Neptune in 1st house

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I have Neptune in the 7th square my Leo stellium. It's the bane of my chart. Over this past year, with tr-Neptune opposing my Leo stellium, I've become much more aware of its work.

The main thing I've come to realise is that it reflects what other people want to see. It doesn't want to offend, it's a real people pleasing aspect. For example, it wouldn't be forthcoming and say "I like astrology" it'll wait until it hears the other person say that they do, and then want to talk about it. If it were to risk bringing up the topic and the other person said "What a load of old rubbish", it would be mortally offended and oversensitive about it.

So one effect of that 'reflectiveness' is that people see their dreams and ideals in me. There's not much feedback coming back out loud unless it's asked for. But even then my Neptune will try to guess what the 'correct' answer is, and is willing to be agreeable if that can be achieved even if it means a little bit of self-suffering.

I don't know how it plays out in the 1st but that's the deal for my Neptune in the 7th which is tied in with lots of other aspects/planets.
Hi Queenfluff,

Here is my chart.
Regarding what you've said about music. I adore music. I don't have addictions like smoking or things like that.. but music is definitely my addiction. :) I listen to music every day :D

I have a question. Have you ever felt like you have a lack of appreciation for you? I don't know why but I have a feeling that Neptune in first house may "act" like this. I think that feeling invisible has something to do with not being able to appreciate ourselves properly.


Hi Elina,

I almost always feel like people don't appreciate me. It has always been that way. You too? I feel like you mentioned before, I tend to put others first before my own needs but no one ever seem to appreciate it nor go out of their way for me if I need it. I end up feeling used. Thereby, laterly, I have often been trying not to be as helpful as I used to be because I have to be careful of people using me or taking advantage of how helpful I am. I feel like I appreciate myself - just wish others would which is why I often feel invisible or people stay away from me and ignore me - and I am not imagining this either. Sigh.

Yes, music my escape. Music and movies.

For your chart, the aspects grid is cut off and I am not expert enough yet to read them all but I can tell your 1st house. You have Moon in 1st house like me! This is another "sensitive" placement (like we need any more of those, eh?). AND, as you already mentioned, conjunct Neptune! We both have that. I wonder if I would be less sensitive without the conjunct?

I see you have Uranus in your 1st house too but I can't tell if it is close enough to your ascendant to make a difference in your ascendants appearance. With a Uranus in your 1st house, I would imagine you to be very unique and original person by looks and personality. Maybe you have a very unique style - sort of rebellious or nonconformist. If it is conjunt your ascendant, your facial features might be very unique and distinct looking. Adding a flair to your Sag rising features.

I like Uranus myself - he is my kind of planet. :) I would think Uranus in the 1st House would make for some really unique people. :) Lady Gaga apparently has this. :)
I have neptune in first house at 27 degrees scorpio. I also have the 'scarey' scorpio rising(which to be honest I like - keeps people away from me)

my primary school report - daydreamer! always floating off somewhere. however I was always very receptive to others pain/suffering. found many gatherings overwhelming when I was young and was shy. and cos no one I knew did astrology - I was clueless as to why and I think lacked direction and guidance. it was quite tough at times.

Im not psychic as I dont have the moon. neptune does link into a grand trine of water/saturn/jupiter. Im super sensitive and that is not something easy to handle especially when young.

Ive learnt to adapt and as Ive done more inner work ie meditation(my neptune loves that) and healing and other studies - colour therapy.

I have found it has come into its own and I can now view it as a strength. it is not a strength as it agressive outgoing. it is not quite tangible and a bit elusive but i know its there. So even though I am scarey scorpio rising people confide in me and I now know who I can help and who will bleed me dry. that has been hard - ive had to learn lessons there.

I just have to stick to the rules and practice (saturn in grand trine) and things work out well. however I sometimes dont practice as much as I should.........

I would say I have to work hard at being grounded.

hehe.."Scarey" Scorpio Rising ..Me too. People stay away. Hurts my sensitive Neptune aspects and Moon in 1st. :(

That is interesting what you say "So even though I am scarey scorpio rising people confide in me and I now know who I can help and who will bleed me dry. that has been hard - ive had to learn lessons there."

How can you tell who is going to "bleed you dry"? I was mentioning this as in people seem to take advantage of me when I help them. Is what you mean too? That you try to distinquish between people who will "bleed you dry" and those that won't and you can help those?

It is hard to be grounded. I feel like my Virgo is very down to earth and I can be grounded but than when my emotions come into play and they get hurt, here comes that Neptune with its super sensitivity. I hate all the switching.

Weird how I was not the 'day dreamer' when I was young, I was more focused esp. in school - I feel like I am more of a day dreamer now.
I don't have Neptune in the first house, but Venus conjunct the ascendant, sextiling Neptune, while Moon opposes Nep' and trines the ascendant. So there's a significant connection; as some people alluded I think Neptune gives an unusual look--though not always, I know a first house Neptune and there was nothing particularly unusual about his looks. I do think this placement could also confer to a fairer complexion, I'd like to get some feedback on that.


I have a very fair complexion too. Darker skinner kids called me ghost when I was younger. hehe. I am not as fair now but I have a blueish undercast to some of my skin (or did). But yes, my skin is on the light side. Although as waybread said, genetics are there. I am part Polish - Eastern Eurpoeans often can have light skin.

Also, my Neptune conjunct asc gives my eyes a slightly dreamy look even though my Rising in Scorpio and I have the bright intense Scorpio Rising eyes.

EDIT: Forgot to add pic of my face. You can see the Neptune. My skin is quite fair in the day light. Hard to tell from pic. Ignore the wrinkles please. bleech.


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I have Neptune in the 7th square my Leo stellium. It's the bane of my chart. Over this past year, with tr-Neptune opposing my Leo stellium, I've become much more aware of its work.

The main thing I've come to realise is that it reflects what other people want to see. It doesn't want to offend, it's a real people pleasing aspect. For example, it wouldn't be forthcoming and say "I like astrology" it'll wait until it hears the other person say that they do, and then want to talk about it. If it were to risk bringing up the topic and the other person said "What a load of old rubbish", it would be mortally offended and oversensitive about it.

So one effect of that 'reflectiveness' is that people see their dreams and ideals in me. There's not much feedback coming back out loud unless it's asked for. But even then my Neptune will try to guess what the 'correct' answer is, and is willing to be agreeable if that can be achieved even if it means a little bit of self-suffering.

I don't know how it plays out in the 1st but that's the deal for my Neptune in the 7th which is tied in with lots of other aspects/planets.

I do this too. I wait for others to bring certain things up before I might let out my secrets on it because if I bring it up first I notice (or least I THINK) people make weird comments like, like you quoted, and I get mad and oversensitive about it.

I have a hard time not wanting to debate on issues with people (I think because of my mercury in libra) but than I get all sensitive when people get nasty during it so best for me to avoid this but I often don't. I am getting better at it.

Interesting that you said "people see their dreams and ideals in me." because have I read this is common with Neptune in 1st - people can see you as fitting in with their fanatsies which attracts people to you. Maybe it doesn't matter which house it is in.
You shouldn't take what I mean to say, that all fair people would have Neptune. The person I know (1H Nep) is abnormally pale and comes from a mixed background. Maybe I should clarify that I mean "fairer than the norm", not to mean only pale-white skin but for example a person in a hispanic family coming out with lighter skin than their siblings. Also adding to say that Neptune could be a source of that peculiarity ..

R.a... :smile:

I understand this, Ray. But in my family's case, the answer to your question is negative.

We have to ask how lighter skinned family members with Neptune in the first house could even happen. One in twelve human beings will have Neptune in the first house, or something like half a billion people. Pignmentation in the skin can be affected by non-genetic factors, but genetics would have to be the main one. So you really cannot get lighter-skinned (than "typical" for the family) unless one or both parents' ancestry would indicate. For millions of people, it wouldn't indicate.
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Hi Queenfluff,

Someone told me once that...when people don't appreciate me is because, maybe, I don't appreciate myself enough. This was true for me, even though when I heard that I had a defensive attitude :biggrin: .. "Who me? Of course I love and appreciate myself!"

Try to look deep inside and see if you really love yourself. Let's not forget that it is Neptune we are talking about and he may block our ability to perceive corectly ourselves. Otherwise ... why would we need confirmation or appreciation about something we do or say when we help someone if we were in peace with ourselves?

I almost always feel like people don't appreciate me. It has always been that way. You too? I feel like you mentioned before, I tend to put others first before my own needs but no one ever seem to appreciate it nor go out of their way for me if I need it. I end up feeling used. Thereby, laterly, I have often been trying not to be as helpful as I used to be because I have to be careful of people using me or taking advantage of how helpful I am. I feel like I appreciate myself - just wish others would which is why I often feel invisible or people stay away from me and ignore me - and I am not imagining this either. Sigh.

Here is a picture of me, so you can have an idea of how I look like. :)

For your chart, the aspects grid is cut off and I am not expert enough yet to read them all but I can tell your 1st house. You have Moon in 1st house like me! This is another "sensitive" placement (like we need any more of those, eh?). AND, as you already mentioned, conjunct Neptune! We both have that. I wonder if I would be less sensitive without the conjunct?

I see you have Uranus in your 1st house too but I can't tell if it is close enough to your ascendant to make a difference in your ascendants appearance. With a Uranus in your 1st house, I would imagine you to be very unique and original person by looks and personality. Maybe you have a very unique style - sort of rebellious or nonconformist. If it is conjunt your ascendant, your facial features might be very unique and distinct looking. Adding a flair to your Sag rising features.

I like Uranus myself - he is my kind of planet. :) I would think Uranus in the 1st House would make for some really unique people. :) Lady Gaga apparently has this. :)


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Hi Elina

It depends on what sign your Neptune is in?

- Generally speaking though (I too have Nep Sag in first house with Sag Ascendant), this planet can give you a dreamy appearance to others. Sometimes getting a strong sense of self can be slippery (but with your leo energy this will be made easier).

- I would say look to the sign the Neptune is in, and this will tell you where you will find the area/passion you can express your sense of self through. We learn about ourselves when we create and express.

- Listening and observing to both people and music are all therapy for this placement. You can have a healing energy on others without you even knowing it.

- A softness of body features, maybe hands, feet or skin could be a feature also. And lastly, needing to get away from it all, retreat and reflect on what it is you want and stand for, could also be a possibility with this placement.

Hope this helps :)
I am curious to read your opinion about Neptune in 1st house.
I have it in my chart but I don't "feel" it completely or maybe I don't realize it's influence. Except the fact that I am quite idealistic and dreamy, I don't see how it may influence me.

The influence of Neptune is less (insignificant), because it is at an early degree of sign. However when progressed ASC reaches Neptune around 2014-15, you will be having Neptune influences significantly - specially day dreaming.
Hi Joseph,

1. Yes, I am a day - dreamer and an idealistic person. Actually I have to say that I dream too much! And, yes, you are right about the " strong sense of self" thing :D

3. I love to observe people. But, I realised that observind too much the others I stop living my own life and star living their life.
I also love music.. I listen to music every day. Actually, I took some music classes a couple of years ago.

Hi Elina

It depends on what sign your Neptune is in?

1. Generally speaking though (I too have Nep Sag in first house with Sag Ascendant), this planet can give you a dreamy appearance to others. Sometimes getting a strong sense of self can be slippery (but with your leo energy this will be made easier).

2. I would say look to the sign the Neptune is in, and this will tell you where you will find the area/passion you can express your sense of self through. We learn about ourselves when we create and express.

3. Listening and observing to both people and music are all therapy for this placement. You can have a healing energy on others without you even knowing it.

4 A softness of body features, maybe hands, feet or skin could be a feature also. And lastly, needing to get away from it all, retreat and reflect on what it is you want and stand for, could also be a possibility with this placement.

Hope this helps :)

Dhundhun, I already feel Neptune's influence.

The influence of Neptune is less (insignificant), because it is at an early degree of sign. However when progressed ASC reaches Neptune around 2014-15, you will be having Neptune influences significantly - specially day dreaming.
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I agree with the chameleon perception. I think this is a vision people have of you but is not necessarily who you are. marilyn monroe is a good example - seen as a beauty icon but inside what was going on......

I have been told I scare people (scorpio rising) ie I have a presence but also told Im very warm and compassionate. both these on someone first meeting me. how different can that be.

I forgot to write about boundaries understanding these is key to overcoming neptune tendancy to merge with others problems and live their life rather than your own.

I dont tend to like conflict(honest guv) but I have other planet placements that back that up. I am interested in what many percieve to be alternative studies hence being here but now I know when someone isnt going to be interested so I dont push it . in the past I have tried(but failed) to help people. as we know the person has to want to change.

neptune is very powerful but the key is to find the stillness in the ocean otherwise it can ovewhelm as with Marilyn.

I am pale skinned - there are some other posts about asc and appearance that are quite popular with posters.
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Greetings, fellow first house Neptunians!

Neptune in the first can make you a real shape-shifter. Neptune has a tendency to dissolve or erase what it touches, so in the first house, one's outer personality gets affected. Sometimes we try too hard to please people because we are so sensitized with this placement to what they want or expect from us.

Elina, your Neptune is pretty well aspected, so you can come across as very glamourous if you choose to do so (esapecially given your Leo nature); or very invisible if you wish to do that. With Uranus so close to your ascendant, you probably strike others as being unusual: if not in your appearance, at least in how you relate outwardly to other people.

One of the most famous women with Neptune in the first house was the actress Marilyn Monroe. If you can get hold of some of her old films as DVDs or on-line, you will get the picture!

hey way! I remember you mentioning this to me when I was trying to figure out my own identity confusion and this is definitely true. especially with regards to people's expectations, I definitely felt that neptunian effect with regards to my career, ie. what I expected of myself, vs. others expected of me...I think this has something to do though with my neptune being in capricorn in the first...
I have Neptune in my 1st House too! It is in Scorpio and it is conjunct to my Ascendent. When you have a conjunct to your ascendant, it can effect your facial features. For me I noticed it give my intense Scorpio Rising eyes a slightly dreamy look so they look softer. It still doesn't keep my Scorpio Rising from scareing people away though! hehe!

Your description sounds familiar. It would be interesting to see your chart with your all your aspects. I have several aspects to my Neptune and what I usually read about Neptune in 1st is that they are sensitive, intuitive, imaginative, come off as mysterious to others (esp. for me with a Scorpio Rising!), a strong sixth sense or psychic. And I definatley feel it - I don't necessary like all of it, all of the time - I do like the sixth sense thing - I know I have that. I can often guess what people are going to say or do esp. when I am standing right in front of them. I like that - it is sort of cool. :)

I also have Moon conjunct to my Neptune and my Moon is in my First House - so my feeling and emotions are very visible because of Moon in 1st, more sensitivity, and combined with Neptune in the first - I guess I am very visibly, emotional but compassionate to others.

I am like the Moon conjunct Neptune descriptions that I read and not only do I feel it but I am sure others see it. I like the Moon conjunct Neptune because I think it shows a good person. Kind, sympathetic, compassionate, devoted, understanding. Yes, always helping others. I also have my sun in Virgo that is always wanting to help others (even if they don't appreciate it!) so that comes from there too. I think that goes well with the Moon Conjunct Neptune.

Moon Conjunct Nepturne people are supposed to really love music for an uplifting and healing aspect to it. I am like that - definatley can change my mood and be healing to me, never fails. Like it is part of my soul. Do you find you are like that?

My other positive major aspects to my Neptune in One are Sun Sextile to my Neptune which is supposed to be another aspect that is dreamy, emotional, sensitive etc. :)

I guess I like my Neptune in 1st, I have mostly good aspects to it (one square to Venus) - although I think it makes me too sensitive sometimes. Good thing I have a Virgo Sun that is a bit more steely backbone and some Fire in there for my Mars. Otherwise I might be too sensitive all the time! :)

I wish I had a neptune aspect to my ascendent :pinched:
Like I say, Neptune is strong in my chart along with current transits opposing from Aquarius. It's just taken me about a year of thought to work out that my ex- was a Scorpio rising with Neptune in the 1st. I must have tried to work out her chart 100 times, often putting Libra on the ascendent and her moon in the 12th ... yet it's taken me all this time ... and probably this thread for me to get through my Neptune confusion and realise her chart. It now seems so obvious I can't believe I was missing it.

In terms of her Neptune let me try some things out on you, see if they resonate ... I'll try not to make this sound like a bitter rant ... (!)
- always willing to do what I wanted. When we split she said that she'd lost her identity.
- in support of the split, she said that I was unwilling to compromise or change - I honestly couldn't tell you an occasion when she'd asked for something from me. I don't really see how you can be expected to compromise if the other person isn't making any demands ...
- she'd always seemed happy, I didn't know there was anything making her feel unhappy between us.
- one of my friends said "To her credit she didn't try to change you" ...
- when we split it was all about compatability, there were no actual 'behavioural' issues. Most of those compatability issues were there to be seen from day one, nothing about me changed in that time.
- the kicker to that is that many months later, safely in a new relationship she came out with a long list of small incidents and things about me that had bothered her when we were together.
- when she was much younger she shared a house with another woman. One day she'd had enough of it (because the other woman was irritating her) so she just left without warning.
- her ex-husband was unfaithful to her. I don't know much about that.
- Her life's full of thinking about holidays, lunches, clothes, the finer things in life and eating in expensive restaurants. Dreams of a perfect lifestyle and one that in fairness she works hard to achieve.
- She didn't enjoy her job and even though she had a new plan she couldn't bring herself to get out there and do something new. Almost twenty years working for a large organisation (institution) as one of the staff; no management responsibility.
- she's one of life's victims. Nothing really bad just that her way of telling stories was that she was a victim. In her eyes, life happened to her, she never had the power to change anything. Everything that happened to her was the fault of others.

I'd say that some of that is relevant to my own Neptune experience. Not wanting to change others, but also not being happy with who they are. So rather than accept the issue or confront it and ask for the other person to change or adapt, just move on and see if there's an alternative that does work. Equally that has applied at work or in clubs I've been part.

In common with what some of you said before, I'm pretty certain she felt unappreciated. I don't think that was the case. I always made a big effort to be appreciative of her and to keep things fresh between us. Perhaps I just didn't do it in the terms she needed.

I also had a male Piscean friend who when he split up with his wife gave the reasons as "she had changed. She was only interested in clothes and makeup, didn't want to go and do active things like camping and trekking". When I spoke with his best man about it, he said that she had always been like that ...
I have Neptune in the 1st trining Mercury, Venus and Saturn. It does square Mars and opposes my Moon. It's a heavily aspected planet, and it has manifested in my life I suppose by best describing it as being able to size one up fairly quickly and has given me pretty good intuition on things. I suppose though that it has given me the ability to be a social chameleon and to pick up on people's feelings and thoughts quite well.

I have neptune in 1st square moon, trine mercury and venus, and sextile pluto...I agree that it does the same for me as described above, but even if my hunches about people end up being accurate, they often get written off as paranoia, lol


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Like I say, Neptune is strong in my chart along with current transits opposing from Aquarius. It's just taken me about a year of thought to work out that my ex- was a Scorpio rising with Neptune in the 1st. I must have tried to work out her chart 100 times, often putting Libra on the ascendent and her moon in the 12th ... yet it's taken me all this time ... and probably this thread for me to get through my Neptune confusion and realise her chart. It now seems so obvious I can't believe I was missing it.

In terms of her Neptune let me try some things out on you, see if they resonate ... I'll try not to make this sound like a bitter rant ... (!)
- always willing to do what I wanted. When we split she said that she'd lost her identity.
- in support of the split, she said that I was unwilling to compromise or change - I honestly couldn't tell you an occasion when she'd asked for something from me. I don't really see how you can be expected to compromise if the other person isn't making any demands ...
- she'd always seemed happy, I didn't know there was anything making her feel unhappy between us.
- one of my friends said "To her credit she didn't try to change you" ...
- when we split it was all about compatability, there were no actual 'behavioural' issues. Most of those compatability issues were there to be seen from day one, nothing about me changed in that time.
- the kicker to that is that many months later, safely in a new relationship she came out with a long list of small incidents and things about me that had bothered her when we were together.
- when she was much younger she shared a house with another woman. One day she'd had enough of it (because the other woman was irritating her) so she just left without warning.
- her ex-husband was unfaithful to her. I don't know much about that.
- Her life's full of thinking about holidays, lunches, clothes, the finer things in life and eating in expensive restaurants. Dreams of a perfect lifestyle and one that in fairness she works hard to achieve.
- She didn't enjoy her job and even though she had a new plan she couldn't bring herself to get out there and do something new. Almost twenty years working for a large organisation (institution) as one of the staff; no management responsibility.
- she's one of life's victims. Nothing really bad just that her way of telling stories was that she was a victim. In her eyes, life happened to her, she never had the power to change anything. Everything that happened to her was the fault of others.

I'd say that some of that is relevant to my own Neptune experience. Not wanting to change others, but also not being happy with who they are. So rather than accept the issue or confront it and ask for the other person to change or adapt, just move on and see if there's an alternative that does work. Equally that has applied at work or in clubs I've been part.

In common with what some of you said before, I'm pretty certain she felt unappreciated. I don't think that was the case. I always made a big effort to be appreciative of her and to keep things fresh between us. Perhaps I just didn't do it in the terms she needed.

I also had a male Piscean friend who when he split up with his wife gave the reasons as "she had changed. She was only interested in clothes and makeup, didn't want to go and do active things like camping and trekking". When I spoke with his best man about it, he said that she had always been like that ...

I was just about to respond to your previous post about being "people pleasers" and "self-sufferers" because of how strongly that resonated with me, before this showed up, lol...

- yes, I'll always do what the other person wants to do...when she says she lost her identity after you split, I think it's because, for me at least, I try to maintain the ideal my partner has of if they fell for me because I was a certain way when we met, I might stay that way throughout the relationship at the expense of how I might really be...for the purpose of keeping the relationship, for me I think, neptune dissolves my identity a bit with each new relationship, for good or bad...

- but this then relates to your last point, about moving on to others rather than trying to change someone...after further reflection, I'm realizing not only does that apply to how I approached my career/life paths considering again my neptune being in cap, but based on your post, how I dealt with people in general. This is literally how I've dealth with friends,'s like always having a new mask to put on for each social situation, each different group of friends, or new relationship, or new career, and always trying new masks until you think you find the right one, until you meet someone else or another group who's ideal of you you want to try to mold yourself into...AS OPPOSE to being or staying one way as a person

- as for the "I'm a victim" mentality, I dunno, I think for me, I've always been self-deprecating, so it's hard for me to point blame at anything but myself, let alone another person, - this probably having to do with my neptune also being retrograde. plus, I've just always found that "I'm a victim" mentality to be really unappealing in a person in general. but the underlying function is the escapist attitude to dealing with our inadequacies as oppose to a confronting attitude...


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IOU an Oren

sorry to burst the bubble , I am considerate of others but I really do live life to the beat of my own drum. Im quite strong willed. an aqua sun. (although I appreciate IOu your ex was one also) I appreciate the need to compromise but I like balance in a friendship. a number of friends say like horror films I dont like them so I aint going to go along and see them.

I made my sagi partner(now ex) trek with me into the himalayas - he moaned all the way. I would not have done it with anyone else - he later said to me it was the best thing he has ever done in his life. he has neptune in sagi in first house much close to asc than mine. we are still friends by the way. not sure how we got onto trekking here.

I dont like fancy restaurants - must be something to do with her venus I would thing and perhaps ceres. I prefer rustic and homebaked food. In fact give me dal and rice morning noon and night with some veggies and I would be happy.

I would say there are other things backing up the neptune in first house for your ex to comply with your wishes so much.

I work with a couple of leos- they are atypical. I like them they are very kind but quite ego orientated. They are selfful amazingly unaware of others around them. nothing wrong in that. but there has to be some room if you want to share you life with someone. I recognise that stubborn nature in myself too.which is probably why Im single. I would have to compromise to be in a relationships and some charts/signs do this better than others.

its sounds like this lady has had quite an impact on you.

neptune has been considered by some to rule my chart(cos of all the pisces) but I think uranus has a very strong influence and pluto at the top of my kite formation.
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One more thing I might mention for first house Neptunians, is to look at the planet ruling your rising sign. It might be the same as your Neptune sign, or it might be different.

I don't know how many of you work with house cusp rulers but it really made a big difference to my ability to read charts. So, for example, if you have Neptune in Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising, what is happening to Jupiter by its house and aspects? If you have Neptune in Scopio in the first but Libra rising, then take a look at Venus by house and aspects. If these are stressed, you might see Neptune's less wonderful attributes; but if well aspected, you might be able to bring Neptune's inspirational quality to the arts or spirituality.

Then also, look at any aspects that Neptune makes to other planets. (Recalling that Neptune sextile Pluto is a generational aspect.)

I have Neptune square Jupiter and sesqui-square Mars, which seems to be a typical "bite off more than I can chew" aspect. I am generally happy to please people (Neptune in the first), but sometimes this means I believe I can do more (Jupiter's optimism, Mars's energy) than I actually can (or wish to) deliver (tension of the square). For example, this past year, I took on a leadership role in a local non-profit society. I worked hard at it (square) and actually we accomplished a fair bit, but I was thrilled to hand over the reins to someone else at the end of the year, because I just felt like I was knocking myself out (square) to do the work.

The planetary ruler of my rising sign (Mercury) has one positive and one stressful aspect in the 5th house, and I do think I have a vivid, creative imagination (Neptune<>Mercury.)
Hi Caro ... thanks for your reply and thoughts. You're right we are generalising . As we always say charts have to be ready in their entirety, but certain aspects can lead to certain conclusions.

sorry to burst the bubble , I am considerate of others but I really do live life to the beat of my own drum. Im quite strong willed. an aqua sun. (although I appreciate IOu your ex was one also) I appreciate the need to compromise but I like balance in a friendship. a number of friends say like horror films I dont like them so I aint going to go along and see them.

Does your Neptune have strong aspects to it that would allow you to put yourself forward? You do say later that your chart is more Uranus ruled. I always believe that the negative manifestations of planets or aspects is about their maturity. Perhaps you have learned to overcome this in your neptune.

My ex was an Aries ... six things placed there ... sun, venus, mercury, saturn, north node, chiron. I would never have believed that someone with that much Aries could be so quiet and lacking in ego. Saturn obviously calms things down.

But she has Libra moon (opposed by saturn) ... which backs up the not offending people aspect. And mars in Taurus ... about the only aspect for that is a 9+ degree trine to Pluto ... I guess both are personal planets so that wide orb is valid.

I made my sagi partner(now ex) trek with me into the himalayas - he moaned all the way. I would not have done it with anyone else - he later said to me it was the best thing he has ever done in his life. he has neptune in sagi in first house much close to asc than mine. [/qupte]

we are still friends by the way.

We're not, or at least she doesn't want to be friends with me.

not sure how we got onto trekking here.

Must be a neptunian diversion ... :wink:

I dont like fancy restaurants - must be something to do with her venus I would thing and perhaps ceres.

Sorry ... I wasn't suggesting that is a consequence of neptune in the first. As you say it's probably her venus that's in the 5th as well as that Libra moon, Taurus mars. My point was that it's her dream and she'll spend all day thinking about those things ...

I would say there are other things backing up the neptune in first house for your ex to comply with your wishes so much.

Agreed. Libra moon being a part of it.

I work with a couple of leos- they are atypical. I like them they are very kind but quite ego orientated. They are selfful amazingly unaware of others around them. nothing wrong in that. but there has to be some room if you want to share you life with someone. I recognise that stubborn nature in myself too.which is probably why Im single. I would have to compromise to be in a relationships and some charts/signs do this better than others.

I don't have much water in my chart so I don't pick up on stuff unless I'm specifically looking for it. So yes, I would fit your definition of a leo there.

If people tell me that they want some thing I am more than willing to try and give them it, usually to my own detriment. I find it hard to give an outright no, and will usually look for a compromise. Probably my neptune square in action right there.

its sounds like this lady has had quite an impact on you.

Yep ... from the first day I saw her in 1994. But we didn't date until last year and I won't hijack the thread any further than to say, I guess that's the trouble with a relationship that starts with tr-Neptune opp nat-Venus ... it just suckers you in there believing that it was meant to be ... and now realising the prominence of her neptune I understand it much better.
Neptune in the first house is one of my favorite placements, I wish I had it. :( its nice to have Neptune influencing your appearance.

Although I've seen several beautiful people with this placement, I don't like Marilyn Monroe's appearance. I think she's overrated, bland and typical. There are other celebrities with Neptune in the first house who I prefer, maybe its just because of her quotes and the hype.

it only affects appearance though if it's aspected right? otherwise, not so much? or what was your take on that?

monroe bland? man, I dunno, lol, but maybe it was the fact she always seemed slightly medicated that made her seem alluring? :andy:
who are the others?


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