Well-known member
I have finally been able to get into the mrsa-forum-usa.com site. since 8/1/14, the site has been blocked.. to me at least. this was just as the ebola epidemic took off.
below are most of the post I made there. this will verify I have been dealing with these genetically altered virus/mrsa combos for 2 years.
also included are detailed uses of the various herbal remedies.
these post give a running timeline of my infection. tis mrsa site is open with no registration so I used the alias of mike
below are most of the post I made there. this will verify I have been dealing with these genetically altered virus/mrsa combos for 2 years.
also included are detailed uses of the various herbal remedies.
these post give a running timeline of my infection. tis mrsa site is open with no registration so I used the alias of mike
my mrsa cause A fib
Started by mike
Posted: January 9, 2013 at 07:14
i have a strain of mrsa that cause my heart to go into Atrial fibrillation. it was documented when i when into the cardiac ward but the doctor did not believe her own computor records and was going to treat me for a fib rather than treat the mrsa.
every doctor says mrsa does ot cause a ib. but i have a srain of mrsa that causes atrial fibrillation and the doctor are sweeping me under the rug .
help i do't know where to turn but the mrsa ios getting stronger and my homepathic rmedies are losing the battle. i assume i will die of cardiac arrest in the near future , as the doctors refuse to even consider the new strain i have.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #1 by mike
Posted: January 9, 2013 at 18:53
i contracted mrsa from smoking a joint with a street "aquaintance."he knnew i did not do "ice" but still laced the joint with Ice(bioengineeered meth). within minute of moig a felt a pain in my lip.
i put some nepsoprin on it and crashed.next day it wa a bit worse.next day it continued to grow so a tayed at my campsite and treated the infection with herbs,ingrstation of grlic and vitamin c and hot compresses,all techniques that work on all oher infections i had dealt with.next day my lip was more swollen so i went to the nearest ER. at the time i had no health care coverage as i lived on the street. the er doctor recognized my infection a a agressive form of mrsa.(there are at least two types , oe agressive the other ,more common, has normal ionfectious characteristics.mine was agreesive so he immeditely told me tyhis could turn into a life threateing situation and if we did not cotroll it immediately i might have tobe hospitalized.he gave me 1 gram IV of vancomycin ad told me iot was imperitive to come back in 12 hours for a secong IV.he also said to return immediately if my face kept swelling that night.my face swelled futhur so i returned to the ER ad anoither docor who had been present the first time saw me. he agreed it was agressive mrsa and gave me a saline IV which ceased the swelling.he also told me to make sure i retirned in themorning for anothe round of vancomycin as this drug is the only one that will kill mrsa.
i returned in the mornig and a third doctor change the diagnosis saying i simply ad a gum infection, which was a outright lie as there was no infetion in my gum as the first two doctors noted.what was happening was i had no insurance and he was not going to furthur.
he essential kicked me ut of the er ad ay to go to the county hospital. i was quite bewildered .within a hour the infection proceeded to increase drsticlly with my upper lip covering my lower lip so i returned to the same ER and was met my hostility and lies.it is agaist federal law to refuse treaet in a ER if there is a life threatening disease which i had een diagnosed with.
then fourth doctor essentially berated me for returning even as i had grotseque swelling of the face. i asked for the secod course of vanco ad she told me the oral scrip i was takig was the same as vacomycin which was a sraight out lie as it was bactri withis a sulfide.the econd doctor nhad explained this to me.i told her she was a liar and after a heated discussion she threw up her hads and aid she would give me the secog course of vanco.she diappeared and with in minutes a nurse came in with discharge papers. the doctor had changed her mind
. i refused to sign anything and demanded the vancomycin.the doctor returned and told me to leave .when i refused she threaten to call security and "have me thrown ionto the street". cont
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #2 by mike
Posted: January 9, 2013 at 19:16
to continue..
i retreated to the frot desk ad complaied treament was being withheld because of economic reasons,again against federal law,theh adminstator denied this and told me to go back and tlk to the ER head nurse. the point of contention was whether i had mrsa.the nurse said the blood work would settle this .but when i told him the doctors had refuse to do even a nasal swap, he kind of slinked away ot aing anythinig. so i talked to the pateint advocate wich was a waste of time as she feed me a line falsehood also.finlly after 2 hours of her going bak and foorth between me ad the doctors in th "back room", she said theywere simply notm going to give me vaco or do a blood test.
so i left the hospital with my face swollen so bad that my lower lip was not longer visible. i kept talking the bactrim and very slowly over the next week the swelling began to subside. i used herbs and hot ompresed after the bactrim ran out.the long ad sort of ot all is that i still have thersa ad it has regained it virulence and now casues my heart ot go ointoi atrial fibrillation if i do not drink the teas 3 ties a day.this all started in july. i now have health coverage but to no avail as the doctors will not aknowledge the causal factor of mrsa in my A fib. as i havesaid i can't even get a nasal swab to test for verify the mrsa infection and therefore they do not have to tret me gressively bacause there is no proof i have mrsa. it turns out mrsa has beome a political issue insead of a medical issue .one reason i was given as to why they would not swap me is that it would make no difference because 50% of all patients they see test positive for mrsa.this is mind boggling.the medical community has no cure for mrsa(accept for vacomycin) an mrsa is reaching epidemic propotions in the populace.
and they refuse to acknowledge a strain that now causes A fibrillation
i have used garic water and it did immediately bring the swellig down but the swelling reoccurs. after reading the testimonial on this forum i am going to try it again .
but my real concern here is that mrsa has mutated to a deadly form of infection and the medical community will not even look at this.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #3 by ruth
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 01:37
Try superoxide desmutase (SOD) for your heart, it is a natural supplement you can get in
health food stores.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #4 by mike
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 03:10
thanx ruth for the advice. i use rosemary already.but the problem
is the A fibrillation induced by the mrsa.my heart is very strong as i walk 6-8 miles per day and my basaln heart rate was 53/minute before the mrsa. and it is the only reason i am still alive when i first awoke in the middle of the night with A fibrillation.
tea tree oil applied over my solar plexus brought the a fib down to
a survuvalable level til could get to the ER, not that i got any real relief from them.
thanx again
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #5 by ruth
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 06:42
Atrial fibrillation increases production of superoxide by the left atrium and left atrial
SOD reduces superoxide to protect the heart. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an
antioxidant that protects the heart.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #6 by Bob Anderson
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 16:55
Mike -
It sounds like you got off to a good start with gaelic water but just did not stick with it long enough. It takes a series of treatments to eradicate it unless one catches it real early on. It recurs and if one treats it every time it recurs it will recur less often and less severe but if one treats it every time, eventually it will stop recurring and one has beaten it. The important thing is to get garlic that has not been irradiated and if the garlic cloves all have a little sprout inside them, it has not been irradiated. Usually garlic in little callophanr packets or boxes with cellophane windows is small domesticly grown garlic that has not been irradiated and is effective in killing staph.
It sounds like your life has been pretty rough lately. I hope you can get back on your feet and into better circumstances soon. Maybe if you can do some day labor work and stay at thr YMCA for a few nights perhaps you can meet someone who can help you get back on your feet if you are willing.
Hope this helps.
Good luck to you.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #7 by mike
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 23:43
thanksfor the technical information on that suppliment.
still i don not have a fib. the a fib is a symptom of the mrsa.this is the point i could not make the doctors accept.
recently i pigged out on frosted flakes and my heart began to get a irregular beat. so i drank pleurisy root and the irregular beat did not progress to a fib.reading through the forum i see that refined sugar is a no no.it certainly proved true in my case .i usually eat fresh fruits and veggies with probiotic yogurt ,10 nounces of sadines with an additional 8-12 ouces of red meat of chicken.i always eat 3 or 4 cloves of garlic with th animal protein.this has kept my body free of plauqe buildup.part of my problem with doctors is they expect some lung congestion with mrsa but with pleiursy root i have none so they don't believe me or the severity of it .thanx again for your input ruth
bob you are right , i got discourage after the intial success of the garlic water as i was applying it topically and not immersing myself.i have read through the forum and taking your advice , i went out and purhased organic garlic which i have tio asume has not been irradiated. i am just now going to get into the bath with the garlic water therapy.
i had been using chinese garlic. only once had oi seen the brown center you decribed as a signal of irradiation ,all other times the cnter was jst thehsame as the rest of it.i have notice once or twice a green center like you mentioned but assumed this was just the garlic beginning to sprout.so i assume th atirraiation kills the germ that leads to sprouting. it may be that this garlic is not irradiated eventhough it is chinese as i shop at a asian supermarket where the majority of the goods are from asia.but whatever, i a taking your advice abd making sure i get a garlic that is not irradiated
thanx for the encouragement.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #8 by mike
Posted: January 12, 2013 at 01:16
the garlic bath is givig som improvement but my mrsa is so aggressive that the swelling returns very quickly. i had to but 3 huge globes of garlic in the water before it worked.
i think i will have to do this dailt rather than 2-3n times a week and i have to continue with tea tree oil apllication inbetween
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #9 by ruth
Posted: January 16, 2013 at 01:55
Mike I will try one last time. SOD will stop a heart attack while you find something to
treat the MRSA.
Statins and potassium channel blockers given with very strong antibiotics is what doctors
are using for themselves.
Good Luck. I hope you find what works for you.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #10 by mike
Posted: January 18, 2013 at 01:26
again thank you for mthe advice and knowledge.
the garlic baths are giving a slow improvement and the A fib has not reocurred in a while. i did start to get an irregular heart beat which is a prelude ot the A fib a few days ago but i believe it was because a ate a LOT of frosted flakes,nearly the whole box. i have since read sugar and carbo can set it off and it started to but i appied tea tree oil ad nothing developed.
thank you for your imput.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #11 by mike
Posted: February 9, 2013 at 22:44
2 dyas afrer i gave the specifics of how i was abused in the er about my mrsa(seeabove)my laptop was hacked and i was unable to connect to the net.
i looled up the I.P.O. ofn the virus's and one was from washington dc though no information was available , just the origin.
i used a friends computor and tht one was also attacked.
it seems the federal government is actively concealing their intentions.
then 1 day later is was hit with a more aggressive strain.it is not clear how i was "hit" but some agency of the governem t is out to silence anyone who knows the truth.which is the government is actively using mrsa for it's own political ends.
ion have since been hit a second time and i now have a strain that eats skin and ear lobes.it also "sweats" out a liquid which i think is mrsaas the area under my ears are very infected
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #12 by mike
Posted: February 9, 2013 at 22:59
in addition the mrsa strain is turning my skin into leather.
i use tean tree oil and oregano oild to strip away the hard later but it tends to return and is spreading over my entire body.
the garlic baths work but i have to immerse myself for 4-5 hours daily, but these strains are so virulent that i am not sure ithe garlic will win in the long run.the garlic bath weakens the mrsa over time but with each new "hit"n i have to manage it with the oils until it begins to weaken. i am not sure if the garlic will have enough time to works its majic.
i suggest that all of us mrsa victims begin local groups because we need to met each other one on one for support and possibly political organization.the web is useles as i have found out.
the medical estblishment /governmet is causing this epidemic to run out of control.
you might look at jessie venturas videos on youtube to get an idea of how sinister a plot is being hatched by the health corprations and governemnt agencies.
mrsa is not a medical; issue ,it is political.
again start local mrsa support grouos becausen as most on thhis forum have noted ,MOST MEDICAL OFFICALS ARE LYING TO US.
' i have to manage the strain until it begind to weaken
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #13 by Bob Anderson
Posted: February 10, 2013 at 02:02
Another thing that could be helpful to your cause is to quit binging out on sugar since that feeds the bacteria.
Good luck to you.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #14 by Darlena Crosten
Posted: February 19, 2013 at 19:28
Yes it can cause that don't let your Dr or any one tell you it can not most dr don't have any idea what they are treating .
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #15 by jj
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 11:30
Hi Mike,
I reckon your MRSA strain is probably not any more aggressive than anyone elses but your immune system simply cannot deal with it. If you body is acidic then the MRSA will thrive. Most people tend to be on the acidic side of the pH scale. Sugar is really bad, it feeds it. Search for alkaline diet. Change the environment for MRSA, boost your immune system and you may find the MRSA is less aggressive. I have found this personally. Unfortunately I haven't managed to beat it yet, I still get the boils, but they are not so bad and my body now fights them all off.
Good luck,
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #16 by mike
Posted: March 8, 2013 at 03:35
well the garlic bath is slowly working but i have soak daily for 3-4 hours. any less and the mrsa does not retreat but stays a bit active.
there are 3 strains at least/ the one most often caugt in the hospital is "normal:" and the 1-2 nhour 3 times a week protocol works fine. but the aggressive form is so virulent that daily baths are necessary.
i don't do refined sugar or carbohydrates so i think this is why i have been successful at managing this so far
and this is an aggressive form. for instances one night i awoke with insane itiching on my chest.the next morning the skin on my left pectoral area had turned to "rawhide". i mean thick, inflexible and insensitive.
this really freaked me as it occurred over nigh and was ribht over my hear..i applied full strength
(DO NOT USE THESE OILS FULL STRENGTH FOR NORMAL INFECTIONS) tea tree oil and oregno oil on the area 3 times a day for 2 days and on the third day the upper "rawhide" area finally started to peel off. the next layer was still not normal but i refrained from more oil as the new skin was very raw. constant baths and daily diluted tea and oregano oils have slowly pushed out the mrsa.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #17 by Bob Anderson
Posted: March 10, 2013 at 14:45
Mike -
How many cloves of garlic do you use in a bath? Do you know the name of the garlic you are using? Is you garlic hot to the taste when chewed raw?
It is possible you may not be using enough or that it is a milder variety. The hotter tasting garlics are generally considered the best although there may be room to doubt that.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #18 by mike
Posted: March 16, 2013
hi mike
i use 8 ounces per bath. I use garlic from gilroy ca. and i make sure the gerlic has the telltale green nubs inside as you have advised.
i have an agressive form as i've mentioned.the garlic baths have brought the virulence down and slowly is working but as i'v said i must use it daily to keep the incermental improvements.
no question your advise on using garlic baths has saved my life.
thank you
Started by mike
Posted: January 9, 2013 at 07:14
i have a strain of mrsa that cause my heart to go into Atrial fibrillation. it was documented when i when into the cardiac ward but the doctor did not believe her own computor records and was going to treat me for a fib rather than treat the mrsa.
every doctor says mrsa does ot cause a ib. but i have a srain of mrsa that causes atrial fibrillation and the doctor are sweeping me under the rug .
help i do't know where to turn but the mrsa ios getting stronger and my homepathic rmedies are losing the battle. i assume i will die of cardiac arrest in the near future , as the doctors refuse to even consider the new strain i have.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #1 by mike
Posted: January 9, 2013 at 18:53
i contracted mrsa from smoking a joint with a street "aquaintance."he knnew i did not do "ice" but still laced the joint with Ice(bioengineeered meth). within minute of moig a felt a pain in my lip.
i put some nepsoprin on it and crashed.next day it wa a bit worse.next day it continued to grow so a tayed at my campsite and treated the infection with herbs,ingrstation of grlic and vitamin c and hot compresses,all techniques that work on all oher infections i had dealt with.next day my lip was more swollen so i went to the nearest ER. at the time i had no health care coverage as i lived on the street. the er doctor recognized my infection a a agressive form of mrsa.(there are at least two types , oe agressive the other ,more common, has normal ionfectious characteristics.mine was agreesive so he immeditely told me tyhis could turn into a life threateing situation and if we did not cotroll it immediately i might have tobe hospitalized.he gave me 1 gram IV of vancomycin ad told me iot was imperitive to come back in 12 hours for a secong IV.he also said to return immediately if my face kept swelling that night.my face swelled futhur so i returned to the ER ad anoither docor who had been present the first time saw me. he agreed it was agressive mrsa and gave me a saline IV which ceased the swelling.he also told me to make sure i retirned in themorning for anothe round of vancomycin as this drug is the only one that will kill mrsa.
i returned in the mornig and a third doctor change the diagnosis saying i simply ad a gum infection, which was a outright lie as there was no infetion in my gum as the first two doctors noted.what was happening was i had no insurance and he was not going to furthur.
he essential kicked me ut of the er ad ay to go to the county hospital. i was quite bewildered .within a hour the infection proceeded to increase drsticlly with my upper lip covering my lower lip so i returned to the same ER and was met my hostility and lies.it is agaist federal law to refuse treaet in a ER if there is a life threatening disease which i had een diagnosed with.
then fourth doctor essentially berated me for returning even as i had grotseque swelling of the face. i asked for the secod course of vanco ad she told me the oral scrip i was takig was the same as vacomycin which was a sraight out lie as it was bactri withis a sulfide.the econd doctor nhad explained this to me.i told her she was a liar and after a heated discussion she threw up her hads and aid she would give me the secog course of vanco.she diappeared and with in minutes a nurse came in with discharge papers. the doctor had changed her mind
. i refused to sign anything and demanded the vancomycin.the doctor returned and told me to leave .when i refused she threaten to call security and "have me thrown ionto the street". cont
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #2 by mike
Posted: January 9, 2013 at 19:16
to continue..
i retreated to the frot desk ad complaied treament was being withheld because of economic reasons,again against federal law,theh adminstator denied this and told me to go back and tlk to the ER head nurse. the point of contention was whether i had mrsa.the nurse said the blood work would settle this .but when i told him the doctors had refuse to do even a nasal swap, he kind of slinked away ot aing anythinig. so i talked to the pateint advocate wich was a waste of time as she feed me a line falsehood also.finlly after 2 hours of her going bak and foorth between me ad the doctors in th "back room", she said theywere simply notm going to give me vaco or do a blood test.
so i left the hospital with my face swollen so bad that my lower lip was not longer visible. i kept talking the bactrim and very slowly over the next week the swelling began to subside. i used herbs and hot ompresed after the bactrim ran out.the long ad sort of ot all is that i still have thersa ad it has regained it virulence and now casues my heart ot go ointoi atrial fibrillation if i do not drink the teas 3 ties a day.this all started in july. i now have health coverage but to no avail as the doctors will not aknowledge the causal factor of mrsa in my A fib. as i havesaid i can't even get a nasal swab to test for verify the mrsa infection and therefore they do not have to tret me gressively bacause there is no proof i have mrsa. it turns out mrsa has beome a political issue insead of a medical issue .one reason i was given as to why they would not swap me is that it would make no difference because 50% of all patients they see test positive for mrsa.this is mind boggling.the medical community has no cure for mrsa(accept for vacomycin) an mrsa is reaching epidemic propotions in the populace.
and they refuse to acknowledge a strain that now causes A fibrillation
i have used garic water and it did immediately bring the swellig down but the swelling reoccurs. after reading the testimonial on this forum i am going to try it again .
but my real concern here is that mrsa has mutated to a deadly form of infection and the medical community will not even look at this.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #3 by ruth
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 01:37
Try superoxide desmutase (SOD) for your heart, it is a natural supplement you can get in
health food stores.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #4 by mike
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 03:10
thanx ruth for the advice. i use rosemary already.but the problem
is the A fibrillation induced by the mrsa.my heart is very strong as i walk 6-8 miles per day and my basaln heart rate was 53/minute before the mrsa. and it is the only reason i am still alive when i first awoke in the middle of the night with A fibrillation.
tea tree oil applied over my solar plexus brought the a fib down to
a survuvalable level til could get to the ER, not that i got any real relief from them.
thanx again
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #5 by ruth
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 06:42
Atrial fibrillation increases production of superoxide by the left atrium and left atrial
SOD reduces superoxide to protect the heart. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an
antioxidant that protects the heart.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #6 by Bob Anderson
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 16:55
Mike -
It sounds like you got off to a good start with gaelic water but just did not stick with it long enough. It takes a series of treatments to eradicate it unless one catches it real early on. It recurs and if one treats it every time it recurs it will recur less often and less severe but if one treats it every time, eventually it will stop recurring and one has beaten it. The important thing is to get garlic that has not been irradiated and if the garlic cloves all have a little sprout inside them, it has not been irradiated. Usually garlic in little callophanr packets or boxes with cellophane windows is small domesticly grown garlic that has not been irradiated and is effective in killing staph.
It sounds like your life has been pretty rough lately. I hope you can get back on your feet and into better circumstances soon. Maybe if you can do some day labor work and stay at thr YMCA for a few nights perhaps you can meet someone who can help you get back on your feet if you are willing.
Hope this helps.
Good luck to you.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #7 by mike
Posted: January 10, 2013 at 23:43
thanksfor the technical information on that suppliment.
still i don not have a fib. the a fib is a symptom of the mrsa.this is the point i could not make the doctors accept.
recently i pigged out on frosted flakes and my heart began to get a irregular beat. so i drank pleurisy root and the irregular beat did not progress to a fib.reading through the forum i see that refined sugar is a no no.it certainly proved true in my case .i usually eat fresh fruits and veggies with probiotic yogurt ,10 nounces of sadines with an additional 8-12 ouces of red meat of chicken.i always eat 3 or 4 cloves of garlic with th animal protein.this has kept my body free of plauqe buildup.part of my problem with doctors is they expect some lung congestion with mrsa but with pleiursy root i have none so they don't believe me or the severity of it .thanx again for your input ruth
bob you are right , i got discourage after the intial success of the garlic water as i was applying it topically and not immersing myself.i have read through the forum and taking your advice , i went out and purhased organic garlic which i have tio asume has not been irradiated. i am just now going to get into the bath with the garlic water therapy.
i had been using chinese garlic. only once had oi seen the brown center you decribed as a signal of irradiation ,all other times the cnter was jst thehsame as the rest of it.i have notice once or twice a green center like you mentioned but assumed this was just the garlic beginning to sprout.so i assume th atirraiation kills the germ that leads to sprouting. it may be that this garlic is not irradiated eventhough it is chinese as i shop at a asian supermarket where the majority of the goods are from asia.but whatever, i a taking your advice abd making sure i get a garlic that is not irradiated
thanx for the encouragement.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #8 by mike
Posted: January 12, 2013 at 01:16
the garlic bath is givig som improvement but my mrsa is so aggressive that the swelling returns very quickly. i had to but 3 huge globes of garlic in the water before it worked.
i think i will have to do this dailt rather than 2-3n times a week and i have to continue with tea tree oil apllication inbetween
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #9 by ruth
Posted: January 16, 2013 at 01:55
Mike I will try one last time. SOD will stop a heart attack while you find something to
treat the MRSA.
Statins and potassium channel blockers given with very strong antibiotics is what doctors
are using for themselves.
Good Luck. I hope you find what works for you.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #10 by mike
Posted: January 18, 2013 at 01:26
again thank you for mthe advice and knowledge.
the garlic baths are giving a slow improvement and the A fib has not reocurred in a while. i did start to get an irregular heart beat which is a prelude ot the A fib a few days ago but i believe it was because a ate a LOT of frosted flakes,nearly the whole box. i have since read sugar and carbo can set it off and it started to but i appied tea tree oil ad nothing developed.
thank you for your imput.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #11 by mike
Posted: February 9, 2013 at 22:44
2 dyas afrer i gave the specifics of how i was abused in the er about my mrsa(seeabove)my laptop was hacked and i was unable to connect to the net.
i looled up the I.P.O. ofn the virus's and one was from washington dc though no information was available , just the origin.
i used a friends computor and tht one was also attacked.
it seems the federal government is actively concealing their intentions.
then 1 day later is was hit with a more aggressive strain.it is not clear how i was "hit" but some agency of the governem t is out to silence anyone who knows the truth.which is the government is actively using mrsa for it's own political ends.
ion have since been hit a second time and i now have a strain that eats skin and ear lobes.it also "sweats" out a liquid which i think is mrsaas the area under my ears are very infected
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #12 by mike
Posted: February 9, 2013 at 22:59
in addition the mrsa strain is turning my skin into leather.
i use tean tree oil and oregano oild to strip away the hard later but it tends to return and is spreading over my entire body.
the garlic baths work but i have to immerse myself for 4-5 hours daily, but these strains are so virulent that i am not sure ithe garlic will win in the long run.the garlic bath weakens the mrsa over time but with each new "hit"n i have to manage it with the oils until it begins to weaken. i am not sure if the garlic will have enough time to works its majic.
i suggest that all of us mrsa victims begin local groups because we need to met each other one on one for support and possibly political organization.the web is useles as i have found out.
the medical estblishment /governmet is causing this epidemic to run out of control.
you might look at jessie venturas videos on youtube to get an idea of how sinister a plot is being hatched by the health corprations and governemnt agencies.
mrsa is not a medical; issue ,it is political.
again start local mrsa support grouos becausen as most on thhis forum have noted ,MOST MEDICAL OFFICALS ARE LYING TO US.
' i have to manage the strain until it begind to weaken
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #13 by Bob Anderson
Posted: February 10, 2013 at 02:02
Another thing that could be helpful to your cause is to quit binging out on sugar since that feeds the bacteria.
Good luck to you.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #14 by Darlena Crosten
Posted: February 19, 2013 at 19:28
Yes it can cause that don't let your Dr or any one tell you it can not most dr don't have any idea what they are treating .
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #15 by jj
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 11:30
Hi Mike,
I reckon your MRSA strain is probably not any more aggressive than anyone elses but your immune system simply cannot deal with it. If you body is acidic then the MRSA will thrive. Most people tend to be on the acidic side of the pH scale. Sugar is really bad, it feeds it. Search for alkaline diet. Change the environment for MRSA, boost your immune system and you may find the MRSA is less aggressive. I have found this personally. Unfortunately I haven't managed to beat it yet, I still get the boils, but they are not so bad and my body now fights them all off.
Good luck,
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #16 by mike
Posted: March 8, 2013 at 03:35
well the garlic bath is slowly working but i have soak daily for 3-4 hours. any less and the mrsa does not retreat but stays a bit active.
there are 3 strains at least/ the one most often caugt in the hospital is "normal:" and the 1-2 nhour 3 times a week protocol works fine. but the aggressive form is so virulent that daily baths are necessary.
i don't do refined sugar or carbohydrates so i think this is why i have been successful at managing this so far
and this is an aggressive form. for instances one night i awoke with insane itiching on my chest.the next morning the skin on my left pectoral area had turned to "rawhide". i mean thick, inflexible and insensitive.
this really freaked me as it occurred over nigh and was ribht over my hear..i applied full strength
(DO NOT USE THESE OILS FULL STRENGTH FOR NORMAL INFECTIONS) tea tree oil and oregno oil on the area 3 times a day for 2 days and on the third day the upper "rawhide" area finally started to peel off. the next layer was still not normal but i refrained from more oil as the new skin was very raw. constant baths and daily diluted tea and oregano oils have slowly pushed out the mrsa.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #17 by Bob Anderson
Posted: March 10, 2013 at 14:45
Mike -
How many cloves of garlic do you use in a bath? Do you know the name of the garlic you are using? Is you garlic hot to the taste when chewed raw?
It is possible you may not be using enough or that it is a milder variety. The hotter tasting garlics are generally considered the best although there may be room to doubt that.
Re: my mrsa cause A fib
Reply #18 by mike
Posted: March 16, 2013
hi mike
i use 8 ounces per bath. I use garlic from gilroy ca. and i make sure the gerlic has the telltale green nubs inside as you have advised.
i have an agressive form as i've mentioned.the garlic baths have brought the virulence down and slowly is working but as i'v said i must use it daily to keep the incermental improvements.
no question your advise on using garlic baths has saved my life.
thank you