These are straight out of Astrolog
In the upper left corner graph, by sign dispositor... Mercury and Venus point to the Sun because they are in Leo... Because they are in Leo, ruled by the Sun, they have a link by dispositorship to the Sun.
Moon, Mercury, and Mars, in the top right graph (by house dispositor), point to the Sun because they are in the 5th house, the house of the Sun.
It might help make clearer, onelove, if you could post the chart these came from...
It's just a graphical way of expressing the dispositorships of a chart, seems like it'd be sort of useless, but these graphics are a much easier way to visualizing power distribution in a chart, and let you see patterns of energy flow you might not notice otherwise, or spend more effort trying to figure out.
If you use Astrolog/Astrolog32, you can get to these by pressing Shift+J, which brings up the text showing object powers, etc etc... the hit v from that screen, and these charts pop up. From there, Alt+L will get you back to the aspects list, and then v again will get you back to the main chart.