Hello, everybody. I've just stumbled onto this place of astrological communication and am thrilled to meet you all. Who would have thought that after all these years without getting involved in a forum, (not knowing exactly what one was to begin with) that I am finally able to exhange ideas, share and engage in enthtusiastic astrolgoical discussions. My name is Paula Andrea Pyle, MA. I am the Founder/Director, Executive Cosmic Therapist, Psycho-Analyst, Dream Consultant, Esoteric Psychology Adult Continuing Education Facilitator and Professional Astrologer at MODE of Cosmic Therapy. I look forward to getting to know and interact with y'all! Have a super-duper Aries' moon day. Hold your temper; it's a valuable commodity.
Welcome! Love moon in fire sign days!
Hahahahahah so true at my old job I used to be the only one who could sell sausages off the street rofl, and I am a vegetarian...... SO IT MAKES SENSE@ aahahha I am good at selling food. It is the midheaven taurus! I would only hassle the hot guys like a sleeze bag though ahahha OMg one of them I will always remember he bought one for his mom he waited 10 minutes patiently as I thumbled around and he was like a dreamy blonde hair blue eyed GQ model Ughhhhhhhh I love those blue eyed guys Sag Juno for sure. I look exotic so I like the white guys light colouring! Mmm fun tangent
It is such pleasure to meet you, too. I am looking forward to the exchange of electrifying ideas in this forum. What a different time (as we all understand and perceive it's validity), are living in and breathing through. The enormously emancipated growing consensus in the 'cosmic realm' bring those of us who have long since waited for this period of the "raising of consciousness" to descend upon the masses, a bucket full of turbulent bliss. I, along with you, celebrate the joyous occasion...MODE of Cosmic Therapy
Thanks I don't wanna get divorced *wipes her tears with one hand and strangles R.J with the other AHAHAHAH JK I def realized that 7th Aquarius I think I have been on over 200 dates lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll but when I chose I am usually serious about it........... I try to pressure my family to open a catering buisness with me. AHAHAH wedding planner was another option! Also fashion ouuuuu I wish I could sew! Nah I would rather never get married and adopt kids than divorce. That is why you should take your time before you get married! People rush into living together and marrying too fast with no real moral bonds or values to hold them together. My 7th Aquarius I think makes me very aware of myself even with others even in love. I always have one side of me observing maybe its the venus square saturn too though. I am aware of my own strength alone and or with someone. I don't hang around just cuz I get used to them, that is the hardest part thank God my bf is older and has a 7th Aqua too and gets it and always brings me back to stable reality hehehe. It is about willing to listen to each other, even the subtle cues and giving a darn with compatible morals, the importance of the truth and loyalty, values and effort! Some valuable lesson my Venus square saturn thought me a lot of empathy in relationships. I really never considered the other persons feeling before that. To accept and be aware of who you are with not who you want to be with. *Mounts her high horse and rides away
Lol yeah my friends and their parents told me to go into standup comedy but my whole family has a strong sense of humour I am not regarded as the funny one. Heh um yeah a lot of my friends got kids and married o moved in with their bfs very young 18-20..... My mom had me at 35 so i always thought any younger was too young lol. Plus she had several marriage proposals first so its best to wait it too and see beyond hormones or social status of being a married adult. I still feel like a kid!!!!!! I have my pup I 'mother'. Hah and my fish I always wanted to adopt a lill Asian girl heheheheheheehe, so I always said if I can't give my kids a higher class life and stability I won't have them. Kids don't need worries, and so many do it breaks my heart. I know how lucky I am to have my family that thinking about kids who don't or have bad ones breaks my heart beyond belief. Plus I get on with the some of the hard to manage kids lol sun opp mars. I am naturally on a kid level loll I know some people who did the rush marriage and they seem to hate each other it's so awful it freaks me out. Then they decide to have a kid to fix it, freaking weird. Plus being a parent freaks me out I would be so unnaturally neurotic and protective when I got my pup I bought him to the vet like once a month and would call my mom over to examine him. Everytime he sNorted funny lol ugh I can be very intense. I also brush his teeth, give him baths and spend all my money on him lol. He is my kid.
Thanks it all sounds rather horrifying.I never neglect my partners or my family, not any member!!! I don't think I want kids anymore lol. But I have been through worse already without a saturn return, also transits always seem worse than they really are, plus I never experience them like other people say they will be. Things always turn out better than my fears, prob the Jupiter influence. Plus I hate partners who are too needy on me, so it wouldnt work anyways if they were threatened by a child. Also someone to walk out on a family or cheat instead of talking things out doesn't even qualify as anyone I would date..... nor would I walk out and cheat on my family. Though, apparently the mars opp sun can make some pretty sketchy women. I don't relate to it in that fashion, I just don't scare easy or get threatened easily. I also can be very calm in intense situations. Also the male you descried sounds like a child not a man............ I don't date children. Don't people talk things out???????????? Usually??????? It doesn't sound right to me.......... Plus I don't like transit readings
Anyways, I am sorry if I caused you any unpleasant emotions. I should have taken it with a grain of salt, I responded in an undignified manner. I hope this can be put behind us because I do not wish you any malice. The world has enough pain and we should be spreading goodwill onto each other.
I was a bit annoyed with you too but stuff happens, move on and forward! Is it russel peters / [deleted name references - Moderator]