My parents divorced when I was young. I lived with my mother, so she was always there for me. I would see my dad every few weeks, and I ended up living with him later on. I'm pretty lucky in that respect. My parents have always been very supportive.
My mom is always a source of conflict. She's very Saturnian (Saturn conjunct Asc - I guessed that before looking at her chart) very conservative, controlling, judgmental. We are close, but we are too different for there to be a completely open and honest relationship. I always have to tread carefully with her, and most of the times, I just end up supressing my Neptunian/Uranian energies.
I'm not married yet. I've always had financially advantageous relationships, so I guess having a strong 7th house is a plus! I've been in a few long distance relationships, so I'm used to being separated from my loved ones.
The person I'm currently dating has very little Libra. He's a Pisces Sun, Scorpio Ascendant, and Leo Moon. We've got a nice synastry chart, and I'm quite happy.
Thank you all for your comments.