Neptune's a b*tch

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Neptune is transiting Pisces. Isn't Neptune more comfortable in Pisces, the sign of its rulership? Pisces rules my 11th/12th house - intercepted house, so should I be especially suspicious of friends as Neptune transits here? And what to expect when it transits my 12th house Pisces Venus?

Neptune brings bad things and good things. Neptune is the only angular planet in my chart (conj. IC 3° in 4th), and has been a predominant figure in my life.
Maybe Alice Cooper? His Neptune rising is a strong one and his art is all about the twisted side of human nature, but himself is a spiritual, healthy and successful guy (quite the opposite of the impression his music brings). I guess he sublimated his Neptune well. It's seems like an exception, though.

Whoa- I just came across this- "Alice" (Vincent Fournier) had such a horrific problem with alcohol it damned near killed him. Having seen him in concert in the 70s, he absolutely looked like death. Great effort was made to save him.

As for me; Neptune in my 10th, I make my living doing art and have received accolades for my imagination, but that square to my sun won't let me indulge in alcohol or other controlled substances. I'll experience entities vividly and hear from the dead. Not practical for everyday reality, especially since my perception is already extreme (ridiculous).
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My personal experience says that wherever Neptune is there'll be madness, delusion and hysteria. Take, for instance, my mother who has a Neptune dominant chart and a Pisces 4th house. Her mother was a crazy medium psychic who beated the sh*t out of her and as she grown up she turned out to be not quite better than her own mother, although less violent. Crazy cult leader and Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey also had a very strong Neptune (his chart is actually oddly similar to my mother's) and he was a compulsive liar and a terrible father to his children. Just like my mom he wasn't a bad person, but was deeply troubled. I know lots of other cases revolving around mental health problems and it seems that a strong Neptune is always there. Also my biggest problems in life are all related to 3rd house issues and guess who's there? The blue gas giant b*tch!
Don't take me too seriously; I don't mean Neptune is the cause of all our problems, but its influence seems to be invariably malefic.
yes he is so powerful that you cant condition him in any way. He needs to just exist and let you know that. Prime mover.
Crown of Assiah.
I have Neptune inconjunct Saturn. I just recently learned that aspect might explain why I can never decide between mysticism or science, idealism or realism. I still love Neptune, even low energy Neptune, because that's the stuff all the best tragedies are made of.

Tragedy is Capricorn-ruling Saturn's specialty. It literally means "Cry of the Goat"!

Neptune is about healing with sorrow, while still finding ways to feel happy despite the grief and despair without having to shutdown emotionally.

Here's a song about it called "I've Got to Use My Imagination" by Gladys Knight and the Pips.
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this is something I pretty much excel at. having a lot of neptune energy. it can be inspiring but can also be debilitating, it has it's up's and downs. I definitely associate a lot of myself with this planet. I couldn't really call myself a pluto or mars or moon individual for instance. not in the same way I could call myself a neptune person. it is what it is.

it's on my 7th house cusp, opposite my sun, opposite venus, square to mars, square to saturn, inconjunct to mercury. generational pluto sextile. trine my north node which is the closest aspect and is exact. the widest aspect is 4 degrees. the upside? artistically inclined, humanitarian, never get bored or lonely with an amazing imagination. the downside? difficulty concentrating, mental health problems.
Such a thought provoking thread☺️💕 I even found myself doing brief research on my very own Neptune placement, aspects, degree and if it had any significance throughout my life (through process of elimination of course) 😊 Humorous enough, the Sabian symbol (Influenced by CapAquaPisc’s comment to look this up. Thank you as well!:biggrin: ) that my Neptune falls under the 6th degree of Aquarius and has to do with faith (That I do have a lot of) but also “ Performer of a mystery play”, in my ninth house. Thank you for creating this thread☺️💖 It really was insightful💕
I have had Neptune transiting my 7th house for a few years now and it has been dreadful. Natally. Neptune is in Scorpio in the 3rd house and Pisces is on 7th house cusp. Be glad when it moves out of 7th. The best analogy I can give is its like walking through life with a blindfold on. You have absolutely no idea of what is going on, mind the menopause was part of that too which doesn't help.
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I personally find Neptune to be one of the more frustrating planets in a chart. It also has the largest swings in extremes.

I DO think it has some higher aspects. I believe all planets have their negatives and positives but I find that the extremes in Neptune are the worst.

I would like to learn more about how to tell when Neptune is going to present in a positive way or a negative way. I feel that aspects alone are not enough...maybe the very consciousness of the individual involved is the key?
I have North Node in Pisces, in the 12th house, and I half agree!

If you have too much anxiety and fear, Neptune will drown you! There has to be enough trust in life, an appropriate amount, to help you have a belief in life! You will drown in the oceanic Neptunian seas, if you lack faith!
I have North Node in Pisces, in the 12th house, and I half agree!

If you have too much anxiety and fear, Neptune will drown you! There has to be enough trust in life, an appropriate amount, to help you have a belief in life! You will drown in the oceanic Neptunian seas, if you lack faith!

I most definitely agree. I have really studied in this in the last year since posting my comment. I have come to the realization that how Neptune plays out in one's chart is completely dependent upon the level of consciousness of the person involved.
If you are operating from lower energies like fear, delusion, etc....Neptune will amplify it and reflect that back to you like water. If you do the inner work and face fears (saturn) and dig deep (pluto), Neptune will a tually bring a good amount of enlightenment. Now I understand when people talk about Neptune as a highly spiritual planet.
The better you get at letting go of things, ideals, whatever....the better Neptune plays.
I most definitely agree. I have really studied in this in the last year since posting my comment. I have come to the realization that how Neptune plays out in one's chart is completely dependent upon the level of consciousness of the person involved.
If you are operating from lower energies like fear, delusion, etc....Neptune will amplify it and reflect that back to you like water. If you do the inner work and face fears (saturn) and dig deep (pluto), Neptune will a tually bring a good amount of enlightenment. Now I understand when people talk about Neptune as a highly spiritual planet.
The better you get at letting go of things, ideals, whatever....the better Neptune plays.

Neptune intrinsically relates to the concept of "Maya" in the Hindu religion.

We have a nursery rhyme for it: "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...."
I most definitely agree. I have really studied in this in the last year since posting my comment. I have come to the realization that how Neptune plays out in one's chart is completely dependent upon the level of consciousness of the person involved.
If you are operating from lower energies like fear, delusion, etc....Neptune will amplify it and reflect that back to you like water. If you do the inner work and face fears (saturn) and dig deep (pluto), Neptune will a tually bring a good amount of enlightenment. Now I understand when people talk about Neptune as a highly spiritual planet.
The better you get at letting go of things, ideals, whatever....the better Neptune plays.

The sucky thing is that you can't always know everything, with Neptune! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's foggy at times! :innocent: