You are right to rationally look into this transit before it fully takes hold. Neptune transits get pretty foggy and it is sometimes hard to find the necessary clarity until the fog fully lifts.
Your Moon/Mars conjunction is the trigger point of that mutable, angular t-square.
It is basically Mercury/[Sat/Uranus] = Moon/Mars
So you have this Mercury in Gemini in the 1st house, which is also your chart ruler, as you have Gemini rising. So that Mercury denotes a quick, vital intelligence which is prominent and visible to others. Communication, front and centre and you are very perceptive, truthful and forthright. NO FILTER. Lol
And that Saturn/Uranus opposition flows right into your 7th. So you communicate in one on one close associations with others—possibly clients, coworkers, who depend upon your insights and your data, in a serious way.
The Moon/Mars adds the spiritual, creative and physical aspects to that advice/knowledge that you provide to others. You may provide emotional assistance to others as a caretaker, consultant, counsellor, poet, and much of it is intuitive.
So in your case, Neptune transit could be a very positive thing. You may be even more tuned in during this time. Artistic aesthetics, music, writing, healing, spirituality can be tapped into more fully and easily during a Neptune conjunction.
However, I would give the usual Neptunian Transit warning against falling into the traps of drugs/alcohol or delusional mentors. Hitching your wagon to a new found guru might be a big mistake.
Going on a metaphysical journey, using hallucinegics might be tempting and might be as rewarding experience. But do proceed with caution in any thing too Neptune related because you are extremely sensitive at this time and it could be damaging, as opposed to being enlightening.
The big danger with Neptune hitting our T-square trigger point is that we can deceive ourselves, and weaken ourselves, by giving over our own power to something else that seems ‘better.’
Following a new messiah or a new spiritual path or using a new supplement , new ambition or goal, may seem very tempting now. BUT DONT BE TOO IMPULSIVE.
The main warning with Neptune going over your Moon/Mars could be just that:
The lesson may be, look into and research these new ideas, faiths, principals, cures, treatments, gurus, missions, ambitions, but don’t sign on to anything or fully commit to anything until Neptune has passed. Then you can continue with the program if you still desire.
Neptune can fool us, giving us rose coloured glasses to look through when looking at our new circumstances. we often see only what we want to see during Neptunian interludes.
Your Moon/Mars is in the 11th of Community organisations, non profit charities, Spiritual groups, social media, influencers, fan clubs, etc.
Becoming more involved or newly involved will make sense to you during this transit. And that can be a very good thing. HOWEVER, do not lose your Mercury in the first house sense of LOGIC and judgment.
Don’t sell your belongings and move to Amsterdam until you rationally talk it over with your most Capricornian friends and family.