My Charts with any info of my future at present?

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Dec 30, 2019
Hi everyone (ignore the title, I wasn't quite sure what to put), I’ve been a member of this community for quite some time now and for years had been devoted to researching astrology. I have taken a break on researching and learning for a while, maybe two years or so as I have been so focused on other things and getting my life together and don’t have as much spare time on my hands. None the less, I am still a very spiritual person and seek spiritual answers for anything and still take notice of planetary alignments and how they make me feel and how it influences my life. I check up on transits every now and again too.

I have been called to come back on here as I have been feeling a shift in my energy lately that is very strange to the point where I felt I had to come on here and begin researching astrology again. Although I still have knowledge and know how to read a chart I wanted to see if anyone could look at them and be more specific. I feel as if something huge is coming, good or bad I’m not sure but I haven’t had this feeling in a long time. I feel almost free and euphoric but trapped and stuck at the same time. I was wondering based on my birth chart, transits and progressions if I could get a little insight into my future or perhaps what is going on at present for me and what planets are affecting it. The purpose of this is not only for me to get answers for myself but for me to regain my knowledge and learn so I can begin to analyse others charts again and offering advice. I am very interested to see what anyone can see good or bad, any answers and interpretations are welcome, I am also not desperate for answers.
I have been looking into the forum and looking at other posts on here to see what I can see and learn for myself and have been putting a few things into practice. There is just so much information to take in and it will take me a little while to regain my skills. If I get a little guidance from someone, it will help me understand better and it would be much appreciated. I'm just really interested in learning again. Although youtube videos and other online posts are helpful, they aren't as personal. I need to put into practice my own chart first in order to gain clarity if that makes sense.

I will answer any questions you may have or if you need any more information just let me know.

Again, all answers and interpretations are welcome and I will not be offended if they are bad :) thanks a lot


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Hi Meredith,

Welcome back to astrology and this place!

I see a very active chart.

First it's your Mars return (congratulations haha). That's doubled up by your progressed Sun being conjunct. Mars, action oriented and so it could be part of the forward push you are experiencing.
Mars rules houses 3 and 8, Scorpio and the 8th are deep places, soulful if you will. Aries and the eight actually have kind of what you described all together, action, enthusiasm a go-get-attitude but the eight house can hold you back.

From there it's an easy leap to see the North node of the Moon transitting there in Aries. It brings in focus also the considerable action/non-action happening with your natal node-placement.
Saturn on the n.n., Pluto 1 degree of the s.n. both holding the Moon in square. It's a wide square but there.

A short version could be that your forward motion is blocked, asking for serious structure and real work. And that real work could, in part, be signified by Pluto demanding a very rigorous transformation of what is still happening at the south node, in the past.

This dynamic may be about what's happening with the Moon, that can be a place to start so to speak. The square to the nodes can indicate a skipped step, unfinished business with the Moon.
Sometimes this shows in life by repeating patterns or incidents occurring.

The Moon in seventh house Pisces can feel very deeply, that can be perceived as spiritual and is tied into your experience of relationships. In part it shows your mother, more broadly it shows ways you were conditioned in your youth and family-life. Maybe adapting strategies to deal with emotions that don't really fit you.

Interesting, to me, is that Progressed Moon is in the Capricorn (Saturn) sixth of self empowerment, healing. Pointing towards that Saturn and the dynamic with the nodes. Chiron transitting Aries (he again) is all about that as well.

So that way, in very broad strokes, I see an inner pull much like you described.
You wrote spirituality; for me that involves healing the self, that's different for everyone but from that perspective I think your feelings, intuition is very much in line with the charts and what's happening there.
The Moon, your inner feelings seem to be key in unlocking a lock that's been stuck for a (possibly long) while.
I wonder if it's in preparation for the Uranus transit over your MC next year.

To deepen the nodal dynamic, Jupiter ruler of the s.n. is transitting the Saturn/N.n placement. As if information, intuition, knowledge and insight are being provided for re-structuring.
Progressed Mars conjunct natal Jupiter makes the story go round I'd say bringing the action to the more spiritual or dreamy, to actually get to healing in stead of only seeing, feeling, thinking?

Maybe this is not your way of spirituality, I can't know and it's okay, if it is maybe you'll reply and we'll further the idea if and when possible.

Kind greets,
Your future at present is nowI

The activated Mars in Cancer clan has returned to clannish goodness. This is a wonderful entree, and please don't consider this a hijack, of the Mars and Cancer spirit. The Black Knights of Monty Python are fighting for their rights and dignity against the Kings. Let your memory and history become your guide and totem. Mars in Cancer people are never being afraid of cut up, in fact, they expect it. Yet still they rise and move and have that special claw of life. I'm not trying to be clever. This is a rebel song opinion for you. Mars never lets us fool ourselves, not ever. In Cancer, we remember all the hurts. Our problem is trying to fight off the tricksters. Never forget it is our nature, Mars in Cancer, to disturb the vision and reactions of prey - moving right to left back and front and then, all of a sudden, the prey is snatched by that one good claw and dragged through the sand to dine in private. Find yourself. Your roots, your beliefs, your moony everythng and let Mars in Cancer have it's way with those who devalue it.
Hi Meredith,

Welcome back to astrology and this place!

I see a very active chart.

First it's your Mars return (congratulations haha). That's doubled up by your progressed Sun being conjunct. Mars, action oriented and so it could be part of the forward push you are experiencing.
Mars rules houses 3 and 8, Scorpio and the 8th are deep places, soulful if you will. Aries and the eight actually have kind of what you described all together, action, enthusiasm a go-get-attitude but the eight house can hold you back.

From there it's an easy leap to see the North node of the Moon transitting there in Aries. It brings in focus also the considerable action/non-action happening with your natal node-placement.
Saturn on the n.n., Pluto 1 degree of the s.n. both holding the Moon in square. It's a wide square but there.

A short version could be that your forward motion is blocked, asking for serious structure and real work. And that real work could, in part, be signified by Pluto demanding a very rigorous transformation of what is still happening at the south node, in the past.

This dynamic may be about what's happening with the Moon, that can be a place to start so to speak. The square to the nodes can indicate a skipped step, unfinished business with the Moon.
Sometimes this shows in life by repeating patterns or incidents occurring.

The Moon in seventh house Pisces can feel very deeply, that can be perceived as spiritual and is tied into your experience of relationships. In part it shows your mother, more broadly it shows ways you were conditioned in your youth and family-life. Maybe adapting strategies to deal with emotions that don't really fit you.

Interesting, to me, is that Progressed Moon is in the Capricorn (Saturn) sixth of self empowerment, healing. Pointing towards that Saturn and the dynamic with the nodes. Chiron transitting Aries (he again) is all about that as well.

So that way, in very broad strokes, I see an inner pull much like you described.
You wrote spirituality; for me that involves healing the self, that's different for everyone but from that perspective I think your feelings, intuition is very much in line with the charts and what's happening there.
The Moon, your inner feelings seem to be key in unlocking a lock that's been stuck for a (possibly long) while.
I wonder if it's in preparation for the Uranus transit over your MC next year.

To deepen the nodal dynamic, Jupiter ruler of the s.n. is transitting the Saturn/N.n placement. As if information, intuition, knowledge and insight are being provided for re-structuring.
Progressed Mars conjunct natal Jupiter makes the story go round I'd say bringing the action to the more spiritual or dreamy, to actually get to healing in stead of only seeing, feeling, thinking?

Maybe this is not your way of spirituality, I can't know and it's okay, if it is maybe you'll reply and we'll further the idea if and when possible.

Kind greets,
Hey Nailu!

Thank you so much for your response, sorry for the late reply I have seen your response but needed a little time to craft my own response.

Ahhh my mars return, that makes sense haha. Yes, I do have a lot of motivation to get things done recently but at the same time feel I'm being lazy and slow. I'm also extremely tired lately and feel as if I am unable to get things done sometimes.
I have hit a bit of a halt in my career lately as I am trying to move towards a better position in my work life but obstacles keep getting in the way. As soon as something begins to look promising, it never works out. At the same time, it has started to pick up momentum again as I have been getting more job offers as of recently that are looking good.

Usually when things are slow like this, I feel very discouraged and tend to give up quite easily but I have been feeling a lot more confident in myself where I am usually not confident at all and not many things have been knocking me down. I do feel like I am healing in a lot of ways. I used to deal with depression and many mental health blocks that hindered me from progressing forward in life that don't seem to stop me now from getting where I want to go.

Could you give me a little insight on the Uranus Midheaven transit? Would that signify a lot of change?

That makes a lot of sense, I feel Jupiters influence in a lot of ways currently. I feel extremely hopeful and at peace in my life, even though it is not technically the greatest right now but I have a lot of gratitude. That definitely is my way of spirituality.

Is there anywhere in the chart that could represent meeting an important person in the near future? Career wise or otherwise?

Again, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to reply, it made perfect sense and was very helpful :)
Your future at present is nowI

The activated Mars in Cancer clan has returned to clannish goodness. This is a wonderful entree, and please don't consider this a hijack, of the Mars and Cancer spirit. The Black Knights of Monty Python are fighting for their rights and dignity against the Kings. Let your memory and history become your guide and totem. Mars in Cancer people are never being afraid of cut up, in fact, they expect it. Yet still they rise and move and have that special claw of life. I'm not trying to be clever. This is a rebel song opinion for you. Mars never lets us fool ourselves, not ever. In Cancer, we remember all the hurts. Our problem is trying to fight off the tricksters. Never forget it is our nature, Mars in Cancer, to disturb the vision and reactions of prey - moving right to left back and front and then, all of a sudden, the prey is snatched by that one good claw and dragged through the sand to dine in private. Find yourself. Your roots, your beliefs, your moony everythng and let Mars in Cancer have it's way with those who devalue it.
I love this response :) Thank you!
Hello meredithdiamond,

glad to see you again. You did well to feel that "you had to come back here to do research on astrology". I suggest you study the significant transits of Jupiter and Saturn at the natal Sun Saturn conjunction...

I could possibly give you my interpretation to help you.

Ecliptique. :)
Hello meredithdiamond,

glad to see you again. You did well to feel that "you had to come back here to do research on astrology". I suggest you study the significant transits of Jupiter and Saturn at the natal Sun Saturn conjunction...

I could possibly give you my interpretation to help you.

Ecliptique. :)
Hello Ecliptique,

Thank you :) I have done that a little, I do know that I currently have Saturn transiting my Venus-Jupiter conjunction but an interpretation would be helpful thank you so much :)
Hello meredithdiamond,

just a question on the fly, do you find it relevant to say that you absolutely want to have a result in relation to being appreciated and being loved by being the object of interest? If so, you can come back to take stock at the beginning of 2025.

I will give you my interpretation of the transit of Saturn to Jupiter Venus, etc.

Ecliptique. :)
With Mercury in the 9th house your location of life should be near or in the city, and your thinking needs to be spacious but concentrated on ideology.

Venus in Cancer means your home life must be beautiful.