This is my own chart and my own interpretation. I hope it might be interesting to someone else. There's a stellium and Uranus rising. I was going to do this as an intro, but then I saw it said not to post charts there, so this seemed like the best place for it.
I have avoided social media and forums for some time for reasons I'll explain when I discuss the 11th house. Maybe it is the current transiting planets through my 10th or transit Mars and Saturn in my first (or both!), but for today at least, I have come out of the woodwork and decided to make a case study of my own birth chart. If this interests someone else, fine, if it doesn't, perhaps I'll have learned a thing or two about myself in the process. Feel free to ask any questions.
I should also mention that I am currently in a quandary about where to go in life vocationally, so there is another probable motive underlying this post. I have also had a rough year as far as romance is concerned and would like to discuss love life for people with Venus in Scorpio (in my case loosely conjunct Pluto, but I daresay the influence stands.... the stellium is strong with this one :-\). I'm sure Moon in Scorpio individuals and Plutonians in general would be welcome to chime in.
It almost seems to me like this post should be divided up and put in different areas of the forum, but I am really not sure how to do that, so this will be my best attempt. If it turns out TL;DR I understand.
I'll start giving a brief background on where I have learned what astrology I know. I started studying birth charts when I was 18 and now I am 34. It has always been a hobby, just something I enjoyed doing to attempt to understand people. I started out like most individuals and read all the cookbook astrology books on the market, read what existed online at the time (quite a bit actually, been on astro.com since year 2000 I think it was, but so much more now).
So, a lot of what I believe about planets and houses etc have come from different books and websites, but I also have a lot of water under the bridge reading charts, so there is a strong element of my own opinion and experience as well. I'd call it close to 50/50 but I could be off, hard for me to quantify after all these years.
It did not come easy to me. In fact, I found it all so confusing to begin with, for about the first year or two, I only focused on the "big three" -- Sun, moon and ascendant. I gradually added in Mercury, Venus and Mars. Much later, Jupiter and Saturn. I had to understand all these planets and signs before I could even begin to look at houses or aspects. I do not consider myself an expert. I find the more I study, the greater my realization that I don't know all that much at all. I am in constant search of new information to enrich what I have learned thus far and try not to be too rigid on my opinions.
The overview (I will round degrees for simplicity's sake):
Ascendant -- 28 Scorpio. Conjunct Uranus and Black Moon Lilith (BML). Uranus is one degree behind the ascendant which some say make it all 12th house, but I am not so sure if that is the case with myself. I can see where having it there may put a darker spin on the general theme and cause it to be more tense (if that is possible lol). I know a lot of people say they are 'weird'. While I try to avoid that word, many people have told me that they have never met anyone like me. I do feel this gives me a lot of Uranian traits. Quirkiness, scientist type. I have heard that phrased in less kind ways as well, but such is life.
Different astrologers have different ideas on BML. Since I have it in a prominent position, it has been something I have paid attention to in the charts of others. I find it often speaks of difficulty with women, such as abuse from women (like if you find it in the 4th house of a man's chart, or conjunct his venus)... for a hetero man, if it is associated with Venus or Juno it could also mean he likes the edgy looking women with piercings maybe, lot of tattoos, on motorcycles even etc bad girl types. So, then I ask myself if I am a bad girl? See, there's my Sun in Virgo virgoing.
It is hard for me to answer that objectively. I am the black sheep of the family, but I haven't been much into daredevil nor illegal things. I don't have tattoos. I definitely do my own thing and do not like being told what to do, but the same goes for many. I have an unusually high libido as compared to the average woman, but only if I am in a committed relationship, otherwise I am more likely than not to be celibate and looking for a potential long term thing (which becomes increasingly difficult as I mature, I find). I cannot seem to develop close friendships with women and have had very bad experiences with women in the family. My mother has BML conjunct her moon. I know that her mother was abusive to her as well.
There is a 5 degree orb but my Chiron in Taurus is opposite the ascendant in the 6th house. I feel this has indicated some phenotypic abnormalities. I have some symmetry issues when comparing one side of my body to the other. There is also a uterine anomaly (septate uterus) but that could be influenced by moon, too, perhaps. It didn't keep me from having children. I have three.
Sun - 22 Virgo, 10th house. Conjunct Ceres. Most of the information out there that I have read about dwarf planet Ceres makes it sound very positive. I do feel there are some definitely positive qualities. Caretaking for one. Over the years I have been into hobby breeding of fish and other small animals and friends that were into the same double or nothing also had prominent Ceres.... but there is a dark side that I am still studying. There is something Plutonian about Ceres. Control in the caretaking, control in the selective breeding, the feeding, the nurturing.
From charts I have read and people I have talked to, strong Sun/Ceres or Moon/Ceres can indicate forced pregnancy such as for a man would be his girlfriend going off the pill and not telling him to intentionally get pregnant. It seems the *victim* of the situation has the strong Ceres and often there is something difficult with Venus and/or BML. Just my observations thus far and one I will continue to study.
I think the Virgo sun bit is obvious by now. I have thought about these things a few times. My sun is very unhappy right now tbh. It wants to be in a vocation it can be proud of and be providing well for the kids and all. But I am still in school with a year left. Biology. And here I am soul searching because I am not sure what it is that I would joy to do, that would also make us enough money to live comfortably.
Sun square Neptune - the most exact aspect in my chart. :-\ Who am I? Do you know? I feel like I'm in a Dr. Seuss book and everything is a riddle. I would like to find where the strength in this is.
Moon - 0 Aries, 4th house. Ouch. I think my moon is difficult. It doesn't help that it aspects almost everything in the chart since it is the handle of the bucket. In order for me to feel stable emotionally, I've got to have my other houses in order. And I have been in a sea of emotional turbulence for years. I know how to calm down and meditate, but I mean in general.
Moon quincunx Venus -- it is a very tall order for me to mix the idea of home and romance. A man that might be good for me romantically and as a friend, tends to be no good for living with or not able to tolerate the kids etc. So, it's the idea of the two things not getting one another. My love fulfillment vs my emotional fulfillment. I think I might be getting over a hump here at my age. I hope so. They say you meet the right person when you are living your bliss, well, I'm searching for the path to that bliss and hope to meet him there.
Mars - 8 Leo, 9th house - So I used to be a fundamental religious zealot. -_- Seriously. I'm sorry? I was raised that way. Finally snapped out of it late 20s after some major life trauma. At least I escaped. Not sure where to take him now. That Mars is fiery, but now I've lost my calling, my dream. Not sure about things anymore. In the same house there is Pallas Athene conjunct Regulus. I was in the Navy. Went to military language school, so 9th house stuff there, graduated... then some medical **** happened and honorable discharge, but didn't get to finish my enlistment. That disappointed my sun and my mars.
11th house - what's in yours? Everything. Lol. Just about. Wow. So, I have spent many years trying to understand what the 11th house is about. Like we all know it is supposed to mean organizations and friends. I say it also covers technology and the internet. The monster stellium in there is a force to be reckoned with. Oh my. My letters and words have moved mountains and not always in a good way. I have gotten into a lot of trouble for things I have written, mostly by the instigation of family that don't want me shaming them. There is something about that Mercury in 16 Libra there that dominates, but none of those planets there stand alone.
Every now and then I will write a complaint letter about something. More often than not, I get a lot of attention. Maybe free coupon or apology from upper management. This could be true for everyone, I've just noticed that my writing often tends to have an extreme effect. This could also be due to Uranus on my ascendant which goes for shock value. I feel that the altruistic trait far outshines the desire to shock in my case except as it concerns creative writing or letters to exlovers. ^_^
Speaking of Venus... ouch. Hell hath no fury like my Venus scorned. Ok, she's near the end of my 11th so some would say perhaps 12th house qualities and I am open to opinions. I do think the energy of the stellium pulls even more than Pluto would alone so I tend to consider it a full 11th house Venus. I *have* to be friends with someone to love them... and when it ends, I lose my best friend... which triggers the stellium again, it's like a caged beast and the slightest disturbance can spring open the door. I can't tolerate people that lie. It's like a knife in my back and I just cannot trust anyone unfortunately. I need to figure out how this energy can be channeled to further my 9th and 10th houses instead of just scattered. I strive to find strengths in the weaknesses.
I didn't talk about my North Node in 0 Leo, end of 8th house. Yeah. Like my Sun and Mars and Moon etc it isn't too happy either, but I suppose, like it or not, I am on my way there somehow. Not that I feel all that depressed, energy levels high, I try to stay active, do well in school, take care of kids. I am missing a family, I am missing friends, I am missing love, I am missing a vocation.
Final note on Uranus and the 11th house... in social situations I shine. I become this person of high interest. But sometimes it seems to go wrong. I might take it just a tad too far or feel like I wear out my welcome. A lot of that could be internal. But for first impressions, usually I make good ones. But everyone is an arm's length away or more. I am hard to get to know. I feel I have known many people, but not sure anyone has ever known me. I am sure that is my fault.
I am open to any questions or branches of discussion, of course and thank-you for allowing me to share.
This is my own chart and my own interpretation. I hope it might be interesting to someone else. There's a stellium and Uranus rising. I was going to do this as an intro, but then I saw it said not to post charts there, so this seemed like the best place for it.
I have avoided social media and forums for some time for reasons I'll explain when I discuss the 11th house. Maybe it is the current transiting planets through my 10th or transit Mars and Saturn in my first (or both!), but for today at least, I have come out of the woodwork and decided to make a case study of my own birth chart. If this interests someone else, fine, if it doesn't, perhaps I'll have learned a thing or two about myself in the process. Feel free to ask any questions.
I should also mention that I am currently in a quandary about where to go in life vocationally, so there is another probable motive underlying this post. I have also had a rough year as far as romance is concerned and would like to discuss love life for people with Venus in Scorpio (in my case loosely conjunct Pluto, but I daresay the influence stands.... the stellium is strong with this one :-\). I'm sure Moon in Scorpio individuals and Plutonians in general would be welcome to chime in.
It almost seems to me like this post should be divided up and put in different areas of the forum, but I am really not sure how to do that, so this will be my best attempt. If it turns out TL;DR I understand.
I'll start giving a brief background on where I have learned what astrology I know. I started studying birth charts when I was 18 and now I am 34. It has always been a hobby, just something I enjoyed doing to attempt to understand people. I started out like most individuals and read all the cookbook astrology books on the market, read what existed online at the time (quite a bit actually, been on astro.com since year 2000 I think it was, but so much more now).
So, a lot of what I believe about planets and houses etc have come from different books and websites, but I also have a lot of water under the bridge reading charts, so there is a strong element of my own opinion and experience as well. I'd call it close to 50/50 but I could be off, hard for me to quantify after all these years.
It did not come easy to me. In fact, I found it all so confusing to begin with, for about the first year or two, I only focused on the "big three" -- Sun, moon and ascendant. I gradually added in Mercury, Venus and Mars. Much later, Jupiter and Saturn. I had to understand all these planets and signs before I could even begin to look at houses or aspects. I do not consider myself an expert. I find the more I study, the greater my realization that I don't know all that much at all. I am in constant search of new information to enrich what I have learned thus far and try not to be too rigid on my opinions.
The overview (I will round degrees for simplicity's sake):
Ascendant -- 28 Scorpio. Conjunct Uranus and Black Moon Lilith (BML). Uranus is one degree behind the ascendant which some say make it all 12th house, but I am not so sure if that is the case with myself. I can see where having it there may put a darker spin on the general theme and cause it to be more tense (if that is possible lol). I know a lot of people say they are 'weird'. While I try to avoid that word, many people have told me that they have never met anyone like me. I do feel this gives me a lot of Uranian traits. Quirkiness, scientist type. I have heard that phrased in less kind ways as well, but such is life.
Different astrologers have different ideas on BML. Since I have it in a prominent position, it has been something I have paid attention to in the charts of others. I find it often speaks of difficulty with women, such as abuse from women (like if you find it in the 4th house of a man's chart, or conjunct his venus)... for a hetero man, if it is associated with Venus or Juno it could also mean he likes the edgy looking women with piercings maybe, lot of tattoos, on motorcycles even etc bad girl types. So, then I ask myself if I am a bad girl? See, there's my Sun in Virgo virgoing.
It is hard for me to answer that objectively. I am the black sheep of the family, but I haven't been much into daredevil nor illegal things. I don't have tattoos. I definitely do my own thing and do not like being told what to do, but the same goes for many. I have an unusually high libido as compared to the average woman, but only if I am in a committed relationship, otherwise I am more likely than not to be celibate and looking for a potential long term thing (which becomes increasingly difficult as I mature, I find). I cannot seem to develop close friendships with women and have had very bad experiences with women in the family. My mother has BML conjunct her moon. I know that her mother was abusive to her as well.
There is a 5 degree orb but my Chiron in Taurus is opposite the ascendant in the 6th house. I feel this has indicated some phenotypic abnormalities. I have some symmetry issues when comparing one side of my body to the other. There is also a uterine anomaly (septate uterus) but that could be influenced by moon, too, perhaps. It didn't keep me from having children. I have three.
Sun - 22 Virgo, 10th house. Conjunct Ceres. Most of the information out there that I have read about dwarf planet Ceres makes it sound very positive. I do feel there are some definitely positive qualities. Caretaking for one. Over the years I have been into hobby breeding of fish and other small animals and friends that were into the same double or nothing also had prominent Ceres.... but there is a dark side that I am still studying. There is something Plutonian about Ceres. Control in the caretaking, control in the selective breeding, the feeding, the nurturing.
From charts I have read and people I have talked to, strong Sun/Ceres or Moon/Ceres can indicate forced pregnancy such as for a man would be his girlfriend going off the pill and not telling him to intentionally get pregnant. It seems the *victim* of the situation has the strong Ceres and often there is something difficult with Venus and/or BML. Just my observations thus far and one I will continue to study.
I think the Virgo sun bit is obvious by now. I have thought about these things a few times. My sun is very unhappy right now tbh. It wants to be in a vocation it can be proud of and be providing well for the kids and all. But I am still in school with a year left. Biology. And here I am soul searching because I am not sure what it is that I would joy to do, that would also make us enough money to live comfortably.
Sun square Neptune - the most exact aspect in my chart. :-\ Who am I? Do you know? I feel like I'm in a Dr. Seuss book and everything is a riddle. I would like to find where the strength in this is.
Moon - 0 Aries, 4th house. Ouch. I think my moon is difficult. It doesn't help that it aspects almost everything in the chart since it is the handle of the bucket. In order for me to feel stable emotionally, I've got to have my other houses in order. And I have been in a sea of emotional turbulence for years. I know how to calm down and meditate, but I mean in general.
Moon quincunx Venus -- it is a very tall order for me to mix the idea of home and romance. A man that might be good for me romantically and as a friend, tends to be no good for living with or not able to tolerate the kids etc. So, it's the idea of the two things not getting one another. My love fulfillment vs my emotional fulfillment. I think I might be getting over a hump here at my age. I hope so. They say you meet the right person when you are living your bliss, well, I'm searching for the path to that bliss and hope to meet him there.
Mars - 8 Leo, 9th house - So I used to be a fundamental religious zealot. -_- Seriously. I'm sorry? I was raised that way. Finally snapped out of it late 20s after some major life trauma. At least I escaped. Not sure where to take him now. That Mars is fiery, but now I've lost my calling, my dream. Not sure about things anymore. In the same house there is Pallas Athene conjunct Regulus. I was in the Navy. Went to military language school, so 9th house stuff there, graduated... then some medical **** happened and honorable discharge, but didn't get to finish my enlistment. That disappointed my sun and my mars.
11th house - what's in yours? Everything. Lol. Just about. Wow. So, I have spent many years trying to understand what the 11th house is about. Like we all know it is supposed to mean organizations and friends. I say it also covers technology and the internet. The monster stellium in there is a force to be reckoned with. Oh my. My letters and words have moved mountains and not always in a good way. I have gotten into a lot of trouble for things I have written, mostly by the instigation of family that don't want me shaming them. There is something about that Mercury in 16 Libra there that dominates, but none of those planets there stand alone.
Every now and then I will write a complaint letter about something. More often than not, I get a lot of attention. Maybe free coupon or apology from upper management. This could be true for everyone, I've just noticed that my writing often tends to have an extreme effect. This could also be due to Uranus on my ascendant which goes for shock value. I feel that the altruistic trait far outshines the desire to shock in my case except as it concerns creative writing or letters to exlovers. ^_^
Speaking of Venus... ouch. Hell hath no fury like my Venus scorned. Ok, she's near the end of my 11th so some would say perhaps 12th house qualities and I am open to opinions. I do think the energy of the stellium pulls even more than Pluto would alone so I tend to consider it a full 11th house Venus. I *have* to be friends with someone to love them... and when it ends, I lose my best friend... which triggers the stellium again, it's like a caged beast and the slightest disturbance can spring open the door. I can't tolerate people that lie. It's like a knife in my back and I just cannot trust anyone unfortunately. I need to figure out how this energy can be channeled to further my 9th and 10th houses instead of just scattered. I strive to find strengths in the weaknesses.
I didn't talk about my North Node in 0 Leo, end of 8th house. Yeah. Like my Sun and Mars and Moon etc it isn't too happy either, but I suppose, like it or not, I am on my way there somehow. Not that I feel all that depressed, energy levels high, I try to stay active, do well in school, take care of kids. I am missing a family, I am missing friends, I am missing love, I am missing a vocation.
Final note on Uranus and the 11th house... in social situations I shine. I become this person of high interest. But sometimes it seems to go wrong. I might take it just a tad too far or feel like I wear out my welcome. A lot of that could be internal. But for first impressions, usually I make good ones. But everyone is an arm's length away or more. I am hard to get to know. I feel I have known many people, but not sure anyone has ever known me. I am sure that is my fault.
I am open to any questions or branches of discussion, of course and thank-you for allowing me to share.