Neptune in 1st house

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Dec 25, 2008

I am curious to read your opinion about Neptune in 1st house.
I have it in my chart but I don't "feel" it completely or maybe I don't realize it's influence. Except the fact that I am quite idealistic and dreamy, I don't see how it may influence me.

Btw... I also have Moon conjunct Neptune rx in 1st house. I love to help others and I often tend to ignore my needs so I can dedicate more time to them. But I think this comes more from my Moon - Neptune conjunction and not so much from my Neptune in 1st house.

I admit that sometimes I'm egocentric ( Sun in Leo, Ascendant in Sagittarius and Moon in Capricorn) but, as I said... I love to help people and dedicate myself to them.

So, if you have Neptune in 1st house... how do you 'feel' it's influence?

Thank you!
Neptune is one of the planets that doesn't stand out much under positive manifestation, in the sense that it is quiet by nature. My natal Neptune is conjunct the SgrA* (galactic centre) with <0.1° variation. The best way I have of interpreting the influence of Neptune is through the keyword given by Edgar Cayce. He called Neptune "the Mystic."

Neptune's influences will instill in an individual the fascination with "mysteries of the Universe." In early life, the individual will tend to isolate themselves (mentally, but also physically when possible) so that they can devote time and energy to uncovering the mysteries of the ages. Under negative manifestation, there will be much exploration of every nook and cranky, dark or light, and the individual will be consumed with the quest for knowledge. Under positive manifestation, there will be a call to peace and quiet, leading the individual to seek Truth within themselves. Generally speaking, concerning all signs, the negative manifestation comes early in life and the positive manifestation comes later in life.
Thank you for your answer!
Interestind way of seeing Neptune in 1st house.

Yes, I used to isolate myself from others and I used to enjoy solitude... until recently. Now I'm learning what it really means to communicate, socialize and express my emotions to others. I think my Moon in Capricorn had a lot to do with my lack of emotional manifestation ...

Oh, and I've always been interested in " mysteries of the Universe" - It's impossible not to be... I mean, beside my Moon conjunct Neptune in 1st house I have South Node and Saturn in Scorpio, Sun + Mars in 8 house, Sun + Mars square Pluto, Moon sextile Pluto. :)
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one way neptune in first can manifest is through a confusion or ease with identity. there can be a lot of identity changes, going with the flow to appease others and fit into a group. there can also be deception with identity, as in wanting to express yourself as different from who you truly are, or not showing yourself fully. There is a very receptive quality about neptune, that wants to soak in the energy of others without diffusing what is of importance on an individual level. so having this in the first house can represent empathy towards others and "soaking up" others way of being.

having neptune conj. moon in first can be extended as saying empathetic and sensitive to emotions and needs of others. wanting to nurture and protect those around you, and actually feeling their emotions as if they are your own.

another ramification of neptune in first is one who is often perceived as stuck in their own world. as in, daydreaming and cut off. but what i've noticed, is though these individuals are shy and often yes in their own little head, they are very observant of what is going on around them. they like to watch, again, being receptive before making themselves known.

on the more positive side, neptune in first can represent an artistic and creative expression/demeanor, and a healing presence. subtle and caring about what is going on around them.

one of the higher goals of neptune is to experience things through the knowing that one is all. To gravitate from physical experience to spiritual openness. this is a spiritual awareness that understands pain, joy, and all other emotions of others and can convert them into a higher energy of peaceful being. developing a spiritual awareness and identity will help shed some of the more negative qualities of neptune (the martyr, deceiver, confusion, etc) and bring out evolvement of neptune in first- which is to have a healing presence, (which includes healing yourself) speak with empathy and honesty, inspire through art, creativity, and treating others as equals, and to use your own self-involvement to work towards the good of a group, or something higher than one selves.
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I guess you can't feel Neptune by itself as part of you because it conjunct your Moon...I have conjunction between Moon and Pluto...and I can say that can't separate and recognize alone the Moon and Pluto ....they combine their energies and it is hard to feel them is like that ...
the Moon is our deep instinctive and unaware answer to different external influences and because of this it is hard to realize and look at your first reactions clearly and detached .....and the conjunction with Neptune makes things even worse because it adds blur and confusion....
I hope you get my is just question of self awareness....every person has the power to change her/his self and make things better...
Phoenix Venus,

Thanx for your answer! I enjoyed reading it.

Regarding what you wrote, here are the things that resonate with me:

- empathy towards others
- sensitive to emotions and needs of others; wanting to nurture and protect those around me (but not necessarily feeling their emotions as if they were mine.. maybe, just understanding their emotionas and keeping my emotions as well)
- yes, I am stuck in my own world, daydreaming ( a lot!)
- you are so right about this! I quote you:
what i've noticed, is though these individuals are shy and often yes in their own little head, they are very observant of what is going on around them. they like to watch
I like to observe, a lot! I'm like a spectator to everything that happends to me; instead of beeing active I'm passive and observant.
- ( I think) I'm creative and artistic - I've studied music for a couple of years and when I was younger I wanted to become a designer or a painter.
- I have an affinity with everything that's spiritual.
- regarding the healing part, I've recently discovered that if I concentrate enough, when my body is sore, I can make the pain go away! I don't know if I can eliminate the real problem but, at least, I'm not suffering anymore.

Yesterday I've noticed something and I thing that Neptune in 1st house has a lot to do with this - I have a difficulty in having the clothing style I want to have and having an appearance that I want to have. It's not like I don't know what I want to look like, but I find it difficult to express my style and my personality in a concrete way. So.. it's not about beeing confused about my identity and my personality or style... it's, just, difficult for me to bring that image I have in my mind (about myself)to a concrete level! ( interesting, isn't it?)
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Yes, you are right. It's true. Beeing conjunct with my Moon it makes it even more difficult to understand. But I am a stubborn person :D and when I want to understant something I do my best... I hope it works this time, as well :))

I guess you can't feel Neptune by itself as part of you because it conjunct your Moon...I have conjunction between Moon and Pluto...and I can say that can't separate and recognize alone the Moon and Pluto ....they combine their energies and it is hard to feel them is like that ...
the Moon is our deep instinctive and unaware answer to different external influences and because of this it is hard to realize and look at your first reactions clearly and detached .....and the conjunction with Neptune makes things even worse because it adds blur and confusion....
I hope you get my is just question of self awareness....every person has the power to change her/his self and make things better...
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I have Neptune in my 1st House too! It is in Scorpio and it is conjunct to my Ascendent. When you have a conjunct to your ascendant, it can effect your facial features. For me I noticed it give my intense Scorpio Rising eyes a slightly dreamy look so they look softer. It still doesn't keep my Scorpio Rising from scareing people away though! hehe!

Your description sounds familiar. It would be interesting to see your chart with your all your aspects. I have several aspects to my Neptune and what I usually read about Neptune in 1st is that they are sensitive, intuitive, imaginative, come off as mysterious to others (esp. for me with a Scorpio Rising!), a strong sixth sense or psychic. And I definatley feel it - I don't necessary like all of it, all of the time - I do like the sixth sense thing - I know I have that. I can often guess what people are going to say or do esp. when I am standing right in front of them. I like that - it is sort of cool. :)

I also have Moon conjunct to my Neptune and my Moon is in my First House - so my feeling and emotions are very visible because of Moon in 1st, more sensitivity, and combined with Neptune in the first - I guess I am very visibly, emotional but compassionate to others.

I am like the Moon conjunct Neptune descriptions that I read and not only do I feel it but I am sure others see it. I like the Moon conjunct Neptune because I think it shows a good person. Kind, sympathetic, compassionate, devoted, understanding. Yes, always helping others. I also have my sun in Virgo that is always wanting to help others (even if they don't appreciate it!) so that comes from there too. I think that goes well with the Moon Conjunct Neptune.

Moon Conjunct Nepturne people are supposed to really love music for an uplifting and healing aspect to it. I am like that - definatley can change my mood and be healing to me, never fails. Like it is part of my soul. Do you find you are like that?

My other positive major aspects to my Neptune in One are Sun Sextile to my Neptune which is supposed to be another aspect that is dreamy, emotional, sensitive etc. :)

I guess I like my Neptune in 1st, I have mostly good aspects to it (one square to Venus) - although I think it makes me too sensitive sometimes. Good thing I have a Virgo Sun that is a bit more steely backbone and some Fire in there for my Mars. Otherwise I might be too sensitive all the time! :)


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Thank you for your answer!
Interestind way of seeing Neptune in 1st house.

Yes, I used to isolate myself from others and I used to enjoy solitude... until recently. Now I'm learning what it really means to communicate, socialize and express my emotions to others. I think my Moon in Capricorn had a lot to do with my lack of emotional manifestation ...

Oh, and I've always been interested in " mysteries of the Universe" - It's impossible not to be... I mean, beside my Moon conjunct Neptune in 1st house I have South Node and Saturn in Scorpio, Sun + Mars in 8 house, Sun + Mars square Pluto, Moon sextile Pluto. :)

Neptune conjunct Moon in the 1st is a psychic combination and often you would see fairies and other spirits as a child. You can have a round pale look and sometimes problems with feet. You can feel that you want to be invisible or that you is a sensitive and rather shy placement
especially with Pluto you would be a deep feeling person and interested in the esoteric and secret.

A day dreamer and a strong imagination.
Neptune conjunct Moon in the 1st is a psychic combination and often you would see fairies and other spirits as a child. You can have a round pale look and sometimes problems with feet. You can feel that you want to be invisible or that you is a sensitive and rather shy placement
especially with Pluto you would be a deep feeling person and interested in the esoteric and secret.

A day dreamer and a strong imagination.

Good description Claire!

I have a round pale face - although I never saw any fairies or other worldly spirits as a kid - even though I wanted too (maybe I did and didn't know what I was seeing).

Yes, I feel invisible! Is that true that people do not notice or see people with Neptune in 1st? I often feel I am invisible and people don't see me. I thought it was my Scorpio Rising making them stand away. Funny because people tell me I am unique looking so I think I would hardly blend into a crowd and I think people notice me when I walk into a room. But is that we Neptune in 1st feel invisible or do people see us as invisible? Just wondering if there is something about us that falls under peoples radar somehow.
I have Neptune in the 1st... and I think it definitely adds a strong intuitive right-brain quality to the personality. I've been having it transiting opposite my natal Sun in Leo (25 degrees)for few years now and I think I'm identifying a lot more with it now that I did when I was younger. I don't really have any particularly strong aspects to it (except Pluto of course) so it just kind of runs rampant... my imagination runs away with me completely to the point where I feel like I never achieve anything...
Hi Queenfluff,

Here is my chart.
Regarding what you've said about music. I adore music. I don't have addictions like smoking or things like that.. but music is definitely my addiction. :) I listen to music every day :D

I have a question. Have you ever felt like you have a lack of appreciation for you? I don't know why but I have a feeling that Neptune in first house may "act" like this. I think that feeling invisible has something to do with not being able to appreciate ourselves properly.


I have Neptune in my 1st House too! It is in Scorpio and it is conjunct to my Ascendent. When you have a conjunct to your ascendant, it can effect your facial features. For me I noticed it give my intense Scorpio Rising eyes a slightly dreamy look so they look softer. It still doesn't keep my Scorpio Rising from scareing people away though! hehe!

Your description sounds familiar. It would be interesting to see your chart with your all your aspects. I have several aspects to my Neptune and what I usually read about Neptune in 1st is that they are sensitive, intuitive, imaginative, come off as mysterious to others (esp. for me with a Scorpio Rising!), a strong sixth sense or psychic. And I definatley feel it - I don't necessary like all of it, all of the time - I do like the sixth sense thing - I know I have that. I can often guess what people are going to say or do esp. when I am standing right in front of them. I like that - it is sort of cool. :)

I also have Moon conjunct to my Neptune and my Moon is in my First House - so my feeling and emotions are very visible because of Moon in 1st, more sensitivity, and combined with Neptune in the first - I guess I am very visibly, emotional but compassionate to others.

I am like the Moon conjunct Neptune descriptions that I read and not only do I feel it but I am sure others see it. I like the Moon conjunct Neptune because I think it shows a good person. Kind, sympathetic, compassionate, devoted, understanding. Yes, always helping others. I also have my sun in Virgo that is always wanting to help others (even if they don't appreciate it!) so that comes from there too. I think that goes well with the Moon Conjunct Neptune.

Moon Conjunct Nepturne people are supposed to really love music for an uplifting and healing aspect to it. I am like that - definatley can change my mood and be healing to me, never fails. Like it is part of my soul. Do you find you are like that?

My other positive major aspects to my Neptune in One are Sun Sextile to my Neptune which is supposed to be another aspect that is dreamy, emotional, sensitive etc. :)

I guess I like my Neptune in 1st, I have mostly good aspects to it (one square to Venus) - although I think it makes me too sensitive sometimes. Good thing I have a Virgo Sun that is a bit more steely backbone and some Fire in there for my Mars. Otherwise I might be too sensitive all the time! :)


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I have neptune in first house at 27 degrees scorpio. I also have the 'scarey' scorpio rising(which to be honest I like - keeps people away from me)

my primary school report - daydreamer! always floating off somewhere. however I was always very receptive to others pain/suffering. found many gatherings overwhelming when I was young and was shy. and cos no one I knew did astrology - I was clueless as to why and I think lacked direction and guidance. it was quite tough at times.

Im not psychic as I dont have the moon. neptune does link into a grand trine of water/saturn/jupiter. Im super sensitive and that is not something easy to handle especially when young.

Ive learnt to adapt and as Ive done more inner work ie meditation(my neptune loves that) and healing and other studies - colour therapy.

I have found it has come into its own and I can now view it as a strength. it is not a strength as it agressive outgoing. it is not quite tangible and a bit elusive but i know its there. So even though I am scarey scorpio rising people confide in me and I now know who I can help and who will bleed me dry. that has been hard - ive had to learn lessons there.

I just have to stick to the rules and practice (saturn in grand trine) and things work out well. however I sometimes dont practice as much as I should.........

I would say I have to work hard at being grounded.
I have Neptune in the 1st trining Mercury, Venus and Saturn. It does square Mars and opposes my Moon. It's a heavily aspected planet, and it has manifested in my life I suppose by best describing it as being able to size one up fairly quickly and has given me pretty good intuition on things. I suppose though that it has given me the ability to be a social chameleon and to pick up on people's feelings and thoughts quite well.
Greetings, fellow first house Neptunians!

Neptune in the first can make you a real shape-shifter. Neptune has a tendency to dissolve or erase what it touches, so in the first house, one's outer personality gets affected. Sometimes we try too hard to please people because we are so sensitized with this placement to what they want or expect from us.

Elina, your Neptune is pretty well aspected, so you can come across as very glamourous if you choose to do so (esapecially given your Leo nature); or very invisible if you wish to do that. With Uranus so close to your ascendant, you probably strike others as being unusual: if not in your appearance, at least in how you relate outwardly to other people.

One of the most famous women with Neptune in the first house was the actress Marilyn Monroe. If you can get hold of some of her old films as DVDs or on-line, you will get the picture!
I don't have Neptune in the first house, but Venus conjunct the ascendant, sextiling Neptune, while Moon opposes Nep' and trines the ascendant. So there's a significant connection; as some people alluded I think Neptune gives an unusual look--though not always, I know a first house Neptune and there was nothing particularly unusual about his looks. I do think this placement could also confer to a fairer complexion, I'd like to get some feedback on that.

I think the problem with the "fairer complexion" part is that it is really based on genetics. My whole family has a fair complexion, regardless of our Neptune placements. It comes from DNA of northern Europe.
Neptune in the first can make you a real shape-shifter. Neptune has a tendency to dissolve or erase what it touches, so in the first house, one's outer personality gets affected. Sometimes we try too hard to please people because we are so sensitized with this placement to what they want or expect from us.
That is so true! I feel that.

Ok, here is a picture of someone who has Neptune conjunct Moon in first house + Uranus :D ... so you can have an idea. The picture is a little bit unclear, but.. hey... it's Neptune we're talking about :)
I think the problem with the "fairer complexion" part is that it is really based on genetics. My whole family has a fair complexion, regardless of our Neptune placements. It comes from DNA of northern Europe.

You shouldn't take what I mean to say, that all fair people would have Neptune. The person I know (1H Nep) is abnormally pale and comes from a mixed background. Maybe I should clarify that I mean "fairer than the norm", not to mean only pale-white skin but for example a person in a hispanic family coming out with lighter skin than their siblings. Also adding to say that Neptune could be a source of that peculiarity ..

R.a... :smile: