Natal Question About Love/Romance

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Jul 21, 2009
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hi everyone,

I'm kind of new to astrology, but I'd be really grateful if some of you could share your thoughts on my natal chart as relating to love/romance.

So far (I'm 26 yrs) 'love' has been mainly a source of frustration, disappointmens, even lost apartments and jobs to me. Though I'm afraid I'll no doubt fall in love again at some point, it seems life has forced me right now to step back and try to make sense of it all, and I'm trying see if there's some pattern or lessons to be learned in this area.

Frankly though, I don't see any yet (which is one reason to pick up astrology), so it'd be great of someone could share their thoughts on my chart.



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As per your chart lay-out it does appear that you are meant to to step back and try to make sense of it all, especially now as Saturn prepares to transit your 12th H. Note how the planets are all largely contained within a small area of the chart; typically this can depict individuals who are less reliant on others through social and intimate relationships to define their reality and shape their destiny. It has been said that this eastern emphasis points to individuals who are '[FONT=Book Antiqua, serif] self-defining, with an orientation and perspective that is typically and fundamentally subjective'.[/FONT]Venus in the 12th suggests a more limited romantic social life as well; when it comes down to it you are by nature more oriented towards self-fulfillment and validation, and much more introspective than some others. The emphasis on the energies of water and earth suggests greater introversion, completing the profile. With the bulk of your first house under the influence of Sagittarius, you are more of an adventurer and explorer of things; Neptune in Capricorn – not wanting to be tied down in life. Gemini dominating your 7th also relates to being more of a thinker, rather than a socializer; one who is interested in versatility and the exercising of the mind. The 7th H ruler being in the 2nd H shows the potential for financial interferences; Venus/Moon can also be indicative of difficulties with the opposite sex. With no specific input in terms of the Libra influence, [and with Venus in the 12thH] the concept of marriage is perhaps less prominent on your radar; Mars in Pisces tends to be more receptive and passive by nature. Mars/Uranus-restlessness, instability and the urging for freedom [autonomy]. Overall there are in fact many things pointing to a different kind of life style for you, apart from the traditional love, marriage, children routine. Then there is the nodal axis, between Aries and Libra, showing a potential differentiation between self and others; Aries invokes the need for greater independence in life as well. Just my take on things...
Thanks a lot! Lots of things to think about there. There's a few I had considered before, but also quite a bit that's new to me as well. I also thought though, that a Scorpio Venus/Ascendant would attach great importance to meaningful relations right? But I can see how, given the other influences, these may not follow the beaten path. Good, this gives me a new perspective.
[FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]One more point about the ASC being on the cusp between Scorpio and Sagittarius; The Scorpio influence sets the background regarding how you learn to defend yourself in life, however Sagittarius is the type of personality that you will create in terms of expressing yourself externally...Venus in the 12th keeps your affections and expectations in life pretty much behind closed doors for the most part. It's aspects to both Mars and the Moon play a considerable role in your relationship chemistry, as well...[/FONT]

Ah yes, thanks, might look into that as well. I hadn't thought of the influence of sagittarius there, to be honest, but now that you mention it, it does make sense. Guess that goes show my conscious identification is more with the Scorpio part.

Also, I just noticed, there's Venus on the cusp of the 7th house as well, and chiron in the 7th. Might come into play too.
Hi everyone,

I'm kind of new to astrology, but I'd be really grateful if some of you could share your thoughts on my natal chart as relating to love/romance.

So far (I'm 26 yrs) 'love' has been mainly a source of frustration, disappointmens, even lost apartments and jobs to me. Though I'm afraid I'll no doubt fall in love again at some point, it seems life has forced me right now to step back and try to make sense of it all, and I'm trying see if there's some pattern or lessons to be learned in this area.

Frankly though, I don't see any yet (which is one reason to pick up astrology), so it'd be great of someone could share their thoughts on my chart.


A few extra points on the chart would be helpful - the vertex, the four main asteroids, and aspect lines to all. Also use the true node, not the mean node. I kind of disagree with what I've already seen posted on here but I need a little more information.
Yes, perfect. This tells me a lot more.

You have a wide "bucket" configuration, in which all of the planets are on one side of the chart, and a lone point on the opposite side. I say "wide" because Mars and Jupiter are pushing the boundaries there, but I still think it is intact. Chiron is the lone opposite point, and in your 7th house. It is also in a strong opposition to Saturn and opposite Uranus, as well.

Your ascendant/descendant are also in very late degrees (29 degrees +). I consider such late degrees on a house cusp, especially angles, as chaotic, but important. Things change with you and often, especially with Uranus in the 1st.

With the bucket configuration and Chiron in the 7th opposite Saturn, you have a lot of deep hurts when it comes to close, interpersonal relationships. They are a continual source of frustration. You have a lot of energy in the "you" side of the chart, with all the planets clustered together. All this energy is focused, like a magnifying glass, into the "handle" planet of the bucket, which is Chiron. This results you collecting and harboring these hurts and magnifying them. Chiron is also in Gemini, so you tend to over analyze these hurts on a mental, logical level, which is not good because these are emotional and spiritual hurts, not mental ones.

The ruler of the 7th house is Mercury, which is conjunct Neptune in the 2nd. You spin all sorts of theories and fantasies about why this problem exists. Mercury is in Capricorn, so you try to come up with concrete solutions to the problem, and attempt to implement them with your 1st house Saturn - the 1st house is the ego, and the ego projects this energy back to the 7th house, and you get hurt again.

Uranus is nearby to Saturn and also opposite Chiron, so this process can be rapid and sometimes overwhelming to your intended target of your affections. Saturn is also square your midheaven, so you do affect your work life and career while consumed with this problem. Uranus is square Mars in the 4th so you may lash out at family members or others in the home and your home life. It's a vicious circle that goes round and round.

So here is where the solution comes in. Your vertex is in the 8th. This life for you is about transformation of the self and your beliefs and values. You think these things "happen to you", but they don't. They are created by you. Not on purpose of course, but still just the same. Pluto is trine the vertex in the 11th, so you have a clear path to achieve the transformation, and places like this (the forum) are important. Pluto is conjunct Pallas, so your higher self (and the Universe) will provide you the tools you need to achieve this transformation, but you have to open up to this realm first.

Mercury and Neptune are also sextile Pluto. Instead of over-analyzing what went wrong and trying to effect physical changes on your targets (other people), you need to direct this logical analysis instead to within yourself and your higher self. The conjunction of Mercury and Neptune can make you VERY psychic and allow you easy ability to tap into the Universal consciousness. Jupiter is trine Pluto and will give you the ability to research and find answers and accept new concepts.

Vesta is square your mercury and Neptune - you need to TRUST and have FAITH in what you find in your transformation. Right now you have no faith. This entire problem is based on your perceptions of reality and your belief system, and your perceptions and beliefs need to transform to the next level. Your relationship struggles are trying to direct your attention to this, but you keep focusing on the problem's results rather than the source of the problem. This is like your car won't start one morning, and you crank and crank the engine until the battery is dead, then spend all day fussing because your car won't start because the battery is dead. The problem is that you were out of gas.

The node is in the 5th house. Your focus here is to expend energy in creative pursuits, including romance, as it will provide you with the energy you need to tackle your problems. It is square the vertex however, so you may feel an obstacle to creative pursuits and romance because, well that's the reason you came here in the first place, right? This frustration is directed right back to the vertex, and then back to Pluto, where again you must transform FIRST. You need gas in the car FIRST - replacing the battery fixes your second problem, but it doesn't address the original problem.

Venus is in the 12th, indicating that your values are shrouded in mystery. What do you believe? What do you value? Since Venus is in Scorpio, what you deeply value and believe will be shaped by the transformations induced by the Pluto nearby in Scorpio. Venus is trine Mars, so the sexual urge is there, but Mars is square Chiron, which has been deeply hurt. Thus the hurts affect the sex life, and with Venus square the Moon, affect the emotions, and so on the merry go round goes. Transform the Venus, and all these changes will flow from one planet to the next in the exact same way the frustrations have flowed from one planet to the next. This is your life lesson.
First of all, know that I'm really, truly grateful for your extended, clear and in-depth interpretation. I've read it twice now, and there is a lot to take in, but mostly I'm still grateful that someone has actually taken the time and effort to do this.

Most, if not all, of your words strike home with me. I'm understanding the bucket shape a lot better now, and see how my inner energies somehow began to be blocked when they flowed into the chiron at the other end. Also, your words about 'over-analyzing' hurts that are essentially of an emotional/spiritual nature, have made me aware that this is exactly what I'm doing all the time, and what leads me to a circular path which does not help.

Well, I could go on, but I feel that quite a lot of things that I was only semi-conscious of are a lot clearer before my mind's eye now, after reading your words. I'm still thinking about the kind of transformation required by this Pluto in the 11th house.

Thanks again.
You're welcome. The transformation required is within you; the Pluto in the 11th house just shows that friends, groups and organizations will be instrumental in helping you. Astrology and places like this forum fit into that house.
Yes, I see. I've just been very abruptly thrown out of a large (professional) organization (Google in fact), but I think now that 11th house situations of a quite different kind may be more helpful to me.
Ironic to separate from a job involving "electronics" when T Uran becomes 90 to your Sun (indicating a stingy change of circumstances probably propelling you towards more freedom).

Of course, when T Uran comes into aspect with your Sun, it is more comprehensively aspecting the configs in which your Sun may participate,

such as the lopsided "red/afflicted" trapezoid among Ven, your Sun, Moon and Jup (makes me wonder whether you reluctantly fell into a situation mixing business with pleasure); to get into this trapezoid, see how the Sun midpoint/apexes your Moon oppo Ven and then add in the 16th harmonic aspects to Jup to taste). You can check the ephemeris about the timing when T Uran starts/stops stingily buzzing that entire trapezoid.

But your Ven has lots of good aspects also (including your chart's tightest, the 14 min trine to Mars with a 40-80 triangulation by Nept). So there's plenty of upside.

More thought can be devoted to issues you raise, though it would be helpful to first see your reactions to what you can read on the net about these aspects.
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The square between your Moon and Venus is pretty tight.

Because these people value harmony, they may find themselves giving in to others too easily, especially in the first half of life. Resentment is possible, as they feel that they are the ones who seem to do all the acquiescing. There can be a distinct tendency to become friends (and lovers) with people too readily, simply because there is a strong need for approval and a hunger for receiving affection. As such, these people may get involved with people who seem to really like them, and they don't consider whether they actually like them back! It's somewhat of a weakness, as these people are very charmed by the idea that someone seems to really like them and appreciate them. Generally, one of life's lessons for these people is to learn to discriminate more and to get in touch with what they truly want and need...

I have the opposition in my chart. Learn to discriminate is the key here.

Chiron in the 7th is a wounding relationship-wise. Once you learn the lesson, you can use it to heal.
Ironic to separate from a job involving "electronics" when T Uran becomes 90 to your Sun (indicating a stingy change of circumstances probably propelling you towards more freedom).

Yes I see that too now. And in the week I was 'dishonorably discharged', I received an offer from another IT company from the US, Apple. Seems the (Uranian) times are pushing me in a direction that is not quite in line with my Capricorn Sun (which is also under influence of Pluto right now).

I'm not sure what trapezoid you mean I'm afraid... but it was an unexpected opportunity that was financially rather appealing, but then unfortunately I got romantically attracted to my direct co-worker, which caused me a great deal of problems - if that's what you mean by 'mixing business with pleasure'...

Anyway, thanks for the comments. I've seen the Venus-Mars trine, which is probably important as well, though (perhaps in light of the 'hidden' houses and both in a rel. 'weak' sign), it has not been expressed very strongly so far.
[FONT=&#44404]Congrats on the quick job recovery (speaks wonders for your Merc 72 Jup) and, yes, your additionally provided facts illustrate what my earlier post meant about mixing business and pleasure.[/FONT]

[FONT=&#44404]You might not have focused on your "red" trapezoid among Jup, the luminaries and Ven if you don't have your own astrology program at home but you could draw it out by hand on paper (i.e., Ven-Jup base, not parallel to your Sun 45 Moon, with the ends sewn up and the single Ven crossbrace to your Moon; the lopsided-ness of the config causes there to be only one crossbrace instead of two). After drawing it out, you could start to get a feel for the meaning of a "red" config in which Jup runs amock with the luminaries and your Ven by reading on the net about each aspectual component (as if each were a square and then dial down the negativity described).[/FONT]

[FONT=&#44404]Bottom line, ill social consequences can pop up from expression of your natural romantic impulses and so it may be better to minimize their expression in environments which could easily lead to social back-firing.[/FONT]