New Moon in 12th house, SR Ascendant in natal 8th house... the call of doom or celebration?

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Sep 1, 2024
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Hello everyone. I am new here so I'm sorry for any mistakes in advance! I'm also using the Sidereal birth chart, whole signs, so I'll provide the tropical chart below.
I am trying to understand my upcoming solar return and am scratching my head lol. I'm an Aquarius ascendant in my natal chart and my SR ascendant is in my natal 8th house. There is a New Moon happening in my SR 12th house/natal 7th house, Venus is in my SR 1st house conjunct SN, and my 7th house lord is in my 9th house which previously was when I started a relationship. So my questions are:

(1) Am I likely to start a new relationship in this year? Will it be stable? Or is likely to be a case of unrequited love with the Chiron in the 7th house, the new moon in the SR 12th house, and Pluto in the 5th house in Capricorn?

(2) Especially with the conjunction in the SR 12th house and Venus conjunct SN, could this be an old interest coming back around? In the past 10 years, I've had a SR Virgo Ascendant only twice and there was only one individual who was present in my life during both times, for better and worse lol.

(3) Can Venus in the SR 1st house and natal 8th house (essentially my Venus return) + conjunct my natal moon point to an increase in sexual activities?

I would love whatever insight you guys have for this SR chart because I'm scratching my head lol. Thanks to everyone!