Natal Chart Prediction

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May 16, 2012
Sun, Mercury & Jupiter in Cancer in the 1st house
Moon, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn in the 7th
Mars in Aries in the 10th
Venus in Gemini in 12th
Pluto in Scorpio in 5th
Uranus in Capricorn in the 6th


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ur 7th house doesn't seems good.
from last few months do u feel restrictions in relationship?

and Jupiter is nullifying hundreds of bad affects in ur chart.

Sun conjunct Mercury - Native can be very convincing but try not to be egoistic since the sun means ID and mercury is also ego

Sun conjunct Jupiter - Very lucky person , luck comes from social circles and people love hanging out with you but need to beware vanity and pride

Sun trine Pluto - Is very intuitive and may be very into spirituality as well as being clairvoyant

Moon conjunct Saturn - May over analyse feelings before deciding to express, each emotional cut that is received seems to cut quite deeply

Moon conjunct Uranus - Native is attracted to novelty things including the opposite sex, can be quite moody as well

Moon conjunct Neptune - Intuitive, sensitive, very creative type

Moon sextile Pluto - Positive influence and conducive for emotional growth

Mercury conjunct Jupiter - Many opportunities to develop great philosophical ideas

Mercury trine Pluto - Highly sensitive to that which is not said, sort of having an inbuilt scanner

Jupiter trine Pluto - Can bestow 'luck' if native pursues opportunities for growth, native has tremendous manifestation ability

Saturn conjunct Neptune - Native has dreams and goals that are practical and has many chances to turn dreams into reality

Uranus conjunct Neptune - Native may join secret spiritual / occult groups

Neptune sextile Pluto - Has a tendency towards mysticism and spirituality and is interested in science , the occult and what happens after death


Sun oppose Moon - Native tend to blow hot and cold every other minute

Sun oppose Jupiter - Native expresses lot of enthusiasm and tend to exaggerate successes achieved

Sun oppose Uranus - Problems with authorities, problem with the self, native can be difficult to manage as it is extremely tricky to even understand them

Sun oppose Neptune - Very challenging aspect , may form addictions to escape the challenges

Moon oppose Mercury - Native has trouble expressing feelings, logic capability may be missing

Moon oppose Jupiter - Native has a lot of benevolent feelings that goes either unexpressed or mis expressed since this is an opposition aspect , it may lead to over inflated ego and cause problem in relationships

Mercury square Mars - Thought and deed and speech don seem to match

Mercury oppose Jupiter - Big ideas and big dreams that go nowhere because this aspect don help at all

Mercury oppose Neptune - Sensitive on a mental level and emotional level to others

Mars square Jupiter - May not feel compelled to act, neither felt compelled to support each other and actually went all out to destroy each other

Mars square Saturn - Native struggles between control and action bringing about restless and backed up energy

Jupiter oppose Saturn - Both rulers has responsibility that they were not born into , both may have resentment, both used the same methods for freedom, therefore native with this placement is the same

Jupiter oppose Neptune - Native has difficulty in keeping to promises given
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North Node in House 8 (Scorpio)

You come at life from a "Have, Do, Be" platform. This only results in the postponement of your joy and happiness. Why wait till you “have” (money), before you “do” (whatever) and “be” (happy)? Consider instead, operating from a “Be, Do, Have”

You seem to want to do everything (almost everything) your way, never mind if your way is not the right way. This automatically sets up a “I win / you lose” platform where your behavior incites the other party to be competitive and stubborn, with you.

What works for you, may not work for another person. So don’t force the other party to do things your way, simply because your way worked for you.

Learn to "do unto others what you want others to do unto you"– being kinder, more sensitive, and less driven.

South Node in House 2 (Taurus)

Area affected : Throat vocal chords, laryngitis

Solution to south node in house 2 : Release resentment
I won't give too much of my views here.

But regarding to love life, I would like to suggest you to read more about your Venus in Gemini, in 12th house and to understand Retrograde (Rx) planets:

(1) Pluto Rx in the 5th house of Romance/children/hobbies

(2) Saturn Rx in the 7th house, house of partnership/open enemies

(3) Neptune Rx in the 7th house

(4) Uranus Rx in 6th house but conjunct DC has power over 7th house

(5) Part of Fortune (POF), your fulfillment in life also in your 7th house

(6) But the opposition of POF is where the "Bad" things are which is your 1st house

(7) Jupiter is a planet of expansion and good fortunes in 1st house, opposite to all your 7th house's planets.

(8) Your 1st and 7th houses' planets have quite a few square Mars in 10th, (1st, 4th, 7th & 10th are angular houses planets in these houses have Great Power in both good and bad ways)

(9) North node/Rahu, your greatest goal, desire, the path of this life, in 8th house, find out the meaning of the 8th house, the opposite South Node in your 2nd house

(10) Pluto in his own sign Scorpio is the planet of Extreme, the Lord of Sex, transformation, death, to destroy the old for all news, in the house of Romance and children etc. Pluto is the natural ruler of the 8th the house of Sex, intimate physical relationship, occult, death etc. 7th is the house of legal commitment kind of relationship.

Have a think about what I listed above and read about them:smile:
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My relationships suck. I've always have good friends though they keep changing all the time.
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@ Poyi : Thats so sweet of you, sorry for not mentioning it before but I have been through each of these aspects previously, all of them in detail that too but I came across rather intense and importantly, conflicting interpretations. I dont know how to put these together.. I still dont know why I have to deal with so many things in life. And if at all, things will get better for me. However, I love how you've put it all together for me; appreciate it a lot. Thank you so much :)
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My relationships suck. ALL the time, for ALL the reasons in the world. Its not like its just me, or its them, its always something new. I had a bad childhood and i suffer from various forms and degrees of depression and on a very deep level, feel rather misunderstood. I've always have good friends though they keep changing all the time.

I think Ascendant and 1st house represent "Self" and "the Self" we believed that we are not necessarily "the True Self". The 7th house is like a mirror or the projection of "the Self" in the 1st house. Not too sure about this. But you can investigate. Because personally I don't have any planet in the 7th house. I don't have a good understanding. But the ruler of the 7th in the 4th house which is my part of my deep unconsciousness anyway so that is part of my True Self.

Again, I encourage you to investigate more because it will help you to work all these struggles and frustrations out.

At time, each of us needs to walk the road of understanding "Alone". Spend some time to reflect the past, current and ask you what you want for the future and who you really are, to see if you can find out the links of the Beginning, the End also the in Between. When you have opposition aspects, you need to find your own balance points between the oppositions. Need a lot of hard work but it will come to you in time. Research on this forum, many people have the same struggles regarding to these difficult aspects. Read other people's experiences and apply to yourself. By looking at other people's experiences you can gain more objective understandings.

All the best

Po yi
@ Stephen : Thanks for the fabulously correct interpretations, some of them are accurate to the word. However, I think my north node is Aquarius. Though I enjoyed that philosophical bit well , shall consider it in any case :)
@ Poyi : Thats so sweet of you, sorry for not mentioning it before but I have been through each of these aspects previously, all of them in detail that too but I came across rather intense and importantly, conflicting interpretations. I dont know how to put these together.. I still dont know why I have to deal with so many things in life. And if at all, things will get better for me. However, I love how you've put it all together for me; appreciate it a lot. Thank you so much :)

You chart is not easy to interpret in details. The opposition aspects are so dominant in your 1st and 7th house, you have major challenges regarding to relationships, the committing type particularly and all these challenges will have direct profound impact on your Ego, the Sun also represents Day light, Conscious Mind, Vitality, father, the men in your life in a chart. Jupiter in a chart, represents Joviality so it will hard to be happy at time. Your Chiron, the wound and the wound healer also in 1st house, but also suffer direct challenges from the 7th house.

Moon in a chart, represents Light of the night, the private, resting self, your emotion, the past, mother, woman in your life, your unconscious mind/respond to the outer world. Moon reflects the light for the Sun, but they are not in peace here. Moon is the Soul, and Sun is the Ego also representing the Spirit. When the Soul and Spirit is having arguments, how can one have peace?

Part of Fortune the circle with a cross in the inside in 7th house, is your fulfillment of this lifetime; but the opposite is the house of misfortune, so in order to seek for this fulfillment, that is a suggestion of the lost of Self, 1st house with the wound Chiron. Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Chiron formed a T-square, great tension, but if you overcome this, you will be successful, a lot of successful people have T-square in their chart, but life at time very uneasy at first. And you Pluto Rx in 5th house also, romantic life is not very positive....

But you have Venus in 12th house, if you overcome all these you will be able to experience and become a person who is able to love unconditionally. That is the positive side of Venus in 12th house when you know how to direct the energy.

You will be alright. Remember to reflect and look inside first before we go into another relationship. Relationship perhaps is not the first thing to pay attention to right now.

Your chart is not easy to read, sorry can't help you much...

Good luck

Po yi
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