New job or business or old job?

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Dec 9, 2015
Pranam everyone!!

I am meen asc and rashi. Ju is going through 10th, Sa through 11th, still I dint find any luck in getting job yet. I had asked this question a year back and 2 years back, and I was told that I will get back in job in Apr 18/19, nothing happened. I am really felling lost in life.

I am Masters in Chemical Engg., from topmost college in India- which has worldwide recognition, worked as Scientist for 6 years in US mnc in India, earned very well, had 6/8 people reporting me. Then I resigned and got married and moved. After a year of marriage, started looking for jobs again, now its been 5 years of unemployment. I am very career oriented, have had very bright education and career achievements and cant be this housewife thing. Meanwhile, we moved to foreign country (Mexico) 2 years back and I was very positive, still nothing happened. I want to get back into the job but I don't have US or Mexico work visa. Also currently I got this extremely strong feeling about starting my own brand in fashionable clothing business, but investment is huge and i will be using husband's hard earned money, so I am worried. Also mostly my husband's project is coming to an end in few months, so will our stay (after May) be extended or not is not sure, we don't want to go back for few years. I have three options:
1. My previous boss & company likes me a lot & will take me back easily (in California), do the US work visa and everything (I think so), shall I ask him? I was trying on my own because I never like taking help, also I dint want go there first as a self respect issue, though they will be very happy.
2. Will I get a new job and work visa for US? Also I have applied to a desirable job here in my own city, but again I don't have Mexico work visa, so I don't know. So far I was contacted by few companies but after knowing visa status, discussions stopped.
3. Should I start this high fashion clothing brand of my own, for which I have very innovative ideas and I always wanted be an entrepreneur. For this I will get clothes made in foreign country, import to India and sell on my own web. Currently I am trying to find a manufacturer and facing many problems. Will this give me a money and will this business prosper. My parents are totally against it, husband is supportive but it is not an easy road, but I feel confident?

But I always want to go back in job and do business as a supporting medium. So what should I do? Should I ask my Ex boss or will I find a new job & will I get work visa? When will I get job? I was very hopeful after Ju/Sa transits, but nothing seems to happen. I am running Ve-Ju, Sa-Pratyantar. What else is needed. I will be very grateful for your analysis & guidance.

DOB: 26/07/1986, 22:45:00, Jalgaon. MH, India.
You, as a child of a mother, take her fate. The mother’s karmic house is the 10th house from the 4th mother’s house. This is your first home. Your mother was connected to Venus in your first home. She and your destiny are ruled by one planet. To have an idea of ​​yourself, you need to build the right map. In the third house you have Ketu, in the fourth - a retrograde Saturn with the Moon, this is an academic education and work in your company. In the fifth house, you have a retrograde Mars. In house 8, you have a retrograde Jupiter with a variable value for your husband. This is a house of residence permits and visas for different Maha Dashi. Thus, you will have more than one marriage. This Jupiter will prolong your life. In the ninth house you have Rahu, who will be your AK and will give you a great desire to work in your company. The Maha Dasha Rahu period will begin in mid-June 2021. So, now you still have Maha Dasha of retrograde Mars, and Mars is the only planet on your map where various cards occupy the 5th house of study and the vacation of dreams and the 6th house of wage labor, work. In the 12th house you have the Sun and the retrograde Mercury. I see you have learned a little speculation in astrology. And the location of the planets will help you understand this further. You have mastered mathematics well, and then the beginning astrologer will be able to understand his birth chart. Apparently, in Mexico with your husband you received a visa with your husband. You have a second blood group with a negative Rh factor. Do not cry, you were born under a lucky star, material Gods will give you luck in everything. Work will begin to unfold in Rahu Maha Dasha. You will work to promote your business from June 2021. I would rather sell oil and gas products than copy the profession and mother, as a memory of your childhood. Honor the professions of Venus and Saturn.
Antardasa Mars - Jupiter the period 2014 - 11-20 ------ 2016 - 11-01. She earned money in Mexico, marriage, and possibly children.
You, as a child of a mother, take her fate. The mother’s karmic house is the 10th house from the 4th mother’s house. This is your first home. Your mother was connected to Venus in your first home. She and your destiny are ruled by one planet. To have an idea of ​​yourself, you need to build the right map. In the third house you have Ketu, in the fourth - a retrograde Saturn with the Moon, this is an academic education and work in your company. In the fifth house, you have a retrograde Mars. In house 8, you have a retrograde Jupiter with a variable value for your husband. This is a house of residence permits and visas for different Maha Dashi. Thus, you will have more than one marriage. This Jupiter will prolong your life. In the ninth house you have Rahu, who will be your AK and will give you a great desire to work in your company. The Maha Dasha Rahu period will begin in mid-June 2021. So, now you still have Maha Dasha of retrograde Mars, and Mars is the only planet on your map where various cards occupy the 5th house of study and the vacation of dreams and the 6th house of wage labor, work. In the 12th house you have the Sun and the retrograde Mercury. I see you have learned a little speculation in astrology. And the location of the planets will help you understand this further. You have mastered mathematics well, and then the beginning astrologer will be able to understand his birth chart. Apparently, in Mexico with your husband you received a visa with your husband. You have a second blood group with a negative Rh factor. Do not cry, you were born under a lucky star, material Gods will give you luck in everything. Work will begin to unfold in Rahu Maha Dasha. You will work to promote your business from June 2021. I would rather sell oil and gas products than copy the profession and mother, as a memory of your childhood. Honor the professions of Venus and Saturn.

First of all I would like to say thank you for taking time to read it.
But as per Vedic astrology, my asc & moon sign are Pisces. According to your analysis is it leo ascendent? Which method do you follow?
As per vedic, I am Ju in 12th h in Aquarius-Science & tech., with 10th h in Sag-foreign companies/mncs. Ma in 10th brings Engg. and Sa - Chemicals (Polymers-oils-Paints) (brings higher education in life, with Sa in dark Scorpio-Research & Development). Ju in Aqua in 12 th & Sa in Scorpio in 9th-the reason I am highly & a Scientist. So this profession is very near and dear to me, as we innovate everyday. So, I am waiting for the day to get back in job. Hopefully coming Rahu Maha brings something as you said. (as per Vedic, I am running Ve maha- Ju antar). One thing I have known in these many years of learning Vedic, Western & Horary astrology is, every Science fits correct in some way at some point in life, I have observed and experienced it.

11th & 12th lord Sa in 9th house, we have been traveling 15 days to home country every 5 months since last 2 years, as we came on US B1/B2. But I din't get visa with my husband, I have had it for 5/6 years before him. I had traveled to USA much before, as my company sent me there, as my direct reporting was to my boss in California. We got married, were in India for 1.5 years and then his company came up with this opportunity -inter company transfer. So flight tickets are paid by them. And i din'e earn anything here, but we could accumulate good money here, as husband had gains, also accumulating was not possible back home.
My mother worked in bank. She & me have complete different career paths.

As you suggested, I am on the same lines, fashionable clothing- Venus & job in my field - Saturn. When Sa return came-5/6 years back, it made me frustrated & I quit the job all of a sudden (Ma in 10th- frustrations & resigning from jobs), thought I will take few months break & then will go to other job. However, as I am here now, this is completely different to work in US branch than in India, my ex boss here appreciates me a lot. But I have been holding myself back. But I don't know what to do anymore. I am just tired of applying since last 3 years and getting rejected because of Visa. First 1 year, there was not even a visa problem but Ju was going through 8th, in that period, I really felt like death of everything.

I would also like others' and everyone's reading & guidance please. Meanwhile, which astrology do you follow? I am curious to know. Or was it a turned sun sign chart?