Pranam everyone!!
I am meen asc and rashi. Ju is going through 10th, Sa through 11th, still I dint find any luck in getting job yet. I had asked this question a year back and 2 years back, and I was told that I will get back in job in Apr 18/19, nothing happened. I am really felling lost in life.
I am Masters in Chemical Engg., from topmost college in India- which has worldwide recognition, worked as Scientist for 6 years in US mnc in India, earned very well, had 6/8 people reporting me. Then I resigned and got married and moved. After a year of marriage, started looking for jobs again, now its been 5 years of unemployment. I am very career oriented, have had very bright education and career achievements and cant be this housewife thing. Meanwhile, we moved to foreign country (Mexico) 2 years back and I was very positive, still nothing happened. I want to get back into the job but I don't have US or Mexico work visa. Also currently I got this extremely strong feeling about starting my own brand in fashionable clothing business, but investment is huge and i will be using husband's hard earned money, so I am worried. Also mostly my husband's project is coming to an end in few months, so will our stay (after May) be extended or not is not sure, we don't want to go back for few years. I have three options:
1. My previous boss & company likes me a lot & will take me back easily (in California), do the US work visa and everything (I think so), shall I ask him? I was trying on my own because I never like taking help, also I dint want go there first as a self respect issue, though they will be very happy.
2. Will I get a new job and work visa for US? Also I have applied to a desirable job here in my own city, but again I don't have Mexico work visa, so I don't know. So far I was contacted by few companies but after knowing visa status, discussions stopped.
3. Should I start this high fashion clothing brand of my own, for which I have very innovative ideas and I always wanted be an entrepreneur. For this I will get clothes made in foreign country, import to India and sell on my own web. Currently I am trying to find a manufacturer and facing many problems. Will this give me a money and will this business prosper. My parents are totally against it, husband is supportive but it is not an easy road, but I feel confident?
But I always want to go back in job and do business as a supporting medium. So what should I do? Should I ask my Ex boss or will I find a new job & will I get work visa? When will I get job? I was very hopeful after Ju/Sa transits, but nothing seems to happen. I am running Ve-Ju, Sa-Pratyantar. What else is needed. I will be very grateful for your analysis & guidance.
DOB: 26/07/1986, 22:45:00, Jalgaon. MH, India.
I am meen asc and rashi. Ju is going through 10th, Sa through 11th, still I dint find any luck in getting job yet. I had asked this question a year back and 2 years back, and I was told that I will get back in job in Apr 18/19, nothing happened. I am really felling lost in life.
I am Masters in Chemical Engg., from topmost college in India- which has worldwide recognition, worked as Scientist for 6 years in US mnc in India, earned very well, had 6/8 people reporting me. Then I resigned and got married and moved. After a year of marriage, started looking for jobs again, now its been 5 years of unemployment. I am very career oriented, have had very bright education and career achievements and cant be this housewife thing. Meanwhile, we moved to foreign country (Mexico) 2 years back and I was very positive, still nothing happened. I want to get back into the job but I don't have US or Mexico work visa. Also currently I got this extremely strong feeling about starting my own brand in fashionable clothing business, but investment is huge and i will be using husband's hard earned money, so I am worried. Also mostly my husband's project is coming to an end in few months, so will our stay (after May) be extended or not is not sure, we don't want to go back for few years. I have three options:
1. My previous boss & company likes me a lot & will take me back easily (in California), do the US work visa and everything (I think so), shall I ask him? I was trying on my own because I never like taking help, also I dint want go there first as a self respect issue, though they will be very happy.
2. Will I get a new job and work visa for US? Also I have applied to a desirable job here in my own city, but again I don't have Mexico work visa, so I don't know. So far I was contacted by few companies but after knowing visa status, discussions stopped.
3. Should I start this high fashion clothing brand of my own, for which I have very innovative ideas and I always wanted be an entrepreneur. For this I will get clothes made in foreign country, import to India and sell on my own web. Currently I am trying to find a manufacturer and facing many problems. Will this give me a money and will this business prosper. My parents are totally against it, husband is supportive but it is not an easy road, but I feel confident?
But I always want to go back in job and do business as a supporting medium. So what should I do? Should I ask my Ex boss or will I find a new job & will I get work visa? When will I get job? I was very hopeful after Ju/Sa transits, but nothing seems to happen. I am running Ve-Ju, Sa-Pratyantar. What else is needed. I will be very grateful for your analysis & guidance.
DOB: 26/07/1986, 22:45:00, Jalgaon. MH, India.