MV Dali collapses the Frances Scott Key bridge

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Jul 24, 2010
This was a disastrous catastrophe, not only costing several lives, but major and costly disruptions to transportation in the area, and anticipated enormous sums in lawsuits to be paid out in the future.
Many ships due to leave the harbor will be indefinitely blocked from exiting, until the harbor can be cleared.
What can astrology tells us about the incident?

The bridge was inaugurated in Baltimore (Maryland) at 10 AM on March 23, 1977, according to an article in a local newspaper.
The moment of the inauguration is the "birth" chart of the bridge.
The accident occurred on March 26, 2024 at exactly 01:28, the exact time recorded by a telecamera in the harbour.

We can create an event chart for the moment of the accident, the time of the accident overlaying the natal chart of the bridge.

Here is a wikipedia summary of the accident:
Dali left the Port of Baltimore at 00:44 EDT (04:44 UTC) on March 26, 2024,[23] bound for Colombo, Sri Lanka[24] carrying 3,000 containers.[25] At around 01:20 the ship suffered a “complete blackout”, forcing it to switch to a backup generator which was unable to power the propulsion system.[13] The ship dropped her anchors as part of its emergency procedures.[26] Shortly before 01:30 (05:30 UTC), a mayday,[25] notifying the Maryland Department of Transportation that control of the vessel had been lost that and an allision (collision with a stationary object) with the bridge was possible citing loss of propulsion.[1] Further traffic was immediately stopped from crossing the bridge.[5][27][28] The ship's lights went out and came on again some moments later; the lights then went off again and powered back on immediately before impact as renewed smoke spewed from her funnel.[21][29]"

Translated into astrological terms:
The black out implies electrical problems, Uranus.
The movement of the ship is mercury.
The smoke could be a sign of fire, which would be mars.
The impact, Pluto.

At the moment of collision, remarkably there is an almost exact conjunction between the ascendent/ descendent axis of the transiting chart and the bridge's natal chart!
This was the clock ticking off until the right moment to release the energy.
It is also a verification that astrology does reflect the reality.

Looking at the chart, first off, we can be sure astrology was not involved, because surely no astrologer would inaugurate a bridge with a moon/uranus opposition!

Transiting uranus opposes natal uranus, conjunct natal moon, along with Jupiter who increased the energy.
Thanks to Jupiter, this was no small bump, but a major collision and collapse.

Apparently in 1980 another cargo ship did hit the bridge, with no negative effects. No date is available for this, but we can assume the transits were not as major as the current ones.

There are almost exact conjunctions between T.Sun and natal sun, T.mars and natal mars.
Transiting mercury conjuncts natal retrograde venus, and South Node.
Transiting moon and South Node almost exactly conjunct natal Pluto.

The Part of Catastrophe of the event is at 4 Aquarius, conjunct transiting Pluto.
It is almost exactly square Part of Peril at 3 Taurus, forming a T-square.

Natal Neptune, water but also error by distraction, is close to the ascendent/descendent axis.

Transiting Pluto is conjunct the natal 9th cusp, this was an international ship, bearing a Singapore flag and headed overseas.
The bridge's 8th house is ruled by Saturn, in the 3rd of the natal chart. Saturn in the house of transportation for a bridge doesn't seem like a good placement!

Heartfelt condolences for those unwittingly caught up in this tragedy.

Screen Shot 2024-03-27 at 10.40.20.png
C.E.O. Carter, in his book The Astrology of Accidents, writes that statistically most accidents involve mutable signs, and most prominently Sagittarius.
In the chart of the collision, we have Sagittarius on ascendent, and mars/venus/saturn/sun in mutable Pisces.
Much speculation that this was not an accident. Ruler of 12th house Venus (hidden enemies) squares Neptune on cusp of 7th house of enemies. Ruler of 7th house Jupiter in 12th inconj Neptune, also may show evil intent.
Much speculation that this was not an accident. Ruler of 12th house Venus (hidden enemies) squares Neptune on cusp of 7th house of enemies. Ruler of 7th house Jupiter in 12th inconj Neptune, also may show evil intent.
It will come out if that was the case.
The ship lost power and was drifting, following the currents, when it struck. That's hard to program.
Here is an update video, hoping it is ok to post this.
Apparently, no fire on board so no involving mars. Engine problems, involving mercury.

Here is an update video, hoping it is ok to post this.
Apparently, no fire on board so no involving mars. Engine problems, involving mercury.
Listening to a chief engineer who spent his whole life on these ships, he said these foreign crew ships are poorly paid and operate on shoestring budgets and how much you spend on maintenance can make or break you. He does not see any foul play. The deceptive aspects with the Moon may show how ignorant the public is to how unsafe, poorly crewed these vessels actually are.
Who pays for the salvage?

The chart for the bridge has 2nd house ruled by moon, currently under the transit of Jupiter.
In fact, statistically this is apparently the most expensive operation in the history of bridges, worldwide!
Jupiter expands what it touches!

Who pays for the salvage?

The chart for the bridge has 2nd house ruled by moon, currently under the transit of Jupiter.
In fact, statistically this is apparently the most expensive operation in the history of bridges, worldwide!
Jupiter expands what it touches!

Tenth house Jupiter in 12th can show loss of income and difficulties in accumulating wealth. This loss extends to a multitude of businesses! The legal responsibilities will be enormous!

Really enjoyed his video explaining "Who's in charge?" Ruler of 12th Venus in 10th might show a desire to escape responsibility. It was said that the power was showing problems before they left the dock and yet the ship was released. Plus, cleanup is very dangerous work that will cost more lives. Hard to imagine many stepping up to the plate and assuming responsibility to oversee all aspects of this job.
Update on the Dali situation in Baltimore harbor, plus another ship that lost power.

Interesting considerations about the possibility of dirty fuel causing the engines to stop.

Petroleum fuel is ruled by Neptune.
