Neptune and spirit (U-reality) are closely connected.
Spirit is often symbolized by the element of fire.
The wars are just (I fight), by the powers that be, means to keep power over individuals and so block excerting individuality, the true spirit arising, as freely as free will would lead one to believe,
Dreams and imaginations of the patri-archaïcal systems in places of power dissolving. They'll bloody well will fight to the death though.
The sextile-formation with the three outer planets at play, give way to thoughts about transformation, metamorphosis with no means of escaping it. We'll see lots of change into forms not seen by us before. A lot of loss, pain and suffering if that's ones focus. Just as much the possibility to experience ourself in or dealing with these other forms, as a chance to grow our understanding of self within the whole.
Yes wars, disasters, death and the like but what do you do with it, where do you stand. Easy to dream up, maybe less so when confronted.
As a general idea a lot of people or groups of people have lost a frame of reference formerly given and taken in through religion. Some will go back, others move on in new ways.
Aries detriments Venus. Neptune the higher octave of that energy frequency, high enough to escape the detrimentation, or still somewhat twisted in it's (that's our) performance?
More fear mongering over the environment or finally broad action on an individual level to be that more clean, pure and just deal with cleaning up where you are.
A renewal of the internet somehow? Other ways of connecting interpersonally. Maybe without machines, empathy in action, revealing more then we ever imagined. One can dream right ^^
Space-'invaders', us out there, them out here.
Drug-cartels taking over whole states-aparatuses by force, where 'high and low' are (already) by the millions worldwide, unable to go through daily life without their products.
I think, in the background of Pluto in Aquarius, perhaps a new age ushering in even (for some), is a call to be focussing on yourself even more, where do you stand, with what intentions and how to be that strong (flexibility is a strength too) that you don't get swiped away by wave upon wave upon....
How will humanity give new actionable form and what has to be let go of, to get there.
Spirit is often symbolized by the element of fire.
The wars are just (I fight), by the powers that be, means to keep power over individuals and so block excerting individuality, the true spirit arising, as freely as free will would lead one to believe,
Dreams and imaginations of the patri-archaïcal systems in places of power dissolving. They'll bloody well will fight to the death though.
The sextile-formation with the three outer planets at play, give way to thoughts about transformation, metamorphosis with no means of escaping it. We'll see lots of change into forms not seen by us before. A lot of loss, pain and suffering if that's ones focus. Just as much the possibility to experience ourself in or dealing with these other forms, as a chance to grow our understanding of self within the whole.
Yes wars, disasters, death and the like but what do you do with it, where do you stand. Easy to dream up, maybe less so when confronted.
As a general idea a lot of people or groups of people have lost a frame of reference formerly given and taken in through religion. Some will go back, others move on in new ways.
Aries detriments Venus. Neptune the higher octave of that energy frequency, high enough to escape the detrimentation, or still somewhat twisted in it's (that's our) performance?
More fear mongering over the environment or finally broad action on an individual level to be that more clean, pure and just deal with cleaning up where you are.
A renewal of the internet somehow? Other ways of connecting interpersonally. Maybe without machines, empathy in action, revealing more then we ever imagined. One can dream right ^^
Space-'invaders', us out there, them out here.
Drug-cartels taking over whole states-aparatuses by force, where 'high and low' are (already) by the millions worldwide, unable to go through daily life without their products.
I think, in the background of Pluto in Aquarius, perhaps a new age ushering in even (for some), is a call to be focussing on yourself even more, where do you stand, with what intentions and how to be that strong (flexibility is a strength too) that you don't get swiped away by wave upon wave upon....
How will humanity give new actionable form and what has to be let go of, to get there.