New Moon 9 deg 35 Scorpio - 1st Nov

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Jan 5, 2023
I'm not really sure where to begin with this one, especially when you consider what both the Ruling planets of Scorpio are doing! 😨

We have both Mars in it's fallen sign of Cancer at the Anaretic 29th degree, making an exact opposition to Pluto on it's way out of Capricorn also at 29 deg. This will be the first of three longer range Mars/Pluto oppositions:

3rd Nov - Mars Cancer opposite Pluto Capricorn at 29 deg 45'​
3rd Jan - Mars Leo opposite Pluto Aquarius at 1 deg 08'​
27th April - Mars Leo opposite Pluto Aquarius at 3 deg 48'​

Focusing on the first one though, both at Anaretic degrees, and the Mars opposition will be the VERY LAST aspect Pluto will receive whilst in Capricorn!! The final goodbye before Pluto vacates the sign it has called home since 2008. So it will be going out with a bang, and definitely no whimper. It's like Mars will practically be kicking Pluto out of Capricorn!

Mars is in Cancer, so an element of the past, maybe the past 15 year phase that is reaching it's final closing out. Mars is linked to cutting, severing, sharpness, so an old phase may be getting cut out of your life, on a more permanent (Capricorn) basis.

That it ties into the Scorpio New Moon may not be a coincidence. The New Moon makes a trine to Saturn, which rules Capricorn - circling back to Pluto and the sign it is leaving. Saturn in itself is in the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces, so there is a further emphasis on endings, an end of a cycle.

The Scorpio New Moon may be what triggers the beginning of the end. With the planets involved, Mars, Saturn, Pluto - not exactly cute and fluffy planets, this lunation may feel quite cathartic, like a huge release. I'm feeling a 10 of Swords Reversed energy - where all 10 swords turned upside down, are able to fall out of the corpse and released.

With catharsis does come recovery, so maybe with the trine to Saturn, a new chance to rebuild something solid in it's place. Scorpio is all about transformation after all, the birth of something after the death of something. So the catharsis could feel like rising from the ashes like the Phoenix, or shedding old skin to reveal the fresh pink underbelly - even if it's left us feeling battle worn along the way!

With Saturn Pisces, there could be a chance for redemption as well, which could provide the foundations to begin something new and transformed, but only after the past has been cut away and eliminated - and possibly forgiven?

Where will this be in your chart? Other write-ups most welcome! 🙂

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I hope the Scorpio New Moon reveals the root of your digestive issues and brings a resolution @SummerBliss

I have a similar issue with food, I can't eat many foods as I have to stick to a strictly low fat diet for the first 4 weeks post surgery, so that my liver/digestive system can heal with no gallbladder, but I think I will make it a permanent lifestyle choice.

Very in line with Pluto at the final degrees of Capricorn in my 1st house. Literally cutting out (Mars) comfort (Cancer) food, which could impact my appearance (1st house). Hopefully from the weight loss, not a bad outcome! 🙂
I hope the Scorpio New Moon reveals the root of your digestive issues and brings a resolution @SummerBliss

I have a similar issue with food, I can't eat many foods as I have to stick to a strictly low fat diet for the first 4 weeks post surgery, so that my liver/digestive system can heal with no gallbladder, but I think I will make it a permanent lifestyle choice.

Very in line with Pluto at the final degrees of Capricorn in my 1st house. Literally cutting out (Mars) comfort (Cancer) food, which could impact my appearance (1st house). Hopefully from the weight loss, not a bad outcome! 🙂
Indeed, we both are suffering with no enjoyment for food. I wonder where Uranus sq Saturn plays into this issue.

I also think back to the Alice’s eclipse in mid Sept that activated all these issues. That eclipse activated my sun, moon and nodes.

I did. Heat and have vegan chocolate last night hehe
Thanks for the great write up PT.

I hope that you are managing your diet okay. (y)🤞

SummerBliss, sorry to hear that you may have Crohn's or Colitis. I hope that you get your diagnosis soon and you will be able to manage it okay.

It's interesting that there are digestive issues, it seems from different causes though, perhaps. I mentioned before that my IBS is really difficult. I also have diverticular disease. My IBS started to rule my life about 14 years ago when Saturn was in Virgo and transiting in square to my Chiron/Moon conjunction in Sag. Now it's squaring from Pisces. Although the new moon does not seem to affect my chart, most other transits do, notably the Mars Pluto opposition, Pluto being conjunct my Jupiter, and both Mars and Pluto square to my Sun and Venus at the end of Aries. Chiron is there too.

What does it all mean?? :LOL:

I hope that you are right PT about the possibilities for redemption and catharsis. It's how to cut away and eliminate the past though, if this can be done? if anything can do it - it will be Pluto. Forgiveness - now there's a concept I struggle with.

Any ideas would be gratefully received, thanks
@Columbine great insights, l am sorry you to suffer. I know I need spend more time working on my Vagus nerve to help digestion. The Om and humming, rub your carotid artery, or ice to it, gently rub eyes. Meditate, breath out to 10 seconds, in for 4. I’m addition to help us.

With both retrogrades I think we have to delve deeper and resolve or lesson.
Yesterday there was a big water leak further down my road so we have been without water for 24 hours now. 30 houses affected. This morning it still isn't fixed. IBS - and no flushing toilets :eek:
Thanks @SummerBliss. It was, but it was fixed by 8:45 - hurrah!

Sorry to hear about the parasite. What treatment are you getting? 🤞
What a relief from such a watery New Moon with Saturn trine NM. Glad you are good now.
Treatment, ironically my doctor missed it because I think he was looking for something else. My naturopathic doctor started treating it with some para-guard to start cause I’m so messed up now we have to go slow. I left a note for my GP stating the missed report. Hopefully he replies. I’m not sure the right path.
The Scorpio New Moon ahead and with Mars in Cancer at the last, anaretic degree opposing Pluto at the last degree in Capricorn is all a symbol of the pivotal point. As the planet of separation Mars, relate to cutting or severing connections, stands its last in Cancer, maybe, Pluto will be ejected from Capricorn after its stay since 2008. Such resistant opposition is at these critical degrees extreme, pointing to finality related to letting go what no longer serves your highest good especially patterns related with structures Capricorn built around your life.

New Moon in Pisces is empowered by a trine with Saturn also in Pisces, so there is a good starting point for change and healing even if it may be as painful as the act of abreaction. Perhaps this lunation can be viewed as a much-needed letting go, and it might as well be The Phoenix rising from the ashes moment for you. In Sagittarius, Scorpio, as a sign of rebirth points out that after the change, there are new opportunities. This phase encourages people to accept change, release whatever is weighing them down and allow for real improvement. It can be an opportunity to start over with immunity for a new approach on what life is all about.​
Brilliant write up there @Ailithjohnson 🙂

I really feel this energy, although I feel that when all the severing and letting go and catharsis is done, along comes the Full Moon Taurus conjunct Uranus!

I'm strongly feeling a wildcard 180 turn energy with that one
I think to have a reputation for a practical approach towards astro. symbolism. I continue to be surprised when daily transits hit nails on the head so accurately. :)

Practical example:
Saturday 2 Nov. around GMT.
Tr. Moon on 20+Scorpio in 3rd house partile natal Sun,
tr. Mercury on 29 Scorpio in 3rd house.,
tr. Mars opp. tr. Pluto on 29 degrees across Cancer-Capricorn in 11th-5th, exact degree conjunct NN-SN.

Doing weekend shopping and driving to park in underground parking. Car park was very full with cars next space but one to each other. I moved to park between two cars, being careful to avoid large car parked on left. I misjudged the turn and hit the front of the car on the right! Paintwork scratched on hit car. My car's damage was worse; not only paintwork scratched but wheel fender partially detached. I had to search for a piece of paper to leave details on car windscreen .... reverse side of an old shopping list from earlier in the week.

The lady driver of hit car rang yesterday evening to exchange details for insurance coverage. . She said she had only got her car back the previous day after being repaired for a collision several weeks before. Made me wonder how her chart was affected!

I agree fully that when internal forces do not act from within one's self they have a way of acting out externally.
I think that must mean that I've still got to do something about the 'out of personal control' situation I still think too much about. ;):)