Murder Suspect in CEO killing

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Jun 3, 2017
New York prosecutors have charged the individual suspected of involvement in the killing of UnitedHealthcare's CEO with murder. Born in 1998 to a well off family and an exemplary educational curriculum, Mangione has emerged as an unlikely figure who has resorted to drastic measures to draw attention to systemic issues within the United States healthcare system. His manifesto, which critiques the system, prompted me to examine his astrological chart. A notable aspect of his chart is the opposition between Chiron in Scorpio and his natal Mars/Sun in Taurus. This configuration highlights the wounded healer archetype, as he seeks to raise awareness about the challenges faced by citizens in one of the most affluent and powerful nations.

Currently, transiting Pluto in Aquarius is conjunct his natal Neptune, reflecting themes of empowerment and transformation. Additionally, his natal Moon in Virgo, which symbolizes health, forms a harmonious trine with his Sun/Mars placement. This alignment suggests a profound inclination towards self-sacrifice for a greater cause. Could he be viewed as a modern hero arising from the Pluto in Sagittarius generation?


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Thank you for pointing that out, typo now amended.

Of Pluto/Dragon’s Head Ebertin states; “[…] the wish to become a public figure or to exercise an influence upon other people”. Also, “Large business cornerns.
I haven’t had the time to look at United Healthcare’s incorporation chart, should be intereting to look at the transits.
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Copied from that thread:

Pluto in Capricorn/Aquarius would have been hovering back and forth, activating the Aquarius Neptune as well.

He may have felt he was the saviour (Neptune) of society (Aquarius). Chiron Scorpio - linking it literally to the medical system, supposed "healers"

Seems likely that cherished family members had suffered under the rules and red tape of the medical insurance system, and Chiron Scorpio being known for long standing grudges, someone had to pay the price for that.

To add, I'm wondering how that Pluto Aquarius conjunct his Neptune may manifest.

The general consensus seems to be that, although murder is a bit extreme, the reasons behind it are hard to disagree with. He had a three page manifesto outlining all the glaring flaws in the healthcare system, the needless deaths due to profits taking priority. If that manifesto gets published or exposed, especially on social media ... 🤔

Pluto conjunct Neptune, it may even make him a martyr of sorts, a kind of "Robin Hood" archetype.

Neptune is also linked to mimicry, imitations, so we may see copycat killings from this, as others draw "inspiration" (Neptune) from it.
Pluto square the Nodes natally and w/ transiting Pluto conj. Neptune. Neptune as the dispositor of the S. Node. Feels like a crusader chart, acting on behalf of a "higher" belief, beliefs that drive/drove him. Nodes in Pisces/Virgo, that axis, "sacrifice," /Virgo for the "whole" /Pisces.

Uranus on his Desc., square Mars/Sun. Anger, prone to violence?, Taurus determination. Too bad he didn't find other avenues to play this out.
Nodes in Virgo/Pisces relating to health (or health care system) and connected to Pluto, his fate, inevitability.
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New York prosecutors have charged the individual suspected of involvement in the killing of UnitedHealthcare's CEO with murder. Born in 1998 to a well off family and an exemplary educational curriculum, Mangione has emerged as an unlikely figure who has resorted to drastic measures to draw attention to systemic issues within the United States healthcare system. His manifesto, which critiques the system, prompted me to examine his astrological chart. A notable aspect of his chart is the opposition between Chiron in Scorpio and his natal Mars/Sun in Taurus. This configuration highlights the wounded healer archetype, as he seeks to raise awareness about the challenges faced by citizens in one of the most affluent and powerful nations.

Currently, transiting Pluto in Aquarius is conjunct his natal Neptune, reflecting themes of empowerment and transformation. Additionally, his natal Moon in Virgo, which symbolizes health, forms a harmonious trine with his Sun/Mars placement. This alignment suggests a profound inclination towards self-sacrifice for a greater cause. Could he be viewed as a modern hero arising from the Pluto in Sagittarius generation?
What is the source for your DOB?
Pluto is exactly square the Moon's Nodes.
Also close to his Pluto is the asteroid Ixion. I just read Jeremy Neal's book on Ixion. The myth of Ixion is that he was the son of king who lived a very privileged life but engaged in very dishonorable acts.

It's possible that his Moon also squares his Nodes if he was born very early in the day. In any event his Moon is conjunct another asteroid, Apollo which I have been watching closely for years and writing about . Apollo shows up very prominent in the charts of people who are very well-liked, achieve great popularity with the masses. Like Taylor Swift who has it conjunct her Moon and Jupiter.

Apollo's was at 16 Virgo in Luigi's natal making trine to his Sun and Mars. And on the date of the shooting another asteroid, Orcus, the executioner in Greek mythology, was at 17 Virgo. I think this fits.

The driver's license is a Fake not his dob -
Police say Mangione proceeded to give officers a New Jersey driver's license bearing the name Mark Rosario with the birth date of July 21, 1998. He was and is estranged from his family, and his mom has been looking for him. Apparently, he seriously didn't want her to find him.

His DOB is online - Wikipedia

Luigi Nicholas Mangione
May 6, 1998 (age 26)

Towson, Maryland, U.S.