Yes, perfect. This tells me a lot more.
You have a wide "bucket" configuration, in which all of the planets are on one side of the chart, and a lone point on the opposite side. I say "wide" because Mars and Jupiter are pushing the boundaries there, but I still think it is intact. Chiron is the lone opposite point, and in your 7th house. It is also in a strong opposition to Saturn and opposite Uranus, as well.
Your ascendant/descendant are also in very late degrees (29 degrees +). I consider such late degrees on a house cusp, especially angles, as chaotic, but important. Things change with you and often, especially with Uranus in the 1st.
With the bucket configuration and Chiron in the 7th opposite Saturn, you have a lot of deep hurts when it comes to close, interpersonal relationships. They are a continual source of frustration. You have a lot of energy in the "you" side of the chart, with all the planets clustered together. All this energy is focused, like a magnifying glass, into the "handle" planet of the bucket, which is Chiron. This results you collecting and harboring these hurts and magnifying them. Chiron is also in Gemini, so you tend to over analyze these hurts on a mental, logical level, which is not good because these are emotional and spiritual hurts, not mental ones.
The ruler of the 7th house is Mercury, which is conjunct Neptune in the 2nd. You spin all sorts of theories and fantasies about why this problem exists. Mercury is in Capricorn, so you try to come up with concrete solutions to the problem, and attempt to implement them with your 1st house Saturn - the 1st house is the ego, and the ego projects this energy back to the 7th house, and you get hurt again.
Uranus is nearby to Saturn and also opposite Chiron, so this process can be rapid and sometimes overwhelming to your intended target of your affections. Saturn is also square your midheaven, so you do affect your work life and career while consumed with this problem. Uranus is square Mars in the 4th so you may lash out at family members or others in the home and your home life. It's a vicious circle that goes round and round.
So here is where the solution comes in. Your vertex is in the 8th. This life for you is about transformation of the self and your beliefs and values. You think these things "happen to you", but they don't. They are created by you. Not on purpose of course, but still just the same. Pluto is trine the vertex in the 11th, so you have a clear path to achieve the transformation, and places like this (the forum) are important. Pluto is conjunct Pallas, so your higher self (and the Universe) will provide you the tools you need to achieve this transformation, but you have to open up to this realm first.
Mercury and Neptune are also sextile Pluto. Instead of over-analyzing what went wrong and trying to effect physical changes on your targets (other people), you need to direct this logical analysis instead to within yourself and your higher self. The conjunction of Mercury and Neptune can make you VERY psychic and allow you easy ability to tap into the Universal consciousness. Jupiter is trine Pluto and will give you the ability to research and find answers and accept new concepts.
Vesta is square your mercury and Neptune - you need to TRUST and have FAITH in what you find in your transformation. Right now you have no faith. This entire problem is based on your perceptions of reality and your belief system, and your perceptions and beliefs need to transform to the next level. Your relationship struggles are trying to direct your attention to this, but you keep focusing on the problem's results rather than the source of the problem. This is like your car won't start one morning, and you crank and crank the engine until the battery is dead, then spend all day fussing because your car won't start because the battery is dead. The problem is that you were out of gas.
The node is in the 5th house. Your focus here is to expend energy in creative pursuits, including romance, as it will provide you with the energy you need to tackle your problems. It is square the vertex however, so you may feel an obstacle to creative pursuits and romance because, well that's the reason you came here in the first place, right? This frustration is directed right back to the vertex, and then back to Pluto, where again you must transform FIRST. You need gas in the car FIRST - replacing the battery fixes your second problem, but it doesn't address the original problem.
Venus is in the 12th, indicating that your values are shrouded in mystery. What do you believe? What do you value? Since Venus is in Scorpio, what you deeply value and believe will be shaped by the transformations induced by the Pluto nearby in Scorpio. Venus is trine Mars, so the sexual urge is there, but Mars is square Chiron, which has been deeply hurt. Thus the hurts affect the sex life, and with Venus square the Moon, affect the emotions, and so on the merry go round goes. Transform the Venus, and all these changes will flow from one planet to the next in the exact same way the frustrations have flowed from one planet to the next. This is your life lesson.