Neptune in Aries - what will it mean?

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Jan 5, 2023
Thought I would start a similar thread to the Pluto Aquarius one, where ideas are discussed on what the transit may bring

Neptune also stays in a sign for a lengthy amount of time, around 13-14 years in each (Pluto has an eccentric orbit and stays in some signs longer than others. Neptune has a "regular" orbit). Neptune takes a total of 165 years to come full circle.

But the collective changes from Neptune are still globally profound, long-range, and paradigm shifting. Neptune rules trends after all.

Neptune will leave its domicile sign of Pisces, which has been there since 2011, and then fully from 2012. The last sign of the zodiac.

It will enter Aries on 30th March 2025: a Mars ruled, Cardinal, Fire sign. Additionally the World Axis point of 0° Aries, the beginning of the zodiacal wheel. A new world beckons?

What do you expect to see globally, societally, and politically, with Neptune Aries? What can you see trending? Additionally you can add your thoughts on what Neptune Pisces has been about 🙂

Chart below:

Personally, I do not really like 2 planets, Neptune and Saturn in war loving Aries. We already have 2 major wars going on, there is speculation of them spreading too. We are experiencing t Mars rx at the moment and it has been observed that after it turns Direct, wars may start, or culminate. Of course, not right after it turns Direct, but say after a few months. On top, we already experience the ongoing Pluto opp. Mars. The last time those 2 will be exactly opposite will be in August 2025. That may indicate several things, but most importantly tension, provocation, culmination of violence, competitiveness, may also indicate death. It is a game such as which one is stronger, more powerful, fearless, a power-struggle. It may indicate other tensions, I feel, like social unrest and how the powerful may try to bring it under control and given the situation, I consider this a possibility, especially as Pluto is in Aquarius. I am certain we will hear something related to that in the news somewhere. Mars in Leo will make sure he is seen and heard!

For these reasons, I am skeptical about the transit. Neptune is always Neptune, I doubt we can see anything positive from him, he is basically a malefic to my understanding. There are few cases that it can point towards positive things of Spiritual expansion, interest in Arts and inspiration. In most cases, it causes nebulousness, confusion, illusion, it is related to substances, it is a weakening planet, it is about deception, fraud, delusion. I cannot see how we massively, as Humanity expand in consciousness and become more Spiritual and compassionate all at once, most people are too greedy and have material interests and focus. For example, I can see so many chart requests with questions such as "will I be rich and famous in the future" and...I smile. I think we are deluding ourselves to hope that Humanity will Spiritually evolve and become more compassionate and less materialistic; it is UNREALISTIC!

When t Neptune was in Pisces, indeed many people wished to assist immigrants from Ukraine, there was compassion indeed, I loved that, but I wouldn't expect anything similar in Aries, especially after t Saturn will join Neptune.

OK, I hope I am totally wrong and that Humanity does turn more compassionate and Spiritual with the transit.
Absolutely agree that it's been more like a malefic, especially through Pisces. It's in it's domicile but that doesn't necessarily mean "all good things" - look at what happened when Saturn was in domicile in Capricorn! (and conjunct Pluto. We all know what took place there). I see domicile planets as functioning in it's maximum potential, both good and bad.

The planet of water, in a sign ruled by a planet classed as hot and dry, so this may end up "drying out" or parching Neptune. Or it could create a lot of steam (on the plus side, maybe steam trains may become "fashionable" 🙂)

Neptune can't function as well in Aries, the previous domicile state will end up greatly hindered.

A lot of Astrologers keep mentioning that three letter W-word, for 2025 and Neptune in the warrior sign of Aries. I can see both cases for yes and no.

Yes, Aries rules conflicts, battles, and Neptune rules substances, liquids, gases, poisons. I hope it doesn't mean biological (Neptune) warfare (Aries), but there is that potential.

But also No, as Neptune does diffuse, blur, make things opaque, casts a fog, so maybe wars might actually be diluted down. Or at least confused, going round in circles, battles leading nowhere, made unclear (Neptune) who the aggressor (Aries) is.

Deliberate confusion (Neptune) may be weaponised (Aries) and used as a vital battle strategy. People may not even know (Neptune) who/what they are fighting (Aries), or more importantly, who/what they are fighting for.
As usual, is worth to look at previous transits; Neptune transited Aries last in 1861, notable events include the start of the American Civil War.

The last Neptune Aries also saw steam powered ships, especially from the 1870s.

A quick Google as I was curious whether steam trains came about during the last Neptune Aries (it didn't), but it turns out it was a more advanced steam ship that was developed, the triple expansion engine that was a game-changer, and enabled much longer distance journeys before refuelling. Quite literal there!

The first mechanical and electric submarines, that didn't rely on manpower, were perfected in 1863 as well.

So I wonder if this time around, we might see some really advanced technology develop in terms of seafaring, ships, boats.

Additionally, dynamite was invented in 1867 as well!
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Neptune enters Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, on March 30, 2025. On this dynamic platform (ruled by Mars), Saturn will conjunct Neptune at the end of May 2025 (and into early June 2025). Neptune will begin a new cycle of another 165 years. If we go back 165 years, you reach 1860. What was happening in the world in 1860? Saturn conjunct Neptune every approximately 30 years. Last time was in Capricorn / 1989. What was happening in the world in 1989? However, this time could have a different impact since Neptune will start a new circle.
We might feel confused and uncertain about what is real and what isn’t. This could involve shifts in religion, medicine, or societal sacrifices, reflecting the combined influences of Neptune and Saturn. As one of the outer planets, Neptune’s movements conjunct Saturn have the potential to bring substantial collective change.
As usual, is worth to look at previous transits; Neptune transited Aries last in 1861, notable events include the start of the American Civil War.
It would appear that the secessionists who started the Civil War precisely as Neptune entered Aries did so deliberately, because Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite Freemasons know something of astrology.

This time around, who might be planning an "event"?
I interpret it as;

The beginning of a new (karmic) cycle... Neptune in Pisces is about ending things, wrapping things up for the next cycle in Aries. My best advice is to use this time to slow down, rest and recuperate as the next sign will be fiery. Take as much rest as you possibly can. Because with Neptune in Aries there will be lots of new opportunities and lots of energy. Neptune in Pisces wants us to take a good rest now, before it is fired up in Aries.

What I expect:

If people didn't take the time to rest when it was in Pisces, people can suffer great health issues, such as increased mental health issues as Aries rules the head. Burnouts, dissatisfaction, depressions, can also be rampant when in Aries. There could even be a epidemic in mental health issues and related stories, mass psychosis can be a factor as well.

For the world stage: leaders could have short fuses and a global war or smaller wars is certainly a possibility. Coupled with Pluto in Aquarius, it could mean civil wars across the globe. (Syria is a good example) Fingers crossed it won't happen, but the chances are increased. With Uranus in Gemini, propaganda might also increase and world leaders could say anything and everything and the people will believe it. So a world war could be in the stars, but only if people let it happen.

There could be new inventions, especially new cures for mental health issues.

Overall, I see Neptune in Aries as a new beginning.
Neptune/Saturn Aries will be in sextile to Uranus/Gemini and Pluto/Aquarius, which may impact how it plays out. Neptune in Pisces felt like mass confusion at every level and for many people. When it hits Aries, I wonder if many will feel like it was all a dream and second guessing what they believed for so long? W/ Saturn involved, reality might hit hard.
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Neptune/Saturn Aries will be in sextile to Uranus/Gemini and Pluto/Aquarius, which may impact how it plays out. Neptune in Pisces felt like mass confusion at every level and for many people. When it hits Aries, I wonder if many will feel like it was all a dream and second guessing what they believed for so long? W/ Saturn involved, reality might hit hard.

Quite spooky, I've been seeing similar posts on other sites! And now it makes sense.

Uranus and Pluto are in AIR signs, themes of logic, reason, rational thinking. Neptune hitting the 0° Aries world point.

This will (hopefully!) undo the mass delusional mess that Neptune Pisces has created for the past decade.
Donna Cunningham in her book "Astrology and Spiritual Development" explains in excellent detail her reasons for saying that "Neptune is what your generation idealizes, and you do not idealize something that's working. You take it for granted."
Using Neptune in Libra as one of her examples she explains that people were brought up in an era where marriage was starting to come apart. There was a peak in divorces. Neptune in Libra people were children when this was happening and were looking for the ideal relationship. "Someday I'll find this perfect, wonderful relationship".

So looking at the Neptune in Pisces generation, what has this generation idealized? 'Virtual reality'? Since Neptune entered Pisces in 2011 and then in February 2012 many have become reliant upon smart phones, social media, etc. Many relationships take place in these mediums, virtual mediums, and not in real life. There's nothing wrong with this.

It seems that when virtual reality fails for example, the internet goes down or there is a cyber attack, we can be stuck or at a loss for that time. Pisces also seems to be about religion, the sea, etc. In the UK, there doesn't seem to be any idealization of religion. But in the States?

It's interesting that in the UK the head of the Church of England had to resign and there are calls for the Bishop of York to go, and others. Maybe religious heads are being toppled, perhaps not just because of Pluto's entry into Aquarius but also because of the last gasp of Neptune in Pisces.

I am not sure about Neptune in Pisces maybe because I can't stand back from it yet, or because of the duality of that sign and the foggy nature of Neptune.

So I am wondering what won't be working for the Neptune in Aries generation? What could they idealize? Aries is about what has been identified in the threads above. But Aries is also about the self, direct action, it's a very self orientated sign (NB I am an Aries, so I am not trying to cause offence) and can be very selfish. Aries, as a fire sign, thinks it is a child of the gods.. Would Neptune in Aries idealize war because war isn't working? I am very doubtful about this. Perhaps idealization of real direct experience (the individual is God) in contrast to virtual reality and organised religion? With all the advantages and disadvantages of this.

(PS Posted this before reading the Jessica Davidson link!)
Thought I would start a similar thread to the Pluto Aquarius one, where ideas are discussed on what the transit may bring

Neptune also stays in a sign for a lengthy amount of time, around 13-14 years in each (Pluto has an eccentric orbit and stays in some signs longer than others. Neptune has a "regular" orbit). Neptune takes a total of 165 years to come full circle.

But the collective changes from Neptune are still globally profound, long-range, and paradigm shifting. Neptune rules trends after all.

Neptune will leave its domicile sign of Pisces, which has been there since 2011, and then fully from 2012. The last sign of the zodiac.

It will enter Aries on 30th March 2025: a Mars ruled, Cardinal, Fire sign. Additionally the World Axis point of 0° Aries, the beginning of the zodiacal wheel. A new world beckons?

What do you expect to see globally, societally, and politically, with Neptune Aries? What can you see trending? Additionally you can add your thoughts on what Neptune Pisces has been about 🙂

Chart below:

View attachment 116027
Neptune will speak:
"Neptune. Never. Aries is not."

Neptune and the other planets have also spoken here:
Neptune enters Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, on March 30, 2025. On this dynamic platform (ruled by Mars), Saturn will conjunct Neptune at the end of May 2025 (and into early June 2025). Neptune will begin a new cycle of another 165 years. If we go back 165 years, you reach 1860. What was happening in the world in 1860? Saturn conjunct Neptune every approximately 30 years. Last time was in Capricorn / 1989. What was happening in the world in 1989? However, this time could have a different impact since Neptune will start a new circle.
We might feel confused and uncertain about what is real and what isn’t. This could involve shifts in religion, medicine, or societal sacrifices, reflecting the combined influences of Neptune and Saturn. As one of the outer planets, Neptune’s movements conjunct Saturn have the potential to bring substantial collective change.
Conservatism is beginning again. Liberalism is Dead or Dying as we live thanks to fools who do stupid things like "A Women Having Sex With 100 Men in 24 Hours". If this is what women think of themselves now, it time for a real change. A Real Women would never degrade herself in such a manner. By the way, Prostitution was big in the last Neptune in Aries Transit due to Religious Conservatism. The Luna Man
Lunar Man, One woman in a sexual marathon does not typify "what women think of themselves now." How would you know what a "real woman" would do? There are billions of real women on the planet, and presumably their lives vary significantly.

Prostitution has been called "the world's oldest profession." It doesn't key into any particular Neptune sign.
Penguin Trauma, the last Neptune in Aries period was the height of European colonialism, much of it based on colonial powers' merchant marine and navy.

"Britannia rules the waves" and all that.
Conservatism is beginning again. Liberalism is Dead or Dying as we live thanks to fools who do stupid things like "A Women Having Sex With 100 Men in 24 Hours". If this is what women think of themselves now, it time for a real change. A Real Women would never degrade herself in such a manner. By the way, Prostitution was big in the last Neptune in Aries Transit due to Religious Conservatism. The Luna Man

No woman in her right mind thinks of themselves in that way, I consider this an extreme tipping point of the Social Media culture now we are near the end of Neptune Pisces. Interesting this story broke and gained traction when Neptune went direct last week.

Neptune rules glamour, fame, brands, celebrity, the artificial, and it has been in it's domicile sign of Pisces since 2012. Noting that 2012 was when the Kardashian family dynasty really took off in Social Media (their brand originally founded in 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn). Since then....

Selfies, Instagram filters, influencers, even that "Insta" look: the dead straight hair, thick hairy eyebrows, the puffy lips, almost like a caricature of a sex doll, the duck-face pout, the doe eyes. Neptune is in the sign of Venus's exaltation, so both popularity and beauty standards (Venus) have become distorted (Neptune), filters enhancing the artificial, unreality.

Literally being famous for absolutely no talent or skill whatsoever. Take a photo, upload it on Insta, see the clicks, likes, follows, money roll in, job done.

I feel we have now reached the peak, as Neptune is making its final way out of Pisces. So from a dumb looking duck-face pout of the 2010s, to the livestream banging 100 men in a day in the 2020s. Neptune has simply exposed the lowest levels humanity can reach, just for the altar of fame and those precious clicks/followers.

Great job, Neptune! 🙄
What's worse, is that Lily Phillips, the woman who did the "documentary" video, was actively encouraged by her parents 😲 her own mother is her manager! No vetting done for criminality or STIs for the men who signed up for it either.

She was allegedly seen breaking down in tears at the end of the video (there are clips in various news outlets online), and yet she aims for "1000 men in a day" for the next one.

Clearly something very wrong with the whole family!

Edit to add: there is one positive Neptunian trait to come out of this whole story, reading the many comments online, the level of sympathy and compassion this woman has garnered, asking why no family or friends intervened. There seems to be a general agreement that she must have had a past trauma to be willing to do this, and she's probably traumatised from this stunt alone. Especially as she comes across as so "nice and ordinary", even naive.
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What's worse, is that Lily Phillips, the woman who did the "documentary" video, was actively encouraged by her parents 😲 her own mother is her manager! No vetting done for criminality or STIs for the men who signed up for it either.

She was allegedly seen breaking down in tears at the end of the video (there are clips in various news outlets online), and yet she aims for "1000 men in a day" for the next one.

Clearly something very wrong with the whole family!
Talking of Neptune and it's relationship to financial bubbles: