clothing and I can hear when they ping me, keeping track of where I am. This goes on all day and into the night.
The above scenario seems to be that they figure is was going to get more C vitamin and had one of their minions try to plant a contaminated bottle of C. but it was so crudely done, I have to shake my head about their desire to x me out.
It seems the mount of seton and the mount of the Chinese cemetery are becoming the new twin towers of mordor.
adding to the list of Rothschild yahwist holdings is GNC. A few days ago I purchased mrsa contaminated vitamin C powder and likely contaminated tea tree and lavender oil. Thelatter I can’t be sure of because I did not test them before hand, but later found them also to be contaminated.
Following the nodal returns Hitler turned the gas chambers over to the military in summer 1940, this correlates to about December 2014.
As this world war is too be raged against the world population instead of political entities i.e. the isalmic state it is apparent the Rothschild Yahwists are actively polluting the populous with unidentifiable mrsa strains.
As I have mentioned, all the street dealers and low lifes are aware and poisoning select people, it also seem that the Yahwist have begun to use the corporate structure to poison the populous because now the intermediate personnel such as clerks etc. are aware of the mossad/cia contaminate mrsa and poisoning the every herbs and oils used to combat mrsa. now the demons are operating from both the bottom up and the top down. As the Rothschild corporate demons mean to depopulate the earth and as they have invest 100’s of millions of dollars in thids project, they must make sure their plan is not upset by the emerging reality that although the new genetically altered mrsa strains are impervious to tall pharma-corporation anti biotics, these mrsa strains are easily curable by herbal and homeopathic methods. It seems in their own ignorance (doctors have told me point blank that aggressive mrsa cannot be treated by herbs) allowed for a miscalculation: they though the genetically mrsa strains would kill with no antidote. Now as the plague as bee unleashed for a year or more ,they have seen that indeed their plan may go astray because there are many herbs and oils that will kill their genetic they must protect their investment, the Rothschild yahwists are using their total control of the economy to make sure the pipeline of mrsa killing herbs and homeopathic substances are polluted at the source.
As I have already enumerated, I have bought mrsa infected oils etc from rainbow herbs s.f. herbs and harvest house as well as products in food max and pacific markets as well as GNC and CVS. Most of these are in the 5 mile radius of the twin towers as the yahwists have a iron grip on this area. But as the yahwist take over all aspect business and corporations in the country, this demon plan will be played out everywhere.
It is unclear how much longer my narrative will continue as the yahwists and their minion are now actively searching me out, whereas before they were content to simply make my mrsa infections untenable.
The rothschid/mossad chemists have been infecting me will seemingly lethal mrsa strains for 2 and ½ years. Yet I have found more and more natural remedies to the mrsa, but the complete control of access to these remedies has left me extremely isolated and vulnerable

As I wrote on the countdown to www111 thread, this time the war will be on the population of the world. this is clearly shown by the current Islamic state fraud. Civilialans are dying not only of collateral damage but of starvation while the multinational (rothschild yahwist) corporations and their selected cronies (USA and Russia and now saudi arabia) continue to fund this fraudulent war.
Just as hitler and his cronies were methamphetamine addicts, today all levels of political and military power are chained to cocaine and mossad methamphetamines(Ice)
This is truly an apocalyptic scenario for the common man and woman.

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