Neptune in Aries - what will it mean?

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Neptune and spirit (U-reality) are closely connected.
Spirit is often symbolized by the element of fire.

The wars are just (I fight), by the powers that be, means to keep power over individuals and so block excerting individuality, the true spirit arising, as freely as free will would lead one to believe,

Dreams and imaginations of the patri-archaïcal systems in places of power dissolving. They'll bloody well will fight to the death though.

The sextile-formation with the three outer planets at play, give way to thoughts about transformation, metamorphosis with no means of escaping it. We'll see lots of change into forms not seen by us before. A lot of loss, pain and suffering if that's ones focus. Just as much the possibility to experience ourself in or dealing with these other forms, as a chance to grow our understanding of self within the whole.

Yes wars, disasters, death and the like but what do you do with it, where do you stand. Easy to dream up, maybe less so when confronted.
As a general idea a lot of people or groups of people have lost a frame of reference formerly given and taken in through religion. Some will go back, others move on in new ways.

Aries detriments Venus. Neptune the higher octave of that energy frequency, high enough to escape the detrimentation, or still somewhat twisted in it's (that's our) performance?

More fear mongering over the environment or finally broad action on an individual level to be that more clean, pure and just deal with cleaning up where you are.

A renewal of the internet somehow? Other ways of connecting interpersonally. Maybe without machines, empathy in action, revealing more then we ever imagined. One can dream right ^^

Space-'invaders', us out there, them out here.

Drug-cartels taking over whole states-aparatuses by force, where 'high and low' are (already) by the millions worldwide, unable to go through daily life without their products.

I think, in the background of Pluto in Aquarius, perhaps a new age ushering in even (for some), is a call to be focussing on yourself even more, where do you stand, with what intentions and how to be that strong (flexibility is a strength too) that you don't get swiped away by wave upon wave upon....
How will humanity give new actionable form and what has to be let go of, to get there.
What's worse, is that Lily Phillips, the woman who did the "documentary" video, was actively encouraged by her parents 😲 her own mother is her manager! No vetting done for criminality or STIs for the men who signed up for it either.

She was allegedly seen breaking down in tears at the end of the video (there are clips in various news outlets online), and yet she aims for "1000 men in a day" for the next one.

Clearly something very wrong with the whole family!

Edit to add: there is one positive Neptunian trait to come out of this whole story, reading the many comments online, the level of sympathy and compassion this woman has garnered, asking why no family or friends intervened. There seems to be a general agreement that she must have had a past trauma to be willing to do this, and she's probably traumatised from this stunt alone. Especially as she comes across as so "nice and ordinary", even naive.
I once heard a forensic psychiatrist commenting on a very disturbed family dynamic whereby everyone in the family was very severely mentally off and no one could see or address it. She said, pathology doesn't recognize other pathology. Maybe this is Neptune? Massive confusion and no boundaries?
Neptune is very far away from the Earth and the Sun. Therefore, the outermost planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do not have any effect on the living of the people according to Vedic Astrology. Therefore, we can ignore the transit of Neptune and confine only to Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, North Node and the South Node who play important role in our lives. Best wishes to you.
Neptune will be conjunct Mercury and Scheat when it enters Aries. Some kind of rapidly telegraphed disaster. But will it last for the whole duration of Neptune in Aries?


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Do not worry. Neptune is at a far distance from the Sun and the Earth. Neptune has little influence on our lives. Hence there is no danger because of Neptune's transit. Best wishes to you
Neptune in Aries will create a powerful shift in energy, blending dreamy ideals with bold action. We can expect to experience a surge of creative inspiration, which will encourage us to take risks and pursue new ventures. Neptune, a typically spiritual planet, may inspire us to challenge the status quo and pursue our passions without hesitation. The transit could be a catalyst for innovation, encouraging individuals to embrace their power and to push boundaries in unexpected directions.
We can look at nature as a metaphor for Neptune in Pisces/Aries.

Neptune Pisces: as the darkness of night falls, the Earth loses its heat. The air cools down to its dew point. Cold air sinks to the ground and condenses to form water droplets. The droplets increase and becomes a thick fog. Everything looks ethereal, magical, and otherworldly.

Neptune Aries: morning arrives and the sky is getting brighter again, with the sun rising. The increasing heat from the sun starts to burn off the fog. The fog dissipates away, and all is clear. You can now see everything in sharp focus, the magical ethereal views disappear.

I see Neptune Aries as that sun rising, the old Neptune Pisces fog starts to burn away, to reveal the sharp clarity.

With Saturn Aries included, the fog clears only to reveal an immense smoldering volcanic mountain we couldn’t see before.

And, uh-oh!!!!! 😲😲 Its about to erupt. Leaving us little time to escape to safety.

The Neptune Pisces fog has been masking the rumblings of the volcano the whole time, we were too engrossed in the serene mystical fog!
Doesn't Neptune rule instability? Can be mind, emotions, physical, etc. but seems like the time of Neptune/Pisces the most unstable people, in the media, social media, etc. became "stars" for being as unstable as they could possibly be? And, then having the public adore them for that trait? :D
I second this! When t Neptune was transiting conjuct my n Sun, it was one of my worst times ever! I was depressed, I had to use antidepressants, I was a zobbie, dosing off all the time!
I didn't much enjoy Neptune on Sun much either, there were a lot of disappointments, and it was pretty undermining. And I had some kind of colitis that wouldn't go away! I did get into a whole new music scene though. Neptune on Moon was intensely inspirational, spiritually inspiring too, though it did bring up certain other old concerns too. The first transit coincided with a major political event, so that all the issues I'd had with immigration, which had been extremely difficult, dissolved. Even Brexit didn't take that away later on, ultimately.
Medication comes to mind. In the 1860's this field got a 'boost into the future'. Nowadays the shortages seem to be shaping the headlines, at least in Europe.
Do maybe the ingress in Aries will give a boost, a new impuls, being less dependent on current supply?
With Covid we saw a next generation-type-of-medicine rising swiftly, perhaps more of that.

As Saturn will follow into Aries a bit later then Neptune, for a first 'try', he will be just minutes away of completing a Saturn opposition by transit to the natal chart of the European Union. Transit in the 8th house, bringing up themes of money, shared money, investments, shared values. First a possible dissolving by Neptune then a strong call for evaluation and action (Aries). More self-sufficiency, re-evaluating investments?

The war-like feeling here is something different, but mr Trump has been on the issues of Nato (A-tlantic/Neptune) borders, investments, last week with the wish and implied threat around acquiring Greenland for the USA and a call for more war-investments from other nations (predominantly European Union countries there).

Anyhow, re evaluating how and where to get medication. A big theme when taking into account the massive power this industry has in the world.
Medication comes to mind. In the 1860's this field got a 'boost into the future'. Nowadays the shortages seem to be shaping the headlines, at least in Europe.
Do maybe the ingress in Aries will give a boost, a new impuls, being less dependent on current supply?
With Covid we saw a next generation-type-of-medicine rising swiftly, perhaps more of that.

As Saturn will follow into Aries a bit later then Neptune, for a first 'try', he will be just minutes away of completing a Saturn opposition by transit to the natal chart of the European Union. Transit in the 8th house, bringing up themes of money, shared money, investments, shared values. First a possible dissolving by Neptune then a strong call for evaluation and action (Aries). More self-sufficiency, re-evaluating investments?

The war-like feeling here is something different, but mr Trump has been on the issues of Nato (A-tlantic/Neptune) borders, investments, last week with the wish and implied threat around acquiring Greenland for the USA and a call for more war-investments from other nations (predominantly European Union countries there).

Anyhow, re evaluating how and where to get medication. A big theme when taking into account the massive power this industry has in the world.
As some analysts discussed, the US had a serious problem with inflation, and where was all the money going? Into acquiring more territory for investment and warfare, which fits with the fiery Aries energies. It also fits with the strategies to minimize China's power in the global economy as a long term goal. I suspect that Neptune in Aries has to do with ideological and religious motives. This is scary because we could move backwards as a collective society if we don't find a solid path in our consciousness. This is where Saturn in Aries conjunct Neptune can act as an awakener at the beginning. hopfuley!

You couldn't make this up!! The replacement for Tiktok is called .... Neptune!

Neptune has a unique approach to social media. The biggest standout is its customizable algorithm, unlike YouTube, TikTok, and most other social media platforms, which have proprietary algorithms that users can't control. It also has ghost metrics, meaning it doesn't prioritize or showcase followers and prefers quality.
It actually looks quite good, refreshing to see it won't be reliant on Follower counts or algorithms. Check out the "WTF is Neptune" page:

I googled the launch date - Spring on iOS phones, early Summer on Android. So, Neptune in Aries for sure, and it will be conjunct Saturn Aries too.

On a side note, I think we've all been asking that same question, "WTF Neptune?!" 🤣🤣
It actually looks quite good, refreshing to see it won't be reliant on Follower counts or algorithms. Check out the "WTF is Neptune" page:

I'm like, "don't believe all they are saying"

I googled the launch date - Spring on iOS phones, early Summer on Android. So, Neptune in Aries for sure, and it will be conjunct Saturn Aries too.

On a side note, I think we've all been asking that same question, "WTF Neptune?!" 🤣🤣
Big question is, will the EU block this from the start, Neptune in the 8th opposite Saturn.....
On the count of it having builtin American Spyware offcourse :eek::ROFLMAO:

Thanks for sharing PT!!

I was reading this article, and it’s fascinating how the author explains the dynamic by describing the collision between the polarizing energies of Mars and Neptune like the interplay of Yang-Yin forces. Always in tension, these forces cannot work together, symbolizing division in everything. Fires on one side, floods on the other. Right wing versus left wing. Of course, this transit cannot be understood in isolation from other transits. By examining the larger picture as a whole, we can begin to grasp what this new cycle will bring.

Sometimes, Neptune manages to dissolve the ego, the hero figure, and the self, replacing them with the illusion of a new hero, fragmented selves, or confused identities that lack grounding.

Neptune in Pisces marked our journey to understand collective identity through globalization and spiritual connection. With Neptune in Aries, our sense of identity will face a crisis. We will struggle to define our boundaries with others, but this struggle will ultimately pave the way for a new sense of self, or a collective identity, maybe we manage to get together as one for a higher purpose.

I imagine the spiritual mission of Neptune in Aries lies in igniting both the individual and collective spirit with a fresh vision of courage, pioneering energy, and spiritual rebirth.