music and astrology

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12 keys in music
aries = F#
taurus = G
gemini = G#
cancer = A
leo = A#
virgo = B
libra = C
scorpio = C#
sag = D
cappy = D#
aquarius = E
pisces = F
And the difference between major and minor key signatures? Why doesn't Aries relate to the key of A major [concert pitch], which orchestras tune to?
because I said so
Well I've been a semi professional musician all my adult life, and just 'because I said so' gives no reasoning at all. So if we have students here, you're giving out so called 'information' based on a lot of nothing. Not an unreasonable question on my behalf, but let your unreasoned statement in the first place, and further reply be judged by others and see what they make of it.
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Well I've been a semi professional musician all my adult life, and just 'because I said so' gives no reasoning at all. So if we have students here, you're giving out so called 'information' based on a lot of nothing. Not an unreasonable question on my behalf, but let your unreasoned statement in the first place, and further reply be judged by others and see what they make of it.
who cares
1974 is when i figured it out. libra = c key. i saw it in a book in 2002 and you people can't figure it out. too bad. you will get there when you get there. lol
So you figured it out by reading someone else's book! Quite a revelational moment then! But the alphabet starts with A, so where is the start in your 'system'? Makes no sense at all. Please elaborate!
I've never really thought about it, but isn't Middle C at the "balance-point" of the keyboard?
The key signature of C major has no sharps or flats or does A minor. But I don't see how we can ascribe any key signatures to the signs of the zodiac. It is more rational to work pitches to astrological aspects. How can we work a key signature to a pentatonic scale against astrology for arguments sake?; we can't. Not only that, we are only talking about the western form of classical notational music; it's not universal.
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