Music and the Path Of True Discipleship & the 7 & the 5

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"...and the phantom 'B#' Aquarius/Cancer 'E#' is the missing ray, the colour Violet"

I'm Aquarius, Cancer rising at 29/24, ready to jump into Leo. I've a stellium of 6 or 7 entities in Aq, including south node, but I've got Mars coming right up behind in Capricorn at the cusp of Aquarius, at 29 15'44", ready to jump in the door of Aquarius...and this is Mars opposing my ascendant, in Cancer at 29/24, again, ready to leap into Leo, which is where my north node lies.

There's more to this, my brain is just not quite getting it....yet.

B, F, A#, E... I'm cusping at the missing B#/E#... the missing vibration? or hue? missing... my Mayan chart calls me a bridge to bring heaven to earth... bridge... harmonics?... heaven to earth... disharmonic to harmonic... I must define the missing and as yet unidentified or unidentifiable B#/E#...

no wonder I cannot find myself, my real identity, my true purpose. No wonder it's so illusive. This may make no sense to the reader, but to me, it explains why I, nor anyone else, can answer my ultimate question: why am I here and what is my purpose, and when I discover it, how the heck do I fulfill it? I know (sense, feel) it has little or nothing to do with the material aspects of this world. It's not a 3D thing that can be defined in 3D terms, any more than one can define B# or's just outside our levels of comprehension.

Oh, jeez... that's a great revelation, Jules [talking to self, here]... that the answers to your question, answers that might give you a discernable purpose and thus allow you to create a map to reach a goal...they are not perceivable by humans. That's just great. WTF???

I am the missing notes. I am not discernable to the human perception of harmony. I am therefore an enigma, misunderstood; I don't fit in to the human construct of reality.

And my soul's "other half" is a Leo with Sun at 00/33. He's just jumped out of Cancer, practically on top of my Ascendant. He and I butt heads, but are drawn to each other magnetically. There must be some connection to the vibrational tonality. I feel it. I feel it, but cannot define it. ARGH!!

WHY AM I HERE? WHY ????????????????? Not to create disharmony, that I know, yet disharmony pervades my life. WHY???????????? I do not understand. If I don't make sense of this, I feel my energy fading into oblivion, like the clay that went SPLAT on the walls and floor and ceiling of the potter's room because his clay ball was thrown onto the wheel just out of balance. I don't want to go SPLAT. I need answers!
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^ You keep mentioning the bridge between heaven and earth and i wonder if you've heard of the theories of the shattered planet that now makes up the asteroid belt.

Esoterically it is known as the bridge between heaven and earth and it rested between mars and jupiter, bridging the gap between the personal and impersonal planets. Theres the myth that the planet was destroyed by the devil in an attempt to confuse us spiritually and send us in too many directions, spread ourselves too thin.

Ive contemplated that it has to do with this theory of musical tonality, somehow disrupting the wave vibrations.
Then, by this line of thought the "True Path of Discipleship" begins at Virgo 22*...the symbol for which [from Rudhyars' book] "A ROYAL COAT OF ARMS ENRICHED WITH PRECIOUS STONES. KEYNOTE: The certification of aristocratic status, at whatever level "nobility" expressess itself in cultural eminence. ...Every great Adept has come out of a line of human beings who have made their marks upon human evolution...."

Do you know what you are preaching?

Now the mid-point for this thread and 22 Virgo falls on the fixed star Alkaid:

The last star in the Great Bear. Benetnash (Alkaid) means 'hired mourners'. If the influence of this star is exercised, an influence of a Mars-Uranus-Saturn nature is present. Experience has shown that many human lives are to be mourned. Reinhold Ebertin made a survey of this fixed star covering centuries when associated with transits of the major planets over this degree. The results have been recorded in the 40th yearbook for Cosmobiological Research 1969. In accordance with adopted belief of ancient times, this fixed star is supposed to be bound up with the realm of the dead and is therefore associated with death and mourning. In an important position in a mundane map, Benetnash will claim human lives in calamities such as mine accidents, collapse of houses and bridges, mountain slides, earth tremors and catastrophes caused by weather. Uranus was in exact conjunction with Benetnash at the end of July 1969. This time was marked with extreme tension between Prague and Moscow, followed later in August by the Russian takeover of the USSR. The Czech reformers in Schwarzau on the Theiss fought for the freedom of their nation on the 30th July with the Russian political bigwigs. The Soviets widened their 'maneuvers' in Poland. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, no.46, p.57, under the name Benetnash]

Alkaid was known as "the destroyer of nations" by Islamic astrologers. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.5.]
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^Why did you talk about asterion and chara and then post info for alkaid rather than asterion & chara?

Now the mid-point for this thread and 22 Virgo falls on the fixed star Alkaid

What does this mean, exactly? I take it you are attributing this thread to a particular degree, for some reason?
^Why did you talk about asterion and chara and then post info for alkaid rather than asterion & chara?

What does this mean, exactly? I take it you are attributing this thread to a particular degree, for some reason?

Alkaid is the mid-point for the thread and the entire constellation Canes Venetici.

Think about these biblical verses:

Psalm 22:16
For dogs have surrounded me; A band of evildoers has encompassed me; They pierced my hands and my feet.

Philippians 3:2
Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision;

Revelation 22:15
Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.


To suggest discipleship starts with those whom Jesus hates, is just wrong.
^ i wouldnt be so quick to judge a single line in the bible without first understanding it's context.

Also, you still havent explained why you attribute "this thread" to some particular degree of the zodiac.
^ i wouldnt be so quick to judge a single line in the bible without first understanding it's context.

It's really easy to understand:

Also, you still havent explained why you attribute "this thread" to some particular degree of the zodiac.
The thread's Sun is at 2 Libra, not difficult to figure out.

The thread (time and correct location unknown, the planets will be about the same)


Example chart of Sun at 22 Virgo:


Composite of thread and example chart, Sun falls on Alkaid:


The astrological influences of the star Alkaid

The last star in the Great Bear. Benetnash (Alkaid) means 'hired mourners'. If the influence of this star is exercised, an influence of a Mars-Uranus-Saturn nature is present. Experience has shown that many human lives are to be mourned. Reinhold Ebertin made a survey of this fixed star covering centuries when associated with transits of the major planets over this degree. The results have been recorded in the 40th yearbook for Cosmobiological Research 1969. In accordance with adopted belief of ancient times, this fixed star is supposed to be bound up with the realm of the dead and is therefore associated with death and mourning. In an important position in a mundane map, Benetnash will claim human lives in calamities such as mine accidents, collapse of houses and bridges, mountain slides, earth tremors and catastrophes caused by weather. Uranus was in exact conjunction with Benetnash at the end of July 1969. This time was marked with extreme tension between Prague and Moscow, followed later in August by the Russian takeover of the USSR. The Czech reformers in Schwarzau on the Theiss fought for the freedom of their nation on the 30th July with the Russian political bigwigs. The Soviets widened their 'maneuvers' in Poland. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, no.46, p.57, under the name Benetnash]

Alkaid was known as "the destroyer of nations" by Islamic astrologers. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.5.]
I have had a toothache from H377 that started on New Years Eve and have been frustrated by procedural paperwork and unsympathetic office personnel as the offending tooth should have been pulled on January 2nd and as of this minute, 7:01 A.M. Pacific Time in California on January 10, 2017 I am still awaiting an okay from my personal M.D. to the oral surgeon giving the nod to have the tooth extracted... and I've been maintaining my sanity with massive saturation of clove oil which has intestinal side effects, so please understand that while I would love to read all the recent posts and delve into this subject once again... I just can't maintain any length of attention on anything presently beyond puzzles and or questions geared for about the second grade and seven year olds.
But I find the synchronicity of this subject being revived at the precise time I got a number of new revelations from astrophysics...which also spawned a number of subsequent questions.

...and not just this subject. The night before last an old friend, Danny Russo, came over at about 9 P.M. wearing his U.S.Army field jacket (I think it was a field jacket)_ that He had found in storage after having not seen it since He got back from Vietnam in 1974 that had Captains' bars on each shoulder. Danny rose from the rank of a lowly enlisted man to Captain through field promotions while in Vietnam. He was of the last year of births, 1952, to have actually been drafted. I was born in 1953...He is a Virgo and thus about 8 1/2 months older than I am. For many years until sometime in 2011, I had believed that some guys from 1953 had been drafted as they gave everyone a lottery number and some I knew had taken physicals...but they never did draft any guys after those born during 1952.

Danny told me how scared He was at nearing the age of 19 and He gave an account of how He was tripping on LSD contemplating suicide while in a dark closet near Jonestown in Pennsylvania but someone in the room outside the closet had put some Lee Michaels on the turntable and that the music spoke to him and saved his life that day.
So He asked me to find a tune by Lee on youtube...non-specific ...He did have something in mind but couldn't remember the title or very many of the words.
So I randomly pick one, "Heighty High" and Danny yells out, "That's the song", and I'm sitting there at the computer playing DJ and I'm reading the comments while Danny is kicking back enjoying some of my 12-year-old bourbon and I get to this comment half way down the page and it says:

3 years ago
In a dark closet, was where I tripped listening to Lee Michaels.

...Ain't good music a gas?
Life saving some times....:wink::biggrin:

Must of been a lot of that going around back then... the fear, that is..... and maybe the Acid too?:tongue:

oh,,,,here's a link to that tune...get your groove on...get out of the closet:lol:

P.S. I'll be back at the forum after I had this tooth pulled or after the second set ( I have to have 4 of them pulled... well, I had too many teeth in my mouth anyways. I have one of the smallest mouths that dentists have ever seen. I've never been able to keep up with eating with anyone even if I try to shove the food down my throat without chewing... the capacity of my mouth is that small. I have to seek out dentists and oral surgeons with very small hands. ...and then try to be diplomatic and cautious when asked by these dentists as to why I chose them)
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In particular reference to post #14 of mine is the following, which I have copied, in part, from the astrological encyclopedia at website, Cornerstone Astrology, at

It is regarding the Albedo. Quite literally in meaning as to whiteness. In astronomical terms it is the measure of the reflecting power of a planet, in ration to its absorptive capacity expressed in a ratio.

The albedo of the Moon and Mercury are particularly low, believe it or not...


there is an exceptional fact in that the characteristics change for the Moon as it... "...approaches an opposition to the Sun its surface temperature rises some 70-odd degrees above boiling point, and in consequence it emits a wide band of infra-red frequencies that are several times more powerful than any of the rays it reflects from the Sun. During the first few minutes of a Lunar eclipse, the surface temperature falls to a sub-zero level and the infra-red emanation ceases.

There are some indications that Jupiter emits a ray of its own in addition to its reflected ray, but astrophysicists are not as yet in accord on that point."

...and I have Jupiter assigned to its rightful place as the ruler of the Signs of Capricorn and Aquarius (see also my thread titled, A Runic Explanation of the Zodiac'") ... and right between those two signs is where Kabbalistic Astrologer Rabbi Dobin interpreted the passage in the Book of Kabbuk to read as "the power of God comes from between Capricorn and Aquarius" and right where I say the Light that is One with the Word enters our physical universe...


THE PLOT IS AFOOT ....!:w00t:
More proof for the mix.
This video is very controversial. It purports that there is as conspiracy to subject mankind to unnatural musical tonality by getting all tuning based on the concert A re-calibrated from 432 hz to 440 hz and it makes sense to me.

BUT THE BIG NEWS TO ME IS that all spatial geometric shapes are in effect a part of the F# major chord.

F# major is the first fifth, or seventh, that follows the note of B major which is right where I placed the the bij, OM, emanating from between Capricorn and Aquarius...

There are also a number of videos on youtube where various musicians demonstrate the difference in well known melodies played at an A tuning of 432 hz to that of an A tuning at 440 hz.


Check it out, here...
r.e. 432, as a number of significance... it dawned on me today that Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareths' date of birth is 4/2/3 A.D. [or C.E. for those that prefer:wink:] Khris,Larocco. nee Toyra, aka "Miss X" as she is identified in my book, has a date of birth that is 4/3/1957 and the integers in the number 1957 all add up to 22, so Khris has a 4/3/22 working for her [22 is never supposed to be added together to a sum of 4 just as 11 isn't either, r.e. Numerology and the laws of such. Altogether she has a sum of 29 which adds up to 11 and I have a date of birth that also adds up to 29 and I too am an 11.
Twice the work and half the personal reward is the way I see the difference between the life of those that are a 22 and that of the life of an 11. Definitely you'll find many a "World Server" in the ranks of the 22's and the 11's.

When Yeshu'a/Jesus was born the locals were using the Julian calendar and the date then was March 19th but as to what the year was... ? As I recall there were no years enumerated except within the term of reign of the emperor of Rome. But, Yeshu'a' wasn't Roman, He was a Hebrew and according to Edgar Cayce the Hebrew year [taken from the Mosaic calendar] at the time of His birth was 1899. But that was true to their particular sect as I discovered none of the other sects Of Hebrew that still exist today recognize the time of March 19th in the year 3 A.D. [or C.E. for those that prefer:biggrin:] as being that of 1899 by the Hebraic/Mosaic calendar.

If anyone of you members that happens to be Jewish can figure out what the Hebrew month and day that was the same as March 19th by the Julian calendar, which is presently April 2nd by the Gregorian calendar, and can come up with some numbers to add to 1899, please share the knowledge because I am curious as to what the Man from Naz's numerological index was.
Thank you for your interest and may God bless you for any help you contribute.
ptv :smile:

4/10/2022 I made an error above concerning the numerological significance of Khris Larocco's birth date. Her figures add up to 29 and 2 + 9 = 11... just the same as my birth date 5/6/1953 also adds up to 29. One other "player" among my little entourage of significant people that were an essential part on my journey of discovery and producing this chart is a fellow I call Ken Folk, aka cousin Kenny. Kenny is an actual, bonafide, direct descendant of one of the surviving members of the Donner Party. I met Him the same evening I met, the fellow in my book that I identify as, Mitch [born 6/61962 at 6:06 a.m. that has natal Mercury conj. my 8th House Cusp, that taught me so much as to how "the Darkness" "works" [when I was victimized by Black rites, "Magick", if you prefer to use that word.] Ken has long now been assessed to be some sort of lightning rod that draws negativity towards himself sparring us "others" of,... On second thought, nix that "one of..." stuff I was about to write, HE IS the most resilient human being I've ever known.
He has given me cause to wonder at times if He was actually any sort of benefit to this cause, due to some of his actions of which I need not mention, nor will I, and to such an extent that I called my clairvoyant friend, and spiritual confidante, Clarisse Conner, to inquire of Him. I first off mentioned that Ken also came with a birth date that I took to be as some sort of "sign". As Khris Larocco had those 3's the 3rd of April at 3:03 and that 33 is the esoteric number from Gnostic Christians for the man whom was Jesus/Yeshu'a of Nazareth [55 being that for Miriam/Mary], and Mitch having all those 6's...which I'm rather sure I needed explain to anyone reading this, as for Ken Folk was born 11/11/1969 at 11:22 a.m. [and 22 is twice 11 and 11 + 22 is 33...and I've always, for some reason, associated the number 11 with the angelic realm. Only the integers 7 and 11 out of all those from one to twelve produce irrational numbers when divided into 360. But I digress, excuse me... and so after mentioning to Clarisse that Ken has all those "elevens" and then proceed to tell here why I had concerns about him, she interrupts me saying, "Elevens are good, David". I wasn't convinced so easily. So I picked up from where I was interrupted and don't get to say but four more words when she interrupts me again, saying...a bit louder and more emphatically, "EEE-levens ARE GOOD, David."
...anyways, 11/11/1969 also adds up to 29 and is an ...well, naturally, wouldn't ya think? 11 That's three of us whose birth dates all add up to 29 for each of us and that 2 + 9 = 11, that's three 11's ...and 3 xs 11 = ... 'ya know?
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I thought that I'd copy and share the explanation of understanding musical tonality and how it is distributed through the Zodiac and the resultant solution it provides, as to how sound, Word, and Light gave us the physical universe.
In the email I mention the video that I gave the link to, two posts ago, i.e. "Sonic Geometry"
...copied and pasted as follows...

If you'll watch that video, Sonic Geometry, you'll see this theory that geometric solids, such as cubes,*tetrahedrons, which is two symmetrically interlocking three sided pyramids,*all the way to a 12 sided polyhedron called a dodecahedron, and it is comprised of 12 pentagons arranged into a sphere.

They propose that the sum of the angles of each polyhedron being equivalent to the amount of hz a note vibrates at and that thus all polyhedron shapes...all found in nature... are of notes that together comprise that of an F# Major.

In that proposal of mine as how to apply musical tonality [i.e. the musical scale] to the Zodiac, I have the note "B" arriving at that infinitesimally smallest unit of time past the Sign of Capricorn and in Aquarius. The next note, "C" occurs in Aries and when all the notes' are allocated at every 25* 42' 51.43" around the Zodiac beginning with that point in the first degree of Aquarius [see page 129 of, the late, Rabbi Joel C. Dobin's book "Kabbalistic Astrology". "The Force of God comes from between Capricorn and Aquarius" Kabbalistic re-translation of the Book of Habakkuk 3:2-4]

It is from the very beginning of the Sign of Aquarius from whence the bij [seed word]
OM entered the chalal panui [see Tzimtzum, Chabad Kabbalism, belief of the vacant space in which God needed as for to create this universe] One must make use of two phantom points. That immediately following the "B", which would have also placed another note in Aquarius. The other phantom note is after the "E" [where there would be the notes "C flat" and "F flat"* if there were such notes] that would have placed a second note in Cancer but it works out that all twelve known notes then end up each one to a Sign.

This is based on the semi-septile of astrology, the division of 360 degrees by 14, two interlocking seven sided polygons. Crowley liked to utilize them. The Septile, an incomplete Grand Septile, seven angles, is found in Yeshu'a's/Jesus' chart and 7 is the only number besides 11 of all the numbers from 1 to 12 that produce irrational figures when divided into 360 [elevens produce Hendecatiles] and the [now watch the number magic here] Septiles are angles of 51* 25' 42.857..." and a Semi-Septile is 25* 42' 51.43...."

MY point here is that when one connects to the next note from "B Major" ...where the bij, OM, entered the chalal panui vibrating in the key of "B", in the very beginning of the first degree of Aquarius, at 00* 00' 00.0001" ... by the musical rule of sevenths and arrives at the note within the Sign of Virgo [the womb, from where creation was born] and that note is the F# Major.

There's your lesson on creation understood through astrology.

end of email
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I beg the moderators tolerance here as I needed to give this thread a "bump" in order to determine as to what page in the subforum here it is currently on. I had to find this thread through a link that I know the location of and there's no other way to go about this other than by the search app, which can be a difficult and not always successful means to find s thread or post, as for spelling and case sensitivities and such. This way is so much quicker.

This is solely for the purpose of determining how many views it has had since it was first posted. It is a matter of interest to my publisher being the main reason.
Thank you.
I also took the opportunity to change what was given in decimal form to minutes and seconds of the appropriate degrees listed in the 1st post.
Something long overdue my attention and rectification.
Thank you
Well now. For he longest time I wanted to post a series of diagrams, horoscope charts, generic form, illustrating this process of the note of B major of the tonal scale being where I believe it should be under stood to be the entry point of the bij, which exists in the key of B major [according to yogic science, vedic sources, and from my own experience having noted] as I wrote above being considered to be in existence at 00° Aquarius 00' 00.0000....1" and then connecting with the other 11 points, 7 major notes and 5 sharps [or flats...whatever] in the order of 7ths.
As this will illustrate how that 12 tined Star should be drawn... much like the way a five tined Star is said to be in need of to be [i.e. as to every other point, e.g a "pentagram"].
Here they are... the 12 step program [the first step being the entrance into the physical realm from where the power of God comes from, r.e. Kabbalistic Astrology, i.e. between Capricorn and Aquarius.]

1. see above

2. to 21° 25' 42.85668" Virgo is F#

3. to 17° 08' 34.28556" Aries is C#

4. to 12° 51' 25.71372" Scorpio is G#

5. to 08° 34' 17.14260" Gemini is D#

6. to 04° 17' 08.57076" Capricorn is A#

Well, that covers the five sharp notes. Notice that after the entry through B major the first five it connects to are all the sharp notes... curious thing to me, but then I've never studied music, other than a years violin lessons at age 12 but long forgotten now.

Next post: The remaining seven notes of the major scale
7. to 25° 42' 51.42816" Leo is F

8. to 21° 25' 42.85704" Pisces is C

9. to 17° 08' 34.28520" Libra is G

10. to 12° 51' 25.71408" Taurus is D

11. to 08° 34' 17.14224" Sagittarius is A

12. to 04° 17' 08.57112" Cancer is E

13. and back to 00° 00' 00.0000....1" Aquarius is B

Okay, I goofed, there are thirteen steps if I count the entry too, at 00° Aquarius 00' 00.0000....1", but there's twelve notes. Notice that there are seven tines to the one side and five to the other, which are all of negative polarity [see my thread "A Runic Explanation of The Zodiac" and what I already mentioned in this thread, r.e. as to what Nikola Tesla figured out and using the universe as a model, so as to produce his marvelous invention, the alternator, for an explanation as to why I have those particular, "masculine" Signs {i.e. Gemini, Aries, and Aquarius} identified as of negative polarity, and as to why I have those of the "feminine" Signs {i.e. Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn} identified as of positive polarity... which is contrary to what is "Traditional" Astrology claims to be fact.
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Note step number 7 above, the note of F in Leo, in the 26th degree. The 26th degree of Leo is where the Part of Love and Appreciation derived from the natal chart I have proposed, and am personally convinced of, is that of Jesus/Yeshu'a of Nazareth. It is also the same Sign and degree of Leo where the same Astrological Part is derived to be from Ms Khris Larocco's natal chart [Clarisse identified her as being the reincarnation of one of the two nannies, that the child Yeshu'a/Jesus had, the other was alive in Edgar Cayce's time and she was identified as being such in a reading given by Edgar for the woman that was the living reincarnation of.
To put it simply, Ms Larocco and Jesus have their Parts of Love in one and the same Sign and degree of Leo, in the 26th degree for which the Sabian Symbol given for that degree is, as presented and interpreted by the late Dane Rudhyar in his wonderful book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala", given as [and note that there is also a "connection", one might say, to the visible spectrum in this degrees' Sabian Symbol...]


Linking above and below, the Covenant with one's divine nature, promise of immortality.

In the Bible the rainbow is the sign of the Covenant established by God with Noah (the cyclic 'Seed man') guaranteeing that no longer shall the destructive power of Spirit (the Shiva aspect of the Divine) be used to destroy life on earth. As we come to the third level of the scene of 'Release', we find the man who has been able to weather the cathartic storm face-to-face with his divine Archetype; because he has been victorious, a link has been established with his divine Soul-being. Both the human and the divine partners should remain thus linked. H. P. Blavatsky's last words are said to have been: 'Keep the Link unbroken' — the Link she forged With the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood that had sent her into the darkness of nineteenth-century materialism for this purpose.

At the first stage of this thirtieth sequence, the symbol of the rainbow shows us the need to maintain a state of open communication between the Sky and the Earth within our total being — not for the sake of finding an ever-elusive 'pot of gold' at the end of the rainbow, for this end is never to be reached, but in order to face the totality of our individual selfhood as it is projected in the many-hued dome of our sky-flung consciousness. After every successfully met crisis, the REVELATION OF WORTH comes to us, and with it comes the promise of success, if only we do our part."
It's really easy to understand:

The thread's Sun is at 2 Libra, not difficult to figure out.

The thread (time and correct location unknown, the planets will be about the same)


Example chart of Sun at 22 Virgo:


Composite of thread and example chart, Sun falls on Alkaid:


The astrological influences of the star Alkaid

The last star in the Great Bear. Benetnash (Alkaid) means 'hired mourners'. If the influence of this star is exercised, an influence of a Mars-Uranus-Saturn nature is present. Experience has shown that many human lives are to be mourned. Reinhold Ebertin made a survey of this fixed star covering centuries when associated with transits of the major planets over this degree. The results have been recorded in the 40th yearbook for Cosmobiological Research 1969. In accordance with adopted belief of ancient times, this fixed star is supposed to be bound up with the realm of the dead and is therefore associated with death and mourning. In an important position in a mundane map, Benetnash will claim human lives in calamities such as mine accidents, collapse of houses and bridges, mountain slides, earth tremors and catastrophes caused by weather. Uranus was in exact conjunction with Benetnash at the end of July 1969. This time was marked with extreme tension between Prague and Moscow, followed later in August by the Russian takeover of the USSR. The Czech reformers in Schwarzau on the Theiss fought for the freedom of their nation on the 30th July with the Russian political bigwigs. The Soviets widened their 'maneuvers' in Poland. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, no.46, p.57, under the name Benetnash]

Alkaid was known as "the destroyer of nations" by Islamic astrologers. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.5.]
The correct time for these charts are actually 1 hour earlier than your local time, because he was living in California then, so the correct time zone is Pacific Time.
The correct time for these charts are actually 1 hour earlier than your local time, because he was living in California then, so the correct time zone is Pacific Time.

It was about planetary positions more than house positions.
The thread's Sun is at 2 Libra, not difficult to figure out.
The thread (time and correct location unknown, the planets will be about the same)