Neptune in 1st house

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One more thing I might mention for first house Neptunians, is to look at the planet ruling your rising sign. It might be the same as your Neptune sign, or it might be different.

I don't know how many of you work with house cusp rulers but it really made a big difference to my ability to read charts. So, for example, if you have Neptune in Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising, what is happening to Jupiter by its house and aspects? If you have Neptune in Scopio in the first but Libra rising, then take a look at Venus by house and aspects. If these are stressed, you might see Neptune's less wonderful attributes; but if well aspected, you might be able to bring Neptune's inspirational quality to the arts or spirituality.

Then also, look at any aspects that Neptune makes to other planets. (Recalling that Neptune sextile Pluto is a generational aspect.)

I have Neptune square Jupiter and sesqui-square Mars, which seems to be a typical "bite off more than I can chew" aspect. I am generally happy to please people (Neptune in the first), but sometimes this means I believe I can do more (Jupiter's optimism, Mars's energy) than I actually can (or wish to) deliver (tension of the square). For example, this past year, I took on a leadership role in a local non-profit society. I worked hard at it (square) and actually we accomplished a fair bit, but I was thrilled to hand over the reins to someone else at the end of the year, because I just felt like I was knocking myself out (square) to do the work.

The planetary ruler of my rising sign (Mercury) has one positive and one stressful aspect in the 5th house, and I do think I have a vivid, creative imagination (Neptune<>Mercury.)

I have neptune in cap in the first, sag rising; jupiter in cap in house 1
sun opp saturn
venus opp saturn
mars conj saturn
jupiter sextile saturn
- definitely see neptune's less wonderful attributes:pinched:

then I have:
moon sq. neptune
mercury trine neptune
venus trine neptune
neptune sextile pluto
- these seem better. I've read at one point at least what each aspect means individually, but I'm not sure how to guage whether or not the good outweighs the bad overall...


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Hi Queenfluff,

Someone told me once that...when people don't appreciate me is because, maybe, I don't appreciate myself enough. This was true for me, even though when I heard that I had a defensive attitude :biggrin: .. "Who me? Of course I love and appreciate myself!"

Try to look deep inside and see if you really love yourself. Let's not forget that it is Neptune we are talking about and he may block our ability to perceive corectly ourselves. Otherwise ... why would we need confirmation or appreciation about something we do or say when we help someone if we were in peace with ourselves?

Here is a picture of me, so you can have an idea of how I look like. :)

Hi Elina!

Pretty picture! To me, your eyes look more intense to me than dreamy. You don't have Neptune conjunct to your Asc as I can remember from your chart (although the aspects grid would confirm that if you can reload your chart with the grid). You have Uranus conjunct to ASC. This would be different than Neptune. Here is my pic. You can see the dreaminess in my eyes even though I am a Scorpio Rising. You are a Sag Rising so that makes a difference too. As I get older, my eyes have taken on a rounder shape as they were a bit more cat like before. I see the Neptune more than I did previously - that Scorpio Rising is still there though (can't tell as much in that pic - but my stare is intense).

But we both have the Neptune conjunct Moon and Moon is 1st so that is the same but my Neptune is in Scorpio and yours in Capricorn -will be difference there as far as how ones Neptune is projected. :) My Moon is in Sag and yours in Cap (I believe it was -don't have your chart up) - so differences there too.

Honestly I really do appreciate myself - it is just that others often don't understand me, therefore, can't always appreciate what i have to offer or give to them. This is a Scorpio Rising problem. I am hard to read and everything is extremes. My Virgo Sun can add to the problem too - Virgo is the sign of service so I have even a MORE helpful personality and would have it without the Neptune in one. Virgos can often feel that their help goes without thanks - such is the bane of a Virgo. :)

On, they have a free personal aspects report - it explains some of those major aspects. It is really interesting. My Scorpio Rising has some strong effects on my chart. :) I realy vibe with them.


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Honestly I really do appreciate myself - it is just that others often don't understand me, therefore, can't always appreciate what i have to offer or give to them. This is a Scorpio Rising problem. I am hard to read and everything is extremes. My Virgo Sun can add to the problem too - Virgo is the sign of service so I have even a MORE helpful personality and would have it without the Neptune in one. Virgos can often feel that their help goes without thanks - such is the bane of a Virgo. :)

The Pisces/Neptune personality is reflective. It generally takes its self-worth from what other people tell it. Therefore to be appreciated they people please; and generally that gets good results. The battle is therefore for these types to develop their own personality and self-worth.

It's about giving the right help at the right time. If I reply to your post correcting the spelling and grammar, my Virgo mercury thinks it's being helpful; but you probably wouldn't receive it as help.

My guess is that Pisces/Neptune types can rush in with the wrong sort of help and consequently not feel appreciated. Generally I'd guess that's emotional-based sympathy rather than any solid practical support or advice.

For example, if your partner is busy preparing for a family gathering for 20, they are probably looking for practical support and help - an extra pair of hands. The Piscean/Neptunian might think the way to help is to go and entertain the guests, to keep the sociable atmosphere going. When they get told at the end of the night that they haven't been any help they can take it personally and feel unappreciated.

Just my twopenneth based on what I've learned about helping over the years ...
Queen Fluff

Queen fluff – I have heard we are more like our moon sign when a child I have moon in pisces in 4th…..there was also a lot I wanted to escape from in my home life. Do you have planets in the 3rd house – not sure if this is primary school . my 3rd is cap but nothing there. I always past the exams that counted though. :whistling:

Daydreaming is unfocused but if you can meditate – you could be on to something. :biggrin:

Yep I do have good intuition with the Neptune I think good of people and have been taken advantage of. A guy I went out with had a lot emotional problems a sun pisces – I really tried to help him but as you know the person has to want to change. Also friends as well but people can end up resenting you for it…

Actually I don’t offer to help anymore……………

To be honest it is still something I have to work with if I ever do go into practice as therapist I have to be aware of this. Cos it is a job too and you have to look after numero uno.

It is a balance and hard when Neptune in a water sign – to find the stillness. And come from that point but to keep your boundaries in place too..

Do all you first house neptunes rate photos above painting – I love looking at photography don’t really get paintings.

also the film the avatar -that really appealed to me.
Yes – I accept I float a lot with my comments. Im also merc in pisces.

it is the Pluto/uranus conj in virgo in 10th that makes me a bit tougher.(waybread pointed to this its sextile Neptune)

Also aqua sun is fairly stubborn (its square neptune) – I recognise that. Neptune is also part of grand trine(well kite formation)

Im glad you weren’t offended by my description of a leo – your majesty! :biggrin:

Im more aware of the uranus expression of energy as an aqua sun. it kicks my b**t even when in diffuse energy of pisces. As I have done more self exploration I have become aware of Neptune and its potential…..rather than the general negative way it is often interpreted. ( have always been aware of Saturn) I have also had neptune transit to sun recently cant get away from it… . ha ha.:pinched:

It was an aries guy who turned my life around. Cant print what I think about him. He also I think viewed me through the neptunain lens which is not who I am. He did me a favour actually as I think I was really drifting when I met him(all my water) and also a bit self defeating.

He made me look at life differently. However he really broke my heart and was I think on of a number of reasons why I got ill. What love does eh….

Your post was a bit like a rant – I think you need to get this off your chest but in appropriate way. But hey Im not going to rush in an help I guess you will work that out. That is what us water types do we see and help the more grounded types do. We all have a place.

Now I am really going off topic………………….

To get back on topic Neptune in sagi would be a nice placing for this planet and in the first lovely jubbly.. My ex had this and it defo drew people to him. Guys and girls! He loved the girls bit! Ha ha.
This thread is giving me a lot of food for thought. In my experience Neptune is definitely very sit back and take what life throws at you. To be selected rather than put yourself forward.

There was a major turning point in my life around 1995/96. Prior to then, I very much had this Neptunian way of life, although (probably due to other parts of my chart) I had a lot of rage and anger about it. I wouldn't say I felt life was against me, but I didn't feel like I had any control over it. Things happened to me, I was one of life's victims.

Then Pluto transitted Neptune by conjunction and I changed. I read a ton of self-help books and I learned about being assertive and taking control of the things that you can control. I learned about personal power.
I have neptune in the 12th conj ascendant. :sideways:

till pre-teens, i was very shy & would avoid the audience. i neva got a chance nor made any attempt 2 take up an initiative 2 prove my talents. i always underestimated myself(i believed i had no talent) & would sit in one corner away from everyone coz i thought they wouldn't appreciate me.

i had a few friends...cnt really say a few...till the 4th grade, i hd only one friend. when i came 2 5th, things changed. i started interacting with guys.....6th- my group expanded. this time it was 6-7 of us.:wink:....

in grade 8, i & people around me began noticing my chameleon-like nature. at one point of time, i was a SAINT :innocent:!!!!! my classmates & teachers would wonder how a person could b sooooo good.....after a few months, i got bored of it all & felt the world never leaves any opportunity 2 exploit resources(goodness)

grade 9- i became a ***** :devil:. i wanted 2 be one!!!!coz it all seemed soo cool back then + i hd anorexia.

grade 10 - i gained promotion! from b**** to s***....began experimentn. bunking school, urge 2 experiment with sex, really *lu**ish.....reputation DROPPED!

i ws very much self-contained n in2 my own group...

11th was revolutionary!!!!!!!donno what hit my head tht i became soo outgoing, friendly, carefree( i was a nerd till grade 10) n UNIQUE.....people started knowing me n liking me. i started making more n more i talk 2 everyone n anyone....i bcm confident abt myself, my talents n woah...all of a sudden!n i mk friends so easily.....i've them all over the place.

12th ws the same - during ths year, popularity just broke in2 my house(notoriety 4 running an online newspaper abt my school tht exposes people).

- i'm very absent-minded, fickle n indecisive!!!!!lk once i was looking 4 my glasses everywhere when i actually had them on!!!!

- i'm generally happy but i'm moody.

- i'm not a girly girl(people say it's a guy's soul inside me)..

-i am kinda sensitive(not as much as normally girls r )bt i hide it(virgo moon)...u cn ask my pillow..i cried a glass of salty water while watching king-kong.

- i love nature!!!!!!!!!!!n i respect all living forms(vegetarian n while walking i avoid stepping on ants....)

-i'm a procrastinator!!!!!!!i've an exam day afta, hvnt studied a word yet i'm onln(10 chapters 2 go!)

-i love animals n muzic!!!!!i listen 2 it day n night.....

- i'm a day-dreamer....(once i dreamt of being barbecued on mercury. thus gaining world wide fame)

-i always dream of prince charming. :kissing:....i hd my eyes on prince charles but kate came in between :pouty: i even did our synastry!!!!!!!!!!! currently, i'm concentrating on bill gates son.

- i don't have much of an ego.

- i'm very forgiving n rarely take things to heart.

- i love nurturing my partner ONLY!

-i've a habit of taking on other people's habits..

- n i need "me" time on a regular basis.
Hi Queenfluff,

Thank you! You look nice too! Yes, you are right. There is a dreaminess in your eyes :) but it gives you a sweet appearance.

I uploaded again my chart with the grid. Yes, there is a difference between Moon in Sag and Moon in Capricorn. Probably my Moon in Capricorn helps me not be so dreamy all the time... but.. I don't know how much this helps me because I dream a lot! :D

Hi Elina!

Pretty picture! To me, your eyes look more intense to me than dreamy. You don't have Neptune conjunct to your Asc as I can remember from your chart (although the aspects grid would confirm that if you can reload your chart with the grid). You have Uranus conjunct to ASC. This would be different than Neptune. Here is my pic. You can see the dreaminess in my eyes even though I am a Scorpio Rising. You are a Sag Rising so that makes a difference too. As I get older, my eyes have taken on a rounder shape as they were a bit more cat like before. I see the Neptune more than I did previously - that Scorpio Rising is still there though (can't tell as much in that pic - but my stare is intense).

But we both have the Neptune conjunct Moon and Moon is 1st so that is the same but my Neptune is in Scorpio and yours in Capricorn -will be difference there as far as how ones Neptune is projected. :) My Moon is in Sag and yours in Cap (I believe it was -don't have your chart up) - so differences there too.

Honestly I really do appreciate myself - it is just that others often don't understand me, therefore, can't always appreciate what i have to offer or give to them. This is a Scorpio Rising problem. I am hard to read and everything is extremes. My Virgo Sun can add to the problem too - Virgo is the sign of service so I have even a MORE helpful personality and would have it without the Neptune in one. Virgos can often feel that their help goes without thanks - such is the bane of a Virgo. :)

On, they have a free personal aspects report - it explains some of those major aspects. It is really interesting. My Scorpio Rising has some strong effects on my chart. :) I realy vibe with them.


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Hi Scorpittarian,

I don't think that Neptun in 1st house can make someone underestimate his/her creativity and talents. It was, probably, someting else in your chart that made you feel that. Btw, could you upload your chart to see if, maybe, it was something else... ? thanks

I have neptune in the 12th conj ascendant. :sideways:

till pre-teens, i was very shy & would avoid the audience. i neva got a chance nor made any attempt 2 take up an initiative 2 prove my talents. i always underestimated myself(i believed i had no talent) & would sit in one corner away from everyone coz i thought they wouldn't appreciate me.
This thread is giving me a lot of food for thought. In my experience Neptune is definitely very sit back and take what life throws at you. To be selected rather than put yourself forward.

There was a major turning point in my life around 1995/96. Prior to then, I very much had this Neptunian way of life, although (probably due to other parts of my chart) I had a lot of rage and anger about it. I wouldn't say I felt life was against me, but I didn't feel like I had any control over it. Things happened to me, I was one of life's victims.

Then Pluto transitted Neptune by conjunction and I changed. I read a ton of self-help books and I learned about being assertive and taking control of the things that you can control. I learned about personal power.

Hi Orange,

Funny, my life is opposite. I was very "un-Neptune" like before. The past few years were/is/are my major turning point (this is supposed to happen in a Scorpio Risings life too - major dramatic event that changes the whole ego) and now I more "ah, who cares, let life do what ever it wants" than I was before - before I was more of a super controller. It gets tiring trying to control everything (esp. when you have lots of things happened that you can't control that you could before - you kinda want to let life steered a bit more for a while). :)
Hi Queenfluff,

Thank you! You look nice too! Yes, you are right. There is a dreaminess in your eyes :) but it gives you a sweet appearance.

I uploaded again my chart with the grid. Yes, there is a difference between Moon in Sag and Moon in Capricorn. Probably my Moon in Capricorn helps me not be so dreamy all the time... but.. I don't know how much this helps me because I dream a lot! :D


Yes, you do have a Uranus conjunct to your ascendant. Neat!

On, have that astro click thing where you can click on all your planets and it will explain all the aspects, houses and planets that you have with little descriptions. So, you can know what the difference is between the planets in your different signs. I would guess that Moon in Capricorn is definately more stablity with your feelings and emotions than my Moon is Sag - it is sort of goofy. :)

The Neptune part is what makes you be dreamy a lot. In general, Moon in Sagitariius is NOT dreamy - it is easygoing, free-spirited, independant sort of moon but with a Neptune conjunct - well, it gets dreamy. Same thing I would guess with your Moon Capricorn. I noticed mine more when I am by myself - than I tend to daydream more- if I with others, I am more straight Moon in Sagittarius. Kind of happy go-lucky, silly. You might be more dreamy when you are alone than when you are around people perhaps.

The same thing could be said for the differences between a Neptune in Scorpio (me) and Neptune in Capricorn (you). Neptune in Scorpio is supposed to more interested in occult, alternative like subjects anything really deep and different "esoteric" (such in Scorpio) and I would guess Neptune in Capricorn to be a more business like in its interest - determined, resourceful, traditional.

Here is a description:

Neptune is generational so sometimes it is easy to see the differences if you know people from different generations. :)
I wanted to explore the perception of neptune in scorpio in 1st against the I think more gregarious neptune in sagi in first

I think with sagi - the analogy I would use is that its like a surfer with all that energy on a crest of wave. The person is more visible. The water is warmed by the flame of sagi and people who meet you want to jump in. The danger here is the wave can come in to quick.

In scorpio - different dynamics at work. Scorpio can manipulate more and in this medium, it can freeze the water, chill it and by doing this keep people at a distance.

Also the person is coming from a great emotional depth - it can make others uncomforable, not many people want to go too deep. So scorpio rising with neptune here - enigmatic quality to the outside persona is enhanced through this lens. So people on meeting this scorp asc and neptune often have a distorted view of this placing.

as previously said the key is to find the stillness with all that water ie to look out through clear water you can see great distance (sensitivity is increased) also people looking in have a clearer view of you so less fearful.

much of neptune positive aspects generally is lost on a society (the western) where it is all about what you own posssions/ what you can get and the me me and more me of our life. I admire the buddhist tradition here - meditation and practice and a life of service will reap rewards but those rewards are not necessarily the flash car etc.

even with the negative aspects I think this placing has a lot of potential but it is almost at odds with what is expected within our current society and its values.

Neptune in first dissolves a bit the sense of self.... and also creates confusion between our persona, what we project, and what others are.
So it doesn't surprise me that you were not so aware of it. It also gives you the shyness, desire to help others or for isolation, which are not typical of a Leo ASC. It also creates idealism and tenderness.
I wanted to explore the perception of neptune in scorpio in 1st against the I think more gregarious neptune in sagi in first

I think with sagi - the analogy I would use is that its like a surfer with all that energy on a crest of wave. The person is more visible. The water is warmed by the flame of sagi and people who meet you want to jump in. The danger here is the wave can come in to quick.

In scorpio - different dynamics at work. Scorpio can manipulate more and in this medium, it can freeze the water, chill it and by doing this keep people at a distance.

Also the person is coming from a great emotional depth - it can make others uncomforable, not many people want to go too deep. So scorpio rising with neptune here - enigmatic quality to the outside persona is enhanced through this lens. So people on meeting this scorp asc and neptune often have a distorted view of this placing.

as previously said the key is to find the stillness with all that water ie to look out through clear water you can see great distance (sensitivity is increased) also people looking in have a clearer view of you so less fearful.

much of neptune positive aspects generally is lost on a society (the western) where it is all about what you own posssions/ what you can get and the me me and more me of our life. I admire the buddhist tradition here - meditation and practice and a life of service will reap rewards but those rewards are not necessarily the flash car etc.

even with the negative aspects I think this placing has a lot of potential but it is almost at odds with what is expected within our current society and its values.

this page here goes over the neptune in the signs and the years.

Looks like Neptune has its "fall" in Capricorn which doesn't seem surprising to me - Saturn and Neptune - seem so opposite. I could see Scorpio being more comfortable for Neptune besides Pisces being the best for it.

The description of Neptune in Scorpio is very true for me - I have always been interested in "the other".
thanks for posting link
interesting about neptune in cap - as that has been the case. paganism is now an accepted religion in this country. happened quite recently. (the delayed reaction of neptune)
I wasnt aware that it was in fall in cap - not sure that adds up really. I would have thought an air sign would be more likely to take that 'honour'.
I wasnt aware that it was in fall in cap - not sure that adds up really. I would have thought an air sign would be more likely to take that 'honour'.

I guess so considering how comfortable it is in water, but we do use words like 'ethereal' and 'nebulous' to describe Neptune and those words are linked to air. I can see how completely foreign Earth is to Neptune though!

I have Neptune in Capricorn and although it's in its fall I feel empowered by its placement in the first, especially in a sextile to Pluto in Scorpio in the 10th... I just want to see society and spirituality completely reformed :)
it only affects appearance though if it's aspected right? otherwise, not so much? or what was your take on that?

monroe bland? man, I dunno, lol, but maybe it was the fact she always seemed slightly medicated that made her seem alluring? :andy:
who are the others?

I think it affects appearance if its in the first house also. About my perception of her, it ties into her personality also. I wouldnt usually say something like that about someone, I think shes okay looking. I dont know why many refer to her as if shes the embodiment of Neptune in the first house, she used it well for financial gain but the potential could be used for better reasons.
Good description Claire!

I have a round pale face - although I never saw any fairies or other worldly spirits as a kid - even though I wanted too (maybe I did and didn't know what I was seeing).

Yes, I feel invisible! Is that true that people do not notice or see people with Neptune in 1st? I often feel I am invisible and people don't see me. I thought it was my Scorpio Rising making them stand away. Funny because people tell me I am unique looking so I think I would hardly blend into a crowd and I think people notice me when I walk into a room. But is that we Neptune in 1st feel invisible or do people see us as invisible? Just wondering if there is something about us that falls under peoples radar somehow.
Neptune is really the seductive glamourous planet and you may feel you fade into the background sometimes. Often wearing pale colours and those of the sea can make you chameleon like. In Scorpio you would have a subtle magnetism. The aspects of course give us the full picture.
Sometimes a sense of personal identity has to be worked on and you can be buffeted about by the vibes in your environment. Setting boundaries and protecting yourself from the negativity in the atmosphere is a very good idea. This can be done with a mantra that you repeat until you feel safe and anchored.