My first Saturn return!

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Aug 16, 2015
It's my birthday in 2 days and my first Saturn return coming up!

I already can feel something happening. I feel like an :alien:.

Can anyone please give me some ideas or tips for how to prepare and what to avoid?

What is the theme here?

I've included the Solar return and natal chart with transits.

Saturn is currently conjunct my Lilith and I've been having a really hard time not isolating myself from people or not crying. It's weird.

Thank you and happy new Taurus Moon :love:


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What is the theme here?
Saturn is currently conjunct my Lilith and I've been having a really hard time not isolating myself from people or not crying. It's weird.

Your natal saturn has no house of it's own - co-rules intercepted capricorn in your 4th house. 4th house is main ruled by jupiter - being on 0° pisces.

4th house is your emotional identity, your basic trust, your feeling yourself home with yourself and with others, your personal manner to react emotionally - how you nourrish and to feed yourself and your own needs and what you need to feel yourself welcomed - and is about your real home in life- too.

But 4th house is also own mother, mother as first female model role to be a woman and mother experience in childhood.

Saturn as co-ruler of your 4th house natally inconjuncts your natal mars as your 8th house ruler and jupiter as main ruler natally sesquiquadrates your mars in 8th house.

Same time your saturn return takes place - your natal jupiter will be transit-activated as well - by t-jupiter itself - conjuncting your natal jupiter.

Your saturn return will be about 4th house matters and probably also about getting up childhood memories with own mother up again. And if both rulers of 4th house are activated - relocation thoughts might come up, too.
Your natal saturn has no house of it's own - co-rules intercepted capricorn in your 4th house. 4th house is main ruled by jupiter - being on 0° pisces.

4th house is your emotional identity, your basic trust, your feeling yourself home with yourself and with others, your personal manner to react emotionally - how you nourrish and to feed yourself and your own needs and what you need to feel yourself welcomed - and is about your real home in life- too.

But 4th house is also own mother, mother as first female model role to be a woman and mother experience in childhood.

Saturn as co-ruler of your 4th house natally inconjuncts your natal mars as your 8th house ruler and jupiter as main ruler natally sesquiquadrates your mars in 8th house.

Same time your saturn return takes place - your natal jupiter will be transit-activated as well - by t-jupiter itself - conjuncting your natal jupiter.

Your saturn return will be about 4th house matters and probably also about getting up childhood memories with own mother up again. And if both rulers of 4th house are activated - relocation thoughts might come up, too.

Thank you Zora, especially for pointing out my Saturn return coincides with major Jupiter transits!
Is that unusual? Seems like two opposing themes.

Wht house system do you use btw? Because Jupiter rules my Descendant while Mercury rules the chart. Unless you assume Jupiter affects the hurts house through the 12th?

In terms of what you mentioned, yes my relationship with mother and family have been a focus and a lot if old childhood traumas are tearing thier heads as well.

Relocation has been a desire of mine yet unfulfilled but I've always known one day I'll move far far away (not because I want to)but because it will be my fate to make something of myself in this way.

I just feel full of love even with the deep depressions and strange cycles happening.
Something I'm also worried and curious about is "late" or marriage.

Based on my natal chart BOTH of my ascendant rulers are in easy aspects and still I'm very much reaching my first Saturn on my own.

Saturn in 5th could suggest hardship in romance but nevertheless I wonder...
Regarding the Saturn return :

“Whenever Saturn and Lilith are combined there is a drive for inner clarity, but there will also be obstacles. There is an obsession and struggle to bring our shadow self into the light of conscious awareness.”,the%20light%20of%20conscious%20awareness.&text=Still%20Saturn%20and%20DM%20Lilith,understanding%2C%20and%20an%20enlivened%20mind.

Due to Saturn’s upcoming retrograde period, your Saturn return will be held in check until Feb 2022: the following blog should help you gain a better understanding of what your Saturn return in Aquarius will focus on.

Given Saturn’s position in the natal chart your karmic imprinting is tied up in matters surrounding love [both given and received] as well as your sense of femininity and motherhood. Saturn here can also stimulate feelings relating to children or highlight issues with your mother that are reflected in your own Identity.

The return itself will serve to activate Saturn’s influence in the t-square configuration, which can signify a challenge which harbors a need for resolution. The Saturn Return represents a phase of stepping into maturity, often involving a need to clear out the ‘impediments’ of the past, in order to realign your personality with greater awareness and understanding.

Here you will find a breakdown of how to manage this process of maturity.For you personally, this phase will focus on the conditioning
you received from your parents in childhood.

Accepting this maturity involves a process of ‘release and letting go’ of that which keeps you feeling dependent, insecure and frequently lost.

On the 26th, we will have a super Full Moon combined with the Lunar Eclipse in the early degrees of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is just ready to enter Pisces on the 15th and will move towards your Jupiter Opposition, however this will become a delayed process as Jupiter then turns retro until June 21.

There are many other factors to consider regarding your chart. One of the most foremost is the Yod, with Mars in the 7th H being negatively aligned with Jupiter and the Moon: the sextile of Jupiter and Moon shows the key for resolving the Mars involvement. This upcoming eclipse will serve as practice in advance of the Saturn return.

If you would like more personal help in breaking down all the factors involved with these events, feel free to contact me. :lol:
It's my birthday in 2 days and my first Saturn return coming up!

I already can feel something happening. I feel like an :alien:.

Can anyone please give me some ideas or tips for how to prepare and what to avoid?

What is the theme here?

I've included the Solar return and natal chart with transits.

Saturn is currently conjunct my Lilith and I've been having a really hard time not isolating myself from people or not crying. It's weird.

Thank you and happy new Taurus Moon :love:

Just the placement of Saturn in the 5th - delays with having children. Around Saturn return it may mean a miscarriage and/or relationship problems. Possibly communication issues. It may affect the opposite house too. Sorry this is so negative, hopefully it won't be that bad. Maybe it would only bring new responsibilities such as when a baby comes.
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It's my birthday in 2 days and my first Saturn return coming up!

I already can feel something happening. I feel like an :alien:.

Can anyone please give me some ideas or tips for how to prepare and what to avoid?

What is the theme here?

I've included the Solar return and natal chart with transits.

Saturn is currently conjunct my Lilith and I've been having a really hard time not isolating myself from people or not crying. It's weird.

Thank you and happy new Taurus Moon :love:
The Saturn Return is an infusion of Soul energy that demands that we live our lives authentically. It brings a lot of changes for those of us who aren't doing what we really want to do. It can be quite exciting. My two Saturn Returns definitely made me want to make some big changes. Not everyone needs to make big changes, so for some, it isn't such a big deal. But for many of us, it is. Your first Saturn Return sets up what you'll be doing in your middle years - so the choices you make now, are important.

Your Saturn Return occurs in the 5th house - in Aquarius. The 5th house is about your self-identity - who you think you are - and self-development too. Aquarius tends to rebel against following anybody else's rules - and to think out of the box. I'd think you are focused on your individuality already - but - your past life symbol - south node - speaks of you being greatly defined by your family and social values. So, it seems like you have some conflicts in the area of self-identity. North Node in Capricorn suggests that you truly are needing to know yourself from the inside out - from deep inside - rather than to be defined by anyone else or social values.

I think your Saturn Return is going to help you sort this all out in some way. You need to follow your own impulses and define yourself to yourself - to be independent within your relationships. With a Virgo rising, you like to be helpful to others. You might experience a good measure of self-doubt or self-criticism too. If you do, you'll want to work toward positive Virgo - which is analysis to understand. Virgo can work hard toward perfecting skills, loves research and to deeply understand what it studies. Your Sun in Taurus in the 9th is about you reaching out and learning from others - whether through education or social experiences - which you learn much about yourself. You need to assimilate and consolidate new ideas about yourself and not hang on to negative ideas about yourself - or any beliefs or ideas that don't serve you.

Use this Saturn Return to reflect upon who you want to be and what you need to let go of in order to be that person.