neptune is going to grace my 7th house soon...

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Jun 15, 2011
So, any advice? I remember my transit of neptune opp moon well...weirdy loopy emotional shenanigans. Forgetting simple words mid-sentence, spacing out mid-thought, odd dreams, shifting sands in relationships and on and on... what is zee nature of neptune transiting the 7th, dear friends?
my friend is just exiting this transit. it began with a neptune like dream relationship that ended up being delusional and deceptive. he is only just now coming out of the neptune fog to see the truth of it all!

the positive side- your relationships spiritualize, you can meet a soulmate, you can meet a guru/teacher that has a significant impact on your spiritual path.

the shadow side- you can get totally duped by others- romantic partners, business partners, teachers, guides.

i would look to see if neptune will make any tense aspects while in pisces for times you should be super aware.

a good mantra for intense neptune transits is 'stay grounded and connected to reality'. sometimes you think you know what is up- but you should have a friend or two whose perspective/advice you respect check you to be sure you are not caught in the neptune fog :)
Thanks for your reply :happy:

Yes, should be an active time for sure...neppy will oppose my chart ruler (merc) and sun, trine my mars, jupiter and uranus. I am already in an established, wonderful relationship, but you never can tell what the sea god will bring (or take away). I will be dealing with 7th/1st axis and 11th house planets...Will be interesting at the very least!
i have transiting neptune opposite my natal sun in the 7th house. I've never been more confused in my life :confused: Sometimes it feels like I am just going through the motions of life instead of actually living it. I have been deceived by people (partly my own fault) . I feel isolated from others, which has caused me to rely more on's been an eye opening transit to say the least!
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So, any advice? I remember my transit of neptune opp moon well...weirdy loopy emotional shenanigans. Forgetting simple words mid-sentence, spacing out mid-thought, odd dreams, shifting sands in relationships and on and on... what is zee nature of neptune transiting the 7th, dear friends?
Without your chart with the transits on it cant really say.. Sometimes we marry under a cloud of illusion and idealism and that person turns out to be a dependent alcoholic or just disappears in a puff of disillusionment. It can mean having spiritual one to one consultations or having to see a medic for some reason.. Losses with legalities, so many things.

Odd dreams and communication problems belong with Mercury Neptune rather especially if in 3rd house or the 12th... of visions and dreams.
Neptune opposing Moon can mean there was confusion with your emotions and dealing with older women such as your mother figure or those in the domestic sphere. May drink more heavily than usual...... but again without posting a chart, posing a question about one aspect wont give the fuller picture.
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if you have Neptune in the 7th in transit expect the time of confusion , delusion, thinking of Alice in wonderland would also have Pluto in the 5th expect the obsessives in terms of relationships

it's like caught up in a scissor no way out . This is going to be a very long transit (14 years ) ;) Think by headwise ..don't take things to your heart ...

I just survived (barely) two years of tpluto opp matter what neptune does to me, I've now got pluto on my side, trining my chart ruler and sun, so this will be a mixed bag (with neptune playing the devil's advocate) which sounds like a walk in the park after what I've been through. :pinched:
neptune left my 7th sometime last year. lots of unspoken truths in my relationships over the years. sins of omission. maybe it was harder to see others clearly. people seemed to change their m.o. in subtle ways. it was all kind of a fog, actually. Noticed more as he was leaving 7th. i met a lot of pisces/neptune types ~ was also having transits and progressions with my pisces ~

i'd look for planets in your 7th (?) that will be conjuncted. Nebulousness, fuzzyness, mystifying. If you have 7th house planets ~ their house rulership will point out where/how you experience it directly.
It would be helpful to see your whole chart.
All depends upon the aspects it makes....and also if you are in a relationship (or marriage) or not.