I added chartsYou can create your solar return chart at astro.com, save it to your device and then upload it here for us to see.
I'm not sure if I have the ability to control my ideas and interests. But yes, if I am interested in something or want to do something, I can focus on it, set a goal and make a plan. Actually, I also keep notes about this. I would write down the things I wanted to do in a notebook in advance. I would draw the person I wanted to become in the future and write down the qualities and plans I wanted to acquire. I don't know if this is exactly what you want to say. But I totally agree with your last statement. I want to get results regarding my ideas and what I want to do. In fact, I use the vision board method, which is very trendy these days, for this. I made it for 2024 and all but one wish came true.Hello rivern,
would you say that what you are concerned about is the realization of what you want to do and love while knowing what your goals should be and that it depends on your ability to control your ideas and interest? Do you absolutely want to have a result in relation to your ideas and what you want to do?
As you said, I have already experienced the theme of fighting in bilateral relations, by the way, you mentioned the possibility of romance with a new person. Can you give some more details about how it might be astrologically related to my family? If it's someone I know, could it be someone I'm interested in? My brother is getting engaged and meeting his girlfriend's family in February. Regarding breaking the karmic ties you mentioned, did you mean that the breaking of these ties could remain a threat? I asked a lot of questions, but thank you, you explained it very well.You're in a 4th house profection year, so Mars should be followed throughout the year. He's retrograding this winter throughout your 7th so Martian themes in relationships are possible; conflicts, arguments and fights, but also energetic and passionate exchanges of energy. Mars wants to cut through the ********. Home environment could feel suffocating at times and a tension between outer, public life and internal, private life is a theme.
Ascendant ruler of solar return is the sun itself, in the 3rd of SR and in 10th natally; your purpose and higher calling in life will be important this year. Your everyday environment is where you will find meaning. As the sun rules the 8th of complicated soul contracts and karmic debts, maybe this year you will come to understand more about how you are a connection point and agent of the cosmos in sorting out karmic debts, both your own but also serving as an intermediary (sun conjunct Mercury). Your lord of the year (Mars) is in a tight square to your Sun and the overlap of 7th house (natal) and 12th house (SR) could indicate some conflicts and fights which serve the purpose of severing karmic ties. Mars can't see his natal position by Ptolemaic aspect so perhaps the natal promise of "spiritual warfare" won't come to full manifestation, but rather stay as a "threat" of sorts. The moon is in the 9th of the SR so perhaps foreign travel and thinking about settling down in another country could be topics of concern. Alternatively this just indicates that higher learning and developing your worldview will be important.
Since the 4th house is activated by profection, Saturn and Moon will also be active players. Mars is cutting into your natal Sun-Moon opposition, bringing tensions in significant relationships, perhaps especially with parents, or even between parents.
Uranus on the MC of SR opposing Venus is telling a similar story of sudden or unexpected social developments. There could be an exciting new romantic prospect, somebody you know already, who's somehow tied to your home or family.
In December Mercury's retrograde will activate Venus and Mars in your 12th, which is the SR 5th, so maybe this hidden love interest will be explored during this time. Jupiter stations direct in February opposing your Mars, maybe signifying some very enthusiastic times, connected perhaps to resolutions in health or work issues (Jupiter in 6th) or a new development in the home environment or with parents. You could get a boost of confidence when it comes to the solar themes I mentioned earlier of purpose and calling. What you want to create and bring out into the world. Or maybe it speaks to this hidden love affair that is a possibility.
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I'm not sure if I have the ability to control my ideas and interests. But yes, if I am interested in something or want to do something, I can focus on it, set a goal and make a plan. Actually, I also keep notes about this. I would write down the things I wanted to do in a notebook in advance. I would draw the person I wanted to become in the future and write down the qualities and plans I wanted to acquire. I don't know if this is exactly what you want to say. But I totally agree with your last statement. I want to get results regarding my ideas and what I want to do. In fact, I use the vision board method, which is very trendy these days, for this. I made it for 2024 and all but one wish came true.
Can you give me feedback on your ability to have obtained the expected result(s) between your ideas and what you want to do? I would be grateful if you could explain this with an example because it is a bit abstract. This is what will awaken your reflection. What exactly do you mean by reflection? Is that sensitive period you mentioned in mid-August related to a romantic relationship? Sorry, English is not my first language and vague expressions cannot be fully understood with translations. Will you be able to give feedback on your ability to have obtained the expected result(s) between your ideas and what you want to do? I would like you to ask this more clearly, maybe if you give an example I can give you a more concrete answer, thank yourivern,
the vision board which is an excellent approach that has allowed you to obtain some results. There should be others until mid-February 2025. These expected results should allow you to promote your aspirations. Your main concern seems to be the realization of what you want to do and also what you like. This must lead you to realize a certain way of being. There is a need for you to be determined to want to be appreciated in order to be loved.
Will you be able to give feedback on your ability to have obtained the expected result(s) between your ideas and what you want to do?
After this period, it seems that you want to control your thoughts and ideas by being constant in relation to your aspirations in order to foster the relationship with the other, and that you tend to have certainty about yourself. This is what will awaken your reflection. A rather delicate period is announced from mid-August 2025, following your concern which will be to want to concretize the relationship with the other while feeling what you aspire to; you will absolutely want to have a result in relation to these. You will also want at all costs to be attentive to the objectives set, by wanting to be recognized in the attention of the other and by wanting to make the most of things in relation to what you want to do. Make sure to evolve favorably.
I don't have any problems with my family. I generally feel separate from everyone else. My relations with my family are good, but I feel lonely, I do not feel that we have a very deep bond, only at the level of parent-child relationship. The reason I'm asking about romantic relationships is because I ended all communication with the person I loved about 3 weeks ago. I left his life. I wondered if that was what it was about.I thought because of the Moon ruling yor 7th natally and in your 4th is repeated in the SR while Venus (rules your 5th of Romance with the MC-Uranus conjunction in the SR) is in the 4th of the SR so there's two indications of 4th house overlap with relationship.
I meant that because Mars is not aspecting his natal position in the SR chart, maybe his natal promise won't be fulfilled completely. Something that seems like it will end, separate, be cut away, might remain. Saturn is also squaring natal Mars in SR so more limitations or hindering of the Martian influence implied there. Do you feel separated from your family? Like a black sheep of sorts?
Can you give me feedback on your ability to have obtained the expected result(s) between your ideas and what you want to do? I would be grateful if you could explain this with an example because it is a bit abstract. This is what will awaken your reflection. What exactly do you mean by reflection? Is that sensitive period you mentioned in mid-August related to a romantic relationship? Sorry, English is not my first language and vague expressions cannot be fully understood with translations. Will you be able to give feedback on your ability to have obtained the expected result(s) between your ideas and what you want to do? I would like you to ask this more clearly, maybe if you give an example I can give you a more concrete answer, thank you![]()